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Cyclin(-D-)-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitors of the Ink4 family specifically bind to Cdk4 and Cdk6, but not to other Cdks. Ink4c and Ink4d mRNAs are maximally and periodically expressed during the G2/M phase of the cell division cycle, but the abundance of their encoded proteins is regulated through distinct mechanisms. Both proteins undergo polyubiquitination, but the half life of p18Ink4c (~10 hours) is much longer than that of p19Ink4d (~2.5 hours). Lysines 46 and 112 are preferred sites of ubiquitin conjugation in p18Ink4c, although substitution of these and other lysine residues with arginine, particularly in combination, triggers protein misfolding and accelerates p18Ink4c degradation. When tethered to either catalytically active or inactive Cdk4 or Cdk6, polyubiquitination of p18Ink4c is inhibited, and the protein is further stabilized. Conversely, in competing with p18Ink4c for binding to Cdks, cyclin D1 accelerates p18Ink4c turnover. In direct contrast, polyubiquitination of p19Ink4d is induced by its association with Cdks, whereas cyclin D1 overexpression retards p19Ink4d degradation. Although it has been generally assumed that p18Ink4c and p19Ink4d are biochemically similar Cdk inhibitors, the major differences in their stability and turnover are likely key to understanding their distinct biological functions.  相似文献   

Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most common malignant pediatric brain tumor which is thought to originate from cerebellar granule cell precursors (CGNPs) that fail to properly exit the cell cycle and differentiate. Although mutations in the Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signaling pathway occur in ~30% of cases, genetic alterations that account for MB formation in most patients have not yet been identified. We recently determined that the cyclin D-dependent kinase inhibitor, p18Ink4c, is expressed as CGNPs exit the cell cycle, suggesting that this protein might play a central role in arresting the proliferation of these cells and in timing their subsequent migration and differentiation. In mice, disruption of Ink4c collaborates independently with loss of p53 or with inactivation of the gene (Ptc1) encoding the Shh receptor, Patched, to induce MB formation. Whereas loss of both Ink4c alleles is required for MB formation in a p53-null background, Ink4c is haplo-insufficient for tumor suppression in a Ptc1+/- background. Moreover, MBs derived from Ptc1+/- mice that lack one or two Ink4c alleles retain wild-type p53. Methylation of the INK4C (CDKN2C) promoter and complete loss of p18INK4C protein expression were detected in a significant fraction of human MBs again pointing toward a role for INK4C in suppression of MB formation.  相似文献   

The INK4 family of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors negatively regulates cyclin D-dependent CDK4 and CDK6 and induces the growth-suppressive function of Rb family proteins. Mutations in the Cdk4 gene conferring INK4 resistance are associated with familial and sporadic melanoma in humans and result in a wide spectrum of tumors in mice, suggesting that INK4 is a major regulator of CDK4. Mice lacking the Cdk4 gene exhibit various defects in many organs associated with hypocellularity, whereas loss of the p18(Ink4c) gene results in widespread hyperplasia and organomegaly. To genetically test the notion that the function of INK4 is dependent on CDK4, we generated p18; Cdk4 double-mutant mice and examined the organs and tissues which developed abnormalities when either gene is deleted. We show here that, in all organs we have examined, including pituitary, testis, pancreas, kidney, and adrenal gland, hyperproliferative phenotypes associated with p18 loss were canceled. The double-mutant mice exhibited phenotypes very close to or indistinguishable from that of Cdk4 single-mutant mice. Mice lacking p27(Kip1) develop widespread hyperplasia and organomegaly similar to those developed by p18-deficient mice. The p27; Cdk4 double-mutant mice, however, displayed phenotypes intermediate between those of p27 and Cdk4 single-mutant mice. These results provide genetic evidence that in mice p18(Ink4c) and p27(Kip1) mediate the transduction of different cell growth and proliferation signals to CDK4 and that p18(Ink4c) is functionally dependent on CDK4.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor p53, and the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor Ink4c, have been both implicated in spermatogenesis control. Both p53-/- and Ink4c-/- single knockout male mice are fertile, despite testicular hypertrophy, Leydig cell differentiation defect, and increased sperm count in Ink4c-/- males. To investigate their collaborative roles, we studied p53-/- Ink4c-/- dual knockout animals, and found that male p53-/- Ink4c-/- mice have profoundly reduced fertility. Dual knockout male mice show a marked decrease in sperm count, abnormal sperm morphology and motility, prolongation of spermatozoa proliferation and delay of meiosis entry, and accumulation of DNA damage. Genetic studies showed that the effects of p53 loss on fertility are independent of its downstream effector Cdkn1a. Absence of p53 also partially reverses the hyperplasia seen upon Ink4c loss, and normalizes the Leydig cell differentiation defect. These results implicate p53 in mitigating both the delayed entry into meiosis and the secondary apoptotic response that occur in the absence of Ink4c. We conclude that the cell cycle genes p53 and Ink4c collaborate in sperm cell development and differentiation, and may be important candidates to investigate in human male infertility conditions.  相似文献   

