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Metabolism of ethanol to 1-hydroxyethyl radicals by rat liver microsomes was studied with three nitrone spin trapping agents (POBN, PBN, and DMPO) under essentially comparable conditions. The data indicate that POBN was the superior spin trapping agent for 1-hydroxyethyl radicals, and that DMPO was least efficient. Addition of deferoxamine completely prevented detection of 1-hydroxyethyl radicals with PBN or DMPO, but caused only 50% decrease in EPR signals when POBN was the spin trap. However, superoxide dismutase only decreased 1-hydroxyethyl radical formation when POBN was the spin trap. Other experiments demonstrated that POBN was the most effective of these nitrones for reduction of Fe(III) in aqueous solutions. Furthermore, 1-hydroxyethyl radical adducts were formed when POBN was added to mixtures of ethanol, phosphate buffer, POBN and FeCl3, but this effect did not occur with either PBN or DMPO. Thus, these data indicate that undesirable effects of POBN on iron chemistry may influence results of spin trapping experiments, and complicate interpretation of the resulting data.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(4):213-222
Metabolism of ethanol to 1-hydroxyethyl radicals by rat liver microsomes was studied with three nitrone spin trapping agents (POBN, PBN, and DMPO) under essentially comparable conditions. The data indicate that POBN was the superior spin trapping agent for 1-hydroxyethyl radicals, and that DMPO was least efficient. Addition of deferoxamine completely prevented detection of 1-hydroxyethyl radicals with PBN or DMPO, but caused only 50% decrease in EPR signals when POBN was the spin trap. However, superoxide dismutase only decreased 1-hydroxyethyl radical formation when POBN was the spin trap. Other experiments demonstrated that POBN was the most effective of these nitrones for reduction of Fe(III) in aqueous solutions. Furthermore, 1-hydroxyethyl radical adducts were formed when POBN was added to mixtures of ethanol, phosphate buffer, POBN and FeCl3, but this effect did not occur with either PBN or DMPO. Thus, these data indicate that undesirable effects of POBN on iron chemistry may influence results of spin trapping experiments, and complicate interpretation of the resulting data.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1-5):243-249
By using e.s.r. spectroscopy coupled with the spin trapping technique we have detected the formation of free radical intermediates by rat liver microsomes incubated with either ethanol, 2-propanol or 2-butanol in the presence of a NADPH regenerating system and 4-pyridyl-l-oxide-t-butyl nitrone (4-POBN) as spin trap. The e.s.r. spectra have been identified as due to the hydroxyalkyl free radical adducts of 4-POBN.

The free radical formation depends upon the activity of the microsomal monoxygenase system and is blocked by omitting NADP+ from the incubation mixture, by anaerobic incubation or by enzyme denaturation. The involvement of hydroxyl radicals (OH) produced through a Fenton-type reaction from endogenously formed hydrogen peroxide is suggested by the opposite effects exerted on the e.s.r. signal intensity by azide and catalase. Consistently, iron chelation by desferrioxamine inhibits the free radical formation, while the supplementation of EDTA-iron increases it by several fold. Inhibitors of cytochrome P450-dependent monoxygenase system reduce to various extents the production of free radical intermediates suggesting that reactive oxygen species might be formed at the active site of cytochrome P450 where they react with alkyl alcohol molecules.

The data presented support the hypothesis that free radical species are generated during the microsomal metabolism of alcohols and suggest the possibility that ethanol-derived radicals might play a role in the pathogenesis of the liver lesions consequent upon alcoholic abuse.  相似文献   

