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By preferring mates with increasingly costly ornaments or courtship displays, females cause an escalation of male reproductive costs. Such increased costs should promote male selectivity based on fecundity‐linked female attributes, leading to female ornamentation in species with traditional sex roles. Consequently, female ornamentation should evolve more frequently in taxa where male reproduction is costly than in comparable taxa where it is cheaper. We assessed the prevalence of female ornamental colouration in two clades of viviparous cyprinodontid fish: the Goodeinae, where stringent female choice imposes male mating costs, and the Poeciliinae, whose males can circumvent female mate choice. We found that although in the Poeciliinae female ornamental colour is a correlated, but paler version of male coloration, females of the Goodeinae often display vivid ornamental colours that are distinct from those of males. Thus, male and female ornaments are not (phylo)genetically correlated in the Goodeinae. Furthermore, phylogenetic signal on male and female colour is clearly detectable in the Poeciliinae, but absent in the Goodeinae, suggesting that ornamental colour of males and females in the latter may be the consequence of selection. Given that enforceable female choice has promoted male ornaments, we propose that evolutionary retribution has promoted distinct female ornaments in the Goodeinae.  相似文献   

Typically males bear the products of sexual selection in the form of ornaments and/or weapons used to compete for and attract females. Secondary sexual traits in females have been thought of as the product of correlated responses to sexual selection on males. However, there is increasing phylogenetic evidence that female secondary sexual traits can arise independently of selection on males, and may be subject to sexual selection. Theoretical models of the evolution of female ornamentation via male mate choice have assumed that females suffer a cost of ornament expression via reduced fecundity, and hence female ornaments are less likely to evolve than male ornaments. In the dung beetle Onthophagus sagittarius, there has been an independent evolutionary origin of horns in females that are qualitatively different from the horns produced by males. We use this system as a model to examine the costs of horn expression for females within a life-history context. We identified a longevity cost of reproduction for females that was independent of horn expression. Large females lived longer, and after controlling for lifespan, had a higher lifetime fecundity, and invested more heavily in maternal provisioning than did small females. We found no evidence of a cost to females of investment in horns. Rather, the rate of increase in fecundity and horn expression with body size were equal, so that absolute horn size provides an accurate indicator of body size and maternal quality. The effects we observe were independent of female contest competition and/or male mate choice, which were excluded in our experimental protocol. However, we speculate on the potential functional contributions female horns might make to female fitness.  相似文献   

Exaggerated ornaments often evolve due to the mating preferences of the opposite sex. Genetic correlations between preferences and ornaments can lead both traits to elaborate dramatically in tandem, in a process known as ‘Fisherian runaway’. However, in most previous models of Fisherian runaway, elaborate ornaments are not expected to persist when preferences are consistently costly to the choosing sex. In contrast, we show here that exaggerated male ornaments can be maintained long term even when females must pay a cost to choose their mates. Preferences per se are not costly in our model, but females can only act on their preferences by investing resources in mate search. We predict that mate search effort should decrease with the cost of sampling additional mates and increase with the number of possible ornaments that females can choose from. The potential for multiple exaggerated ornaments to coexist depends on subtleties of their cost structure: strict trade-offs (additive costs) favour sequential ornament evolution, whereas looser trade-offs (multiplicative costs) allow for coexistence. Lastly, we show that pleiotropy affecting both ornaments and preferences makes it difficult for Fisherian runaway to initiate, increasing the evolutionary time until ornamentation. Our model highlights the important but neglected role of mate search effort in sexual selection.  相似文献   

