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目的:分离培养小鼠胰腺星形细胞(PSCs),检测Notch3对促进PSCs活化的基因表达及信号通路的影响.方法:对小鼠PSCs进行分离培养及传代.采用免疫荧光染色检测活化的小鼠PSCs中α-SMA,fibronectin及collagen Ⅰ的表达;细胞分组为空白对照组(MOCK组),阴性对照组(转染Notch3 si...  相似文献   

Insulin receptor (IR) gene expression at the mRNA level was investigated in hindlimb skeletal muscle, epididymal adipose tissue and in the liver of rats exposed to prolonged in vivo administration of deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA). Following treatment, plasma insulin levels were reduced while glucose levels increased compared to values in control rats. DOCA-treated animals showed an increase in blood pressure and a reduction in body weight. This treatment also induced hypokalemia and decreased plasma protein levels. Sodium levels were unaffected. Moreover, no differences in DNA and protein content or in the indicator of cell size (protein/DNA) were observed in the skeletal muscle or adipose tissue of animals. In contrast, there was a clear increase in the protein and DNA contents of the liver with no change in the indicator of cell size. Northern blot assays revealed 2 major IR mRNA species of approximately 9.5 and 7.5 Kb in the 3 tissues from control animals. DOCA treatment induced no change in the levels of either RNA species in skeletal muscle. However, a decrease of approximately 22% was detected in the levels of both species in adipose tissue whereas the liver showed an increase of 64%. These results provide the first evidence for an in vivo tissue-specific modulation of IR mRNA levels under experimental conditions of mineralocorticoid excess.  相似文献   

目的:建立一种新的前胶原基因探针制备方法,并用克勤克俭 检测HSC的前胶原mRNA表达。方法:从NCBIGeneBank查询Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ型前胶原基因的序列,根据基因序列用OLIGO软件设计其引物:RT-PCR扩增基因,并用不对称PCR方法和DIG-dUTP标记前胶原基因探针,用其原位杂交检测HSC前胶原基因表达。结果:用所设计的引物和RT-PCR扩增得到目的基因,制备了DIG标记的前胶原基因探针,并用其检到HSC的前胶左面的基因表达。结论:建立了一种新的、较简易的前胶原基因探针标记方法,并对其它基因探针的标记有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Chronic social stress is a predictor of both aging‐related disease and mortality risk. Hence, chronic stress has been hypothesized to directly exacerbate the process of physiological aging. Here, we evaluated this hypothesis at the level of gene regulation. We compared two data sets of genome‐wide gene expression levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs): one that captured aging effects and another that focused on chronic social stress. Overall, we found that the direction, although not necessarily the magnitude, of significant gene expression changes tends to be shared between the two data sets. This overlap was observable at three levels: (i) individual genes; (ii) general functional categories of genes; and (iii) molecular pathways implicated in aging. However, we also found evidence that heterogeneity in PBMC composition limits the power to detect more extensive similarities, suggesting that our findings reflect an underestimate of the degree to which age and social stress influence gene regulation in parallel. Cell type‐specific data on gene regulation will be important to overcome this limitation in the future studies.  相似文献   

鼠疫耶尔森氏菌是烈性传染病鼠疫的病原菌,该菌在媒介(跳蚤)和宿主(哺乳动物)之间的循环过程中,基因表达适应环境谱的变化。本介绍鼠疫耶尔森氏菌适应环境信号如不同温度、离子浓度、pH等条件下的基因表达调控研究现状。  相似文献   

