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The past few years have seen a noticeable increase in the emergence of infectious diseases in wildlife, especially vector-borne diseases, presenting a challenge for the conservation of endangered species. One such vector-borne disease, avian malaria (Plasmodium spp.) is on the rise in New Zealand avifauna, threatening bird populations that are among the most extinction-prone in the world. Furthermore, recent reports have outlined an increase in deaths of native iconic bird species specifically due to this disease. In order to help manage breakouts of this pathogen at a local scale, we need a better understanding of potential drivers of the emergence of avian malaria in wild New Zealand avifauna. Here, we set to test the role of climatic drivers in synchronizing contacts between avian hosts and vectors, assess the temporal stability of transmission dynamics between years, and determine the role of introduced species in causing spill-over of this pathogen towards native species. Our study focused on three sites that were sampled regularly during two consecutive years in the austral summer, each site being adjacent to a breeding colony of Yellow-eyed penguins (Megadyptes antipodes). Our results reveal an overall temporal stability of avian malaria incidence patterns, with a decrease in infection throughout the austral summer for both sampled years. Moreover, we highlight a phylogenetic signal among sampled bird species, with introduced species being more heavily infected by avian malaria than their native counterparts. In contrast, we found no effect of the two climatic drivers investigated, temperature and rainfall, on mosquito abundance. Our results suggest a strong effect of alien species acting as reservoirs for diseases spilling-over towards immunologically naïve species, and provide conservation managers with a critical timeframe to control avian malaria breakouts.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in domestic reindeer and wild caribou in Alaska   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reindeer ( Rangifer tarandus tarandus ) were introduced into Alaska 100 years ago and have been maintained as semidomestic livestock. They have had contact with wild caribou ( R. t. granti ) herds, including deliberate crossbreeding and mixing in the wild. Reindeer have considerable potential as a domestic animal for meat or velvet antler production, and wild caribou are important to subsistence and sport hunters. Our objective was to quantify the genetic relationships of reindeer and caribou in Alaska. We identified allelic variation among five herds of wild caribou and three herds of reindeer with DNA sequencing and restriction enzymes for three loci: a DQA locus of the major histocompatibility complex ( Rata-DQA1 ), K-casein and the D-loop of mitochondrial DNA. These loci are of interest because of their potential influence on domestic animal performance and the fitness of wild populations. There is considerable genetic variation in reindeer and caribou for all three loci, including five, three and six alleles for DQA , K-casein and D-loop respectively. Most alleles occur in both reindeer and caribou, which may be the result of recent common ancestry or genetic introgression in either direction. However, allele frequencies differ considerably between reindeer and caribou, which suggests that gene flow has been limited.  相似文献   

In epidemiological studies of electromagnetic fields and health effects, exposure classification is crucial. There is no generally accepted biophysical interaction mechanism, but many studies are based on the hypothesis of a causal relationship with the strength of magnetic field. Some definition of the magnitude of exposure must be used, e.g., mean magnetic flux density, the integral of magnetic flux and time, or a peak value. Magnetic fields around a particular power line depend on the current load. The aim of the present study was to follow variations in line current load in the power supply system of the largest Norwegian city on a yearly, monthly, daily, and diurnal basis. Fairly large variations in load were found, but increases in consumption were not necessarily reflected in current load on high voltage lines. The correlation between outdoor temperature and current load varied widely, depending on the type of power station feeding the line in question. The registered time variations are large enough to interfere with epidemiological classification of residences and testing of epidemiological hypotheses. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

为了解水稻耐冷的生理机制,该文以野生稻近等基因系耐冷水稻品种DC907和其不耐冷受体亲本9311为材料,通过对水稻幼苗低温胁迫处理,检测分析了丙二醛(MDA)、超氧阴离子(O2-)、可溶性糖以及抗氧化酶类[超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)]等生理生化指标...  相似文献   

