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A. Chandran 《Hydrobiologia》1995,304(3):169-174
The structure and musculature of the mouth tube of the lernaeopodidIsobranchia appendiculata Heegaard is described in detail. Situated on the median eminence, the mouth tube appears to be lodged inside a median longitudinal groove on the ventral wall of the cephalothorax. The components of the mouth tube, the labrum and the labium are loosely held together along their lateral edges. The thin, transparent walls of both the labrum and the labium are reinforced by chitinous rods. The musculature of the mouth tube consists of two pairs ofretractores oris, four pairs ofcompressores labri and two pairs oflevatores labii. The mandibles are operated by a pair of antagonistic muscles, theroto adductor mandibulae androto abductor mandibulae. Like other lernaeopodids,I. appendiculata resorts to a browsing type of feeding.  相似文献   

The cuticle-lined foregut of Derocheilocaris remanei consists of the mouth with its associated labrum, and an undifferentiated esophagus. It is separated from the midgut by an esophageal valve. The labrum is a conspicuous structure moved by five pairs of muscles (four dorsoventral and one longitudinal). Four pairs of subcuticular glands open to its inner face forming two longitudinal, lateral rows of cuticular pores. Each secretory unit is composed of a glandular component (with one or two secretory cells), a neck cell, and a duct cell. In addition, a single gland cell opens mesially into the buccal cavity. The ventrally located mouth is a complex structure characterized by a filter-like system, a sensory organ, and epithelial cells with highly developed microvilli. The esophagus is a simple tube with a characteristic curvature following the mouth. It has a rounded cross section and a triradiate lumen. A layer of circular musculature surrounds this region. The end of the esophagus protrudes into the midgut lumen forming the so-called esophageal valve. The ultrastructural features of the foregut, with the presence of a mucus-trapping mechanism, a relatively well-developed filter system and associated structures and an esophagus lacking glands confirm the microphagic feeding habits of mystacocarids. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary A whole-mount fluorescence technique using rhodamine-labeled phalloidin was used to demonstrate for the first time the whole muscle system of a free-living plathelminth, Macrostomum hystricinum marinum. As expected, the body-wall musculature consisted of circular, longitudinal, and diagonal fibers over the trunk. Also distinct were the musculature of the gut and of the mouth and pharynx (circular, longitudinal, and radial). Dorsoventral fibers where restricted in this species to the head and tail regions. Circular muscle fibers in the body wall were often grouped into bands of up to four parallel strands. Surprisingly, diagonal fibers formed two distinct sets, one dorsal and one ventral. Certain diagonal muscle fibers entered the wall of the mouth and were continuous with some longitudinal muscles of the pharynx. Dorsoventral fibers in the rostrum occurred partly in regularly spaced pairs, a fact not known for free-living Plathelminthes. All muscle fibers appeared to be mononucleated. During postembryonic development, the number of circular muscle fibers can be estimated to increase by a factor of 3.5 and that of longitudinal muscles by a factor of 2. Apparently as many as 700–800 circular muscle cells must be added in the region of the gut alone during postembryonic development. Stem cells (neoblasts), identified by TEM in the caudalmost region of the gut, lie along the lateral nerve cords. In the same body region most perikarya of circular muscle cells occurred in a similar position. This suggests that the nucleus-containing part of the cell remains in the position where differentiation starts.  相似文献   

The Polynemidae is a family of primarily marine fishes with eight genera and 42 extant species. Many aspects of their morphology are largely unknown, with few reports about their osteology and barely any information on their myology. This paper describes and illustrates in detail all facial and branchial muscles of representative species of polynemids. Our analysis demonstrates the existence of several remarkable and previously unknown specializations in the polynemid musculature. The aponeurotic and completely independent origin of the pars promalaris of the adductor mandibulae is apparently unique among percomorphs. The differentiation of this section into lateral and medial subsections; the total separation of the promalaris from the retromalaris; the differentiation of the pars primordialis of the levator arcus palatini into external and internal subsections are also uncommon features of polynemids that are shared by sciaenids, thus supporting the hypothesis of a closer relationship between these families.  相似文献   

