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Dissolved organic matter (DOM) contributes to organic carbon either stored in mineral soil horizons or exported to the hydrosphere. However, the main controls of DOM dynamics are still under debate. We studied fresh leaf litter and more decomposed organic material as the main sources of DOM exported from the forest floor of a mixed beech/oak forest in Germany. In the field we doubled and excluded aboveground litter input and doubled the input of throughfall. From 1999 to 2005 we measured concentrations and fluxes of dissolved organic C and N (DOC, DON) beneath the Oi and Oe/Oa horizon. DOM composition was traced by UV and fluorescence spectroscopy. In selected DOM samples we analyzed the concentrations of phenols, pentoses and hexoses, and lignin-derived phenols by CuO oxidation. DOC and DON concentrations and fluxes almost doubled instantaneously in both horizons of the forest floor by doubling the litter input and DOC concentrations averaged 82 mg C l−1 in the Oe/Oa horizon. Properties of DOM did not suggest a change of the main DOM source towards fresh litter. In turn, increasing ratios of hexoses to pentoses and a larger content of lignin-derived phenols in the Oe/Oa horizon of the Double litter plots in comparison to the Control plots indicated a priming effect: Addition of fresh litter stimulated microbial activity resulting in increased microbial production of DOM from organic material already stored in Oe/Oa horizons. Exclusion of litter input resulted in an immediate decrease in DOC concentrations and fluxes in the thin Oi horizon. In the Oe/Oa horizon DOC concentrations started to decline in the third year and were significantly smaller than those in the Control after 5 years. Properties of DOM indicated an increased proportion of microbially and throughfall derived compounds after exclusion of litter inputs. Dissolved organic N did not decrease upon litter exclusion. We assume a microbial transformation of mineral N from throughfall and N mineralization to DON. Increased amounts of throughfall resulted in almost equivalently increased DOC fluxes in the Oe/Oa horizon. However, long-term additional throughfall inputs resulted in significantly declining DOC concentrations over time. We conclude that DOM leaving the forest floor derives mainly from decomposed organic material stored in Oe/Oa horizons. Leaching of organic matter from fresh litter is of less importance. Observed effects of litter manipulations strongly depend on time and the stocks of organic matter in forest floor horizons. Long-term experiments are particularly necessary in soils/horizons with large stocks of organic matter and in studies focusing on effects of declined substrate availability. The expected increased primary production upon climate change with subsequently enhanced litter input may result in an increased production of DOM from organic soil horizons.  相似文献   

Coarse woody debris (CWD) may play a role in nutrient cycling in temperate forests through the leaching of solutes, including dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), to the underlying soil. These fluxes need to be considered in element budget calculations, and have the potential to influence microbial activity, soil development, and other processes in the underlying soil, but studies on leaching from CWD are rare. In this study, we collected throughfall, litter leachate, and CWD leachate in situ at a young mixed lowland forest in NY State, USA over one year. We measured the concentrations of DOC, DON, NH4+, NO3, dissolved organic sulfur, SO42−, Cl, Al, Ca, K, Mg, Na, and P, estimated the flux of these solutes in throughfall, and measured the cover of CWD to gain some insight into possible fluxes from CWD. Concentrations of DOC were much higher in CWD leachate than in throughfall or litter leachate (15 vs. 0.7 and 1.6 mM, respectively), and greater than reported values for other leachates from within forested ecosystems. Other solutes showed a similar pattern, with inorganic N being an exception. Our results suggest that microsite scale fluxes of DOC from CWD may be An high relative to throughfall and litter leaching fluxes, but since CWD covered a relatively small fraction (2%) of the forest floor in our study, ecosystem scale fluxes from CWD may be negligible for this site. Soil directly beneath CWD may be influenced by CWD leaching, in terms of soil organic matter, microbial activity, and N availability. Concentrations of some metals showed correlations to DOC concentrations, highlighting the possibility of complexation by DOM. Several solute concentrations in throughfall, including DOC, showed positive correlations to mean air temperature, and fewer showed positive correlations in litter leachate, while negative correlations were observed to precipitation, suggesting both biological and hydrologic control of solute concentrations.  相似文献   

