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Mitochondria were isolated from whole hearts of Dahl salt sensitive (SS) and chromosome 13 consomic control (SS.13BN/Mcwi) rats using a mechanical homogenization process followed by density centrifugation. The proteins present in the two mitochondria preparations were quantified; equal amounts of protein from each sample were taken and trypsinized in the presence of either 16O or 18O before pooling. Incorporation of one or two 18O atoms at the C-terminus of the peptide cleaved by trypsin allows the distinction between the two samples. The proteins were identified by automated MS/MS sequencing and relative amounts of each protein assessed by comparison of the intensities of the constituent peptides. Relative quantification was performed using the ZoomQuant (v1.24) software. Nine proteins were found to be differentially expressed. Electron transfer flavoprotein alpha (P13803, ETFA) protein expression was two-fold lower in the SS compared to the SS.13BN. This was confirmed by Western blot and 2-DE gel quantification. Potential functional implications of this differential expression include an impaired capacity of the heart to oxidize fatty acids in the SS strain compared to the control. Mathematical modeling of mitochondrial electron transport predicted that the observed change in ETFA expression may result in decreased activity of the electron transport chain.  相似文献   

We describe the use of commercially available microcentrifugation devices (spin filters) for cleanup and digestion of protein samples for mass spectrometry analyses. The protein sample is added to the upper chamber of a spin filter with a > or = 3000 molecular weight cutoff membrane and then washed prior to resuspension in ammonium bicarbonate. The protein is then reduced, alkylated, and digested with trypsin in the upper chamber and the peptides are recovered by centrifugation through the membrane. The method provides digestion efficiencies comparable to standard in-solution digests, avoids lengthy dialysis steps, and allows rapid cleanup of samples containing salts, some detergents, and acidic or basic buffers.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial proteins alter in their composition and quantity drastically through time and space in correspondence to changing energy demands and cellular signaling events. The integrity and permutations of this dynamism are increasingly recognized to impact the functions of the cardiac proteome in health and disease. This article provides an overview on recent advances in defining the spatial and temporal dynamics of mitochondrial proteins in the heart. Proteomics techniques to characterize dynamics on a proteome scale are reviewed and the physiological consequences of altered mitochondrial protein dynamics are discussed. Lastly, we offer our perspectives on the unmet challenges in translating mitochondrial dynamics markers into the clinic.  相似文献   

The composition of the large, single, mitochondrion (mt) of Trypanosoma brucei was characterized by MS (2‐D LC‐MS/MS and gel‐LC‐MS/MS) analyses. A total of 2897 proteins representing a substantial proportion of procyclic form cellular proteome were identified, which confirmed the validity of the vast majority of gene predictions. The data also showed that the genes annotated as hypothetical (species specific) were overpredicted and that virtually all genes annotated as hypothetical, unlikely are not expressed. By comparing the MS data with genome sequence, 40 genes were identified that were not previously predicted. The data are placed in a publicly available web‐based database (www.TrypsProteome.org). The total mitochondrial proteome is estimated at 1008 proteins, with 401, 196, and 283 assigned to the mt with high, moderate, and lower confidence, respectively. The remaining mitochondrial proteins were estimated by statistical methods although individual assignments could not be made. The identified proteins have predicted roles in macromolecular, metabolic, energy generating, and transport processes providing a comprehensive profile of the protein content and function of the T. brucei mt.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial morphological defects are a common feature of diseased cardiac myocytes. However, quantitative assessment of mitochondrial morphology is limited by the time-consuming manual segmentation of electron micrograph (EM) images. To advance understanding of the relation between morphological defects and dysfunction, an efficient morphological reconstruction method is desired to enable isolation and reconstruction of mitochondria from EM images. We propose a new method for isolating and reconstructing single mitochondria from serial block-face scanning EM (SBEM) images. CDeep3M, a cloud-based deep learning network for EM images, was used to segment mitochondrial interior volumes and boundaries. Post-processing was performed using both the predicted interior volume and exterior boundary to isolate and reconstruct individual mitochondria. Series of SBEM images from two separate cardiac myocytes were processed. The highest F1-score was 95% using 50 training datasets, greater than that for previously reported automated methods and comparable to manual segmentations. Accuracy of separation of individual mitochondria was 80% on a pixel basis. A total of 2315 mitochondria in the two series of SBEM images were evaluated with a mean volume of 0.78 µm3. The volume distribution was very broad and skewed; the most frequent mitochondria were 0.04–0.06 µm3, but mitochondria larger than 2.0 µm3 accounted for more than 10% of the total number. The average short-axis length was 0.47 µm. Primarily longitudinal mitochondria (0–30 degrees) were dominant (54%). This new automated segmentation and separation method can help quantitate mitochondrial morphology and improve understanding of myocyte structure–function relationships.  相似文献   

