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We have investigated the nature of the sequence heterogeneity of the minicircles of Crithidia luciliae kinetoplast DNA by EM heteroduplex analysis of minicircles cleaved with endonuclease HindIII. Approximately 40% of the minicircles showed—after denaturation and reannealing—structures indicative of sequence rearrangements: the majority contained heteroduplex “eyes” interpreted as due to inversions; about 10% of the heteroduplexes yielded structures interpreted as due to translocations and a similar fraction showed insertions and deletions. The category of “eyed” molecules was analyzed in detail: four minicircle segments were found that displayed a high incidence of such eyes indicating that the rearrangements were not scattered at random over the minicircles. Moreover, since also “eyes” were found overlapping two or three of the four regions, we postulate that these segments are capable of recombining with each other. We conclude that specific segmental rearrangements form the main basis of the minicircle sequence heterogeneity in Crithidia.  相似文献   

Kinetoplast DNA from the insect trypanosome Crithidia luciliae contains a maxicircle of 22 × 106 D. We have cleaved this DNA with endonucleases PstI, XbaI, XhoI, SstI, HaeIII, SalII, HindIII, EcoRI, and HapII and constructed a physical map of the 31 cleavage sites. The maxicircle segments hybridizing with total cellular RNA are clustered on one-half of the maxicircle; the genes for the 9 and 12 S mitochondrial (r)RNAs are located on a 1.7-kb segment. Restriction enzyme analysis indicates a sequence homology of more than 96% between the maxicircles of C. luciliae and C. fasciculata, which is not lower than that found between maxicircles of individual Trypanosoma brucei stocks. We conclude therefore that C. luciliae and C. fasciculata are one species and propose to name this species C. fasciculata and to rename C. luciliae as C. fasciculata, var. luciliae. Furthermore we show that the overall maxicircle genome organization of Crithidia resembles that of Trypanosoma.  相似文献   

A novel circular DNA, 11.3 μm in contour length, has been found in a pure kinetoplast DNA fraction of Crithidia luciliae. The mitochondrial nature of the kinetoplast and the absence of these large circular molecules in the nuclear fraction of DNA suggest that they constitute the mitochondrial genome of this species.  相似文献   

Nucleoside transport was evaluated in the trypanosomatid Crithidia luciliae by a rapid sampling technique. C. luciliae was shown to possess two independent nucleoside transporters, one which transported adenosine, deoxyadenosine, tubercidin, sangivamycin and the pyrimidine nucleoside thymidine, while the second was specific for guanosine, inosine and deoxyguanosine. The rapid influx occurred by a process of facilitated transport. The apparent Km values for adenosine and guanosine were 9.34 ± 1.30 and 10.6 ± 2.60 μM, respectively. The pyrimidine nucleoside thymidine was transported at a rate approximately 50% lower than the purine nucleosides, whilst uridine, deoxyuridine and deoxycytidine were not transported. The optical isomer, -adenosine entered the organism by simple diffusion rather than by facilitated transport. In contrast to mammalian cells, neither of the nucleoside transporters in C. luciliae were inhibited by nitrobenzylthioinosine, dilazep, or dipyridamole, potent inhibitors of nucleoside transport in mammalian cells, whilst p-chloromercuribenzoate sulphonate inhibited both nucleoside transporters in C. luciliae.  相似文献   

Kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) of Trypanosoma brucei consists of massive networks of 10,000 or more interlocked molecules of maxicircle DNA (about 23 kb each) and minicircle DNA (1.1 kb each). Individual minicircle DNA molecules were released from the network by digestion with HaeIII, HpaII, AluI, HhaI, PstI, or HindIII and cloned in E. coli via the plasmid pBR322 and the poly(dG):poly(dC) tailing technique or the DNA ligase technique. The cloned minicircle DNA molecules were compared (i) by two types of filter hybridization, (ii) by renaturation kinetics, and (iii) by heteroduplex analysis. The sequence complexity of total network kDNA is about 300 times that of a single cloned minicircle kDNA molecule. The filter hybridizations and heteroduplex analyses suggest that minicircle molecules possess sequences in common with each other. The renaturation kinetics indicates that these homologous regions comprise about one-fourth of the 1.1-kb minicircle molecule. Therefore each minicircle molecule appears to have about one-fourth of its sequence in common with a large percentage of the total minicircle population and the remaining three-fourths in common with about 1 out of 300 minicircle molecules.  相似文献   

J.Peter Kusel  Bayard T. Storey 《BBA》1973,305(3):570-580
Highly purified mitochondrial preparations from the trypanosomatid hemoflagellate, Crithidia fasciculata (A.T.C.C. No.11745), were examined by low-temperature difference spectroscopy. The cytochrome a+a3 maximum of hypotonically-treated mitochondria reduced with succinate, was shifted from 605 nm at room temperature to 601 nm at 77 °K. The Soret maximum, found at 445 nm at 23 °C, was split at 77 °K into two approximately equally absorbing species with maxima at 438 and 444 nm. A prominent shoulder observed at 590 nm with hypotonically-treated mitochondria was not present in spectra of isotonic controls.

