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循环肿瘤细胞(Circulating tumor cells,CTCs)是从肿瘤原发病灶脱落并侵入外周血循环的肿瘤细胞。由于CTCs存在较大的异质性,其与癌症发展转移密切相关,但目前尚缺乏有效的CTCs单细胞异质性检测方法。鉴于此,本文发展了在单细胞层面对CTCs进行基因突变的检测方法并用于单个肺癌CTC的EGFR(Epidermal growth factor receptor)基因突变检测。首先用集成式微流控系统完成血液中稀有CTCs的捕获,接着将CTCs释放入含有多个微孔的微阵列芯片中,得到含有单个CTC的微孔,通过显微操作将单个CTC转入PCR管内完成单细胞基因组的放大,并进行单细胞的EGFR基因突变检测。以非小细胞肺癌细胞系A549、NCI-H1650和NCI-H1975为样本,通过芯片与毛细管修饰、引物扩增条件(复性温度、循环次数)的优化,结果显示在复性温度59℃、30个循环次数的条件下,引物扩增效果最优。利用该方法成功地对非小细胞肺癌(Non-small cell lung cancer, NSCLC)患者的血液样本进行了测试。从患者2 mL血液中获取5个CTCs,分别对其EGFR基因的第18、19、20、21外显子进行测序,发现该患者CTCs均为EGFR野生型。研究结果证明此检测方法可以灵敏地用于单个CTC基因突变的检测,在临床研究上具有重要的指导意义。 相似文献
近年来,高通量测序技术(Next-generation sequencing,NGS)快速发展,已广泛应用于生命科学各个领域,但传统的混合细胞测序(Bulk cell sequencing)检测的是细胞群体的总平均反应,无法反应每个细胞的真实情况,这会影响研究者对细胞功能认知的准确性。单细胞测序技术(Single cell sequencing,sc-Seq)的出现,从一定程度上解决了传统测序固有的缺陷。单细胞测序是针对单个细胞的RNA或DNA进行测序,能够准确测出单个细胞的基因结构和表达状态,从而分析相同表型细胞的异质性。本文首先介绍单细胞测序的原理、测序类型和测序平台,有助于理解单细胞测序和在进行科研项目时设计合适的项目方案。进一步介绍单细胞转录组测序的分析流程和各种常用的分析工具或软件,并重点阐述单细胞转录组测序分析中的细胞聚类和拟时序分析的原理和研究进展,为进行单细胞转录组测序数据分析提供参考。最后,本文简述了单细胞测序研究热度、单细胞测序的应用、挑战和展望等,有助于更全面地认识单细胞测序。 相似文献
近年来,生命科学和医学的基础研究已深入到单细胞阶段。单细胞研究为揭示生命活动的基本规律、探索细胞异质性、提高对疾病发病机制的认识等提供了重要的线索和依据,同时,单细胞技术已被应用于日常实践中,如法医学和临床生殖医学。单细胞研究中使用的技术也在不断变化,并越来越复杂。文中主要介绍单细胞分离技术,包括手工挑取、激光捕获显微切割和微流控技术,以及单细胞中DNA、RNA和蛋白质分析方法的各种技术。此外,文中总结了近年来生命科学和医学领域的主要单细胞研究成果,讨论了单细胞相关技术和研究的不足,并介绍了其未来的发展方向。 相似文献
基于微流控的真菌单细胞捕获和培养 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
【背景】真菌单细胞培养在研究细胞异质性及细胞生长特性等方面十分重要,因此需要建立简单便捷的方法对真菌单细胞进行培养与观察。【目的】基于微流控建立一种真菌单细胞的捕获及培养方法,同时直观地对单细胞进行定位和实时观察。【方法】利用L-edit设计芯片图案并利用等离子键合的方法制备微流控芯片;通过注射泵将红酵母菌溶液及里氏木霉孢子溶液进样以实现单细胞捕获;采用台盼蓝染色法测定酵母细胞的存活率;利用显微镜对酵母单细胞及木霉孢子的萌发、生长、繁殖过程进行观察。【结果】所制备的芯片形状完好,可实现酵母或孢子的单细胞捕获;酵母的捕获率为25.00%±1.38%;分别于0、2、4、6h对酵母进行观察,可看到酵母出芽过程;培养至48h,芯片上酵母细胞的存活率与游离培养条件下的存活率无显著性差异;分别于0、3、6、9 h对单个孢子进行观察,可以看到孢子萌发以及菌丝生长情况,且直至120h菌丝仍在生长。【结论】设计并制备了一种用于真菌单细胞捕获及定位培养的微流控芯片,这是此种芯片在真菌单细胞培养中的首次应用。细胞可在此微流控芯片上正常生长至少2 d,并可实现5 d及更长时间的培养,此方法可对真菌单细胞进行直观、定位的实时观察,有望用于多种微生物单细胞的生理、遗传性状研究,以及原生质体融合育种研究。 相似文献
目前常规的转录组分析方法无法揭示单个细胞之间基因表达的异质性,也难以对极少量细胞进行分析,单细胞转录组分析技术为此提供了有效的研究工具。对单细胞转录组分析技术的历史、发展、策略、方法和应用进行综述。 相似文献
巴斯德毕赤酵母是当前应用最为方便和广泛的外源蛋白表达系统之一,为了进一步提高其表达外源蛋白的能力,文中建立了基于液滴微流控的毕赤酵母高通量筛选方法,并以木聚糖酶融合荧光蛋白为例,筛选获得木聚糖酶表达和分泌能力提高的突变株。通过PCR扩增得到木聚糖酶xyn5基因和绿色荧光蛋白gfp基因融合片段,并克隆到毕赤酵母表达载体pPIC9K中构建出木聚糖酶融合绿色荧光蛋白的质粒pPIC9K-xyn5-gfp,电转化至毕赤酵母GS115中得到表达木聚糖酶和绿色荧光蛋白的毕赤酵母SG菌株。该菌株经过常压室温等离子体诱变后进行单细胞液滴包埋,液滴培养24h后进行微流控筛选,获得高表达木聚糖酶的突变菌株,进而用于下一轮的诱变突变库构建和筛选。以此类推,经过5轮液滴微流控筛选,获得一株高产菌株SG-m5,其木聚糖酶活为149.17U/mg,较出发菌株提升300%,分泌外源蛋白的能力较出发菌株提高160%。文中建立的毕赤酵母单细胞液滴微流控高通量筛选方法能达到每小时10万菌株的筛选通量,筛选百万级别的菌株库仅需10h,消耗荧光试剂体积100μL,对比传统的微孔板筛选方法降低试剂成本近百万倍,为高效、低成本筛选获得表达和分泌外源蛋白能力提高的毕赤酵母提供了一条新途径。 相似文献
