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Wetlands are among the most threatened habitats and the species they support among the most endangered taxa. Measuring and monitoring wetland biodiversity is vital for conservation, restoration and management, and often relies on the use of surrogate taxa. Waterbirds are commonly used as flagships of biodiversity and are the subject of major conservation initiatives. Therefore, it is important to assess the extent to which waterbirds indicate the general biodiversity of wetlands and serve as surrogates.We explore the relationships between community composition and species richness of waterbirds and aquatic macroinvertebrates in 36 Ramsar wetlands in southern Spain to assess if waterbirds are good surrogates for other taxonomic groups. Specifically, we aimed to (i) test the congruence of patterns of species composition and richness among waterbirds and aquatic macroinvertebrates; and (ii) investigate which environmental variables are associated with the biodiversity patterns of waterbirds and macroinvertebrates, with the purpose of identifying key factors explaining potential discordance in these patterns.We found a limited concordance between assemblage patterns of both taxonomic groups that may be related to their contrasting responses to environmental gradients. Assemblages of waterbirds appear to be more affected by climate variables and water surface area, whereas conductivity was the most important factor influencing macroinvertebrate communities. Furthermore, we found a negligible or inverse relationship in their patterns of richness, with wetlands with higher waterbird species richness showing significantly lower richness of Hemiptera and macroinvertebrate families, and no significant relationship with Coleoptera. In addition, GLM models showed that, in general, different environmental variables are related with the richness patterns of the different taxonomic groups.Given the importance of the Ramsar convention for the conservation of an international network of wetlands, our findings underline the limited potential of waterbirds as aquatic biodiversity indicators in Mediterranean wetlands, and the need for caution when using waterbirds as flagships. An integrative analysis of different biological communities, using datasets from different taxonomic groups, is a necessary precursor for successful conservation policies and monitoring. Our results illustrate the need to create a diversified and complete network of protected sites able to conserve multiple components of wetland biodiversity.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2002,23(3):213-222
Wetlands are key habitats connected physically and socially with processes occurring over a much wider territory. The biotic connection through dispersal mechanisms among wetlands is of primary importance to wetland management and policies. However, traditional wetland conservation approaches are based on the preservation of isolated sites considered to be of special importance (typically owing to their importance for concentrations of migratory waterbirds). Research linking local species richness and bird migration suggests that the effect of wetland loss on regional diversity might be much larger than what would be expected from direct habitat loss. Since the biotic connection among wetlands serviced by waterbirds appears to be more efficient within a limited range, the distribution of wetlands in space is a key aspect determining wetland connectedness even in the absence of direct hydrologic links. Protected areas should thus be defined with regard to waterfowl movements and waterbird migration as functional processes contributing to aquatic species migration and local species richness. This calls for a regional approach to wetland management within a continental context. This paper aims at defining an operational view of the dispersion function of wetlands and its implication for conservation policies. For this purpose, we examined the conservation policies of the Ramsar Convention (the international treaty that protects wetlands) and the European Union (as an example of relevant continental level policy-making) from the viewpoint of bird-mediated dispersal of aquatic organisms. We propose nine specific avenues for the inclusion of bird-mediated dispersal in the policy documents examined. Non-governmental organisations and other organisations working in waterbird conservation should also recognise the importance of their policies for aquatic biodiversity at broader levels and avoid compartmentalising their conservation activities.  相似文献   

Arinaitwe, J., Byaruhanga, A. & Mafabi, P. 2000. Key sites for the conservation of waterbirds in Uganda. Ostrich 71 (1 &2): 102–105.

Uganda has a rich bird diversity with 1 008 species including 28 listed species (Collar et al. 1994) and 207 species of regional conservation concern (Bennun & Njoroge 1996). Over 240 species are waterfowl, of which nine are globally threatened, 45 are regionally threatened and five are considered to be of national conservation interest. This high waterbird diversity corresponds to a large wetland area covering about 10% of the land area of Uganda. However, only 6% of the wetlands fall under gazetted protected areas and only one site is recognised as of global importance under the terms of the Ramsar Convention. Three recent activities of JA, the National Wetlands Programme and East Africa Natural History Society (Uganda), have produced new information on distribution and abundance of waterbirds in Uganda. Concurrent with these activities, criteria for the identification of globally threatened species (Collar et al. 1994), species of regional conservation concern (Bennun & Njoroge 1996) and nationally important species (National Wetlands Programme, in press) have been developed. Also, criteria for selection of sites at the global (Ramsar and IBA), regional (IBA) and national (National Wetlands Programme) levels have become available. This paper reviews the advances in the knowledge of waterbirds in Uganda and applies the above criteria to highlight sites that are crucial for conservation at global, regional and national levels.  相似文献   