Abstract. The body-wall and visceral musculature of Notholca acuminata was visualized using phalloidin-linked fluorescent dye under confocal laser scanning microscopy. The body-wall musculature includes dorsal, lateral, and ventral pairs of longitudinally oriented body retractor muscles, two pairs of head retractors, three pairs of incomplete circular muscles, which are modified into dorso-ventral muscles, and a single pair of dorsolateral muscles. The visceral musculature consists of a complex of thick muscles associated with the mastax, as well as several sets of delicate fibers associated with the corona, stomach, gut, and cloaca, including thin longitudinal gut fibers and viscero-cloacal fibers, never before reported in other species of rotifers. The dorsal, lateral, and ventral retractor muscles and the incomplete circular muscles associated with the body wall appear to be apomorphies for the Rotifera. Muscle-revealing staining shows promise for providing additional information on previously unrecognized complexity in rotifer musculature that will be useful in functional morphology and phylogenetic analyses.  相似文献   

The muscular system of the marine interstitial gastrotrich Draculiciteria tessalata (Chaetonotida, Paucitubulatina) was analyzed with fluorescent phalloidin. Muscles in circular, longitudinal, helicoidal and dorsoventral orientations were found. Circular muscles were present as discreet rings on the pharynx only. Five pairs of longitudinal muscles were found in dorsal, lateral and ventral positions. One of the two pairs of lateral muscles is newly described for the species. Helicoidal muscles, external to the circular muscles and some longitudinal bands, spiraled around the pharynx and anterior portion of the intestine. Two pairs of segmentally-arranged dorsoventral muscles were also present. Lateral dorsoventral muscles extended from the base of the pharynx to the anterior part of the caudal furca. Medial dorsoventral muscles extended from the pharyngeal-intestinal junction into each ramus of the caudal furca. A hypothesis on the evolution of dorsoventral muscles in D. tessalata is proposed which includes a splitting of circular muscles into separate somatic and splanchnic components with a further displacement of both muscle sets into a dorsoventral orientation.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of the Ectoprocta within the Lophotrochozoa is discussed controversially. For gaining more insight into ectoproct relationships and comparing it with other potentially related phyla, we analysed the myoanatomy and serotonergic nervous system of adult representatives of the Phylactolaemata (Plumatella emarginata, Plumatellavaihiriae, Plumatella fungosa, Fredericella sultana). The bodywall contains a mesh of circular and longitudinal muscles. On its distal end, the orifice possesses a prominent sphincter and continues into the vestibular wall, which has longitudinal and circular musculature. The tentacle sheath carries mostly longitudinal muscle fibres in Plumatella sp., whereas F. sultana also possesses regular circular muscle fibres. Three groups of muscles are associated with the lophophore: 1) Lophophoral arm muscles (missing in Fredericella), 2) epistome musculature and 3) tentacle musculature. The epistome flap is encompassed by smooth muscle fibres. A few fibres extend medially over the ganglion to its proximal floor. Abfrontal tentacle muscles have diagonally arranged muscle fibres in their proximal region, whereas the distal region is formed by a stack of muscles that resemble an inverted ‘V’. Frontal tentacle muscles show more variation and either possess one or two bases. The digestive tract possesses circular musculature which is striated except at the intestine where it is composed of smooth muscle fibres. The serotonergic nervous system is concentrated in the cerebral ganglion. From the latter a serotonergic nerve extends to each tentacle base. In Plumatella the inner row of tentacles at the lophophoral concavity lacks serotonergic nerves. Bodywall musculature is a common feature in many lophotrochozoan phyla, but among other filter feeders like the Ectoprocta is only present in the ‘lophophorate’ Phoronida. The longitudinal tentacle musculature is reminiscent of the condition found in phoronids and brachiopods, but differs to entoproct tentacles. Although this study shows some support for the ‘Lophophorata’, more comparative analyses of possibly related phyla are required. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent investigations have suggested that a lack of circular muscle fibers may be a common situation rather than a rare exception in polychaetes. As part of a comparative survey of polychaete muscle systems, the F-actin musculature subset of Magelona cf. mirabilis and Prionospio cirrifera were labeled with phalloidin and three-dimensionally analyzed and reconstructed by means of cLSM. Obvious similarities are sublongitudinal lateral, circumbuccal, palp retractor, dominating dorsal longitudinal, perpendicular lateral and ventral transverse muscles. Differences between M. cf. mirabilis and P. cirrifera are: (1) two types of prostomial muscles (transversal and longitudinal) in M. cf. mirabilis versus one type (diagonal) in P. cirrifera; (2) one type of palp muscles (longitudinal) in M. cf. mirabilis versus three types (longitudinal, diagonal, circular) in P. cirrifera; (3) five ventral longitudinal muscles (ventromedian, paramedian, ventral) in M. cf. mirabilis versus four (two paramedian, two ventral) in P. cirrifera. Ventral and lateral transverse fibers are present in the thorax, but absent in the abdomen of M. cf. mirabilis. The triangular lumen of the pharynx in M. cf. mirabilis is surrounded by radial muscle fibers; three sets of pharynx diductors attach to its dorsal side. The unique features of P. cirrifera are one pair of brain muscles and segmentally arranged dorsal transverse muscles, the latter located outside the longitudinal muscles. The transverse lateral muscles are restricted to the sides and lie beneath the longitudinal muscles, a pattern described here for the first time. A true, outer layer of circular fibers is absent in both species of Spionida that were investigated.  相似文献   

