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Toseland CP  Powell B  Webb MR 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e38270
The superfamily 2 bacterial helicase, RecG, is a monomeric enzyme with a role in DNA repair by reversing stalled replication forks. The helicase must act specifically and rapidly to prevent replication fork collapse. We have shown that RecG binds tightly and rapidly to four-strand oligonucleotide junctions, which mimic a stalled replication fork. The helicase unwinds such DNA junctions with a step-size of approximately four bases per ATP hydrolyzed. To gain an insight into this mechanism, we used fluorescent stopped-flow and quenched-flow to measure individual steps within the ATPase cycle of RecG, when bound to a DNA junction. The fluorescent ATP analogue, mantATP, was used throughout to determine the rate limiting steps, effects due to DNA and the main states in the cycle. Measurements, when possible, were also performed with unlabeled ATP to confirm the mechanism. The data show that the chemical step of hydrolysis is the rate limiting step in the cycle and that this step is greatly accelerated by bound DNA. The ADP release rate is similar to the cleavage rate, so that bound ATP and ADP would be the main states during the ATP cycle. Evidence is provided that the main structural rearrangements, which bring about DNA unwinding, are linked to these states.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe RecG DNA helicase plays a crucial role in stalled replication fork rescue. We have recently discovered that interaction of RecG with single-strand DNA binding protein (SSB) remodels RecG, allowing it to spontaneously translocate upstream of the fork. Based on these findings, we hypothesized that mispairing of DNA could limit such translocation of RecG.MethodsHere, we used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to directly test this hypothesis and investigate how sensitive RecG translocation is to different types of mispairing.ResultsWe found that a CC mispairing, at a distance of 30 bp from the fork position, prevents translocation of RecG over this mispairing. A G-bulge, placed at the same distance, also has a similar blocking efficiency. However, a CC mispairing, 10 bp away from the fork, does not prevent RecG translocation beyond 10 bp distance, but decreases complex yield. Modeling of RecG-DNA complexes show that 10 bp distance from the fork is within the binding footprint of RecG on DNA.ConclusionsOur results suggest that the RecG translocation upstream of the replication fork is limited by mispairings in the parental arm of the replication fork.General significanceThese findings led us to propose dual functions for RecG, in which the thermally driven translocation of RecG can be a mechanism for the additional control of the DNA paring in which RecG can detect the lesions in front of the replication fork, adding to the fidelity of the DNA replication machinery.  相似文献   

The non-structural protein 13 (nsp13) of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) is a helicase that separates double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) or DNA (dsDNA) with a 5' → 3' polarity, using the energy of nucleotide hydrolysis. We determined the minimal mechanism of helicase function by nsp13. We showed a clear unwinding lag with increasing length of the double-stranded region of the nucleic acid, suggesting the presence of intermediates in the unwinding process. To elucidate the nature of the intermediates we carried out transient kinetic analysis of the nsp13 helicase activity. We demonstrated that the enzyme unwinds nucleic acid in discrete steps of 9.3 base-pairs (bp) each, with a catalytic rate of 30 steps per second. Therefore the net unwinding rate is ~280 base-pairs per second. We also showed that nsp12, the SARS-CoV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), enhances (2-fold) the catalytic efficiency of nsp13 by increasing the step size of nucleic acid (RNA/RNA or DNA/DNA) unwinding. This effect is specific for SARS-CoV nsp12, as no change in nsp13 activity was observed when foot-and-mouth-disease virus RdRp was used in place of nsp12. Our data provide experimental evidence that nsp13 and nsp12 can function in a concerted manner to improve the efficiency of viral replication and enhance our understanding of nsp13 function during SARS-CoV RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Double-strand breaks pose a major threat to the genome and must be repaired accurately if structural and functional integrity are to be preserved. This is usually achieved via homologous recombination, which enables the ends of a broken DNA molecule to engage an intact duplex and prime synthesis of the DNA needed for repair. In Escherichia coli, repair relies on the RecBCD and RecA proteins, the combined ability of which to initiate recombination and form joint-molecule intermediates is well understood. To shed light on subsequent events, we exploited the I-SceI homing endonuclease of yeast to make breaks at I-SceI cleavage sites engineered into the chromosome. We show that survival depends on RecA and RecBCD, and that subsequent events can proceed via either of two pathways, one dependent on the RuvABC Holliday junction resolvase and the other on RecG helicase. Both pathways rely on PriA, presumably to facilitate DNA replication. We discuss the possibility that classical Holliday junctions may not be essential intermediates in repair and consider alternative pathways for RecG-dependent separation of joint molecules formed by RecA.  相似文献   