Melanin-based ornaments often function as signals in male-male competition, whereas carotenoid-based ornaments appear to be important in female mate choice. This difference in function is thought to occur because carotenoid pigments are more costly to produce than melanins and are thus more reliable indicators of male quality. We examined the role of melanin- and carotenoid-based ornaments in male-male competition and female choice in the common yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas, a sexually dichromatic passerine. Males display a black facial mask produced by melanin pigmentation and a bright yellow bib (throat, breast and belly) produced by carotenoid pigmentation. In controlled aviary experiments, mask size was the best predictor of both male-male competition and female mate choice, and, therefore, mask size may be regarded as an ornament of dual function. These dual functions may help to maintain the reliability of mask size as an indicator of male quality, despite the potentially low cost of production. The size of the bib was unrelated to male-male competition or female choice, but there was a tendency for females to prefer males with more colourful bibs. We propose that the black mask is important in competition for territories with other males and for attracting females. Our results highlight the need for more studies of the mechanisms of sexual selection in species with ornaments composed of different pigment types.  相似文献   

Does male-biased predation lead to male scarcity in viviparous fish?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Male predation risk due to ornaments seldom reduces female mating opportunities because males escape costs through alternative mating strategies and/or females cease to select for highly ornamented males. Males of the Amarillo fish Girardinichthys multiradiatus (Goodeidae) have large sexually selected fins that impair attack-avoidance manoeuvres. This fish was used to seek evidence that intersexual selection for handicapping traits can result in a deficit of acceptable mating partners. Also it was examined whether, under male scarcity, females remain choosy to the point of missing mating opportunities, and that they can exert effective control over matings, which is a pre-condition of effective female choice. It was found that snakes prey disproportionately on males, that it leads to female-biased sex ratios, and that highly ornamented males are more scarce after predation than males with small ornaments. Females can avoid being fertilized by unattractive males, and that missing one reproductive period can lead to infertility. Thus it appears that females have promoted the exaggeration of a male trait that increases predation risk, remain choosy even when acceptable males are scarce, and pay a large cost when missing mating opportunities. A prediction from these results is that females enjoy substantial fitness benefits from mating with highly ornamented males, which override the occasional fatal costs of refusing to mate with sub–optimal males. One potential consequence of female selectivity and control over matings when males are scarce may be a reduced capability to colonize new habitats.  相似文献   

Sexual selection     
Competition over mates takes many forms and has far-reaching consequences for many organisms. Recent work suggests that relative reproductive rates of males and females, sperm competition and quality variation among mates affect the strength of sexual selection. Song, other display, body size, visual ornaments and material resource offerings are often sexually selected. There is much empirical evidence of mate choice, and its evolution is clarified by mathematical models. Recent advances in theory also consider costs of choice, effects of deleterious mutations, fast and slow evolution of preferences and preferred traits, and simultaneous preferences for several traits. Contests over mates are important; so is sperm competition, scrambles, endurance rivalry, and coercion. The latter mechanisms have received less attention than mate choice. Sexual selection may explain puzzling aspects of plant pollination biology.  相似文献   

Sexual selection unhandicapped by the Fisher process   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
A population genetic model of sexual selection is constructed in which, at equilibrium, males signal their quality by developing costly ornaments, and females pay costs to use the ornaments in mate choice. It is shown that the form of the equilibrium is uninfluenced by the Fisher process, that is, by self-reinforcement of female preferences. This is a working model of the handicap principle applied to sexual selection, and places Zahavi's handicap principle on the same logical footing as the Fisher process, in that each can support sexual selection without the presence of the other. A way of measuring the relative importance of the two processes is suggested that can be applied to both theories and facts. A style of modelling that allows simple genetics and complicated biology to be combined is recommended.  相似文献   