Myogenic differentiation is characterized by permanent and irreversible cell cycle withdrawal and increased resistance to apoptosis. These functions correlate with changes in expression and activity of several cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, including p18, p21, and p27. In this study, we examined the requirements for p18, p21, and p27 in initiating growth arrest in multinucleated myotubes under differentiation conditions and in maintaining terminal arrest upon restimulation of differentiated myotubes with mitogenic signals. Under differentiation conditions, only p27(-/-) or p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotubes are capable of reentering the cell cycle and synthesizing DNA at a very low frequency. Escape from cell cycle arrest was significantly greater in p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotubes than in p27(-/-) myotubes. Stimulation of differentiated cultures with a mitogen-rich growth medium enhances p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotube proliferation to encompass approximately half of the nuclei. p18(-/-)p21(-/-) and p21(-/-)p27(-/-) myotubes remain terminally arrested. Nuclei within individual restimulated p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotubes can be found in all phases of the cell cycle, and a myotube can be multiphasic without any obvious deleterious effects. Increasing the time of differentiation or serum stimulation of p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotubes neither increases the proliferation index of the myotube nuclei, nor does it alter the percentage of nuclei in each of the cell cycle phases. During the first 24 h of serum stimulation, the p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotube nuclei that escape G0 arrest will rearrest in either S or G2 phase, without either mitosis or endoreplication. Apoptosis is increased in restimulated p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotube nuclei, but is not specific for any cell cycle phase. These results suggest a collaborative role for p18 and p27 in initiating and maintaining G0 arrest during myogenic differentiation. While p18 and p27 appear to be essential in initiating G0 arrest in a proportion of postmitotic myotube nuclei, there must be another cell cycle inhibitor protein that functions with p18 and p27 in maintaining terminal arrest. We propose that the combined rate-limiting expressions of p18, p27, and this other inhibitor determine whether the myotube nuclei will remain postmitotic, or reenter the cell cycle, and if the nuclei escape G0 arrest, in which phase of the cell cycle the nuclei will ultimately rearrest.  相似文献   

Male mice lacking both the Ink4c and Ink4d genes, which encode two inhibitors of D-type cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks), are infertile, whereas female fecundity is unaffected. Both p18(Ink4c) and p19(Ink4d) are expressed in the seminiferous tubules of postnatal wild-type mice, being largely confined to postmitotic spermatocytes undergoing meiosis. Their combined loss is associated with the delayed exit of spermatogonia from the mitotic cell cycle, leading to the retarded appearance of meiotic cells that do not properly differentiate and instead undergo apoptosis at an increased frequency. As a result, mice lacking both Ink4c and Ink4d produce few mature sperm, and the residual spermatozoa have reduced motility and decreased viability. Whether or not Ink4d is present, animals lacking Ink4c develop hyperplasia of interstitial testicular Leydig cells, which produce reduced levels of testosterone. The anterior pituitary of fertile mice lacking Ink4c or infertile mice doubly deficient for Ink4c and Ink4d produces normal levels of luteinizing hormone (LH). Therefore, the failure of Leydig cells to produce testosterone is not secondary to defects in LH production, and reduced testosterone levels do not account for infertility in the doubly deficient strain. By contrast, Ink4d-null or double-null mice produce elevated levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Because Ink4d-null mice are fertile, increased FSH production by the anterior pituitary is also unlikely to contribute to the sterility observed in Ink4c/Ink4d double-null males. Our data indicate that p18(Ink4c) and p19(Ink4d) are essential for male fertility. These two Cdk inhibitors collaborate in regulating spermatogenesis, helping to ensure mitotic exit and the normal meiotic maturation of spermatocytes.  相似文献   

