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生境破坏的模式对集合种群动态和续存的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋卫信  张锋  刘荣堂 《生态学报》2009,29(9):4815-4819
构建了空间关联的集合种群模型,该模型不但包含了种群的空间结构信息,而且引入了破坏生境的全局密度和局部密度两个指标,它们描述了破坏生境的模式.模型揭示了破坏生境的空间分布格局复杂地影响了集合种群的动态和续存,破坏和未破坏生境斑块的均匀混合不利于集合种群的增长和续存,而生境类型聚集分布可以促进集合种群的快速增长和长期续存;对于两种斑块类型相对均匀混合的生境来说,均匀场假设可能会高估集合种群的续存,对于相对斑块类型高度聚集的生境,均匀场假设可能会低估集合种群的续存;物种的迁移范围也会影响集合种群的续存,迁移范围越大的物种越容易抵御生境的破坏而免遭灭绝.这意味着在生物保护中不能仅仅考虑生境的恢复和斑块质量的改善,生境结构的构建也是很重要的,加强生境斑块之间的连通性也有利于物种的长期续存.  相似文献   

生境变化对集合种群系统生态效应的影响   总被引:26,自引:15,他引:11  
林振山 《生态学报》2003,23(3):480-485
通过大量的数值模拟发现 :生境恢复或扩展将导致集合种群的强弱序由自然数的顺序规律演变为奇数种群强 -偶数种群弱 ,同时集合种群里的最优秀种群将迅速扩张、发展为更为强大的最优势种。而当生境遭受到破坏 (毁坏 ) ,集合种群里的最优秀种群将迅速地伦为最弱者。如果栖息地的毁坏率大于集合种群优势种对栖息地的占有率 ,不仅集合种群里的优势种群将不可避免地灭绝 ,伴随最优秀种群走向灭绝的种群依次还有第二、第三、第四强等的种群。同时 ,将导致集合种群的强弱序由自然数的顺序规律演变为偶数种群强 -奇数种群弱。  相似文献   

陈玲玲  林振山  梁仁君 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4506-4515
似Allee效应对物种续存是潜在的扰动因素,稀有物种更易受其影响,可能增加生存于破碎化栖息地中的珍稀物种的死亡风险;但似Allee效应对多物种集合种群续存的影响及其在珍稀物种保护中的应用未能引起足够重视。将似Allee效应引入集合种群动力模式,建立了生境丧失下具有似Allee效应的n-珍稀物种的集合种群模式,并以江苏盐城滩涂湿地中的29种珍稀物种为研究实例。研究结果表明:(1)似Allee效应导致n-物种集合种群多度作长期变周期振荡,原本竞争共存物种可能无法继续共存,甚至灭绝。(2)似Allee效应增强对次强种及劣势种的生存极为不利,导致次强物种由强至弱灭绝,劣势物种由弱至强依次灭绝。(3)盐城天然湿地丧失29%后,11种劣势物种的集合种群由弱到强将最终依次灭绝,灭绝迟豫时间为304~890a,这些物种即Hanski所指的"活死者"。(4)适度增加栖息地面积是保护珍稀物种多样性的有效方法之一,在盐城现存3200km2的天然湿地基础上适度增加1801~2064km2左右栖息地面积,可以有效保护29种濒危物种的多样性,同时应注意结合针对具体物种的保护措施来提高濒危物种多度。研究结果对物种多样性保护及自然保护区建设具有重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

Habitat destruction can be classified into instantaneous destruction and continuous destruction by the different ways of human destroying habitat. Previous studies, however, always focused on instantaneous destruction. In this study, we develop a universal model, Multi-time scale N-species model, to study and compare the responses of metapopulation dynamics to both kinds of habitat destruction. The model explores that: (1) under instantaneous habitat destruction, species extinction is determined by the proportion of habitat destruction (D) and the structure of metapopulation (q). When D>q, species will go extinct ranked from the best competitor to the worst. When Dq, no species will go extinct, but the equilibrium abundances of odd-ranked competitors will decrease, and the equilibrium abundances of even-ranked competitors will increase; (2) under continuous destruction, species extinction is dependent on the speed of habitat destruction and the metapopulation structure. The higher the speed of habitat destruction and the bigger q are, the earlier species go extinct. Usually, there are two possible mechanisms of species extinction: one is that all species go extinct collectively following complete destruction, and the other is that species go extinct in ranked competitive order from best to worst, and the survivals, if they exist, will go extinct collectively following complete destruction. The oscillation amplitudes of inferior competitors are so large as to increase the probability of stochastic extinction under instantaneous destruction. Therefore, it is relatively propitious for the persistence of rare species under slow and continuous destruction, especially when continuous destruction stops.  相似文献   

