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The molecular chaperone Hsp33 in Escherichia coli responds to oxidative stress conditions with the rapid activation of its chaperone function. On its activation pathway, Hsp33 progresses through three major conformations, starting as a reduced, zinc-bound inactive monomer, proceeding through an oxidized zinc-free monomer, and ending as a fully active oxidized dimer. While it is known that Hsp33 senses oxidative stress through its C-terminal four-cysteine zinc center, the nature of the conformational changes in Hsp33 that must take place to accommodate this activation process is largely unknown. To investigate these conformational rearrangements, we constructed constitutively monomeric Hsp33 variants as well as fragments consisting of the redox regulatory C-terminal domain of Hsp33. These proteins were studied by a combination of biochemical and NMR spectroscopic techniques. We found that in the reduced, monomeric conformation, zinc binding stabilizes the C terminus of Hsp33 in a highly compact, alpha-helical structure. This appears to conceal both the substrate-binding site as well as the dimerization interface. Zinc release without formation of the two native disulfide bonds causes the partial unfolding of the C terminus of Hsp33. This is sufficient to unmask the substrate-binding site, but not the dimerization interface, rendering reduced zinc-free Hsp33 partially active yet monomeric. Critical for the dimerization is disulfide bond formation, which causes the further unfolding of the C terminus of Hsp3 and allows the association of two oxidized Hsp33 monomers. This then leads to the formation of active Hsp33 dimers, which are capable of protecting cells against the severe consequences of oxidative heat stress.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: One strategy that cells employ to respond to environmental stresses (temperature, oxidation, and pathogens) is to increase the expression of heat shock proteins necessary to maintain viability. Several heat shock proteins function as molecular chaperones by binding unfolded polypeptides and preventing their irreversible aggregation. Hsp33, a highly conserved bacterial heat shock protein, is a redox-regulated molecular chaperone that appears to protect cells against the lethal effects of oxidative stress. RESULTS: The 2.2 A crystal structure of a truncated E. coli Hsp33 (residues 1-255) reveals a domain-swapped dimer. The core domain of each monomer (1-178) folds with a central helix that is sandwiched between two beta sheets. The carboxyl-terminal region (179-235), which lacks the intact Zn binding domain of Hsp33, folds into three helices that pack on the other subunit. The interface between the two core domains is comprised of conserved residues, including a rare Glu-Glu hydrogen bond across the dyad axis. Two potential polypeptide binding sites that span the dimer are observed: a long groove containing pockets of conserved and hydrophobic residues, and an intersubunit 10-stranded beta sheet "saddle" with a largely uncharged or hydrophobic surface. CONCLUSIONS: Hsp33 is a dimer in the crystal structure. Solution studies confirmed that this dimer reflects the structural changes that occur upon activation of Hsp33 as a molecular chaperone. Patterns of conserved residues and surface charges suggest that two grooves might be potential binding sites for protein folding intermediates.  相似文献   

Amyloid formation is an ordered aggregation process, where β-sheet rich polymers are assembled from unstructured or partially folded monomers. We examined how two Escherichia coli cytosolic chaperones, DnaK and Hsp33, and a more recently characterized periplasmic chaperone, Spy, modulate the aggregation of a functional amyloid protein, CsgA. We found that DnaK, the Hsp70 homolog in E. coli, and Hsp33, a redox-regulated holdase, potently inhibited CsgA amyloidogenesis. The Hsp33 anti-amyloidogenesis activity was oxidation dependent, as oxidized Hsp33 was significantly more efficient than reduced Hsp33 at preventing CsgA aggregation. When soluble CsgA was seeded with preformed amyloid fibers, neither Hsp33 nor DnaK were able to efficiently prevent soluble CsgA from adopting the amyloid conformation. Moreover, both DnaK and Hsp33 increased the time that CsgA was reactive with the amyloid oligomer conformation-specific A11 antibody. Since CsgA must also pass through the periplasm during secretion, we assessed the ability of the periplasmic chaperone Spy to inhibit CsgA polymerization. Like DnaK and Hsp33, Spy also inhibited CsgA polymerization in vitro. Overexpression of Spy resulted in increased chaperone activity in periplasmic extracts and in reduced curli biogenesis in vivo. We propose that DnaK, Hsp33 and Spy exert their effects during the nucleation stages of CsgA fibrillation. Thus, both housekeeping and stress induced cytosolic and periplasmic chaperones may be involved in discouraging premature CsgA interactions during curli biogenesis.  相似文献   