p18(INK4c) is a member of the INK4 family of proteins that regulate the G(1) to S cell cycle transition by binding to and inhibiting the pRb kinase activity of cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6. The p16(INK4a) member of the INK4 protein family is altered in a variety of cancers and structure-function studies of the INK4 proteins reveal that the vast majority of missense tumor-derived p16(INK4a) mutations reduce protein thermodynamic stability. Based on this observation, we used p18(INK4c) as a model to test the proposal that INK4 proteins with increased stability might have enhanced cell cycle inhibitory activity. Structure-based mutagenesis was used to prepare p18(INK4c) mutant proteins with a predicted increase in stability. Using this approach, we report the generation of three mutant p18(INK4C) proteins, F71N, F82Q, and F92N, with increased stability toward thermal denaturation of which the F71N mutant also showed an increased stability to chemical denaturation. The x-ray crystal structures of the F71N, F82Q, and F92N p18INK4C mutant proteins were determined to reveal the structural basis for their increased stability properties. Significantly, the F71N mutant also showed enhanced CDK6 interaction and cell cycle inhibitory activity in vivo, as measured using co-immunoprecipitation and transient transfection assays, respectively. These studies show that a structure-based approach to increase the thermodynamic stability of INK4 proteins can be exploited to prepare more biologically active molecules with potential applications for the development of molecules to treat p16(INK4a)-mediated cancers.  相似文献   

The cyclin‐dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitor p16Ink4a (p16) is a canonical mediator of cellular senescence and accumulates in aging tissues, where it constrains proliferation of some progenitor cells. However, whether p16 induction in tissues is sufficient to inhibit cell proliferation, mediate senescence, and/or impose aging features has remained unclear. To address these issues, we generated transgenic mice that permit conditional p16 expression. Broad induction at weaning inhibited proliferation of intestinal transit‐amplifying and Lgr5+ stem cells and rapidly imposed features of aging, including hair loss, skin wrinkling, reduced body weight and subcutaneous fat, an increased myeloid fraction in peripheral blood, poor dentition, and cataracts. Aging features were observed with multiple combinations of p16 transgenes and transactivators and were largely abrogated by a germline Cdk4 R24C mutation, confirming that they reflect Cdk inhibition. Senescence markers were not found, and de‐induction of p16, even after weeks of sustained expression, allowed rapid recovery of intestinal cell proliferation and reversal of aging features in most mice. These results suggest that p16‐mediated inhibition of Cdk activity is sufficient to inhibit cell proliferation and impose aging features in somatic tissues of mammals and that at least some of these aging features are reversible.  相似文献   

Posttranslational modification of a protein by ubiquitin usually results in rapid degradation of the ubiquitinated protein by the proteasome. The transfer of ubiquitin to substrate is a multistep process. Cdc4p is a component of a ubiquitin ligase that tethers the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Cdc34p to its substrates. Among the domains of Cdc4p that are crucial for function are the F-box, which links Cdc4p to Cdc53p through Skp1p, and the WD-40 repeats, which are required for binding the substrate for Cdc34p. In addition to Cdc4p, other F-box proteins, including Grr1p and Met30p, may similarly act together with Cdc53p and Skp1p to function as ubiquitin ligase complexes. Because the relative abundance of these complexes, known collectively as SCFs, is important for cell viability, we have sought evidence of mechanisms that modulate F-box protein regulation. Here we demonstrate that the abundance of Cdc4p is subject to control by a peptide segment that we term the R-motif (for "reduced abundance"). Furthermore, we show that binding of Skp1p to the F-box of Cdc4p inhibits R-motif-dependent degradation of Cdc4p. These results suggest a general model for control of SCF activities.  相似文献   