Abstract. Clonal plants play important roles in maintaining wetland ecosystems in China. By analysing 108 wetland quadrats distributed throughout China, we evaluated (1) the importance of clonal growth forms in different Chinese wetlands, (2) how the abundance of clonal plants is related to climatic and geographical conditions, and (3) how plant species diversity is related to the abundance of clonal plants. Significant differences in clonal plant importance values were found between different regions of China. Clonal plants were more important in wetland ecosystems located towards the West and North and at higher elevations and, accordingly, experiencing a colder and drier climate. Plant species diversity showed a significant inverse correlation with the importance value of ‘guerilla’‐type plants in most of the wetland regions. However, we found no significant correlation between plant species diversity and importance values of ‘phalanx’‐type plants. In most Chinese wetlands, plant species diversity decreased with increasing importance of guerilla plants and also with an increase of the entire guild of clonal plants. In wetlands with low species richness, however, plant species diversity increased with increasing importance of guerilla plants and of all clonal plants together, suggesting that in these disturbed habitats clonal growth may facilitate the establishment of other, non‐clonal wetland plants.  相似文献   

With the loss of natural wetlands, artificial wetlands are becoming increasingly important as habitat for waterbirds. We investigated the relationships between waterbirds and various biophysical parameters on artificial wetlands in an Australian urban valley. The densities (birds per hectare) of several species were correlated (mostly positively) with wetland area, and correlations were observed between certain species and other physical and water chemistry variables. Waterbird community structure, based on both abundance (birds per wetland) and density data, was most consistently positively correlated with the relative amount of wetland perimeter that was vegetated, surface area, distance to nearest wetland, public accessibility and shoreline irregularity. We also compared the relative use of the two types of urban wetlands, namely urban lakes and stormwater treatment wetlands, and found for both abundance and density that the number of individuals and species did not vary significantly between wetland types but that significant differences were observed for particular species and feeding guilds, with no species or guild being more abundant or found in greater density on an urban lake than a stormwater treatment wetland. Designing wetlands to provide a diversity of habitat will benefit most species.  相似文献   

A key component for biologists managing mobile species is understanding where and when a species occurs at different locations and scaling management to fit the spatial and temporal patterns of movement. We established an automated radio-telemetry tracking network to document multi-year movement in 2016–2018 of 3 endangered waterbirds among wetlands on Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi, USA: ʻalae ʻula or Hawaiian gallinule (gallinule; Gallinula galeata sandvicensis), ʻalae keʻokeʻo or Hawaiian coot (coot; Fulica alai), and aeʻo or Hawaiian stilt (stilt; Himantopus mexicanus knudseni), each with different ecological requirements. There were marked differences in the movement propensity of the species, with no movement among sites detected in gallinules, 31% of coots moving among wetlands, and very high levels of daily movement in stilts. A network analysis revealed strong evidence for fidelity among individual stilts to specific wetlands, indicating different groups of wetlands supported different birds. There was also strong evidence for patterns in daily and seasonal movement patterns of stilts. Our work indicates the importance of each wetland to the waterbirds they support, as each individual had strong fidelity to a single wetland. In addition, for Hawaiian coots and stilts, which were documented moving among multiple wetlands, a network of wetlands may be key for long-term persistence of these endangered species, and coordinated regional management of waterbirds as a shared resource could provide greater benefits to waterbirds than independent management of each wetland.  相似文献   

T. Dodman 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2)
Dodman, T. 2000. The African Waterfowl Census: review and development of an international monitoring programme. Ostrich 71 (1 &2):95.