The cytochrome b maxima observed in the presence of succinate plus antimycin A were shifted from the 431 and 561 nm positions observed at 23 °C to 427 and 557 nm at 77 °K. Multiple b cytochromes were not apparent.

Unlike other soluble c-type cytochromes, the maximum of cytochrome c555 was not shifted at 77 °K although it was split to give a 551 nm shoulder adjacent to the 555 nm maximum. This lack of a low-temperature blue shift was true for partially purified hemoprotein preparations as well as in situ in the mitochondrial membrane.

Using cytochrome c555-depleted mitochondria, a cytochrome c1 pigment was observed with a maximum at 420 nm and multiple maxima at 551, 556, and 560 nm. After extraction of non-covalently bound heme, the pyridine hemochromogen difference spectrum of cytochrome c555-depleted preparations exhibited an maximum at 553 nm at room temperature.

The reduced rate of succinate oxidation by cytochrome c555-depleted mitochondria and the ferricyanide requirement for the reoxidation of cytochrome c1, even in the presence of antimycin, indicated that cytochrome c555-mediated electron transfer between cytochromes c1 and a+a3 in a manner analagous to that of cytochrome c in mammalian mitochondria.  相似文献   

Raymond Kim  Dan S. Ray   《Gene》1985,40(2-3):285-290
An autonomously replicating element (ars 189) has been isolated from the maxicircle DNA of an insect trypanosomatid Crithidia fasciculata. This 189-bp fragment contains two copies of the yeast consensus ARS sequence of (A/T)TTTATPuTTT(T/A), has an A + T composition of 79.4%, and shows a large asymmetry in the distribution of adenine and thymine residues between the two strands. The complementary strands of ars 189 have been cloned into an M 13 vector containing the URA3 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. When these circular single-stranded (ss) DNAs were used to transform yeast spheroplasts, the M 13 chimeric DNA carrying the strand of ars189 rich in adenine generated approximately four times more yeast Ura+ transformants than the construct containing the thymine-rich strand. In contrast, both strands of yeast ARS1 cloned into an M 13 vector transformed yeast at an equivalent level. The conversion of ARS -containing ss DNAs to duplex forms in vivo and their subsequent autonomous replication have been verified by Southern hybridization analysis of extracts from yeast transformants.  相似文献   

N R Sturm  L Simpson 《Cell》1990,61(5):879-884
Guide RNAs (gRNAs) for the editing of sites 1-8 of COIII mRNA and an "unexpected" partially edited COIII mRNA are encoded in the variable regions of specific kinetoplast DNA minicircles. The gRNAs can form 37 and 44 nucleotide perfect hybrids (allowing for G-U base pairs) with edited mRNAs. The gRNAs were detected on Northern blots and shown to have unique 5' ends situated close to the beginning of the potential base pairing with the edited mRNAs. We suggest that kinetoplast DNA minicircle molecules in general may encode gRNAs for editing of cryptogene mRNAs by a mechanism similar to that previously proposed for editing by maxicircle-encoded gRNAs.  相似文献   

Kenneth Stuart 《Plasmid》1979,2(4):520-528
Trypanosoma brucei maxicircle DNA in kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) networks was characterized with restriction endonucleases. The data allow the construction of a circular map of a 22.2-kb molecule. Based on these and previous data each T. brucei kDNA network contains about 45 maxicircles which probably have the same sequence. The maxicircle of strain 164 used in this study was slightly larger and had three EcoRI sites compared to two found in other strains. Fragments generated by digestion with BamHI were largely singly cleaved maxicircles that had a density of 1.681 g/cm3 compared to 1.693 g/cm3 for the intact network. This suggests that maxicircles have a higher A + T content than minicircles. Minicircles in the kDNA network were also characterized with restriction endonucleases. Each enzyme cleaved a specific subset of minicircles from the network. However, no single restriction endonuclease or combination of up to three of these enzymes cleaved all molecules in the network. These results are consistent with earlier results of renaturation kinetic experiments and indicate that there are many different sequence classes of mini-circle DNA.  相似文献   