Amyloid formation is an ordered aggregation process, where β-sheet rich polymers are assembled from unstructured or partially folded monomers. We examined how two Escherichia coli cytosolic chaperones, DnaK and Hsp33, and a more recently characterized periplasmic chaperone, Spy, modulate the aggregation of a functional amyloid protein, CsgA. We found that DnaK, the Hsp70 homolog in E. coli, and Hsp33, a redox-regulated holdase, potently inhibited CsgA amyloidogenesis. The Hsp33 anti-amyloidogenesis activity was oxidation dependent, as oxidized Hsp33 was significantly more efficient than reduced Hsp33 at preventing CsgA aggregation. When soluble CsgA was seeded with preformed amyloid fibers, neither Hsp33 nor DnaK were able to efficiently prevent soluble CsgA from adopting the amyloid conformation. Moreover, both DnaK and Hsp33 increased the time that CsgA was reactive with the amyloid oligomer conformation-specific A11 antibody. Since CsgA must also pass through the periplasm during secretion, we assessed the ability of the periplasmic chaperone Spy to inhibit CsgA polymerization. Like DnaK and Hsp33, Spy also inhibited CsgA polymerization in vitro. Overexpression of Spy resulted in increased chaperone activity in periplasmic extracts and in reduced curli biogenesis in vivo. We propose that DnaK, Hsp33 and Spy exert their effects during the nucleation stages of CsgA fibrillation. Thus, both housekeeping and stress induced cytosolic and periplasmic chaperones may be involved in discouraging premature CsgA interactions during curli biogenesis.Key words: chaperone, curli, functional amyloid, CsgA, DnaK, Hsp33, Spy  相似文献   

Hsp70 family members together with their Hsp40 cochaperones function as molecular chaperones, using an ATP-controlled cycle of polypeptide binding and release to mediate protein folding. Hsp40 plays a key role in the chaperone reaction by stimulating the ATPase activity and activating the substrate binding of Hsp70. We have explored the interaction between the Escherichia coli Hsp70 family member, DnaK, and its cochaperone partner DnaJ. Our data show that the binding of ATP, subsequent conformational changes in DnaK, and DnaJ-stimulated ATP hydrolysis are all required for the formation of a DnaK-DnaJ complex as monitored by Biacore analysis. In addition, our data imply that the interaction of the J-domain with DnaK depends on the substrate binding state of DnaK.  相似文献   

Heat shock protein 33 (Hsp33) inhibits aggregation of partially denatured proteins during oxidative stress. The chaperone activity of Hsp33 is unique among heat shock proteins because the activity is reversibly regulated by cellular redox status. We report here the crystal structure of the N-terminal region of Hsp33 fragments with constitutive chaperone activity. The structure reveals that the N-terminal portion of Hsp33 forms a tightly associated dimer formed by a domain crossover. A concave groove on the dimeric surface contains an elongated hydrophobic patch that could potentially bind denatured protein substrates. The termini of the subunits are located near the hydrophobic patch, indicating that the cleaved C-terminal domain may shield the hydrophobic patch in an inactive state. Two of the four conserved zinc-coordinating cysteines are in the end of the N-terminal domain, and the other two are in the cleaved C-terminal domain. The structural information and subsequent biochemical characterizations suggest that the redox switch of Hsp33 occurs by a reversible dissociation of the C-terminal regulatory domain through oxidation of zinc-coordinating cysteines and zinc release.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli chaperone Hsp33 contains a C-terminal zinc-binding domain that modulates activity by a so-called "redox switch". The oxidized form in the absence of zinc is active, while the reduced form in the presence of zinc is inactive. X-ray crystal structures of Hsp33 invariably omit details of the C-terminal domain, which is truncated in protein constructs that are capable of forming crystals. We report the solution structure of a recombinant 61-residue protein containing the zinc-binding domain (residues 227-287) of Hsp33, in the presence of stoichiometric amounts of Zn2+. The zinc-bound protein is well folded, and forms a novel structure unlike other published zinc-binding domains. The structure consists of two helices at right-angles to each other, a two-stranded B-hairpin and a third helix at the C terminus. The zinc site comprises the side-chains of the conserved cysteine residues 232, 234, 262 and 265, and connects a short sequence before the first helix with the tight turn in the middle of the B-hairpin. The structure of the C-terminal zinc-binding domain suggests a mechanism for the operation of the redox switch: loss of the bound zinc ion disrupts the folded structure, allowing the ligand cysteine residues to be oxidized, probably to disulfide bonds. The observation that the C-terminal domain is poorly structured in the active oxidized form suggests that the loss of zinc and unfolding of the domain precedes the oxidation of the thiolate groups of the cysteine residues, since the formation of disulfides between distant parts of the domain sequence would presumably promote the formation of stable three-dimensional structure in the oxidized form.Hsp33 provides an example of a redox signaling system that utilizes protein folding and unfolding together with chemical modification for transduction of external stimuli, in this case oxidative stress, to activate the machinery of the cell that is designed to deal with that stress.  相似文献   