Our recent spin trapping studies of free radical generation by ultrasound in aqueous solutions are reviewed. The very high temperatures and pressures induced by acoustic cavitation in collapsing gas bubbles in aqueous solutions exposed to ultrasound lead to the thermal dissociation of water vapor into H atoms and OH radicals. Their formation has been confirmed by spin trapping. Sonochemical reactions occur in the gas phase (pyrolysis reactions), in the gas-liquid interfacial region, and in the bulk of the solution (radiation-chemistry reactions). The high temperature gradients in the interfacial regions lead to pyrolysis products from non-volatile solutes present at sufficiently high concentrations. The sonochemically generated radicals from carboxylic acids, amino acids, dipeptides. sugars, pyrimidine bases. nucleosides and nucleo-tides were identified by spin trapping with the non-volatile spin trap 3.5-dibromo-2.6-dideuterio-4-nitrosobenzenesulfonate. At low concentrations of the non-volatile solutes. the spin-trapped radicals produced by sonolysis are due to H atom and OH radical reactions. At higher concentrations of these non-volatile solutes, sonolysis leads to the formation of additional radicals due to pyrolysis processes (typically methyl radicals). A preferred localization of non-volatile surfactants (compared to analogous non-surfactant solutes) was demonstrated by the detection of pyrolysis radicals at 500-fold lower concentrations. Pyrolysis radicals were also found in the sonolysis of aqueous solutions containing only certain nitrone spin traps. The more hydrophobic the spin trap, the lower the concentration at which the pyrolysis radicals can be observed. The effect of varying the temperature of collapsing transient cavities in aqueous solutions of different rare gases and of N2O on radical yields and on cell lysis of mammalian cells was investigated.  相似文献   

Free radicals produced in the fluid of jaw cysts were directly measured at room temperature using ESR. With these samples, SOD activity of the cyst fluid was measured by the ESR spin trapping method with DMPO as a trapping agent. Freeze-dried samples of cyst fluid showed a broad ESR signal at g = 2.005. Relative signal intensity of samples from jaw cysts with inflammation was higher than jaw cysts without inflammation. SOD activity of cyst fluid with high viscosity showed higher values than that of cyst fluid with low viscosity. We suggest that free radicals produced in jaw cyst damage tissues while higher SOD activity of cyst fluid play a role in a self-defense mechanism against free radicals.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(3-6):279-285
Free radicals produced in the fluid of jaw cysts were directly measured at room temperature using ESR. With these samples, SOD activity of the cyst fluid was measured by the ESR spin trapping method with DMPO as a trapping agent. Freeze-dried samples of cyst fluid showed a broad ESR signal at g = 2.005. Relative signal intensity of samples from jaw cysts with inflammation was higher than jaw cysts without inflammation. SOD activity of cyst fluid with high viscosity showed higher values than that of cyst fluid with low viscosity. We suggest that free radicals produced in jaw cyst damage tissues while higher SOD activity of cyst fluid play a role in a self-defense mechanism against free radicals.  相似文献   

Fischer 344 rats were injected with the spin traps C-phenyl N-tert-butyl nitrone (PBN, 150 mg/kg bw, ip) or 4-pyridine-N-oxide N-tert -butyl nitrone (POBN, 775 mg/kg bw, ip), and exposed to clean air or 2 ppm ozone for two hours. The presence of spin adducts was determined by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of chloroform extracts of lung and liver homogenates. No significant levels of adducts were detected in the lungs of air control animals. Benzoyl N-tert-butyl aminoxyl, attributed to direct reaction of ozone with PBN, and tert-butyl hydroaminoxyl, the scission product of the hydroxyl adduct of PBN, were detected in the lungs of ozone exposed rats. EPR signals for carbon-centred alkoxyl and alkyl adducts were also detected with PBN in the lungs and liver of animals exposed to ozone. With POBN, only carbon-centred alkyl radicals were detected. Senescent, 24 months old rats were found to retain about twice more 14C-PBN in blood, heart and lungs by comparison to juvenile, 2 months old animals. Accordingly, the EPR signals were generally stronger in the lungs of the senescent rats by comparison to juvenile rats. Together, the observations were consistent with the previously proposed notion that a significant flux of hydrogen peroxide produced from the reaction of ozone with lipids of the extracellular lining, or from activated macrophages in the lungs could be a source of biologically relevant amounts of hydroxyl radical.  相似文献   

