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We have demonstrated that amino acids E (323), Y (324), E (330), and V (331) from the factor Va heavy chain are required for the interaction of the cofactor with factor Xa and optimum rates of prothrombin cleavage. We have also shown that amino acid region 332-336 contains residues that are important for cofactor function. Using overlapping peptides, we identified amino acids D (334) and Y (335) as contributors to cofactor activity. We constructed recombinant factor V molecules with the mutations D (334) --> K and Y (335) --> F (factor V (KF)) and D (334) --> A and Y (335) --> A (factor V (AA)). Kinetic studies showed that while factor Va (KF) and factor Va (AA) had a K D for factor Xa similar to the K D observed for wild-type factor Va (factor Va (WT)), the clotting activities of the mutant molecules were impaired and the k cat of prothrombinase assembled with factor Va (KF) and factor Va (AA) was reduced. The second-order rate constant of prothrombinase assembled with factor Va (KF) or factor Va (AA) for prothrombin activation was approximately 10-fold lower than the second-order rate constant for the same reaction catalyzed by prothrombinase assembled with factor Va (WT). We also created quadruple mutants combining mutations in the amino acid region 334-335 with mutations at the previously identified amino acids that are important for factor Xa binding (i.e., E (323)Y (324) and E (330)V (331)). Prothrombinase assembled with the quadruple mutant molecules displayed a second-order rate constant up to 400-fold lower than the values obtained with prothrombinase assembled with factor Va (WT). The data demonstrate that amino acid region 334-335 is required for the rearrangement of enzyme and substrate necessary for efficient catalysis of prothrombin by prothrombinase.  相似文献   

Prothrombinase activates prothrombin through initial cleavage at Arg(320) followed by cleavage at Arg(271). This pathway is characterized by the generation of an enzymatically active, transient intermediate, meizothrombin, that has increased chromogenic substrate activity but poor clotting activity. The heavy chain of factor Va contains an acidic region at the COOH terminus (residues 680-709). We have shown that a pentapeptide from this region (DYDYQ) inhibits prothrombin activation by prothrombinase by inhibiting meizothrombin generation. To ascertain the function of these regions, we have created a mutant recombinant factor V molecule that is missing the last 30 amino acids from the heavy chain (factor V(Delta680-709)) and a mutant molecule with the (695)DYDY (698) --> AAAA substitutions (factor V(4A)). The clotting activities of both recombinant mutant factor Va molecules were impaired compared to the clotting activity of wild-type factor Va (factor Va (Wt)). Using an assay employing purified reagents, we found that prothrombinase assembled with factor Va(Delta680-709) displayed an approximately 39% increase in k cat, while prothrombinase assembled with factor Va(4A) exhibited an approximately 20% increase in k cat for the activation of prothrombin as compared to prothrombinase assembled with factor Va(Wt). Gel electrophoresis analyzing prothrombin activation by prothrombinase assembled with the mutant molecules revealed a delay in prothrombin activation with persistence of meizothrombin. Our data demonstrate that the COOH-terminal region of factor Va heavy chain is indeed crucial for coordinated prothrombin activation by prothrombinase because it regulates meizothrombin cleavage at Arg(271) and suggest that this portion of factor Va is partially responsible for the enhanced procoagulant function of prothrombinase.  相似文献   

Proexosite I on prothrombin has been implicated in providing a recognition site for factor Va within prothrombinase. To examine whether hirudin-like sequences (659-698) on the cofactor contribute to this interaction, we expressed and purified two-chain FVa derivatives that were intracellularly truncated at the C terminus of the heavy chain: FVa709 (des710-1545), FVa699 (des700-1545), FVa(692 (des693-1545), FVa678 (des679-1545), and FVa658 (des659-1545). We found that FVa709, FVa699, FVa692, and FVa678 exhibited specific clotting activities that were comparable with plasma-derived and recombinant FVa. Additionally, kinetic studies using prothrombin revealed that the Km and kcat values for these derivatives were unaltered. Fluorescent measurements and chromatography studies indicated that FVa709, FVa699, FVa692, and FVa678 bound to FXa membranes and thrombin-agarose in a manner that was comparable with the wild-type cofactors. In contrast, FVa658 had an approximately 1% clotting activity and reduced affinity for FXa membranes (approximately 20-fold) and did not bind to thrombin-agarose. Surprisingly, however, FVa(658) exhibited essentially normal kinetic parameters for prothrombin when the variant was fully saturated with FXa membranes. Overall our results are consistent with the interpretation that any possible binding interactions between prothrombin and the C-terminal region of the FVa heavy chain do not contribute in a detectable way to the enhanced function of prothrombinase.  相似文献   