体外区室化(In vitro compartmentalization,IVC)是通过制备微液滴反应小室包裹单个基因(包含表达体系)或细胞进行反应和培养,从而建立表现型与基因型的偶联,并借助流式细胞仪(Fluorescence-activatedcell sorting,FACS)对液滴进行超高通量检测和筛选,进而快速获得目标基因或细胞的一种方法。IVC-FACS筛选方法已被广泛应用于蛋白质工程、酶工程等定向进化研究。但早期利用机械分散法生成的微液滴大小均一性难以控制,严重影响液滴的定量检测,降低了筛选的效率和准确性。随着微流控芯片制备技术的快速发展,在芯片内快速生成微液滴的技术也愈加成熟。本研究首先利用W/O (Water-in-oil)单层液滴生成芯片高速制备单分散的W1/O液滴,再将W1/O液滴重注入W/O/W (Water-in-oil-in-water)双层乳化液滴生成芯片制备均一的W1/O/W2双层乳化液滴。通过对油、水相流速与比值的优化,可以生成直径在15.4–23.2μm的单乳化微液滴,液滴可在培养数天内保持稳定。将单乳化液滴重注入双层乳化液滴芯片,通过调整油相流速,可以获得生成速度在1 000个液滴/s、直径在30–100μm的双层乳化液滴。利用双层乳化液滴包埋的大肠杆菌细胞能正常进行培养和目标蛋白的诱导表达,为后续建立基于液滴和流式细胞仪的菌株高通量筛选方法奠定基础。 相似文献
多细胞生物体的生存依赖于不同类型细胞特异性的功能分工,不同类型的细胞尽管基因组相同,但有其独特的发育过程和应对环境变化的能力。生物学的一大挑战就是揭示基因如何在正确的位置、正确的时间表达到正确的水平,最近出现了很多通过细胞类型特异性方法研究单细胞组学的工具,这些新技术使我们能通过空前分辨率,理解多细胞生物体内不同类型的单个细胞基因表达特点及其适应环境变化的机制。单细胞样品的获取一直是单细胞研究的一大技术瓶颈,因此本文将以如何获得起始材料为重点,探讨单细胞研究的样品标记、单细胞分离及获取、组学数据分析和结果验证等技术方法及其在植物研究中的应用。 相似文献
细胞异质性是生物组织的普遍特征。常规转录组测序(RNA-Seq)技术需要上万个细胞,所测结果实际上是一群细胞基因表达的平均值,所以难以鉴别细胞之间基因表达的异质性。单细胞RNA-Seq技术的分辨率精确至单个细胞,为辨别异质性群体中各种细胞类型的转录组特征提供了有力的工具。近年来单细胞RNA-Seq技术发展迅速,在方法学上包括cDNA扩增方法的多样化、对灵敏度和技术噪声的定量分析、浅覆盖高通量单细胞RNA-Seq方法和原位RNA-Seq技术等;在技术应用方面应用范围从早期胚胎发育扩大到组织器官发育、免疫和肿瘤等多个领域。文章对单细胞RNA-Seq在方法学和技术应用两方面的研究进展进行了详细阐述。 相似文献
Zhixin Ma Pan M. Chu Yingtong Su Yue Yu Hui Wen Xiongfei Fu Shuqiang Huang 《Quantitative Biology.》2019,7(3):171
Background: Traditionally, scientists studied microbiology through the manner of batch cultures, to conclude the dynamics or outputs by averaging all individuals. However, as the researches go further, the heterogeneities among the individuals have been proven to be crucial for the population dynamics and fates. Results: Due to the limit of technology, single-cell analysis methods were not widely used to decipher the inherent connections between individual cells and populations. Since the early decades of this century, the rapid development of microfluidics, fluorescent labelling, next-generation sequencing, and high-resolution microscopy have speeded up the development of single-cell technologies and further facilitated the applications of these technologies on bacterial analysis. Conclusions: In this review, we summarized the recent processes of single-cell technologies applied in bacterial analysis in terms of intracellular characteristics, cell physiology dynamics, and group behaviors, and discussed how single-cell technologies could be more applicable for future bacterial researches. 相似文献
【目的】目前对于南极冰层微生物研究较少,而且研究手段多为纯培养和高通量测序,对于其中的微生物群落多样性仍知之甚少。本研究拟研究东南极达尔克冰川冰层中微生物群落组成。【方法】采用纯培养法、单细胞分选和高通量测序3种方法对东南极达尔克冰川冰层微生物进行研究,探究该生境中微生物的群落组成。【结果】从达尔克冰川中分离出10门19纲94属。其中,变形菌门(Proteobacteria)为优势菌门,α-变形菌纲(Alphaproteobacteria)为优势纲,鞘氨醇单胞菌属(Sphingomonas)为优势属,结果显示冰层中存在较为丰富的微生物多样性。其中,纯培养法分离出25株细菌。单细胞分选方法分离得到24株细菌。高通量测序共得到55 183条序列,聚类出116个操作分类单元(operational taxonomic unit, OTU)。3种研究方法得出的优势种群不尽相同。通过单细胞分选和纯培养法共获得7株细菌,它们与数据库最近源16SrRNA基因序列的相似度小于98.65%,其中有2株菌株与最近源16S rRNA基因序列的相似度小于95.00%,推测可能有2个潜在新属,5个潜在新种。【结论】本研究通过纯培养法、单细胞分选以及高通量测序3种方法对东南极达尔克冰川冰层微生物多样性进行研究发现,该生境中细菌多样性复杂。对比3种方法,其各有优势和局限性。这意味着结合使用多种研究方法研究微生物多样性,可获得更加全面的微生物群落组成。研究结果可为挖掘南极微生物资源提供数据基础。 相似文献