Despite growing attention concerning therole of dissolved organic matter (DOM) inelement cycling of forest ecosystems, thecontrols of concentrations and fluxes of bothdissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen(DON) under field conditions in forest soilsremain only poorly understood. The goal ofthis project is to measure the concentrations and fluxes of DON, NH4 +, NO3 and DOC in bulkprecipitation, throughfall, forest floorleachates and soil solutions of a deciduousstand in the Steigerwald region (northernBavaria, Germany). The DOC and DONconcentrations and fluxes were highest inleachates originating from the Oa layer of theforest floor (73 mg C L–1, 2.3 mg NL–1 and about 200–350 kg C, 8–10 kg Nha–1 yr–1). They were observed to behighly variable over time and decreased in themineral topsoil (17 mg C L–1, 0.6 mg NL–1 and about 50–90 kg C, 2.0 to 2.4 kg Nha–1 yr–1). The annual variability ofDOC and DON concentrations and subsequentialDOC/DON ratios was substantial in allsolutions. The DOC and DON concentrations inthroughfall were positively correlated withtemperature. The DOC and DON concentrationsdid not show seasonality in the forest floorand mineral soil. Concentrations were notrelated to litterfall dynamics but didcorrespond in part to the input of DOC and DONfrom throughfall. The throughfall contributionto the overall element fluxes was higher forDON than for DOC. Concentrations and fluxes ofDON were significantly correlated to DOC inthroughfall and the Oi layer. However, thecorrelation was weak in Oa leachates. Inaddition, seasonal and annual variation ofDOC/DON ratios indicated different mechanismsand release rates from the forest floor forboth components. The concentrations of DOC andDON in forest floor leachates were in mostcases dependent neither on the pH value orionic strength of the solution, nor on thewater flux or temperature changes. As aconsequence, the DOC and DON fluxes from theforest floor into the mineral soil werelargely dependent on the water flux if annualand biweekly time scales are considered.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial distributions of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), chlorophyll-a and inorganic nitrogen were investigated in two small mountainous lakes (Lake Hongfeng and Baihua), on the Southwestern China Plateau, based on almost 2 years’ field observation. DOC concentrations ranged from 163 μM to 248 μM in Lake Hongfeng and from 143 μM to 308 μM in Lake Baihua, respectively, during the study period. DON concentrations ranged from 7 μM to 26 μM in Lake Hongfeng and from 14 μM to 47 μM in Lake Baihua. DOC showed vertical heterogeneity with higher concentrations in the epilimnion than in the hypolimnion during the stratification period. The DON concentration profiles appeared to be more variable than the DOC profiles. Apparent DON maxima occurred in the upper layer of water. In Lake Hongfeng, DOC concentration in the surface water was highest at the end of spring and early summer. DON concentration was 2–5 μM higher in May 2003 and in June 2004 than in adjacent months. DOC and chlorophyll-a concentrations were significantly correlated (r = 0.79, P < 0.05). The period of highest concentrations of DOC in Lake Hongfeng was also the season of concentrated rainfall. Algae activity and allochthonous input might result in an increase of DOC and DON concentrations together. In Lake Baihua, the maximum concentrations of DOC and DON in the surface water occurred simultaneously in May 2003 and February 2004. DOC concentrations were significantly correlated with DON (r = 0.90, P < 0.01), indicating the common sources. Allochthonous input, biological processes, stratification and mixing were the most important factors controlling the distributions and cycling of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and inorganic nitrogen in these two lakes. Inference from the corresponding vertical distributions of DOM and inorganic nitrogen indicated that DOM played potential roles in the internal loading of nitrogen and metabolism in the water body in these small lakes. The carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio showed a potential significance for tracing the source and biogeochemical processes of DOM in the lakes. These results are of significance in the further understanding of biogeochemical cycling and environmental effects of DOM and nitrogen in lake ecosystems.  相似文献   

