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Despite concern over the conservation status of many Mongolian salmonids and the importance of their ecological role in Mongolia's aquatic ecosystems, little is known about their basic biology. Hovsgol grayling (Thymallus nigrescens) is endemic to Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia and listed as endangered on the Mongolian Red List. Baikal grayling (T. baicalensis) and lenok (Brachymystax lenok) are found in lakes and rivers throughout the Selenge drainage. A detailed study of the age and growth of these three salmonids was conducted based on 1,682 samples collected from July 2006 to July 2013 in Lake Hovsgol, its outlet the Eg River, and one of the Eg's largest tributaries, the Uur River. Our results suggest that Hovsgol grayling in particular can reach a much older maximum age (17 years in our samples) than previously believed based on aging from scales. Female Hovsgol grayling were heavier at a given length than their male counterparts. Lenok had a greater average length‐at‐age in Lake Hovsgol compared to the rivers and greater weight‐at‐length in the warmer Uur River than in the Eg; female lenok from the rivers had a greater average length‐at‐age than their male counterparts. This study provides critical new information for the management and conservation of these threatened salmonid species in Mongolia.  相似文献   

Mathevolepis junlanae sp. n. from shrews (Sorex spp.) of Far East is described given. The new species occupies an intermediate position between the Palaearctic species M. petrotschenkoi Spassky, 1948 (total number of proglottids--4) and M. skrjabini (Sadovskaya, 1965) (10-12 segments in a series) by the number of synchronously developing proglottids (2-4). The new species differs from M. larbi Karpenko, 1982 by the structure and measurements of copulative apparatus in proglottids. In M. larbi, vagina S-shaped, vagina length 0.147-0.154 mm, cirrus length 0.146-0.149 mm, and cirrus bursa reaching aporal excretory vessels. M. junlanae sp. n. has cirrus bursa slightly crossing center line of sexually mature proglottids, cirrus about half as long (0.084-0.092 mm), and smaller sac-shaped vagina (0.075-0.10 mm). The new species differs from the Nearctic representative M. macyi (Locker and Rausch, 1952) by lesser measurements of cirrus bursa (0.12-0.14 mm versus 0.4 mm) and a fewer number of proglottids in series (2-4 versus 5-7).  相似文献   

A new species of cestode of the genus Linstowia (Cestoda: Anoplocephalidae) is described from marsupials of the genera Thylamys and Monodelphis. The new species (Linstowia schmidti) differs from Linstowia iheringi Zschokke, 1904, in having a much smaller strobila and reduced number of proglottids, and in the distribution of the eggs in gravid proglottids. In Bolivia, cestodes of the genus Linstowia appear to have a restricted geographic distribution, occurring in marsupials only in southeastern Bolivia near the western margin of the Chaco. This host-parasite association may represent an ecological-historical relict.  相似文献   

Anthobothrium galeorhini n. sp. (Eucestoda: Phyllobothriidae) collected from the spiral intestine of Galeorhinus galeus (Linnaeus, 1758) at the Puerto Madryn (Atlantic coastal region) is described. The new species differs from A. cornucopia as described by Euzet (1959) by the size of body, bothridia, gravid proglottids and eggs; by the neck length and by the different number of testes and proglottids. The size of bothridia and the gravid proglottids, the cirrus length and the number of testes allow differentiating the species here proposed from A. laciniatum Linton, 1890 as described by Euzel (1959). The body and cirrus sac size, the bothridia shape and the number of testes separate the species here described from A. parvum Stossich, 1895 as described by Yamaguti (1952). The anatomic differences between the cestode described by Arandas Rego (1977) and located laxonomycally under the name Anthobothrium laciniatum are listed and the systematic position of the cestode is discussed. Species parasitic of skates listed in scientific literature must be taxonomically reaccommodated, since their characteristics are not consistent with the diagnosis of Anthobothrium.  相似文献   

