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Multilocus genomic data sets can be used to infer a rich set of information about the evolutionary history of a lineage, including gene trees, species trees, and phylogenetic networks. However, user‐friendly tools to run such integrated analyses are lacking, and workflows often require tedious reformatting and handling time to shepherd data through a series of individual programs. Here, we present a tool written in Python—TREEasy—that performs automated sequence alignment (with MAFFT), gene tree inference (with IQ‐Tree), species inference from concatenated data (with IQ‐Tree and RaxML‐NG), species tree inference from gene trees (with ASTRAL, MP‐EST, and STELLS2), and phylogenetic network inference (with SNaQ and PhyloNet). The tool only requires FASTA files and nine parameters as inputs. The tool can be run as command line or through a Graphical User Interface (GUI). As examples, we reproduced a recent analysis of staghorn coral evolution, and performed a new analysis on the evolution of the “WGD clade” of yeast. The latter revealed novel patterns that were not identified by previous analyses. TREEasy represents a reliable and simple tool to accelerate research in systematic biology ( https://github.com/MaoYafei/TREEasy ).  相似文献   

The temporal dimension of the most recent Corallinaceae (order Corallinales) phylogeny was presented here, based on first occurrence time estimates from the fossil record. Calibration of the molecular clock of the genetic marker SSU entailed a separation of Corallinales from Hapalidiales in the Albian (Early Cretaceous ~105 mya). Neither the calibration nor the fossil record resolved the succession of appearance of the first three emerging subfamilies: Mastophoroideae, Corallinoideae, and Neogoniolithoideae. The development of the tetra/bisporangial conceptacle roofs by filaments surrounding and interspersed among the sporangial initials was an evolutionary novelty emerging at the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary (~66 mya). This novelty was shared by the subfamilies Hydrolithoideae, Metagoniolithoideae, and Lithophylloideae, which diverged in the early Paleogene. Subclades within the Metagoniolithoideae and Lithophylloideae diversified in the late Oligocene–middle Miocene (~28–12 mya). The most common reef corallinaceans (Hydrolithon, Porolithon, Harveylithon, “Pneophyllum” conicum, and subclades within Lithophylloideae) appeared in this interval in the Indo‐Australian Archipelago.  相似文献   

Extinction always results in loss of phylogenetic diversity (PD), but phylogenetically selective extinctions have long been thought to disproportionately reduce PD. Recent simulations show that tree shapes also play an important role in determining the magnitude of PD loss, potentially offsetting the effects of clustered extinctions. While patterns of PD loss under different extinction scenarios are becoming well characterized in model phylogenies, analyses of real clades that often have unbalanced tree shapes remain scarce, particularly for marine organisms. Here, we use a fossil‐calibrated phylogeny of all living scleractinian reef corals in conjunction with IUCN data on extinction vulnerabilities to quantify how loss of species in different threat categories will affect the PD of this group. Our analyses reveal that predicted PD loss in corals varies substantially among different threats, with extinctions due to bleaching and disease having the largest negative effects on PD. In general, more phylogenetically clustered extinctions lead to larger losses of PD in corals, but there are notable exceptions; extinction of rare corals from distantly‐related old and unique lineages can also result in substantial PD loss. Thus our results show that loss of PD in reef corals is dependent on both tree shape and the nature of extinction threats.  相似文献   

芸薹属多倍体植物基因组进化的RAPD分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多倍化是促进高等植物发生进化的重要力量。为了更清楚地了解多倍体在形成之后其基因组是如何进化的,利用38个随机引物对芸薹属Brassica L.禹氏三角(U’Triangle)中的多倍体物种及其祖先二倍体物种进行了研究。根据扩增出的273条带计算了遗传距离,并用UPGMA法进行了聚类分析。结果发现,二倍体物种B.campestris(AA)与B.oleracea(CC)的亲缘关系比与B.nigra(BB)的要近;异源多倍体B.napus(AACC)比起其二倍体祖先之一B.campestris(AA)与另一个  相似文献   