DyDOC describes soil carbon dynamics, with a focus on dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The model treats the soil as a three-horizon profile, and simulates metabolic carbon transformations, sorption reactions and water transport. Humic substances are partitioned into three fractions, one of which is immobile, while the other two (hydrophilic and hydrophobic) can pass into solution as DOC. DyDOC requires site-specific soil characteristics, and is driven by inputs of litter and water, and air and soil temperatures. The model operates on hourly and daily time steps, and can simulate carbon cycling over both long (hundreds-to-thousands of years) and short (daily) time scales. An important feature of DyDOC is the tracking of 14C, from its entry in litter to its loss as DO14C in drainage water, enabling information about C dynamics to be obtained from both long-term radioactive decay, and the characteristic 14C pulse caused by thermonuclear weapon testing during the 1960s ("bomb carbon"). Parameterisation is performed by assuming a current steady state. Values of a range of variables, including C pools, annual DOC fluxes, and 14C signals, are combined into objective functions for least-squares minimisation. DyDOC has been applied successfully to spruce forest sites at Birkenes (Norway) and Waldstein (Germany), and most of the parameters have similar values at the two sites. The results indicate that the supply of DOC from the surface soil horizon to percolating water depends upon the continual metabolic production of easily leached humic material. In contrast, concentrations and fluxes of DOC in the deeper soil horizons are controlled by sorption processes, involving comparatively large pools of leachable organic matter. Times to reach steady state are calculated to be several hundred years in the organic layer, and hundreds-to-thousands of years in the deeper mineral layers. It is estimated that DOC supplies 89% of the mineral soil carbon at Birkenes, and 73% at Waldstein. The model, parameterised with "steady state" data, simulates short-term variations in DOC concentrations and fluxes, and in DO14C, which are in approximate agreement with observations.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of dissolved organic C (DOC) and its effects on microbial activity and N dynamics were studied during two consecutive years in soils with different organic C concentrations (hilltop and hillslope) in a tropical deciduous forest of Mexico. We found that DOC concentrations were higher at the hilltop than at the hillslope soils, and in both soils generally decreased from the dry to the rainy season during the two study years. Microbial biomass and potential C mineralization rates, as well as dissolved organic N (DON) and NH4+ concentrations and net N immobilization were higher in soils with higher DOC than in soils with lower DOC. In contrast, net N immobilization and NH4+ concentration were depleted in the soil with lowest DOC, whereas NO3 concentrations and net nitrification increased. Negative correlations between net nitrification and DOC concentration suggested that NH4+ was transformed to NO3 by nitrifiers when the C availability was depleted. Taken together, our results suggest that available C appears to control soil microbial activity and N dynamics, and that microbial N immobilization is facilitated by active heterotrophic microorganisms stimulated by high C availability. Soil autotrophic nitrification is magnified by decreases in C availability for heterotrophic microbial activity. This study provides an experimental data set that supports the conceptual model to show and highlight that microbial dynamics and N transformations could be functionally coupled with DOC availability in the tropical deciduous forest soils. Responsible Editor: Chris Neill  相似文献   

Yan J  Zhu X  Zhao J H 《农业工程》2009,29(3):150-154
Effects of grassland conversion to cropland and forest on soil organic carbon (SOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the farming-pastoral ecotone of Inner Mongolia were investigated by direct field sampling. SOC content and DOC content in soil decreased after grassland were shifted to forest or cropland, in the sequence of grassland soil > forest soil > cropland soil. SOC stock declined by 18% after grassland shifted from to forest. Reclamation of cropland for 10 years, 15 years and 20 years lost SOC in 0–30 cm soil layer, by 34%, 14% and 18%, respectively, compared with that of grassland. DOC in 3 soil layers was within 21.1–26.5 mg/L in grassland, 12.1–14.6 mg/L in forest soil, and 8.0–14.0 mg/L in cropland soil. Correlation analysis indicated that SOC content and DOC content were positively dependent on total nitrogen content (p < 0.05), but negatively on bulk density or land use type (p < 0.05). DOC was positively correlated SOC (p < 0.01). Moreover, SOC content could be quantitatively described by a linear combination of land use types (p = 0.000, r2 = 0.712), and DOC content by a linear combination of two soil-related variables, land use types and SOC (p = 0.000, r2 = 0.861).  相似文献   