We present a semiquantitative model for translocation and unwinding activities of monomeric nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) helicase. The model is based on structural, biochemical, and single-molecule measurements. The model predicts that the NS3 helicase actively unwinds duplex by reducing more than 50% the free energy that stabilizes base pairing/stacking. The unwinding activity slows the movement of the helicase in a sequence-dependent manner, lowering the average unwinding efficiency to less than 1 bp per ATP cycle. When bound with ATP, the NS3 helicase can display significant translocational diffusion. This increases displacement fluctuations of the helicase, decreases the average unwinding efficiency, and enhances the sequence dependence. Also, interactions between the helicase and the duplex stabilize the helicase at the junction, facilitating the helicase's unwinding activity while preventing it from dissociating. In the presence of translocational diffusion during active unwinding, the dissociation rate of the helicase also exhibits sequence dependence. Based on unwinding velocity fluctuations measured from single-molecule experiments, we estimate the diffusion rate to be on the order of 10 s− 1 . The generic features of coupling single-stranded nucleic acid translocation with duplex unwinding presented in this work may apply generally to a class of helicases.  相似文献   

Helicases utilize the energy of ATP hydrolysis to unwind double-stranded DNA while translocating on the DNA. Mechanisms for melting the duplex have been characterized as active or passive, depending on whether the enzyme actively separates the base pairs or simply sequesters single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) that forms due to thermal fraying. Here, we show that Dda translocates unidirectionally on ssDNA at the same rate at which it unwinds double-stranded DNA in both ensemble and single-molecule experiments. Further, the unwinding rate is largely insensitive to the duplex stability and to the applied force. Thus, Dda transduces all of its translocase activity into DNA unwinding activity so that the rate of unwinding is limited by the rate of translocation and that the enzyme actively separates the duplex. Active and passive helicases have been characterized by dividing the velocity of DNA unwinding in base pairs per second (Vun) by the velocity of translocation on ssDNA in nucleotides per second (Vtrans). If the resulting fraction is 0.25, then a helicase is considered to be at the lower end of the “active” range. In the case of Dda, the average DNA unwinding velocity was 257 ± 42 bp/s, and the average translocation velocity was 267 ± 15 nt/s. The Vun/Vtrans value of 0.96 places Dda in a unique category of being an essentially “perfectly” active helicase.  相似文献   

RecG helicase activity at three- and four-strand DNA structures.   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The RecG helicase of Escherichia coli is necessary for efficient recombination and repair of DNA in vivo and has been shown to catalyse the unwinding of DNA junctions in vitro. Despite these findings, the precise role of RecG remains elusive. However, models have been proposed in which RecG promotes the resolution of linked duplexes by targeting three-strand junctions present at D-loops. One such model postulates that RecG catalyses the formation of four-strand (Holliday) junctions from three-strand junctions. To test this model, the DNA binding and unwinding activities of RecG were analysed using synthetic three- and four-strand junctions. The substrate specificity of RecG was found to depend critically on the concentrations of ATP and MgCl(2)and under certain conditions RecG preferentially unwound three-strand junction DNA. This was at least partly due to the larger inhibitory effect of MgCl(2)on the binding of four-strand as opposed to three-strand junctions by RecG. Thus RecG may be targeted to three-strand junctions in vivo whilst still being able to branch migrate the four-strand junctions formed as a result of the initial helicase reaction. The increase in the dissociation constant of RecG on conversion of a three-strand into a four-strand junction may also facilitate resolution of the four-strand junction by the RuvABC complex.  相似文献   

