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黄山松种群结构与动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以“空间代替时间”的方法,以种群径级结构代替年龄结构,采用静态生命表和生存分析的方法,探讨了天柱山国家森林公园黄山松种群结构和动态规律。结果表明,随海拔升高,黄山松种群密度增大,径级分布范围减小,种群存活曲线由Deevey-Ⅱ型之间过渡到Deevey—Ⅰ型,种群由稳定型过渡为增长型。表明由低海拔向高海拔,黄山松种群处于不同的演替和发展阶段。  相似文献   

庐山黄山松(Pinus taiwanensis)广泛分布于海拔800 m以上至山顶地段,在庐山现存植被中占有非常重要的地位。为了更好地了解黄山松在庐山的更新和演替情况,该文通过对庐山黄山松种群的调查,以种群径级结构代替年龄结构,采用"空间代时间"的分析方法,编制庐山黄山松种群的静态生命表,结合种群结构动态指数、时间序列平均推移法模型等方法对黄山松的种群结构和数量动态进行了分析。结果表明:(1)庐山黄山松种群结构呈纺锤形,幼龄和老龄个体数量较少,中龄个体多,目前处于比较稳定的阶段。(2)黄山松种群死亡高峰出现在第8龄级,个体平均期望寿命第2龄级最大,种群存活曲线属于Deevey-Ⅰ型。(3)随着时间的推移,老龄个体逐渐增多,小径级出现缺失,种群表现出衰退趋势。建议在保护区经营和管理的过程中,对黄山松林进行适当的人工抚育,补植一些适宜的落叶阔叶树种,以丰富该地区的树种多样性以及群落结构。  相似文献   

Dong Ming 《Plant Ecology》1987,72(1):35-44
Masson Pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) is a pioneer in forest succession in the subtropics of East Asia. However, the species persits, though with decreasing abundance, throughout the various successional phases. Agestructure, spatial pattern, density, population biomass, and their dynamics are described for a population in Sichuan, China, on the basis of a census of all individuals in the population while substituting space with time. In the course of succession, the population density increases and its rate of growth decreases until self-thinning starts; during the phase of self-thinning density decrease and continues to decrease even afterwards, but the rate of growth increase markedly after self-thinning has stopped. The development of population biomass (Bp) during the early succession from shrub-grassland to the early stages of mixed pine and broad-leaved forest can be described by a logistic equation. Later, Bp decrease rapidly. These changes are governed partly by inherent biological features of P. massoniana and partly by the invasion, establishment and development of shade-tolerant evergreen broad-leaved trees. Both self- and alien-thinning occur. Soil conditions affect the rates of these processes.  相似文献   

该研究以分布于长白山阔叶红松林内的红松(Pinus koraiensis)种群为对象, 通过编制种群静态生命表, 计算数量动态指数, 绘制存活曲线、死亡率曲线和消失率曲线, 应用4个生存函数并引入谱分析和时间序列预测模型, 分析红松种群年龄结构, 揭示其天然更新过程及未来发展趋势, 以期为野生红松种群的保护和恢复提供科学依据。结果显示: 红松种群数量变化具有阶段性, 幼龄(I-III龄级)和成龄(VII-X龄级)个体数量多, 中龄(IV-VI龄级)和老龄(XI-XIV龄级)个体数量少, 形成明显间断的两个优势年龄分布区。种群存活曲线趋近于Deevey-Ⅲ型, 表明幼龄个体死亡率高。忽略外部干扰时的总体数量动态变化指数大于>0, 表明红松种群为增长型; 考虑未来外部干扰时的种群动态变化指数趋近于0, 结合死亡率和消失率曲线呈现出连续先增后降的复杂动态变化趋势, 可知该种群受外界随机干扰时增长不明显。生存函数分析显示, 红松种群具有前期锐减、中期稳定、后期衰退的特点。谱分析表明红松种群天然更新呈周期性波动。未来2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10个龄级时间后, 红松幼、中龄个体数逐渐减少, 而成、老龄个体数量将逐渐增加。幼龄个体死亡率高、生存空间和资源条件有限, 老龄个体生理衰老明显是限制红松种群增长的主要原因。建议加强幼龄个体的抚育工作, 提高其存活率和生存质量; 保护和改善生存环境, 从而促进红松种群的自然更新和恢复。  相似文献   