Generation of active oxygen species by bovine blood platelets was examined by the electron spin resonance (ESR) spin trapping technique with 5,5-dimethyl-l-pyroline-l-oxide (DMPO). The hydroxyl spin-trapped adduct 5,5-dimethyl-2-hydroxy-l-pyrolidinyloxy (DMPO-OH) was formed in the presence of platelets, indicating the generation of hydroxyl radicals (· OH) by the platelets. Generation of · OH was observed even with platelets in the resting state, but was markedly enhanced when the platelets were activated with stimulants. Stronger stimulants such as the calcium ionophore ionomycin, induced greater radical gener-ation than the weaker stimulant ADP. When the platelets were stimulated by thrombin, generation of · OH was greatest after l.5 min, and depended on the dose of the stimulant. It was inhibited by inhibitors of platelet activation such as forskolin and phenolic antioxidants.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(6):475-488
Fischer 344 rats were injected with the spin traps C-phenyl N-tert-butyl nitrone (PBN, 150 mg/kg bw, ip) or 4-pyridine-N-oxide N-tert -butyl nitrone (POBN, 775 mg/kg bw, ip), and exposed to clean air or 2 ppm ozone for two hours. The presence of spin adducts was determined by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of chloroform extracts of lung and liver homogenates. No significant levels of adducts were detected in the lungs of air control animals. Benzoyl N-tert-butyl aminoxyl, attributed to direct reaction of ozone with PBN, and tert-butyl hydroaminoxyl, the scission product of the hydroxyl adduct of PBN, were detected in the lungs of ozone exposed rats. EPR signals for carbon-centred alkoxyl and alkyl adducts were also detected with PBN in the lungs and liver of animals exposed to ozone. With POBN, only carbon-centred alkyl radicals were detected. Senescent, 24 months old rats were found to retain about twice more 14C-PBN in blood, heart and lungs by comparison to juvenile, 2 months old animals. Accordingly, the EPR signals were generally stronger in the lungs of the senescent rats by comparison to juvenile rats. Together, the observations were consistent with the previously proposed notion that a significant flux of hydrogen peroxide produced from the reaction of ozone with lipids of the extracellular lining, or from activated macrophages in the lungs could be a source of biologically relevant amounts of hydroxyl radical.  相似文献   

Vanadyl reacts with hydrogen peroxide forming hydroxyl radicals in a Fenton-like reaction. The hydroxyl radicals were spin trapped and identified using 5.5-dimethyl-I-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO). The quantity of hydroxyl radicals spin trapped during the reaction between vanadyl and hydrogen peroxide are equal to half of the hydroxyl radicals spin trapped during the reaction between ferrous ions and hydrogen peroxide. Experiments in the presence of formate show that this hydroxyl radical scavenger effectively competes with DMPO preventing the formation of the DMPO-OH adduct. However. in experiments using ethanol as the hydroxyl radical scavenger it was not possible to completely prevent the formation of DMPO-OH. The formation of this additional DMPO-OH in the presence of ethanol does not depend on the concentration of dissolved oxygen, but does depend on the concentration of hydrogen peroxide added to the vanadyl solution. The results suggest that the additional DMPO-OH formed in the presence of ethanol originates from a vanadium (V) intermediate. This intermediate may oxidize DMPO leading to the formation of DMPO-0; which rapidly decomposes forming DMPO-OH.  相似文献   

