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An assessment was made of the impact of temporal separation on the composition of a population of Sinorhizobium meliloti associated with Medicago sativa (alfalfa) and Melilotus alba (sweet clover) grown at a single site that had no known history of alfalfa cultivation. Root nodules were sampled on six occasions over two seasons, and a total of 1620 isolates of S. meliloti were characterized on the basis of phage sensitivity using 16 typing phages. Plant infection tests indicated that symbiotic S. meliloti were deficient in the soil at the time of planting and that these bacteria were present at low density during the first season (<10(2)/g of soil); in the second season numbers increased markedly to about 10(5)/g of soil. Overall, 37 and 51 phage types, respectively, were encountered among the nodule isolates from M. sativa and M. alba. The data indicate significant temporal shifts in the frequency and diversity of types associated with the two legume species. Apparent temporal variation with respect to the frequency of types appeared largely unpredictable and was not attributable to any one sampling time. The results indicate an apparent reduction in phenotypic diversity over the course of the experiment. Differential host plant selection of specific types with respect to nodule occupancy was indicated by significant interactions between legume species and either the frequency or diversity of phage types. Isolates from M. sativa that were resistant to lysis by all typing phages (type 14) were unusual in that they were predominant on this host at all sampling times (between 53% and 82% nodule occupancy) and were relatively homogeneous on the basis of DNA hybridization with 98% of the isolates analysed sharing the same nod EFG hybridization profile. In contrast, those isolates from M. alba comprising type 14 were encountered at low total frequency (2%) and were genetically heterogeneous on the basis of Southern hybridization. The implications of the observed temporal and host plant variation for ecological studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Fifteen nodulins and several nodule-stimulated gene productswere expressed in effective, nitrogen-fixing root nodules ofwhite sweetclover (Melilotus alba Desr. cv. U389), as determinedby two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of in vitro translationproducts. The number and gel position of eight leghaemoglobin(Lb) products, as well as a product tentatively identified asnodule-stimulated glutamine synthetase (GS), was similar toprevious reports of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Iroquois)nodulins. Three mutants of Rhizobium meliloti, including anexoH mutant, a lipopolysaccharide mutant, and a nifH mutant,elicited ineffective sweetclover nodules blocked at empty (bacteria-free),partially infected, or fully infected stages of nodule development,respectively. In these ineffective nodules, the nodulin Nma30and nodule-stimulated NSTma42 were expressed early in development,while a group of four nodulins and two nodule-stimulated productswere intermediate in order of expression. Lb, GS and the latenodulin Nmal2a were expressed later, following infection. TheexoH mutant, Rm7154, appeared to be a leaky mutant, as a smallpercentage of the plants developed nitrogen-fixing nodules about4 weeks after inoculation. The sequential expression of a largenumber of nodulins and nodule-stimulated products, as well asthe availability of sweetclover nodulation mutants indicatesthat sweetclover is a useful diploid system for analysis ofhost genes essential to the Rhizobium/legume symbiosis. Key words: Nitrogen fixation, nodulation mutants, nodulins  相似文献   