Prothrombin is activated to thrombin by two sequential factor Xa-catalyzed cleavages, at Arg271 followed by cleavage at Arg320. Factor Va, along with phospholipid and Ca2+, enhances the rate of the process by 300,000-fold, reverses the order of cleavages, and directs the process through the meizothrombin pathway, characterized by initial cleavage at Arg320. Previous work indicated reduced rates of prothrombin activation with recombinant mutant factor Va defective in factor Xa binding (E323F/Y324F and E330M/V331I, designated factor VaFF/MI). The present studies were undertaken to determine whether loss of activity can be attributed to selective loss of efficiency at one or both of the two prothrombin-activating cleavage sites. Kinetic constants for the overall activation of prothrombin by prothrombinase assembled with saturating concentrations of recombinant mutant factor Va were calculated, prothrombin activation was assessed by SDS-PAGE, and rate constants for both cleavages were analyzed from the time course of the concentration of meizothrombin. Prothrombinase assembled with factor VaFF/MI had decreased k(cat) for prothrombin activation with Km remaining unaffected. Prothrombinase assembled with saturating concentrations of factor VaFF/MI showed significantly lower rate for cleavage of plasma-derived prothrombin at Arg320 than prothrombinase assembled with saturating concentrations of wild type factor Va. These results were corroborated by analysis of cleavage of recombinant prothrombin mutants rMz-II (R155A/R284A/R271A) and rP2-II (R155A/R284A/R320A), which can be cleaved only at Arg320 or Arg271, respectively. Time courses of these mutants indicated that mutations in the factor Xa binding site of factor Va reduce rates for both bonds. These data indicate that the interaction of factor Xa with the heavy chain of factor Va strongly influences the catalytic activity of the enzyme resulting in increased rates for both prothrombin-activating cleavages.  相似文献   

Yang L  Manithody C  Qureshi SH  Rezaie AR 《Biochemistry》2008,47(22):5976-5985
Structural and mutagenesis data have indicated that the 220-loop of thrombin is stabilized by a salt-bridge between Glu-217 and Lys-224, thereby facilitating the octahedral coordination of Na (+) with contributions from two carbonyl O atoms of Arg-221a and Lys-224. All three residues are also conserved in fXa and the X-ray crystal structure of fXa indicates that both Glu-217 and Lys-224 are within hydrogen-bonding distance from one another. To investigate the role of these three residues in the catalytic function of fXa and their contribution to interaction with Na (+), we substituted them with Ala and characterized their properties in both amidolytic and proteolytic activity assays. The results indicate that the affinity of all three mutants for interaction with Na (+) has been impaired. The mutant with the greatest loss of affinity for Na (+) (E217A or E217Q) also exhibited a dramatic impairment ( approximately 3-4 orders of magnitude) in its activity toward both synthetic and natural substrates. Interestingly, factor Va (fVa) restored most of the catalytic defect with prothrombin, but not with the synthetic substrate. Both Glu-217 mutants exhibited a near normal affinity for fVa in the prothrombinase assay, but a markedly lower affinity for the cofactor in a direct-binding assay. These results suggest that, similar to thrombin, an ionic interaction between Glu-217 and Lys-224 stabilizes the 220-loop of fXa for binding Na (+). They further support the hypothesis that the Na (+) and fVa-binding sites of fXa are energetically linked and that a cofactor function for fVa in the prothrombinase complex involves inducing a conformational change in the 220-loop of fXa that appears to stabilize this loop in the Na (+)-bound active conformation.  相似文献   

