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The stimulation of cell proliferation by insulin like growth factor IGF-1 has previously been shown to depend on activation of voltage gated K(+) channels. The signaling involved in activation of voltage gated K(+) channel Kv1.3 includes the phosphatidylinositol-3 (PI3) protein kinase, 3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase PDK1 and the serum and glucocorticoid inducible kinase SGK1. However, nothing is known about mechanisms mediating the stimulation of Kv1.3 by SGK1. Most recently, SGK1 has been shown to phosphorylate and thus inactivate the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2. The present study has been performed to explore whether the regulation of Kv1.3 involves Nedd4-2. To this end Kv1.3 has been expressed in Xenopus oocytes with or without coexpression of Nedd4-2 and/or constitutively active (S422D)SGK1. In oocytes expressing Kv1.3 but not in water injected oocytes, depolarization from a holding potential of -80 mV to +20 mV triggers rapidly inactivating currents typical for Kv1.3. Coexpression of Nedd4-2 decreases, coexpression of (S422D)SGK1 enhances the currents significantly. The effects of either Nedd4-2 or of SGK1 are abrogated by destruction of the respective catalytic subunits ((C938S)Nedd4-2 or (K127N)SGK1). Further experiments revealed that wild type SGK1 and SGK3 and to a lesser extent SGK2 are similarly effective in stimulating Kv1.3 in both, presence and absence of Nedd4-2. It is concluded that Kv1.3 is downregulated by Nedd4-2 and stimulates by SGK1, SGK2, and SGK3. The data thus disclose a novel mechanism of Kv1.3 channel regulation.  相似文献   

The Na(+), glucose cotransporter SGLT1 (SLC5A1) accomplishes Na(+)-dependent concentrative cellular glucose uptake. SGLT1 activity is enhanced by the serum and glucocorticoid inducible kinase SGK1. As shown recently, the stimulating effect of protein kinase B on the glucose carrier GLUT4 involves the mammalian phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate-5-kinase PIKfyve (PIP5K3). The present experiments thus explored whether PIKfyve is similarly involved in the SGK1-dependent regulation of SLC5A1. In Xenopus oocytes expressing SLC5A1 but not in water injected oocytes glucose induced a current which was significantly enhanced by coexpression of PIKfyve. The effect of PIKfyve on SLC5A1 was blunted by additional coexpression of the inactive mutant of the serum and glucocorticoid inducible kinase (K119N)SGK1 and mimicked by coexpression of constitutively active (S422D)SGK1. The stimulating effect of PIKfyve was abrogated by replacement of the serine in the SGK consensus sequence by alanine ((S138A)PIKfyve). Moreover, coexpression of (S138A)PIKfyve significantly blunted the effect of SGK1 on SLC5A1 activity. The observations disclose that PIKfyve participates in the SGK1-dependent regulation of SLC5A1.  相似文献   

Human ether-a-go-go (HERG) channels participate in the repolarization of the cardiac action potential. Loss of function mutations of HERG lead to delayed cardiac repolarization reflected by prolonged QT interval. HERG channels are regulated through a signaling cascade involving phosphatidylinositol 3 (PI3) kinase. Downstream targets of PI3 kinase include the serum and glucocorticoid inducible kinase (SGK) and protein kinase B (PKB) isoforms. The present study has been performed to explore whether SGK1 and SGK3 participate in the regulation of HERG channel activity. HERG was expressed in Xenopus oocytes with or without additional expression of SGK1 or SGK3. Chemiluminescence was employed to determine HERG plasma membrane protein abundance. Coexpression of SGK3 but not of SGK1 in Xenopus oocytes resulted in an increase of steady state current (I(HERG)) and enhanced cell membrane protein abundance without affecting gating kinetics of the channel. Replacement of serine by alanine at the two SGK consensus sites decreased I(HERG) but neither mutation abolished the stimulating effect of SGK3. In conclusion, SGK3 participates in the regulation of HERG by increasing HERG protein abundance in the plasma membrane and may thus modify the duration of the cardiac action potential.  相似文献   

Serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase (SGK) 1 and SGK3 share the ability to upregulate several ion channels, including the epithelial Na(+) channel. Whereas SGK1 is under genomic control of mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids, SGK3 is constitutively expressed. The SKG1-knockout (sgk1(-/-)) mouse is seemingly normal when it is fed a standard diet, but its ability to retain NaCl is impaired when it is fed a salt-deficient diet. In the SGK3-knockout (sgk3(-/-)) mouse fed standard and salt-deficient diets, hair growth is strikingly delayed but NaCl excretion is normal. Thus the possibility was considered that SGK1 and SGK3 could mutually replace each other, thus preventing severe NaCl loss in sgk1(-/-) and sgk3(-/-) mice. We crossed SGK1- and SGK3-knockout mice and compared renal electrolyte excretion of the double mutants (sgk1(-/-)/sgk3(-/-)) with that of their wild-type littermates (sgk1(+/+)/sgk3(+/+)). Similar to sgk3(-/-) mice, the sgk1(-/-)/sgk3(-/-) mice display delayed hair growth. Blood pressure was slightly, but significantly (P < 0.03), lower in sgk1(-/-)/sgk3(-/-) (102 +/- 4 mmHg) than in sgk1(+/+)/sgk3(+/+) (114 +/- 3 mmHg) mice, a difference that was maintained in mice fed low- and high-salt diets. Plasma aldosterone concentrations were significantly (P < 0.01) higher in sgk1(-/-)/sgk3(-/-) than in sgk1(+/+)sgk3(+/+) mice fed control (511 +/- 143 vs. 143 +/- 32 pg/ml) and low-salt (1,325 +/- 199 vs. 362 +/- 145 pg/ml) diets. During salt depletion, absolute and fractional excretions of Na(+) were significantly (P < 0.01) higher in sgk1(-/-)/sgk3(-/-) (1.2 +/- 0.2 micromol/24 h g body wt, 0.12 +/- 0.03%) than in sgk1(+/+)/sgk3(+/+) (0.4 +/- 0.1 micromol/24 h g body wt, 0.04 +/- 0.01%) mice. The sgk1(-/-)/sgk3(-/-) mice share the delayed hair growth with sgk3(-/-) mice and the modestly impaired renal salt retention with sgk1(-/-) mice. Additional lack of the isoform kinase does not substantially compound the phenotype for either property.  相似文献   

Epithelial calcium (re)absorption is mediated by TRPV5 and TRPV6 channels. TRPV5 is modulated by the SGK1 kinase, a process requiring the PDZ-domain containing scaffold protein NHERF2. The present study explored whether TRPV6 is similarly regulated by SGKs and the scaffold proteins NHERF1/2. In Xenopus oocytes, SGKs activate TRPV6 by increasing its plasma membrane abundance. Deletion of the putative PDZ binding motif on TRPV6 did not abolish channel activation by SGKs. Furthermore, coexpression of neither NHERF1 nor NHERF2 affected TRPV6 or potentiated the SGKs stimulating effect. The present observations disclose a novel TRPV6 regulatory mechanism which presumably participates in calcium homeostasis.  相似文献   

Maternal stress and malnutrition modify intrauterine fetal development with impact on postnatal blood pressure, nutrient, water, and electrolyte metabolism. The present study explored the possible involvement of maternal serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase (SGK)-1 in fetal programming of blood pressure. To this end, wild-type (sgk1(+/+)) male mice were mated with SGK1 knockout (sgk1(-/-)) female mice, and sgk1(-/-) males with sgk1(+/+) females, resulting in both cases in heterozygotic (sgk1(-/+)) offspring. Following prenatal protein restriction, the offspring of sgk1(+/+) mothers gained weight significantly slower and had significantly higher blood pressure after birth. Moreover, a sexual dimorphism was apparent in fasting blood glucose and plasma corticosterone concentrations, with higher levels in female offspring. In contrast, prenatal protein restriction of sgk1(-/-) mothers had no significant effect on postnatal weight gain, blood pressure, plasma glucose concentration, or corticosterone levels, irrespective of offspring sex. Plasma aldosterone concentration, urinary flow rates, and urinary excretions of Na(+) and K(+) were not significantly modified by either maternal genotype or nutritional manipulation. In conclusion, maternal signals mediated by SGK1 may play a decisive role in fetal programming of hypertension induced by prenatal protein restriction.  相似文献   

The serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase 1 (SGK1) is known to regulate a wide variety of cellular processes, including renal sodium retention and cell survival. Angiotensin II (Ang II) is one of the many signaling molecules capable of regulating SGK1 expression, and is also known to impact cell survival. Here, we examined the role of SGK1 in Ang II-mediated cell survival. We hypothesized that Ang II protects cells from apoptosis by upregulating and activating SGK1. To test this, we examined the effects of Ang II stimulation on SGK1 expression and downstream signaling. We also examined the effects of Ang II treatment and siRNA-mediated SGK1 knockdown on apoptosis after serum starvation. We found that after 2 h of Ang II treatment, SGK1 mRNA expression was increased approximately 2-fold. This induction was sensitive to reductions in intracellular calcium levels after pretreatment with BAPTA-AM, but insensitive to the L-type calcium channel blocker verapamil. SGK1 induction was also sensitive to the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein. Ang II treatment also caused a rapid increase in the level of phosphorylation of SGK1 at Ser422 and Thr256, and Ser422 phosphorylation was rapamycin-sensitive. We found that Ang II treatment was protective against serum starvation-induced apoptosis, and this protective effect was significantly blunted when SGK1 was silenced via siRNA. Lastly, Ang II induced FOXO3A phosphorylation in an SGK1-dependent manner, thereby reducing the pro-apoptotic actions of FOXO3A. Overall, these results indicate that Ang II upregulates and activates SGK1, leading to increased cell survival via multiple, non-redundant mechanisms.  相似文献   