Kinetoplast DNA minicircles from various species of trypanosomes are heterogeneous in nucleotide sequence to various degrees but in all instances contain a conserved sequence region of 100 to 200 base pairs present in one, two, or four copies per minicircle. Comparison of the conserved sequence regions of minicircles from eight species of trypanosomes revealed a common sequence motif consisting of three conserved sequence blocks (CSBs) present in the same order and with similar spacing in all species. In addition to the invariant 12-base-pair universal minicircle sequence (CSB-3), a 10-base-pair sequence (CSB-1) and an 8-base-pair sequence (CSB-2) are highly conserved in all minicircles. The overlap of CSB-1 and CSB-3 with previously identified 5' termini of newly synthesized minicircle H and L strands, respectively, and the presence of this conserved sequence motif in minicircles from diverse species suggest that these CSBs may determine a common mechanism of minicircle replication.  相似文献   

The native form of Drosophila melanogaster DNA topoisomerase II was purified from Schneider's S3 tissue culture cells and studied with two supercoiled minicircle preparations, mini and mini-CG, 354 bp and 370 bp in length, respectively. Mini-CG contains a d(CG)7 insert which assumes a left-handed Z-DNA conformation in negative supercoiled topoisomers with a negative linking number difference - delta Lk greater than or equal to 2. The interactions of topoisomerase II with topoisomer families of mini and mini-CG were studied by band-shift gel electrophoresis in which the individual topoisomers and their discrete or aggregated protein complexes were resolved. A monoclonal anti-Z-DNA IgG antibody (23B6) bound and aggregated only mini-CG, thereby confirming the presence of Z-DNA. Topoisomerase II bound and relaxed mini-CG more readily than mini. In both cases, there was a preference for more highly negatively supercoiled topoisomers. The topoisomerase II inhibitor VM-26 induced the formation of stable covalent DNA-protein intermediates. In addition, the non-hydrolyzable GTP analogue GTP gamma S inhibited the binding and relaxation activities. Experiments to detect topoisomerase cleavage sites failed to elicit specific loci on either minicircle preparation. We conclude that Drosophila topoisomerase II is able to bind and process small minicircles with lengths as short as 360 bp and negative superhelix densities, - sigma, which can exceed 0.1. Furthermore, the enzyme has a preferential affinity for topoisomers containing Z-DNA segments and relaxes these molecules, presumably by cleavage external to the inserts. Thus, a potentially functional relationship between topoisomerase II, an enzyme regulating the topological state of DNA-chromatin in vivo, and left-handed Z-DNA, a conformation stabilized by negative supercoiling, has been established.  相似文献   

We have previously described an isolated kinetoplast system from Crithidia fasciculata capable of ATP-dependent replication of kinetoplast DNA minicircles (L. Birkenmeyer and D.S. Ray, J. Biol. Chem. 261: 2362-2368, 1986). We present here the identification of two new minicircle species observed in short pulse-labeling experiments in this system. The earliest labeled minicircle species (component A) contains both nascent H and L strands and is heterogeneous in sedimentation and electrophoretic migration. Component A has characteristics consistent with a Cairns-type structure in which the L strand is the leading strand and the H strand is the lagging strand. The other new species (component B) has a nascent 2.5-kilobase linear L strand with a single discontinuity that mapped to either of two alternative origins located 180 degrees apart on the minicircle map. Component B could be repaired to a covalently closed form by Escherichia coli polymerase I and T4 ligase but not by T4 polymerase and T4 ligase. Even though component B has a single gap in one strand, it had an electrophoretic mobility on an agarose gel (minus ethidium bromide) similar to that of a supercoiled circle with three supertwists. Treatment of component B with topoisomerase II converted it to a form that comigrated with a nicked open circular form (replicative form II). These results indicate that component B is a knotted topoisomer of a kinetoplast DNA minicircle with a single gap in the L strand.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase II (Co II) from four different apterygotensCryptopygus nanjiensis (Collembola),Neanura latior (Collembola),Gracilentulus maijiawensis (Protura) andLepidocampa weberi (Diplura) were sequenced. Their A+T content, number of nucleotide substitutions, TV/TV ratio, and Tamura-Nei’s distance were calculated. A series of phylogenetic trees were constructed by parsimony and distance methods using a crustaceanArtemia franciscana as outgroup. Finally the evolutionary trend A+T content of CO II genetic divergence and phylogenetic relationship of apterygotan groups were discussed.  相似文献   

Kinetoplast DNA of Bodo caudatus: a noncatenated structure.   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) of trypanosomes and other parasitic members of the order Kinetoplastida is organized as a complex network containing thousands of catenated circular DNA molecules. We found that the kDNA of a free-living kinetoplastida, Bodo caudatus, exists as a noncatenated structure. The kDNA of B. caudatus represents about 40% of the total cellular DNA, and the major components of this DNA are large circles of 10 and 12 kilobases (kb). Our results indicate that these circles are analogous to trypanosome kDNA minicircles despite their large size and noncatenated form. The kDNA of B. caudatus also contains a minor component of 19 kb which is transcribed. The 19-kb molecules are probably analogous to the maxicircles of trypanosomes. The properties of the B. caudatus kDNA suggest that the catenated network structure of trypanosome kDNA is not required for maxicircle segregation during kinetoplast division or for the expression of the maxicircle genome.  相似文献   

