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The Late Miocene hominoids recovered from Lufeng (Lufengpithecus) and Yuanmou of Yunnan Province, China, are among the most numerous hominoid fossils in Eurasia. They have yielded critical evidence for the evolutionary history, biogeography and paleobiology of Miocene hominoids. We examined and compared the wear pattern and differences of 804 molars of the Yuanmou hominoid and Lufengpithecus. Our results indicate that both the upper and lower molars of the Yuanmou hominoids were more heavily worn than those of Lufengpithecus. The wear patterns of the individual molars between the Yuanmou hominoid and Lufengpithecus also are different. The heaviest wear of lower molars of the Yuanmou hominoid occur in M2, followed by M1 and M3. In Lufengpithecus, M1 and M3 were more heavily worn than M2. There are differences in wear between the upper and lower molars for the two hominoids. Among the various factors related to tooth wear, we suggest that the main reason for the tooth wear differences between the Yuanmou hominoid and Lufengpithecus may be that they had different diets. More soft dietary items like leaves and berries were probably consumed by Lufengpithecus, and the Yuanmou hominoid may mainly have feed on harder or frugivorous diets. This result complements findings from previous studies of tooth size proportion, and the development of lower molar shearing crests in the 2 samples. Enamel thickness, living environment, behavior patterns, and population structure also might account for dental wear differences between the Yuanmou hominoid and Lufengpithecus.  相似文献   

Shape analyses of cross-sectional mandibular molar morphology, using Euclidean Distance Matrix Analysis, were performed on 79 late Miocene hominoid lower molars from Yuanmou of Yunnan Province, China. These molars were compared to samples of chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan,Lufengpithecus lufengensis, Sivapithecus, Australopithecus afarensis, and human mandibular molars. Our results indicate that the cross-sectional shape of Yuanmou hominoid lower molars is more similar to the great apes that to humans. There are few differences between the Yuanmou,L. lufengensis, andSivapithecus molars in cross-sectional morphology, demonstrating strong affinities between these three late Miocene hominoids. All three of the fossil samples show strong similarities to orangutans. From this, we conclude that these late Miocene hominoids are more closely related to orangutants than to either the African great apes or humans.  相似文献   

We investigated the state of dental eruption in specimens of Macroscelides proboscideus and Erinaceus europaeus of known age. When M. proboscideus reaches adult size and sexual maturity, few or none of its replaced permanent cheek teeth have erupted. The approximate sequence of upper tooth eruption is P1, [I3, C, M1], [I1–2], M2, P4, [P2, P3]. Chronologically, E. europaeus erupts its molars and most premolars prior to M. proboscideus; but its first two upper incisors erupt after those of M. proboscideus, and its canines erupt around the same time. The approximate sequence of upper tooth eruption in E. europaeus is [M1, M2, P2, I3], C, M3, P4, P3, I2, I1. Unlike M. proboscideus, E. europaeus does not reach adult size until all permanent teeth except for the anterior incisors have erupted. While not unique among mammals, the attainment of adult body size prior to complete eruption of the permanent cheek teeth is particularly common among macroscelidids and other afrotherians.  相似文献   

Observations on the sequence and timing of gingival tooth eruption are reported for six species of Madagascar lemurs. Complete sequences of eruption were obtained for the deciduous dentition, and partial to complete sequences were recorded for the permanent dentition. In Cheirogaleus medius and in four species of the genus Lemur, the deciduous teeth erupt in front-to-back sequence, with the toothcomb emerging near birth as an integrated complex. In Propithecus verreauxi the same pattern is exhibited, but the small peglike lower canine and dp3 erupt last. Eruption of the permanent dentition in Lemur species takes place in two distinct stages. In the first stage the upper incisors, toothcomb, and first two molars penetrate the gingiva. After an interval of 3 to 4 months, the remaining permanent teeth erupt. Deciduous premolars erupt when young animals are being weaned. The eruption of the deciduous toothcomb appears unrelated to feeding or grooming behavior. In L. catta and L. fulvus, the first stage of permanent tooth eruption occurs at approximately 6 months of age, when the growth rate slows down and (in wild populations) the rainy season is ending. This suggests that eruption of the anterior molars is timed to coincide with a shift from a more frugivorous to a more folivorous dietary regime, which occurs during the dry season. No further tooth eruption occurs until approximately 1 year of age, when the growth rate increases and the rainy season returns for wild populations. Thus, the second wave of permanent tooth eruption in these species again appears linked to changing climatic conditions which lead to a shift in dietary preferences.  相似文献   

