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Pseudomonas putida 10.2, a 3-chlorobenzoate (3CBa)-degrading bacterium, was isolated from a soil sample obtained from an agricultural area in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This bacterium could degrade 2mm 3CBa very rapidly with the concomitant formation of chloride ion when grown in mineral salt-yeast extract medium. The presence of glucose, lactose and pyruvate in the medium reduced the capability of this bacterium to degrade 3CBa. Metabolites such as 3-chlorocatechol (3CC), catechol and cis,cis-muconic acid (muconate) could be detected in the growth medium or in cell suspensions when 3CBa was used as the substrate. Furthermore, when crude enzyme extract prepared from 3CBa-grown P. putida 10.2 was incubated with 3CC, catechol and muconate could be detected in the reaction mixtures. Thus, the biodegradation pathway of 3CBa by P. putida 10.2 was proposed to involve transformation of 3CBa to 3CC. The dehalogenation step is believed to involve removal of chloride from 3CC to form catechol, which is subsequently converted to muconate.  相似文献   

A bacterial isolate, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 3mT, exhibited the ability to degrade high concentrations of 3-chlorobenzoate (3-CBA, 8 g l-1) and 4-chlorobenzoate (4-CBA 12 g l-1) (Ajithkumar 1998). In this study, by delineating the initial biochemical steps involved in the degradation of these compounds, we investigated how this strain can do so well. Resting cells, permeabilised cells as well as cell-free extracts failed to dechlorinate both 3-CBA and 4-CBA under anaerobic conditions, whereas the former two readily degraded both compounds under aerobic conditions. Accumulation of any intermediary metabolite was not observed during growth as well as reaction with resting cells under highly aerated conditions. However, on modification of reaction conditions, 3-chlorocatechol (3-CC) and 4-chlorocatechol (4-CC) accumulated in 3-CBA and 4-CBA flasks, respectively. Fairly high titres of pyrocatechase II (chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase) activity were obtained in extracts of cells grown on 3-CBA and 4-CBA. Meta-pyrocatechase (catechol 2,3-dioxygenase) activity against4-CC and catechol, but not against 3-CC, was also detected in low titres. Accumulation of small amounts of 2-chloro-5-hydroxy muconic semialdehyde, the meta-cleavage product of 4-CC, was detected in the medium, when 4-CBA concentration was 4 mM or greater, indicating the presence of a minor meta-pathway in strain 3mT. However, 3-CBA exclusively, and more than 99% of 4-CBA were degraded through the formation of the respective chlorocatechol, via a modified ortho-pathway. This defies the traditional view that the microbes that follow chlorocatechol pathways are not very good degraders of chlorobenzoates. 4-Hydroxybenzoatewas readily (and 3-hydroxybenzoate to a lesser extent) degraded by the strain, through the formation of protocatechuate and gentisate, respectively, as intermediary dihydroxy metabolites.  相似文献   