贵州槭(Acer guizhouense)属常绿阔叶乔木,仅分布于贵州省黄平县新州镇海拔770~1 000 m有山峰屏障的常绿阔叶落叶混交林中,颇具科研和经济价值,研究其种群结构特征和数量动态变化对于探索特有植物保护生物学具有重要意义。该研究对贵州槭疑似分布区开展普查,并在密集分布区设置样地进行详查,分析其种群结构与数量动态的变化规律。结果表明:(1)贵州槭的自然分布区极为狭窄,雷坪分布区约0.3 km~2,总计约2 600株,其中密集分布区0.03 km~2,平均种群密度78 800株/km~2,稀疏分布区0.27 km~2,平均种群密度≤1 500株/km~2;在东坡村飞云崖风景区有约0.05 km~2的稀疏分布,且在雷坪至东坡两分布区之间没有发现自然分布;采用SAFE指数和IUCN的标准评价,贵州槭属于濒危物种(EN)。(2)贵州槭幼树占种群的比重达63.23%,种群密度大小为幼树中龄树成年树,种群结构为增长型;种群死亡率曲线和消失率曲线分别在Ⅰ龄期和Ⅸ龄期出现2个高峰,在Ⅲ-Ⅷ龄期间和Ⅹ-Ⅺ龄期间出现2个低谷,种群存活曲线趋于Deevey-Ⅲ型特征;(3)人为采伐和生境遭破坏造成的植株死亡或者丧失增加是导致贵州槭种群数量稀少的主要原因,在加强就地保护的同时,开展人工育苗迁地应用栽培是现实而有效的合理保护措施。  相似文献   

本研究以辽东山区红松人工林为种源的3种不同林带(落叶松林带、针叶混交林带和阔叶混交林带)内天然更新红松幼苗为对象,运用静态生命表和生存分析方法研究天然更新红松幼苗的种群结构与动态特征.结果 表明:3种不同林带内天然更新红松幼苗的年龄结构呈"(n)"型左偏态分布,前期幼苗数量较多且死亡率较高,后期不断减少,属于衰退型种群...  相似文献   

Fieldwork was carried out at Kerguelen Islands. Two groups of stations in a coastal area, the Morbihan gulf, were surveyed. At both stations, macroplankton biomass ranged from 2.3 mg dry weight m−3 to 89 mg dry weight m−3 and consisted mostly of Themisto gaudichaudii with values ranging from 1.9 mg dry weight m−3 to 50.6 mg dry weight m−3. Biomass was high for sub-Antarctic waters with marked seasonal and inter-zone differences. Biomass minima were observed at the end of the winter, from September to November, while maxima were recorded in summer and in early fall at the beginning of the year between January and April. T. gaudichaudii showed a recruitment of new size classes, mainly from November to January, followed by a rapid growth phase in summer, which slowed down during the southern winter period. Individuals breed after 1 year. Large individuals, older than 1 year, were not a significant presence in the gulf of Morbihan. The main pattern of the population dynamics were characterised by an univoltine life cycle with a very high biomass marked by a strong seasonal signal linked with the hydrological and trophic parameters of the Gulf.  相似文献   