Proteolysis of factor Va by factor Xa and activated protein C   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Bovine Factor Va, produced by selective proteolytic cleavage of Factor V by thrombin, consists of a heavy chain (D chain) of Mr = 94,000 and a light chain (E chain) of Mr = 74,000. These peptides are noncovalently associated in the presence of divalent metal ion(s). Each chain is susceptible to proteolysis by activated protein C and by Factor Xa. Sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoretic analysis indicates that cleavage of the E chain by either activated protein C or Factor Xa yields two major fragments: Mr = 30,000 and Mr = 48,000. Amino acid sequence analysis indicates that the Mr = 30,000 fragments have identical NH2-terminal sequences and that this sequence corresponds to that of intact E chain. The Mr = 48,000 fragments also have identical NH2-terminal sequences, indicating that activated protein C and Factor Xa cleave the E chain at the same position. Sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoretic analysis indicates that activated protein C cleavage of the D chain yields two products: Mr = 70,000 and Mr = 24,000. Amino acid sequence analysis indicates that the Mr = 70,000 fragment has the same NH2-terminal sequence as intact D chain, whereas the Mr = 24,000 fragment does not. Factor Xa cleavage of the D chain also yields two products: Mr = 56,000 and Mr = 45,000. The Mr = 56,000 fragment corresponds to the NH2-terminal end of the D chain and Factor V. Functional studies have shown that both chains of Factor Va may be entirely cleaved to products by Factor Xa without loss of activity, whereas activated protein C cleavage results in loss of activity. Since activated protein C and Factor Xa cleave the E chain at the same position, the cleavage of the D chain by activated protein C is responsible for the inactivation of Factor Va.  相似文献   

Activated coagulation factor V functions as a cofactor to factor Xa in the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin. Based on the introduction of extra carbohydrate side chains in recombinant factor V, we recently proposed several regions in factor Va to be important for factor Xa binding. To further define which residues are important for factor Xa binding, we prepared fifteen recombinant factor V variants in which clusters of charged amino acid residues were mutated, mainly to alanines. The factor V variants were expressed in COS-1 cells, and their functional properties evaluated in a prothrombinase-based assay, as well as in a direct binding test. Four of the factor V variants, 501A/510A/511D, 501A/510A/511D/513A, 513A/577A/578A, and 501A/510A/511D/513A/577A/578A exhibited markedly reduced factor Xa-cofactor activity tested in the prothrombinase assay, and reduced binding affinity as judged by the direct binding assay. These factor Va variants were normally cleaved at Arg-506 by activated protein C, and the interaction between the factor Xa-factor Va complex and prothrombin was unaffected by the introduced mutations. Based on the integration of all available data, we propose a key factor Xa binding surface to be centered on Arg-501, Arg-510, Ala-511, Asp-513, Asp-577, and Asp-578 in the factor Va A2 domain. These residues form an elongated charged factor Xa binding cluster on the factor Va surface.  相似文献   