Enzymes involved in catecholamine synthesis are present in the highest concentration in the adrenal medulla, however they were found also in other, mainly nervous tissues. The aim of our study was to quantify the exact concentration of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and dopamine-ss-hydroxylase (DBH) mRNA in rat stellate ganglia under control conditions and at different intervals after exposure to immobilization stress (IMO). In rats immobilized once for 2h, we determined TH and DBH mRNA in different time intervals up to 22 h after the end of the stress stimulus. TH immunoreactive protein levels were also determined in stellate ganglia. TH and DBH mRNA levels were quantified by RT-competitive-PCR.In stellate ganglia, the concentration of TH mRNA was 17+/-1.6 amol/microg of total RNA, which is approximately 30-times lower than in the adrenal medulla. The concentration of DBH mRNA in the stellate ganglia was 2601+/-203 amol/microg of total RNA, which is the concentration similar to adrenal medulla, but is 150-times higher than concentration of TH mRNA in stellate ganglia. After a single 2-h immobilization the highest elevation of TH and DBH mRNA levels was measured 22 h after the termination of the stress stimulus. Repeated immobilization (7 days, 2h daily) did not produce further increase in TH and DBH mRNA levels compared to already elevated levels in adapted control group (immobilized for 6 days, 2h daily and decapitated 22 h later). Levels of TH protein were significantly changed only after the repeated immobilization.This study compared for the first time the precise amounts of TH and DBH mRNA in rat stellate ganglia under control conditions and after immobilization stress, and indicates large differences in their concentration. TH and DBH mRNA concentrations in stellate ganglia are markedly elevated for a prolonged period of time after termination of the stress stimuli.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is the hypothalamic releasing factor that controls pituitary gonadotropin subunit gene expression and indirectly gametogenesis and steroidogenesis from the gonad, which results in reproductive competence.2. GnRH is synthesized in only about 1000 neurons in the hypothalamus and released in an episodic fashion down the median eminence to regulate gonadotropin biosynthesis.3. Although much is known about the secretory dynamics of GnRH release, little is known about the pretranslational control of GnRH biosynthesis due to lack of appropriate model systems. The recent availability of immortalized neuronal cell lines that produce GnRH allows investigators for the first time to begin to dissect the factors that directly regulate GnRH gene expression.4. This article reviews the current state of knowledge concerning the mechanisms that direct tissue-specific and peptide hormone control of GnRH biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The spatial, temporal, and hormonal pattern of expression of the β-casein gene is highly regulated and confined to the epithelial cells of the lactating mammary gland. Previous studies have shown that 1.7 kb of the bovine β-casein promoter were able to drive cell-specific and hormone-dependent expression to a mouse mammary cell line but failed to induce accurate expression to the mammary gland of transgenic mice. We investigated here the ability of 3.8 kb of the bovine β-casein gene promoter to drive the expression of the human growth hormone (hGH) gene in transgenic mice. A Northern blot analysis using total RNA obtained from different tissues of lactating and nonlactating females revealed the presence of hGH mRNA only in the mammary gland of lactating females. hGH mRNA was not detectable in the mammary gland of virgin females or males. A developmental analysis showed that hGH mRNA only peaked on parturition, resembling more closely the bovine β-casein temporal expression pattern rather than the murine. In situ hibridization studies performed on mammary gland sections showed that the cellular pattern of hGH expression was homogeneous in all lobules from heterozygous and homozygous transgenic mice. Silver grain counts on the tissue sections highly correlated with the hGH contents in the milk determined by radioimmunoassay (r = 0.996). Thus 3.8 kb of the bovine β-casein promoter direct a high-level expression of a reporter gene to the lactating mammary gland of transgenic mice in a tissue-specific and developmentally regulated manner. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 49:236–245, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Psychological stressors precipitate and maintain stress-induced psychopathology, and it is likely that altered amygdala function underlies some of the deleterious effects of psychological stress. To understand the mechanisms underlying the linkage between the response to psychological stressors and maladaptive or psychopathological responses, we have focused on amygdala responsivity in animal models employing species-specific psychological stressors. In the present study, we characterized the effects of a 15-min exposure to a natural predator, the ferret, on rat behavior and the expression of the somatostatin family of genes in the amygdala. We examined the somatostatin family of genes because substantial evidence shows that central somatostatin systems are altered in various neuropsychiatric illnesses. We report that rats respond to acute ferret exposure with a significant increase in fearful and anxious behaviors that is accompanied by robust amygdala activation and an increase in somatostatin receptor 2 (sst2) messenger RNA expression within the amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex. These studies are the first to show stress-induced changes in amygdala sst2 expression and may represent one mechanism by which psychological stress is linked to adaptive and maladaptive behavioral responses.  相似文献   

Stress responses play an important role in shaping species distributions and robustness to climate change. We investigated how stress responses alter the contribution of additive genetic variation to gene expression during development of the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, under increased temperatures that model realistic climate change scenarios. We first measured gene expression responses in the embryos by RNA‐seq to characterize molecular signatures of mild, chronic temperature stress in an unbiased manner. We found that an increase from 12 to 18 °C caused widespread alterations in gene expression including in genes involved in protein folding, RNA processing and development. To understand the quantitative genetic architecture of this response, we then focused on a well‐characterized gene network involved in endomesoderm and ectoderm specification. Using a breeding design with wild‐caught individuals, we measured genetic and gene–environment interaction effects on 72 genes within this network. We found genetic or maternal effects in 33 of these genes and that the genetic effects were correlated in the network. Fourteen network genes also responded to higher temperatures, but we found no significant genotype–environment interactions in any of the genes. This absence may be owing to an effective buffering of the temperature perturbations within the network. In support of this hypothesis, perturbations to regulatory genes did not affect the expression of the genes that they regulate. Together, these results provide novel insights into the relationship between environmental change and developmental evolution and suggest that climate change may not expose large amounts of cryptic genetic variation to selection in this species.  相似文献   