The African Waterfowl Census (AFWC) is now in its sixth year of operation as a coordinated wetland monitoring programme for sub-Saharan Africa. A comprehensive review of the AFWC took place in 1995 and 1996, including a widely-circulated questionnaire and a special meeting in Senegal. The results from this review process are being used to develop the programme as a lasting tool for wetland conservation and management in Africa. This paper summarises these results. The AFWC currently involves about 25 countries, which all submit data annually to enable waterbird numbers and distribution to be viewed at regional and international levels. On a national level, results are used variably for the identification and designation of Wetlands of International importance (Ramsar Sites), for standard wetland monitoring programmes, for wetland and species management actions and for setting hunting quotas. In some countries, large networks have already been established, comprising scientists, managers and local volunteers. Priorities for the future operation of the AFWC include: a) the establishment of a Steering Committee with representation from all regions; b) election of National Coordinators in all countries; c) national and regional training initiatives; d) a field guide to African waterbirds and basic monitoring exercises; e) involving local communities in basic monitoring exercises; and f) increasing the use of results, especially in support of the Bonn and Ramsar Conventions. The AFWC is uniquely placed to help countries meet obligations under the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) under the Bonn Convention. Increased collaboration and information exchange between National Coordinators and others will lead to a greater knowledge of wetland networks important for migratory waterbirds. This in turn will help in the identification of conservation priorities for particular species, for threatened wetlands that form vital components of migration networks and for threatened wetland habitats.  相似文献   

To complete their life cycle waterbirds rely on patchily distributed and often ephemeral wetlands along their migration route in a vast unsuitable matrix. However, further loss and degradation of remaining wetland habitats might lead to a configuration and size of stopovers that is no longer sufficient to ensure long-term survival of waterbird populations. By identifying optimal conservation targets to maintain overall habitat availability en route, we can accommodate an as yet absent functional connectivity component in larger management frameworks for migratory waterbirds, such as the Ramsar Convention and the EU Natura 2000 Network. Using a graph-based habitat availability metric (Equivalent Connected Area) we determine the functional connectivity of wetland networks for seven migratory waterbirds with divergent habitat requirements. Analyses are performed at two spatial extents both spanning the Mediterranean Sea and centered around Greece (Balkan-Cyrenaica and Greece-Cyrenaica). We create species-specific suitable habitat maps and account for human disturbance by species-specific disturbance buffers, based on expert estimates of Flight Initiation Distances. At both spatial extents we quantitatively determine the habitat networks’ overall functional connectivity and identify wetland sites that are crucial for maintaining a well-connected network. We show that the wetland networks for both spatial extents are relatively well connected and identify several wetland sites in Greece and Libya as important for maintaining connectivity. The application of disturbance buffers results in wetland site-specific reduction of suitable habitat area (0.90–7.36%) and an overall decrease of the network’s connectivity (0.65–6.82%). In addition, we show that the habitat networks of a limited set of species can be combined into a single network which accounts for their autoecological requirements. We conclude that targeted management in few but specific wetland complexes could benefit migratory waterbird populations. Deterioration of these vital wetland sites in Greece and Libya will have disproportionate consequences to the waterbird populations they support.  相似文献   

崇明东滩抛荒鱼塘的自然演替过程对水鸟群落的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人工湿地抛荒的现象普遍存在,但针对抛荒后的自然演替过程对水鸟群落影响的研究较少.于2007、2008、2011年对崇明东滩自然抛荒的人工鱼塘水鸟群落展开调查,探究抛荒后的自然演替过程对水鸟群落结构及不同水鸟类群的影响.3a累计观察到水鸟59种12819只,隶属6目12科.其中抛荒前最多,共53种11001只;抛荒第1年22种1673只;抛荒第4年最少,9种145只.鱼塘抛荒后水鸟种类和数量下降剧烈,物种多样性先上升再下降,均匀度逐年上升,优势度先下降再上升.方差分析结果表明,5个群落特征都存在极显著年度差异(P1<0.01;P2<0.01;P3<0.01;P4=0.003;P5<0.01).非参数检验结果表明,不同类群水鸟的种类和数量逐年下降趋势明显,且年际差异极显著.即抛荒后的自然演替过程对水鸟群落产生了不利影响.建议采取人工管理措施防止旱化,增加环境异质性,恢复水鸟群落多样性.  相似文献   