Terje Skogland 《Oecologia》1983,60(2):156-168

This paper surveys external ecological factors that have an impact on the population of wild reindeer on the Taimyr Peninsula. These factors are estimated according to their influence on the abundance of the reindeer population. The key factors are examined with relation to bioenergetics. The population conservation strategy in view of the potential resumption of anthropogenic influence due to further industrial development of Taimyr is proposed.  相似文献   

We examined the summer distribution of 2,500 wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in southern Norway by eight aerial surveys across 8 years. Most of the reindeer were located at high elevations >1,400 m.a.s.l. (88% of the reindeer in 47% of the area) where insect stress was lower. Within high elevations, reindeer used areas <5.0 km from tourist resorts and major roads and <2.5 km from hiking trails less than expected from availability. A total of 65% of the reindeer were found in high-altitude areas without human development or only including closed maintenance roads, which constituted 21% of the area, likely because these areas gave shelter from both insect stress and human activity. We conclude that wild reindeer appear to select for insect relief areas reaching several kilometers away from human activity if such habitat is available. Infrastructure with associated human activity was found to be avoided in all surveys.  相似文献   

The differential allocation of energy to either reproductionor survival represents a major conflict with important implicationsfor patterns of life history. Here, we explore how covariationbetween maternal body weight and fetal weight vary accordingto fetal sex in a wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) populationduring two contrasting years. Maternal weights differed duringthe 2 years, probably because of a difference in populationdensity. We could not detect any change in the allocation toreproduction depending on female phenotypic distribution. Malefetuses were heavier than female fetuses, with the same relativedimorphism in both years. There was no support for a correlationbetween the sex of the fetus carried by a female and her weight.Our results suggest that the level of resource allocation toreproduction during the prenatal period is strongly determinedby female body weight and the allometric relationship betweenbody weight and metabolic rate. We discuss the consequencesof our results for population dynamics. We call for an integrationof inter- and intraspecific allometric approaches to betterunderstand constraints and variation in life-history traits.  相似文献   

Terje Skogland 《Oecologia》1990,84(4):442-450
Summary The Hardangervidda wild reindeer herd in Norway is the largest in Western Europe. It has fluctuated between 7000 and 32000 animals during the last 35 years. Four density-dependent effects were found: 1. A food limitation effect due to a shift in diet after overgrazing lichen on the winter range. This led to increased tooth wear and lowered body size and fat reserves. 2. A significant correlation between population density and juvenile winter survival rate. No effect on adult female survival rate was found. 3. A cohort effect. After population increase and overgrazing, recruitment was reduced by 30% and remained so after population reduction. Birth weights had increased by 30% 5 years after population reduction and the mean calving time was earlier. As a result, after population reduction weights of newborns were 40% greater at a comparable date. Neonatal survival rate was related to maternal condition during the last part of gestation which coincides with the peak winter snow accumulation. The slow increase in adult dressed body weights (DBW) after population reduction is due to the combined effects of increased tooth wear when winter range was limiting and to the cohort-generation time, so that an improvement in neonatal survival and size was first expressed in subsequent offspring cohorts. 4. An inter-generation effect. During 30 years of resource limitation, DBW decreased by 23%, birth rate was unchanged after the first peak, while fecundity increased by 15%, suggesting increased reproductive effort per unit body weight. Natural selection for increased reproductive effort by smaller females when food was limiting was suggested. Some size-effect due to hunters selecting the largest adult phenotypes was possible but not the main cause. These results do not support some earlier hypotheses about the effects of population density on size at maturity in ungulates.  相似文献   