Inserting on the buccal and esophageal foregut of Gammarus minus are numerous pairs of serially arranged dorsal dilator muscles, a single pair of lateral muscles, and two pairs of posterior muscles. Muscles of the cardiac stomach include three dorsal sets, a single pair associated with the pterocardiac ossicles, and two pairs inserting on the ventral aspect. A single pair of muscles inserts on the lateral aspect of the pyloric stomach. The extrinsic muscles of the foregut originate from exoskeletal apodemes of the cephalothoracic cuticle, sockets of the mandible, and a maxillary bridge that lies just ventral to the cardiac stomach. The extrinsic musculature of the hindgut is restricted to the rectal region and consists of paired dorsal and ventral series in an X-configuration. A single unpaired muscle inserts on the ventral midline. Extrinsic muscles of the hindgut originate from the integument of the last pleonic segment. The general arrangement of extrinsic gut muscles in G. minus is similar but not identical to that of other amphipods studied. However, the pattern is quite different from that of other malacostracans.  相似文献   

The ventral musculature of Convolutriloba longifissura (Acoela) has been studied using electron microscopy and fluorescently labeled whole mounts to demonstrate filamentous actin. Attention was directed to the reorganization and renewal of musculature during asexual reproduction and the adaptation of muscle sets for special predatory behavior. Three ventral subepidermal muscle layers could be distinguished in adult C. longifissura: (1) outer circular muscles that encircle the body, (2) intermediate modified longitudinal muscles with concentric pattern around the mouth and V-shaped orientation in the posterior part of the animal, and (3) inner special pore muscles with radial alignment fanning out from the mouth. Additionally, a few very fragile muscles were found at the anterior margin of the animal. The anterior ventral muscle system built a funnel with the mouth opening as organizing center. The special radial muscles and the antagonistically concentric muscles are perfectly adapted to catch prey in such a way that the funnel is put over the prey to press it through the mouth into the digestive syncytium. Convolutriloba longifissura shows a unique way of asexual reproduction by a two-step fission which results in three individuals. Immediately after separation from the mother animal, daughter individuals are missing the concentric and the radial muscle sets around the mouth completely, but within 30 h these sets are renewed for the most part. Two to three days after separation, the mouth opening is visible and the animals move for capturing prey. The peculiar course of longitudinal muscles in C. longifissura with concentric rings anteriorly and a V-shape muscle layer posteriorly shows that the pattern of body-wall musculature in such basal Plathelminthes as the Acoela may be highly modified from the original pattern of longitudinal and circular muscles.  相似文献   

The external morphology, musculature, and the innervation of the abdominal segments were examined in larvae and adult Tenebrio molitor. In the larva, there are 26 pairs of muscles arranged at four different levels in the ventral, lateral, and dorsal region of each segment. In the adult, the number of muscles has been dramatically reduced and is limited to six pairs of muscles located at the dorsal and lateral region of the segment. These muscles, in either larval or adult stages, are innervated by two main nerves, n1 and n2, which originate from the segmental ganglia. The cell bodies of the motoneurons innervating the muscles of the 3rd abdominal segment are located in the 3rd and 2nd abdominal ganglia. Some cell bodies are retained throughout metamorphosis, but others disappear during the larva-pupa transition.  相似文献   