cDNA clones encoding homologues of expansins, a class of cell wall proteins involved in cell wall modification, were isolated from various stages of growing and ripening fruit of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). cDNAs derived from five unique expansin genes were obtained, termed tomato Exp3 to Exp7, in addition to the previously described ripening-specific tomato Exp1 (Rose et al. (1997) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94: 5955–5960). Deduced amino acid sequences of tomato Exp1, Exp4 and Exp6 were highly related, whereas Exp3, Exp5 and Exp7 were more divergent. Each of the five expansin genes showed a different and characteristic pattern of mRNA expression. mRNA of Exp3 was present throughout fruit growth and ripening, with highest accumulation in green expanding and maturing fruit, and lower, declining levels during ripening. Exp4 mRNA was present only in green expanding fruit, whereas Exp5 mRNA was present in expanding fruit but had highest levels in full-size maturing green fruit and declined during the early stages of ripening. mRNAs from each of these genes were also detected in leaves, stems and flowers but not in roots. Exp6 and Exp7 mRNAs were present at much lower levels than mRNAs of the other expansin genes, and were detected only in expanding or mature green fruit. The results indicate the presence of a large and complex expansin gene family in tomato, and suggest that while the expression of several expansin genes may contribute to green fruit development, only Exp1 mRNA is present at high levels during fruit ripening.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: With the advent of genome-wide analyses, it is becoming evident that a large number of noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) are expressed in vertebrates. However, of the thousands of ncRNAs identified, the functions of relatively few have been established. RESULTS: In a screen for genes upregulated by taurine in developing retinal cells, we identified a gene that appears to be a ncRNA. Taurine Upregulated Gene 1 (TUG1) is a spliced, polyadenylated RNA that does not encode any open reading frame greater than 82 amino acids in its full-length, 6.7 kilobase (kb) RNA sequence. Analyses of Northern blots and in situ hybridization revealed that TUG1 is expressed in the developing retina and brain, as well as in adult tissues. In the newborn retina, knockdown of TUG1 with RNA interference (RNAi) resulted in malformed or nonexistent outer segments of transfected photoreceptors. Immunofluorescent staining and microarray analyses suggested that this loss of proper photoreceptor differentiation is a result of the disregulation of photoreceptor gene expression. CONCLUSIONS: A function for a newly identified ncRNA, TUG1, has been established. TUG1 is necessary for the proper formation of photoreceptors in the developing rodent retina.  相似文献   

Rap1 is a small GTP-binding protein (SMG) that exists in two 95% homologous isoforms, rap1A and rap1B. The functions of the rap1 proteins are not well understood. In this report we examined expression and function of rap1 in primary (HOKs) and immortalized (IHOKs) human oral keratinocytes under different growth conditions. In HOKs, rap1 increased with passage number, suggesting a role in differentiation and arrest of proliferation. Similarly, when inhibition of proliferation and differentiation were induced in HOKs by 1.2 mM CaCl2, both rap1 and involucrin increased with increasing concentrations of CaCl2. However, when similar experiments were done with IHOKs, which continue to proliferate in the presence of 1.2 mM CaCl2, the increase in involucrin expression was similar to HOKs but there was no substantial increase in rap1, suggesting that increased expression of rap1 is linked to inhibition of proliferation rather than differentiation of keratinocytes. Upon transfection of immortalized keratinocytes with rapGAP, which inactivates both isoforms of endogenous active rap1, enhanced proliferation was observed. Thus, we conclude that rap1 inhibits proliferation in keratinocytes.  相似文献   

The placenta has a dynamic and continuous capacity for self-renewal. The molecular mechanisms responsible for controlling trophoblast proliferation are still unclear. It is generally accepted that the simultaneous activity of proteins involved in cell proliferation, apoptosis, and extracellular matrix degradation plays an important role in correct placental development. We investigated in depth the expression of the serine protease HtrA1 during pregnancy in human placenta by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, we demonstrated that HtrA1 displayed a low level of expression in the first trimester of gestation and a strong increase of HtrA1 expression in the third trimester. Finally, by electron microscopy, we demonstrated that HtrA1 was localized either in the cytoplasm of placental cells, especially close to microvilli that characterized the plasma membrane of syncytiotrophoblast cells, or in the extracytoplasmic space of the stroma of placental villi, particularly in the spaces between collagen fibers and on collagen fibers themselves. The expression pattern of HtrA1 in human placentas strongly suggests a role for this protein in placental development and function. Moreover, on the basis of its subcellular distribution it can be postulated that HtrA1 acts on different targets, such as intracellular growth factors or extracellular matrix proteins, to favor the correct formation/function of the placenta.  相似文献   

