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The prosobranch gastropod Cerithidea cingulata (Gastropoda: Potamididae) in Kuwait Bay was examined for larval trematode infections over a 17-month period. A total of 2537 snails were examined and 1265 (49.9%) found to be infected with one or more species of trematodes. The component community in the snail comprised 12 species representing the families Cyathocotylidae (2), Echinostomatidae (2), Haplosplanchnidae (1), Heterophyidae (2), Microphallidae (1), Philophthalmidae (2), Plagiorchiidae (1) and Schistosomatidae (1). Cyathocotylid II (41.6%) was by far the most prevalent species followed by the microphallid (3.9%), the two species comprised 90% of the total trematode fauna. The prevalence of infection increased with shell size and was significantly higher in male (47%) than female (33%) snails. Multiple infections were observed in only 15 (1.2%) of the infected snails; cyathocotylid I and cyathocotylid II combination occurred 14 times and heterophyid I and the microphallid occurred once. Trematode species were more diverse and prevalent in winter, and cercarial shedding peaked in summer. Behaviour of the definitive host and snail population dynamics were probably the major contributors to the detected temporal pattern in the infections.  相似文献   

The component community of larval trematodes in the freshwater snail Semisulcospira nakasekoae (Caenogastropoda: Sorbeoconcha: Pleuroceridae) was surveyed over 13 months from April 1996 to April 1997 inclusive. Temporal and spatial fluctuation of trematode prevalence, the frequency of multiple infections, and the duration of cercarial shedding were examined as factors that might affect trematode community structure. The spatial prevalence of some species varied significantly, but the dynamics were too small to allow an explanation of the overall pattern. The prevalence of sanguinicolids fluctuated temporally, despite a stable size distribution in the host populations (> 6.0 mm shell width), suggesting the life-cycle phenology of this species. Some pairs of species had statistically positive associations, but no pairs had negative associations. This shows the importance of positive association possibly as a result of suppression of the host defensive response on trematode community structures in molluscan hosts. The length of the patent period, which is part of the persistent period, varied among trematode species, suggesting it to be one of the factors determining prevalence in the host population.  相似文献   

We assessed how spatial and temporal heterogeneity and competition structure larval trematode communities in the pulmonate snail Lymnaea stagnalis . To postulate a dominance hierarchy, mark-release-recapture was used to monitor replacements of trematode species within snails over time. In addition, we sampled the trematode community in snails in different ponds in 3 consecutive years. A total of 7,623 snails (10,382 capture events) was sampled in 7 fishponds in the Jind?ich?v Hradec and T?eboň areas in South Bohemia (Czech Republic) from August 2006 to October 2008. Overall, 39% of snails were infected by a community of 14 trematode species; 7% of snails were infected with more than 1 trematode species (constituting 16 double- and 4 triple-species combinations). Results of the null-model analyses suggested that spatial heterogeneity in recruitment among ponds isolated trematode species from each other, whereas seasonal pulses in recruitment increased species interactions in some ponds. Competitive exclusion among trematodes led to a rarity of multiple infections compared to null-model expectations. Competitive relationships among trematode species were hypothesized as a dominance hierarchy based on direct evidence of replacement and invasion and on indirect evidence. Seven top dominant species with putatively similar competitive abilities (6 rediae and 1 sporocyst species) reduced the prevalence of the other trematode species developing in sporocysts only.  相似文献   

The infro- and component community dynamics of digenetic trematodes in a freshwater gastropod community were examined over a 33-month period. The gastropod and trematode communities were composed of 17 and 10 species respectively. A total of 9,831 snails was collected; among them, 192 belonging to 14 species were infected by larval trematodes. The size of infected snails was significantly greater than that of healthy ones, and the increase of prevalence with size/age was interpreted as related to the increased probability of ultimately becoming parasitized. The trematode community was rich in allogenic species, but the most frequent trematode (cercariaeum) was autogenic and generalist (a range of 12 snail host species). There was a significantly positive relationship between the frequency of trematode species in the community and the number of first intermediate host species. A great temporal heterogeneity occurred in the prevalence of the snails, mainly attributed to the great temporal fluctuations of snail host populations and the variability of freshwater ecological conditions. The data on the occurrence of larval trematodes in 14 host species over the 33-month study allowed indicate a significant negative correlation between the abundance of gastropods and the prevalence of trematodes.  相似文献   