The S1 site (Asp(189)) of factor Xa (fXa) is located on a loop (residues 185-189) that contains three solvent-exposed charged residues (Asp(185), Lys(186), and Glu(188)) below the active-site pocket of the protease. To investigate the role of these residues in the catalytic function of fXa, we expressed three mutants of the protease in which the charges of these residues were neutralized by their substitutions with Ala (D185A, K186A, and E188A). Kinetic studies revealed that E188A has a normal catalytic activity toward small synthetic and natural substrates and inhibitors of fXa; however, the same activities were slightly ( approximately 2-fold) and dramatically ( approximately 20-50-fold) impaired for the D185A and K186A mutants, respectively. Further studies revealed that the affinity of D185A and K186A for interaction with Na(+) has also been altered, with a modest impairment ( approximately 2-fold) for the former and a dramatic impairment for the latter mutant. Both prothrombinase and direct binding studies indicated that K186A also has an approximately 6-fold impaired affinity for factor Va. Interestingly, a saturating concentration of factor Va restored the catalytic defect of K186A in reactions with prothrombin and the recombinant tick anticoagulant peptide that is known to interact with the Na(+) loop of fXa, but not with other substrates. These results suggest that factor Va interacts with 185-189-loop for fXa, which is energetically linked to the Na(+)-binding site of the protease.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies support the concept that protein substrate recognition by the prothrombinase complex of coagulation is achieved by interactions at extended macromolecular recognition sites (exosites), distinct from the active site of factor Xa within the complex. We have used this formal kinetic model and a monoclonal antibody directed against Xa (alphaBFX-2b) to investigate the contributions of surfaces on the proteinase to exosite-mediated protein substrate recognition by prothrombinase. alphaBFX-2b bound reversibly to a fluorescent derivative of factor Xa (K(d) = 17.1 +/- 5.6 nm) but had no effect on active site function of factor Xa or factor Xa saturably assembled into prothrombinase. In contrast, alphaBFX-2b was a slow, tight binding inhibitor of the cleavage of either prethrombin 2 or meizothrombin des-fragment 1 by prothrombinase (K(i)(*) = 0.55 +/- 0.05 nm). Thus, alphaBFX-2b binding to factor Xa within prothrombinase selectively leads to the inhibition of protein substrate cleavage without interfering with active site function. Inhibition kinetics could adequately be accounted for by a kinetic model in which prethrombin 2 and alphaBFX-2b bind in a mutually exclusive way to prothrombinase. These are properties expected of an exosite-directed inhibitor. The site(s) on factor Xa responsible for antibody binding were evaluated by identification of immunoreactive fragments following chemical digestion of human and bovine Xa and were further confirmed with a series of recombinantly expressed fragments. These approaches suggest that residues 82-91 and 102-116 in the proteinase domain contribute to alphaBFX-2b binding. The data establish this antibody as a prototypic exosite-directed inhibitor of prothrombinase and suggest that the occlusion of a surface on factor Xa, spatially removed from the active site, is sufficient to block exosite-dependent recognition of the protein substrate by prothrombinase.  相似文献   

Membrane-bound factor Xa alone catalyzes prothrombin activation following initial cleavage at Arg(271) and prethrombin 2 formation (pre2 pathway). Factor Va directs prothrombin activation by factor Xa through the meizothrombin pathway, characterized by initial cleavage at Arg(320) (meizo pathway). We have shown previously that a pentapeptide encompassing amino acid sequence 695-699 from the COOH terminus of the heavy chain of factor Va (Asp-Tyr-Asp-Tyr-Gln, DYDYQ) inhibits prothrombin activation by prothrombinase in a competitive manner with respect to substrate. To understand the mechanism of inhibition of thrombin formation by DYDYQ, we have studied prothrombin activation by gel electrophoresis. Titration of plasma-derived prothrombin activation by prothrombinase, with increasing concentrations of peptide, resulted in complete inhibition of the meizo pathway. However, thrombin formation still occurred through the pre2 pathway. These data demonstrate that the peptide preferentially inhibits initial cleavage of prothrombin by prothrombinase at Arg(320). These findings were corroborated by studying the activation of recombinant mutant prothrombin molecules rMZ-II (R155A/R284A/R271A) and rP2-II (R155A/R284A/R320A) which can be only cleaved at Arg(320) and Arg(271), respectively. Cleavage of rMZ-II by prothrombinase was completely inhibited by low concentrations of DYDYQ, whereas high concentrations of pentapeptide were required to inhibit cleavage of rP2-II. The pentapeptide also interfered with prothrombin cleavage by membrane-bound factor Xa alone in the absence of factor Va increasing the rate for cleavage at Arg(271) of plasma-derived prothrombin or rP2-II. Our data demonstrate that pentapeptide DYDYQ has opposing effects on membrane-bound factor Xa for prothrombin cleavage, depending on the incorporation of factor Va in prothrombinase.  相似文献   