Aquaporins (AQPs) are water channels that regulate water flow in many tissues. As AQP1 is a candidate to regulate placental fluid exchange, we sought to investigate the effect of arginine vasopressin (AVP) and cAMP agonists on AQP1 gene expression in first trimester-derived extravillous cytotrophoblasts (HTR-8/Svneo) and two highly proliferative carcinoma trophoblast-like cell lines but with a number of functional features of the syncytiotrophoblast namely; JAR and JEG-3 cells. Our data demonstrated that AVP (0.1 nM) significantly increased the expression of AQP1 mRNA at 10 h in HTR-8/SVneo and JEG-3 cells (P<0.05). Both SP-cAMP, a membrane-permeable and phosphodiesterase resistant cAMP, and forskolin, an adenylate cyclase stimulator significantly increased AQP1 mRNA expression in all cell lines after 2 h in a dose-dependent manner (P<0.05) with a parallel increase in protein expression. In the time course study, 5 microM of either SP-cAMP or forskolin significantly stimulated AQP1 mRNA expression after 2 h in HTR-8/SVneo cells and after 10 h in JAR and JEG-3 cells. AQP1 protein expression was highest after 20 h in both HTR-8/SVneo and JEG-3 cells (P<0.05). AVP-stimulated cAMP elevation was blocked in the presence of 9-(tetrahydro-2'-furyl) adenine (SQ22536) (100 microM), a cell-permeable adenylate cyclase inhibitor (P<0.05). These results indicate that in trophoblasts-like cells AQP1 gene expression is upregulated by both AVP and cAMP agonists. Furthermore, our data demonstrate that a cAMP-dependent pathway is responsible for the AVP effect on AQP1. Thus, modulation of AQP1 expression by maternal hormones may regulate invasion and fetal-placental-amnion water homeostasis during gestation.  相似文献   

Muscle protein breakdown during sepsis is associated with upregulated expression and activity of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway. Previous studies suggest that ubiquitination of proteins in skeletal muscle is regulated by the ubiquitin ligase E3alpha together with the 14 kDa ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2(14k). The E3alpha gene was cloned only recently. The influence of sepsis on the gene expression of E3alpha in skeletal muscle has not been reported. In the present study, induction of sepsis in rats by cecal ligation and puncture resulted in increased mRNA levels for E3alpha in white, fast-twitch but not in red slow-twitch muscle. Treatment with the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU38486 (10 mg/kg) prevented the sepsis-induced increase in E3alpha and E2(14k) mRNA levels. The present study is the first report of increased E3alpha expression in skeletal muscle during sepsis. The results lend further support to the concept that glucocorticoid-mediated upregulation of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway is involved in sepsis-induced muscle cachexia. Increased expression of both E3alpha and E2(14k) suggests that muscle proteins are degraded in the N-end rule pathway during sepsis.  相似文献   

The nifA gene of Rhizobium meliloti is oxygen regulated.   总被引:35,自引:19,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
Experiments using plasmid-borne gene fusions and direct RNA measurements have revealed that expression from the nifA gene is induced in Rhizobium meliloti when the external oxygen concentration is reduced to microaerobic levels. Induction occurs in the absence of alfalfa and in the presence of fixed nitrogen and does not require ntrC. The production of functional nifA gene product (NifA) can be demonstrated by its ability to activate the nitrogenase promoter P1. Aerobic induction of nifA can also occur during nitrogen starvation at low pH, but in this case induction is dependent on ntrC and does not lead to P1 activation. The data indicate that reduced oxygen tension is potentially a major trigger for symbiotic activation of nitrogen fixation in Rhizobium species.  相似文献   

Li T  Zhong J  Chen Y  Qiu X  Zhang T  Ma D  Han W 《Life sciences》2006,79(6):519-524
Chemokine-like factor 1 (CKLF1) is a cytokine with chemotactic effects on leukocytes and a functional ligand of CCR4. This cytokine is widely expressed and the level of expression is reported to be upregulated in asthma and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), disease conditions in which T lymphocytes are over-activated. In order to determine the expression profile of CKLF1 in activated T lymphocytes, we first employed a PCR-based method on human blood fractions cDNA panels and found that CKLF1 was upregulated in activated CD4+ and CD8+ cells, with no obvious changes in CD19+ cells. We further performed kinetic analyses of CKLF1 expression in phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) at both the mRNA and protein levels. In resting PBL, the constitutive expression of CKLF1 was low at mRNA level and barely detectable at the protein level; however, both were remarkably upregulated by PHA, appearing at 8h after PHA-stimulation and persisting up to 72h. These results suggest that CKLF1 may be involved in T lymphocyte activation and further study of CKLF1 function will prove valuable.  相似文献   

