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Behavioural specialization was analyzed of hypothalamic and limbic neurones, with their activity recorded in rabbits during food-acquisition behaviour. The neurones with activity changed during staying of the animal in a definite place of the cage or during behavioural acts, characteristic of a specific behaviour in the cage, are considered as specialized in relation to the most "new" systems, acquired by the rabbit directly during learning of the given behaviour. Neurones with the activity changed with rabbit's turns, i.e. connected with behavioural acts, which the rabbit has not specially learnt, are considered specialized in relation to more "old" inborn systems. Neurones, in which no constant connection with any part of the studied behaviour was observed, are related to the most "ancient" systems. Comparison of the number of hypothalamic and limbic neurones of different groups showed that in the cortex there were some more neurones specialized in relation to behavioural acts, which were formed directly during learning of the rabbit in the experimental cage.  相似文献   

Singleunit activity of anterolateral area of motor cortex in rabbits subjected to chronic ethanol treatment was recorded to study interconnections of neuronal mechanisms of newly formed instrumental alcohol-acquisition behavior (IAB) and previously formed food-acquisition behavior (IFB). Adult animals were trained to perform IFB in experimental cage equipped with two food boxes and two pedals situated in the corners of the cage. Food was presented automatically in a food box after the pressing of an appropriate pedal. Same rabbits after 9 mo. of chronic alcohol treatment were trained to perform IAB in the same experimental cage (gelatin capsules filled with 15% ethanol solution were placed into the food box instead of food). Activity of 121 units of anterolateral area of motor cortex was studied. Each unit discharges were analysed in IAB as well as in IFB. The data obtained testifies that neuronal sets subserving IAB and IFB overlap but not completely. 44 "common" neurons permanently activated in both behaviors and 3 neurons specifically activated in each of behaviors (one in IAB and two in IFB) were found. We consider the formation of IAB as systemogenesis that is related to the consolidation processes: the formation of new neuronal specializations and to the accommodative re-consolidation: modification of early specialized cells ("common"). It is shown in the Discussion that present experiments help us not only understand interconnections of neuronal mechanisms of newly formed IAB and early formed IFB but also provide an additional insight into the nature of similarity between neuronal mechanisms of long-term memory and long-lived modifications resulting from repeated drug exposure.  相似文献   

The distal depression of the ventral pedal groove of Mytilus californianus was investigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. This part of the byssus forming system is responsible for the formation of the attachment plaque of the byssus thread. The longitudinal pedal ducts open into this area and the floor of the distal depression is covered by specialized cilia which terminate as biconcave flattened discs or “paddles.” The disc is formed by a 360° curvature of the axoneme tip within the ciliary membrane. The diameter of the disc is about 1.33 μ while that of the shaft portion is 0.24 μ. There are about 11 cilia per square micron of surface area and the necks of the cilia are separated from each other by a web-like extension of apical cytoplasm extending from the epithelial cells. It is proposed that these specialized cilia function as microscopic spatulas for the application of the adhesive plaque material to substrate surfaces. The pattern of surface convection currents seen in vivo tends to support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Conditioned switching-over was studied in unrestrained animals by means of instrumental alimentary conditioned reflexes of pressing the pedal. A complex of auditory and spatial factors (start-ground) served as conditioned alimentary signal. Backward connections were stable and were manifested in the teturning of the animal to the start-ground after feeding. It has been confirmed that the observed working readiness is a conditioned reflex of a tonic type.  相似文献   

The prey capture phase of feeding behavior in the pteropod molluscClione limacina consists of an explosive extrusion of buccal cones, specialized oral appendages which are used to catch the prey, and significant acceleration of swimming. Several groups of neurons which control different components of prey capture behavior inClione have been previously identified in the CNS. However, the question of their coordination in order to develop a normal behavioral reaction still remains open. We describe here a cerebral interneuron which has wide-spread excitatory and inhibitory effects on a number of neurons in the cerebral and pedal ganglia, directed toward the initiation of prey capture behavior inClione. This bilaterally symmetrical neuron, designated Cr-PC (Cerebral interneuron initiating Prey Capture), produced monosynaptic activation of Cr-A motoneurons, which control buccal cone extrusion, and inhibition of Cr-B and Cr-L motoneurons, whose spike activities maintain buccal cones in a withdrawn position inside the head in non-feeding animals. In addition, Cr-PC produced monosynaptic activation of a number of swim motoneurons and interneurons of the swim central pattern generator (CPG) in the pedal ganglia, pedal serotonergic Pd-SW neurons involved in a peripheral modulation of swimming and the serotonergic Heart Excitor neuron.  相似文献   