Effects of grassland conversion to cropland and forest on soil organic carbon (SOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the farming-pastoral ecotone of Inner Mongolia were investigated by direct field sampling. SOC content and DOC content in soil decreased after grassland were shifted to forest or cropland, in the sequence of grassland soil > forest soil > cropland soil. SOC stock declined by 18% after grassland shifted from to forest. Reclamation of cropland for 10 years, 15 years and 20 years lost SOC in 0–30 cm soil layer, by 34%, 14% and 18%, respectively, compared with that of grassland. DOC in 3 soil layers was within 21.1–26.5 mg/L in grassland, 12.1–14.6 mg/L in forest soil, and 8.0–14.0 mg/L in cropland soil. Correlation analysis indicated that SOC content and DOC content were positively dependent on total nitrogen content (p < 0.05), but negatively on bulk density or land use type (p < 0.05). DOC was positively correlated SOC (p < 0.01). Moreover, SOC content could be quantitatively described by a linear combination of land use types (p = 0.000, r2 = 0.712), and DOC content by a linear combination of two soil-related variables, land use types and SOC (p = 0.000, r2 = 0.861).  相似文献   

森林生态系统DOM的来源、特性及流动   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
可溶性有机物质(Dissolved Organic Matter)是森林生态系统主要的可移动碳库及重要的养分库。系统综述了森林生态系统DOM的来源,组成,性质,季节动态;DOM释放与存留机制及影响因素,森林生态系统DOM的流动及干扰对DOM动态影响等,已有研究表明DOM的森林生态系统C、N、P循环,成土作用,污染物迁移等方面起着重要作用。今后森林生态系统DOM的研究应集中于以几方面:(1)确定森林生态系统中DOM源和汇;(2)评价森林水文条件对DOM释放与存留的调节作用;(3)探讨全球气候变化对森林生态系统DOM的影响;(4)可溶性有机氮(Dissolved Organic Nitrogen),可溶性有机磷(Dissolved Organic Phosphorus)动态与可溶性有碳(Dissolved Organic Carbon)动态的差别。  相似文献   

Polar dissolved organic matter (DOM) was isolated from a surface-water sample from the Great Salt Lake by separating it from colloidal organic matter by membrane dialysis, from less-polar DOM fractions by resin sorbents, and from inorganic salts by a combination of sodium cation exchange followed by precipitation of sodium salts by acetic acid during evaporative concentration. Polar DOM was the most abundant DOM fraction, accounting for 56% of the isolated DOM. Colloidal organic matter was 14C-age dated to be about 100% modern carbon and all of the DOM fractions were 14C-age dated to be between 94 and 95% modern carbon. Average structural models of each DOM fraction were derived that incorporated quantitative elemental and infrared, 13C-NMR, and electrospray/mass spectrometric data. The polar DOM model consisted of open-chain N-acetyl hydroxy carboxylic acids likely derived from N-acetyl heteropolysaccharides that constituted the colloidal organic matter. The less polar DOM fraction models consisted of aliphatic alicyclic ring structures substituted with carboxyl, hydroxyl, ether, ester, and methyl groups. These ring structures had characteristics similar to terpenoid precursors. All DOM fractions in the Great Salt Lake are derived from algae and bacteria that dominate DOM inputs in this lake.  相似文献   

For soil carbon to be effectively sequestered beyond a timescale of a few decades, this carbon must become incorporated into passive reservoirs or greater depths, yet the actual mechanisms by which this occurs is at best poorly known. In this study, we quantified the magnitude of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) leaching and subsequent retention in soils of a coniferous forest and a coastal prairie ecosystem. Despite small annual losses of DOC relative to respiratory losses, DOC leaching plays a significant role in transporting C from surface horizons and stabilizing it within the mineral soil. We found that DOC movement into the mineral soil constitutes 22% of the annual C inputs below 40 cm in a coniferous forest, whereas only 2% of the C inputs below 20 cm in a prairie soil could be accounted for by this process. In line with these C input estimates, we calculated advective transport velocities of 1.05 and 0.45 mm year−1 for the forested and prairie sites, respectively. Radiocarbon measurements of field-collected DOC interpreted with a basic transport-turnover model indicated that DOC which was transported and subsequently absorbed had a mean residence time of 90–150 years. Given these residence times, the process of DOC movement and retention is responsible for 20% of the total mineral soil C stock to 1 m in the forest soil and 9% in the prairie soil. These results provide quantitative data confirming differences in C cycles in forests and grasslands, and suggest the need for incorporating a better mechanistic understanding of soil C transport, storage and turnover processes into both local and regional C cycle models.  相似文献   

