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目的探讨屏障系统内安放独立通气笼盒(Individually Ventilated Cages,IVC)双保险模式饲养实验啮齿类动物,力求动物饲养、实验的全过程达到SPF级;降低动物实验室硬件建造费和维持费(节能)。方法通过改建一间屏障环境动物实验室,对空气洁净度等相关项目数据按GB14925-2001方法检定,并在该实验室内安放SPC级IVC饲养动物;在超净工作台内做打针投药等动物实验。结果改建的屏障环境动物实验室和IVC,各项检测数据均达到新国标要求。结论医学实验动物屏障环境内安放IVC饲养啮齿类动物、做动物实验,这种双保险模式能全过程达到SPF级要求;饲养、实验人员操作较简便,节能。  相似文献   

“江苏省实验动物笼器具系列标准制订”获中国实验动物学会科学技术二等奖,系列标准研究共包括八项:《实验动物笼器具塑料笼箱》、《实验动物笼器具金属笼箱》、《实验动物笼器具笼架》、《实验动物笼器具层流架》、《实验动物笼器具饮水瓶》、《实验动物笼器具独立通气笼盒( IVC)系统》、《实验动物笼器具代谢笼》、《实验动物笼器具隔离器》.本文阐述了1)系列标准研究的背景;2)研究制订的过程,优势的先天条件,政府、专家、企业之间的联动配合,研究标准的创新意义;3)标准出台的效果,产业优势进一步扩大,社会效益明显.  相似文献   

目的对新建疫苗生产车间环境微生物检测方法及车间洁净度进行确认,建立环境监测微生物数据库。方法使用连续3批次的胰酪大豆胨琼脂(Tryptose soya agar,TSA)培养皿和TSA(L-80)接触碟对环境微生物检测方法进行确认;对新建车间连续进行3次静态和3次动态检测,包括悬浮粒子、浮游菌、沉降菌、表面微生物检测;对微生物检测所获得的菌株进行鉴定。结果确认了环境微生物检测方法的有效性,新建车间洁净度达到了设计要求,建立了环境监测微生物数据库,主要菌型为里拉/藤黄微球菌、沃氏葡萄球菌、人葡萄球菌、科氏葡萄球菌、蜡样芽胞杆菌、表皮葡萄球菌。结论新建车间洁净度符合标准,环境监测微生物数据库的建立有助于污染源的调查分析,对无菌药品生产过程污染的有效控制提供了必要的技术保障和检测手段。  相似文献   

目的研究运行中的实验动物屏障系统微生物的情况。方法采用沉降菌法、棉拭子法等方法,研究运行中的屏障系统不同区域、不同环境指标下屏障系统内微生物的状况。结果动态下的屏障系统微生物情况与国标GB14925-2001中静态环境有较大不同,动物饲养室和动物实验室沉降菌浓度远高于静态要求;辅助区域在规范化消毒及严格管理的情况下,能达到国标要求。屏障系统的微生物情况存在一定的昼夜变化规律,在晚间出现峰值。结论合适的换气次数可有效控制实验动物屏障系统的沉降菌浓度;加强消毒及硬件的管理,是屏障系统内环境稳定的保障。  相似文献   

目的比较4种独立通风笼具(individually ventilated cages,IVC)的环境参数。方法参考GB14925-2001的检测方法对分别来自4个厂家生产的4种不同的IVC进行环境检测。结果4种IVC在空气洁净度、落下菌、噪声和照度等4个指标检测数据较为一致;在梯度压差、换气次数、气流速度等3个指标存在较大的差别;而温湿度等指标取决于IVC所处的外部环境。结论目前缺乏国家标准对IVC环境指标进行限定,各厂家所生产的IVC存在差异,需要在此方面加强研究,以促进IVC的标准化,更好的服务于实验动物行业。  相似文献   

对云南省昆明市某学生营养餐公司学生营养餐制作过程中的分餐人员手套、分餐桌面、营养餐及生产车间空气等进行微生物检测分析,结果表明:车间分餐人员一次性手套使用15 min 后,检出菌落总数含量均值达到29.67 cfu/mL,大肠菌群达到4.89 cfu/mL; 手套使用20min后,菌落总数均值达到584.83 cfu/mL,大肠菌群达到9.32 cfu/mL,手套严重污染;分餐桌面未使用前,大肠菌群均值达到9.26 cfu/mL,使用15min及20min后,大肠菌群则未检出;分装好的营养餐成品保温3h和4h后取样对比,发现菌落总数增长迅速,后者是前者的1.8倍,污染严重,说明分装是造成营养餐污染的主要环节,建议营养餐从制作完成到食用需于4h以内完成;车间生产3h后,空气中菌落总数达到89.33 cfu/m3,空气环境较差;车间生产4h后,空气中菌落总数达到307 cfu/m3,污染严重,需进行灭菌。  相似文献   