Charlie's Pond (North Carolina) harbors a diverse community of trematodes that infect the planorbid snail Helisoma anceps. Research at the Pond began in 1984 and serves as a foundation on which to investigate long-term changes in trematode communities. In 2002, 2005, and 2006 average size and fecundity of H. anceps were calculated each month, and seasonal trends analyzed with randomization tests. Concomitantly, trematode infections were recorded, and the community composition compared to those from previous studies. Helisoma anceps in 2002, 2005, and 2006 were smaller and less fecund than snails in 1984. The trematode community was consistently diverse, with 11 species recovered in 2006 versus 7 in 1984. However, the prevalence of Halipegus occidualis was much lower than previously observed (60% in 1984) and never exceeded 20% during the latter years. The decline of emergent vegetation is likely contributing to these changes. Aquatic macrophytes increase the surface area for growth of periphyton, the food source of these snails. Limited food supplies result in lower snail growth rates and fecundity. Similarly, emergent vegetation creates foci of transmission for H. occidualis between the frog definitive host and the snail intermediate host. When these areas are lost from the Pond, probability of transmission is reduced, and prevalence in the snail declines.  相似文献   

Infection with larval trematodes sometimes alters the phenotypes of their snail hosts. While some trematode species have distinct effects on host phenotypes, it is still unclear how snail phenotypes are altered when they are parasitized with multiple trematode species. Here, we report that double infection with trematode species averages the effects of parasitic alteration on host phenotype. We found that snail hosts Batillaria attramentaria (Batillariidae) infected with Cercaria batillariae (Heterophyidae) have abnormally large shells and distribute in lower areas of the intertidal zone. Snails with another dominant trematode species, the renicolid cercaria I (Renicolidae), have slightly larger shells and distribute in upper areas of the intertidal zone. A number of double infections with both trematodes was observed in this study. Snails infected with both trematode species exhibited an intermediate size and inhabited a depth between those of snails solely infected with either trematode species, suggesting that the two trematodes simultaneously affected the snail phenotypes. Because altered host phenotypes are frequently beneficial to parasites, two trematode species may compete for successful transmission through alteration of host phenotypes.  相似文献   

Agricultural activity and landscape features have previously been associated with diversity and prevalence of trematode species in amphibian second intermediate hosts. In this study, the density, diversity, and size of snail first intermediate hosts, and the diversity and prevalence of their trematode species, were assessed in 2 types of ponds, i.e., those adjacent to cornfields and those from the same region in southwestern Ontario that were adjacent to nonagricultural settings. Species of trematodes included, but were not restricted to, those that are known parasites of larval and adult frogs. We also assessed landscape factors likely to influence use by definitive hosts. Presence of the herbicide atrazine in ponds was measured to check that ponds adjacent to agriculture had potential to be affected by agricultural runoff. Both snail size and the proportion of snails releasing cercariae were greater in nonagricultural ponds, contrasting with a previous finding of lower trematode infection in tadpoles from nonagricultural ponds. Percentage of forest cover was associated with prevalence of certain trematode species, but not with estimates of combined prevalence. Absence of relations of trematode prevalence to measures of road density also contrasted with previous studies. We interpret our results in light of how agricultural activity might influence trematode viability, snail growth, and use by wildlife definitive hosts, independently of landscape factors.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to describe the structure of larval digenean communities in the freshwater snail Chilina dombeyana in Lake Mascardi, an oligotrophic Andean Patagonian lake. In total, 1,923 snails were collected during 2 sampling periods. Specimens were examined, and 8 digenean species were identified, all with allogenic life cycles. The snail infracommunities nearly always occurred as single-species infections, distributed mainly in the hepatopancreas. The double infections (0.2%) were always prepatent, and involved a schistosome and the notocotylid Catatropis chilinae. The overall prevalence, the prevalence of C. chilinae, and total species prevalence (without C. chilinae) significantly increased with snail size. Catatropis chilinae was the dominant species in all months and across all snail size classes. Maximum richness was reached in the size class between 16 and 18 mm. Diversity indices, i.e., the Shannon-Wiener Index and the reciprocal of the Simpson Index, increased with snail size only during the second sampling period. No robust evidence of antagonistic interactions was found in the digenean community of C. dombeyana from Lake Mascardi.  相似文献   