Purified cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) mitochondrial proteins fractionated into soluble, membrane, integral membrane and peripheral membrane samples were analyzed by 2D- PAGE (isoelectric focusing/ SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). 2D gels patterns were compared using the Imager Master 2D Elite software. 561 silver stained protein spots were resolved after electrophoresis under standard conditions of a whole protein extract. In the soluble fraction a prevalent number of more intense protein spots was observed. The cauliflower protein 2D patterns resembled Arabidopsis thaliana 2D patterns. The two protein spots selected which occupied a similar isoelectric point positions on both gels represented the same proteins as revealed by ESI-MS analysis of cauliflower proteins. The third selected spot belongs to unidentified proteins. The comparative analysis of mitochondrial suborganellar fractions proved the usefulness of this approach.  相似文献   

Endophthalmitis is a vision-threatening complication of intraocular surgery or penetrating injury of which Staphylococcus aureus is an important etiological agent. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) hold a tremendous possibility for developing diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers due to their role in the pathogenesis of various infections. The aim of this study was to characterise the protein cargo of EVs, isolated from a murine (C57BL/6) model of S. aureus endophthalmitis by LC–MS/MS. Contralateral eye injected with sterile media served as control and both eyes were enucleated after 24 h, followed by extraction of EVs by ultracentrifugation. EVs were characterized by DLS and western blotting with tetraspanin markers, CD9 and CD81 and quantified by ExoCet quantification kit. Proteomic analysis identified 1964 proteins (FDR ≤ 0.01) in EVs from infected mice eyes, of which 40 proteins varied significantly in their amounts in comparison to EVs obtained from control eyeballs (P-value ≤ 0.05). The results of this study provide insight into the global EV proteome of S. aureus endophthalmitis with their functional correlation and differential protein amounts between infected and control set. Annexin A5, cathepsin D and C5a play a pivotal role in disease pathogenesis and could possibly play a role as a prognostic marker in endophthalmitis.  相似文献   

Histone proteins are essential elements for DNA packaging. Their PTMs contribute in modeling chromatin structure and recruiting enzymes involved in gene regulation, DNA repair, and chromosome condensation. This fundamental aspect, together with the fact that histone PTMs can be epigenetically inherited through cell generations, enlightens their importance in chromatin biology, and the consequent necessity of having biochemical techniques for their characterization. Nanoflow LC coupled to MS (nanoLC‐MS) is the strategy of choice for protein PTM accurate quantification. However, histones require adjustments to the digestion protocol such as lysine derivatization to obtain suitable peptides for the analysis. nanoLC‐MS has numerous advantages, spanning from high confidence identification to possibility of high throughput analyses, but the peculiarity of the histone preparation protocol requires continuous monitoring with the most modern available technologies to question its reliability. The work of Meert et al. (Proteomics 2015, 15, 2966–2971) establishes which protocols lead to either incomplete derivatization or derivatization of undesired amino acid residues using a combination of high resolution MS and bioinformatics tools for the alignment and the characterization of nanoLC‐MS runs. As well, they identify a number of side reactions that could be potentially misinterpreted as biological PTMs.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have used a combination of 2-DE and MS to isolate and characterize two variants of the mitochondrial complex I subunit NDUFA10 from Wistar rat brain. Extensive MS/MS analysis revealed that a D/N substitution at position 120 resulting from a 353A/G transition in the coding gene is the biochemical difference between the two most abundant NDUFA10 isoforms. Moreover, 33 modifications of distinct chemical nature targeting 59 specific residues were found to be common to the acidic and basic forms. Positions C67, H149 and H322 of NDUFA10 were specially targeted by different modifications suggesting the high reactivity of these residues and their potential implication in the regulation of the protein function. Together with nonenzymatic modifications that can form in the sample isolation and workup steps, such as oxidation of methionine, tryptophan, cysteine and histidine, we describe amino acid variants of unknown chemical structure that must be further characterized, as well as accumulation of R, K and H methylations and probably K acetylations at the C-terminal region that might play a role in the control of NDUFA10 activity according to similar mechanisms to those described for histones.  相似文献   