Musculature of two species of rotifers Testudinella patina (Testudinellidae) and Platyias patulus (Brachiomidae) was studied in confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) using fluorescent-labeled phalloidin. It includes cutaneous, visceral, and cutaneus-visceral musculature. The common pattern of structure of the cutaneous musculature is represented by postcoronal circular or transverse muscles and connected with them 2–3 pairs of retractors of the trunk, dorsolateral muscles (17-4), two pairs or bundles of lateral retractors of the corona, circular muscles of the foot, and 10-2 retractors of the foot. Visceral musculature includes muscles of the mastax of both kinds. Spiral-like muscle of cloaca of the T. patina and associated with it V-shaped one as well as strong dorsolateral retractors consisting of 6 longitudinal muscle bundles are typical of Testudinellidae only. Three pairs of cutaneus-visceral muscles bind the musculature of mastax with the body surface in T. patina. Differences in localization and thickness of some elements of musculature of these species are determined by morphological peculiarities of structure of the corona, mastax, and foot, as well as by the rotifer body shape.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of freshwater pulmonates (Hygrophila) has been in a fluid state warranting the search for new morphological criteria that may show congruence with molecular phylogenetic data. We examined the muscle arrangement in the penial complex (penis and penis sheath) of most major groups of freshwater pulmonates to explore to which extent the copulatory musculature can serve as a source of phylogenetic information for Hygrophila. The penises of Acroloxus lacustris (Acroloxidae), Radix auricularia (Lymnaeidae), and Physella acuta (Physidae) posses inner and outer layers of circular muscles and an intermediate layer of longitudinal muscles. The inner and outer muscle layers in the penis of Biomphalaria glabrata consist of circular muscles, but this species has two intermediate longitudinal layers separated by a lacunar space, which is crossed by radial and transverse fibers. The muscular wall of the penis of Planorbella duryi is composed of transverse and longitudinal fibers, with circular muscles as the outer layer. In Planorbidae, the penial musculature consists of inner and outer layers of longitudinal muscles and an intermediate layer of radial muscles. The penis sheath shows more variation in muscle patterns: its muscular wall has two layers in A. lacustris, P. acuta, and P. duryi, three layers in R. auricularia and Planorbinae and four layers in B. glabrata. To trace the evolution of the penial musculature, we mapped the muscle characters on a molecular phylogeny constructed from the concatenated 18S and mtCOI data set. The most convincing synapomorphies were found for Planorbinae (inner and outer penis layers of longitudinal muscles, three-layered wall of the penis sheath). A larger clade coinciding with Planorbidae is defined by the presence of radial muscles and two longitudinal layers in the penis. The comparative analysis of the penial musculature appears to be a promising tool in unraveling the phylogeny of Hygrophila.  相似文献   

Kajihara  Hiroshi  Gibson  Ray  Mawatari  Shunsuke F. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,456(1-3):187-198
A new genus and species of monostiliferous hoplonemertean, Diopsonemertes acanthocephala gen. et sp. nov., is described from Otsuchi Bay, Japan. Significant anatomical features of the new form include a body wall longitudinal musculature anteriorly divided into inner and outer layers by connective tissue, no pre-cerebral septum, the presence of a thin coat of diagonal muscle fibres between the body wall longitudinal and circular muscle layers in the foregut body region, cephalic retractor muscles derived only from the inner portion of the divided longitudinal muscles and a rhynchocoel more than half the body length.  相似文献   

Recently several conflicting hypotheses concerning the basal phylogenetic relationships within the Phasmatodea (stick and leaf insects) have emerged. In previous studies, musculature of the abdomen proved to be quite informative for identifying basal taxa among Phasmatodea and led to conclusions regarding the basal splitting events within the group. However, this character complex was not studied thoroughly for a representative number of species, and usually muscle innervation was omitted. In the present study the musculature and nerve topography of mid-abdominal segments in both sexes of seven phasmid species are described and compared in detail for the first time including all putative basal taxa, e.g. members of Timema, Agathemera, Phylliinae, Aschiphasmatinae and Heteropteryginae. The ground pattern of the muscle and nerve arrangement of mid-abdominal segments, i.e. of those not modified due to association with the thorax or genitalia, is reconstructed. In Timema, the inner ventral longitudinal muscles are present, whereas they are lost in all remaining Phasmatodea (Euphasmatodea). The ventral longitudinal muscles in the abdomen of Agathemera, which span the whole length of each segment, do not represent the plesiomorphic condition as previously assumed, but might be a result of secondary elongation of the external ventral longitudinal muscles. Sexual dimorphism, common within the Phasmatodea, also applies to the muscle arrangement in the abdomen of some species. Only in the females of Haaniella dehaanii (Heteropteryginae) and Phyllium celebicum (Phylliinae) the ventral external longitudinal muscles are elongated and span the length of the whole segment, possibly as a result of convergent evolution.  相似文献   

