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Heterochromatin is considered to play a role in protecting the genome against mutagens. Changes in the quantity and proportion of different types of satellite DNA could increase genetic susceptibility in individuals with heterochromatic variations; they cause chromosome instability and predispose patients to malignancies. We evaluated the heterochromatin associated with chromosomes in 50 leukemia patients, 93 drug addicts and 93 healthy controls from Tehran, Iran. Barium hydroxide saline Giemsa staining was used to examine heterochromatin polymorphism of chromosomes 1, 9 and 16 in lymphocyte cultures. There were significant differences in this polymorphism in lymphocytes from drug addicts and leukemia patients compared to healthy controls. These polymorphisms could serve as markers for the detection and characterization of chromosome damage in leukemia patients and drug addicts.  相似文献   

Summary The eye lens-crystallins in cow and chicken are encoded by a family of at least six genes. In order to assess the distribution of the corresponding genes among other vertebrates we hybridized -crystallin sequences (A2, A3/A1, A4, B1, B2, B3), isolated from a bovine lens cDNA library, to Southern blots on whichEcoR1-digested chromosomal DNA was blotted from different vertebrate species. These included human, chimpanzee, calf, rat, pigeon, duck, monitor lizard, toad, trout, and lamprey. Positive hybridization signals were found in the representatives of virtually all classes of vertebrates. The basic B-crystallins gave hybridization signals in more species than the acidic A ones. In monitor lizard and toad the weakest hybridization signals for basic crystallin probes were found. For acidic crystallin probes the distribution pattern was more simple; among cold-blooded vertebrates a signal for A2 was found in trout and lamprey, for A4 in trout, and for A3/A1 only in toad. The results demonstrate that the duplications leading to the -crystallin gene family occurred before or during the earliest stages of vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

The centromeric regions of human and primate chromosomes are characterized by diverged subsets of tandemly repeated α-satellite DNA. Comparison of the α-satellites on known homologous chromosomes in human and chimpanzee provides insight into the very rapid evolution of satellite DNA sequences and the mechanisms that shape complex genomes. By using oligonucleotide primers specific for a conserved region of human α-satellite DNA, we have amplified a chromosome-specific α-satellite subset from the chimpanzee genome by the polymerase chain reaction. Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that clones pαPTR4N and pαPTR4H are homologous to sequences at the centromere of the chimpanzee chromosome 4. This α-satellite subset is organized as a series of pentameric (higher-order) repeats, operationally defined by digestion of genomic DNA with HaeIII, MboI, RsaI, SstI, and XbaI. The lengths of four independent centromeric arrays measured by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis varied between 800 and 3,500 kb (mean = 1,850 kb, SD = 1,000 kb). Nucleotide sequence analysis demonstrated that chimpanzee chromosome 4 α-satellite is most closely related to the suprachromosomal subfamily II, which is evolutionarily different from the subfamily I to which the α-satellite on the homologous human chromosome 5 belongs. This implies that the human-chimpanzee sequence divergence has not arisen from a common ancestral α-satellite repeat(s) but instead represents concerted evolution of distinct repeats on homologous chromosomes. Received: 21 February 1997; in revised form: 26 February 1997 / Accepted: 27 February 1997  相似文献   

Maxwell TA  Jennings S 《Oecologia》2006,150(2):282-290
Abundance–body size relationships are widely observed macroecological patterns in complete food webs and in taxonomically or functionally defined subsets of those webs. Observed abundance–body size relationships have frequently been compared with predictions based on the energetic equivalence hypothesis and, more recently, with predictions based on energy availability to different body size classes. Here, we consider the ways in which working with taxonomically or functionally defined subsets of food webs affected the relationship between the predicted and observed scaling of biomass and body mass in sediment dwelling benthic invertebrate communities at three sites in the North Sea. At each site, the energy available to body size classes in the “whole” community (community defined as all animals of 0.03125–32.0 g shell-free wet weight) and in three subsets was predicted from estimates of trophic level based on nitrogen stable isotope analysis. The observed and predicted scalings of biomass and body size were not significantly different for the whole community, and reflected an increase in energy availability with body size. However, the results for subsets showed that energy availability could increase or decrease with body size, and that individuals in the subsets were likely to be competing with individuals outside the subsets for energy. We conclude that the study of abundance–body mass relationships in functionally or taxonomically defined subsets of food webs is unlikely to provide an adequate test of the energetic equivalence hypothesis or other relationships between energy availability and scaling. To consistently and reliably interpret the results of these tests, it is necessary to know about energy availability as a function of body size both within and outside the subset considered.  相似文献   