Larval digenetic trematodes commonly castrate their first intermediate hosts, and should therefore impose strong selection on the timing and mode of host reproduction. Here we examine spatial variation in infection by trematodes in the freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum. Snails were collected at 11 different sites at Lake Alexandrina on the South Island of New Zealand from transects that ran perpendicular to the shore and across several different habitat types (from 0 to 8 m deep). Logistic regression was used to analyze the relationships between the frequency of trematode infection and snail size, habitat type, and transect location. On average, the probability of infection increased 3.3 times with each 1 mm increase in shell length. Prevalence of infection by the most common species of trematode, Microphallus sp., was highest in the shallow-water habitats where its final hosts (waterflow) spend most of their time. Prevalence of infection by another parasite, Telogaster ophistorchis (final host: eels) increased with depth, but because Microphallus was much more common, total infection by all trematodes decreased with depth. The effects of transect location were minor for Telogaster, but there was significant variation in Microphallus prevalence among transects, especially in the shore-bank habitat. Taken together, these results suggest that the risk of infection is spatially variable, but generally higher in shallow-water habitats, which may explain the greater frequency of sexual individuals as well as earlier reproduction among individuals near shore.  相似文献   

Factors that affected the component community structure of larval trematodes in the pulmonate snail Helisoma anceps in Charlie's Pond, North Carolina, were studied over a 15-mo period using a multiple mark-recapture protocol. Patent infections of 8 species were observed in 1,485 of 4,899 snails examined. Reproductive activity, population size, and survival rate of the snail population were estimated to evaluate the extent of resource availability for the parasites. Antagonistic interactions between trematode species that occurred at the infracommunity level had a neglible effect on the composition and structure of the component community. The patterns observed at this level were related to temporal heterogeneity in the abundance of infective stages (mostly miracidia), differential responses of trematode species to the diverse and constantly changing distribution of snail size and abundance, differential mortality of snails infected with certain trematode species, constant recruitment of 1 trematode species over time, and the existence of predictable disturbances such as the complete mortality of the host population and recruitment of a replacement population during a 6-8 wk period. The last factor operated as a reset mechanism for this snail-trematode system once each year. A model of patch dynamics, with snails as patch resources, best explains the organization and dynamics of this system.  相似文献   

Batillaria minima is a common snail in the coastal estuaries of Puerto Rico. This snail is host to a variety of trematodes, the most common being Cercaria caribbea XXXI, a microphallid species that uses crabs as second intermediate hosts. The prevalence of infection was higher (7.1%) near mangroves than on mudflats away from mangroves (1.4%). Similarly, there was a significant positive association between the proportion of a site covered with mangroves and the prevalence of the microphallid. The association between mangroves and higher trematode prevalence is most likely because birds use mangroves as perch sites and this results in local transmission to snails.  相似文献   

Temporal variations in the prevalence of larval trematodes in the short-lived prosobranch mudsnail Hydrobia ventrosa (Montagu) were investigated in relation to host life history and season for 4 successive years in temperate windflats of the southern Baltic Sea. The component community of trematode larvae in H. ventrosa comprises at least 10 species; families (and species) represented include Notocotylidae (1), Echinostomatidae (1 or 2), Heterophyidae (2), Monorchidae (1), Microphallidae (3 or 4), Psilostomatidae (1), and Hemiuridae (1). The notocotylid Paramonostomum alveatum was the most prevalent species, followed by the microphallids Maritrema subdolum and Microphallus sp. Trematode prevalence in H. ventrosa fluctuated seasonally. Prevalence usually peaked in summer between July and September-October and decreased in late winter-early spring. This seasonal change is chiefly explained by the life history patterns of the semelparous snail host. Hydrobia ventrosa has a maximum life span of about 2 yr and reproduces between June and November of its second calendar year. The first trematode infections appeared annually in May when the most abundant cohort of H. ventrosa, the second-calendar-year snails, mature. The prevalence continued to increase until August-September, throughout the reproductive period of the second-calendar-year snails, Prevalence decreased during winter, when most of the second-calendar-year snails died after reproduction. On the basis of longterm laboratory experiments, it has been shown that the late autumn-winter mortality was not the result of trematode infections. Seasonal patterns of prevalence were similar among the trematode species except for the monorchid Asymphylodora demeli, the only one using fish definitive hosts. Species-specific differences in the seasonal occurrence of prepatent infections and the predominance of certain larval stages in winter are interpreted as different strategies of the trematode species to survive the harsh winter conditions, or to survive the death of the first intermediate host in autumn-winter, or both.  相似文献   