Kalafatis M  Beck DO 《Biochemistry》2002,41(42):12715-12728
We have recently shown that amino acid region 307-348 of factor Va heavy chain (42 amino acids, N42R) is critical for cofactor activity and may contain a binding site for factor Xa and/or prothrombin [(2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 18614-18623]. To ascertain the importance of this region for factor Va cofactor activity, we have synthesized eight overlapping peptides (10 amino acid each) spanning amino acid region 307-351 of the heavy chain of factor Va and tested them for inhibition of prothrombinase activity. The peptides were also tested for the inhibition of the binding of factor Va to membrane-bound active site fluorescent labeled Glu-Gly-Arg human factor Xa ([OG488]-EGR-hXa). Factor Va binds specifically to membrane-bound [OG488]-EGR-hXa (10nM) with half-maximum saturation reached at approximately 6 nM. N42R was also found to interact with [OG488]-EGR-hXa with half-maximal saturation observed at approximately 230 nM peptide. N42R was found to inhibit prothrombinase activity with an IC50 of approximately 250 nM. A nonapeptide containing amino acid region 323-331 of factor Va (AP4') was found to be a potent inhibitor of prothrombinase. Kinetic analyses revealed that AP4' is a noncompetitive inhibitor of prothrombinase with respect to prothrombin, with a K(i) of 5.7 microM. Thus, the peptide interferes with the factor Va-factor Xa interaction. Displacement experiments revealed that the nonapeptide inhibits the direct interaction of factor Va with [OG488]-EGR-hXa (IC50 approximately 7.5 microM). The nonapeptide was also found to bind directly to [OG488]-EGR-hXa and to increase the catalytic efficiency of factor Xa toward prothrombin in the absence of factor Va. In contrast, a peptadecapeptide from N42R encompassing amino acid region 337-351 of factor Va (P15H) had no effect on either prothrombinase activity or the ability of the cofactor to interact with [OG488]-EGR-hXa. Our data demonstrate that amino acid sequence 323-331 of factor Va heavy chain contains a binding site for factor Xa.  相似文献   

The gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla)-domain region of factor X (residues 1-44 of the light chain) was selectively removed by limited proteolysis with alpha-chymotrypsin. The Gla-domainless factor X was then activated by the factor X coagulant protein of Russell's viper venom. Apparent dissociation constants Kd' values for the interaction of factor Va with either factor Xa or Gla-domainless factor Xa were determined kinetically using prothrombin as the substrate. In the absence of phospholipid, factor Va interacted with Gla-domainless factor Xa with lower affinity (Kd' 4 X 10(-6) M) than with factor Xa (Kd' = 5 X 10(-8) M). At saturating concentrations of factor Va, maximal rates of thrombin formation were similar for either enzyme. The addition of phospholipid increased the affinity of factor Va for factor Xa approximately 75-fold (Kd' = 3.3 X 10(-10) M). In contrast, phospholipid had no effect on the affinity of Gla-domainless factor Xa for factor Va (Kd' = 4 X 10(-6) M). The maximal rate of thrombin formation increased approximately 300-fold with the addition of phospholipid to the factor Xa-factor Va system. Under the same conditions, phospholipid had no effect on the rate of thrombin formation when Gla-domainless factor Xa was the enzymatic moiety. These results demonstrate phospholipid has little or no effect on factor Va function when factor Xa has lost its Gla-mediated Ca2+-binding sites.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the activation of human prothrombin catalyzed by human prothrombinase was studied using the fluorescent alpha-thrombin inhibitor dansylarginine-N-(3-ethyl-1,5-pentanediyl)amide (DAPA). Prothrombinase proteolytically activates prothrombin to alpha-thrombin by cleavages at Arg273-Thr274 (bond A) and Arg322-Ile323 (bond B). The differential fluorescence properties of DAPA complexed with the intermediates and products of human prothrombin activation were exploited to study the kinetics of the individual bond cleavages in the zymogen. When the catalyst was composed of prothrombinase (human factor Xa, human factor Va, synthetic phospholipid vesicles, and calcium ion), initial velocity studies of alpha-thrombin formation indicated that the kinetic constants for the cleavage of bonds A or B were similar to the constants that were obtained for the overall reaction (bonds A + B). The progress of the reaction was also monitored by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The results indicated that the activation of human prothrombin catalyzed by prothrombinase proceeded exclusively via the formation of meizothrombin (bond B-cleaved) as an intermediate. Kinetic studies of the cofactor dependence of the rates of cleavage of the individual bonds indicated that, in the absence of the cofactor, cleavage at bond B would constitute the rate-limiting step in prothrombin activation. Progress curves for prothrombin activation catalyzed by prothrombinase and monitored using the fluorophore DAPA were typified by the appearance of a transient maximum, indicating the formation of meizothrombin as an intermediate. When factor Xa alone was the catalyst, progress curves were characterized by an initial burst phase, suggesting the rapid production of prethrombin 2 (bond A-cleaved) followed by its slow conversion to alpha-thrombin. Gel electrophoresis followed by autoradiography was used to confirm these results. Collectively, the results indicate that the activation of human prothrombin via the formation of meizothrombin as an intermediate is a consequence of the association of the cofactor, human factor Va, with the enzyme, human factor Xa, on the phospholipid surface.  相似文献   