In order to overcome a common problem in spin trapping with high concentrations of 5.5-dimethyl-I-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) where ESR spectra are obtained which include an unidentified set of lines composed of a triplet of doublets. commercial DMPO was analyzed for its impurities by high-performance liquid chromatography. mass spectrometry. and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. It has been determined that this undesirable ESR spectrum IS due to an impurity included in the spin trap. This compound has been assigned to the hydronylunine which is a DMPO-derivative having an epoxy ring located at the 2 and 3 positions.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1-2):37-45
Vanadyl reacts with hydrogen peroxide forming hydroxyl radicals in a Fenton-like reaction. The hydroxyl radicals were spin trapped and identified using 5.5-dimethyl-I-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO). The quantity of hydroxyl radicals spin trapped during the reaction between vanadyl and hydrogen peroxide are equal to half of the hydroxyl radicals spin trapped during the reaction between ferrous ions and hydrogen peroxide. Experiments in the presence of formate show that this hydroxyl radical scavenger effectively competes with DMPO preventing the formation of the DMPO-OH adduct. However. in experiments using ethanol as the hydroxyl radical scavenger it was not possible to completely prevent the formation of DMPO-OH. The formation of this additional DMPO-OH in the presence of ethanol does not depend on the concentration of dissolved oxygen, but does depend on the concentration of hydrogen peroxide added to the vanadyl solution. The results suggest that the additional DMPO-OH formed in the presence of ethanol originates from a vanadium (V) intermediate. This intermediate may oxidize DMPO leading to the formation of DMPO-0; which rapidly decomposes forming DMPO-OH.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(3-6):267-278
Studies documenting spin trapping of lipid radicals in defined model systems have shown some surprising solvent effects with the spin trap DMPO. In aqueous reactions comparing the reduction of H2O2 and methyl linoleate hydroperoxide (MLOOH) by Fez+, hydroxyl (HO·) and lipid alkoxyl (LO·) radicals produce identical four-line spectra with line intensities 1:2:2:1. Both types of radicals react with commonly-used HO· scavengers, e.g. with ethanol to produce ·C(CH3)HOH and with dirnethylsulfoxide (DMSO)togive ·CH3. However, DMSO radicals (either ·CH3or ·OOCH3) react further with lipids, and when radicals are trapped in these MLOOH systems, multiple adducts are evident. When acetonitrile is added to the aqueous reaction systems in increasing concentrations, ·CH2CN radicals resulting from HO· attack on acetonitrile are evident, even with trace quantities of that solvent. In contrast, little, if any, reaction of LO· with acetonitrile occurs, even in 100% acetonitrile. A single four-line signal persists in the lipid systems as long as any water is present, although the relative intensity of the two center lines decreases as solvent-induced changes gradually dissociate the nitrogen and β-hydrogen splitting constants. Extraction of the aqueous-phase adducts into ethyl acetate shows clearly that the identical four-line spectra in the H202 and MLOOH systems arise from different radical species in this study, but the lack of stability of the adducts to phase transfer may limit the use of this technique for routine adduct identification in more complex systems. These results indicate that the four-line 1:2:2:1. aN = aH = 14.9G spectrum from DMPO cannot automatically be assigned to the HO· adduct in reaction systems where lipid is present, even when the expected spin adducts from ethanol or DMSO appear confirmatory for HO-. Conclusive distinction between HO· and LO· ultimately will require use of 13C-labelled DMPO or HPLC-MS separation and specific identification of adducts when DMPO is used as the spin trap.  相似文献   