A total of 984 snails, comprising nine species, were collected from six areas in the Kafue wetlands between August and October 2003 to assess larval trematode infections. Of these, 135 (13.7%) were positive. Most trematode infections were recorded from Lymnaea natalensis (42.8%), which harboured four of the five morphologically different cercariae found. No trematodes were recovered from Bellamya capillata, Biomphalaria pfeifferi, Melanoides tuberculata, Physa acuta and Cleopatra nswendweensis. One snail (0.2%) of 416 Bulinus snails shed brevifurcate-apharyngeate distome cercariae while three (0.7%) shed amphistomes. Gymnocephalous and longifurcate-pharyngeate distome were the commonest types of cercariae recorded while xiphidiocercaria was the least common. The highest prevalence rates of F. gigantica (68.8%) and amphistomes (50.0%) in cattle (n = 101) were in Chiyasa while those in Kaleya had the lowest (9.1 and 18.2%, respectively). In most habitats, infections were recorded in both cattle and snails. Critical determinants of infection may have been the distance of settlements and/or cattle kraals, the number of animals in nearby homesteads and the presence of susceptible host snails. This study suggests that fascioliasis and amphistomiasis could be major constraints of cattle production in the Kafue wetlands because favourable factors were available to introduce and maintain the infections. It further provides a starting point for some comprehensive studies on snail-related aspects of transmission and snail host ecology in Zambia.  相似文献   

Factors that influenced the infracommunity structure of trematodes parasitizing the pulmonate snail Helisoma anceps were studied over a 15-mo period; the guild included 8 species of parasites. Infracommunities were depauperate, with double patent infections observed in only 7 of 1,485 infected snails; a total of 4,899 was examined. Halipegus occidualis-Haematoloechus longiplexus was the most common dual infection. Both species share the same definitive host and, in both cases, eggs are the infective stage for the snail. Switches and losses of infections in individual snails were observed, suggesting the occurrence of dynamic interactions within the guild. A dominance hierarchy was constructed based on field observations and experimental infections. Echinostomatids were dominant; species without rediae in their life cycles were subordinates. Halipegus occidualis (which has rediae) was intermediate in dominance. Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the distribution and abundance of trematode infective stages indicate that not all the snails have the same probability of becoming infected. Habitat structure, behavior of the definitive host, the nature of the infective stages, and snail population dynamics (mortality, recruitment, and size structure) generated spatial and temporal heterogeneity in this system. As a consequence, predictions of the probabilities of interspecific interactions based on an analysis of observed and expected frequencies of multiple infections could be inappropriate unless the potential sources of heterogeneity are considered.  相似文献   