Mutant mice lacking both cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors p18(Ink4c) and p27(Kip1) develop a tumor spectrum reminiscent of human multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndromes. To determine how p18 and p27 genetically interact with Men1, the tumor suppressor gene mutated in familial MEN1, we characterized p18-Men1 and p27-Men1 double mutant mice. Compared with their corresponding single mutant littermates, the p18(-/-); Men1(+/-) mice develop tumors at an accelerated rate and with an increased incidence in the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, and pancreas. In the pituitary and pancreatic islets, phosphorylation of the retinoblastoma (Rb) protein at both CDK2 and CDK4/6 sites was increased in p18(-/-) and Men1(+/-) cells and was further increased in p18(-/-); Men1(+/-) cells. The remaining wild-type Men1 allele was lost in most tumors from Men1(+/-) mice but was retained in most tumors from p18(-/-); Men1(+/-) mice. Combined mutations of p27(-/-) and Men1(+/-), in contrast, did not exhibit noticeable synergistic stimulation of Rb kinase activity, cell proliferation, and tumor growth. These results demonstrate that functional collaboration exists between p18 and Men1 and suggest that Men1 may regulate additional factor(s) that interact with p18 and p27 differently.  相似文献   

Interactions between Nodal/Activin and Fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) signalling pathways have long been thought to play an important role in mesoderm formation. However, the molecular and cellular processes underlying these interactions have remained elusive. Here, we address the epistatic relationships between Nodal and Fgf pathways during early embryogenesis in zebrafish. First, we find that Fgf signalling is required downstream of Nodal signals for inducing the Nodal co-factor One-eyed-pinhead (Oep). Thus, Fgf is likely to be involved in the amplification and propagation of Nodal signalling during early embryonic stages. This could account for the previously described ability of Fgf to render cells competent to respond to Nodal/Activin signals. In addition, overexpression data shows that Fgf8 and Fgf3 can take part in this process. Second, combining zygotic mutations in ace/fgf8 and oep disrupts mesoderm formation, a phenotype that is not produced by either mutation alone and is consistent with our model of an interdependence of Fgf8 and Nodal pathways through the genetic regulation of the Nodal co-factor Oep and the cell propagation of Nodal signalling. Moreover, mesodermal cell populations are affected differentially by double loss-of-function of Zoep;ace. Most of the dorsal mesoderm undergoes massive cell death by the end of gastrulation, in contrast to either single-mutant phenotype. However, some mesoderm cells are still able to undergo myogenic differentiation in the anterior trunk of Zoep;ace embryos, revealing a morphological transition at the level of somites 6-8. Further decreasing Oep levels by removing maternal oep products aggravates the mesodermal defects in double mutants by disrupting the fate of the entire mesoderm. Together, these results demonstrate synergy between oep and fgf8 that operates with regional differences and is involved in the induction, maintenance, movement and survival of mesodermal cell populations.  相似文献   

Connections between growth and the cell cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To maintain a constant size during cellular proliferation, a cell's growth rate must match its rate of division. Factors that govern proliferation must therefore coordinately regulate two distinct processes: the cellular biosynthesis that drives accumulation of mass, and progression through the cell division cycle. Recent work has identified several mechanisms which couple cell division to growth. Different mechanisms are used at different times during development to coordinate growth, cell division, and patterning.  相似文献   

p63/p73 in the control of cell cycle and cell death   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The p53 family apparently derives from a common ancient ancestor that dates back over a billion years, whose function was protecting the germ line from DNA damage. p63 and p73 would maintain this function through evolution while acquiring novel roles in controlling proliferation and differentiation of various tissues. p53 on the other hand would appear in early vertebrates to protect somatic cells from DNA damage with similar mechanism used by its siblings to protect germ line cells. For the predominant role played by p53 mutations in cancer this was the first family member to be identified and soon became one of the most studied genes. Its siblings were identified almost 20 years later and interestingly enough their ancestral function as guardians of the germ-line was one of the last to be identified. In this review we shortly summarize the current knowledge on the structure and function of p63 and p73.  相似文献   