目的分析总结湖北省2012年度实验动物许可单位年检中环境设施的检测结果,找出问题,提出促进湖北省实验动物环境设施可靠运行的建议。方法各实验动物环境设施采用30%区域抽检方式,依据GB14925-2010《实验动物环境及设施》,进行环境指标检测。结果除气流速度、沉降菌最大平均浓度外,其他技术指标均存在不符合国家标准的情况。结论应针对实验动物设施管理加强培训,提高实验动物设施管理人员的管理水平,从而保证实验动物设施的正常运行。  相似文献   

目的验证洁净室环境监测用培养基的贮存效期,同时对环境监测浮游菌、沉降菌及表面微生物检测方法进行确认。方法对连续3批次贮存0、90、120 d洁净室环境监测用胰酪大豆胨琼脂(Tryptose soya agar,TSA)培养皿和TSA(L-80)接触皿进行相应菌液适用性检查(包括促生长能力和无菌检查)验证试验;并对贮存120 d TSA培养皿和TSA(L-80)接触皿分别进行环境浮游菌和沉降菌、表面微生物最长采样时间检测,然后再进行促生长能力测试。结果 TSA培养皿和TSA(L-80)接触皿贮存120 d (2~8℃90 d,25℃30 d)的适用性检查结果均符合《中国药典》2015版(三部)对培养基质量控制的要求。贮存120 d TSA培养皿进行洁净室环境浮游菌(主动采样10 min)、沉降菌(暴露采样4 h),以及TSA(L-80)接触皿进行表面微生物(接触采样10 s)检测后均具有良好的促生长能力。结论通过验证试验,确定了环境监测用TSA培养皿和TSA(L-80)接触皿的贮存效期120 d(2~8℃90 d,25℃30 d),并确认了贮存后TSA培养皿进行洁净室环境浮游菌、沉降菌检测的有效性,以及TSA(L-80)接触皿进行表面微生物检测的有效性。  相似文献   

目的 建立洁净区微生物数据库,为追溯洁净区微生物污染来源提供依据,为无菌药品生产过程控制提供有力指导.方法 对乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗生产车间洁净区环境和操作人员进行微生物负载检测,并对该车间注射用水、纯化水系统样品进行微生物限度检测,鉴别研究相应分离菌,建立洁净区微生物数据库.同时对乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗中间产品进行无菌检查检测,并对阳性结果分离菌进行鉴别分析.然后根据建立的洁净区微生物数据库对阳性结果举例进行溯源探讨分析.结果 洁净区环境和人员主要存在里拉/藤黄微球菌、人葡萄球菌、表皮葡萄球菌以及科氏葡萄球菌科氏亚种等革兰阳性菌和蜡样芽胞杆菌等,水系统中则主要存在少动鞘氨醇单胞菌和铫子芽胞杆菌等.中间产品无菌阳性结果主要存在里拉/藤黄微球菌、蜡样芽胞杆菌以及奇异变形菌等,经调查分析,分别为操作过程中经环境偶然带入或试验动物操作不慎带入.结论 建立洁净区微生物数据库是追溯产品微生物污染来源的有效方法,能够为无菌药品GMP生产过程制定有效的控制措施提供依据,并使其更有针对性.  相似文献   

【背景】跨膜转运蛋白在微生物转运各种物质的过程中具有重要作用。【目的】通过比较原核微生物组磷酸转移酶(phosphotransferasesystem,PTS)系统和腺苷三磷酸结合盒(ATP-binding cassette,ABC)转运蛋白编码基因在两种不同生物土壤结皮中(藻结皮与藓结皮)的差异,以期揭示随着生物土壤结皮的发育演替,微生物组跨膜转运物质的生物学过程中的潜在变化趋势。【方法】对腾格里沙漠东南缘的藻结皮和藓结皮12个样品进行宏基因组测序,参照KEGG数据库PTS系统,与ABC转运蛋白代谢通路进行比较并筛选相关基因,分析其差异显著性。【结果】藻结皮和藓结皮PTS系统和ABC转运蛋白编码基因的多样性一致。在生物土壤结皮中共检测到16种PTS系统的转运蛋白的编码基因,具有显著性差异的有5种;检测到106种ABC转运蛋白的编码基因,具有显著性差异的有46种,并对这46种转运蛋白结合的底物以及变化趋势进行了详细的描述。【结论】生物土壤结皮发育演替过程中,微生物组从环境中摄取能够增加渗透势物质的潜力总体呈现降低趋势,转运氨基酸、细胞膜和细胞壁组分的潜力总体呈现增加趋势,对于矿物离子、...  相似文献   