The DNA helicase encoded by gene 4 of bacteriophage T7 assembles on single-stranded DNA as a hexamer of six identical subunits with the DNA passing through the center of the toroid. The helicase couples the hydrolysis of dTTP to unidirectional translocation on single-stranded DNA and the unwinding of duplex DNA. Phe(523), positioned in a β-hairpin loop at the subunit interface, plays a key role in coupling the hydrolysis of dTTP to DNA unwinding. Replacement of Phe(523) with alanine or valine abolishes the ability of the helicase to unwind DNA or allow T7 polymerase to mediate strand-displacement synthesis on duplex DNA. In vivo complementation studies reveal a requirement for a hydrophobic residue with long side chains at this position. In a crystal structure of T7 helicase, when a nucleotide is bound at a subunit interface, Phe(523) is buried within the interface. However, in the unbound state, it is more exposed on the outer surface of the helicase. This structural difference suggests that the β-hairpin bearing the Phe(523) may undergo a conformational change during nucleotide hydrolysis. We postulate that upon hydrolysis of dTTP, Phe(523) moves from within the subunit interface to a more exposed position where it contacts the displaced complementary strand and facilitates unwinding.  相似文献   

TWINKLE is a nucleus-encoded human mitochondrial (mt)DNA helicase. Point mutations in TWINKLE are associated with heritable neuromuscular diseases characterized by deletions in the mtDNA. To understand the biochemical basis of these diseases, it is important to define the roles of TWINKLE in mtDNA metabolism by studying its enzymatic activities. To this end, we purified native TWINKLE from Escherichia coli. The recombinant TWINKLE assembles into hexamers and higher oligomers, and addition of MgUTP stabilizes hexamers over higher oligomers. Probing into the DNA unwinding activity, we discovered that the efficiency of unwinding is greatly enhanced in the presence of a heterologous single strand-binding protein or a single-stranded (ss) DNA that is complementary to the unwound strand. We show that TWINKLE, although a helicase, has an antagonistic activity of annealing two complementary ssDNAs that interferes with unwinding in the absence of gp2.5 or ssDNA trap. Furthermore, only ssDNA and not double-stranded (ds)DNA competitively inhibits the annealing activity, although both DNAs bind with high affinities. This implies that dsDNA binds to a site that is distinct from the ssDNA-binding site that promotes annealing. Fluorescence anisotropy competition binding experiments suggest that TWINKLE has more than one ssDNA-binding sites, and we speculate that a surface-exposed ssDNA-specific site is involved in catalyzing DNA annealing. We propose that the strand annealing activity of TWINKLE may play a role in recombination-mediated replication initiation found in the mitochondria of mammalian brain and heart or in replication fork regression during repair of damaged DNA replication forks.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli RecG protein is a unique junction-specific helicase involved in DNA repair and recombination. The C-terminus of RecG contains motifs conserved throughout a wide range of DNA and RNA helicases and it is thought that this C-terminal half of RecG contains the helicase active site. However, the regions of RecG which confer junction DNA specificity are unknown. To begin to assign structure-function relationships within RecG, a series of N- and C-terminal deletions have been engineered into the protein, together with an N-terminal histidine tag fusion peptide for purification purposes. Junction DNA binding, unwinding and ATP hydrolysis were disrupted by mutagenesis of the N-terminus. In contrast, C-terminal deletions moderately reduced junction DNA binding but almost abolished unwinding. These data suggest that the C-terminus does contain the helicase active site whereas the N-terminus confers junction DNA specificity.  相似文献   

The Ku autoantigen is a heterodimeric protein of 70- and 83-kDa subunits, endowed with duplex DNA end-binding capacity and DNA helicase activity (Human DNA Helicase II, HDH II). HDH II/Ku is well established as the DNA binding component, the regulatory subunit as well as a substrate for the DNA-dependent protein kinase DNA-PK, a complex involved in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks and in V(D)J recombination in eukaryotes. The effects of phosphorylation by this kinase on the helicase activity of Escherichia coli-produced HDH II/Ku were studied. The rate of DNA unwinding by recombinant HDH II/Ku heterodimer is stimulated at least fivefold upon phosphorylation by DNA-PKcs. This stimulation is due to the effective transfer of phosphate residues to the helicase rather than the mere presence of the complex. In vitro dephosphorylation of HeLa cellular HDH II/Ku caused a significant decrease in the DNA helicase activity of this enzyme.  相似文献   