Automated multidimensional capillary liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has been increasingly applied in various large scale proteome profiling efforts. However, comprehensive global proteome analysis remains technically challenging due to issues associated with sample complexity and dynamic range of protein abundances, which is particularly apparent in mammalian biological systems. We report here the application of a high efficiency cysteinyl peptide enrichment (CPE) approach to the global proteome analysis of human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) which significantly improved both sequence coverage of protein identifications and the overall proteome coverage. The cysteinyl peptides were specifically enriched by using a thiol-specific covalent resin, fractionated by strong cation exchange chromatography, and subsequently analyzed by reversed-phase capillary LC-MS/MS. An HMEC tryptic digest without CPE was also fractionated and analyzed under the same conditions for comparison. The combined analyses of HMEC tryptic digests with and without CPE resulted in a total of 14 416 confidently identified peptides covering 4294 different proteins with an estimated 10% gene coverage of the human genome. By using the high efficiency CPE, an additional 1096 relatively low abundance proteins were identified, resulting in 34.3% increase in proteome coverage; 1390 proteins were observed with increased sequence coverage. Comparative protein distribution analyses revealed that the CPE method is not biased with regard to protein M(r) , pI, cellular location, or biological functions. These results demonstrate that the use of the CPE approach provides improved efficiency in comprehensive proteome-wide analyses of highly complex mammalian biological systems.  相似文献   

Synaptic vesicles are key organelles in neurotransmission. Their functions are governed by a unique set of integral and peripherally associated proteins. To obtain a complete protein inventory, we immunoisolated synaptic vesicles from rat brain to high purity and performed a gel-based analysis of the synaptic vesicle proteome. Since the high hydrophobicity of integral membrane proteins hampers their resolution by gel electrophoretic techniques, we applied in parallel three different gel electrophoretic methods for protein separation prior to MS. Synaptic vesicle proteins were subjected to either 1-D SDS-PAGE along with nano-LC ESI-MS/MS or to the 2-D gel electrophoretic techniques benzyldimethyl-n-hexadecylammonium chloride (BAC)/SDS-PAGE, and double SDS (dSDS)-PAGE in combination with MALDI-TOF-MS. We demonstrate that the combination of all three methods provides a comprehensive survey of the proteinaceous inventory of the synaptic vesicle membrane compartment. The identified synaptic vesicle proteins include transporters, soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs), synapsins, rab and rab-interacting proteins, additional guanine nucleotide triphosphate (GTP) binding proteins, cytoskeletal proteins, and proteins modulating synaptic vesicle exo- and endocytosis. In addition, we identified novel proteins of unknown function. Our results demonstrate that the parallel application of three different gel-based approaches in combination with mass spectrometry permits a comprehensive analysis of the synaptic vesicle proteome that is considerably more complex than previously anticipated.  相似文献   

A fraction of the so-called mitochondrial soluble proteins was obtained after the destruction of purified mitochondria by sonication according to the previously found approach to the identification of protein subsets of the Bos taurus heart proteome. A tryptic destruction of these proteins was achieved. Approximately half of the tryptic hydrolysate was separated into two fractions of cysteine-containing and cysteine-free peptides by covalent chromatography on Thiopropyl Sepharose 4B. The cysteine-containing peptides were modified by iodoacetamide. The peptides were mass-spectrometrically identified in all the three fractions of tryptic hydrolysate, and the proteins were searched for in the amino acid sequence databases. There were 213 unique proteins reliably identified.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method for characterizing hydrophobic integral membrane proteins and its utility for membrane proteomics using microcapillary liquid chromatography coupled on-line with tandem mass spectrometry (microLC-MS/MS) is described. The present technique does not rely on the use of detergents, strong organic acids or cyanogen bromide-mediated proteolysis. A buffered solution of 60% methanol was used to extract, solubilize, and tryptically digest proteins within a preparation of Halobacterium (H.) halobium purple membranes. Analysis of the digested purple membrane proteins by microLC-MS/MS resulted in the identification of all the predicted tryptic peptides of bacteriorhodopsin, including those that are known to be post-translationally modified. In addition, 40 proteins from the purple membrane preparation were also identified, of which 80% are predicted to contain between 1 and 16 transmembrane domains. To evaluate the general applicability of the method, the same extraction, solubilization, and digestion conditions were applied to a plasma membrane fraction prepared from human epidermal sheets. A total of 117 proteins was identified in a single microLC-MS/MS analysis, of which 55% are known to be integral or associated with the plasma membrane. Due to its simplicity, efficiency, and absence of MS interfering compounds, this technique can be used for the characterization of other integral membrane proteins and may be concomitantly applied for the analysis of membrane protein complexes or large-scale proteomic studies of different membrane samples.  相似文献   