Unlike other catarrhines, colobines show early molar eruption relative to that of the anterior dentition. The pattern is variable, with Asian genera (Presbytina) showing a greater variability than the African genera (Colobina). The polarity of early relative molar eruption, as well as the degree to which it is related to phylogeny, are unclear. Schultz (1935) suggested that the trend reflects phylogeny and is primitive for catarrhines. More recently, however, researchers have proposed that life history and dietary hypotheses account for early relative molar eruption. If the colobine eruption pattern is primitive for catarrhines, it implies that cercopithecines and hominoids converged on delayed relative molar eruption. Alternatively, if the colobine condition is derived, factors such as diet and mortality patterns probably shaped colobine eruption patterns. Here we update our knowledge on eruption sequences of living colobines, and explore the evolutionary history of the colobine dental eruption pattern by examining fossil colobine taxa from Eurasia (Mesopithecus) and Africa (Kuseracolobus aramisi and Colobus sp.) and the basal cercopithecoid Victoriapithecus macinnesi. We scored specimens per Harvati (2000). The Late Miocene-Early Pliocene Mesopithecus erupts the second molar early relative to the incisors, while the Early Pliocene Kuseracolobus aramisi does not. These results demonstrate that the common colobine tendency for early molar eruption relative to the anterior dentition had appeared by the Late Miocene, and that some of the diversity observed among living colobines was already established in the Late Miocene/Early Pliocene. We discuss the implications of these results for phylogenetic, life history, and dietary hypotheses of dental development.  相似文献   

Late eruption of the permanent dentition was recently proposed as a shared anatomical feature of endemic African mammals (Afrotheria), with anecdotal reports indicating that it is also present in dasypodids (armadillos). In order to clarify this question, and address the possiblity that late eruption is shared by afrotherians and dasypodids, we quantified the eruption of permanent teeth in Dasypus, focusing on growth series of D. hybridus and D. novemcinctus. This genus is the only known xenarthran that retains two functional generations of teeth. Its adult dentition typically consists of eight upper and eight lower ever-growing (or euhypsodont) molariforms, with no premaxillary teeth. All but the posterior-most tooth are replaced, consistent with the identification of a single molar locus in each series. Comparison of dental replacement and skull metrics reveals that most specimens reach adult size with none or few erupted permanent teeth. This pattern of growth occurring prior to the full eruption of the dentition is similar to that observed in most afrotherians. The condition observed in Dasypus and many afrotherians differs from that of most other mammals, in which the permanent dentition erupts during (not after) growth, and is complete at or near the attainment of sexual maturity and adult body size. The suture closure sequence of basicranial and postcranial epiphyses does not correlate well with dental eruption. The basal phylogenetic position of the taxon within dasypodids suggests that diphyodonty and late dental replacement represent the condition of early xenarthrans. Additionally, the inferred reduction in the number of molars to a single locus and the multiplication of premolars represent rare features for any living mammal, but may represent apomorphic characters for Dasypus.  相似文献   

In the permanent dentition of the extinct genus Dolichopithecus, M1, I1, and I2 were the first to erupt, followed by M2, canine, P4, and P3. M3 was the last permanent tooth to erupt. At the stage of eruption of P4 and P3, M3 was incompletely mineralized. The difference from the extant Cercopithecoidea is the loss of all deciduous teeth after eruption of incisors and M1 and the similarity is observed in the succession of eruption of permanent teeth. In Dolichopithecus, the lower jaw body retained constant in thickness after eruption of M2. The lower jaw increased in length and depth, as the horizontal ramus grew with the formation and eruption of M3.  相似文献   