Crop residue-derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays an important role in soil carbon (C) cycling. To investigate the effects of maize residue-derived DOM and urea additions on the native soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition and soil net C balance a pot experiment was carried out during the winter wheat growing season in the North China Plain (NCP). The results showed that adding maize residue-derived DOM alone (RDOM) or together with urea (RDOM?+?N) accelerated the decomposition of native SOC and resulted in a net SOC loss. The net loss of SOC was 3.90?±?0.61 and 3.53?±?0.48?g?C?m?2 in RDOM and RDOM?+?N treatments, respectively. The stimulatory effect of per unit DOM-C addition on the native SOC decomposition was 0.25?±?0.05 and 0.45?±?0.07 for the RDOM and RDOM?+?N treatments, respectively. Increases in the microbial biomass and the activity of β-glucosidase, invertase and cellobiohydrolase as well as soil mineral N content were responsible for a more intense priming effect in DOM-amended soils. The positive relationship between primed soil C and soil available N (R?=?0.76, P?<?0.05) suggested that the stimulation of decomposition of native SOC by DOM addition would be enhanced by nitrogen fertilizer application.  相似文献   

The impact of conservation tillage practices on soil carbon has been of great interest in recent years. Conservation tillage might have the potential to enhance soil carbon accumulation and alter the depth distribution of soil carbon compared to conventional tillage based systems. Changes in the soil organic carbon (SOC) as influenced by tillage, are more noticeable under long-term rather than short-term tillage practices. The objective of this study was to determine the impacts of long-term tillage on SOC and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) status after 19 years of four tillage treatments in a Hydragric Anthrosol. In this experiment four tillage systems included conventional tillage with rotation of rice and winter fallow system (CTF), conventional tillage with rotation of rice and rape system (CTR), no-till and ridge culture with rotation of rice and rape system (NT) and tillage and ridge culture with rotation of rice and rape system (TR). Soils were sampled in the spring of 2009 and sectioned into 0–10, 10–20, 20–30, 30–40, 40–50 and 50–60 cm depth, respectively.Tillage effect on SOC was observed, and SOC concentrations were much larger under NT than the other three tillage methods in all soil depths from 0 to 60 cm. The mean SOC concentration at 0–60 cm soil depth followed the sequence: NT (22.74 g kg?1) > CTF (14.57 g kg?1) > TR (13.10 g kg?1) > CTR (11.92 g kg?1). SOC concentrations under NT were significantly higher than TR and CTR (P < 0.01), and higher than CTF treatment (P < 0.05). The SOC storage was calculated on equivalent soil mass basis. Results showed that the highest SOC storage at 0–60 cm depth presented in NT, which was 158.52 Mg C ha?1, followed by CTF (106.74 Mg C ha?1), TR (93.11 Mg C ha?1) and CTR (88.60 Mg C ha?1). Compared with conventional tillage (CTF), the total SOC storage in NT increased by 48.51%, but decreased by 16.99% and 12.77% under CTR and TR treatments, respectively. The effect of tillage on DOC was significant at 0–10 cm soil layer, and DOC concentration was much higher under CTF than the other three treatments (P < 0.01). Throughout 0–60 cm soil depth, DOC concentrations were 32.92, 32.63, 26.79 and 22.10 mg kg?1 under NT, CTF, CTR and TR, and the differences among the four treatments were not significant (P > 0.05). In conclusion, NT increased SOC concentration and storage compared to conventional tillage operation but not for DOC.  相似文献   