A model is proposed for non-hexameric helicases translocating along single-stranded (ss) DNA and unwinding double-stranded (ds) DNA. The translocation of a monomeric helicase along ssDNA in weakly-ssDNA-bound state is driven by the Stokes force that is resulted from the conformational change following the transition of the nucleotide state. The unwinding of dsDNA is resulted mainly from the bending of ssDNA induced by the strong binding force of helicase with dsDNA. The interaction force between ssDNA and helicases in weakly-ssDNA-bound state determines whether monomeric helicases such as PcrA can unwind dsDNA or dimeric helicases such as Rep are required to unwind dsDNA.  相似文献   

Lo YH  Liu SW  Sun YJ  Li HW  Hsiao CD 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e29016
Replicative helicases are essential molecular machines that utilize energy derived from NTP hydrolysis to move along nucleic acids and to unwind double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). Our earlier crystal structure of the hexameric helicase from Geobacillus kaustophilus HTA426 (GkDnaC) in complex with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) suggested several key residues responsible for DNA binding that likely play a role in DNA translocation during the unwinding process. Here, we demonstrated that the unwinding activities of mutants with substitutions at these key residues in GkDnaC are 2-4-fold higher than that of wild-type protein. We also observed the faster unwinding velocities in these mutants using single-molecule experiments. A partial loss in the interaction of helicase with ssDNA leads to an enhancement in helicase efficiency, while their ATPase activities remain unchanged. In strong contrast, adding accessory proteins (DnaG or DnaI) to GkDnaC helicase alters the ATPase, unwinding efficiency and the unwinding velocity of the helicase. It suggests that the unwinding velocity of helicase could be modulated by two different pathways, the efficiency of ATP hydrolysis or protein-DNA interaction.  相似文献   

Johnson DS  Bai L  Smith BY  Patel SS  Wang MD 《Cell》2007,129(7):1299-1309
Helicases are molecular motors that separate DNA strands for efficient replication of genomes. We probed the kinetics of individual ring-shaped T7 helicase molecules as they unwound double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) or translocated on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). A distinctive DNA sequence dependence was observed in the unwinding rate that correlated with the local DNA unzipping energy landscape. The unwinding rate increased approximately 10-fold (approaching the ssDNA translocation rate) when a destabilizing force on the DNA fork junction was increased from 5 to 11 pN. These observations reveal a fundamental difference between the mechanisms of ring-shaped and nonring-shaped helicases. The observed force-velocity and sequence dependence are not consistent with a simple passive unwinding model. However, an active unwinding model fully supports the data even though the helicase on its own does not unwind at its optimal rate. This work offers insights into possible ways helicase activity is enhanced by associated proteins.  相似文献   

Recent studies in Escherichia coli indicate that the interconversion of DNA replication fork and Holliday junction structures underpins chromosome duplication and helps secure faithful transmission of the genome from one generation to the next. It facilitates interplay between DNA replication, recombination and repair, and provides means to rescue replication forks stalled by lesions in or on the template DNA. Insight into how this interconversion may be catalysed has emerged from genetic, biochemical and structural studies of RecG protein, a member of superfamily 2 of DNA and RNA helicases. We describe how a single molecule of RecG might target a branched DNA structure and translocate a single duplex arm to drive branch migration of a Holliday junction, interconvert replication fork and Holliday junction structures and displace the invading strand from a D loop formed during recombination at a DNA end. We present genetic evidence suggesting how the latter activity may provide an efficient pathway for the repair of DNA double-strand breaks that avoids crossing over, thus facilitating chromosome segregation at cell division.  相似文献   

Helicases unwind dsDNA during replication, repair and recombination in an ATP-dependent reaction. The mechanism for helicase activity can be studied using oligonucleotide substrates to measure formation of single-stranded (ss) DNA from double-stranded (ds) DNA. This assay provides an 'all-or-nothing' readout because partially unwound intermediates are not detected. We have determined conditions under which an intermediate in the reaction cycle of Dda helicase can be detected by trapping a partially unwound substrate. The appearance of this intermediate supports a model in which each ssDNA product interacts with the helicase after unwinding has occurred. Kinetic analysis indicates that the intermediate appears during a slow step in the reaction cycle that is flanked by faster steps for unwinding. These observations demonstrate a complex mechanism containing nonuniform steps for a monomeric helicase. The potential biological significance of such a mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