Integrating phylogenetic information can potentially improve our ability to explain species' traits, patterns of community assembly, the network structure of communities, and ecosystem function. In this study, we use mathematical models to explore the ecological and evolutionary factors that modulate the explanatory power of phylogenetic information for communities of species that interact within a single trophic level. We find that phylogenetic relationships among species can influence trait evolution and rates of interaction among species, but only under particular models of species interaction. For example, when interactions within communities are mediated by a mechanism of phenotype matching, phylogenetic trees make specific predictions about trait evolution and rates of interaction. In contrast, if interactions within a community depend on a mechanism of phenotype differences, phylogenetic information has little, if any, predictive power for trait evolution and interaction rate. Together, these results make clear and testable predictions for when and how evolutionary history is expected to influence contemporary rates of species interaction.  相似文献   

稻属多倍体的研究历史及存在问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稻属Oryza隶属于禾本科Poaceae稻亚科Oryzoideae稻族Oryzeae, 包括20多个种, 其中近1/2的种类为异源多倍体植物。这些多倍体不但数量多而且涉及BC、CD、HJ和HK等多种染色体组构成, 广泛分布于热带亚洲、非洲、大洋洲和拉丁美洲。由于具有重要的经济和理论研究价值, 稻属植物一直在植物学研究中备受瞩目。相应地, 稻属多倍体植物的研究也积累了丰富的资料。本文通过回顾以往对稻属植物的研究历史, 特别关注有关多倍体的研究, 结合我们最近的研究总结了稻属多倍体分类和系统发育关系研究的最新进展, 同时对稻属多倍体研究中存在的问题及未来研究方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Polyploidy has played an important role in the evolution of higher plants.In order to understand how polyploid genomes evolve after their formation,the Brassica triangle was used to study genomic evolution after the formation of polyploids.Random amplifie  相似文献   

Evolutionary branching, which is a coevolutionary phenomenon of the development of two or more distinctive traits from a single trait in a population, is the issue of recent studies on adaptive dynamics. In previous studies, it was revealed that trait variance is a minimum requirement for evolutionary branching, and that it does not play an important role in the formation of an evolutionary pattern of branching. Here we demonstrate that the trait evolution exhibits various evolutionary branching paths starting from an identical initial trait to different evolutional terminus traits as determined by only changing the assumption of trait variance. The key feature of this phenomenon is the topological configuration of equilibria and the initial point in the manifold of dimorphism from which dimorphic branches develop. This suggests that the existing monomorphic or polymorphic set in a population is not an unique inevitable consequence of an identical initial phenotype.  相似文献   

We present QNet, a method for constructing split networks from weighted quartet trees. QNet can be viewed as a quartet analogue of the distance-based Neighbor-Net (NNet) method for network construction. Just as NNet, QNet works by agglomeratively computing a collection of circular weighted splits of the taxa set which is subsequently represented by a planar split network. To illustrate the applicability of QNet, we apply it to a previously published Salmonella data set. We conclude that QNet can provide a useful alternative to NNet if distance data are not available or a character-based approach is preferred. Moreover, it can be used as an aid for determining when a quartet-based tree-building method may or may not be appropriate for a given data set. QNet is freely available for download.  相似文献   

The decipherment of the meager information provided by short fragments of ancient mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is notoriously difficult but is regarded as a most promising way toward reconstructing the past from the genetic perspective. By haplogroup-specific hypervariable segment (HVS) motif search and matching or near-matching with available modern data sets, most of the ancient mtDNAs can be tentatively assigned to haplogroups, which are often subcontinent specific. Further typing for mtDNA haplogroup-diagnostic coding region polymorphisms, however, is indispensable for establishing the geographic/genetic affinities of ancient samples with less ambiguity. In the present study, we sequenced a fragment (approximately 982 bp) of the mtDNA control region in 76 Han individuals from Taian, Shandong, China, and we combined these data with previously reported samples from Zibo and Qingdao, Shandong. The reanalysis of two previously published ancient mtDNA population data sets from Linzi (same province) then indicates that the ancient populations had features in common with the modern populations from south China rather than any specific affinity to the European mtDNA pool. Our results highlight that ancient mtDNA data obtained under different sampling schemes and subject to potential contamination can easily create the impression of drastic spatiotemporal changes in the genetic structure of a regional population during the past few thousand years if inappropriate methods of data analysis are employed.  相似文献   