In the mammalian retina, glutamate re-uptake is mediated by the sodium dependent cotransport systems EAAT1-5 thus terminating neuronal excitation and preventing neuroexcitotoxicity. In retinal amacrine and ganglion cells, EAAT5 is colocalized with the serum and glucocorticoid inducible kinase SGK1, a serine/threonine kinase known to regulate transport. The study explored the possible regulation of EAAT5 by SGK1, its isoform SGK3, and the closely related protein kinase B. EAAT5 was coexpressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes with or without the respective kinases. Transport activity was quantified by electrophysiology and cell surface expression was determined by chemiluminescence. Both EAAT5 mediated currents and EAAT5 protein abundance at the cell surface were increased by a factor of 1.5-2 upon coexpression of SGK1 or SGK3 but not following coexpression of PKB. In conclusion, the kinases SGK1 and SGK3 increase EAAT5 activity by increasing cell surface abundance of the carrier.  相似文献   

The serum and glucocorticoid regulated kinase-1 (SGK1) is part of the serine/threonine kinase family and has therapeutic potential in several neurodegenerative diseases such as ischemic stroke and Parkinson's disease. Here we use structure-based virtual screening to identify a novel ligand which inhibits SGK1 activity. The data presented here can be used for future scaffold hopping and possible drug development efforts.  相似文献   

The serum- and glucocorticoid- inducible kinase SGK1 stimulates the renal outer medullary K(+) channel ROMK1 in the presence of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger regulating factor NHERF2. SGK1/NHERF2 are effective through enhancement of ROMK1 abundance within the cell membrane. The present study aims to define the molecular requirements for the interaction of ROMK1 with SGK1/NHERF2. Pull down assays reveal that SGK1 interacts with NHERF2 through the second PDZ domain of NHERF2. According to chemiluminescence and electrophysiology, deletion of the second PDZ domain of NHERF2 or the putative PDZ binding motif on ROMK1 abrogates the stimulating effect of SGK1 on ROMK1 protein abundance in the plasma membrane and K(+) current.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of regulation of epithelial sodium channel by SGK1 in A6 cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The serum and glucocorticoid induced kinase 1 (SGK1) participates in the regulation of sodium reabsorption in the distal segment of the renal tubule, where it may modify the function of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). The molecular mechanism underlying SGK1 regulation of ENaC in renal epithelial cells remains controversial. We have addressed this issue in an A6 renal epithelial cell line that expresses SGK1 under the control of a tetracycline-inducible system. Expression of a constitutively active mutant of SGK1 (SGK1T(S425D)) induced a sixfold increase in amiloride-sensitive short-circuit current (Isc). Using noise analysis we demonstrate that SGK1 effect on Isc is due to a fourfold increase in the number of functional ENaCs in the membrane and a 43% increase in channel open probability. Impedance analysis indicated that SGK1T(S425D) increased the absolute value of cell equivalent capacitance by an average of 13.7%. SGK1T(S425D) also produced a 1.6-1.9-fold increase in total and plasma membrane subunit abundance, without changing the half-life of channels in the membrane. We conclude that in contrast to aldosterone, where stimulation of transport can be explained simply by an increase in channel synthesis, SGK1 effects are more complex and involve at least three actions: (1) increase of ENaC open probability; (2) increase of subunit abundance within apical membranes and intracellular compartments; and (3) activation of one or more pools of preexistent channels within the apical membranes and/or intracellular compartments.  相似文献   

Stimulation of the type 1 IL-1R (IL-1R1) and the IL-18R by their cognate ligands induces recruitment of the IL-1R-associated kinase (IRAK). Activation of IRAK leads in turn to nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB, which directs expression of innate and adaptive immune response genes. To study IRAK function in cytokine signaling, we generated cells and mice lacking the IRAK protein. IRAK-deficient fibroblasts show diminished activation of NF-kappaB when stimulated with IL-1. Immune effector cells without IRAK exhibit a defective IFN-gamma response to costimulation with IL-18. Furthermore, mice lacking the Irak gene demonstrate an attenuated response to injected IL-1. Deletion of Irak, however, does not affect the ability of mice to develop delayed-type hypersensitivity or clear infection with the intracellular parasite, Listeria monocytogenes. These results demonstrate that although IRAK participates in IL-1 and IL-18 signal transduction, residual cytokine responsiveness operates through an IRAK-independent pathway.  相似文献   

The lead serum and glucocorticoid-related kinase 1 (SGK1) inhibitors 4-(5-phenyl-1H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyridin-3-yl)benzoic acid (1) and {4-[5-(2-naphthalenyl)-1H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyridin-3-yl]phenyl}acetic acid (2) suffer from low DNAUC values in rat, due in part to formation and excretion of glucuronic acid conjugates. These PK/glucuronidation issues were addressed either by incorporating a substituent on the 3-phenyl ring ortho to the key carboxylate functionality of 1 or by substituting on the group in between the carboxylate and phenyl ring of 2. Three of these analogs have been identified as having good SGK1 inhibition potency and have DNAUC values suitable for in vivo testing.  相似文献   

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