The enzyme complex prothrombinase plays a pivotal role in fibrin clot development through the production of thrombin, making this enzyme complex an attractive target for therapeutic regulation. This study both functionally and structurally characterizes a potent, highly selective, active site directed inhibitor of human factor Xa and prothrombinase, PD0313052, and identifies structurally conserved residues in factor Xa and prothrombinase. Analyses of the association and dissociation of PD0313052 with human factor Xa identified a reversible, slow-onset mechanism of inhibition and a simple, single-step bimolecular association between factor Xa and PD0313052. This interaction was governed by association (k(on)) and dissociation (k(off)) rate constants of (1.0 +/- 0.1) x 10(7) M(-1) s(-1) and (1.9 +/- 0.5) x 10(-3) s(-1), respectively. The inhibition of human factor Xa by PD0313052 displayed significant tight-binding character described by a Ki* = 0.29 +/- 0.08 nM. Similar analyses of the inhibition of human prothrombinase by PD0313052 also identified a slow-onset mechanism with a Ki* = 0.17 +/- 0.03 nM and a k(on) and k(off) of (0.7 +/- 0.1) x 10(7) M(-1) s(-1) and (1.7 +/- 0.8) x 10(-3) s(-1), respectively. Crystals of factor Xa and PD0313052 demonstrated hydrogen bonding contacts within the S1-S4 pocket at residues Ser195, Asp189, Gly219, and Gly216, as well as interactions with aromatic residues within the S4 pocket. Overall, these data demonstrate that the inhibition of human factor Xa by PD0313052 occurs via a slow, tight-binding mechanism and indicate that active site residues of human factor Xa, including the catalytic Ser195, are effectively unaltered following assembly into prothrombinase.  相似文献   

The rate of inhibition of Factor Xa by antithrombin III was found to be influenced by either phospholipid or Factor Va combined with phospholipid. Our results confirmed that Factor Va and phospholipid could protect Factor Xa from inhibition. However, when antithrombin III levels were extrapolated to infinity, the protective effect of lipid and Factor Va were eliminated and the rate of inhibition was accelerated. This indicated that the protective effect that was observed at low antithrombin III concentrations in the presence of phospholipid and Factor Va was due to inhibition of binding of the inhibitor to Factor Xa.  相似文献   

Activated protein C (APC) cleavage of Factor Va (FVa) at residues R506 and R306 correlates with its inactivation. APC resistance and increased thrombotic risk are due to the mutation R506Q in Factor V (FV). To study the effects of individual cleavages in FVa by APC and the importance of regions near the cleavage sites, the following recombinant (r) human FVs were prepared and purified: wild-type, Q306-rFV, Q506-rFV, and Q306Q506-rFV. All had similar time courses for thrombin activation. Q506-rFVa was cleaved by APC at R306 and was moderately resistant to APC in plasma-clotting assays and in prothrombinase assays measuring FVa residual activity, in agreement with studies of purified plasma-derived Q506-FVa. Q306-rFVa was cleaved by APC at R506 and gave a low APC-resistance ratio similar to Q506-rFVa in clotting assays, whereas unactivated Q306-rFV gave a near-normal APC-resistance ratio. When FVa residual activity was measured after long exposure to APC, Q306-rFVa was inactivated by only < or = 40% under conditions where Q506-rFVa was inactivated > 90%, supporting the hypothesis that efficient inactivation of normal FVa by APC requires cleavage at R306. In addition, the heavy chain of Q306-rFVa was cleaved at R506 much more rapidly than activity was lost, suggesting that FVa cleaved at only R506 is partially active. Under the same conditions, Q306Q506-rFVa lost no activity and was not cleaved by APC. Therefore, cleavage at either R506 or R306 appears essential for significant inactivation of FVa by APC. Modest loss of activity, probably due to cleavage at R679, was observed for the single site rFVa mutants, as evidenced by a second phase of inactivation. Q306Q506-rFVa had a low activity-to-antigen ratio of 0.50-0.77, possibly due to abnormal Factor Xa (FXa) binding. Furthermore, Q306Q506-rFV was very resistant to cleavage and activation by FXa. Q306Q506-rFV appeared to bind FXa and inhibit FXa's ability to activate normal FV. Thus, APC may downregulate FV/Va partly by impairing FXa-binding sites upon cleavage at R306 and R506. This study shows that R306 is the most important cleavage site for normal efficient inactivation of FVa by APC and supports other studies suggesting that regions near R306 and R506 provide FXa-binding sites and that FVa cleaved at only R506 retains partial activity.  相似文献   