In all natural populations, individuals located close to one another tend to interact more than those further apart. The extent of population viscosity can have important implications for ecological and evolutionary processes. Here we develop a spatially explicit population model to examine how the rate of genetic drift depends upon both spatial population structure and habitat geometry. The results show that the time to fixation for a new and selectively neutral mutation is dramatically increased in viscous populations. Furthermore, in viscous populations the time to fixation depends critically on habitat geometry. Fixation time for populations of identical size increases markedly as landscape width decreases and length increases. We suggest that similar effects will also be important in metapopulations, with the spatial arrangement of subpopulations and their connectivity likely to determine the rate of drift. We argue that the recent increases in computer power should facilitate major advances in our understanding of evolutionary landscape ecology over the next few years, and suggest that the time is ripe for a unification of spatial population dynamics theory, landscape ecology and population genetics.  相似文献   

大兴安岭北坡火后紫貂冬季生境适宜性与景观格局的恢复   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由自然和人为原因引起的生境丧失与生境破碎化已严重影响到野生动物的生存。大兴安岭北坡是国家一级保护动物紫貂(Martes zibellina)的主要分布区,1987年发生在这里的特大森林火灾造成了森林景观的严重破碎化,紫貂的生存面临极大的威胁。本文的研究目的是为了确定火灾13年后,紫貂冬季生境的恢复程度。首先根据紫貂对冬季生境的喜好,选取对其生存影响较大的生态因子,结合数字化林相图,利用地理信息系统软件ArcGIS编制火烧前后的生境适宜性类型图。然后选取相关的景观格局指标,对火烧前后的生境格局进行对比分析。结果显示,尽管火后采取了一系列的森林恢复措施,但紫貂冬季适宜生境仍有大幅度减少,特别是中等适宜生境类型减少最为明显。适宜生境破碎化加剧,隔离度增加。适宜生境斑块的形状趋于简单,软边界比重有所增加。以上结果表明,与火前相比,紫貂生境明显恶化,需要较长的时间恢复。  相似文献   

栖息地毁坏与动物物种灭绝关系的模拟研究   总被引:28,自引:13,他引:15  
林振山  汪曙光 《生态学报》2002,22(4):535-540
利用多个物种共存模式模拟了不同情况下的不同动物种群演化的动力学特性,研究结果表明:(1)由于栖息地的毁坏所导致的动手的种灭绝是依赖于对物种死亡率和有关平衡态的假设的,不同的假设下,既使栖息地的破坏率相同,灭绝的物种可能是竞争能力最强的若干物种,也可能是竞争能力相对较弱的若干物种,既不象传统的物种进化理论所认为的必是弱的物种先灭绝,也不象Tilman等人所认为的一定是最强的若干物种先灭绝;(2)如果弱的物种具有较高的平均死亡率,则当栖息地受到一定的毁坏时,将有较多强的物种灭绝,而且物种灭绝时间将大大缩短;(3)在物种死亡率不变的情形下,物种在未受毁坏栖息地上的平衡态和大占有率pl^0,将有利于物种的生存。  相似文献   

Fragmentation, deterioration, and loss of habitat patches threaten the survival of many insect species. Depending on their trophic level, species may be differently affected by these factors. However, studies investigating more than one trophic level on a landscape scale are still rare. In the present study we analyzed the effects of habitat size, isolation, and quality for the occurrence and population density of the endangered leaf beetle Cassida canaliculata Laich. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and its egg parasitoid, the hymenopteran wasp Foersterella reptans Nees (Hymenoptera: Tetracampidae). C. canaliculata is strictly monophagous on meadow sage (Salvia pratensis), while F. reptans can also parasitize other hosts. Both size and isolation of habitat patches strongly determined the occurrence of the beetle. However, population density increased to a much greater extent with increasing host plant density ( = habitat quality) than with habitat size. The occurrence probability of the egg parasitoid increased with increasing population density of C. canaliculata. In conclusion, although maintaining large, well-connected patches with high host plant density is surely the major conservation goal for the specialized herbivore C. canaliculata, also small patches with high host plant densities can support viable populations and should thus be conserved. The less specialized parasitoid F. reptans is more likely to be found on patches with high beetle density, while patch size and isolation seem to be less important.  相似文献   

Taking into account the interplay between spatial ecological dynamics and selection is a major challenge in evolutionary ecology. Although inclusive fitness theory has proven to be a very useful tool to unravel the interactions between spatial genetic structuring and selection, applications of the theory usually rely on simplifying demographic assumptions. In this paper, I attempt to bridge the gap between spatial demographic models and kin selection models by providing a method to compute approximations for relatedness coefficients in a spatial model with empty sites. Using spatial moment equations, I provide an approximation of nearest-neighbour relatedness on random regular networks, and show that this approximation performs much better than the ordinary pair approximation. I discuss the connection between the relatedness coefficients I define and those used in population genetics, and sketch some potential extensions of the theory.  相似文献   