In this study, we estimated whether changes in hydrological pathwaysduring storms could explain the large temporal variations of dissolvedorganic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) in the runoff of threecatchments: a forest and a grassland sub-catchment of 1600m2 delineated by trenches, and a headwater catchment of 0.7km2.The average annual DOC export from the sub-catchments was 185 kg DOCha–1 y–1 for the forest, 108 kg DOCha–1 y–1 for the grassland and 84 kgDOC ha–1 y–1 for the headwatercatchment. DON was the major form of the dissolved N in soil and streamwater. DON export from all catchments was approximately 6 kg Nha–1 y–1, which corresponded to 60% ofthe total N export and to 50% of the ambient wet N deposition. DOC andDON concentrations in weekly samples of stream water were positivelycorrelated with discharge. During individual storms, concentrations andproperties of DOC and DON changed drastically. In all catchments, DOCconcentrations increased by 6 to 7 mg DOC l–1 comparedto base flow, with the largest relative increment in the headwatercatchment (+350%). Concentrations of DON, hydrolysable amino acids, andphenolics showed comparable increases, whereas the proportion ofcarbohydrates in DOC decreased at peak flow. Prediction of DOC and DONconcentrations by an end-member mixing analysis (EMMA) on the base ofinorganic water chemistry showed that changes in water flow pathslargely explained these temporal variability. According to the EMMA, thecontribution of throughfall to the runoff peaked in the initial phase ofthe storm, while water from the subsoil dominated during base flow only.EMMA indicated that the contribution of the DOC and DON-rich topsoil washighest in the later stages of the storm, which explained the highestDOC and DON concentrations as the hydrograph receded. Discrepanciesbetween observed and predicted concentrations were largest for thereactive DOC compounds such as carbohydrates and phenolics. Theyoccurred at base flow and in the initial phase of storms. This suggeststhat other mechanisms such as in-stream processes or a time-variantrelease of DOC also played an important role.  相似文献   

森林凋落物是森林生态系统中可溶性有机碳(DOC)的主要来源,在生态系统碳循环过程中起重要作用。以帽儿山地区胡桃楸、兴安落叶松以及胡桃楸-兴安落叶松人工林凋落物为研究对象,通过液体发酵培养将纤维素高效降解真菌Peniophora intranata与Sarocladium strictum制成单一(A菌剂、B菌剂)及混合菌剂(C菌剂),测定野外条件下经降解剂处理的凋落物基质在不同时期的DOC含量,分析降解剂对不同类型森林凋落物DOC动态变化的影响,并比较各凋落物基质降解模式异同。结果表明:(1)凋落物基质DOC含量在降解剂处理后均随降解时间增加呈下降趋势,且下降幅度大小表现为混合基质>胡桃楸基质>落叶松基质;在最初的1个月,各凋落物基质DOC含量均显著高于其他降解时期DOC含量。(2)经混合菌剂处理后的胡桃楸基质DOC含量相较于2种单一菌剂处理后的胡桃楸基质DOC含量低,而经混合菌剂处理后的兴安落叶松基质与胡桃楸-兴安落叶松基质的DOC含量未表现出相同的显著性。(3)经3种菌剂处理后的胡桃楸基质降解模式均相同,经B菌剂与C菌剂处理的落叶松基质降解模式相同,经A菌剂与C菌剂处理...  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on hypolimnetic metabolism (accumulation of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and methane (CH4)) in 21 lakes across a gradient of DOC concentrations (308 to 1540 mol C L–1). The highly colored nature of the DOC in these lakes suggests it is mostly of terrestrial origin. Hypolimnetic methane accumulation was positively correlated with epilimnetic DOC concentration (Spearman rank correlation = 0.67; p < 0.01), an indicator of allochthonous DOC inputs, but not with photic zone chlorophyll a concentration (Spearman rank correlation = 0.30; p = 0.22). Hypolimnetic DOC concentrations declined in 19 of 21 lakes during the stratified period at rates that ranged from 0.06 to 53.9 mmol m–2 d–1. The hypolimnetic accumulation of DIC + CH4 was positively correlated with, and, in most cases of comparable magnitude to, this DOC decline suggesting that DOC was an important substrate for hypolimnetic metabolism. The percentage of surface irradiance reaching the thermocline was lower in high DOC lakes (0.3%) than in low DOC lakes (6%), reducing hypolimnetic photosynthesis (as measured by the depth and magnitude of the deep dissolved oxygen maxima) in the high DOC lakes. In June, the hypolimnia of lakes with < 400 mol L–1 DOC had high concentrations of dissolved oxygen and no CH4, while the hypolimnia of lakes with DOC > 800 mol L–1 were completely anoxic and often had high CH4 concentrations. Thus, DOC affects hypolimnetic metabolism via multiple pathways: DOC was significant in supporting hypolimnetic metabolism; and at high concentrations depressed photosynthesis (and therefore oxygen production and DIC consumption) in the hypolimnion.  相似文献   

