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浙江天台晚白垩世伤齿龙(troodontids)蛋化石的新发现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
浙江天台上白垩统赤城山组中发掘出属伤齿龙类的棱柱形蛋化石。研究认为,棱柱形蛋从伤齿龙类恐龙中产出就具有较高刚度的蛋壳,可直接插入松软的泥沙里,明显区别于其他大多数恐龙及现代爬行类所产的韧性蛋壳蛋,韧性蛋壳的恐龙蛋往往因重力作用产生变形而呈扁球形和扁椭球形。伤齿龙类的棱柱形蛋的刚性蛋壳很接近现代鸟蛋的蛋壳,暗示伤齿龙类恐龙生殖系统在蛋壳形成方面与现代鸟类有一定相似性。同时,伤齿龙类的棱柱形蛋或多或少地以向外倾斜的形式排布,反映出伤齿龙类恐龙产卵时可能面向巢穴外,是一种对生存环境的适应行为。  相似文献   

浙江天台盆地上白垩统赤城山组发现的巨型长形蛋类可鉴定为西峡巨型长形蛋(Macroelongatoolithusxi xiaensis)和一新蛋属、新蛋种——桥下巨型纺锤蛋(Megafusoolithus qiaoxiaensis oogen.etoosp.nov.)。西峡巨型长形蛋此前仅发现于河南西峡盆地,其特征为个体巨大(35cm),蛋壳外表面具瘤点状纹饰,蛋壳锥体层与柱状层界线明显,呈波浪形,锥体层与柱状层厚度之比为1:5—1:2。已记述的产自天台的张氏巨型长形蛋(M.zhangi)和产自河南西峡盆地的西峡长圆柱蛋(Longiteresoolithus xixiaensis)均为西峡巨型长形蛋的同物异名。桥下巨型纺锤蛋的特征包括蛋壳中部外表面具有棱脊状纹饰,蛋壳锥体层与柱状层界线不明显,二者厚度之比近1:3,这些特征区别于巨型长形蛋属。目前已知巨型长形蛋科仅包含巨型长形蛋属和巨型纺锤蛋属,订正的科征为:蛋化石巨大,长径大于35cm;蛋长形,两端大致对称,长宽之比约为3:1;蛋化石在蛋窝中一般两枚为一组,呈单层圆环状排列,蛋窝直径近3m;蛋壳外表面具瘤点状或棱脊状纹饰,蛋壳由锥体层与柱状层组成。这些特征明显区别于其他类型的蛋化石,因此它们代表了一个独立的蛋科:巨型长形蛋科(Macroelongatoolithidae)。  相似文献   

甘肃省早白垩世地层中,出土了大量恐龙骨骼以及恐龙足迹化石,但是至今未有蛋化石的报道。根据发现于兰州-民和盆地下白垩统河口组的蛋壳化石,建立一恐龙蛋新蛋属、蛋种,并将其归于一新蛋科:Polyclonoolithidae(多小枝蛋科)。新发现的蛋化石标本不同于所有已知的恐龙蛋类型,具有独特的显微特征组合:分叉的蛋壳单元向外延伸至蛋壳外表面,并未在靠近蛋壳外表面处融合成层;弦切面上具相互链接或独立的多角形的蛋壳单元;以及不规则的气孔道。中国的恐龙蛋化石大多出自晚白垩世地层,仅在辽宁有早白垩世恐龙蛋的报道。新发现扩展了中国恐龙蛋化石的地质和地理分布,也有可能为圆形蛋科蛋壳结构的起源提供新的认识。  相似文献   

