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DNA polymerase theta has been implicated in the process of somatic hypermutation in immunoglobulin variable genes based on several reports of alterations in the frequency and spectra of mutations from Polq(-/-) mice. However, these studies have contrasting results on mutation frequencies and the types of nucleotide substitutions, which question the role of polymerase theta in hypermutation. DNA polymerase eta has a dominant effect on mutation and may substitute in the absence of polymerase theta to affect the pattern. Therefore, we have examined mutation in mice deficient for both polymerases theta and eta. The mutation frequencies in rearranged variable genes from Peyer's patches were similar in wild type, Polq(-/-), Polh(-/-), and Polq(-/-)Polh(-/-) mice. The types of substitutions were also similar between wild type and Polq(-/-) clones, and between Polh(-/-) and Polq(-/-)Polh(-/-) clones. Furthermore, there was no difference in heavy chain class switching in splenic B cells from the four groups of mice. These results indicate that polymerase theta does not play a significant role in the generation of somatic mutation in immunoglobulin genes.  相似文献   

We recently demonstrated that mouse spermatozoa contain a mechanism to degrade their DNA into loop-sized fragments of about 50 kb, mediated by topoisomerase IIB, termed sperm chromatin fragmentation (SCF). SCF is often followed by a more complete digestion of the DNA with a sperm nuclease. When SCF-induced spermatozoa are injected into oocytes, the paternal pronuclei degrade their DNA after the initiation of DNA synthesis, but the maternal pronuclei are unaffected and replicate normally. Here, we tested whether the nuclease activity changes in spermatozoa of different maturation stages, and whether there is a functional relationship between the initiation of DNA synthesis and paternal DNA degradation induced by SCF in the zygote. We found that spermatozoa from the vas deferens have a much higher level of SCF activity than those from the cauda epididymis, suggesting that spermatozoa may acquire this activity in the vas deferens. Furthermore, paternal pronuclei formed in zygotes from injecting oocytes with SCF-induced vas deferens spermatozoa degraded their DNA, but this degradation could be inhibited by the DNA synthesis inhibitor, aphidicolin. Upon release from a 4 h aphidicolin-induced arrest, DNA synthesis was initiated in maternal pronuclei, while the paternal pronuclei degraded their DNA. Longer aphidicolin arrest resulted in the paternal pronuclei replicating their DNA, suggesting that delaying the initiation of DNA synthesis allowed the paternal pronuclei to overcome the SCF-induced DNA degradation pathway. These results suggest that the paternal DNA degradation, in oocytes fertilized with SCF-induced spermatozoa, is coupled to the initiation of DNA synthesis in newly fertilized zygotes.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) might suppress antibody maturation either by facilitating bypass of the germinal center reaction or by inhibiting hypermutation directly. However, by infecting the Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) cell line Ramos, which hypermutates constitutively and can be considered a transformed analogue of a germinal center B cell, with EBV as well as by transfecting it with selected EBV latency genes, we demonstrate that expression of EBV gene products does not lead to an inhibition of hypermutation. Moreover, we have identified two natural EBV-positive BL cell lines (ELI-BL and BL16) that hypermutate constitutively. Thus, contrary to expectations, EBV gene products do not appear to affect somatic hypermutation.  相似文献   

Class switch DNA recombination (CSR) and somatic hypermutation (SHM) are central to the maturation of the Ab response. Both processes involve DNA mismatch repair (MMR). MMR proteins are recruited to dU:dG mispairs generated by activation-induced cytidine deaminase-mediated deamination of dC residues, thereby promoting S-S region synapses and introduction of mismatches (mutations). The MutL homolog Mlh3 is the last complement of the mammalian set of MMR proteins. It is highly conserved in evolution and is essential to meiosis and microsatellite stability. We used the recently generated knockout mlh3(-/-) mice to address the role of Mlh3 in CSR and SHM. We found that Mlh3 deficiency alters both CSR and SHM. mlh3(-/-) B cells switched in vitro to IgG and IgA but displayed preferential targeting of the RGYW/WRCY (R = A or G, Y = C or T, W = A or T) motif by Sgamma1 and Sgamma3 breakpoints and introduced more insertions and fewer donor/acceptor microhomologies in Smu-Sgamma1 and Smu-Sgamma3 DNA junctions, as compared with mlh3(+/+) B cells. mlh3(-/-) mice showed only a slight decrease in the frequency of mutations in the intronic DNA downstream of the rearranged J(H)4 gene. However, the residual mutations were altered in spectrum. They comprised a decreased proportion of mutations at dA/dT and showed preferential RGYW/WRCY targeting by mutations at dC/dG. Thus, the MMR Mlh3 protein plays a role in both CSR and SHM.  相似文献   