Knowledge about changes in behavioural traits related to wildness and tameness is for most mammals lacking, despite the increased trend of using domestic stock to re‐establish wild populations into historical ranges. To test for persistence of behavioural traits of wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) exposed to hunting, we sampled DNA, vigilance and flight responses in wild reindeer herds with varying domestic ancestry. Analyses of 14 DNA microsatellite loci revealed a dichotomous main genetic structure reflecting their native origin, with the Rondane reindeer genetically different from the others and with least differentiation towards the Hardangervidda reindeer. The genetic clustering of the reindeer in Norefjell‐Reinsjøfjell, Ottadalen and Forollhogna, together with domestic reindeer, supports a predominant domestic origin of these herds. Despite extensive hunting in all herds, the behavioural measures indicate increasing vigilance, alert and flight responses with increasing genetic dissimilarity with domestic herds. Vigilance frequency and time spent vigilant were higher in Rondane compared to Hardangervidda, which again were higher than herds with a domestic origin. We conclude that previous domestication has preserved a hard wired behavioural trait in some reindeer herds exhibiting less fright responses towards humans that extensive hunting has, but only slightly, altered. This brings novel and relevant knowledge to discussions about genetic diversity of wildlife in general and wild reindeer herds in Norway in specific.  相似文献   

Wild reindeer have a range that extends across the circumpolar region. In the last few decades, however, populations of wild reindeer have been on the decline. The reasons for these declines are poorly understood, but are suggested to be linked to both local and global climatic factors, disease, and human interference. Hardangervidda plateau in Norway is home to the largest wild reindeer population in Europe, and is at the southern end of its European range. This population is therefore of particular importance, particularly in the light of climate change. We investigated how weather and hunting have affected the wild reindeer population in Hardangervidda over the last two decades. Our findings suggest that the wild reindeer population in Hardangervidda is most affected by winter temperature and hunting, where colder temperatures and lower harvest rates typically result in higher growth rates. We did not find significant evidence for linear density dependence. Our results show trends across Hardangervidda, and give an indication of how region-wide weather and hunting pressure can affect the wild reindeer population. As new data emerge, future investigations should look into the existence and nature of density dependence and the influence of other weather and human disturbance related factors.  相似文献   

Thunderstorm asthma and increased childhood leukemia risk near high-voltage power lines (HVPL) are occurrences whose mechanism of effect is not fully understood.

This paper proposes and discusses a key similarity: both thunderstorms and HVPL generate a high enough electrical field in the environment to ionize nearby air and air-borne particles.

I argue that the repeatedly demonstrated acute asthma response to pollen-laden air during thunderstorms is largely due to ionization of air-borne allergens, which adhere more readily and in greater quantity in the lungs than non-ionized particles. If these bind to mucous or phagocytic cells, it would enhance immune response. A rapid temperature drop and high ozone also seem to be drivers of thunderstorm asthma.

This causal nexus provides strong support for the parallel situation of prolonged exposure to ionized particles near HVPL and an increased rate of childhood leukemia. Here, it is proposed that upwind carcinogens are ionized when passing HVPL and then residential and business areas. Published evidence for most steps are presented, but have not previously been published as a coherent whole, nor has it been suggested that the inhaled ionized micro-particle explanation for acute asthma may also explain development of childhood leukemia over time.

The demonstrated series of events leading to increased deposition and retention of ionized particles in airways provides support for explaining both adverse health outcomes: acute thunderstorm asthma and increased risk of childhood leukemia near HVPL. Further support for this explanation of both outcomes is provided by effects of on-going proximity to highways.  相似文献   

Combinations of medetomidine and ketamine were evaluated in free-ranging, wild Norwegian reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) as part of a reintroduction program in southwestern Norway in November 1995 and November 1996. The drugs were administered by dart from a helicopter. The mean (SD) effective immobilizing doses for 29 adults (8 males, 21 females) were 0.21 (0.04) mg medetomidine/kg and 1.0 (0.2) mg ketamine/ kg based on estimated body mass. There was no significant difference in mean induction times between males and females. However, animals with optimal hits (shoulder or thigh muscles; n=16) had a significantly shorter (P<0.05) mean induction time than did animals with suboptimal hits (abdomen or flank; n=13), 5.6 (2.2) min and 11.1 (4.7) min, respectively. Inductions were calm, and immobilized animals were maintained in sternal recumbency. Clinical side effects included hypoxemia and hyperthermia in most animals. For reversal, all animals received 5 mg atipamezole per mg medetomidine, half intravenously and half intramuscularly, and the mean (SD) time to standing was 3.7 (3.6) min.  相似文献   