Understanding how the concentration and chemical quality of dissolved organic matter (DOM) varies in soils is critical because DOM influences an array of biological, chemical, and physical processes. We used PARAFAC modeling of excitation–emission fluorescence spectroscopy, specific UV absorbance (SUVA254) and biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) incubations to investigate the chemical quality of DOM in soil water collected from 25 cm piezometers in four different wetland and forest soils: bog, forested wetland, fen and upland forest. There were significant differences in soil solution concentrations of dissolved organic C, N, and P, DOC:DON ratios, SUVA254 and BDOC among the four soil types. Throughout the sampling period, average DOC concentrations in the four soil types ranged from 9–32 mg C l−1 and between 23–42% of the DOC was biodegradable. Seasonal patterns in dissolved nutrient concentrations and BDOC were observed in the three wetland types suggesting strong biotic controls over DOM concentrations in wetland soils. PARAFAC modeling of excitation–emission fluorescence spectroscopy showed that protein-like fluorescence was positively correlated (r 2 = 0.82; P < 0.001) with BDOC for all soil types taken together. This finding indicates that PARAFAC modeling may substantially improve the ability to predict BDOC in natural environments. Coincident measurements of DOM concentrations, BDOC and PARAFAC modeling confirmed that the four soil types contain DOM with distinct chemical properties and have unique fluorescent fingerprints. DOM inputs to streams from the four soil types therefore have the potential to alter stream biogeochemical processes differently by influencing temporal patterns in stream heterotrophic productivity.  相似文献   

Leaching of ammonium (NH4+) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from food pellets used at three fish farms in the Mediterranean Sea and the faeces of four different species of farm-associated wild fish (Trachurus mediterraneus, Mugil cephalus, Trachinotus ovatus and Boops boops) were determined. They were placed in seawater and agitated slowly (5 cm s− 1) to reflect natural conditions during their fall to the sediment. Two temperatures were tested, 25 °C and 15 °C, to assess the influence of seasons on leaching rates. Leaching from fish faeces was generally higher compared to food pellets. T. mediterraneus faeces leached more NH4+ and DOC than M. cephalus, T. ovatus and B. boops. The results showed that there is an important addition of NH4+ and DOC to the water column during sinking of the faeces and that this is species-dependent. Water turbulence and faeces composition seemed to have a higher influence than temperature on the leaching process. Due to the high abundance and biomass of farm-associated fish in the Mediterranean and their capacity to remove waste, they appear to be an important component for models that predict the impact of aquaculture. Large biomasses of wild fish at fish farms may reduce the impact on benthic systems but increase the nitrogen and carbon loads into the water column, affecting the pelagic system and modifying the spatial dispersion of wastes.  相似文献   

凋落物是森林土壤有机碳(SOC)形成、稳定和周转的重要影响因子。目前针对亚热带不同类型森林地上和地下凋落物对新SOC累积和老SOC输出动态平衡的影响仍不清楚。本研究以中亚热带常绿阔叶天然林、马尾松人工林和杉木人工林为对象,基于C3/C4植物-土壤置换试验,利用稳定同位素13C示踪方法开展3年野外定位试验,分析了森林地上、地下凋落物输入对SOC周转的影响。结果表明: 森林类型、凋落物处理和时间均能显著影响SOC含量、土壤δ13C值、新SOC和老SOC含量,且存在显著的森林类型×凋落物处理交互效应。地上和地下凋落物输入均能显著提高SOC含量和净增量,与杉木人工林相比,天然林SOC对凋落物输入的响应更敏感。凋落物输入显著降低了土壤δ13C值,且天然林、马尾松人工林土壤δ13C显著低于杉木人工林。在马尾松人工林,地下凋落物处理的新SOC含量显著高于地上凋落物;在天然林和马尾松人工林,地下凋落物输入处理的老SOC含量显著低于地上凋落物处理。此外,地上凋落物归还量和地下根生物量与SOC含量和净增量呈显著正相关,而地下根凋落物量和C/N与新SOC含量呈显著正相关。森林地下凋落物比地上凋落物输入对SOC周转的影响更重要,且不同森林凋落物输入对SOC的影响存在差异性。本研究可为揭示亚热带典型森林土壤有机碳库的形成和可持续管理提供依据。  相似文献   

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