The complex occlusal fits between tribosphenic teeth are a rich source of information for taxonomic, phylogenetic, and evolutionary analysis. The degree of fit between upper and lower cheek teeth has been used to refer specimens to species-level taxa, but statistical data on occlusal fit in relation to taxonomic identity have been lacking. We used landmarks on upper and lower first molars of 20 bat populations representing 16 species to assess the degree of occlusal fit (1) between teeth from the same individual; (2) between teeth from different individuals belonging to the same populations; and (3) between teeth belonging to different populations. We found that the fit of teeth belonging to different populations was significantly worse than between those of the same population and that the degree of misfit increased linearly with time since common ancestry, albeit with substantial variance. We used our comparisons to assess the species-level diversity within Batodon, the smallest known placental mammal from the Cretaceous. Our data suggest, with caveats, that instead of belonging to a single species, the specimens assigned to Batodon represent at least two species as different as those belonging to different genera or families of living bats.  相似文献   

The study of juvenile remains of Paedotherium Burmeister from Cerro Azul Formation (La Pampa Province, Argentina; late Miocene) is presented. Upper and lower deciduous dentition (or permanent molars supposed to be associated with non-preserved deciduous teeth) are recognised. Several ontogenetic stages are distinguished among juveniles, according to the degree of wear and the replaced deciduous teeth. Besides, some morphological and metrical differences are observed along the crown height. Deciduous cheek teeth are high-crowned and placed covering the apex of the corresponding permanent tooth. The height of the crown and the degree of wear allow establishing the pattern of dental replacement of deciduous and permanent premolars in a posterior–anterior direction (DP/dp4–2 and P/p4–2), as well as the eruption of M/m3 before DP/dp4 is replaced. Some of the studied remains are recognised as young individuals of Tremacyllus Ameghino, but with complete permanent dentition, which leads to propose a different timing in the dental replacement with respect to Paedotherium; they also allow the establishment of an opposite premolar eruption pattern, from P/p2 to P/p4. This knowledge of the deciduous dentition of Paedotherium suggests the need of revising the morphological and metrical characters previously used for defining species within this taxon.  相似文献   

The Ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis, comprising three subspecies, is the only species in the genus Plecoglossus in the family Osmeridae. Here, we describe for the first time the discovery of fossil specimens of P. altivelis from the Upper Miocene sediment of Matsue, Shimane Prefecture, Japan. The fossil individuals are subadult and have comb teeth in the second and third generations. These fossil specimens are clearly similar to the recent P. altivelis, the former’s meristic characters being included in the three recent subspecies. In terms of numbers of pectoral fin rays and vertebrae, the fossil specimens are more similar to the subspecies Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis than the other subspecies, but they also show different dorsal fin shapes and anal fin ray counts. This discovery of fossil P. altivelis indicates the persistence of the species for at least 10 million years, from the Late Miocene to the present.  相似文献   

This work reports on the ages of gingival eruption of deciduous and permanent teeth observed from the time of birth until 30 months old, captive-born individuals. All of the animals were born with the protrusive di1 already through the gingival border. The dmp4 were the last teeth of the deciduous series which emerged at 24.5±3.11 weeks in the males and 27.8±2.95 weeks in the females. Significant sexual differences were found between the eruption period of the dpm2, dmp4 (p<0.05), and dpm4 (p<0.01), with the males being more precocious than the females. The first permanent tooth that emerged, usually, was the M1 at 13.50±2.12 months in the males, and 14.00±0.82 months in the females. At 30 months of age, not one individual had replaced his deciduous canine or premolar teeth with the permanent ones, and, moreover, the M 3 3 had not yet emerged.  相似文献   

Several isolated cheek teeth and mandibular specimens of Rhinocerotidae (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) from the upper Miocene Namurungule Formation in Samburu Hills, Kenya, are redescribed. Previously, these specimens had been identified as Chilotheridium pattersoni, Chilotheridium sp., Paradiceros mukirii, and Paradiceros sp. They are reidentified here as documenting the genus Brachypotherium based on their bucco-lingually broad molariform upper premolars with short crochet and flattened buccal walls on both upper and lower molars, the latter having a shallow external groove. Comparisons with other Brachypotherium species suggest that the present specimens belong to Brachypotherium sp. cf. B. minor. The presence of Brachypotherium in the Samburu Hills, at ca. 9.5 Ma, is concordant with the paleoenvironment (presence of lacustrine and river environments) known for this locality during the early late Miocene.  相似文献   