ORECTOLOBICESTUS N. G. (CESTODA: Tetraphyllidea) is erected for six cestode species parasitising bamboo sharks (Orectolobiformes: Chiloscyllium). Members of this genus differ from all other phyllobothriid genera in possessing modified maisiform spinitriches on their distal bothridial surfaces. In addition, they are easily recognised in that they share the following unique combination of characters: their vitelline fields are interrupted by the ovary, their necks are scutellate, and their bothridia bear an apical sucker and marginal loculi. Five new species of Orectolobicestus are described, including O. tyleri n. sp. from Chiloscyllium punctatum off Borneo, O. lorettae n. sp. from C. cf. punctatum off Australia, O. mukahensis n. sp. and O. kelleyae n. sp. from C. indicum off Borneo, and O. randyi n.sp. from C. hasselti also from off Borneo. In addition, Phyllobothrium chiloscyllii Subhapradha, 1955 is transferred to the new genus. O. chiloscyllii (Subhapradha, 1955) n. comb. is readily distinguished from all five new species in its greater total length. In addition to a number of proglottid features, O. kelleyae n. sp. and O. randyi n. sp. clearly differ from the other three new species in their possession of trifid, rather than fully serrate, spinitriches on their proximal bothridial surfaces. The latter two species conspicuously differ from one another in total number of proglottids (11-21 vs 27-38). O. tyleri n. sp. generally has fewer proglottids than O. lorrettae n. sp. (7-17 vs 13-23) and, like O. mukahensis n. sp., possesses scutes that are spathate rather than elongate. O. tyleri n. sp. is readily distinguished from O. mukahensis n. sp. in its possession of fewer proglottids (7-17 vs. 19-29). The five new species of Orectolobicestus share derived bothridial microthrix features with Phyllobothrium squali Yamaguti, 1952, Thysanocephalum sp., Orygmatobothrium sp., Ruhnkecestus Caira & Durkin, 2006 and species of Paraorygmatobothrium Ruhnke, 1994. Among these taxa, Orectolobicestus most closely resembles Paraorygmatobothrium and Ruhnkecestus in its vitelline fields being interrupted by the ovary and the possession of a scutellate neck.  相似文献   

Three fragilarioid diatom taxa were studied in detail at the light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy levels from samples collected from Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia. Two of the taxa are new to science, described here as Staurosirella minuta Morales et M. B. Edlund and Pseudostaurosira tenuis Morales et M. B. Edlund, and may be endemic to Lake Hovsgol. The third taxon has been identified as Fragilaria polonica Witak et Lange‐Bertalot and it is transferred to the genus Pseudostaurosira (Grunow) D. M. Williams et Round as Pseudostaurosira polonica (Witak et Lange‐Bertalot) Morales et M. B. Edlund comb. nov. based on the ultrastructural features of its valves. The relationship of the above taxa to others reported in the literature is included herein, and the nomenclatural transfer, Pseudostaurosira naveana (Le Cohu) Morales et M. B. Edlund comb. nov., is proposed.  相似文献   

K V Regel' 《Parazitologiia》1988,22(2):171-177
8 species of cestodes belonging to the family Hymenolepididae were recorded from Polysticta stelleri (Pall.) in the Chaun lowland. A new species of hymenolepidids, Microsomacanthus polystictae sp. n., differing from close (by the length of proboscis hooks) species of the genus in the structure and size of the copulatory organ is described. Brief diagnosis of the new species: cestodes small, specimens ending with hermaphrodite proglottids 2.44 to 2.91 mm long. Proboscis hooks 0.038 to 0.042 mm long, blade 0.011 to 0.012 mm long. Strobila of maximum length with 84 proglottids. In young male proglottids the aporal testis half as large as poral and median ones, in well-developed proglottids testes 0.020 to 0.026 X 0.023 to 0.032 mm. Bursa of cirrus 0.150 to 0.190 X 0.020 to 0.028 mm. Cirrus 0.107 mm long, basis 0.008 to 0.011 mm wide, median part 0.012 to 0.014 mm wide, apical part 0.004 mm wide. Cirrus armed with spines 0.003 to 0.004 mm long. Ovary bilobate, yolk gland compact. Spermatheca small, situated medially, in front of poral ovary lobe. Copulative part of vagina sacciform, 0.086 to 0.118 mm long, 0.023 to 0.037 mm maximum width. Distally and proximally vagina with muscular sphincters. Uterus sacciform, with 35 to 40 embryos. There were no mature "eggs" in the material.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Palabothriocephalus psenopsis n. sp. (Eucestoda: Pseudophyllidea) is described from the gastrointestinal tract of Psenopsis anomala caught off the coast of Xiamen, China. The new species most closely resembles, but differs from, Parabothriocephalus segmentatus in its possession of muscular globular appendages on the posterior margin of the proglottids, a limited proglottid number (9-13), and the shorter strobila (7.6-13.2 mm vs. 165 mm). In addition, the uterus of P. psenopsis is strongly coiled, whereas that of P. segmentatus is S shaped; P. segmentatus has a spherical expansion in the middle of the vagina, whereas that of P. psenopsis does not. Finally, P. psenopsis differs from Parabothriocephalus gracilis. Parabothriocephalus sagitticeps, and Parabothriocephalus macruri by the posterolateral expansion of the proglottids.  相似文献   