It is well recognized that individuals of many species can benefit from the presence of conspecifics, a concept broadly referred to as the Allee effect. At the metapopulation level, there is an analogous but essentially different phenomenon called the Allee-like effect that leads to metapopulation extinction thresholds at low habitat occupancy. But so far not adequate attention has been paid to this phenomenon. In this paper, the Allee-like effect is introduced into a metapopulation model of one species and also that of a three-state two-species competitive system. Phase plane analysis is used to investigate the dynamics of these models. We demonstrate that the Allee-like effect alone could lead to multiple stable states in three-state two-species competitive systems at the metapopulation level, and the number of stable states decrease as the Allee-like effect becomes more severe. Severe Allee-like effects may make coexistence impossible and may even lead to the extinction of both species even if their initial habitat occupancies are high and suitable habitats are enough. It is especially noticeable that depending on their initial conditions one species may exclude the other one that subjects to a weaker Allee-like effect than the former, while the second species always excludes the first one when both species are assumed to be in the absence of the Allee-like effect. We also investigate the habitat destructive effect on the Allee-like system mentioned above. Research indicates that the existence of the Allee-like effect makes a metapopulation more susceptible to habitat destruction. All in all, the Allee-like effect is probably a destabilizing factor that, together with habitat destruction, would affect the continuous existence of species. These conclusions may have important implications for conservation and metacommunity organization.  相似文献   

In Lotka–Volterra equations (LVEs) of mutualisms, population densities of mutualists will increase infinitely if the mutualisms between them are strong, which is called the divergence problem. In order to avoid the problem, a mutualism system of two species is analyzed in this work. The model is derived from reactions on lattice and has a form similar to that of LVEs. Population densities of species will not increase infinitely because of spatial limitation on the lattice. Stability analysis of the model demonstrates basic mechanisms by which the mutualisms lead to coexistence/extinction of the species. When in coexistence, intermediate mutualistic effect is shown to lead to the maximal density in certain parameter ranges, while a strong or weak mutualistic effect is not so good. Furthermore, the stability analysis exhibits that extremely strong/weak mutualisms will result in extinction of one/both species.  相似文献   

Amazonian forest fragments and second-growth forests often differ substantially from undisturbed forests in their microclimate, plant-species composition, and soil fauna. To determine if these changes could affect litter decomposition, we quantified the mass loss of two contrasting leaf-litter mixtures, in the presence or absence of soil macroinvertebrates, and in three forest habitats. Leaf-litter decomposition rates in second-growth forests (>10 years old) and in fragment edges (<100 m from the edge) did not differ from that in the forest interior (>250 m from the edges of primary forests). In all three habitats, experimental exclusion of soil invertebrates resulted in slower decomposition rates. Faunal-exclosure effects were stronger for litter of the primary forest, composed mostly of leaves of old-growth trees, than for litter of second-growth forests, which was dominated by leaves of successional species. The latter had a significantly lower initial concentration of N, higher C:N and lignin:N ratios, and decomposed at a slower rate than did litter from forest interiors. Our results indicate that land-cover changes in Amazonia affect decomposition mainly through changes in plant species composition, which in turn affect litter quality. Similar effects may occur on fragment edges, particularly on very disturbed edges, where successional trees become dominant. The drier microclimatic conditions in fragment edges and second-growth forests (>10 years old) did not appear to inhibit decomposition. Finally, although soil invertebrates play a key role in leaf-litter decomposition, we found no evidence that differences in the abundance, species richness, or species composition of invertebrates between disturbed and undisturbed forests significantly altered decomposition rates.  相似文献   

Habitat edges frequently possess distinct ecological conditions that affect interactions such as competition and predation. Within a species' preferred habitat, the structural complexity and resource availability of adjacent habitats may influence the effect of edges on ecological processes. In nearshore waters of New England, American lobsters (Homarus americanus) inhabit fragmented cobble reefs that often are bordered by unvegetated sediment and occasionally by seagrass. We determined whether proximity to cobble patch edges, microhabitat characteristics within cobble habitat, and the type of habitat adjacent to cobble patches (seagrass or unvegetated sediment) influence the density and survival of juvenile and adult American lobsters in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA. We surveyed naturally occurring cobble patches and artificial cobble reefs to determine how the odds of finding lobsters varied with distance from the edge and habitat type. Additionally, we tethered lobsters at different distances from the edge inside and outside of cobble patches to determine how lobster relative survival varied with edge proximity and habitat type. In cobble habitat, the odds of finding large lobsters (adolescents and adults > 40 mm carapace length (CL)) were highest near patch edges regardless of adjacent habitat type, whereas smaller lobsters (e.g. emergent juveniles 15-25 mm CL) were more abundant in patch interiors when seagrass bordered cobble patches. The odds of finding lobsters also increased with the relative amount of cobble cover within patches. In predation experiments, lobster relative survival after 6 h was lowest outside of cobble and increased toward cobble patch interiors, but after 24 h this trend disappeared or reversed. Seagrass appeared to offer greater refuge for lobsters than did unvegetated sediment. Our results suggest that proximity to patch edges influences lobster distribution and survival, and that edge effects on lobsters vary with life history phase and with the type of habitat adjacent to cobble patches.  相似文献   

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