Microfluidic encapsulation methods have been previously utilized to capture cells in picoliter-scale aqueous, monodisperse drops, providing confinement from a bulk fluid environment with applications in high throughput screening, cytometry, and mass spectrometry. We describe a method to not only encapsulate single cells, but to repeatedly capture a set number of cells (here we demonstrate one- and two-cell encapsulation) to study both isolation and the interactions between cells in groups of controlled sizes. By combining drop generation techniques with cell and particle ordering, we demonstrate controlled encapsulation of cell-sized particles for efficient, continuous encapsulation. Using an aqueous particle suspension and immiscible fluorocarbon oil, we generate aqueous drops in oil with a flow focusing nozzle. The aqueous flow rate is sufficiently high to create ordering of particles which reach the nozzle at integer multiple frequencies of the drop generation frequency, encapsulating a controlled number of cells in each drop. For representative results, 9.9 μm polystyrene particles are used as cell surrogates. This study shows a single-particle encapsulation efficiency P(k=1) of 83.7% and a double-particle encapsulation efficiency P(k=2) of 79.5% as compared to their respective Poisson efficiencies of 39.3% and 33.3%, respectively. The effect of consistent cell and particle concentration is demonstrated to be of major importance for efficient encapsulation, and dripping to jetting transitions are also addressed. INTRODUCTION: Continuous media aqueous cell suspensions share a common fluid environment which allows cells to interact in parallel and also homogenizes the effects of specific cells in measurements from the media. High-throughput encapsulation of cells into picoliter-scale drops confines the samples to protect drops from cross-contamination, enable a measure of cellular diversity within samples, prevent dilution of reagents and expressed biomarkers, and amplify signals from bioreactor products. Drops also provide the ability to re-merge drops into larger aqueous samples or with other drops for intercellular signaling studies. The reduction in dilution implies stronger detection signals for higher accuracy measurements as well as the ability to reduce potentially costly sample and reagent volumes. Encapsulation of cells in drops has been utilized to improve detection of protein expression, antibodies, enzymes, and metabolic activity for high throughput screening, and could be used to improve high throughput cytometry. Additional studies present applications in bio-electrospraying of cell containing drops for mass spectrometry and targeted surface cell coatings. Some applications, however, have been limited by the lack of ability to