【目的】为探讨烟蚜Myzus persicae适应UV-B胁迫的分子机制。【方法】采用RT-PCR和RACE技术克隆了烟蚜热激蛋白基因Hsp70的全长,利用生物信息学方法分析了其特征;采用实时荧光定量PCR检测了不同时长(0,15,30,60,90和120 min) UV-B胁迫下烟蚜成虫中该基因的相对表达量。【结果】克隆获得烟蚜Hsp70基因并命名为MpHsp70(GenBank登录号:MF509827),该基因全长为2 221 bp,开放阅读框(ORF) 1 965 bp,编码654个氨基酸,蛋白相对分子量为71. 41kD,等电点(p I)为5. 34,末端高度保守序列EEVD显示该蛋白属于胞质热激蛋白。系统进化关系分析表明,MpHsp70与多种昆虫的Hsp70的同源性较高,表现出Hsp70基因的高度保守性。实时荧光定量PCR分析表明,随着UV-B照射时间的延长,烟蚜成虫体内MpHsp70基因的表达量先上升后下降,当照射时间为30 min时表达量最大。【结论】烟蚜MpHsp70基因可以响应UV-B的胁迫,它可能在烟蚜适应UV-B胁迫过程中起到重要作用。  相似文献   



Autoimmune inflammation is a characteristic feature of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and other autoimmune diseases. In the natural course of human autoimmune diseases, it is rather difficult to pinpoint the precise timing of the initial event that triggers the cascade of pathogenic events that later culminate into clinically overt disease. Therefore, it is a challenge to examine the early preclinical events in these disorders. Animal models are an invaluable resource in this regard. Furthermore, considering the complex nature of the pathogenic immune events in arthritis, microarray analysis offers a versatile tool to define the dynamic patterns of gene expression during the disease course.  相似文献   

目的:观察慢性束缚应激大鼠相关脑区CRF mRNA(下丘脑、垂体、海马、皮层)含量变化以及逍遥散对其影响.方法:用RT-PCR和图像分析方法测定相关脑区CRF mRNA含量变化.结果:应激组较正常对照组在下丘脑CRF-1基因表达下调(P<0.01).在下丘脑逍遥散组较应激组CRF-1基因表达显著下调(P<0.01),CRF-2基因表达显著上调(P<0.01);在海马区逍遥散组CRF-2基因表达较模型组上调(P<0.05);在皮层逍遥散组CRF-1基因表达较应激组则显著上调(P<0.01).结论:逍遥散组对慢性束缚应激中枢神经肽CRF的调节位点在下丘脑、垂体、海马和皮层,充分证实逍遥散的调节靶点与下丘脑、边缘系统及皮层中枢有关.  相似文献   

Effect of copy number on the expression of bovine growth hormone gene (bGH) was investigated using the copy number mutants such as pKBJ10, pBJ( tet)10, pUBJ10-1, and pUBJ10 plasmids. The cells harboring plasmids below 84 copies/cell did not produced detectable levels of bGH. When the ColE1 replicon was replaced with the mutated ColE1 replicon originated from pUC19 plasmid, the copy number was increased to about 300 copies/cell and bGH production was enhanced by 11.5% (pUBJ10-1) and 12.3% of total cell protein (pUBJ10). A large amount of mRNA caused by increment of copy number would be needed to overcome some inhibitory threshold and might be an important factor for regulating bGH expression.  相似文献   

首次从长春花中克隆了CrleaCrlea for Catharanthus roseus late embryogenesis abundant)的全长基因,采用荧光定量PCR方法对干旱胁迫下长春花叶片和根部Crlea基因的表达模式进行监测,结果表明,在0.5~8 h的胁迫时间中,叶片和根部的Crlea基因表现出相似的积累模式。长春花Crlea基因的表达随着胁迫时间的延长而表达增强。在叶片中,在6 h和8 h的干旱处理后,Crlea基因表达显著提高,分别是未处理材料的9.984和20.431倍。在根部, 在8 h的处理后,Crlea基因的表达量显著提高(2.831倍于对照)。初步结果表明Crlea基因的表达没有组织特异性,并且为干旱胁迫正调控。  相似文献   

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