Rice fields are an important habitat for waterbirds. Knowledge of the availability of this habitat is important since the reduction in the area of natural wetlands has converted rice fields into vital refuges. This paper presents a method for mapping habitat availability in rice fields according to different waterbirds’ habitat preferences and examining its phenology during the crop cycle. Data from bird censuses carried out in the Doñana rice fields were analysed to determine the habitat preferences of 22 species of waterbird at different stages in the rice production cycle. Discriminant function analysis of seven Landsat images was used to classify paddy field stages. The phenology of habitat availability in rice fields during autumn and winter was examined. Waterfowl and waders preferentially used the ‘flooded’ and ‘mudflats with water’ paddy field stages, respectively, and the ‘rice growing’ and ‘dry’ stages were rejected by waterbirds. The area of preferred habitats within rice fields increased during autumn; subsequently, the area of the ‘flooded’ paddy fields decreased in January, whereas that of ‘mudflats with water’ remained available until March. The automatic classification of paddy field stages with Landsat images allowed habitat availability for different species of waterbirds to be monitored and provides relevant information for understanding behavioural and population responses in waterbirds that use rice fields. After examining the phenology of the availability of habitat and comparing it with dates of arrival and departure of migrant waterbirds, best crop practices could be defined to favour waterbirds (i.e. adjusting harvest, ploughing and flooding dates). Taking into account climatic change and loss of wetlands this method could help in the integration of agriculture and conservation, in particular in areas where there is no remaining natural wetland habitat.  相似文献   

This article aims at studying wintering waterbirds in Tunisian coastal lagoons in order to support effective conservation measures. Species number and abundance of wintering waterbirds were assessed in January, each year from 2002 to 2007, in 10 lagoon sites belonging to four different lagoon systems. We counted 76 species and on average more than 120,000 birds per year, which represented more than 25% of the national population sizes. The most abundant taxonomic groups were waterfowls and waders, which also represented the highest species number. In general, the six most abundant bird species comprised collectively more than 77% of all birds counted. Considering all the studied lagoon systems collectively, for 13 species the lagoon systems should be considered as of international importance according the Ramsar Convention as they support regularly more than 1% of the populations. Only the lagoon system of the North held regularly more than 20,000 birds. The species abundances and species richness varied significantly among year and among lagoon systems. Based on our results we proposed priority conservation measures, these ecosystems being of major importance for wintering birds, at both national and international level.  相似文献   

Natural wetland ecosystems continue to suffer widespread destruction and degradation. Many recent studies argue that artificial or restored wetlands compensate for wetland loss and are valuable for waterbird conservation. However, detailed comparisons of the value of natural, artificial and restored wetlands are lacking. Our aim was to assess if the restoration or creation of wetlands can fully compensate for the loss of natural wetlands for waterbirds. We compared the waterbird communities in a set of 20 natural, restored and artificial wetlands, all of which are considered important for waterbirds and are located within the same protected area (Doñana Natural Space, south‐west Spain). We used different measures of diversity, including phylogenetic relatedness, and the proportion of threatened species at national, European and international levels. We found that artificial wetlands have consistently lower value than restored and natural wetlands, with little difference between the latter two. Natural wetlands are essential for conserving diversity across the tree of life and for threatened species, but restored wetlands can be of similar value and can assure maintenance of key ecological processes. Thus, when economic costs per unit area are similar, resources for wetland conservation are better invested in restoration projects than in wetland creation, and caution is required when suggesting that artificial wetlands compensate for the loss of natural wetlands.  相似文献   

Understanding the environmental factors shaping wetland attractiveness for waterbirds is an important question in wetland ecology and for conservation purposes. However, detailed data from numerous North African wetlands, notably those situated in inland areas, are still lacking. Thus, the aim of this study was to identify the factors influencing wetland use by waterbirds wintering in one of such poorly known habitat systems, namely the Saharan wetland complex of Douz, in south-western Tunisia. Thirty-four waterbird species (20 wading birds and 14 waterfowl species) were found to winter in this area. Using discriminant function analyses, we found that wetland size was the unique variable discriminating between occupied and unoccupied sites for total waterbirds and wading birds, while waterfowl distribution was related to both wetland size and water depth. Wetland size also provided the strongest predictor of species richness of wading birds, waterfowl and total waterbirds. Overall, our findings highlight the importance of wetland size as a key factor determining the attractiveness of wetlands for waterbirds wintering in the Saharan wetland complex of Douz. The possible explanations of this wetland size effect are discussed.  相似文献   