记述了发现于莱阳上白垩统将军顶的半枚蛋化石,据其保存较尖的一端,蛋壳外表面光滑无纹饰,蛋壳较薄,紧密排列的棱柱状壳单元,壳单元边缘由致密的方解石组成,以及气孔较少,气孔呈圆形或椭圆形等特征,将其归入棱柱形蛋科,建立新蛋属新蛋种:梨乡莱阳蛋(Laiyangoolithus lixiangensis oogen.et oosp.nov.)。梨乡莱阳蛋的发现不仅丰富了莱阳恐龙蛋化石群组成,同时也增加了棱柱形蛋类的古地理分布,并为研究伤齿龙类的多样性和古地理分布提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

依据采自江西省萍乡地区上白垩统周田组的恐龙蛋化石,记述了蜂窝蛋科(Faveoloolithidae)副蜂窝蛋属(Parafaveoloolithus)一新蛋种。材料包括一枚较完整的蛋和若干破碎蛋壳。根据蛋壳弦切面呈蜂窝状结构,径切面蛋壳中、上部蛋壳局部呈现由6~10个以上壳单元成群聚集一起等特征,将其订为一新蛋种——萍乡副蜂窝蛋(Parafaveoloolithus pingxiangensis oosp.nov.)。  相似文献   

恐龙蛋化石──繁殖受挫的证据──记山东莱阳恐龙蛋化石的进一步研究左权,汤卓炜目前在世界上好多地方陆续发现爬行类,尤其是恐龙的蛋化石,按形态结构可大致分为短圆蛋和长形蛋两种,蛋的大小变化范围很大,蛋壳厚度及其内外部“纹饰”,蛋壳结构及锥状层和柱状层比例...  相似文献   

河南内乡新的恐龙蛋类型和恐龙脚印化石的发现及其意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文记述了在河南省内乡县夏馆盆地白垩系中发现的一窝恐龙蛋以及保存在蛋化石上的一个脚印化石。根据蛋的大小,形状和蛋壳的显微结构特征,并与其相近的蛋化石属种作了对比,认为这些蛋化石应当代表蜂窝蛋科(Faveoloolithidae)的一新类型,定名为夏馆杨氏蛋(Youngooli-thus xiaguanensis gen.et sp.nov.)这窝蛋化石以及保存在蛋化石上面的脚印可能为同一只动物形成的。  相似文献   

伤齿龙(Troodontids)筑巢产卵的行为   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用薄壳理论研究中国和北美西部出土的晚侏罗世至晚白垩世伤齿龙蛋以平卧和竖立两种方式埋在沙土中受压破损的抵抗能力 ,分析伤齿龙蛋在蛋窝中特有的排列方式与其蛋壳的抗失稳能力之间的关系。结果表明 ,由于伤齿龙蛋壳很薄 ,其抗失稳能力很差 ,如果这种蛋以横卧方式埋在沙土中就可能在很小载荷下因失稳屈曲而破裂 ;但是 ,如果把蛋竖立起来埋在沙土中 ,则蛋的抗破碎能力比把它们平放埋在沙土中要高出 4~ 5倍。从而认为 ,伤齿龙在筑巢产卵时把一个个蛋竖立起来埋在沙土中是为解决其低强度蛋壳在保护胚胎 ,避免外力损伤和在卵的孵化后期幼雏能够破壳而出这两方面的矛盾而采取的一种保护性措施 ,说明这些体征很像鸟类的兽脚类恐龙 ,其智商可能比人们想象的要高。在此基础上 ,探讨和复原了伤齿龙筑巢产卵的行为。  相似文献   

前言广东北部南雄盆地的晚白垩世恐龙蛋化石最早是在1962—1963年间冬季发现和采集的(张玉萍、童永生,1963),1963—1964年间冬季又在同一地区进行了调查和发掘(郑家坚等,1973),总共发现了9个蛋窝计78枚比较完整的蛋化石和许多蛋壳碎片。由于这批标本保存完整,数量又多,在目前已知的恐龙蛋化石较少的情况下,可以说是一批较为重要的标本。因此,南雄的发现在国内外引起了广泛的注意。蛋化石经杨钟健(1965)研究,认为根据蛋的大小、形状和蛋壳表面的纹饰,基本上可以分为粗皮蛋(Oolithes ru-gustus)、长形蛋(Oolithes elongatus)、圆形蛋(Oolithes spheroides)和南雄蛋(Oolithesnanhsiungensis)四种。  相似文献   