剖腹产建立SPF金黄地鼠种群   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了规范我国实验动物管理,尽快提高实验动物质量,真正落实2000年版生物制品规程,同时也为了提高我国乙型脑炎活疫苗的质量,使其尽快进入国际市场,作者利用普通金黄地鼠,采用剖腹产手术,以德国SPF金黄地鼠代乳,率先在国内培育出了自己的SPF金黄地鼠种群,自检和送检结果表明,该种群质量符合国家SPF金黄地鼠质量标准。  相似文献   

New ventilated caging systems for laboratory animals were compared with conventional caging regarding allergen distribution, ergonomic suitability, cage environment and animal welfare. This paper presents occupational health evaluations. Mice were placed in individually ventilated cage (IVC) systems, a ventilated cabinet, and in cages on open shelves (conventional husbandry). The IVC systems were studied at negative and positive airflow. Aeroallergens were sampled on filters (n = 204, including controls) in undisturbed rooms and during cage changing. Concentrations of mouse urinary allergen (Mus m 1) in filter eluates were measured using sandwich ELISA. An ergonomic evaluation was performed with measurement of traction forces. Staff exposure during cage changing was high in all systems, range 116-4430 ng Mus m 1/m3. In undisturbed animal rooms, allergen levels were orders of magnitude higher when using conventional caging compared with ventilated systems; P < 0.001. At positive pressure both IVCs leaked allergen (median Mus m 1 concentration was < 0.08 ng/m3 at negative, but 6.5 ng/m3 (IVC1) and 0.8 ng/m3 (IVC2S) at positive pressure). The IVC systems had ergonomic disadvantages compared with the conventional husbandry and the ventilated cabinet, for instance with cages in unsuitable working heights. Ventilated husbandry solutions reduce levels of airborne allergen substantially at negative pressure, but are ergonomically less suitable. To prevent allergen exposure during cage changing, we propose that this procedure should be performed under ventilated conditions. Producers and users must cooperate in optimizing animal caging systems for both animals and staff.  相似文献   

本文提出实验动物福利是人类应当给予实验动物的良好条件(正面因素),主要体现在动物的饲养和运输等过程,以“5F”为基本理论;伦理则是人类给予动物实验处理(负面因素)时应遵循的原则,主要体现在动物实验过程中,以“3R”为基本理论.同时总结了实验动物饲养和运输过程的实际经验,从环境、笼具、垫料、密度、饲料和饮水、社会和行为需要、安乐死、运输等方面,介绍了保障实验动物福利的具体做法.  相似文献   

目的评估饲料品质、供应风险及价格,为24个月长期致癌性试验寻找最佳的饲料及饲料供应商。方法将日本进口MF18饲料,美国进口LabDiet饲料以及北京科澳生产的啮齿类饲料样品分别包装,委托专业检测实验室对常规营养成分、毒理及微生物指标进行检测,评估饲料品质;对各来源饲料的运输风险、非可控因素等可能影响饲料品质及稳定供应的方面进行评估;兼顾饲料价格作为参考评估因素。结果经评估,3种饲料品质均符合饲料国标GB14924-2001*的要求;以毒性研究关注的毒理指标作为评价标准,则3种饲料品质排序为:MF18饲料(最佳)—〉LabDiet饲料(较佳)—〉科澳国产饲料(佳);进口饲料的运输及供应稳定性相比存在较大风险;国产饲料价格相对便宜但未成为关键评估因素。结论经过综合评估,特殊定制的本地国产饲料被认定为是国家药物安全评价监测中心24个月致癌性试验用的最佳饲料。  相似文献   