To perform effectively as a molecular chaperone, DnaK (Hsp70) necessitates the assistance of its DnaJ (Hsp40) co-chaperone partner, which efficiently stimulates its intrinsically weak ATPase activity and facilitates its interaction with polypeptide substrates. In this study, we address the function of the conserved glycine- and phenylalanine-rich (G/F-rich) region of the Escherichia coli DnaJ in the DnaK chaperone cycle. We show that the G/F-rich region is critical for DnaJ co-chaperone functions in vivo and that despite a significant degree of sequence conservation among the G/F-rich regions of Hsp40 homologs from bacteria, yeast, or humans, functional complementation in the context of the E. coli DnaJ is limited. Furthermore, we found that the deletion of the whole G/F-rich region is mirrored by mutations in the conserved Asp-Ile/Val-Phe (DIF) motif contained in this region. Further genetic and biochemical analyses revealed that this amino acid triplet plays a critical role in regulation of the DnaK chaperone cycle, possibly by modulating a crucial step subsequent to DnaK-mediated ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Molecular chaperones of the 70 kDa family mediate protein–protein interactions by selectively binding to partially unfolded segments of other proteins in an ATP-dependent activity cycle. Previous investigations of chaperone substrate selectivity have shown that chaperones have a propensity to bind to partially unfolded segments of polypeptides that contain bulky hydrophobic residues. However, recent investigations have shown that 70 kDa chaperones such as DnaK, which is expressed by Escherichia coli, also bind short basic peptides and even polycations. We report here that DnaK specifically binds to the polycation protamine when [protamine]/[DnaK] is near unity, whereas protamine induces the aggregations of DnaK when [protamine]/[DnaK] ≥ 20. Complexes between DnaK and protamine were detected using fluorescently labeled protamine (protamine*) in conjunction with high performance size exclusion chromatography. We found that: (i) an unlabeled peptide of known affinity for DnaK partially inhibited the formation of DnaK-protamine* complexes; (ii) Mg-ATP (and Mg-γ-S-ATP) significantly reduced the affinity of protamine* for DnaK; and (iii) the rate of DnaK-protamine* complex dissociation is highly temperature-sensitive, with apparent activation enthalpies (ΔH*) equal to 32 ± 4 and 28 ± 1 kcal mol−1 in the absence of added nucleotide and in the presence of ADP, respectively. The results are consistent with the specific binding of protamine* at the (poly)peptide binding site of DnaK. A model is proposed to account for the protamine-induced aggregation of DnaK.  相似文献   

Hsp70s are chaperone proteins that are conserved in evolution and present in all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. In the archaea, which form a distinct kingdom, the Hsp70 chaperones have been found in some species only, including Methanosarcina mazei. Both the bacterial and archaeal Hsp70(DnaK) chaperones cooperate with a GrpE co-chaperone which stimulates the ATPase activity of the DnaK protein. It is currently believed that the archaeal Hsp70 system was obtained by the lateral transfer of chaperone genes from bacteria. Our previous finding that the DnaK and GrpE proteins of M. mazei can functionally cooperate with the Escherichia coli GrpE and DnaK supported this hypothesis. However, the cooperation was surprising, considering the very low identity of the GrpE proteins (26%) and the relatively low identity of the DnaK proteins (56%). The aim of this work was to investigate the molecular basis of the observed interspecies chaperone interaction. Infrared resolution-enhanced spectra of the M. mazei and E. coli DnaK proteins were almost identical, indicating high similarity of their secondary structures, however, some small differences in band position and in the intensity of amide I' band components were observed and discussed. Profiles of thermal denaturation of both proteins were similar, although they indicated a higher thermostability of the M. mazei DnaK compared to the E. coli DnaK. Electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions demonstrated that purified DnaK and GrpE of E. coli and M. mazei formed mixed complexes. Protein modeling revealed high similarity of the 3-dimensional structures of the archaeal and bacterial DnaK and GrpE proteins.  相似文献   