汪婷  周立志 《生物多样性》2022,30(7):21445-378
小微湿地是城市生态系统的重要组成部分, 也是生物多样性的重要庇护场所。鸟类作为城市小微湿地生态系统的指示类群, 其多样性时空格局受多种环境因子影响。本研究于2020年8月至2021年7月采用样点法对合肥市45个小微湿地鸟类的种类、数量分布和生境因子进行了调查, 并获取湿地面积、湿地形状、建筑面积比例、植被面积比例、环境噪声、人为干扰和城市化指数等生境变量。通过α多样性和β多样性分析, 研究城市小微湿地鸟类多样性的时空特征及其决定因素。采用信息论模型选择和模型平均法以及基于距离矩阵的多重回归模型进行计算, 确定影响鸟类群落α多样性和β多样性及其组分的主要环境因子。结果显示, 研究区域共有鸟类13目39科102种, 其中水鸟31种, 国家二级重点保护鸟类2种, 安徽省重点保护鸟类17种, IUCN濒危物种红色名录中的易危(VU)物种1种。湿地面积和城市化指数对小微湿地陆地鸟类和水鸟的α多样性、β多样性及其组分均具有显著影响, 其中陆地鸟类物种丰富度在中度和低度城市化之间的小微湿地中达到最高值, 面积超过4 ha的小微湿地能维持较多的水鸟物种。植被面积比例对陆地鸟类多样性具有重要的影响, 而建筑面积比例对水鸟多样性具有显著影响。此外, 总体β多样性及其组分计算结果显示物种周转组分占明显优势, 表明城市小微湿地群作为城市复合生态系统的重要组成部分, 加强整体保护更为必要。研究结果对于加强城市鸟类保护和提高城市生态环境质量具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Imminent shifts in environmental parameters due to climatic change might have profound ramifications for wetlands listed under the Ramsar convention. Although the exact mechanisms by which global change will affect these systems are not known, models that simulate component drivers, particularly at a broad spatial scale, can nevertheless allow for more informed conservation decision making. Such general inference is particularly needed for wetlands across the tropics, where less knowledge and fewer resources are available to mitigate the impacts on important conservation sites. Here we develop a case study of wetland loss to sea level rise across tropical north Australia (including Ramsar‐listed sites), and link these to a metapopulation model for a keystone endemic waterbird, the magpie goose Anseranas semipalmata. We projected published models on sea level rise through to the year 2400, and found a non‐linear trajectory of inundation up to 20 m above present levels. Digital elevation models were used to simulate sea level rise and the spatially differentiated loss of wetland habitat used by geese. Range retraction was linked to decline in ecological carrying capacity, and we coupled wetland‐specific habitat loss projections to a spatially explicit demographic metapopulation model. Additionally, we included alternate harvest strategies based on present‐day estimates of indigenous and non‐indigenous offtake of geese, and examined the synergy between wetland loss and hunting on extinction risk. Our results suggest that Australia's once‐abundant and widespread magpie goose will be reduced to a fragmented population of just a few thousand individuals within the next 200–300 yr. Harvest could continue for some time, up to a “tipping point” at around 5% loss of current wetland habitat, after which the decline of geese is rapid. Given the inexorable nature of sea level rise, short‐ to medium‐term conservation of waterbirds across Ramsar wetlands must prepare for adaptive wetland management, such as through buffer‐placement, and ongoing monitoring of harvest.  相似文献   

Ntiamoa-Baidu, Y. & Gordon, C. 2000. Waterbird & wetland research and conservationin Ghana: a ten year perspective. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 95.

The study outlines the evolution of ecological research on waterbirds and wetland conservation initiatives in Ghana over a ten year period, 1986–1996. A survey of waterbird populations was initiated in the country in October 1985, through a collaborative effort between the Ghana Government, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) UK and BirdLife International. These studies identified key wetland sites on the Ghana coast which have been regularly monitored up to today, thus providing the most comprehensive long-term data on waterbird populations within the West African sub-region. Over the ten year period the simple waterbird counting has led to comprehensive ecological research on waterbirds, the establishment of a national Bird Ringing Scheme and the development of a core of trained ornithologists in Ghana. In terms of conservation action, the data provided the justification for designation of the five most important coastal wetland sites as Ramsar sites and the establishment of the Ghana Coastal Wetlands Management Project (CWMP) to manage the sites. The management strategy adopted seeks not only to maintain the ecological integrity of the wetlands, but more importantly, to enhance the benefits derived from wetlands by local communities and improve the quality of life for the coastal people. Management actions are guided by a multi-disciplinary research on the coastal wetland ecosystem, which incorporates biological, physico-chemical and socio-economic dimensions. The large body of environmental data accumulated during the initial stages of the CWMP provide a solid base for the monitoring of the ecological character of the wetlands and the evaluation of management activities. The events in Ghana clearly demonstrate the value of a strong scientific data-base in our efforts to promote conservation of Africa's wetlands and wetland resources.  相似文献   