Alpha-satellite sequences are found in the centromeric region of all human chromosomes and have been implicated in centromeric function. We describe the structure and behaviour of chromosomes containing amplified human alphoid DNA from chromosome 12, in an osteosarcoma cell line (OSA) and an atypical lipomatous tumour (ALT). In OSA, the amplified material was detected in one large marker chromosome, whereas in ALT amplified sequences were observed in chromosomes of variable number and appearance. The marker in OSA was mitotically stable, but those in ALT exhibited a high degree of mitotic instability, forming bridges at anaphase and chromatin strings between interphase nuclei. The amplified α-satellite arrays reacted positively with human anti-centromeric antiserum and anti-centromere protein B antibodies in both tumours. Centromere protein C, previously shown to be present only in functional kinetochores, was invariably detected at the constriction of the marker in OSA, while one-fifth of markers in ALT appeared to exhibit additional centromere protein C-positive regions outside the primary constriction, indicating that the observed chromosomal instability in ALT might, at least in part, be a consequence of the occasional formation of more than one functional kinetochore. In OSA the alphoid DNA was coamplified with unique sequences from central 12q and the amplified material was C-band negative but in ALT amplified material from central 12q as well as sequences from proximal 12p were detected, resulting in C-band-positive areas. A propensity for additional kinetochore formation might thus be associated with the coamplification of alphoid DNA and pericentromeric sequences from chromosome 12. Received: 17 February 1999; in revised form: 6 June 1999 / Accepted: 7 June 1999  相似文献   

Using classical cytogenetic techniques, we detected a male patient with monosomy 18p/trisomy 20p, originating from a paternal reciprocal translocation of the short arms of chromosomes 18 and 20. To characterize the breakpoints further and to determine the centromeric origin of the chromosomes involved, we analyzed the metaphase chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization using -satellite DNA probes specific to chromosomes 18 and 20. With this approach, we showed that -satellite centromeric fragments were involved in the translocation event and that the chromosome-18-specific centromeric sequences were split into two. Analysis of 14 family members from four generations revealed nine phenotypically normal individuals carrying this reciprocal translocation. These results suggest that breaks in -satellite DNA fragments neither impair the centromeric function nor have clinical effects.  相似文献   

Rat liver nuclei contain a 29-nucleotides-long RNA (fr 3-RNA) which is transcribed from middle repetitive DNA sequences. By Southern analysis of restriction fragments of rat albumin and α-fetoprotein genomic clones, DNA sequences complementary to this RNA were detected on a 4.6 kbp EcoRI fragment located 600 bp downstream from the termination exon of the albumin gene and on a 2 kbp EcoRI-HindIII fragment located 10 kbp downstream from the restriction fragment containing the α-fetoprotein site. No sequence complementary to this RNA was found either in the introns of exons of both genes or in the regions extending 7 kbp upstream from the first albumin exon and 10 kbp upstream of the first α-fetoprotein exon. We concluded that sequences complementary to fr 3-RNA are present at the 3′-end flanking regions of the rat albumin and α-fetoprotein gene complexes.  相似文献   

Diverse reproductive strategies shown by ferns and lycophytes allow them to colonize a variety of habitats, particularly after the incidence of natural or anthropogenic disturbances. This study assessed the presence, abundance and reproductive strategies of ferns growing in soils of temperate forests with different levels of disturbance at the Sierra Nevada mountain range in the State of Mexico. Vegetation, soil and environmental variables were recorded in 200 m2 permanent plots located in four forest stands. One-Way ANOVA and Canonical Correspondence Analysis resulted in the recognition of three landscape types defined by the degree of environmental alteration: low, moderate and severe. Also, from five soil samples collected in each stand, germination of ferns and lycophytes was induced. A positive relationship was found between the alteration degree and Cheilanthes abundance. Under a low landscape alteration regime, species richness is restricted to Cheilanthes bonariensis, C. marginata and Pellaea ternifolia subsp. ternifolia. The soil is a reservoir of spores of Cheilanthes and Pellaea ternifolia subsp. ternifolia because their spores can remain viable for different time intervals. Apogamy is the usual reproductive strategy of Cheilanthes species in disturbed ecosystems, although these species also show sexual reproduction in natural ecosystems with adequate water availability. Apogamy may be related to a shorter generation time in comparison with a low disturbed ecosystem. On the other hand, Pellaea ternifolia subsp. ternifolia only has sexual reproduction. Apogamy might be related to a faster generation in comparison with a low disturbed ecosystem.  相似文献   