A new species of Scyphophyllidium inhabits Mustelus mento near La Paloma, Uruguay. It resembles Scyphophyllidium giganteum from the Atlantic Ocean and specimens identified as S. giganteum from California by having anapolytic strobilae 155-258 mm long, 250-300 craspedote proglottids, scoleces 1.2-1.4 mm wide, necks 34-41 mm long, immature and mature proglottids wider than long, gravid proglottids wider than long to longer than wide, genital pores averaging 28% of proglottid length from the anterior end, relatively flat ovaries with digitiform lobes reaching the lateralmost extent of the testicular field, vitellaria in 2 fields converging toward the proglottid midline, straight and short cirrus sacs, and postvaginal vas deferens. The bothridia of the new species have accessory bothridial suckers that are smaller than those of California specimens; European specimens reportedly lack accessory bothridial suckers. The new species possesses a uterine duct that joins the uterus at the level of the genital atrium and ventral osmoregulatory ducts medial rather than lateral to the dorsal ducts, an arrangement described for Californian but not European specimens. It differs from both European and Californian specimens by having longer cirri, more testes per proglottid, prominent scales covering the neck, and vaginae and uterine ducts coiled immediately preovarially. Pithophorus, Marsupiobothrium, and Scyphophyllidium may form a clade.  相似文献   

Between 1993 and 1996, 26 individuals of two species of horn sharks were collected from the upper Gulf of California and their spiral intestines examined for onchobothriid tapeworms. Heterodontus francisci was found to host Acanthobothrium puertecitense n. sp. Based on the criteria of Ghoshroy & Caira (2001), this is a Category 4 species (with >15mm total length, >50 proglottids, >80 testes and a symmetrical ovary). It differs from the four Category 4 species previously reported from either the western Atlantic or eastern Pacific Oceans, including A. bajaense (emend.) which was described from H. francisci, in hook-shape, total length, number of proglottids, number of testes and number of columns of vitelline follicles. H. mexicanus was found to host Acanthobothrium santarosaliense n. sp., which, based on the criteria of Ghoshroy & Caira (2001) is a Category 3 species (with >15mm total length, >50 proglottids, >80 testes and an asymmetrical ovary). A. santarosaliense differs from the five Category 3 species previously reported from either the western Atlantic or eastern Pacific Oceans in its size, euapolytic nature, lack of dark matrix from the bases of the hooks, hook-shape, and distribution and number of testes. In addition to the difference in ovarian symmetry, A. puertecitense possesses fewer testes, fewer proglottids, is a shorter worm, possesses a more anterior genital pore and vitelline follicles which extend further forward anteriorly than in A. santarosaliense. This represents the first report of onchobothriids from H. mexicanus and the first report of onchobothriids from H. francisci in the Gulf of California. The apparent host-specificity of both new species should be viewed with caution until a greater sample of host individuals of both species can be examined. The fact that both new tapeworm species are known only from the Gulf is also considered to be a preliminary result, given the small sample of host individuals examined from these regions to date. This brings the total number of species of Heterodontus known to host Acanthobothrium to four and the total number of Acanthobothrium species described from heterodontiform sharks to five.  相似文献   

Two new species of Paraorygmatobothrium Ruhnke, 1994, P. janineae n. sp. and P. kirstenae n. sp., are described from the spiral intestine of 2 shark species of the Family Hemigaleidae: Hemigaleus microstoma and Hemipristis elongata. The 2 new cestode species differ from other members of Paraorygmatobothrium in vitelline follicle distribution and possession of a cephalic peduncle. The 2 new species differ from 1 another in total length, maximum width, scolex size, number of proglottids per strobila, and number of testes per proglottid. The generic diagnosis of Paraorygmatobothrium is emended to include the new species. The results of this study extend the distribution of Paraorygmatobothrium to include the carcharhinid shark family Hemigaleidae.  相似文献   