The status of wetland inventory and classification is considered for 44 European countries, as well as for the continent as a whole. Data and information were obtained from questionnaires compiled by the International Waterfowl and Wetland Research Bureau, the MedWet sub-project on inventory and monitoring, and the Ramsar Bureau. Nine European countries have national wetland inventories, and 32 have inventories of sites of international importance listed under the Ramsar Convention. There has been a trend in producing regional or continental inventories for wetlands that are important as waterfowl habitat. There is an urgent need to produce wetland inventories for all European countries. The Ramsar database takes into consideration hydrological and economic wetland values, as well as ecological ones. The Ramsar classification lists a total of 35 wetland types, and is sufficiently flexible that it could be used for classifying European wetlands at the national scale.  相似文献   

The impact of wetland loss on migratory waterbirds can be mitigated by the presence of anthropogenic habitats such as rice fields. In the Mediterranean basin, wetlands have been drained and altered to such a degree that their very existence is threatened. It is, therefore, essential to identify key buffer areas in the basin to develop conservation strategies for migratory waterbirds. In Extremadura, continental SW Spain, 30,000 ha of new rice fields have created since the 1960s. The present study describes for the first time the waterbird community associated with these inland rice fields, and addresses the question of the potential value of this area in buffering the loss of natural wetlands for populations of waterbirds using the East Atlantic Flyway (EAF). The waterbird community studied consisted of 45 species, with population levels reaching values of international importance (>1% of the biogeographical population using EAF) for the Common Crane Grus grus (19%), Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa (1.2%), Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus (1.2%), and Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis (1%). The presence of these rice fields may be modifying the wintering and/or feeding sites of some waterbird species such as the Common Crane and Black-tailed Godwit. Unfortunately, there is no legal protection for this area. We propose the designation of these rice fields as a Special Protection Area for birds.  相似文献   

阜阳市重要湿地夏季鸟类多样性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了掌握阜阳市重要湿地的鸟类资源,2011年7月-2011年9月,采用样带法对阜阳市4个重点湿地的夏季鸟类资源进行了调查。调查共记录阜阳市重要湿地鸟类11目25科43种,雀形目鸟类种数最多,共19种,占全部种类数的44.1%。东洋界、古北界和两界广布种分别占繁殖鸟种数的39.5%、34.8%、25.6%;湿地水鸟21种,占全部鸟类的47.8%;湿地鸟类群落的优势种为家燕、烟腹毛脚燕和灰椋鸟。八里河省级湿地自然保护区鸟类种数最多(N=30),多样性指数最高(H=2.49);4个湿地之间鸟类相似性系数均较高。鸟类多样性指数、鸟类种都与湿地面积呈显著正相关(多样性r=0.985,P=0.015;鸟种r=0.974,P=0.026)。从鸟类多样性保护考虑,湿地保护区和湿地公园的建设和管理应向保持湿地面积、增加植被复杂性发展。  相似文献   

This paper presents data from a twelve-year (1986–98) monitoring of waterbird populations at Muni Lagoon, and discusses the ornithological importance of the lagoon and trends in the use of the site by waterbirds. The small brackish lagoon forms part of the Muni-Pomadze Ramsar site situated on the Ghana coast. A total of 48 species of waterbirds were recorded at the site comprising of 29 species of waders, eight species of terns, two species of gulls, seven species of herons and egrets, one species each of duck and cormorant. The most abundant waterbirds species recorded on the site were the Curlew Sandpiper, Ringed Plover, Greenshank, Black-winged Stilt, Common Tern, Black Tern, Royal Tern and the Sandwich Tern. Three species of waders, Black-winged Stilt, Pratincole and Little Tern were observed to breed at the site. The highest numbers of waterbirds occurred on the site in the period September to March. The site remains an internationally important wetland site by virtue of supporting internationally important numbers of four species of terns: Royal Tern, Sandwich Tern, Common Tern and Black Tern. The value of Muni lies more in its use as a feeding/staging site for migrating waders that spend the non-breeding season in Ghana or pass through to winter further south, and as a roosting site for terns which feed mainly at sea. The use of the site by waterbirds has increased by some 400% between 1986 and 1998. This is attributed to improved prey availability resulting from the opening of the lagoon into the sea during the 1994 floods, and reduced disturbance of feeding and roosting birds. This would imply that the value of the site as waterbird habitat could improve considerably with appropriate habitat management interventions and continued protection.  相似文献   

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