We examined the contribution of the nigrostriatal DA system to instrumental learning and behavior using optogenetics in awake, behaving mice. Using Cre-inducible channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) in mice expressing Cre recombinase driven by the tyrosine hydroxylase promoter (Th-Cre), we tested whether selective stimulation of DA neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNC), in the absence of any natural rewards, was sufficient to promote instrumental learning in naive mice. Mice expressing ChR2 in SNC DA neurons readily learned to press a lever to receive laser stimulation, but unlike natural food rewards the lever pressing did not decline with satiation. When the number of presses required to receive a stimulation was altered, mice adjusted their rate of pressing accordingly, suggesting that the rate of stimulation was a controlled variable. Moreover, extinction, i.e. the cessation of action-contingent stimulation, and the complete reversal of the relationship between action and outcome by the imposition of an omission contingency, rapidly abolished lever pressing. Together these results suggest that selective activation of SNC DA neurons can be sufficient for acquisition and maintenance of a new instrumental action.  相似文献   

Individual typological features of behavior of dogs were investigated by the method of choice between the low-valuable food available constantly and food of high quality presented with low probability. Animals were subjected to instrumental conditioning with the same conditioned stimuli but different types of reinforcement. Depression of a white pedal was always reinforced with meat-bread-crumb mixture, depression of a black pedal was reinforced with two pieces of liver (with probabilities of 100, 40, 33, 20, or 0%). The choice of reinforcement depended on probability of valuable food and individual typological features of the nervous system of a dog. Decreasing the probability of the reinforcement value to 40-20% revealed differences in behavior of dogs. Dogs of the first group, presumably with the weak type of the nervous system, more frequently pressed the white pedal (always reinforced) than the black pedal thus "avoiding a situation of risk" to receive an empty cup. They displayed symptoms of neurosis: whimper, refusals of food or of the choice of reinforcement, and obtrusive movements. Dogs of the second group, presumably with the strong type of the nervous system, more frequently pressed the black pedal (more valuable food) for the low-probability reward until they obtained the valuable food. They did not show neurosis symptoms and were not afraid of "situation of risk". A decrease in probability of the valuable reinforcement increased a percentage of long-latency depressions of pedals. It can be probably suggested that this phenomenon was associated with increasing involvement of cognitive processes, when contributions of the assessments of probability and value of the reinforcement to decision making became approximately equal. Choice between the probability and value of alimentary reinforcement is a good method for revealing individual typological features of dogs.  相似文献   

Histogramms of the duration of pedal pressing (PDH) as a function of stimulation parameters, were studied in fifteen rats with electrodes inserted in the lateral hypothalamus and with fixed series of brain stimulation. The "discordance" parameter was used to estimate the changes in PDH modes relative to the moment of the end of brain stimulation. It was found that an increase in the stimulation charge brought about a gradual replacement of positive discordance (the duration of pressing exceeds that of stimulation) by a negative one (duration of pressing is shorter than that of stimulation) and a rise of negative discordance. It is assumed that in the case of positive discordance the duration of the total brain stimulation possesses reinforcing properties, while in the case of negative discordance the beginning of the stimulation possesses reinforcing properties, and its continuation becomes negative.  相似文献   

Summary electrical activity of different brain structures (chiefly the hippocampal theta-rhythm) and cardiac and respiratory rhythms were recorded during self-stimulation (SS) in dogs. Emotional-motivational excitation in dogs, preceding SS, is attended with a moderate increase in theta-activity in the hippocampus. The SS period is characterized by desynchronization of the electrical activity, the appearance of high-frequency rhythmics and diminished theta-rhythm. After withdrawal of the pedal, hypersynchronization of the theta-rhythm sets in in most of the structures studied. SS is accompanied by considerable shifts of the cardiac and respiratory rhythms. The dynamics of behavioral, electrophysiological and vegetative shifts during SS in dogs points to a successive involvment of the brain mechanisms of search, positive reinforcement and emotional-negative interruption of the pedal pressing series. Complex interaction of the three mechanisms underlies the external phenomenology of the SS instrumental conditioned reflex.  相似文献   