A new species of cestode, Yorkeria xiamenensis n. sp., is described from the spiral valve of Chiloscyllium plagiosum from coastal waters of Xiamen, China. It is the first record of Yorkeria in China. The new species is distinguished from all other species of Yorkeria by its possession of the following characters: the length of specimens, 15.8 mm; 63-95 proglottids; 71-85 testes per proglottid; large medial and lateral hooks in scolex; and eggs with 2 long polar filaments. The new species most closely resembles Y. parva Southwell, 1927 in the follicular vitellaria and similar ratio of lateral-to-medial hooks (1:2.15 vs. 1:2-2.5). However, Y. xiamenensis n. sp. has a longer strobila, more proglottids, a smaller ratio of pedicel to cephalic peduncle, larger hooks, more testes, and a different host.  相似文献   

Sobolevitaenia japonensis n. sp. (Cestoda: Dilepididae) is described from eight specimens from the small intestine of a dusky thrush, Turdus naumanni eunomus Temminck, collected at Beppu City, Oita Prefecture, Japan. S. japonensis most closely resembles S. moldavica among the 11 species now assigned to the genus Sobolevitaenia, from which it is distinguished by a smaller number of proglottids, a larger scolex and a smaller number of testes of larger size, and a larger vitelline gland.  相似文献   

Five new species of Acanthobothrium (Tetraphyllidea: Onchobothriidae) are described from the spiral intestine of the Freshwater whipray, Himantura chaophraya, in the Kinabatangan River in Malaysian Borneo. Based on criteria set forth in a previous categorization scheme for species of Acanthobothrium, these consist of 3 Category 1 species, Acanthobothrium asnihae n. sp., Acanthobothrium saliki n. sp., and Acanthobothrium zainali n. sp.; a Category 8 species, Acanthobothrium etini n. sp.; and a Category 2 species, Acanthobothrium masnihae n. sp.. Acanthobothrium asnihae n. sp. differs from all Category 1 species in its possession of a horizontal band of weak musculature that divides the posterior loculus in half. Among Category 1 species, A. saliki n. sp. differs from all but Acanthobothrium southwelli in its possession of postovarian testes. It differs from A. southwelli in its possession of fewer testes and a greater number of proglottids. Acanthobothrium zainali n. sp. differs from the 25 other Category 1 species in a combination of overall size, muscular pad and hook shape, arrangement and number of testes, ovary configuration in cross section, position of ovarian isthmus, and genital pore position. Acanthobothrium etini n. sp. is distinguished from all 5 other Category 8 species in its lack of testes from the proglottid antiporal and postporal regions and in testis number. Acanthobothrium masnihae n. sp. differs from the 35 other Category 2 species in its possession of fewer testes, postporal testes, or a greater number of proglottids. A key to Acanthobothrium species parasitizing H. chayophraya is presented. This represents the first report of Acanthobothrium from freshwater stingrays belonging to a family other than the Potamotrygonidae.  相似文献   

Mongolia's salmonids are suffering extensive population declines; thus, more comprehensive fisheries management and conservation strategies are required. To assist with their development, a better understanding of the genetic structure and diversity of these threatened species would allow a more targeted approach for preserving genetic variation and ultimately improve long‐term species recoveries. It is hypothesized that the unfragmented river basins that have persisted across Mongolia provide unobstructed connectivity for resident salmonid species. Thus, genetic structure is expected to be primarily segregated between major river basins. We tested this hypothesis by investigating the population structure for three salmonid genera (Hucho, Brachymystax and Thymallus) using different genetic markers to identify evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) and priority rivers to focus conservation efforts. Fish were assigned to separate ESUs when the combined evidence of mitochondrial and nuclear data indicated genetic isolation. Hucho taimen exhibited a dichotomous population structure forming two ESUs, with five priority rivers. Within the Brachymystax genus, there were three B. lenokESUs and one BtumensisESU, along with six priority rivers. While Btumensiswas confirmed to display divergent mtDNA haplotypes, haplotype sharing between these two congeneric species was also identified. For T. baicalensis,only a single ESU was assigned, with five priority rivers identified plus Lake Hovsgol. Additionally, we confirmed that T. nigrescens from Lake Hovsgol is a synonym of T. baicalensis. Across all species, the most prominent pattern was strong differentiation among major river basins with low differentiation and weak patterns of isolation by distance within river basins, which corroborated our hypothesis of high within‐basin connectivity across Mongolia. This new genetic information provides authorities the opportunity to distribute resources for management between ESUs while assigning additional protection for the more genetically valuable salmonid rivers so that the greatest adaptive potential within each species can be preserved.  相似文献   

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