浙江天台盆地上白垩统赤城山组长形蛋科一新蛋属   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浙江天台盆地上白垩统赤城山组发现一新的恐龙蛋类型。依据蛋化石形态、大小和蛋壳柱状层生长纹呈波浪形等特征,将其归入长形蛋科(Elongatoolithidae)。这枚恐龙蛋的蛋壳外表面具网状纹饰,蛋壳锥体层与柱状层界线明显,二者厚度之比近1:2,气孔道细而直,这些特征区别于其他长形蛋科的成员,因此,建立一新的蛋属、蛋种:网纹副长形蛋(Paraelonga-toolithus reticulatus oogen.et oosp.nov.),代表晚白垩世早期长形蛋科的新成员。  相似文献   

Well-preserved dinosaur eggs from the Cretaceous Huizhou Formation in the Xiuning Basin, Anhui Province, China, are analysed in this paper. We describe a new oospecies, Similifaveoloolithus qiyunshanensis, based on several distinct characters of external morphology, size, eggshell thickness, and internal microstructure. Radial sections of this new oospecies show branched eggshell units with a fused layer near the outer surface, while numerous irregular pores and cones constitute a honeycomb pattern in tangential sections. The discovery of S. qiyunshanensis expands the distribution of Similifaveoloolithidae dinosaur eggs in China and provides new fossils for researching dinosaur eggshell formation mechanisms which are different from those of the currently known oofamilies. The dinosaur-egg-bearing strata in the Huizhou Formation have been dated to the early Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian) on the basis of a similar dinosaur egg assemblage in the Tiantai Basin in Zhejiang Province. The eggs described in this paper are thought to have been laid in a buried nest while enrichment of trace elements in eggshells may have been caused by their ingestion into the body of the dinosaur producer. We suggest that the paleoclimate of this habitat was semi-arid to arid and that this environment was favourable for the preservation of eggs.http://zoobank.org/LSIDurn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9D63A51F-5A4B-4249-901D-42A33E9FA933  相似文献   

I. An arbitrary classification of avian eggshells is proposed.
2. The role of the eggshell in conserving the water in eggs at oviposition is discussed. There is as yet no correlation between this property and the pore systems in avian eggshells.
3. The pore systems may act as diffusion pathways and the hypothesis has been advanced that in many eggs the shells are adapted so that restriction of gaseous diffusion by mud, preening oils and nest debris is prevented.
4. The mechanical properties of the shell are considered in the novel context of defence against (a) attrition that could lead to the pores being blocked with dust, and (b) cracking that would destroy the diffusion pathways noted in 3.
5. The overall objective of the review was to discuss the concept that avian eggshell are adapted to fit an egg to the nest environment.  相似文献   