control the number of cells encapsulated in drops. Here we present a method of ordered encapsulation which increases the demonstrated encapsulation efficiencies for one and two cells and may be extrapolated for encapsulation of a larger number of cells. To achieve monodisperse drop generation, microfluidic "flow focusing" enables the creation of controllable-size drops of one fluid (an aqueous cell mixture) within another (a continuous oil phase) by using a nozzle at which the streams converge. For a given nozzle geometry, the drop generation frequency f and drop size can be altered by adjusting oil and aqueous flow rates Q(oil) and Q(aq). As the flow rates increase, the flows may transition from drop generation to unstable jetting of aqueous fluid from the nozzle. When the aqueous solution contains suspended particles, particles become encapsulated and isolated from one another at the nozzle. For drop generation using a randomly distributed aqueous cell suspension, the average fraction of drops D(k) containing k cells is dictated by Poisson statistics, where D(k) = λ(k) exp(-λ)/(k!) and λ is the average number of cells per drop. The fraction of cells which end up in the "correctly" encapsulated drops is calculated using P(k) = (k x D(k))/Σ(k' x D(k)'). The subtle difference between the two metrics is that D(k) relates to the utilization of aqueous fluid and the amount of drop sorting that must be completed following encapsulation, and P(k) relates to the utilization of the cell sample. As an example, one could use a dilute cell suspension (low λ) to encapsulate drops where most drops containing cells would contain just one cell. While the efficiency metric P(k) would be high, the majority of drops would be empty (low D(k)), thus requiring a sorting mechanism to remove empty drops, also reducing throughput. Combining drop generation with inertial ordering provides the ability to encapsulate drops with more predictable numbers of cells per drop and higher throughputs than random encapsulation. Inertial focusing was first discovered by Segre and Silberberg and refers to the tendency of finite-sized particles to migrate to lateral equilibrium positions in channel flow. Inertial ordering refers to the tendency of the particles and cells to passively organize into equally spaced, staggered, constant velocity trains. Both focusing and ordering require sufficiently high flow rates (high Reynolds number) and particle sizes (high Particle Reynolds number). Here, the Reynolds number Re =uD(h)/ν and particle Reynolds number Rep =Re(a/D(h))2, where u is a characteristic flow velocity, D(h) [=2wh/(w+h)] is the hydraulic diameter, ν is the kinematic viscosity, a is the particle diameter, w is the channel width, and h is the channel height. Empirically, the length required to achieve fully ordered