The ventilation method used in the management of laboratory rats is important in maintaining their health. Rats kept under general diluting ventilation (GDV) are exposed to high levels of pollutants present in the environment (dust, airborne bacteria, etc.) or those pollutants produced by animal metabolism and excretion inside the boxes (e.g. ammonia and carbon dioxide). These pollutants may contribute to respiratory pathologies. An alternative experimental ventilation system for laboratory animal housing using intracage ventilation technology (individually ventilated cage system, IVC) was developed. In this system, ammonia levels decreased and rats exhibited better reproductive performance and a lower incidence of pneumonia than rats maintained under GDV. Using two different levels of air speed (0.03-0.26 m/s: IVC(1); 0.27-0.80 m/s: IVC(2)), the effects of IVC were compared with GDV (control) in Wistar rats in terms of respiratory mucus properties, on the nasal epithelium (as measured by quantitative morphometry) and on the lungs (as determined by the cellular composition obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage). Mucus of the respiratory system was evaluated using the following techniques: rheology (viscoelasticity) by microrheometer, in vitro mucociliary transportability (frog palate) and contact angle (an indicator of adhesivity). Also, membrane transepithelial potential difference was measured as a biomarker of airway integrity. After bedding was changed, ammonia concentrations inside the cages on day 3 were significantly higher for GDV than for IVC(1) and IVC(2). The potential-difference values for IVC(1), IVC(2) and GDV in the epiglottis and in the trachea also showed differences. Although some significant differences were observed across the three groups in counts of some cell types, the intragroup results were highly variable among individuals and inconsistent between sexes. No significant differences in the other parameters were found across groups. These results establish that rats maintained under GDV in relatively unregulated conditions are exposed to factors that can lead to deleterious effects on the ciliated epithelium of the airways, and that these effects can be prevented by the use of IVC.  相似文献   

目的了解不同微生物控制程度(屏障环境和普通环境)对小型猪部分血液学和生化指标的影响。方法分别对10只SPF(无特定病原体)级五指山小型猪、10只普通级五指山小型猪和10只SPF级广西巴马小型猪1、0只普通级广西巴马小型猪测定13项血液学指标和21项血清生化指标。结果普通级小型猪红细胞数(RBC)、血球比积(HCT)、丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL-C)低于SPF级小型猪,白细胞数(WBC)、天门冬氨酸转移酶(AST)高于SPF级小型猪(P〈0.05);且部分指标在不同品种间有差别。结论普通级小型猪和SPF级小型猪部分血液学和血清生化指标等生物学特性存在显著差异。  相似文献   

Individually ventilated caging (IVC) systems for rodents are increasingly common in laboratory animal facilities. However, the impact of such substantial change in housing conditions on animal physiology and behavior is still debated. Most importantly, there arise the questions regarding reproducibility and comparison of previous or new phenotypes between the IVC and open cages. The present study was set up for detailed and systematic comparison of behavioral phenotypes in male and female mice of three widely used inbred strains (C57BL/6JRccHsd, DBA/2JRccHsd, 129S2/SvHSd) after being kept in two housing environments (IVC and open cages) for 6 weeks (since 4 weeks of age) before behavioral testing. The tests addressed exploratory, anxiety‐like and stress‐related behavior (light‐dark box, open field, forced swim test, stress‐induced hyperthermia), social approach and species‐specific behavior (nest building, marble burying). In all tests, large and expected strain differences were found. Somewhat surprisingly, the most striking effect of environment was found for basal body temperature and weight loss after one night of single housing in respective cages. In addition, the performance in light‐dark box and open field was affected by environment. Several parameters in different tests showed significant interaction between housing and genetic background. In summary, the IVC housing did not invalidate the well‐known differences between the mouse strains which have been established by previous studies. However, within the strains the results can be influenced by sex and housing system depending on the behavioral tasks applied. The bottom‐line is that the environmental conditions should be described explicitly in all publications.  相似文献   

H Sato  H Miyata 《Jikken dobutsu》1986,35(2):189-192
Indirect fluorescent antibody method was applied for a detection of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) antibody in colonies of laboratory animals in Japan. The results showed that the antibody exist in SPF mice (3/152, 2.2%) and conventional mice (30/539, 5.6%) with the titers ranging from 1:10 to 1:160. The antibody was also detected in 2.2% (2/89) of Syrian hamsters, and 2.9% (2/68) of Apodemus agrarius, 21.4% (3/14) of Japanese harvest mice which have been maintained as laboratory colony for several years. However, the antibody was not demonstrated in Mongolian gerbils, Suncus murinus, guinea pigs and rats, thus far. These results indicate that LCMV infection is present in laboratory animals in Japan, and pointed out the importance of microbiological monitoring for LCMV.  相似文献   

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