By combining phalloidin‐TRITC staining with confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM), the pattern of the musculature in two species of Rotifera, Euchlanis dilatata unisetata and Brachionus quadridentatus is revealed. The same general muscle pattern prevails in both species. The major components of the body wall musculature are: 1. retractor muscles (5 pairs in E. dilatata unisetata and 3 pairs in B. quadridentatus); 2. Two pairs of dorso‐ventral muscles; 3. Two pairs of perpendicular muscles (in E. dilatata unisetata); 4. retractors of the corona (median, lateral and ventral); 5. Foot retractors. In addition, three pairs of cutaneo‐visceral muscles and visceral muscles (including mastax muscles) are described. The sphincter of the corona was found only in B. quadridentatus. The high degree of muscle differentiation points to a high level of development of rotifer muscular system.  相似文献   

The organisation of the praesoma in the parasite Acanthocephalus anguillae was studied on the light and electron microscopic level, with emphasis on the morphology of the musculature. The study was compiled to add new data to the ground pattern of the Acanthocephala for analysis of the phylogenetic relationships within the Gnathifera. In A. anguillae the praesomal epidermis and lemnisci form a coherent syncytium, separated from the epidermis of the trunk. Hooks are seen to be derivatives of the subepidermal basal lamina and are covered by the praesomal epidermis. The praesomal circular body wall musculature forms a network of anastomosing muscle fibres that lines the proboscis; a praesomal longitudinal body wall musculature does not exist. The truncal circular and longitudinal body wall musculature rise up to the praesomal proboscis. The unpaired proboscis retractor, consisting of longitudinal circomyar fibres, forms an outer and an inner concentric tube; the latter extends through the entire praesoma and penetrates the receptacle wall. The sack-like receptacle is surrounded by a receptacle constrictor. The nervous system of the praesoma consists of a prominent cerebral ganglion, three nerves which extend anteriorly, ramify and end within the praesomal musculature, and two strong lateral posterior nerves. A. anguillae lacks an apical organ, lateral organs and a support cell. Many of the features present in the praesoma of A. anguillae can be assumed as ground-pattern characteristics of the Acanthocephala. Accepted: 22 January 2001  相似文献   

Musculature and nervous system of Gnathostomula peregrina (Gnathostomulida, Scleroperalia) were reconstructed from whole animals by immunohistochemistry and confocal laser scanning microscopy. The F-actin muscular subset, stained with FITC-labeled phalloidin, consists of: (1) eleven pairs (four ventral, one ventrolateral, one dorsolateral, five dorsal) of longitudinal muscles; (2) two types of diagonal muscles (thin fibers throughout the body, and slightly thicker fibers of which seven pairs occur ventrally and two pairs dorsally); (3) evenly spaced thin circular fibers that gird the posterior half of the body, continuing less prominently into the anterior half; and (4) a complex pharyngeal and genital musculature. Dorsoventral muscles are absent. The organization of the FMRFamidergic nervous system shows: (1) a central nervous system with a frontal ganglion and one pair of longitudinal nerves ending in a terminal commissure, and one median ventral nerve; (2) eight to ten unipolar perikarya above, and up to ten bipolar perikarya in front of the brain; (3) a total of five (one unpaired, two paired) longitudinal nerves of the peripheral nervous system with two to four accompanying perikarya; and (4) a buccal ganglion of the stomatogastric nervous system with six to eight perikarya above the pharyngeal bulbus. Our results reveal the musculature and nervous system of Gnathostomula to be more complex than hitherto reported.  相似文献   

Nemertodermatida is a small taxon of marine worm-like animals; its position in the tree of life is highly contested. The musculature of Nemertoderma westbladi and Meara stichopi is studied here in detail using fluorescent phalloidin and confocal microscopy. In both species, the musculature is composed of an outer layer of circular and an inner layer of longitudinal musculature, diagonal muscles form a distinct layer in N. westbladi, but in M. stichopi these fibres connect to both other layers. The supraterminally opening male pore and antrum are formed by invagination of the whole body-wall in both species, and the seminal vesicle is lined by a thin net of musculature only in full male maturity. Modifications of the ventral body-wall adjacent to the mouth are small and transient in N. westbladi including no extra musculature, whereas it consists of additional strong U-shaped musculature in M. stichopi. Myogenesis in N. westbladi is not finished in hatchlings and will be completed dorsally in juvenile specimens and ventrally in male mature ones, after the loss of the mouth. Musculature between the two species differs considerably and might give insights into the internal relationships of Nemertodermatida and might prove to be useful in studies investigating their phylogenetic position. More data of other species and developmental changes are needed.  相似文献   

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