Geographical range limits are thought to be set by species' physiological or ecological adaptation to abiotic factors, but the importance of biotic factors such as parasitism in determining range limits has not been well explored. In this study the prevalence of trematode parasitism in populations of a freshwater gastropod snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, increased sharply as this species approached its western UK range limit. The likelihood of trematode infection increased with snail size, but high prevalence at the range edge was not a result of interpopulation variation in snail size. Changes in population growth rates resulting from high rates of parasitism at the range edge could contribute to range limitation. The mechanism driving high rates of parasitism at the range edge is not clear, but changes in abiotic factors towards the range limit may influence snail life history and immune response to trematode infection, indirectly altering the prevalence of parasites in marginal host populations.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the influence of several abiotic and biotic variables on the distribution of digenetic trematode infections in a mudsnail, Hydrobia ventrosa, population inhabiting 12 ponds on the Melabakkar salt marsh in Iceland, the northwestern limits of the geographical distribution. Nine trematode species were found to infect the snail population, which included Microphallus pirum, Microphallus breviatus, Microphallus claviformis, Maritrema subdolum (Microphallidae), Cercaria Notocotylidae sp. 11 Deblock, 1980, C. Notocotylidae sp. 12 Deblock, 1980, C. Notocotylidae sp. 13 Deblock, 1980 (Notocotylidae), Cryptocotyle concavum (Heterophyidae), and Psilostomum brevicolle (Psilostomatidae). Correlations between biotic variables (snail density in the ponds and vegetation cover), abiotic variables (distance of each pond from the sea, pond elevation above chart datum, size, average depth, salinity, and some characters of the littoral zone and sediments), and trematode infections were analyzed. These variables indirectly affected the trematode infections because some determined how attractive the ponds were for the final hosts, which were various species of marine and shore birds. We propose that their habitat use and defecating habits are the main determinants of the trematode distribution in the area.  相似文献   

Infrapopulations of trematode metacercariae were monitored in the snail Lymnaea stagnalis over 17 yr (1982-1999) at Chany Lake, Novosibirskaya Oblast', Russia. Eighteen trematode species were recorded. Patterns of occurrence varied from 4 species (Echinoparyphium aconiatum, Echinoparyphium recurvatum, Moliniella anceps, and Cotylurus cornutus) that persisted at relatively high prevalence (> 60% of samples) across sites, seasons, and years, to species that were very rare and sporadic in occurrence. The stability of the 4 common species was probably because of their occurrence either in a wide range of definitive hosts or in a host adapted to the extreme abiotic changes that occurred from year to year in these wetlands. The prevalence and mean abundance of C. cornutus were negatively correlated with water level in the wetlands; its prevalence was also correlated with water temperature. The mean abundance of M. anceps was positively correlated with water level. The most probable explanation for the cyclic dynamics of infections of the common species is change in population sizes and densities of definitive and intermediate hosts, which mediated cyclic alterations in water levels.  相似文献   

Many biotic interactions can affect the prevalence and intensity of parasite infections in aquatic snails. Historically, these studies have centered on interactions between trematode parasites or between trematodes and other organisms. The present investigation focuses on the nematode parasite Daubaylia potomaca and its interactions with a commensal, Chaetogaster limnaei limnaei , and a variety of trematode species. It was found that the presence of C. l. limnaei indirectly increased the mean intensity of D. potomaca infections, apparently by acting as a restraint for various trematode parasites, particularly the rediae of Echinostoma sp. In turn, Echinostoma sp. rediae adversely affected the mean intensity of D. potomaca by their consumption of both juvenile and adult nematodes present in tissues of the snail. These organisms not only belong to 3 different phyla but occupy distinct trophic levels as well. The complex interactions among these 3 organisms in the snail host provide an excellent example of biotic interactions influencing the infection dynamics of parasites in aquatic snails.  相似文献   

The role of parasites in a marine invasion was assessed by first examining regional patterns of trematode parasitism in the introduced Japanese mud snail, Batillaria cumingi (= B. attramentaria), in nearly all of its introduced range along the Pacific Coast of North America. Only one parasite species, which was itself a non-native species, Cercaria batillariae was recovered. Its prevalence ranged from 3 to 86%. Trematode diversity and prevalence in B. cumingi and a native sympatric mud snail, Cerithidea californica, were also compared in Bolinas Lagoon, California. Prevalence of larval trematodes infecting snails as first intermediate hosts was not significantly different (14% in B. cumingi vs 15% in C. californica). However, while the non-native snail was parasitized only by one introduced trematode species, the native snail was parasitized by 10 native trematode species. Furthermore, only the native, C. californica, was infected as a second intermediate host, by Acanthoparyphium spinulosum(78% prevalence). Given the high host specificity of trematodes for first intermediate hosts, in marshes where B. cumingi is competitively excluding C. californica, 10 or more native trematodes will also become locally extinct.  相似文献   

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