Chi SW  Jeong DG  Woo JR  Lee HS  Park BC  Kim BY  Erikson RL  Ryu SE  Kim SJ 《FEBS letters》2011,585(4):664-670
Heat shock protein 33 (Hsp33) from Escherichia coli is a redox-regulated molecular chaperone that protects cells from oxidative stress. To understand the molecular basis for the monomer-dimer switch in the functional regulation of E. coli Hsp33, we generated a constitutively monomeric Hsp33 by introducing the Q151E mutation in the dimeric interface and determined its crystal structure. The overall scaffold of the monomeric Hsp33(1-235) (Q151E) mutant is virtually the same as that of the dimeric form, except that there is no domain swapping. The measurement of chaperone activity to thermally denatured luciferase showed that the constitutively monomeric Hsp33 mutant still retains chaperone activity similar to that of wild-type Hsp33(1-235), suggesting that a Hsp33 monomer is sufficient to interact with slowly unfolded substrate.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is a facultative intracellular pathogen which can escape bactericidal mechanisms and grow within macrophages. The intracellular environment of macrophages is one of the most stressful environments encountered by an invading bacterium during the course of infection. To study the role of the major stress protein, DnaK, of L. monocytogenes in survival under intracellular stress induced by macrophage-phagocytosis as well as under extracellular environmental stresses, we cloned, sequenced, and analyzed the dnaK locus from L. monocytogenes. Then we constructed an insertional mutation in the dnaK gene by homologous recombination and characterized it. Sequencing has revealed that the dnaK locus consists of four open reading frames in the order hrcA-grpE-dnaK-dnaJ. The mutant grows neither at temperatures above 39 degrees C nor under acidic conditions e.g. pH 3.0. Using the macrophage cell line JA-4, the ability of the dnaK mutant to grow intracellularly was examined. Immediately after phagocytosis, the number of viable dnaK mutant bacteria found within macrophages was significantly lower compared to that of intracellular wild type bacteria. However, following a 1-3 h latency period, the mutant multiplied in a similar fashion to the wild type within macrophage cells. A quantitative analysis of intracellular bacteria in macrophage cells by microscope and a binding assay of bacteria to the surface of macrophages by ELISA revealed that the lower number of viable dnaK mutant in macrophages after phagocytosis is due to the low efficiency of phagocytosis resulting from the reduced binding capacity of the dnaK mutant. These results demonstrate that DnaK of L. monocytogenes is essentially required for survival under high temperatures and acidic conditions. Though it does not largely contribute to the survival of L. monocytogenes in macrophage cells, it is essential for efficient phagocytosis. This is the first evidence that DnaK is required for the efficient phagocytosis of a facultative intracellular pathogen with macrophages.  相似文献   

Nuclear receptor and apoptosis inducer NGFI-B translocates out of the nucleus as a heterodimer with RXR in response to different apoptosis stimuli, and therefore represents a potential pharmacological target. We found that the cytosolic levels of NGFI-B and RXRα were increased in cultures of cerebellar granule neurons 2 h after treatment with glutamate (excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain, involved in stroke). To find a time-window for potential intervention the neurons were transfected with gfp-tagged expressor plasmids for NGFI-B and RXR. The default localization of NGFI-Bgfp and RXRgfp was nuclear, however, translocation out of the nucleus was observed 2–3 h after glutamate treatment. We therefore hypothesized that the time-window between treatment and translocation would allow late protection against neuronal death. The RXR ligand 9-cis retinoic acid was used to arrest NGFI-B and RXR in the nucleus. Addition of 9-cis retinoic acid 1 h after treatment with glutamate reduced the cytosolic translocation of NGFI-B and RXRα, the cytosolic translocation of NGFI-Bgfp observed in live neurons, as well as the neuronal death. However, the reduced translocation and the reduced cell death were not observed when 9-cis retinoic acid was added after 3 h. Thus, late protection from glutamate induced death by addition of 9-cis retinoic acid is possible in a time-window after apoptosis induction.  相似文献   

Hsp105 is a major mammalian heat shock protein that belongs to the Hsp105/110 family, a diverged subgroup of the Hsp70 family. Hsp105 not only protects the thermal aggregation of proteins, but also regulates the Hsc70 chaperone system in vitro. Recently, it has been shown that Hsp105/110 family members act as nucleotide exchange factors for cytosolic Hsp70s. However, the biological functions of Hsp105/110 family proteins still remain to be clarified. Here, we examined the function of Hsp105 in mammalian cells, and showed that the sensitivity to various stresses was enhanced in the Hsp105-deficient cells compared with that in control cells. In addition, we found that deficiency of Hsp105 impaired the refolding of heat-denatured luciferase in mammalian cells. In contrast, overexpression of Hsp105α enhanced the ability to recover heat-inactivated luciferase in mammalian cells. Thus, Hsp105 may play an important role in the refolding of denatured proteins and protection against stress-induced cell death in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