Studies documenting spin trapping of lipid radicals in defined model systems have shown some surprising solvent effects with the spin trap DMPO. In aqueous reactions comparing the reduction of H2O2 and methyl linoleate hydroperoxide (MLOOH) by Fez+, hydroxyl (HO·) and lipid alkoxyl (LO·) radicals produce identical four-line spectra with line intensities 1:2:2:1. Both types of radicals react with commonly-used HO· scavengers, e.g. with ethanol to produce ·C(CH3)HOH and with dirnethylsulfoxide (DMSO)togive ·CH3. However, DMSO radicals (either ·CH3or ·OOCH3) react further with lipids, and when radicals are trapped in these MLOOH systems, multiple adducts are evident. When acetonitrile is added to the aqueous reaction systems in increasing concentrations, ·CH2CN radicals resulting from HO· attack on acetonitrile are evident, even with trace quantities of that solvent. In contrast, little, if any, reaction of LO· with acetonitrile occurs, even in 100% acetonitrile. A single four-line signal persists in the lipid systems as long as any water is present, although the relative intensity of the two center lines decreases as solvent-induced changes gradually dissociate the nitrogen and β-hydrogen splitting constants. Extraction of the aqueous-phase adducts into ethyl acetate shows clearly that the identical four-line spectra in the H202 and MLOOH systems arise from different radical species in this study, but the lack of stability of the adducts to phase transfer may limit the use of this technique for routine adduct identification in more complex systems. These results indicate that the four-line 1:2:2:1. aN = aH = 14.9G spectrum from DMPO cannot automatically be assigned to the HO· adduct in reaction systems where lipid is present, even when the expected spin adducts from ethanol or DMSO appear confirmatory for HO-. Conclusive distinction between HO· and LO· ultimately will require use of 13C-labelled DMPO or HPLC-MS separation and specific identification of adducts when DMPO is used as the spin trap.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(3-6):223-232
Reperfusion of the heart after a period of ischaemia can precipitate ventricular arrhythmias and lead to an exacerbation of tissue injury. Direct evidence to suggest the involvement of free radicals has been obtained using electron spin resonance (esr) spectroscopy and the spin trap N-tert. butyl-α-phenyl nitrone (PBN). In the present study, we have used esr spectroscopy and PBN to examine the individual effects of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase. allopurinol or desferal on radical production in the isolated. reperfused rat heart. A burst of radical production was observed in the control group during the first 5 minutes of reperfusion; the peak occurred during the first minute, when signal intensity had increased by almost 300%. but returned to the baseline by 15 minutes of reperfusion. The esr signals were consistent with the trapping of either alkoxyl or carbon-centered radicals (aN = 13.6 and aH = 1.56G). In the desferal-treated group, a burst of radical production was observed during the first five minutes of reperfusion; this was maximal during the second minute, when signal intensity had increased by almost 200%, but had returned to the baseline value by 30 minutes of reperfusion. In the SOD-treated group, a burst of radical production was observed during the first 10 minutes of reperfusion; signal intensity was maximal during the tenth minute of reperfusion, when signal intensity had increased by almost 200%. but had returned to the baseline value by 30 minutes of reperfusion. In the allopurinol- and catalase-treated groups, no significant burst of radical production could be detected. These data further support the concept that cytotoxic, oxygen-derived species are formed upon reperfusion and that hydrogen peroxide and/or hy-droxyl radicals, are likely to be involved.  相似文献   

Incubation of MC-1010 cells with the spin-trapping agent 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline 1-oxide (DMPO) followed by brief treatment with the solid oxidant lead dioxide (PbO2) yielded, after filtration, a cell-free solution that contained two nitroxyl adducts. The first was the hydroxyl radical adduct, 5,5-dimethyl-2-hydroxypyrrolidine-1-oxyl (DMPO-OH), which formed immediately upon PbO2 oxidation. The second had a 6-line EPR spectrum typical of a carbon-centered radical (AN=15.9 G; AH=22.4 G) and formed more slowly. No radical signals were detected in the absence of either cells or PbO2 treatment. The 6-line spectrum could be duplicated in model systems that contained ascorbate, DMPO and DMPO-OH, where the latter was formed from hydroxyl radicals generated by sonolysis or the cleavage of hydrogen peroxide with Fe2+ (Fenton reaction). In addition, enrichment of MC-1010 cells with ascorbate prior to spin trapping yielded the 6-line EPR spectrum as the principal adduct following PbO2 oxidation and filtration. These results suggest that ascorbate reacted with DMPO-OH to form a carbon-centered ascorbyl radical that was subsequently trapped by DMPO. The requirement for mild oxidation to detect the hydroxyl radical adduct suggests that DMPO-OH formed in the cells was reduced to an EPR-silent form (i.e., the hydroxylamine derivative). Alternatively, the hydroxylamine derivative was the species initially formed. The evidence for endogenous hydroxyl radical formation in unstimulated leukocytes may be relevant to the leukemic nature of the MC-1010 cell line. The spin trapping of the ascorbyl radical is the first report of formation of the carbon-centered ascorbyl radical by means other than pulse radiolysis. Unless it is spin trapped, the carbon-centered ascorbyl radical immediately rearranges to the more stable oxygen-centered species that is passive to spin trapping and characterized by the well-known EPR doublet of AH4=1.8 G.Abbreviation EPR Electron Paramagnetic Resonance  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(3-6):251-258
Incubation of 1BuOOH (in the concentration range 200μM to 20mM) with rat liver post-microsomal supernatant in the presence of the spin trap DMPO gives three radical species, which can be observed by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. The first of these is the ascorbyl radical (which decreases in concentration with time), the other two are identified as spin adducts of alkoxyl and carbon-centred radicals; these latter species increase in concentration with time. Addition of NADH, but not NADPH, led to an increase in concentration of the alkoxyl and carbon-centred radical adducts and a decrease in the concentration of the ascorbyl radical. Results obtained in the presence of iron chelators and other ligands suggest that the generating system is an NADH-dependent enzyme that reduces 1BuOOH by one-electron to give initially the 1BUO radical. Results from experiments carried out on dialysed cytosol samples lend support to this conclusion.  相似文献   