Rezaie AR  He X 《Biochemistry》2000,39(7):1817-1825
The nature of residue 225 on a consensus loop in serine proteases determines whether a protease can bind Na(+). Serine proteases with a Pro at this position are unable to bind Na(+), but those with a Tyr or Phe can bind Na(+). Factor Xa (FXa), the serine protease of the prothrombinase complex, contains a Tyr at this position. Na(+) is also known to stimulate the amidolytic activity of FXa toward cleavage of small synthetic substrates, but the role of Na(+) in the prothrombinase complex has not been investigated. In this study, we engineered a Gla-domainless form of FX (GDFX) in which residue Tyr(225) was replaced with a Pro. We found that Na(+) stimulated the cleavage rate of chromogenic substrates by FXa or GDFXa approximately 8-24-fold with apparent dissociation constants [K(d(app))] of 37 and 182 mM in the presence and absence of Ca(2+), respectively. In contrast, Na(+) minimally affected the cleavage rate of these substrates by the mutant, and no K(d(app)) for Na(+) binding to the mutant could be estimated. Unlike the wild-type enzyme, the reactivity of the mutant with antithrombin was independent of Na(+) and impaired approximately 32-fold. Ca(2+) improved the reactivity of the mutant with antithrombin approximately 5-fold. Affinity of the mutant for binding to factor Va was weakened and its ability to activate prothrombin was severely impaired. Further studies with the wild-type prothrombinase complex revealed that FXa binds to factor Va with a similar K(d(app)) of 1. 1-1.8 nM in the presence of Na(+), K(+), Li(+), Ch(+), and Tris(+) and that the catalytic efficiency of prothrombinase is enhanced less than 1.5-fold by the specific effect of Na(+) in the reaction buffer. These results suggest that (1) the loop including residue 225 (225-loop) is a Na(+) binding site in FXa, (2) the Na(+)- and Ca(2+)-binding loops of FXa are allosterically linked, and (3) the Tyr conformer of the 225-loop is critical for factor Xa function; however, both Na(+)-bound and Na(+)-free forms of factor Xa in the prothrombinase complex can efficiently activate prothrombin.  相似文献   