It is often claimed that conserving evolutionary history is more efficient than species‐based approaches for capturing the attributes of biodiversity that benefit people. This claim underpins academic analyses and recommendations about the distribution and prioritization of species and areas for conservation, but evolutionary history is rarely considered in practical conservation activities. One impediment to implementation is that arguments related to the human‐centric benefits of evolutionary history are often vague and the underlying mechanisms poorly explored. Herein we identify the arguments linking the prioritization of evolutionary history with benefits to people, and for each we explicate the purported mechanism, and evaluate its theoretical and empirical support. We find that, even after 25 years of academic research, the strength of evidence linking evolutionary history to human benefits is still fragile. Most – but not all – arguments rely on the assumption that evolutionary history is a useful surrogate for phenotypic diversity. This surrogacy relationship in turn underlies additional arguments, particularly that, by capturing more phenotypic diversity, evolutionary history will preserve greater ecosystem functioning, capture more of the natural variety that humans prefer, and allow the maintenance of future benefits to humans. A surrogate relationship between evolutionary history and phenotypic diversity appears reasonable given theoretical and empirical results, but the strength of this relationship varies greatly. To the extent that evolutionary history captures unmeasured phenotypic diversity, maximizing the representation of evolutionary history should capture variation in species characteristics that are otherwise unknown, supporting some of the existing arguments. However, there is great variation in the strength and availability of evidence for benefits associated with protecting phenotypic diversity. There are many studies finding positive biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships, but little work exists on the maintenance of future benefits or the degree to which humans prefer sets of species with high phenotypic diversity or evolutionary history. Although several arguments link the protection of evolutionary history directly with the reduction of extinction rates, and with the production of relatively greater future biodiversity via increased adaptation or diversification, there are few direct tests. Several of these putative benefits have mismatches between the relevant spatial scales for conservation actions and the spatial scales at which benefits to humans are realized. It will be important for future work to fill in some of these gaps through direct tests of the arguments we define here.  相似文献   

It is now quite well accepted that the evolutionary past of certain species is better represented by phylogenetic networks as opposed to trees. For example, polyploids are typically thought to have resulted through hybridization and duplication, processes that are probably not best represented as bifurcating speciation events. Based on the knowledge of a multi-labelled tree relating collection of polyploids, we present a canonical construction of a phylogenetic network that exhibits the tree. In addition, we prove that the resulting network is in some well-defined sense a minimal network having this property.  相似文献   