Most penguin species lay two eggs 3–4 days apart that hatch 1–2 days apart. Hypotheses to explain the shorter incubation period for the second egg include differences in porosity of the eggshells. Eggs with more or larger pores and/or thinner shells have higher gas exchange rates and faster embryonic development. We used eggshells from hatchling Magellanic Penguins Spheniscus magellanicus to test whether eggshell thickness and pore density affect incubation period. We expected: (i) second eggs to have thinner shells and/or more pores than first eggs; (ii) eggs to have thinner shells and/or more pores if they were laid by older females, later in the season, or in burrow nests (more humid than open nests under bushes). We found no support for these hypotheses. Egg pores and shell thickness were not related to incubation period. Eggs from the same clutch were similar in eggshell thickness and pore density. Female age, laying date and nest type were poor predictors of eggshell thickness and pore density. Egg pores, we conclude, have little explanatory power for differences in incubation time of eggs in Magellanic Penguins, and suggest that synchronous onset of incubation matters.  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous Ilek Formation in Western Siberia (Russia) has yielded various vertebrate fossils, including skeletal remains of dinosaurs. Here we report on a fragmentary theropod egg from the vertebrate locality Shestakovo 3 of the Ilek Formation in Kemerovo Province. We assign the specimen to the oogenus Prismatoolithus (oofamily Prismatoolithidae) as Prismatoolithus ilekensis oosp. nov., on the basis of the following unique combination of characters: ovoid-shaped egg; thin eggshell 300–330 μm thick; angustiprismatic morphotype; eggshell with three different layers; gradual transition between mammillary layer and prismatic layer; abrupt contact between prismatic layer and external layer; mammillary layer to prismatic layer to external layer thickness ratio is 1:3:0.6; prismatic layer with ill-defined squamatic texture; angusticanaliculate pore system; and smooth outer surface. Like other Early Creataceous Prismatoolithus, the egg of Prismatoolithus ilekensis oosp. nov. was laid by a small bodied theropod dinosaur (troodontid or primitive bird) and this taxonomic attribution is supported by results of our phylogenetic analysis. Prismatoolithus ilekensis oosp. nov. is the first Early Cretaceous ootaxon from Russia.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:734EAD40-86C3-488B-A61E-B5FF7378BC0E  相似文献   

Two new Late Jurassic (uppermost Late Kimmeridgian) dinosaur eggshell sites are described, Casal da Rola and Porto das Barcas, both near Lourinhã, central-west Portugal. Casal da Rola yields eggshells with an obliquiprismatic morphotype comparable to those from a nest with the associated fossil embryos from Paimogo, tentatively assigned to the theropod Lourinhanosaurus antunesi. The Porto das Barcas eggshells have a dendrospherulitic morphotype with a prolatocanaliculate pore system. This morphotype was also recognised in eggshells from a clutch with associated Torvosaurus embryos at the Porto das Barcas locality. A preliminary cladistic analysis of eggshell morphology suggests theropod affinities for the Casal da Rola eggs, but is unable to resolve the phylogenetic position of the Porto das Barcas eggs. The eggshells at both sites are preserved in distal flood plain mudstones and siltstones. Carbonate concretions within the deposits indicate paleosol development.  相似文献   

A long-standing hypothesis posits that, for species with exposed nests, a close match between the colour of the eggs and that of the nest in which they are laid should enhance egg survival, but this has rarely been tested in a rigorous manner. Here, we demonstrate the effects of egg–nest colour matching on egg survival in Black-tailed Gulls (Larus crassirostris) on Hongdo Island, Korea. We quantified the ground colour of eggshells and that of the nest background using a digital camera and computerized RGB and greyscale colour systems. We show that a close match of eggshell ground colour and nest background colour was associated with increased chances of eggs surviving through to hatching. In particular, there were strong survival advantages for eggs matching the nest colour in sites with poor concealment, whereas there was no effect of eggshell ground colour in nests that were more concealed by vegetation. Our findings support the hypothesis that egg colour functions to make eggs cryptic and that egg colouration may be a significant factor affecting egg loss.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The reproductive biology of dinosaurs is of great interest, particularly in light of the many fossil eggs assigned to this group. The ultrastructural characteristics of dinosaur eggshells are examined in order to calculate water vapour conductance, which indicates the nesting environment. Data were mainly derived from the literature but new values are also presented. Allometric analyses were carried out on a variety of shell parameters against predicted egg mass, and comparison was made with allometric equations for bird eggs. Shell thickness was generally larger than seen for extant birds. Total pore number and pores per unit area were similar to values predicted from bird eggs. Total pore area showed an isometric increase with egg mass, parallel to the relationship for birds, but the constant value was an order to magnitude higher than the bird values. Pore radius was unaffected by egg mass. Water vapour conductance showed an allometric increase with egg mass, parallel to the bird values, but for any given egg mass values for dinosaurs were an order of magnitude higher. Mass-specific water vapour conductance was unaffected by egg mass but was an order of magnitude higher than the bird values. Water vapour conductance per pore showed an allometric decrease with egg mass but again the predicted values were an order of magnitude higher than for bird eggs. The ultrastructural characteristics of dinosaur eggshells indicate that the nesting environment had to be saturated with water vapour and that dinosaur eggs had to be fully buried in a substrate. In this sense, therefore, dinosaur eggs resemble more those of modern reptiles than those of birds. As a consequence, maintenance of incubation conditions would have depended on the prevailing environment.  相似文献   