Pyruvate kinase studies in the granulocyte-macrophage lineage duringin vitro differentiation have been performed using culture techniques on GM-CFC cells and a study has also been done in bone marrow cells.The enzyme exhibits biphasic behaviour with respect to both of its substrates in cells derived fromin vitro cultures at 5 and 7 days of incubation period. However in bone marrow cells these kinetics are only observed for ADP.The different kinetic behaviour of pyruvate kinase toward Fru-1,6-P2, Ala, Phe and ATP in the three cellular populations allows us to conclude that the expression of pyruvate kinase is associated with the differentiation of these cells.Abbreviations GM-CFC granulocyte-macrophage colony forming cells - PK pyruvate kinase - CFU-E Colony Forming Units Erythroid - Ew Error weight - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - Fru-1,6-P2 fructose 1,6-bisphosphate - Ala L-alanine - Phe L-phenylanine - 5 GM granulocytemacrophage colonies obtained after 5 days incubation - 7 GM granulocyte-macrophage colonies obtained after 7 days incubation - h Hill coefficient - S0,5 substrate concentration that yields half-maximal velocity  相似文献   

Fossil cercopithecoid material from Ngeringerowa, Ngorora, and Nakali, dated at between 8.5 and 10.5 m.y., is described. The specimens are the only cercopithecoid remains dated between 15 and 6 m.y. from sub-Saharan Africa. The mandible of asmall colobine from Ngeringerowa (similar in size to Colobus verus) is assigned to a new genus and species, Microcolobus tugenensis. Unlike other colobine genera, the symphysis of Microcolobus lacks an inferior transverse torus. A colobine lower M1 or 2 from Nakali is longer and narrower than molars of M. tugenensis, indicating that it may belong to a distinct taxon. A P4 from Ngorora cannot be assigned confidently to subfamily, due to its unique metaconid morphology. The relationship between the new genus and other Miocene monkeys is considered.  相似文献   

A small collection of fossil catarrhines was recovered from the early Miocene locality of Meswa Bridge in western Kenya between 1978 and 1980. The associated fauna from Meswa Bridge indicates an age older than 20 Ma. Much of the material has been briefly described previously, and its taxonomic status considered. The material can be assigned to a minimum of four individuals, all of which are infants or juveniles. Although the specimens were shown to belong to a distinct species of Proconsul, the taxon was not named, primarily because many of the specimens belonged to immature individuals. Nevertheless, the combined morphological features of the deciduous and permanent teeth allow the diagnosis of a new species of Proconsul, which is formally named here as P. meswae. It is a large-sized species, similar in dental size to P. nyanzae. The main features distinguishing it from all other previously named species of Proconsul are: incisors and deciduous incisors relatively low crowned; upper deciduous canines relatively higher crowned and more robust; molars and deciduous premolars relatively broader and higher crowned, with a more pronounced degree of buccolingual flare and better developed cingula; size differential between molars not as marked; dP4 with a longer mesial fovea and smaller hypoconulid and distal fovea; P4 relatively broader, with a better developed buccal cingulum; lower molars less rectangular with a longer mesial fovea, smaller distal fovea, more restricted talonid basin, and a tendency for a smaller hypoconulid; dP4 and upper molars with strongly buccolingually splayed roots; mandibular corpus in infants relatively deeper and more slender; maxilla with a well developed canine jugum and fossa. The broader and more flared molars with better developed cingula indicate that the Meswa Bridge species is more primitive than other species of Proconsul. The inference that it is a stem member of the Proconsul clade is consistent with the estimated age of the material.  相似文献   