Two conditioned reflexes (CR) on flash were elaborated in five dogs in three experimental series. In one of them pressing on pedal were constantly reinforced with two pieces of liver, in other--escape or avoidance of skin stimulation with lifting of leg. In a third series, series of reinforcement choice, in front of animal with electrodes, fasting on leg, put the pedal. During of choice series defensive reactions were dominated in two dogs, alimentary reactions--three of them. For restoration alimentary behaviour in dog with great dominating of defensive reactions were many times reinforced with--food "passive" pressing legs on pedal during conditional stimuli, dog with less dominating of these reactions for restoration were enough a few coupling of conditional stimuli with food. With intensification electrocutaneus stimulation of legs or decreasing alimentary reinforcement we a success of diminishing of degree of alimentary reaction domination in one dog and in other ones temporarily changed of these domination on prevalence of defensive reactions. The results were compared with data, obtained in these dogs with technique of choice between probability and value of alimentary reinforcement. This comparison were permitted us of ranging dogs on scale "carefulness-riskiness", revealed of individual typological features of these animals.  相似文献   

During the adhesive locomotion of land snails a series of short dark transverse bands, called pedal or foot waves, is visible ifa moving snail's ventral surface is observed through a sheet of glass. Moreover, the mucus secreted from the pedal glands and some pedal epithelial cells forms a thin layer which acts as a glue augmenting adherence, while also acting as a lubricant under the moving parts of the snail's foot. The relationships between velocity and the frequency of pedal waves as well as changes in the volume of small air bubbles under foot waves were analyzed by means of digital recordings made through a glass sheet on which the snails were moving. On the ventral surface of a moving snail foot, the adhering parts of the foot constituted about 80% of the total area, while several moving parts only about 20%. The single moving region of the foot (the pedal wave) amounted to about 3% of snail length. The epithelium in the region of the pedal wave was arched above the substrate and was also more wrinkled than the stationary epithelium, which enabled the forward motion of each specific point of epithelium during the passage of a pedal wave above it. The actual area of epithelium engaged by a pedal wave was at least 30% greater than the area of the epithelium as recorded through a glass sheet. In the region of the pedal wave, the tiny subepithelial muscles acting on the epithelium move it up in the front part of the wave, and then down at the end of the wave, operating vertically in relation to the substrate. In the middle part of the wave, the epithelium only moves forward. In summary, during the adhesive locomotion of snails, the horizontal movement of the ventral surface epithelium proceeds as temporally separate phases of upward, forward and downward movement.  相似文献   

The organization of the food-procuring behavior inMacaca mulatto was studied under conditions of the time deficit. It has been shown that if the duration of performance of the alimentary behavior in the animals is restricted by 8 s, four ways of individual arrangement of their activity are observed: (1) stabilization of time intervals between the acts performed; (2) shift of the effectiveness of performance from the instrumental phase to the consumatory one of the reflex in the same animal in different experiments; (3) in the case of an individual experiment: an increased effectiveness of performance of one act (the instrumental or consumatory one) and a decreased effectiveness of the other; (4) an abrupt change in the tactics of motor responsiveness. All the behavioral phenomena revealed are believed to be connected with a voluntary and goal-oriented strive of the monkeys to obtain the maximal amount of food under the conditions of time deficit by way of the active (directly in the experiment) or latent (at the intersignal period) reorganization of their activity program. Deceased.  相似文献   

The behaviour of rats was studied during electrical self-stimulation (SS) of the brain in a chamber with a pedal: with a fixed duration of stimuli trains (fixed SS regime), and in a self-controlled regime, where the duration of trains was set by the rat itself. As the current intensity or the duration of the trains continues to increases, the SS frequency in the fixed regime rises no longer. The duration of pressing becomes shorter than that of the trains, and the number of short pauses drops down to 50% of its total number of pauses, if at the same current intensity the duration of the train is the same or greater than that set by the rats in the self-controlled SS regime. With weak current intensities, the rats could fail to press the pedal if they received 0.1 sec. trains. But at the same current intensities the rats began SS, if they received for pressing the pedal a succession of trains of 0.1 sec. each with intervals of 0.1 divided by 0.2 sec. SS discontinued if the interval in the trains succession increased up to 0.4 sec.  相似文献   

This article reviews the results of experimental studies on imitative behavior reported by various investigators, and then discusses the possible brain mechanisms responsible for this behavior. It was found that human infants in their first hours of life were already capable of spontaneous imitation of simple motor acts demonstrated by an adult, without previous training or reward; these observations suggest that imitative behavior is an innate process that can be considered an unconditional reflex of imitation. It was also found that satiated animals resumed eating when they saw their companions eating. In the latter case, the imitative reflex triggered the previously acquired feeding behavior. Similar mechanisms could be responsible for the phenomenon of eating more in the presence of companions than in their absence, as well as that of preferring the food chosen by companions. When followed by a reward, the imitative act can be learned--that is, transformed into an instrumental conditional response; learning by imitation of simple motor acts was observed in animals, and that of complex motor acts was observed in children who had already achieved a certain developmental stage. In animals, learning complex motor tasks was facilitated by previous observation of a companion performing this task. In this case, the presence of the observer during the session could lead to habituation of the experimental situation and production of associations between this situation and stimuli or emotions related to the reward or punishment, and might result in more efficient learning later. The imitative behavior can be inhibited by stimuli producing responses antagonistic to the act of imitation.  相似文献   