The theory of sexual selection explains sexual dimorphisms in ornaments used in mate choice. Mutual mate choice is a form of sexual selection that might explain sexually monomorphic ornamental traits. Under mutual mate choice, both sexes select partners based on the same ornament. We tested the mutual mate choice hypothesis in a mutually ornamented seabird, the king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus), through observations of the pair formation process in the field. Penguins that were ready to mate formed displaying pairs at the edge of the colony. Some of these pairs moved into the breeding colony and produced an egg (definitive pairs), while other pairs separated and often switched to another potential partner (temporary pairs). Colored ornaments were quantified using color vision modeling. We predicted that birds would mate assortatively by their elaborate ornamental traits (specifically, colors of beak spots, auricular patches of feathers, and breast patch of feathers). We also predicted that definitive pairs would exhibit more elaborate ornaments than temporary pairs. The mutual mate choice hypothesis was supported by assortative pairing for color of the beak spots, but not for color or size of the auricular patches or for the color of the breast patch. An alternative hypothesis was also consistent with our results, that female choice for a male ornamental trait and superior female condition associated with the same trait produced assortative pairing patterns. More UV‐ and yellow‐colored beak spots for females in definitive than temporary pairs supported the female choice hypothesis over the mutual mate choice hypothesis, but previous experimental results from altered beak spot colors supported the latter. Evidence to date thus supports both the mutual mate choice and female choice hypotheses.  相似文献   

Mate choice can lead to the evolution of sexual ornamentation. This idea rests on the assumption that individuals with more elaborate ornaments than competitors have higher reproductive success due to gaining greater control over mating decisions and resources provided by partners. Nevertheless, how the resources and quality of sexual partners that individuals gain access to are influenced by the ornamentation of rival individuals remains unclear. By experimentally concealing and subsequently revealing female ornaments to males, we confirm in the fowl, Gallus gallus, that female ornamentation influences male mating decisions. We further show, by manipulating the relative ornament size of females, that when females had larger ornaments than competitors they were more often preferred by males and obtained more sperm, especially from higher quality males, as measured by social status. Males may benefit by investing more sperm in females with larger ornaments as they were in better condition and produced heavier eggs. Female ornament size also decreased during incubation, providing a cue for males to avoid sexually unreceptive females. This study reveals how inter-sexual selection can lead to the evolution of female ornaments and highlights how the reproductive benefits gained from mate choice and bearing ornaments can be dependent upon social context.  相似文献   

Male mate choice in species with conventional sex roles is difficult to explain and has, therefore, been the focus of many recent theoretical models. These models have focused on variance in female quality and, to a lesser extent, male investments/costs associated with mating. In this study, we investigate the costs of courtship and copulation in the polygynous mosquito Sabethes cyaneus. In this species, both males and females possess elaborate ornaments. Previous studies suggest that the most likely explanation for the presence of these ornaments is mutual mate choice. Thus, this system provides an excellent model for exploring the evolution of mutual mate choice in polygynous species. We disentangle the costs of courtship and copulation by monitoring male survival in three groups of males: housed alone (group 1); able only to court females (group 2); or able to court and copulate with females (group 3). We show that males incur a cost of courtship and copulation and that courtship intensity is negatively related to male longevity. Our results suggest that courtship and copulation carry additive costs to males. We discuss the implications of these results in the context of current mutual mate choice theory and suggest that courtship costs may be an unappreciated key factor in the evolution of male mate choice.  相似文献   

We used controlled aviary experiments to study the role of male ornaments in male-male competition and female choice in the common yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas , a sexually dichromatic warbler. Previous aviary studies in Wisconsin, USA, indicated that males with larger black facial masks were dominant over males with smaller masks and preferred by females in mate choice experiments. In this study, we replicated those experiments in a population in New York, USA, where male mating success was related more consistently to the size of the yellow bib (throat, breast, and belly) than to the size of the mask. Similar to the study in Wisconsin, we found that males with larger masks were more likely to be dominant in New York, however, we found that males with larger bibs were preferred by females in New York, and there was no significant preference for males with larger masks. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that carotenoid-based ornaments are selected by female choice and melanin-based ornaments are selected by male-male competition. However, the pattern of female choice appears to vary between New York and Wisconsin. This geographic difference could be related to a variety of environmental factors (habitat, carotenoid and parasite abundance) that affect the costs and benefits of choosing males with particular ornaments in each location.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is now widely accepted as the main evolutionary explanation of extravagant male ornaments. By contrast, ornaments occurring in females have received little attention and often have been considered as nonadaptive, correlated effects of selection on males. However, recent comparative evidence suggests that female ornaments have evolved quite independently of male showiness. Also, new theoretical models predict that both male mate choice and female contest competition will occur under certain circumstances. This is supported by recent experimental studies. Thus, selection acting on females might be a widespread cause of female ornaments.  相似文献   