Cloning and sequencing of DNA from a symbiotic large plasmid in Rhizobium hedysari strain IS 123 required for its nodulation of the mediterranean legume crop Hedysarum coronarium (sulla) and complementation studies of nod- mutant derivatives led to the characterization of a 30-kb region containing common and host-specific nod genes. This DNA region also contained at least six copies of a novel insertion sequence-like structure, some of which appeared to have suffered deletions. This 0.8 kb novel element carries two 17-bp flanking inverted repeats and an open reading frame showing homology with a transposase from Staphylococcus aureus. Hybridization studies revealed that several strains of Rhizobium hedysari carry this element in various copy number. The six copies in strain IS 123 appear clustered specifically within the pSym nod region.The significance of this IS element in rhizobia and its possible use as a probe for taxonomic and phylogenetic studies of Rhizobiaceae is addressed.  相似文献   

We constructed a library in IL47.1 with DNA isolated from flow-sorted human chromosome 22. Over 50% of the recombinants contained the same highly repetitive sequence. When this sequence was used to probe Southern blots of EcoRI-digested genomic DNA, a ladder of bands with increments of about 170 bp was observed. This sequence comigrates with satellite III in Ag+/Cs2SO4 gradients and may account for at least part of the 170 bp Hae III ladder seen in isolated satellite III DNA. Partial sequence analysis revealed homology to the 171 bp monomeric repeat unit of -R1-DNA and the X specific -satellite consensus sequence. After low stringency in situ hybridization, silver grains were found over the centromeres of a number of chromosomes. Under high stringency conditions, however, the labeling was concentrated over the centromeric region of chromosome 22. This localization was confirmed using DNA from a panel of human/hamster cell lines which showed that the homologous 2.1 and 2.8 kb EcoR1 restriction fragments were chromosome 22 specific. These clones therefore contain chromosome 22 derived -satellite sequences analogous to other chromosome-specific satellite sequences described previously.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1985,191(2):216-220
Allophycocyanin (APC) α- and β-subunits were isolated from Anabaena cylindrica and their amino acid sequences were determined. The α- and β-subunits consisted of 160 and 161 amino acid residues, respectively, and lacked tryptophan. The β-subunit contained an unknown derivative of aspartic acid. The sequences were compared with those of other allophycocyanins.  相似文献   

Kirk Fry  Winston Salser 《Cell》1977,12(4):1069-1084
The most common repeated nucleotide sequences of the highly repetitive satellite HS-α fraction from kangaroo rat Dipodomys ordii was determined using ribosubstitution methods. This sequence was α nucleotides long and represented about 25% of the total HS-α satellite DNA, while the remaining DNA was composed of sequence variants related to the most common sequence. The sequences of the commonest of these variants are reported. Furthermore, the most common repeated sequence was identical to that reported for the α satellite of guinea pig Cavia porcellus. The α satellites of guinea pig, Cavia porcellus, pocket gopher, Thomomys bottae and antelope ground squirrel, Ammospermophilus leucurus, are shown to have sequences in common with the kangaroo rat. This implies that the simplest repeated sequences of mammalian satellite DNAs may persist over much longer evolutionary times than previously thought.Attempts to explain the very rapid quantitative changes in satellites whose sequence is strongly conserved have led us to consider that they might have a role in sympatric speciation. Among the novel features of the model presented is that fluctuations in satellites could be due to “speciation genes.” Such genes would confer a strong selective advantage in certain situations, and could explain the many puzzling instances in which large numbers of new related species have appeared over a short evolutionary span.  相似文献   

We have characterized a whole-arm translocation involving chromosomes 1 and 19 by traditional cytogenetic methods and fluorescence in situ hybridization with chromosome-specific -satellite and whole-chromosome painting probes, and different satellite III DNA probes. We have identified a break in the -satellite DNA region of chromosome 1, with division of this material into two a-satellite DNA blocks. This leaves one translocation chromosome with truncated -satellite DNA from chromosome 1 and the other trranslocation chromosome with all the -satellite DNA from chromosome 19 and truncated -satellite DNA from chromosome 1. We speculate whether the recombination event observed has taken place in tetraplex structures of satellite III DNA interspersed between -satellite DNA.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF23) is well established to play crucial roles in the regulation of phosphate homeostasis. X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (XLH) is characterized by impaired mineralization and growth retardation associated with elevated circulating FGF23 levels. Administration of phosphate and calcitriol is effective in improving growth retardation, but is not sufficient to fully reverse impaired growth, suggesting the existence of a disease-specific mechanism in the development of growth retardation in addition to dysregulated phosphate metabolism. However, the precise mechanisms of growth retardation in XLH remain elusive. Here, we postulated that FGF23 suppressed chondrocyte proliferation in the presence of soluble α-Klotho (sKL). In vitro and ex vivo studies revealed that FGF23 formed a protein complex with sKL through KL1 internal repeat and suppressed the linear growth of metatarsals in the presence of sKL, which was antagonized by co-incubation with neutralizing antibodies against FGF23 or by knocking-down FGFR3 expression. Additionally, FGF23 binding to FGFR3 was enhanced in the presence of sKL. Histologically, the length of the proliferating zone was diminished and was associated with decreased chondrocyte proliferation. FGF23/sKL suppressed Indian hedgehog (Ihh) expression and administration of Ihh protein partially rescued the suppressive effect of FGF23/sKL on metatarsal growth. Intraperitoneal administration of sKL in Hyp mice, a murine model for XLH, caused a decrease in the length of the proliferating zone associated with decreased chondrocyte proliferation without altering circulating phosphate levels. These findings suggest that suppression of chondrocyte proliferation by FGF23 could have a causative role in the development of growth retardation in XLH.  相似文献   