trains decreases as Re and Re(p) increase. Note that the high Re and Re(p) requirements (for this study on the order of 5 and 0.5, respectively) may conflict with the need to keep aqueous flow rates low to avoid jetting at the drop generation nozzle. Additionally, high flow rates lead to higher shear stresses on cells, which are not addressed in this protocol. The previous ordered encapsulation study demonstrated that over 90% of singly encapsulated HL60 cells under similar flow conditions to those in this study maintained cell membrane integrity. However, the effect of the magnitude and time scales of shear stresses will need to be carefully considered when extrapolating to different cell types and flow parameters. The overlapping of the cell ordering, drop generation, and cell viability aqueous flow rate constraints provides an ideal operational regime for controlled encapsulation of single and multiple cells. Because very few studies address inter-particle train spacing, determining the spacing is most easily done empirically and will depend on channel geometry, flow rate, particle size, and particle concentration. Nonetheless, the equal lateral spacing between trains implies that cells arrive at predictable, consistent time intervals. When drop generation occurs at the same rate at which ordered cells arrive at the nozzle, the cells become encapsulated within the drop in a controlled manner. This technique has been utilized to encapsulate single cells with throughputs on the order of 15 kHz, a significant improvement over previous studies reporting encapsulation rates on the order of 60-160 Hz. In the controlled encapsulation work, over 80% of drops contained one and only one cell, a significant efficiency improvement over Poisson (random) statistics, which predicts less than 40% efficiency on average. In previous controlled encapsulation work, the average number of particles per drop λ was tuned to provide single-cell encapsulation. We hypothesize that through tuning of flow rates, we can efficiently encapsulate any number of cells per drop when λ is equal or close to the number of desired cells per drop. While single-cell encapsulation is valuable in determining individual cell responses from stimuli, multiple-cell encapsulation provides information relating to the interaction of controlled numbers and types of cells. Here we present a protocol, representative results using polystyrene microspheres, and discussion for controlled encapsulation of multiple cells using a passive inertial ordering channel and drop generation nozzle. 相似文献
液滴微流控技术在微纳米尺度上对多种流体的流动进行精确控制,从而能够以高通量的方式生成结构可调和成分可控的微纳米液滴。通过结合合适的水凝胶材料和制造方法,可以将单个或多个细胞高效地封装进水凝胶中,制备细胞凝胶微球。细胞凝胶微球可以为细胞的增殖、分化等提供一个三维的、相对独立可控的微环境,在三维细胞培养、组织工程与再生医学、干细胞研究和单细胞研究等生命科学领域具有重要价值。本文主要综述了基于液滴微流控技术的细胞凝胶微球的制备及其在生物医学领域的应用,并对未来的研究工作提出了展望。 相似文献