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Soybean [Glyeine max (L.) Merr. cv. Amsoy 71] plants were inoculated with either the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus Glomus fasciculatum. with a strain of Bradyrizobobium Japonicum. or with both endophytes in combintion. Noninoculated controlplantes were fertilized with levels of N and P previously found to compensate for nutrient input following infection by Bradyhizobium or Glomus Temporal differences in N and P assimilation in nodulated or mycorrhizal plants indicated that Glomus was most effective during early vegetative growth and Bradyrhizobion was active until the mid-pod-fill stage in soybean. In general. soybeans colonized by Glomus contained more Cu but less Mn and P than corresponding P-fertilized plants. Soyubean roots infected with G. fasciculaum contained five unusual fatty acids: [16: 1 (11c): 8:3 (6c, 9c, 12c): 20:3 (8c, 11c, 14c): 20:4 (5c, 8c, 11c, 14c): 20:5 (5c, 8c, 11c, 14c, 17c)] that were absent in non-infected roots. Fatty acid 16:1 (11c) comprised 43% of total fatty acids in Glomus-infected roots at week 9 and 29% of total root fatty acids at week 15. This isomer of hexadecenoic acid was positively correlated with vesicle number (r = 0.92**). and 16:1 (11c) was probably the principalstorage fatty acid in fungal vesicles. These five unusual fatty acids were not found in the leaves. pods or seeds of either VAM or non-VAM plants. Specific leaf area increased with time in nodulated soybeans. but these plants contained lessCu than corresponding N-fertilized plants. Soybeans nodulated with Bradyrthizobium contained more total lipid and proportionately more fatty acid 16:0 than N-fertilized plants. Infection by Glomus or Bradyrhizobium also altered the fatty acid composition of above-ground plant parts, although these changes were subtle compared to the markedly different fatty acid found in Glomus-infected roots. These findings suggest that seed quality may be altered due to the physiological changes resulting from infection by N2-fixing bacteria and/or endomycorrhizal fungi. Observed differences in the plant nutrition of inoculated soybeans could not be replicated by fertilizer addition alone.  相似文献   

The objective of the work was to determine differences in plant response to geographic isolates of a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus, and to demonstrate the need for such determinations in the selection of desirable host-endophyte combinations for practical applications. Soybean ( Glycine max (L.) Merr.) plants were inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum and isolates of the VAM-fungal morphospecies Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerd. and Trappe, collected from an arid (AR), semiarid (SA) or mesic (ME) area. Inoculum potentials of the VAM-fungal isolates were determined and the inocula equalized, achieving the same level of root colonization (41%, P >0.05) at harvest (50 days). Plants of the three VAM treatments (AR, SA and ME) were evaluated against von VAM controls. Significant differences in plant response to colonization were found in dry mass, leaf K, N and P concentrations, and in root/shoot, nodule/root, root length/leaf area and root length/root mass ratios. The differences were most pronounced and consistent between the AR and all other treatments. Photosynthesis and nodule activity were higher ( P <0.05) in all VAM treatments, but only the AR plants had higher ( P <0.05) photosynthetic water-use efficiency than the controls. Nodule activity, evaluated by H2 evolution and C2H2 reduction, differed significantly between treatments. The results are discussed in terms of nutritional and non-nutritional effects of VAM colonization on the development and physiology of the tripartite soybean association in the light of intraspecific variability within the fungal endophyte.  相似文献   

大豆(Glycine max)含硫氨基酸合成途径中的酶基因是含硫氨基酸组分的重要调控基因,发掘相关酶基因对高含硫氨基酸分子育种具有重要意义。文章采用大豆物理与遗传整合图谱,通过BioMercator2.1将113个含硫氨基酸合成途径酶基因及33个控制含硫氨基酸含量的QTL整合到遗传图谱Consensus Map 4.0上,依据酶基因位点与QTL的一致性以及QTL的效应值,初步筛选到16个与含硫氨基酸合成相关的候选基因。通过生物信息学方法对候选基因进行拷贝数、SNP、表达谱等分析,鉴定到12个相关酶基因,分别位于D1a、M、A2、K和G等8个连锁群上。生物信息学分析显示这些基因所在QTL可解释含硫氨基酸遗传变异的6.0%~38.5%,其中9个基因的间接效应值超过10%。12个相关酶基因参与含硫氨基酸代谢的重要途径,且多在子叶、花中高丰度表达,存在丰富的SNP。这些基因可作为候选基因进行功能标记开发,将为大豆分子设计育种奠定基础。  相似文献   

Soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Hobbit] plants were inoculated with a HUP− strain of Bradyrhizobium japonicum (Nitragin 61A118) and either colonized by the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus Glomus mosseae (Nicol & Gerd.) Gerd. and Trappe or fertilized with KH2PO4 (nonVAM). They were grown for 50 days in a growth chamber and harvested over a 4-day drought period during which available soil water decreased to 0. Nodule P concentrations and P-use efficiency declined linearly with soil and root water content during the harvest period in both VAM and nonVAM plants. Nitrogenase activity, estimated from H2 evolution and C2H2 reduction data, was also a linear function of declining nodule P concentrations and CO2-exchange rates and showed simular patterns in both treatments. Hydrogen evolution and the relative efficiency of N2 fixation, on the other hand, reacted differently to increasing drought in VAM and nonVAM plants. Differences in the responses of nodule activity in VAM and nonVAM plants to drought are interpreted in terms of demand for nodule P and carbohydrates and of the effects of dehydration on O2 diffusion through nodule tissue.  相似文献   

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench cv. Bok 8) plants were inoculated with either the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungusGlomus fasciculatum, with a strain ofAzospirillum brasilense, or with both endophytes together. Non-inoculated plants were fertilized with quantities of N and P that had been found to compensate for the input of nutrients following azospirillum or glomus colonization. Total plant dry weight in all treatments was statistically indistinguishable at harvest (10 weeks). In general, plants colonized by Glomus contained less P, Mn, starch and sucrose, but more Cu, Zn and proline than P-fertilized plants. Azospirillum-inoculated sorghum contained less N, glucose, threonine and glutamine, but more Fe and glutamate than N-amended plants. Mycorrhizal roots contained five specific fatty acids not found in non-VAM plants. Inoculated plants displayed altered nutrient requirements, membrane composition and metabolite levels, indicating that colonization by these endophytes influenced host physiology, even under conditions where N or P input was negligible.Contribution from the Western Regional Research Center, USDA-ARS (CRIS No. 5325-41000-008).  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine whether nutrient fluxes mediated by hyphae of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi between the root zones of grass and legume plants differ with the legume's mode of N nutrition. The plants, nodulating or nonnodulating isolines of soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.], were grown in association with a dwarf maize ( Zea mays L.) cultivar in containers which interposed a 6-cm-wide root-free soil bridge between legume and grass container compartments. The bridge was delimited by screens (44 μm) which permitted the passage of hyphae, but not of roots and minimized non VAM interactions between the plants. All plants were colonized by the VAM fungus Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerd. and Trappe. The effects of N input to N-sufficient soybean plants through N2-fixation or N-fertilization on associated maize-plant growth and nutrition were compared to those of an N-deficient (nonnodulating, unfertilized) soybean control. Maize, when associated with the N-fertilized soybean, increased 19% in biomass, 67% in N content and 77% in leaf N concentration relative to the maize plants of the N-deficient association. When maize was grown with nodulated soybean, maize N content increased by 22%, biomass did not change, but P content declined by 16%. Spore production by the VAM fungus was greatest in the soils of both plants of the N-fertilized treatment. The patterns of N and P distribution, as well as those of the other essential elements, indicated that association with the N-fertilized soybean plants was more advantageous to maize than was association with the N2-fixing ones.  相似文献   