Mitochondria from normal (NA)- and Texas (T)-cytoplasm maize (Zea mays L.) were purified from unpollinated ears via Percoll centrifugation. Approximately 300 mitochondrial proteins were resolved using two-dimensional (2-D) electrophoresis. The 197 most abundant proteins were analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-ToF) mass spectrometry involving overlapping pH gradients (pH 4-7 and 6-9). Database searches identified 58 genes that encode 100 of these protein spots. Functions could be predicted for 38 of the 58 genes (66%). All but one of these genes are located in the nuclear genome. Thirteen per cent of the analyzed protein spots (25 out of 197) exhibited at least a threefold difference in accumulation between the mitochondrial proteomes of NA- or T-cytoplasm maize plants that had essentially identical nuclear genomes. As most of these proteins were nuclear-encoded, these findings demonstrate that the genotype of a mitochondrion can regulate the accumulation of the nuclear-encoded fraction of its proteome. About half (27 out of 58) of the maize mitochondrial proteins identified in this study were not recovered in previous analyses of the Arabidopsis and rice mitochondrial proteomes.  相似文献   

Song Y  Hao Y  Sun A  Li T  Li W  Guo L  Yan Y  Geng C  Chen N  Zhong F  Wei H  Jiang Y  He F 《Proteomics》2006,6(19):5269-5277
Organelle proteome has become one of the most important fields of proteomics, and the subcellular fractionation with high purity and yield has always been a challenge for cell biologists and also for the Human Liver Proteome Project (HLPP). The liver of a C57BL/6J mouse was chosen as the model to find the optimum method for subcellular preparation. The method we selected could obtain the multiple fractions including plasma membrane, mitochondria, nucleus, ER, and cytosol from a single homogenate. With the same procedure, it is for the first time that the preparation method of frozen homogenized livers was compared with that of the fresh livers and frozen livers. We systematically evaluated the purity, efficiency, and integrity by protein yield, immunoblotting, and transmission electron microscopy. Taken together, the method of multiple fractions from a single tissue is effective enough for subcellular fractionation of mouse liver. We give a selective sample preparation method for frozen homogenized livers, for rare clinical samples, which cannot easily be used for subcellular separation immediately. But the frozen livers are not recommended for organelles isolation. This result is especially useful for sample preparation of human liver for subcellular fractionation of HLPP.  相似文献   

In order to avoid the specific problems with intrinsic membrane proteins in proteome analysis, a new procedure was developed which is superior to the classical two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-D PAGE) method in terms of intrinsic membrane proteins. For analysis of the membrane proteome from Corynebacterium glutamicum, we replaced the first separation dimension, i.e., the isoelectric focusing step, by anion-exchange chromatography, followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-PAGE in the second separation dimension. Enrichment of the membrane intrinsic subproteome was achieved by washing with 2.5 M NaBr which removed more than 35% of the membrane-associated soluble proteins. For the extraction and solubilization of membrane proteins, the detergent amidosulfobetaine 14 (ASB-14) was most efficient in a detailed screening procedure and proved also suitable for chromatography. 356 gel bands were spotted, and out of 170 different identified proteins, 50 were membrane-integral. Membrane proteins with one up to 13 transmembrane helices were found. Careful analysis revealed that this new procedure covers proteins from a wide pI range (3.7-10.6) and a wide mass range of 10-120 kDa. About 50% of the identified membrane proteins belong to various functional categories like energy metabolism, transport, signal transduction, protein translocation, and proteolysis while for the others a function is not yet known, indicating the potential of the developed method for elucidation of membrane proteomes in general.  相似文献   