Mycobacterial UvrD2 is a DNA-dependent ATPase with 3' to 5' helicase activity. UvrD2 is an atypical helicase, insofar as its N-terminal ATPase domain resembles the superfamily I helicases UvrD/PcrA, yet it has a C-terminal HRDC domain, which is a feature of RecQ-type superfamily II helicases. The ATPase and HRDC domains are connected by a CxxC-(14)-CxxC tetracysteine module that defines a new clade of UvrD2-like bacterial helicases found only in Actinomycetales. By characterizing truncated versions of Mycobacterium smegmatis UvrD2, we show that whereas the HRDC domain is not required for ATPase or helicase activities in vitro, deletion of the tetracysteine module abolishes duplex unwinding while preserving ATP hydrolysis. Replacing each of the CxxC motifs with a double-alanine variant AxxA had no effect on duplex unwinding, signifying that the domain module, not the cysteines, is crucial for function. The helicase activity of a truncated UvrD2 lacking the tetracysteine and HRDC domains was restored by the DNA-binding protein Ku, a component of the mycobacterial NHEJ system and a cofactor for DNA unwinding by the paralogous mycobacterial helicase UvrD1. Our findings indicate that coupling of ATP hydrolysis to duplex unwinding can be achieved by protein domains acting in cis or trans. Attempts to disrupt the M. smegmatis uvrD2 gene were unsuccessful unless a second copy of uvrD2 was present elsewhere in the chromosome, indicating that UvrD2 is essential for growth of M. smegmatis.  相似文献   

The MER3 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for crossover in meiosis and has been suggested to act at the initiation of homologous pairing and the resolution of Holliday junctions. The purified MER3 protein is a DNA helicase that translocates along single-stranded DNA in the 3' to 5' direction displacing annealed DNA fragments. Here, MER3 was found to be able to unwind various double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) substrates, including a 30-bp dsDNA with a 20-nucleotide 3'-overhang, a 30-bp dsDNA with a 20-nucleotide 5'-overhang, a 50-bp dsDNA with blunt ends, and a Holliday junction with 25-bp arms, each of which had a blunt end. Efficient unwinding of the 3'-overhang substrate appeared to initiate by the binding of MER3 to the 3' single-stranded tail in a reaction that required six or more unpaired bases. Unwinding of the blunt end and 5'-overhang substrates appeared to initiate at the blunt ends of these substrates. Unwinding of the Holliday junction was more efficient than the unwinding of the blunt and 5'-overhang substrates and was influenced by Mg(2+) concentrations that cause changes in the structure of the junction. Possible roles for Holliday junction unwinding in meiotic crossover are discussed.  相似文献   

Helicase-catalyzed disruption of double-stranded nucleic acid is vital to DNA replication, recombination, and repair in all forms of life. The relative influence of specific chemical interactions between helicase and the substrate over a series of multistep catalytic events is still being defined. To this end, three modified DNA oligonucleotides were designed to serve as substrates for the bacteriophage T4 helicase, Dda. A 5'-DNA-PNA-DNA-3' chimera was synthesized, thereby, conferring both a loss of charge and altering the conformational flexibility of the oligonucleotide. The second modified oligonucleotide possessed a single methylphosphonate replacement on the phosphate backbone, creating a gap in the charge distribution of the substrate. The third modification introduced an abasic site into the oligonucleotide sequence. This abasic site retains the charge distribution of the normal DNA substrate yet alters the conformational flexibility of the oligonucleotide. The loss of a base also serves to disrupt the hydrogen-bonding lattice, the intramolecular base-stacking interactions, as well as the intermolecular base-stacking interactions between aromatic amino acid side chains and the substrate. Our results indicate that a gap in the charge distribution along the backbone of the substrate has a more pronounced effect upon helicase-catalyzed unwinding than does the loss of a single base. While all three substrates exhibited some degree of inhibition, analysis of both pre-steady-state and excess enzyme experiments places a greater value upon the electrostatic interactions between helicase and the substrate.  相似文献   

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