A field study to survey the custom of tying rags on sacred trees in the northern part of Israel was carried out during 2000–2001. It included 60 interviewees: 24 Druze, 18 Moslem Arabs, 12 Moslem Bedouins and 6 Christian Arab individuals. Tree veneration was found to be quite uncommon among the Bedouins and rare among the Christian Arabs. The results of the present study suggest there are 17 reasons for tying rags on sacred trees. Five reasons, as far as the author is aware, were not previously reported from the literature (i.e., breaking an oath, marking a blessed tree, marking the road to a blessed tree, asking for permission to pick fruit, and setting out rags for needy people). These usages appear to be endemic to Israel and to the Druze. Two customs previously reported from Israel but not corroborated by the present survey are to pacify a tree’s spirit and as a charm for new clothes. Three of the 17 known reasons for tying rags on sacred trees are also known from regions beyond the Middle East (i.e., to transfer illness to the tree, to use a rag as a visiting card, and to pacify the tree’s spirits). And lastly, several customs never reported before from Israel appear to stem from the belief in ancient pagan polytheistic religions (to ensure a good yield, offerings to a tree’s deities/spirits, to pacify the ancestor’s spirits, to commemorate a death, and to pacify a tree’s spirit while picking fruits). Twelve of the reported 17 reasons for hanging rags on sacred trees are known from Israel. These findings elucidate the widespread and variable tree worship traditions that are prevalent today in the region. In spite of a monotheistic ban against ancient pagan beliefs, trees still remain a subject of worship in Israel today, as manifested by the daily tying of rags upon branches.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to study the effect of thidiazuron (TDZ) on adventitious shoot induction and plant development in Paulownia tomentosa explants derived from mature trees. Media with different concentrations of TDZ in combination with an auxin were used to induce adventitious shoot-buds in two explant types: basal leaf halves with the petiole attached (leaf explant) and intact petioles. Optimal shoot regeneration was obtained in leaf explants cultured on induction medium containing TDZ (22.7 or 27.3 μM) in combination with 2.9 μM indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) for 2 weeks, and subsequent culture in TDZ-free shoot development medium including 0.44 μM BA for a further 4-week period. The addition of IAA to the TDZ induction medium enhanced the shoot-forming capacity of explants. The caulogenic response varied significantly with the position of the explant along the shoot axis. The highest regeneration potential (85–87%) and shoot number (up to 17.6 shoots/explant) were obtained in leaf explants harvested from the most apical node exhibiting unfolded leaves (node 1). An analogous trend was also observed in intact petiole explants, although shoot regeneration ability was considerably lower, with values ranging from 15% for petioles isolated from node 1 to 5% for those of nodes 2 and 3. Shoot formation capacity was influenced by the genotype, with regeneration frequencies ranging from 50% to 70%. It was possible to root elongated shoots (20 mm) in basal medium without growth regulators; however, rooting frequency was significantly increased up to 90% by a 7-day treatment with 0.5 μM indole-3-butyric acid, regardless of the previous culture period in shoot development medium (4 or 8 weeks). Shoot quality of rooted plantlets was improved not only by IBA treatment but also by using material derived from the 4-week culture period. Regenerated plantlets were successfully acclimatized in the greenhouse 8 weeks after transplanting.  相似文献   

One of the most exciting challenges in human biology is the understanding of how our genome was constructed during evolution. Here we explore the evolutionary history of the low polymorphic human minisatellite MsH42 and its flanking sequences. We show that the evolutionary birth of MsH42 took place within an intron, early in primate lineage evolution, more than 40 MYA. Then, single base-pair changes and duplications/deletions of repeat blocks by mispairing were probably the main forces governing the generation of this minisatellite and its polymorphism throughout primate evolution. Moreover, we detected several phylogenetic footprints at both sides of MsH42. We believe that our findings will contribute to the understanding of low-variability minisatellite evolution.  相似文献   

Large trees support unique habitat structures (e.g. hollows) that form over centuries and cannot be provided by small trees. Large trees are also declining in human‐modified landscapes worldwide. One restoration strategy gaining popularity involves adding nest boxes to smaller trees to replicate natural hollows. However, limited empirical research has tested how hollow‐nesting fauna responds to the presence of nest boxes. We asked: can the addition of nest boxes increase tree visitation by hollow‐nesting birds? We conducted a before‐after control‐impact (BACI) experiment using 144 nest boxes and 96 sample trees comprised of three sizes (small [20–50 cm dbh], medium [51–80 cm], and large [>80 cm]) and located in four landscape contexts (reserves, pasture, urban parklands, and urban built‐up areas). We recorded a significant increase in hollow‐nesting bird abundance and richness at large trees after nest box additions. However, the same response was not observed at medium, small, or control trees. We also recorded nonsignificant increases in hollow‐nesting bird abundance and richness at trees in modified landscapes after nest box additions compared to trees in reserves and control trees. Our results suggest that adding nest boxes to smaller‐sized trees may not attract hollow‐nesting birds. Therefore, nest box management strategies may require re‐evaluation as it is often assumed that hollow supplementation will attract hollow‐using fauna and sufficiently ameliorate the loss of large, hollow‐bearing trees. We advocate that large tree retention remains crucial and should be prioritized. Large trees could be effective target structures for habitat restoration, especially in modified landscapes.  相似文献   

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