Several mathematical models of rabbit ventricular action potential (AP) have been proposed to investigate mechanisms of arrhythmias and excitation-contraction coupling. Our study aims at systematically characterizing how ionic current properties modulate the main cellular biomarkers of arrhythmic risk using two widely-used rabbit ventricular models, and comparing simulation results using the two models with experimental data available for rabbit. A sensitivity analysis of AP properties, Ca2+ and Na+ dynamics, and their rate dependence to variations (±15% and ±30%) in the main transmembrane current conductances and kinetics was performed using the Shannon et al. (2004) and the [Mahajan et?al., 2008a] and [Mahajan et?al., 2008b] AP rabbit models. The effects of severe transmembrane current blocks (up to 100%) on steady-state AP and calcium transients, and AP duration (APD) restitution curves were also simulated using both models. Our simulations show that, in both virtual rabbit cardiomyocytes, APD is significantly modified by most repolarization currents, AP triangulation is regulated mostly by the inward rectifier K+ current (IK1) whereas APD rate adaptation as well as [Na+]i rate dependence is influenced by the Na+/K+ pump current (INaK). In addition, steady-state [Ca2+]i levels, APD restitution properties and [Ca2+]i rate dependence are strongly dependent on INaK, the L-Type Ca2+ current (ICaL) and the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger current (INaCa), although the relative role of these currents is markedly model dependent. Furthermore, our results show that simulations using both models agree with many experimentally-reported electrophysiological characteristics. However, our study shows that the Shannon et al. model mimics rabbit electrophysiology more accurately at normal pacing rates, whereas Mahajan et al. model behaves more appropriately at faster rates. Our results reinforce the usefulness of sensitivity analysis for further understanding of cellular electrophysiology and validation of cardiac AP models.  相似文献   

Mitochondria fulfill a wide range of functions in the plant cell, including producing ATP, providing carbon skeletons for biosynthesis, and biosynthesizing vitamins and cofactors. Recently, mitochondria have been implicated in the pathway of programmed cell death in plant cells. In addition, mutations in the mitochondrial genome have been shown to be causally related to cytoplasmic male sterility—the failure to produce functional pollen in a range of crop plants. Proteomics has been used to attempt to catalogue mitochondrial proteins and extend our understanding of this essential organelle. Conventional proteomics based on isoelectric focusing and SDS-PAGE is unsuitable for hydrophobic proteins and therefore does not allow the identification of many components of the respiratory complexes. To identify such proteins, we have used blue-native PAGE to fractionate protein complexes in their native state, followed by SDS-PAGE to separate component subunits of each complex. A total of 40 protein spots were reproducibly resolved, and 29 were identified by means of mass spectrometry, thus giving a map of the most abundant complexes in plant mitochondria. Chaperones; transporters; novel proteins; and proteins involved in the respiratory chain, the citric acid cycle, amino acid and carbon metabolist, and stress response were identified. This study gives new insight on the role and functioning of well-characterised and recently identified mitochondrial proteins by localising them to specific complexes. It also identifies novel proteins in plant mitochondria.  相似文献   

High quality clinical biospecimens are vital for biomarker discovery, verification, and validation. Variations in blood processing and handling can affect protein abundances and assay reliability. Using an untargeted LC-MS approach, we systematically measured the impact of preanalytical variables on the plasma proteome. Time prior to processing was the only variable that affected the plasma protein levels. LC-MS quantification showed that preprocessing times <6 h had minimal effects on the immunodepleted plasma proteome, but by 4 days significant changes were apparent. Elevated levels of many proteins were observed, suggesting that in addition to proteolytic degradation during the preanalytical phase, changes in protein structure are also important considerations for protocols using antibody depletion. As to processing variables, a comparison of single- vs double-spun plasma showed minimal differences. After processing, the impact ?3 freeze–thaw cycles was negligible regardless of whether freshly collected samples were processed in short succession or the cycles occurred during 14–17 years of frozen storage (−80 °C). Thus, clinical workflows that necessitate modest delays in blood processing times or employ different centrifugation steps can yield valuable samples for biomarker discovery and verification studies.  相似文献   

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