Soluble nuclear extracts prepared from adenovirus-infected HeLa cells supported adenovirus DNA replication with exogenous DNA-protein complex as template, but protease-treated, phenol-extracted DNA was less active. Replication was enhanced when creatine phosphate and creatine phosphokinase were included in the reaction mixture, rendering the reaction independent of exogenous ATP. Genomic-length, newly synthesized DNA strands were first observed 30 min after initiation of replication and continued to increase in amount for at least 4 h. Thus, the rate of replication is consistent with previous estimates of the rate of replication in vivo. Nascent DNA strands bound to benzoylated, naphthoylated DEAE-cellulose due to their association with protein. The 5' termini of nascent DNA strands were resistant to the 5'- to 3'-specific T7 exonuclease, and the 3' termini of nascent strands were sensitive to the 3'- to 5'-specific exonuclease III. These results suggest that a protein becomes covalently linked to the 5' termini of nascent DNA strands replicated in vitro. Nuclear extracts prepared from adenovirus type 2-infected cells also supported replication of DNA-protein complex prepared from the unrelated type 7 adenovirus. The limited sequence homology between these two viruses at the origin of replication further defines recognition sequences at the origin. These results are discussed in terms of a model for adenovirus DNA replication in which the terminal protein and sequences within the inverted terminal repetition are involved in the formation of an initiation complex that is able to prime DNA replication.  相似文献   

mut-25, a mutation to mutator linked to purA in Escherichia coli.   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The mutation mut-25 that results in a mutator phenotype is closely linked to purA on the chromosome of Escherichia coli. The gene order in this region is ampA mut-25 purA. purA mut-25 double mutants retained mutator activity indicating that mut-25 is not a mutation in the purA gene. The repair mutations uvrA6, recA56, and exrA1 had no effect on mutation frequencies in mut-25 strains, and mut-25 strains were normally resistant to ultraviolet irradiation. Frequencies of host range mutations were not increased in phages T1, T2, and T7 grown on mut-25 strains. mut-25 could act trans, reverting the trpA46 mutation either on the chromosome or on an F episome. The transitions AT yields GC (adenine-thymine yields guanine-cytosine) and GC yields AT were induced by mut-25.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 replicating DNA was pulse labeled with alpha-32P-dATP using an acellular DNA replication system. Nascent DNA chains of less than 200 nucleotides (Okazaki pieces) were then isolated from the denatured replicating DNA by electrosieving through a polyacrylamide gel column. The purified Okazaki pieces were hybridized to separated strands of Bg1(1)+Hpa1 simian virus 40 DNA restriction fragments immobilized on nitrocellulose filters. Only strands with polarity of the DNA replication fork direction hybridized with Okazaki pieces. Hence, Okazaki pieces in simian virus 40 are synthesized against the DNA replication fork direction.  相似文献   