Domestic herbivores often compete with wildlife for limited resources, and on longer time-scales, grazing may also increase or decrease coverage of important food plants to wildlife affecting the threshold density for when competition can be expected. In Norway, there are growing concerns about the effect of releasing 2.1 million domestic sheep (Ovis aries) for summer grazing into areas hosting wild populations of alpine reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). We quantified the effect of sheep grazing (0, 25 and 80 sheep/km2) on the development in coverage and abundance of plants known to be important in the diet of reindeer during summer (vascular plants) and winter (lichens) within a fully replicated, landscape scale (2.7 km2) experiment. From 2001 to 2005, the sedge, Carex bigelowii, increased while the herb Solidago virgaurea decreased in frequency at high density of sheep relative to controls (both marginally non-significant). There was no marked development in Deschampsia flexuosa, Salix herbacea or Hierarcium alpinum that could be related to sheep grazing intensity. Lichen coverage and height both decreased at high density of sheep from 2002 to 2005. Effects of low grazing intensity were closer to controls than to high grazing intensity. Our study highlights that high sheep grazing intensity induce changes to the plant community that, at the same time, can improve the summer habitat and detriment the winter habitat to reindeer. Many wild reindeer populations are fragmented and may thus be limited by either summer or winter range. The effect of sheep grazing is predicted to vary accordingly. However, currently, we have limited ability to quantify how much this explicitly means in terms of increased or reduced carrying capacity for reindeer.  相似文献   

A coaxial cable can be used to reduce the magnetic and electric fields that extend into environments in the vicinity of transmission lines and distribution lines and in-house or building wiring for power distribution systems. The use of the coaxial geometry may prove useful in cases where there are environmental concerns with respect to health effects and in cases where there is a need to run high-speed data communications in close proximity to power distribution systems. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Alendal, E., de Bie, S. and van Wieren, S. E. 1979. Size and composition of the wild reindeer Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus population in the Southeast Svalbard Nature Reserve. Holarct. Ecol. 2: 101-107. In the summer of 1977 we studied the reindeer population on the islands Barentsøya and Edgeøya in the eastern part of the Svalbard archipelago. A total of 1374 reindeer were observed: 326 animals in the western parts of Barentsøya and 1048 animals on Edgeøya. Considering those parts of Edgeøya which were not visited, the total number of reindeer on Edgeøya was estimated at 1300 animals. The total number of reindeer was lower than in previous years. The decline probably was due to severe winter conditions in 1975/1976 and 1976/1977 confirmed by the fact that many carcasses and few yearlings were observed. Nearly all reindeer occurred on the coastal plains and in the valleys. These areas have the relatively richest vegetation. The average recruitment of the total population (counted) was 15.9%. The adult sex ratio was in favour of females: 59% females versus 41% males. There were differences both in the recruitment and in the adult sex ratio between three distinct areas on Edgeøya and between two on Barentsøya. These differences may be due to dissimilarities in food quality and feeding conditions caused by climate, and by small exchange of reindeer between the areas. The high frequency of shed male antlers on Frankenhalvøya and Talaveraflya, north and south coast of Barentsøya respectively, indicates that these areas belong to the wintering grounds of reindeer on this island. Concentrations of shed female antlers on Barentsøya were less pronounced. The highest frequency was in the areas Sjodalen and Kvistdalen-Talaveraflya in the northwest and south respectively. Females may use these areas as late wintering grounds and possibly as calving areas. The average group size was 2.2 and the aggregation index 3.1. Seventytwo per cent of all groups, containing 48% of all reindeer, fell into group size 1 and 2. Males mostly were observed alone or together with one other animal. Females with calves most frequently occurred in groups of 2 and 4 animals.  相似文献   

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