Yu H  Ge S  Hong DY 《Biochemical genetics》2000,38(5-6):138-146
We investigated the levels and patterns of genetic diversity of Pinus densata Master in Yunnan. Horizontal starch-gel electrophoresis was performed on macrogametophytes collected from nine populations in northwestern Yunnan, China. Compared with other gymnosperm species, P. densata has higher mean values for all measures of genetic diversity. Allozyme polymorphism (0.99 criterion) was 97.0% and 71.4% at the species and population levels, respectively. The average number of alleles per locus was 3.1 and 2.0 at the species and population levels. Mean expected heterozygosity was substantially higher in P. densata than average values investigated for other gymnosperms both at the population (H ep = 0.174±0.031) and at the species (H es = 0.190) levels. Of the total genetic variation, less than 12% was partitioned among populations (G ST = 0.112). Our allozyme survey supports the suggestion that the observed higher diversity in P. densata may be attributed partly to its hybrid origin between two genetically distinct species, P. yunnanensis and P. tabulaeformis. In addition, we suggest that introgression would give rise to the increase in genetic diversity occurring in P. densata.  相似文献   

The striped mullet, Mugil cephalus, is an economically important species for both aquaculture and commercial fisheries in China. In this study, the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique was employed to analyze population genetic diversity and genetic distance between different populations with the aim of elucidating the population structure and gene flow of M. cephalus along the coast of China. A total of 230 fragments with 150–500 bp were identified from 118 individuals by five AFLP primer combinations. The polymorphic loci within populations varied from 46.52% to 64.78%, with an average of 53.91%, and the average heterozygosity from 0.1829 to 0.2282, with an average of 0.2074. The UPGMA phenograms of 118 individuals were constructed based on Dice similarity coefficients and four clusters were recognized. AMOVA analysis revealed that 60.7% of genetic variations were within populations and 39.3% between populations. The estimated genetic distance (φST) value over all polymorphic loci across the six populations was 0.393 (p < 0.0010), indicating a strong population structuring. The pairwise φST value ranged from 0.1112 to 0.5358, with an average of 0.3693. The population pairwise gene flows (average Nm = 0.73) are low. In addition, the result of the Mantel test showed that there was a significant correlation between geographic and genetic distances (r = 0.5434, p = 0.0050). It was speculated that there exist at least four distinct geographic populational subdivisions of M. cephalus along the Chinese coast. This research has provided new molecular data which will aid our understanding of the genetic structure of this species.  相似文献   

W. G. Beeftink 《Plant Ecology》1985,61(1-3):127-136
  1. The population dynamics of two Salicornia species from the Bergen op Zoom salt marsh (south-west Netherlands) was examined. Based on the results of several field studies three preliminary life tables were constructed, two for S. procumbens agg. populations growing respectively on the mud flats and in the salt marsh, and one for S. europaea agg. living in the upper marsh.
  2. The life cycles are described and quantified in terms of eight phases and the transition probabilities between them, starting from a notional individual representative of each population.
  3. The models depicting the life cycle of S. procumbens show a mean offspring number of 4.26 individuals per parent for the mud-flat population and 0.18 for the salt-marsh population. The S. europaea model gives an output of 0.44 individuals per parent. These results reflect the fluctuations in population size observed in sample plots over the years 1976–78.
  4. Comparison of the transition probabilities reveals that on the mud flats most S. procumbens individuals die during pollination and seed germination, while the population in the salt marsh proper is thinned especially during the seed phase in winter time and during the growth from established seedlings to maturation. S. europaea behaves in a similar but less pronounced way to S. procumbens in the salt marsh.
  5. Probabilities for one flower or one seed to produce a mature flowering plant were calculated, and were compared with those found in the literature. They are roughly of the same order of magnitude as the probabilities for other annual species, but much higher than those reported for biennial species.