Aerobic degradation of 7 mmol/L phenol in the presence of alternative carbon sources (7 mmol/L glucose or acetate or 1–2 mmol/L 2‐chlorophenol) was investigated using non‐acclimatized and acclimatized sewage sludges and enrichment cultures. The substrates represented an intermediate of phenol degradation (acetate), an independent substrate (glucose) or a “precursor‐substrate” of phenol degradation (2‐chlorophenol). Bacteria from sewage sludge, not pre‐adapted to phenol (2 mmol/L), rapidly respired acetate and glucose in the presence of phenol, whereas phenol was only bioconverted to any unknown aromatic metabolite after 24 h. In the presence of phenol and 2‐chlorophenol, no removal of both substances was observed when using the unacclimatized sludge. Sludge that was acclimatized to the degradation of phenol showed an initial preference for easily degradable co‐substrates such as glucose or acetate with only a slow concomitant respiration of phenol. Respiration of phenol increased rapidly after the co‐substrates were depleted. The highest phenol degradation rates were 51.6 mmol/L d, when phenol was the sole carbon substrate. Vice versa, phenol was preferentially respired in the presence of a less easily degradable co‐substrate such as 2‐chlorophenol at a rate of around 7 mmol/L d. Further studies with an enrichment culture that was obtained after 7 successive transfers of phenol‐adapted sludge into mineral medium with phenol as the only carbon source indicated that the acetate and glucose‐degrading capabilities were diminished or almost completely lost. In these enrichment cultures, phenol degradation was not affected by the presence of glucose, but glucose was not degraded. In contrary, the presence of acetate slightly slowed down the phenol degradation rate of the enrichment culture. Growth of the microorganisms apparently occurred at the expense of phenol and acetate respiration. The result of this work may be of practical importance in determining the feeding strategy, which is the key factor for most biological wastewater treatment systems. When acetate was present together with phenol in a wastewater, the phenol degradation rates were influenced by acetate, since acetate was an intermediate of phenol degradation. Glucose as an “independent substrate” was apparently degraded by other bacteria via acetate, and in this way it also influenced the phenol degradation rates. Glucose‐degrading bacteria could be “washed out” from the acclimatized sludge during several transfers into mineral medium with phenol as the sole carbon source. If later on, glucose was added again, it remained undegraded and did not influence phenol degradation. 2‐Chlorophenol degradation also requires other bacteria than phenol degraders.  相似文献   

Thermophilic (75°C), anaerobic biodegradation of chlorobenzoates was investigated using different inocula from geothermal and non-geothermal environments. Microbial dehalogenation of 3-chlorobenzoate (0·5 mmol l−1) was achieved by two mixed cultures growing anaerobically at 75°C. One culture consisted of a facultative anaerobe and two obligate anaerobes, one of which was a methanogen, isolated from terrestrial sediments from hot springs in New Zealand. The other culture, derived from a non-geothermal environment, consisted of a Clostridium spp. and a non-spore-forming obligate anaerobe. No degradation of either 2-chlorobenzoate or 4-chlorobenzoate was achieved by these thermophilic cultures over the same time period. This is the first reported biotransformation of this chlorinated aromatic at a temperature of 75°C.  相似文献   

The degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by an undefined culture obtained from a PAH-polluted soil and the same culture bioaugmented with three PAH-degrading strains was studied in carbon-limited chemostat cultures. The PAHs were degraded efficiently by the soil culture and bioaugmentation did not significantly improve the PAH degrading performance. The presence of PAHs did, however, influence the bacterial composition of the bioaugmented and non-bioaugmented soil cultures, resulting in the increase in cell concentration of sphingomonad strains. the initial enhancement of the degradation of the PAHs by biostimulation gradually disappeared and only the presence of salicylate in the additional carbon sources had a lasting slightly stimulating effect on the degradation of phenanthrene. The results suggest that bioaugmentation and biostimulation have limited potential to enhance PAH bioremediation by culture already proficient in the degradation of such contaminants.  相似文献   

This review examines the enzymes of 4-chlorobenzoate to 4-hydroxybenzoate converting pathway found in certain soil bacteria. This pathway consists of three enzymes: 4-chlorobenzoate: Coenzyme A ligase, 4-chlorobenzoyl-Coenzyme A dehalogenase and 4-hydroxybenzoyl-Coenzyme A thioesterase. Recent progress made in the cloning and expression of the pathway genes from assorted bacterial strains is described. Gene order and sequence found among these strains are compared to reveal independent enzyme recruitment strategies. Sequence alignments made between thePseudomonas sp. strain CBS3 4-chlorobenzoate pathway enzymes and structurally related proteins contained within the protein sequence data banks suggest possible origins in preexisting -oxidation pathways. The purification and characterization of the physical and kinetic properties of the pathway enzymes are described. Where possible a comparison of these properties between like enzymes from different bacterial sources are made.  相似文献   