When multiple ornaments are expressed in both sexes, they are generally assumed to be maintained by mutual sexual selection and have a function in mate choice. In the Long‐tailed Finch Poephila acuticauda both sexes exhibit multiple ornaments that vary in their expression in either size (pintail and throat patch) or colour (bill) between individuals and sexes. We assessed whether these ornaments are maintained by mutual sexual selection by exploring whether individuals in a wild population paired assortatively with respect to these ornamental traits, and the degree to which the expression of these ornamental traits was indicative of reproductive success. We found no evidence of assortative pairing with respect to variation in homologous ornaments or body condition in the two sexes. In addition, we found no effect of ornament expression on the reproductive success of either males or females. Our findings suggest that the expression of these apparently ornamental traits in both sexes of this species may play no current role in mutual mate selection or as indicator traits of reproductive performance. We are currently unable to identify any function for these very elaborate ornaments in either sex of this species and suggest that the typical assumption that all such traits have an ornamental function may need further examination.  相似文献   

Sexual selection may be reduced by costs of mate choice suchas predation risk and energetic expense. Despite their theoreticalimportance, such costs have rarely been quantified or relatedto the quality of mate obtained. We performed such a study witha wild population of redlip blennies in Barbados. In this coralreef fish, females traveled 0.2–12 m from their feedingterritories to the territories of nesting males, where theyspawned and left their eggs in the males' care. Previous studieshave shown that larger and older males are better parents andare preferred by females. Here, we found that long-distancetrips by females were made primarily toward larger males, andthe extra distance traveled beyond the nearest male was correlatedwith the improvement in size of male obtained. Comparisons withfeeding budgets while the females remained on their home territoriessuggested that costs from lost time and energy were minor, andno predation attempts on females were observed. However, onlonger trips the females faced more aggressive attacks fromdamselfishes, whose territories they crossed. In contrast, noattacks were observed from damselfish when the blennies remainedon their own territories. These attacks appeared to be responsiblefor a greater incidence of scars on females than on males. Thisdifference between the sexes became more pronounced as spawningprogressed, and then decreased as females healed during thenonspawning interval. Thus, female blennies endure a cost ofinterspecific harassment which is correlated with the qualityof mate obtained. This cost may restrain sexual selection inthis species.  相似文献   

Little evidence of benefits from female mate choice has been found when males provide no parental care or resources. Yet, good genes models of sexual selection suggest that elaborated male sexual characters are reliable signals of mate quality and that the offspring of males with elaborate sexual ornaments will perform better than those of males with less elaborate ornaments. We used cod (Gadus morhua L.), an externally fertilizing species where males provide nothing but sperm, to examine the potential of optimal mate selection with respect to offspring survival. By applying in vitro fertilizations, we crossed eight females with nine males in all possible combinations and reared each of the 72 sib groups. We found that offspring survival was dependent on which female was mated with which male and that optimal mate selection has the potential to increase mean offspring survival from 31.9 to 55.6% (a 74% increase). However, the size of the male sexual ornaments and sperm quality (i.e. sperm velocity and sperm density) could not predict offspring survival. Thus, even if there may be large fitness benefits of mate selection, we might not yet have identified the male characteristics generating high offspring survival.  相似文献   

It has been a common perception of the ‘good genes’ mechanism of sexual selection that mating with males affording the most extreme sexual ornaments should benefit females by increasing the survival of their progeny. The ‘sexy son’ mechanism, however, stressed the enhanced reproduction of highly ornamented male progeny. A new model developed by Kokko et al. now shows that both mechanisms belong to the same continuum of indirect selection, but their relative weights can vary depending on the costs of mate choice.  相似文献   