The rates of prothrombin activation under initial conditions of invariant concentrations of prothrombin and Factor Xa were studied in the presence of various combinations of Ca2+, homogeneous bovine Factor V, Factor Va, phosphatidylcholine-phosphatidylserine vesicles, and activated bovine platelets. Reactions were monitored continuously through the enhanced fluorescence accompanying the interaction of newly formed thrombin with dansylarginine-N-(3-ethyl-1,5-pentanediyl) amide. The complete prothrombinase (Factor Xa, Ca2+, phospholipid, and Factor Va) behaved as a "typical" enzyme and catalyzed the activation of prothrombin with an apparent Vmax of 2100 mol of thrombin/min/mol of Factor Va or Factor Xa, whichever was the rate-limiting component. Regardless of whether the enzymatic complex was composed of Factor Xa, Ca2+, and plasma Factor Va plus phospholipid vesicles, or activated platelets in the place of the latter components, similar specific activity values were observed. The combination of Factor Va, Ca2+, and phospholipid enhanced the rate of the Factor Xa-catalyzed activation of prothrombin by a factor of 278,000. Factor Va itself when added to Factor Xa, Ca2+, and phospholipid, enhanced the rate of prothrombin activation by a factor of 13,000. Unactivated Factor V appears to possess 0.27% of the procoagulant activity of thrombin-activated Factor Va. From the kinetics of prothrombinase activity, an interaction between Factor Xa and both Factor V and Factor Va was observed, with apparent 1:1 stoichiometries and dissociation constants of 7.3 x 10(-10) M for Factor Va and 2.7 x 10(-9) M for Factor V. The present data, combined with data on the equilibrium binding of prothrombinase components to phospholipid, indicate that the model prothrombinase described in this paper consists of a phospholipid-bound, stoichiometric complex of Factor Va and Factor Xa, with bound Factor Va serving as the "binding site" for Factor Xa, in concert with its proposed role in platelets.  相似文献   

Kinetic analyses were done to determine what effect factor Xa and protein S had on the activated protein C (APC)-catalyzed inactivation of factor Va bound to phospholipid vesicles or human platelets. In the presence of optimal concentrations of phospholipid vesicles and Ca2+, a Km of 19.7 +/- 0.6 nM factor Va and a kcat of 23.7 +/- 10 mol of factor Va inactivated/mol of APC/min were obtained. Added purified plasma protein S increased the maximal rate of factor Va inactivation only 2-fold without effect on the Km. Protein S effect was unaltered when the phospholipid concentration was varied by 2 orders of magnitude. The reaction on unactivated human platelets yielded a Km = 12.5 +/- 2.6 nM and kcat = 6.2 +/- 0.6 mol of factor Va inactivated/mol of APC/min. Added purified plasma protein S or release of platelet protein S by platelet activation doubled the kcat value without affecting the Km. Addition of a neutralizing anti-protein S antibody abrogated the effect of plasma protein S or platelet-released protein S, but was without effect in the absence of plasma protein S or platelet activation. Studies with factor Xa indicated that factor Xa protects factor Va from APC-catalyzed inactivation by lowering the effective concentration of factor Va available to interact with APC. From these data a dissociation constant of less than 0.5 nM was calculated for the interaction of factor Xa with membrane-bound factor Va. Protein S abrogated the ability of factor Xa to protect factor Va from inactivation by APC without affecting the interaction of factor Xa with factor Va. These combined data suggest that one physiological function of protein S is to allow the APC-catalyzed inactivation of factor Va in the presence of factor Xa.  相似文献   

Manithody C  Rezaie AR 《Biochemistry》2005,44(30):10063-10070
It has been hypothesized that two antiparallel structures comprised of residues 82-91 and 102-116 in factor Xa (fXa) may harbor a factor Va- (fVa-) dependent prothrombin recognition site in the prothrombinase complex. There are 11 charged residues in the 82-116 loop of human fXa (Glu-84, Glu-86, Lys-90, Arg-93, Lys-96, Glu-97, Asp-100, Asp-102, Arg-107, Lys-109, and Arg-115). With the exception of Glu-84, which did not express, and Asp-102, which is a catalytic residue, we expressed the Ala substitution mutants of all other residues and evaluated their proteolytic and amidolytic activities in both the absence and presence of fVa. K96A and K109A activated prothrombin with 5-10-fold impaired catalytic efficiency in the absence of fVa. All mutants, however, exhibited normal activity toward the substrate in the presence of fVa. K109A also exhibited impaired amidolytic activity and affinity for Na(+); however, both fVa and higher Na(+) restored the catalytic defect caused by the mutation. Analysis of the X-ray crystal structure of fXa indicated that Glu-84 may interact by a salt bridge with Lys-109, explaining the lack of expression of E84A and the lower activity of K109A in the absence of fVa. These results suggest that none of the residues under study is a fVa-dependent recognition site for prothrombin in the prothrombinase complex; however, Lys-96 is a recognition site for the substrate independent of the cofactor. Moreover, the 82-116 loop is energetically linked to fVa and Na(+) binding sites of the protease.  相似文献   

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