During maturation of the immune response, IgM+ B cells switch to expression of one of the downstream isotypes (IgG, A or E). This class switching occurs by region-specific recombination within the IgH locus through an unknown mechanism. A lack of switch recombination in mice deficient in components of the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK)-Ku complex has pointed to a role for non-homologous end joining. Here we characterize a switching defect in mice lacking a protein involved in DNA mismatch recognition. Mice deficient in Msh2 give diminished IgG (but not IgM) responses following challenge with both T cell-dependent and T cell-independent antigens. This appears to reflect a B cell-intrinsic defect since B cells from Msh2-deficient mice also exhibit impaired switching (but not blasting or proliferation) on in vitro culture with lipopolysaccharide. Furthermore, those switches that do occur in Msh2-deficient B cells reveal a shift in the distribution of recombination sites used: the breakpoints are more likely to occur in consensus motifs. These results, which intriguingly parallel the effects of Msh2 deficiency on hypermutation, suggest a role for Msh2 in the mechanics of class-switch recombination.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, DNA replication occurs at discrete nuclear sites termed replication factories. Here we demonstrate that DNA ligase I and the large subunit of replication factor C (RF-C p140) have a homologous sequence of approximately 20 amino acids at their N-termini that functions as a replication factory targeting sequence (RFTS). This motif consists of two boxes: box 1 contains the sequence IxxFF whereas box 2 is rich in positively charged residues. N-terminal fragments of DNA ligase I and the RF-C large subunit that contain the RFTS both interact with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in vitro. Moreover, the RFTS of DNA ligase I and of the RF-C large subunit is necessary and sufficient for the interaction with PCNA. Both subnuclear targeting and PCNA binding by the DNA ligase I RFTS are abolished by replacement of the adjacent phenylalanine residues within box 1. Since sequences similar to the RFTS/PCNA-binding motif have been identified in other DNA replication enzymes and in p21(CIP1/WAF1), we propose that, in addition to functioning as a DNA polymerase processivity factor, PCNA plays a central role in the recruitment and stable association of DNA replication proteins at replication factories.  相似文献   

H Leonhardt  A W Page  H U Weier  T H Bestor 《Cell》1992,71(5):865-873
Tissue-specific patterns of methylated deoxycytidine residues in the mammalian genome are preserved by postreplicative methylation of newly synthesized DNA. DNA methyltransferase (MTase) is here shown to associate with replication foci during S phase but to display a diffuse nucleoplasmic distribution in non-S phase cells. Analysis of DNA MTase-beta-galactosidase fusion proteins has shown that association with replication foci is mediated by a novel targeting sequence located near the N-terminus of DNA MTase. This sequence has the properties expected of a targeting sequence in that it is not required for enzymatic activity, prevents proper targeting when deleted, and, when fused to beta-galactosidase, causes the fusion protein to associate with replication foci in a cell cycle-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The integrity of the genome depends on diverse pathways that regulate DNA metabolism. Defects in these pathways result in genome instability, a hallmark of cancer. Deletion of ELG1 in budding yeast, when combined with hypomorphic alleles of PCNA results in spontaneous DNA damage during S phase that elicits upregulation of ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) activity. Increased RNR activity leads to a dramatic expansion of deoxyribonucleotide (dNTP) pools in G1 that allows cells to synthesize significant fractions of the genome in the presence of hydroxyurea in the subsequent S phase. Consistent with the recognized correlation between dNTP levels and spontaneous mutation, compromising ELG1 and PCNA results in a significant increase in mutation rates. Deletion of distinct genome stability genes RAD54, RAD55, and TSA1 also results in increased dNTP levels and mutagenesis, suggesting that this is a general phenomenon. Together, our data point to a vicious circle in which mutations in gatekeeper genes give rise to genomic instability during S phase, inducing expansion of the dNTP pool, which in turn results in high levels of spontaneous mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Y Liu  E J Oakeley  L Sun    J P Jost 《Nucleic acids research》1998,26(4):1038-1045
It has been shown that, during the S-phase of the cell cycle, the mouse DNA methyltransferase (DNA MTase) is targeted to sites of DNA replication by an amino acid sequence (aa 207-455) lying in the N-terminal domain of the enzyme [Leonhardt, H., Page, A. W., Weier, H. U. and Bestor, T. H. (1992) Cell , 71, 865-873]. In this paper it is shown, by using enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) fusions, that other peptide sequences of DNA MTase are also involved in this targeting. The work focuses on a sequence, downstream of the reported targeting sequence (TS), which is homologous to the Polybromo-1 protein. This motif (designated as PBHD) is separated from the reported targeting sequence by a zinc-binding motif [Bestor , T. H. (1992) EMBO J , 11, 2611-2617]. Primed in situ extension using centromeric-specific primers was used to show that both the host DNA MTase and EGFP fusion proteins containing the targeting sequences were localized to centromeric, but not telomeric, regions during late S-phase and mitosis. Also found was that, in approximately 10% of the S-phase cells, the EGFP fusions did not co-localize with the centromeric regions. Mutants containing either, or both, of these targeting sequences could act as dominant negative mutants against the host DNA MTase. EGFP fusion proteins, containing the reported TS (aa 207-455), were targeted to centromeric regions throughout the mitotic stage which lead to the discovery of a similar behavior of the endogenous DNA MTase although the host MTase showed much less intense staining than in S-phase cells. The biological role of the centromeric localization of DNA MTase during mitosis is currently unknown.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to determine in the intact mouse whether or not mouse skin epidermal DNA to which the polycyclic hydrocarbon DMBA was bound could serve as a template for further DNA replication. Mice which were treated topically with [3H]7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene ([3H]DMBA) received 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in order to incorporate BUdR into replicating DNA which was stimulated to undergo synthesis one or two days later. Epidermal DNA was put on a neutral CsCl gradient and binding of [3H]DMBA was found to both replicated and non-replicated DNA. Separation of the BUdR substituted and non-substituted parental strands of newly replicated DNA an on alkaline CsCl, Cs2SO4 gradient showed that the great majority of DMBA was bound to parental strand DNA. The possibility that [3H]DMBA binding was taking place at the same time that labeling with BUdR occurred was eliminated. Thus, these experiments showed that in the intact mouse, skin epidermal DNA to which DMBA is bound can serve as a template for further DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Preimplantation-stage mouse embryos suspended in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) have been used as a model to study details of the response of a simple multicellular system to freezing and thawing. Rapid freezing to ?196 °C kills the embryos unless they have first been cooled very slowly to at least below ?50 °C. The survival of both 2-cell and 8-cell embryos has been found to depend as critically on the rate at which the frozen embryos were thawed as on the rate at which they were first frozen. The damaging consequences of thawing frozen embryos too rapidly have been shown to occur between ?70 and ?20 °C. Finally, the survival of embryos as a function of the time in DMSO prior to freezing and thawing has been compared with their volume changes as a function of time in DMSO. This comparison leads to the tentative conclusion that dimethyl sulfoxide need not permeate the embryos to protect them against freezing damage. Overall, the embryos' response to freezing and thawing is qualitatively similar to that displayed by many other cell types.  相似文献   