Variation among females in mate choice may influence evolution by sexual selection. The genetic basis of this variation is of interest because the elaboration of mating preferences requires additive genetic variation in these traits. Here we measure the repeatability and heritability of two components of female choosiness (responsiveness and discrimination) and of female preference functions for the multiple ornaments borne by male guppies (Poecilia reticulata). We show that there is significant repeatable variation in both components of choosiness and in some preference functions but not in others. There appear to be several male ornaments that females find uniformly attractive and others for which females differ in preference. One consequence is that there is no universally attractive male phenotype. Only responsiveness shows significant additive genetic variation. Variation in responsiveness appears to mask variation in discrimination and some preference functions and may be the most biologically relevant source of phenotypic and genetic variation in mate-choice behavior. To test the potential evolutionary importance of the phenotypic variation in mate choice that we report, we estimated the opportunity for and the intensity of sexual selection under models of mate choice that excluded and that incorporated individual female variation. We then compared these estimates with estimates based on measured mating success. Incorporating individual variation in mate choice generally did not predict the outcome of sexual selection any better than models that ignored such variation.  相似文献   

Males of the small gobiid fish Eviota prasina have longer dorsal fins than females and use their dorsal fins for courtship displays and male-male competition. We examined the influence of male dorsal fin length as well as the frequency of courtship displays on female mate preference using sequential choice experiments. Females responded more frequently to courting males with longer dorsal fins than males with shorter dorsal fins. This indicates female mate preference on the basis of male dorsal fin length in this goby. In addition, the logistic regression analysis showed that male courtship frequency positively influenced female mate preference. Since males incur costs to produce and maintain longer dorsal fins and to perform frequent courtship displays, these secondary sexual traits may indicate the quality of physical characteristics. In E. prasina, only males conducted parental care for eggs in their nests. Therefore, females may be able to ensure greater survival rates as well as higher genetic quality of their offspring by choosing males with better qualities based on these male traits.  相似文献   

狼蛛科雄蛛附肢上多样化的饰装往往与求偶行为相偶联,这些特殊的饰装通常被认为是雌性选择的结果。拟环纹豹蛛Pardosa pseudoannulata,属狼蛛科豹蛛属,雄蛛触肢胫节密被白毛,跗舟密被黑毛,具有典型的性二型现象;同时,只有成熟的雄蛛才展现触肢黑白相间的毛饰物。推测拟环纹豹蛛雄蛛触肢这种黑白相间的毛饰物可能在物种识别中具重要作用。在室内我们拟通过涂抹操作对拟环纹豹蛛雄蛛触肢黑白相间毛饰物的功能进行分析。实验分为4组,分别是对照组(A组,雄蛛不做任何处理)、雄蛛触肢白色胫节全部涂成黑色(B组)、雄蛛触肢黑色跗舟全部涂成白色(C组)和雄蛛触肢的黑色跗舟被涂成黑色(D组),然后采用雌雄配对进行求偶交配行为测定。实验结果表明,B组雄蛛的交配成功率显著低于A、C和D组的雄蛛,而后3组雄蛛的交配成功率无显著差异。相反,B组雄蛛被雌蛛相食百分率显著高于其它3组。可见拟环纹豹蛛雄蛛触肢上黑白相间毛饰物,尤其是其胫节上的白色饰物在雌蛛种间识别中起重要作用。  相似文献   

It is well known that female mate choice decisions depend on the direct costs of choosing (either because of search costs or male-imposed costs). Far less is known about how direct fitness costs affect male mate choice. We conducted an experiment to investigate male mate choice in a fish, the Pacific blue-eye (Pseudomugil signifer). Preferred females were larger, probably because larger females are also more fecund. Males, however, were consistent in their choice of female only when the costs of associating with prospective mates were equal. By contrast, males were far less consistent in their choice when made to swim against a current to remain with their initially preferred mate. Our results suggest that males may also respond adaptively to changes in the costs of choosing.  相似文献   

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