DafA is encoded by the dnaK operon of Thermus thermophilus and mediates the formation of a highly stable complex between the chaperone DnaK and its co-chaperone DnaJ under normal growth conditions. DafA(Tth) contains 87 amino acid residues and is the only member of the DnaK(Tth) chaperone system for which no corresponding protein has yet been identified in other organisms and whose particular function has remained elusive. Here, we show directly that the DnaK(Tth)-DnaJ(Tth)-DafA(Tth) complex cannot represent the active chaperone species since DafA(Tth) inhibits renaturation of firefly luciferase by suppressing substrate association. Since DafA(Tth) must be released before the substrate proteins can bind we hypothesized that free DafA(Tth) might have regulatory functions connected to the heat shock response. Here, we present evidence that supports this hypothesis. We identified the 70S ribosome as binding target of free DafA(Tth). Our results show that the association of DafA(Tth) and 70S ribosomes does not require the participation of DnaK(Tth) or DnaJ(Tth). On the contrary, the assembly of DnaK(Tth)-DnaJ(Tth)-DafA(Tth) and ribosome-DafA(Tth) complexes seems to be competitive. These findings strongly suggest the involvement of DafA(Tth) in regulatory processes occurring at a translational level, which could represent a new mechanism of heat shock response as an adaptation to elevated temperature.  相似文献   

The Hsp90 chaperoning pathway and its model client substrate, the progesterone receptor (PR), have been used extensively to study chaperone complex formation and maturation of a client substrate in a near native state. This chaperoning pathway can be reconstituted in vitro with the addition of five proteins plus ATP: Hsp40, Hsp70, Hop, Hsp90, and p23. The addition of these proteins is necessary to reconstitute hormone-binding capacity to the immuno-isolated PR. It was recently shown that the first step for the recognition of PR by this system is binding by Hsp40. We compared type I and type II Hsp40 proteins and created point mutations in Hsp40 and Hsp70 to understand the requirements for this first step. The type I proteins, Ydj1 and DjA1 (HDJ2), and a type II, DjB1 (HDJ1), act similarly in promoting hormone binding and Hsp70 association to PR, while having different binding characteristics to PR. Ydj1 and DjA1 bind tightly to PR whereas the binding of DjB1 apparently has rapid on and off rates and its binding cannot be observed by antibody pull-down methods using either purified proteins or cell lysates. Mutation studies indicate that client binding, interactions between Hsp40 and Hsp70, plus ATP hydrolysis by Hsp70 are all required to promote conformational maturation of PR via the Hsp90 pathway.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli molecular chaperone protein ClpB is a member of the highly conserved Hsp100/Clp protein family. Previous studies have shown that the ClpB protein is needed for bacterial thermotolerance. Purified ClpB protein has been shown to reactivate chemically and heat-denatured proteins. In this work we demonstrate that the combined action of ClpB and the DnaK, DnaJ, and GrpE chaperones leads to the activation of DNA replication of the broad-host-range plasmid RK2. In contrast, ClpB is not needed for the activation of the oriC-dependent replication of E. coli. Using purified protein components we show that the ClpB/DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE synergistic action activates the plasmid RK2 replication initiation protein TrfA by converting inactive dimers to an active monomer form. In contrast, Hsp78/Ssc1/Mdj1/Mge1, the corresponding protein system from yeast mitochondria, cannot activate the TrfA replication protein. Our results demonstrate for the first time that the ClpB/DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE system is involved in protein monomerization and in the activation of a DNA replication factor.  相似文献   

Under physiological conditions mitochondria of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae form a branched tubular network, the continuity of which is maintained by balanced membrane fusion and fission processes. Here, we show using mitochondrial matrix targeted green fluorescent protein that exposure of cells to extreme heat shock led to dramatic changes in mitochondrial morphology, as tubular network disintegrated into several fragmented vesicles. Interestingly, this fragmentation did not affect mitochondrial ability to maintain the membrane potential. Cells subjected to recovery at physiological temperature were able to restore the mitochondrial network, as long as an active matrix chaperone, Hsp78, was present. Deletion of HSP78 gene did not affect fragmentation of mitochondria upon heat stress, but significantly inhibited ability to restore mitochondrial network. Changes of mitochondrial morphology correlated with aggregation of mitochondrial proteins. On the other hand, recovery of mitochondrial network correlated with disappearance of protein aggregates and reactivation of enzymatic activity of a model thermo-sensitive protein: mitochondrial DNA polymerase. Since protein disaggregation and refolding is mediated by Hsp78 chaperone collaborating with Hsp70 chaperone system, we postulate that effect of Hsp78 on mitochondrial morphology upon recovery after heat shock is mediated by its ability to restore activity of unknown protein(s) responsible for maintenance of mitochondrial morphology.  相似文献   

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