Degradation of continuously added 3-chlorobenzoate (3-CB) was studied in samples of chernozem soil. Soil columns were inoculated withPseudomonas putida growing on 3-CB and carrying the biodegradation plasmid and withPseudomonas aeruginosa incapable of growth on 3-CB and carrying the inserted biodegradation plasmid pBS 2 determining ortho-cleavage of the aromatic ring. While the 3-CB degradation was observed in both inoculated variants, the native microflora of the soil under study was incapable to degrade 3-CB. Among pseudomonads isolated from inoculated soil at different stages of cultivation and growth on 3-CB, some had the taxonomic features ofP. putida as well as those differing in 1 –5 characteristics. The study of the activities of the enzymes cleaving the aromatic ring revealed the presence of pyrocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase in the isolated strains only, as estimated by means of benzoate and 3-CB as substrates.  相似文献   

Degradation of unsaturated hydrocarbons by methanogenic enrichment cultures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The biodegradability of hydrocarbons under anaerobic conditions was studied in enrichment cultures using mineral media inoculated with sewage sludge or sediment samples of limnic and marine origin. No indication of methanogenic degradation was obtained with either n -hexane, n -hexadecane, n -heptadecane, 1-hexene, cis -2-hexene, trans -2-hexene, isoprene, 1-hexine, benzene, toluene, xylene, cyclohexene, cycloheptatriene, cyclopentadiene, styrene, naphthalene, azulene, or β-carotene. Squalene was incompletely converted to methane and carbon dioxide. Complete degradation was observed with 1-hexadecene. Methanogenic subcultures were maintained on 1-hexadecene and squalene. Both enrichments contained after several transfers Methanospirillum hungatei and Methanothrix soehngenii as prevalent methanogenic bacteria. Acetate (≤80 μ M) was the only intermediary product detected indicating that degradation proceeded via hydrogen-dependent syntrophic β-oxidations. Short rods on hexadecene and cocci on squalene were found to be associated with substrate degradation. The results indicate that terminal double bonds can be sufficient to allow methanogenic degradation of hydrocarbons whereas branching and terminal ring closures may significantly contribute to hydrocarbon stability in anoxic environments.  相似文献   

From a methanogenic fixed-bed reactor fed with hydroquinone as sole energy and carbon source, a rodshaped bacterium was isolated in pure culture which could degrade hydroquinone and gentisate (2,5-dihydroxybenzoate). In syntrophic coculture with either Desulfovibrio vulgaris or Methanospirillum hungatei, also benzoate could be degraded. Other substrates such as sugars, fatty acids, alcohols, and cyclohexane derivatives were not degraded. Sulfate, sulfite, or nitrate were not used as external electron acceptor. The isolate was a Gram-negative, non-motile, nonsporeforming strict anaerobe; the guanine-plus-cytosine content of the DNA was 53.2±1.0 mol%. In pure culture, hydroquinone was degraded to acetate and benzoate, probably via an intermediate carboxylation. In syntrophic mixed cultures, all three substrates were converted completely to acetate. Phenol was never detected as a fermentation product.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. CBS3 is capable of growing with 4-chlorobenzoate as sole source of carbon and energy. The removal of the chlorine of 4-chlorobenzoate is performed in the first degradation step by an enzyme system consisting of three proteins. A 4-halobenzoate-coenzyme A ligase activates 4-chlorobenzoate in a coenzyme A, ATP and Mg2+ dependent reaction to 4-chlorobenzoyl-coenzyme A. This thioester intermediate is dehalogenated by the 4-chlorobenzoyl-coenzyme A dehalogenase. Finally coenzyme A is split off by a 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA thioesterase to form 4-hydroxybenzoate. The involved 4-chlorobenzoyl-coenzyme A dehalogenase was purified to apparent homogeneity by a five-step purification procedure. The native enzyme had an apparent molecular mass of 120,000 and was composed of four identical polypeptide subunits of 31 kDa. The enzyme displayed an isoelectric point of 6.7. The maximal initial rate of catalysis was achieved at pH 10 at 60 °C. The apparent K m value for 4-chlorobenzoyl-coenzyme A was 2.4–2.7 µM. V max was 1.1 × 10–7 M sec–1 (2.2 µmol min–1 mg–1 of protein). The NH2-terminal amino acid sequence was determined. All 4-halobenzoyl-coenzyme A thioesters, except 4-fluorobenzoyl-coenzyme A, were dehalogenated by the 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA dehalogenase.Abbreviations CBA chlorobenzoate - CoA coenzyme A - HBA hydroxybenzoate - DTT dithiothreitol - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are the polymers of hydroxyalkanoates that accumulate as carbon/energy or reducing-power storage material in various microorganisms. PHAs have attracted considerable attention as biodegradable substitutes for conventional polymers. Until now, however, industrial production of PHAs has encountered only limited success. The main barrier to the replacement of synthetic plastics by PHAs has been the higher cost. The use of mixed cultures and renewable sources obtained from waste organic carbon can substantially decrease the cost of PHA and increase their market potential. This work reviews two main methods of PHA production by mixed cultures, anaerobic-aerobic processing and aerobic transient feeding processing, and analyzed the metabolic and effective factors.  相似文献   