At least four types of dinosaur eggshell are distinguished among samples of fossil eggshell from Late Cretaceous deposits of southern France. Recognition is based on shell microstructure, porosity, and shell thickness. Estimated values of water vapour conductance for these dinosaur eggshells are much greather than predicted for avian eggs, suggesting that the eggs were incubated under conditions of high humidity, such as would occur underground.  相似文献   

ENRIC VICENS 《Palaeontology》2012,55(2):325-339
Abstract: A new type of small, ovoid dinosaur egg, Sankofa pyrenaica oogen. nov. oosp. nov., with a prismatic type eggshell is described from upper Cretaceous (upper Campanian–Maastrichtian) deposits of the Montsec area, South Pyrenean Central Unit, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain. This egg type was sub‐vertically laid in only two rich monospecific sites of a single stratigraphic layer from coastal deposits of the Aren Formation, interpreted as an emerged beach ridge of a barrier island – lagoon depositional system. The size and shape of these eggs with their asymmetric poles are roughly similar to modern hen eggs, which is unusual in the Cretaceous fossil egg record. Its phylogenetic position clusters with bird and Troodontid eggs. A morphospace analysis of egg shapes shows the similarity of the new egg to a Campanian fossil bird egg from Argentina, both being intermediate between modern‐bird eggs and extinct nonavian theropod eggs. However, the eggshell microstructure of Sankofa pyrenaica differs from that of bird eggs in its incipient squamatic texture. It has a peculiar pattern of interlocking small crystals in the middle of the palisade layer, instead of the thick squamatic structure commonly present in modern avian eggshells. This new egg type is attributed to a small theropod, probably with a single oviduct like birds and whose mosaic distribution of features is a combination between that of birds and nonavian theropods. This enhances the arguments supporting the close phylogenetic relationships between both groups.  相似文献   

The colourful surface of birds’ eggshells varies dramatically between species, but the selective pressures driving this variation remain poorly understood. We used a large comparative dataset to test several hypotheses proposed to explain the evolution of eggshell colouration. We tested the hypothesis that predation pressure might select for cryptic eggshells by examining the relationship between predation rate and egg colouration. We found that predation rates were positively related to eggshell brightness. The blackmail hypothesis suggests that females lay colourful eggshells to coerce males into providing additional care during incubation to keep colourful eggs covered. According to this hypothesis, conspicuous eggs should be found in situations with high risk of visual detection from predators or brood parasites. In support of this hypothesis, proportional blue-green chroma was positively related to parasitism risk, and eggs with higher proportional blue-green chroma or higher ultraviolet chroma received higher combined parental nest attendance during the incubation period. The sexual signalling hypothesis states that blue-green colour indicates female quality; however, we did not find that blue-green eggshell colour was greater in species where males participate in any form of parental care, and relative male provisioning was unrelated to blue-green eggshell chroma. We found some support for the hypothesis that brood parasitism may select for high inter-clutch variation in eggshell colour to facilitate egg recognition. In our dataset, parasitism risk was negatively related to inter-clutch repeatability of blue-green chroma. Our study highlights the diversity of selection pressures acting on the evolution of eggshell colour in birds and provides suggestions for novel areas of future key research direction.  相似文献   

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