对山西灵空山自然保护区的油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)种群进行了调查,利用生存分析理论及谱分析理论,分析了油松种群径级结构和静态生命表,绘制了存活曲线,同时分析了种群数量的周期性。主要结果如下:(1)油松种群幼苗幼树个体数较多,中径级的个体数较稳定,而高径级由于种间竞争及环境因子的影响,个体数明显下降。(2)油松种群的存活曲线呈现Deevey-Ⅱ型。动态表现为前期增长,中期稳定,后期衰退。(3)油松种群波动存在小周期,但变化不大,说明油松种群发展较为稳定。  相似文献   

Successional dynamics in Mediterranean forests have been modulated by anthropogenic disturbances during thousands of years, especially in areas densely populated since ancient times. Our objective is to determine whether pine tree cover (early-successional species) and oak tree cover (late-successional species), used as a surrogate of successional stage of peri-urban fragmented forests in the Vallès lowlands (Catalonia, NE, Spain), are primarily determined by (1) climate and topography; (2) anthropogenic disturbances; (3) patch structure; or (4) patch dynamics from 1956 to 1993. Quercus spp. and Pinus spp. tree cover were separately recorded on 252 randomly selected plots of 100 m2, within forest patches ranging in size from 0.25 to 218 ha. Multiple linear regressions indicated that forest patch history is the most important variable determining oak and pine tree cover: new forest patches showed higher pine and lower oak tree cover than recently split patches (i.e. those that became fragmented from large forest areas after 1956). Patches already existing as such in 1956 (pre-existent patches) showed higher pine cover than recently split patches. Oak cover increased and pine cover decreased with increasing forest connectivity of the patch. Finally, highly frequented forests were related to high cover of pines. Climatic and topographic variables were not significant. We conclude that pine and oak cover in these peri-urban forests are mainly determined by recent patch dynamics, but also by the spatial pattern of patches. However, human-induced disturbance can modulate this as there is some evidence for pine being associated with a high human frequentation.  相似文献   

秦岭太白红杉种群结构与动态的研究   总被引:48,自引:6,他引:48  
在秦岭太白山、光头山、玉皇山和冰晶顶等4个地段分别设置了4个样地,用样方法对太白红杉种群进行了调查.共做样方280个.分析了太白红杉的群落学特征、径级结构及其密度变化规律;编制了太白红杉的静态生命表;绘制了存活曲线和死亡曲线;从多角度研究了太白红杉种群的动态变化规律结果表明该种群存活曲线趋向于Deevey-Ⅱ和Ⅲ之间,高径级种群趋向于稳定,低径级种群则反之.幼年个体补充不足,严重影响着该种群的生存和发展.  相似文献   

Multilocus structure in Pinus contorta Dougl.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
We studied isozyme variation at 21 loci in 66 populations from three subspecies of Pinus contorta Dougl.; 35 in spp. latifolia, 20 in spp contorta and 11 in spp. murrayana. The objectives were to assess gametic disequilibria and multilocus structure. There was considerable differentiation of allele frequencies at 19 polymorphic loci across the 66 populations and within the subspecies. Allele frequencies at many loci correlated with geographic variables. Genetic variability varied considerably among populations within subspecies but the subspecies means were similar. The mean number of polymorphic loci and the mean heterozygosity over 19 polymorphic loci were, respectively, 13 and 0.194 in latifolia, 12 and 0.196 in murrayana, and 12 and 0.180 in contorta. The mean heterozygosity correlated with longitude and altitude across the 66 populations and with latitude in latifolia. Gametic disequilibria were evident in 40 populations; 29 in latifolia, eight in murrayana and three in contorta. Gametic disequilibria correlated with latitude across the 66 populations and with longitude in latifolia. The single-locus F ST averaged 0.0339 in latifolia, 0.0567 in murrayana, and 0.0764 in contorta. The multilocus F STM was 0.1227 in latifolia, 0.2926 in murrayana, and 0.3328 in contorta. Multilocus Wahlund and founder effects, migration patterns, and natural selection, probably played significant roles in generating and maintaining the multilocus genetic structure in P. contorta in general and the subspecies latifolia in particular.  相似文献   