Incubation of 1BuOOH (in the concentration range 200μM to 20mM) with rat liver post-microsomal supernatant in the presence of the spin trap DMPO gives three radical species, which can be observed by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. The first of these is the ascorbyl radical (which decreases in concentration with time), the other two are identified as spin adducts of alkoxyl and carbon-centred radicals; these latter species increase in concentration with time. Addition of NADH, but not NADPH, led to an increase in concentration of the alkoxyl and carbon-centred radical adducts and a decrease in the concentration of the ascorbyl radical. Results obtained in the presence of iron chelators and other ligands suggest that the generating system is an NADH-dependent enzyme that reduces 1BuOOH by one-electron to give initially the 1BUO radical. Results from experiments carried out on dialysed cytosol samples lend support to this conclusion.  相似文献   

The generation of free radicals in a superoxide (O2-)driven Fe+3 catalysed reactions with isolated myocytic sarcolemma using electron spin resonance was investigated. Incubation of highly purified canine myocytic sarcolemma in the presence of the spin trap, 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane (MNP). followed by the addition of dihydroxyfurmarate (DHF) and Fe+3-ADP resulted in the generation and detection of radical adducts of this spin trap. Spin trapping of the alkyl radicals with 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane led to the identification of methyl radical adduct following exposure to DHF/Fe+3-ADP. With sarcolemma and the alkyl nitroso compound, the only radical product trapped was the methyl radical formed by β-scission of alkoxyl radical. The participation of hydroperoxide-derived radicals in this system verified that the decomposition of unsaturated hydroperoxy fatty acid does proceed via a free radical mechanism.  相似文献   

Myclobutanil, (RS)‐2‐(4‐chlorophenyl)‐2‐(1H‐1, 2, 4‐triazol‐1‐ylmethyl)hexanenitrile is a broad‐spectrum systemic triazole fungicide which consists of a pair of enantiomers. The stereoselective degradation of myclobutanil was investigated in rat liver microsomes. The concentrations of myclobutanil enantiomers were determined by high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a cellulose‐tris‐(3,5‐dimethyl‐phenylcarbamate)‐based chiral stationary phase (CDMPC‐CSP) under reversed phase condition. The t1/2 of (+)‐myclobutanil is 8.49 min, while the t1/2 of (–)‐myclobutanil is 96.27 min. Such consequences clearly indicated that the degradation of myclobutanil in rat liver microsomes was stereoselective and the degradation rate of (+)‐myclobutanil was much faster than (–)‐myclobutanil. In addition, significant differences between two enantiomers were also observed in enzyme kinetic parameters. The Vmax of (+)‐myclobutanil was about 4‐fold of (–)‐myclobutanil and the CLint of (+)‐myclobutanil was three times as much as (–)‐myclobutanil after incubation in rat liver microsomes. Corresponding consequences may shed light on the environmental and ecological risk assessment for myclobutanil and may improve human health. Chirality 26:51–55, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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