The presence of α-ketoglutarate (α-KG) dehydrogenase complex in the glutamate-producing bacteria was demonstrated for the first time with Brevibacterium flavum. The partially purified enzyme, which was specific to KG and NAD+ with the usual requirements for other co-factors, was labile and stabilized by glycerol, Mg2+, and thiamine pyrophosphate. The enzyme showed an optimum pH of 7.6 and Kms of 80, 86, and 61 μm for KG, NAD+, and CoA, respectively, cis-Aconitate, succinyl-CoA, NADPH, NADH, pyruvate, and oxalacetate strongly inhibited the activity, while it was activated by acetyl-CoA, but not by AMP. Various inorganic and organic salts also inhibited the activity. When cells were cultured in glucose and acetate media, the specific activity of the cell extracts increased markedly and reached to a maximum at the late-logarithmic phase. Then, it decreased to the basal level. The addition of glutamate stimulated the synthesis of the enzyme.  相似文献   

α-Satellite DNA from African green monkey cells was analysed with restriction nucleases in some detail confirming and complementing our earlier results. With EcoRI and HaeIII (or BsuRI isoschizomer), about 25 and 10%, respectively, of the satellite DNA were cleaved into a series of fragments of the 172 bp repeat length and multiples thereof. To allow studies with fragments of homogeneous sequence unit length, HindIII fragments were covalently joined with the plasmid pBR313. After transformation 19 clones were obtained, containing up to three monomer fragments. Nine of the clones were characterized by digestion with EcoRI. Three of these had cleavage sites for this nuclease in the satellite DNA portion. In the six clones tested with HaeIII no cleavage site was detected in the cloned DNA. The results are discussed in relation to the nucleotide sequence data recently published by Rosenberg et al. (1978) and in the context of random and nonrandom processes in satellite DNA evolution.  相似文献   

α-neo-endorphin-like immunoreactivity was demonstrated in the nerve fibers and Herring's bodies in the posterior lobe of rat pituitary glands by an indirect immunoperoxidase method using α-neo-endorphin-antiserum. The number of α-neo-endorphin positive fibers and Herring's bodies did not decrease in the sections in which α-neo-endorphin-antisera pretreated with oxytocin, ADH and leu-enkephalin were used as primary antisera. In view of the reports that met-enkephalin, leu-enkephalin and dynorphin were present in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, this finding suggested that there were four kinds of opiate-like peptides in the posterior lobes of the pituitary gland. Furthermore, by staining alternately 3he serial sections of the rat pituitary glands with ADH and α-neo-endorphin-antisera, it was revealed that α-neo-endorphin-positive Herring's bodies were identical to a large number of ADH positive Herring's bodies. This finding, together with the observation that morphine injection caused ADH release, suggested that α-neo-endorphin may play an important role in the regulation of ADH release.  相似文献   

The centromeres of human chromosomes contain large amounts of the tandemly repeated α-satellite DNA family. Previous studies have shown that integration of α-satellite DNA into ectopic locations in mammalian chromosomes can result in the de novo formation of several features of centromeric function. Here we further examine the possible centromeric properties of α-satellite DNA by introducing it into hamster chromosomes. A large amplified region of ectopic α-satellite DNA was shown to direct binding of anticentromere antibodies (ACAs) and centromere protein B (CENP-B). The chromosome containing these ectopic arrays showed a high frequency of formation of anaphase bridges. Owing to the favourable morphology of these chromosomes, we were able to determine that this bridging was due to delayed sister chromatid disjunction at the location of the ectopic α-satellite, and not due to de novo formation of a fully functional kinetochore. A separate hamster cell line containing large tandemly repeated amplicons including the DHFR gene also displayed similar behaviour during anaphase. These results may support a role for α-satellite DNA in sister chromatid cohesion at centromeres. However, other repetitive DNA in favourable configurations appears to be capable of mimicking this behaviour during anaphase. Received: 31 December 1996; in revised form: 14 February 1997 / Accepted: 24 February 1997  相似文献   

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