王春阳  郭雨  李海银  陈萍 《生物工程学报》2023,39(12):4996-5013
跨膜p24 (transmembrane emp24 domain, TMED)基因与哺乳动物的免疫反应、信号传导、生长发育和疾病发展等密切相关。然而,昆虫中仅有果蝇TMED的报道。本研究从基因组鉴定了家蚕、赤拟谷盗、烟草天蛾和意大利蜂的TMED家族基因,并发现1个α类、1个β类、1个δ类和多个γ类的TMED家族基因成员构成模式产生于膜翅目分化前昆虫的共同祖先,而果蝇类TMED家族成员构成在进化中形成了独特模式。昆虫TMED家族γ类基因进化速度较快,分化成了TMED6-like、TMED5-like和TMED3-like这3个独立的亚类。TMED5-like基因在膜翅目昆虫发生了丢失,在鳞翅目昆虫祖先中发生了复制,在果蝇类发生了重复。昆虫TMED蛋白除具有典型的TMED结构特征外,还有明显的信号肽。家蚕7个TMED基因分布在6条染色体上,1个基因为单外显子,6个基因为多外显子。从幼虫组织克隆了家蚕7个TMED基因的开放阅读框(open reading frame, ORF)全序列并登录到GenBank数据库。BmTMED1、BmTMED2和BmTMED6在家蚕各个时期和组织中均表达,所...  相似文献   

Free minicircles of kinetoplast DNA in Crithidia fasciculata.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The major form of kinetoplast DNA in Crithidia fasciculata is a network which contains thousands of minicircles linked together in a two-dimensional array. This paper reports the existence of free minicircles in Crithidia which by several criteria are identical to those in networks. They are the same size (about 2500 base pairs), and they yield the same products upon digestion with restriction enzymes. About 0.4% of the minicircles in exponentially growing nonsynchronized cells are free and the remainder are in networks. After a 5-min pulse with [3H]thymidine, above 10% of all of the incorporated radioactivity in the cell is in free minicircles, and the minicircles have a higher specific radioactivity than the average of other DNAs in the cell. Three-branched structures, which resemble Cairns-type replication intermediates, are occasionally observed by electron microscopy. Kinetic studies of the incorporation of [3H]thymidine into free minicircles indicate that they turn over, and this turnover was confirmed by a pulse-chase experiment. These properties of free minicircles suggest that they may be intermediates in the replication of network minicircles.  相似文献   

Summary DNA-DNA hybridization studies of insects, more specificallyDrosophila and cave crickets, have revealed interesting patterns of genome evolution that contrast markedly with what has been seen in other taxa, especially mammals and birds. Insect genomes are composed of sections of single-copy DNA with extreme variation in rates of evolutionary change. This variation is more extreme than between introns and exons; introns fall into the relatively conserved fraction of the genome. Attempts to calculate absolute rates of change inDrosophila DNA have all led to estimates some 5–10 times faster than those found in most vertebrates; this is true even for the more conservative part of the nuclear genome. Finally we point out that morphological similarity, chromosomal similarity, and/or ability to form interspecific hybrids is often associated with quite high levels of single-copy DNA divergence in insects as compared to mammals and birds.  相似文献   

The absence of supercoiling in kinetoplast DNA minicircles.   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Crithidia fasciculata kinetoplast DNA is a mitochondrial DNA composed of 5000 minicircles and approximately 25 maxicircles, all catenated into a giant network. By comparing the linking number of minicircles released from the network by limited sonication with that of control minicircles, we demonstrate that not only does the elaborate catenation of the network not cause supercoiling, but that there is no minicircle supercoiling at all. The absence of catenation-induced supercoiling is explained by our finding [using electron microscopy (EM) and gel electrophoresis] that network minicircles are joined by only one interlock; single interlocking can be accommodated without helix distortion. EM revealed that propidium diiodide supertwists all the network minicircles and thereby condenses the network into a much smaller size while maintaining its planarity. At high dye concentration the network is condensed to a size comparable to that found in vivo. Nevertheless, network minicircles bind less propidium than free minicircles, indicating that catenation into a network restricts the supercoiling of individual rings. These studies show that the mitochondrion of trypanosomatids may be a unique niche in nature where a covalently-closed circular DNA is not supercoiled. This absence of supercoiling may be a major factor in promoting the formation of the network.  相似文献   

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