The steroid hormone progesterone regulates proliferation and differentiation in the mammary gland and uterus by cell cycle phase-specific actions. The long-term effect of progestins on T-47D breast cancer cells is inhibition of cellular proliferation. This is accompanied by decreased G(1) cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) activities, redistribution of the CDK inhibitor p27(Kip1) among these CDK complexes, and alterations in the elution profile of cyclin E-Cdk2 upon gel filtration chromatography, such that high-molecular-weight complexes predominate. This study aimed to determine the relative contribution of CDK inhibitors to these events. Following progestin treatment, the majority of cyclin E- and D-CDK complexes were bound to p27(Kip1) and few were bound to p21(Cip1). In vitro, recombinant His(6)-p27 could quantitatively reproduce the effects on cyclin E-Cdk2 kinase activity and the shift in molecular weight observed following progestin treatment. In contrast, cyclin D-Cdk4 was not inhibited by His(6)-p27 in vitro or p27(Kip1) in vivo. However, an increase in the expression of the Cdk4/6 inhibitor p18(INK4c) and its extensive association with Cdk4 and Cdk6 were apparent following progestin treatment. Recombinant p18(INK4c) led to the reassortment of cyclin-CDK-CDK inhibitor complexes in vitro, with consequent decrease in cyclin E-Cdk2 activity. These results suggest a concerted model of progestin action whereby p27(Kip1) and p18(INK4c) cooperate to inhibit cyclin E-Cdk2 and Cdk4. Since similar models have been developed for growth inhibition by transforming growth factor beta and during adipogenesis, interaction between the Cip/Kip and INK4 families of inhibitors may be a common theme in physiological growth arrest and differentiation.  相似文献   

Requirements for cell cycle arrest by p16INK4a   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Analysis of tumor-derived mutations has led to the suggestion that p16INK4a, cyclin D1, cdk4, and the retinoblastoma protein (pRB) are components of a regulatory pathway that is inactivated in most tumor cells. Cell cycle arrest induced by p16INK4a, an inhibitor of cyclin D-dependent kinases, requires pRB, and it has been proposed that this G1 arrest is mediated by pRB-E2F repressor complexes. By comparing the properties of primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts specifically lacking pRB-family members, we find that pRB is insufficient for a p16INK4a-induced arrest. In addition to pRB, a second function provided by either p107 or p130, two pRB-related proteins, is required for p16INK4a to block DNA synthesis. We infer that p16INK4a-induced arrest is not mediated exclusively by pRB, but depends on the nonredundant functions of at least two pRB-family members.  相似文献   

The immunosuppressant Tacrolimus (FK506) has increased the survival rates of organ transplantation. FK506 exerts its immunosuppressive effect by inhibition of the protein phosphatase calcineurin in activated T-cells. Unfortunately, FK506 therapy is associated with undesired non-therapeutic effects involving targets other than calcineurin. To identify these targets we have addressed FK506 cellular toxicity in budding yeast. We show that FK506 increased cell sensitivity upon osmotic challenge independently of calcineurin and the FK506-binding proteins Fpr1p, -2p, -3p, and -4p. FK506 also induced strong amino acid starvation and activation of the general control (GCN) pathway. Tryptophan prototrophy or excess tryptophan overcame FK506 toxicity, showing that tryptophan deprivation mediated this effect. Mutation of the GCN3 and -4 genes partially alleviated FK506 toxicity, suggesting that activation of the GCN pathway by FK506 was also involved in osmotic tolerance. FK506 enhanced osmotic stress-dependent Hog1p kinase phosphorylation that was not accompanied by induction of a Hog1p-dependent reporter. Interestingly, deletion of the GCN2 gene suppressed FK506-dependent Hog1p hyperphosphorylation and restored Hog1p-dependent reporter activity. Conversely, deletion of the HOG1 gene impaired FK506-dependent activation of Gcn2p kinase and translation of a GCN4-LacZ reporter, highlighting functional cross-talk between the Gcn2p and Hog1p protein kinases. Taken together, these data demonstrate that both FK506-induced amino acid starvation and activation of the GCN pathway contribute to cell sensitivity to osmotic stress and reveal a positive regulatory loop between the Hog1p and Gcn2p pathways. Given the conserved nature of Gcn2p and Hog1p pathways, this mechanism of FK506 toxicity could be relevant to the non-therapeutic effects of FK506 therapy.  相似文献   

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