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs)are the polymers of hydroxyalkanoates that accumulate as carbon/energy or reducing-power storage material in various microorganisms.PHAs have attracted considerable attention as biodegradable substitutes for conventional polymers.Until now,however,industrial production of PHAs has encountered only limited success.The main barrier to the replacement of synthetic plastics by PHAs has been the higher cost.The use of mixed cultures and renewable sources obtained from waste organic carbon can substantially decrease the cost of PHA and increase their market potential.This work reviews two main methods of PHA production by mixed cultures,anaerobicaerobic processing and aerobic transient feeding processing,and analyzed the metabolic and effective factors.  相似文献   

Aims:  The aim of this work was to enrich stable mixed cultures from atrazine-contaminated soil. The cultures were examined for their atrazine biodegradation efficiencies in comparison with J14a, a known atrazine-degrading strain of Agrobacterium radiobacter . The cultures were also characterized to identify community structure and bacterial species present.
Methods and Results:  The cultures were enriched and then stabilized in bacterial media. The stable mixed cultures and J14a were tested in a medium containing 100 μg l−1 of atrazine. For all cultures, atrazine was removed 33–51% within 7 days and the cell optical density increased from 0·05 to between 0·50 and 0·70. Four isolates designated ND1, ND2, ND3 and ND4 were purified from the mixed cultures and identified based on sequence analysis of the 16 S rRNA gene as Alcaligenes faecalis , Klebsiella ornithinolytica , Bacillus megaterium and Agrobacterium tumefaciens , respectively. An atrazine-degrading gene, atzA , was present in ND2 and ND4.
Conclusions:  The stable mixed cultures obtained could degrade atrazine. Klebsiella ornithinolytica ND2 and Ag. tumefaciens ND4 are atrazine degraders.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The novel stable mixed cultures could be used for bioremediating crop fields contaminated with atrazine. This is the first report of the atzA gene in Kl. ornithinolytica .  相似文献   

Summary 3-Chlorobenzoate grown cells of Pseudomonas sp. strain B13 or Alcaligenes sp. strain A7-2 converted 3-fluorobenzoate to 2-fluoro-cis,cis-muconate with 87% yield. The latter strain produced 1.6 g/l. The type II muconate cycloisomerases of neither strain exhibit acitivity for 2-fluoro-cis,cis-muconate. Succinate grown cells of Pseudomonas sp. strain B13 converted benzoate to cis,cis-muconate (91% yield; 7.4 g/l). Enzyme tests confirmed that no muconate cycloisomerising enzyme was induced within 24 h.  相似文献   