Cho HT  Cosgrove DJ 《The Plant cell》2002,14(12):3237-3253
The expression of two Arabidopsis expansin genes (AtEXP7 and AtEXP18) is tightly linked to root hair initiation; thus, the regulation of these genes was studied to elucidate how developmental, hormonal, and environmental factors orchestrate root hair formation. Exogenous ethylene and auxin, as well as separation of the root from the medium, stimulated root hair formation and the expression of these expansin genes. The effects of exogenous auxin and root separation on root hair formation required the ethylene signaling pathway. By contrast, blocking the endogenous ethylene pathway, either by genetic mutations or by a chemical inhibitor, did not affect normal root hair formation and expansin gene expression. These results indicate that the normal developmental pathway for root hair formation (i.e., not induced by external stimuli) is independent of the ethylene pathway. Promoter analyses of the expansin genes show that the same promoter elements that determine cell specificity also determine inducibility by ethylene, auxin, and root separation. Our study suggests that two distinctive signaling pathways, one developmental and the other environmental/hormonal, converge to modulate the initiation of the root hair and the expression of its specific expansin gene set.  相似文献   

The Rhizobium sp., isolated from the root nodules of the leguminous fodder herb Melilotus alba, produced large amounts of extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) (963.5 μg/ml) in a yeast extract mannitol medium. Growth and EPS production started simultaneously, but EPS production reached its maximum during the stationary phase of growth of the bacteria, at 20 hours. EPS production was increased with all of the thirteen sugars tested. Different nitrogen sources, such as nitrates, glutamic acid, casamino acid and L-asparagine, increased the EPS production although it was inhibited by glycine, nitrite and ammonium salts. Among the vitamins and metal ions, only pyridoxal phosphate and ZnSO4 promoted EPS production. Attempts were made to optimize the cultural requirements for growth and maximum EPS production. Maximum EPS production (1457.0 μg/ml) was obtained when the medium was supplemented with glucose (1%), pyridoxal phosphate (2 μ g/ml), ZnSO4 × 7 H2O (10 μg/ml) and glutamic acid (0.1%). Under these conditions, the production was increased by 254.3% compared to the control. The EPS contained arabinose, xylose and rhamnose monomers. The presence of arabinose and xylose in the EPS produced by a Rhizobium sp. was uncommon.  相似文献   

By differential cDNA cloning coupled with Xenopus oocyte expression screening, we isolated a cDNA encoding a novel protein, termed 'hepassocin', the expression of which is upregulated in the regenerating rat liver. The cDNA contained a single open reading frame encoding a protein of 314 amino acids (ca. 34 kDa), including 24 amino acids of signal sequence. The protein expressed from the cDNA in Verots cells had activity to stimulate DNA synthesis in primary rat hepatocytes and was of 66 kDa or 34 kDa, under non-reducing or reducing conditions, respectively. Using an affinity column conjugated with the antibody raised against a peptide in a hydrophilic region, we purified hepassocin from the rat liver: it had a DNA synthesis-stimulating activity in hepatocytes. The hepassocin obtained here was 66 kDa, and the 34 kDa protein obtained under reducing conditions contained five cysteine residues, indicating that hepassocin is active as a homodimer. Northern blot analysis revealed that hepassocin mRNA (1.4 kb in length) occurred only in the liver, and in situ hybridization studies revealed its presence in parenchymal hepatocytes but not in endothelial cells. Furthermore, the expression of hepassocin mRNA was upregulated during compensatory hyperplasia after partial hepatectomy and regeneration after galactosamine treatment in the rat liver. These results suggest that hepassocin plays an important role in stimulating liver cell growth, through an autocrine mechanism.  相似文献   

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