Dietary restriction (DR) has been shown to robustly extend lifespan in multiple species tested so far. The pro-longevity effect of DR is often ascribed to an increase in cellular defense against somatic damage, most notably damage by reactive oxygen species (ROS), considered a major cause of aging. Especially irreversible damage to DNA, the carrier of genetic information, is considered a critical causal factor in aging. Using a recently developed transgenic Drosophila melanogaster model system harboring a lacZ-plasmid construct that can be recovered in E. coli , spontaneous DNA mutation frequency in flies under DR and ad libitum conditions are measured. Three different DR conditions, imposed by manipulating levels of different types of yeast sources, were tested in females and males of two lacZ reporter gene lines. Feeding with the ROS producer paraquat at 1 mM resulted in a rapid accumulation of somatic mutations, indicating that the frequency of mutations at the lacZ locus is a reliable marker for increased oxidative stress. However, none of the DR conditions altered the accumulation of spontaneous mutations with age. These results suggest that the beneficial effects of DR are unlikely to be linked to protection against oxidative somatic DNA damage.  相似文献   

Components of the DNA replication machinery localize into discrete subnuclear foci after DNA damage, where they play requisite functions in repair processes. Here, we find that the replication factors proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and RPAp34 dynamically exchange at these repair foci with discrete kinetics, and this behavior is distinct from kinetics during DNA replication. Posttranslational modification is hypothesized to target specific proteins for repair, and we find that accumulation and stability of PCNA at sites of damage requires monoubiquitination. Contrary to the popular notion that phosphorylation on the NH2 terminus of RPAp34 directs the protein for repair, we demonstrate that phosphorylation by DNA-dependent protein kinase enhances RPAp34 turnover at repair foci. Together, these findings support a dynamic exchange model in which multiple repair factors regulated by specific modifications have access to and rapidly turn over at sites of DNA damage.  相似文献   

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