在2006 年6 月至2007 年9 月,通过种群个体识别、社区监测网络、样线调查和村寨访问等方法对尚勇保护区亚洲象的种群动态和季节性分布格局进行研究。结果显示:目前在尚勇保护区的亚洲象种群数量约为68头;拍摄到亚洲象共计347 头次,通过个体识别方法识别出亚洲象53 头,其中幼体、青少年体、亚成体和成体数量及所占比例分别为:3 (5.66%)、11 (20.75% )、15 (28.30% )、24 (45.28% ),在成体中雄性只有两头,成年象的雌雄性比为11∶ 1,高于已知国内外的其他区域。从1992 年至2007 年10 月,至少有32 头亚洲象死亡,其中确认死于猎杀的有7 头,保护区的核心区野牛河、金宝河一带是盗猎亚洲象最严重的地区。严重的盗猎和不断减少的栖息地对当地的亚洲象种群产生了巨大的威胁,也加剧了当地的人象冲突。在雨季和旱季,亚洲象各有五个核心活动区域,食物是导致雨季和旱季分布格局不同的主要因素。  相似文献   

The rhesus population at Tughlaqabad is characterized by (1) moderately high natality, (2) a changing and perhaps stabilizing age structure, and (3) a declining growth rate. Although natality at this site has been high and relatively invariant over a 7-year period, the proportion of nonreproducing juveniles has increased, necessitating a lower rate of growth. The trapping of rhesus for export, which was practiced in India as recently as 1978, may be largely responsible for the changing nature of the Tughlaqabad age structure but this conclusion remains only conjectural.  相似文献   

西天目山黄山松阔叶林的冠层干扰与动态推测   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
根据年龄结构和直径生长图分析研究了浙江省西天目山黄山松阔叶混交林的冠层干扰年表和发展动态。结果表明黄山松在该林地的定居发生在1861-1880年之间,黄山松定居30-40年后,其他阔叶树开妈在林下萌发生长,形成目前的黄山阔叶混交林,该林浆被阔叶叶树取代。  相似文献   

广西猫儿山鹅掌楸天然种群动态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为进一步探讨鹅掌楸濒危的机制,对广西桂林猫儿山鹅掌楸天然种群进行了调查,以种群生命表及生存分析理论为基础,以林木径级结构代表龄级结构,编制鹅掌楸种群静态生命表,分析种群结构的动态变化特点.结果表明:鹅掌楸种群龄级结构为金字塔型,幼龄个体数量较多,中龄个体数居中,而老龄个体则相对数量较少,表现为增长型种群;在第Ⅳ龄级时该种群出现死亡高峰,其种群存活曲线属Deevey-Ⅱ型;猫儿山鹅掌楸天然种群具有前期种群数量快速减少,中后期稳定,末期衰退的特点.该研究结果对鹅掌楸天然种群的保护提供参考依据.  相似文献   

长汀水土流失区侵蚀劣地马尾松种群动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
先锋树种马尾松种群的生存状态是南方红壤侵蚀退化区开展水土流失治理措施的关键前提。通过对长汀水土流失区侵蚀劣地"小老头松林"的样地调查,基于种群统计的方法,建立年龄结构图和静态生命表、绘制存活曲线和生存分析函数、应用时间序列模型,对侵蚀退化生境马尾松种群动态变化过程开展研究。结果表明:马尾松种群年龄结构呈基部极宽、顶部狭窄的金字塔型,幼龄个体数量丰富但续存率低,成年个体很少,种群增长性低;死亡在各个生活史阶段均有出现,个体存活曲线属于Deevey-Ⅱ型,种群处于动态稳定状态;种群在幼龄期和壮龄期的生存状况不稳定,新生苗和壮龄期个体死亡密度大;种群时间动态预测显示,未来成年个体数量将增多,种群呈增长趋势。今后的森林生态管理中,可针对幼龄个体和壮龄成年个体采取抚育措施,提高小老头松林的生态效益。  相似文献   

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