Most models of the spread of HIV/AIDS assume that the probability of transmission from an infected individual to a susceptible partner has some constant value per sexual act, compounding independently randomly (so that ten acts with one person chosen from a particular group has, on average, the same risk as one act with each of ten different people from that group). Guided by available data, other models treat the transmission process as being some characteristic (but highly variable) value per partnership, independent of the number of acts. This latter approach does not allow for the possible effects of concurrent partnerships, and therefore does not take account of the possibility that an initially uninfected partner of a given susceptible individual may become infected over the duration of their partnership. We present a new model, based on transmission per partnership, that takes account of partnership duration. If the number of overlapping partnerships is high enough (so that R0 greater than 1 among "standing crops" of partners), any initial infection will spread very fast--on the time scale of a few times the latent interval (a few months)--among existing networks of partners. After this initial "fast phase," the subsequent epidemic proceeds more slowly along conventional lines as new partnerships are formed. These properties of the model are illustrated numerically and by analytic studies (using singular perturbation theory). The possibility of such "two time-scale" phenomena could have implications for data analysis based on statistical back-projection.  相似文献   

It has been found in experiments on rats trained to avoid electric stimulation of the foots by pressing the pedal that previous immobilization and administration of adrenaline and isoprenaline (but not noradrenaline) disturbs the accuracy of the realization of motor components of operant behavior. The total beta-adrenoblockers (but not phentolamine and cardioselective beta 1-adrenoblockers) given in doses which do not cause any central effects reduced the negative action of emotional stress. It is inferred that activation of beta 2-adrenoreceptors of skeletal muscles is likely to play a role in the genesis of disturbed motor skill under emotional stress.  相似文献   

The method of "low choice" of food value reinforcement depending on delayed response to its reception demonstrated various strategy of behaviour, showing short or delayed responses of pressing pedal for reception of low or high value of food reinforcement. In trained cats, multiunit activity was recorded in investigated brain areas and functional interneuron interactions were subsequently analysed. Significant prevalence of interneuron interactions was revealed in "impulsive" animals in both cortical zones as well as intergroup differences during the pre-signal and signal periods in visual and frontal cortex.  相似文献   

In yeast, cytokinesis requires coordination between nuclear division, acto-myosin ring contraction, and septum synthesis. We studied the role of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe Bgs1p and Cfh3p proteins during cytokinesis under stress conditions. Cfh3p formed a ring in the septal area that contracted during mitosis; Cfh3p colocalized and co-immunoprecipitated with Cdc15p, showing that Cfh3p interacted with the contractile acto-myosin ring. In a wild-type strain, a significant number of contractile rings collapsed under stress conditions and this number increased dramatically in the cfh3Δ, bgs1cps1-191, and cfh3Δ bgs1/cps1-191. Our results show that after osmotic shock Cfh3p is essential for the stability of the (1,3) glucan synthase Bgs1p in the septal area, but not at the cell poles. Finally, cells adapted to stress; they repaired their contractile rings and re-localized Bgs1p to the cell surface some time after osmotic shock. A detailed analysis of the cytokinesis machinery in the presence of KCl revealed that the actomyosin ring collapsed before Bgs1p was internalized, and that it was repaired before Bgs1p re-localized to the cell surface. In the cfh3Δ, bgs1/cps1-191, and cfh3Δ bgs1/cps1-191 mutants, which have reduced glucan synthesis, the damage produced to the ring had stronger consequences, suggesting that an intact primary septum contributes to ring stability. The results show that the contractile actomyosin ring is very sensitive to stress, and that cells have efficient mechanisms to remedy the damage produced in this structure.  相似文献   

By a moral act we mean an unselfish act carried out in the total absence of external control. In a number of previous studies (Subbotskii, 1978, 1979a, b) we have found that one of the methods that help to enhance a child's proclivity toward moral acts is to place the child in the position of a champion and defender of moral norms. The development of moral behavior of children in these studies was, however, of a short-term nature and pursued strictly experimental aims. What place the methods we developed could have in systematic educative work with children remained unclear. The organization of a comprehensive and sufficiently prolonged development of moral behavior in children in a situation of a normal kindergarten group was the task of the present study. We assumed that this development would result in a substantial increase in the number of children observing moral norms of behavior.  相似文献   

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