Two catarrhine mandibles and five isolated teeth have been discovered from Early Miocene localities in Western Kenya. One mandible comes from the well‐known locality of Songhor whereas the other is from a newly discovered locality, Lower Kapurtay, located near Songhor. The mandibles both can clearly be assigned to the species Rangwapithecus gordoni based on molar morphology, which is unique among Early Miocene catarrhines. The isolated specimens can be assigned to Rangwapithecus based on their similarities in morphology to the homologues preserved in the two mandibles. These specimens provide important new information about the dentognathic morphology of Rangwapithecus, which is described in detail. The mandible from Songhor (KNM‐SO 22228) represents the first definitive female mandible of Rangwapithecus. The Lower Kapurtay mandible (KNM‐KT 31234) appears to be male but is much smaller than another recently described male mandible of this species (KNM‐SO 17500) and the type maxilla (KNM‐SO 700). These specimens enable a reassessment of the attributions of all other mandibles and isolated lower teeth of Rangwapithecus, and we present a complete hypodigm of the mandibular and lower dental material for the species. Finally, we provide some additions to the diagnosis of Rangwapithecus gordoni based on previously unknown morphology. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:341–352, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Impacted third molars affect 15%–20% of modern Americans and Western Europeans. In contrast, third molar impactions have not been reported in the early hominid fossil record. It is uncertain whether the lack of reports reflects an absence of impactions or a failure to recognize them. This communication is intended to raise awareness of the possibility of impactions by describing the appearance of impacted teeth and by noting two possible instances of impaction in early hominids. Specifically, the mandibular third molars of the Sterkfontein specimen, STS52b (Australopithecus africanus), and the left maxillary third molar of the Lake Turkana specimen, KNM-WT17400 (Australopithecus boisei), are positioned in a manner which suggests that they would not have erupted normally. Both specimens also exhibit strong crowding of the anterior dentition, providing further support for the view that these individuals lacked sufficient space for normal eruption of the third molars. Other published reports of dental crowding in the hominid fossil record are noted, and it is suggested that more attention be paid to dental impaction and dental crowding in hominid evolution. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Variation in the shape of teeth provides an immense amount of information about the evolutionary history and adaptive strategy of a mammalian lineage. Here, we explore variation in the expression of a purported molar lingual remnant (the interconulus) across the Old World Monkeys (Primates: Cercopithecidae) with the aim of elucidating a component of the adaptive radiation of this family. This radiation is characterized by a wide geographic range (Asia and Africa) as well as diverse dietary niches. While all of the cercopithecids are distinguished by their derived bilophodont molars, the colobines have evolved taller and more pointed cusps compared with the cercopithecines. We investigate whether the interconulus also correlates with phylogenetic affinity and/or dietary adaptation. We assess the frequency and range of interconulus expression in 522 specimens representing seven species of Old World Monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis, n = 78; Macaca fascicularis, n = 85; Macaca mulatta, n = 70; Papio hamadryas, n = 55; Colobus guereza, n = 76; Presbytis melalophos, n = 82; Presbytis rubicunda, n = 76). Results show that the interconulus has a significantly higher frequency and degree of expression in Tribe Papionini and exhibits ordered metameric variation with greatest expression in the third molars. Given the rarity of the interconulus in other closely related taxa, and its morphological distinction from the purportedly homologous features in other primates, we interpret the high degree of expression of the interconulus to be a trait derived in papionins that originated in the Miocene baboon/macaque ancestor. Am J Phys Anthropol, 155:422–429, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

New specimens of the tegotheriid docodont Sibirotherium rossicum Maschenko et al., 2003, including a maxillary fragment with two posterior teeth, an isolated upper molar, and mandibular fragments with teeth from the Early Cretaceous Shestakovo locality are described. The dental formula of Sibirotherium is I1 + ?C1P6M6?. The upper molars of Sibirotherium, with two main labial and three lingual cusps, are convergently similar to the molars of tribosphenic mammals. In the dentary, the symphysis is short and Meckel’s groove is reduced. Sibirotherium is similar in the structure of lower teeth to Tegotherium from the Upper Jurassic of Mongolia; it is the latest known representative of Docodonta.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Rhizomyinae is a subfamily of myomorph rodents within the family Spalacidae. It is subdivided into two tribes: the Asian Rhizomyini and the Tachyoryctini. Even though the origin of the Tachyoryctini is to be found in Asia, they are nowadays restricted to Africa. African Tachyoryctini are known from the Late Miocene and include a single genus with five species: the recently discovered Tachyoryctes makooka, which is described in detail in this work, T. pliocaenicus, T. konjiti and the two extant T. splendens and T. macrocephalus. Their closest Asian counterparts are the Late Miocene Protachyoryctes and Eicooryctes. A cladistic analysis involving all the above‐mentioned taxa was carried out. Protachyoryctes tatroti turned out to be the most basal species of the ingroup followed by the Ethiopian T. makooka. Both taxa show some primitive traits like the protosinus on the first upper molars, short but distinct mesolophids on the lower molars and the presence of the mure on the cheek teeth. T. pliocaenicus and the most derived Tachyoryctini share the synapomorphic reduction or loss of these characters. The increase in hypsodonty evidenced in this lineage is correlated with the transition from a humid to a drier climate that started at the beginning of the Pliocene.  相似文献   

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