Degradation of 2-chlorobenzoate by in vivo constructed hybrid pseudomonads   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract 5-Chlorosalicylate degrading bacteria were obtained from the mating between Pseudomonas sp. strain WR401 and Pseudomonas sp. strain B13. Further selection of the hybrid organisms for growth on 2-chlorobenzoate allowed the isolation of strains such as JH230. During growth on 2-chlorobenzoate stoichiometric amounts of chloride were released. Steps in the pathway for 2-chlorobenzoate degradation were determined by simultaneous adaptation studies, assays of enzymes in cell extracts and cooxidation of the analogous substrate 2-methylbenzoate. Results indicate that 2-chlorobenzoate was degraded to 3-chlorocatechol. Ring cleavage of 3-chlorocatechol was by a catechol 1,2-dioxygenase to from 2-chloro- cis, cis - muconate. Further degradation runs via 4-carboxymethylenebut-2-en-4-olide.  相似文献   

Summary Tannins limit the use of fodder trees as feed for ruminants. Removal of the effects of tannins would thus improve the nutritional quality of these trees. This prompted the study to evaluate the effect of rumen or faecal mixed cultures from different animals on tannin degradation. Tannin extracts, tannic acid and gallic acid were used to enrich media to assess if rumen or faecal mixed cultures could degrade the phenolic compounds. Rumen fluid of Acacia-adapted sheep, sheep fed on wheat bran, bush duikers (Sylvicapra grimmia) and goats fed on Leucaena pallida and Sesbania goetzei were separately inoculated into Growth Study Medium (GSM) and incubated for 5-15 days. Faecal samples from dikdik (Madoqua guentheri), camel (Camelus dromedarius), zebra (Equus quagga), Grant’s gazelle (Gazella granti) and hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus) were also separately inoculated into GSM media and incubated from 3-5 days. TLC results showed that mixed cultures from rumen fluids of Acacia-adapted sheep, sheep on wheat bran, goats on Leucaena pallida and Sesbania goetzei partially hydrolysed tannic acid to pyrogallol. Complete degradation of the heterocyclic ring in tannic acid and gallic acid was achieved by the mixed cultures from the faecal samples of dikdik and this was confirmed by HPLC. Mixed cultures from faecal samples of camel hydrolysed gallic acid to phloroglucinol. This study has demonstrated that faecal microorganisms of Ethiopian dikdik could completely degrade hydrolysable tannin.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of mono and mixed lactic acid bacteria (LAB) cultures to determine suitable LAB combinations for a type II sourdough system. In this context, previously isolated sourdough LAB strains with antimicrobial activity, which included Lactobacillus plantarum PFC22, Lactobacillus brevis PFC31, Pediococcus acidilactici PFC38, and Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis PFC80, were used as mono or mixed culture combinations in a fermentation system to produce type II sourdough, and subsequently in bread dough production. Compared to the monoculture fermentation of dough, the use of mixed cultures shortened the adaptation period by half. In addition, the use of mixed cultures ensured higher microbial viability, and enhanced the fruity flavor during bread dough production. It was determined that the combination of L. plantarum PFC22 + P. acidilactici PFC38 + L. sanfranciscensis PFC80 is a promising culture mixture that can be used in the production of type II sourdough systems, and that may also contribute to an increase in metabolic activity during bread production process.  相似文献   

Sweet potato residue, a starchy agricultural waste, was used as a substrate to produce microbial protein by Fusarium moniliforme and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in submerged fermentation. Acid- and gamma-irradiation-pretreated sweet potato residue enhanced the biomass yield and protein production when the residue was fermented with F. moniliforme and S. cerevisiae. A mixed culture of F. moniliforme and S. cerevisiae efficiently and rapidly utilized free sugars; the maximal biomass yield (13.96 g/l) and protein production (65.8%) were obtained after 3 days fermentation. Lower carbon utilization by the two microbial strains occurred in the waste-containing media as compared to control, increasing the economic value of the waste usage. Received 25 October 2001/ Accepted in revised form 22 June 2002  相似文献   

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  • •Proteome analyses reveal RNF146 and TNKS1/2 substrates targeted for degradation.
  • •RNF146 KO and TNKS1/2 DKO cells display significantly different proteomes.
  • •RNF146 has both TNKS-dependent and -independent substrates.

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