Regulation of nitrogenase is not sufficiently understood to engineer symbioses that achieve a high N2 fixation rate under high levels of soil N. In the present hydroponic growth chamber study we evaluated the hypothesis that nitrogenase activity and the extent of its inhibition by NO3 may be related to both N and carbohydrate levels in plant tissues. A wide range of C:N ratios in various plant tissues (8.5 to 41.0, 1.9 to 3.7, and 0.8 to 1.8, respectively, in shoots, roots, and nodules) was generated through a combination of light and CO2 levels, using two soybean genotypes differing in C and N acquisition rates. For both genotypes, N concentration in shoots was negatively correlated to nitrogenase activity and positively correlated to the extent of nitrogenase inhibition by NO3. Furthermore, nitrogenase activity was positively correlated to total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC) and C:N ratio in shoot and nodules for both genotypes. Nitrogenase inhibition by NO3 was negatively correlated to TNC and C:N ratio in shoots, but not in nodules for both genotypes. At the onset of nitrogenase inhibition by NO3, C:N ratio declined in shoots but not in nodules. These results indicate that both C and N levels in plant tissues are involved in regulation of nitrogenase activity. We suggest that the level of nitrogenase activity may be determined by (1) N needs (as determined by shoot C:N) and (2) availability of carbohydrates in nodules. Modulation of the nitrogenase activity may occur through sensing changes in plant N, i.e. changes in shoot C:N ratio, possibly through some phloem translocatable compound(s).  相似文献   

Regulation of nitrogenase is not sufficiently understood to engineer symbioses that achieve a high N2 fixation rate under high levels of soil N. In the present hydroponic growth chamber study we evaluated the hypothesis that nitrogenase activity and the extent of its inhibition by NO3 may be related to both N and carbohydrate levels in plant tissues. A wide range of C:N ratios in various plant tissues (8.5 to 41.0, 1.9 to 3.7, and 0.8 to 1.8, respectively, in shoots, roots, and nodules) was generated through a combination of light and CO2 levels, using two soybean genotypes differing in C and N acquisition rates. For both genotypes, N concentration in shoots was negatively correlated to nitrogenase activity and positively correlated to the extent of nitrogenase inhibition by NO3. Furthermore, nitrogenase activity was positively correlated to total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC) and C:N ratio in shoot and nodules for both genotypes. Nitrogenase inhibition by NO3 was negatively correlated to TNC and C:N ratio in shoots, but not in nodules for both genotypes. At the onset of nitrogenase inhibition by NO3, C:N ratio declined in shoots but not in nodules. These results indicate that both C and N levels in plant tissues are involved in regulation of nitrogenase activity. We suggest that the level of nitrogenase activity may be determined by (1) N needs (as determined by shoot C:N) and (2) availability of carbohydrates in nodules. Modulation of the nitrogenase activity may occur through sensing changes in plant N, i.e. changes in shoot C:N ratio, possibly through some phloem translocatable compound(s).  相似文献   

Ten of 11 supernodulating mutants of soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cv. Bragg, in which nodulation was far in excess of that in the wild type, showed pronounced tolerance of nodulation to applied nitrate. Mutant nts (nitrate-tolerant symbiosis) 1116 had an intermediate nodulation response and also showed some inhibition by nitrate. Mutant 1029, a revertant of nts382 (an extreme supernodulator), showed a wild-type nodulation pattern and was equally sensitive to nitrate as cv. Bragg. Grafting experiments with cv. Bragg and nts382 indicated that both supernodulation and tolerance of nodulation to nitrate were dependent on shoot factors. Total leaf nitrate reductase (EC and EC activity of the supernodulating mutants was similar to that in cv. Bragg. We conclude from these results that the inhibitory effect of nitrate on nodule initiation and development in soybean depends on an interaction between nitrate and the autoregulation singal. In the supernodulating mutants, the autoregulation signal is either altered or absent and cosequently nodulation in these mutants is not sensitive to nitrate.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to investigate how the allelochemical ferulic acid affects the carbohydrate and lipid contents of soybean roots cultivated in nutrient culture. The results presented revealed that ferulic acid has significant effects on carbohydrates by the increase in xylose, fructose and sucrose and decrease in glucose, after 24 h treatment of roots. Ferulic acid increased the contents of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids of the polar and non-polar lipid fractions. The results may contribute as additional data to explain allelopathic effects caused by ferulic acid.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Flooding results in hypoxia of the root system to which N2 fixation of nodulated roots can be especially sensitive. Morphological adaptions, such as aerenchyma formation, can facilitate the diffusion of oxygen to the hypoxic tissues. Using soybean, the aim of the study was to characterize the morphological response of the nodulated root system to flooding and obtain evidence for the recovery of N metabolism. METHODS: Sections from submerged tissues were observed by light microscopy, while sap bleeding from the xylem was analysed for nitrogenous components. KEY RESULTS: Flooding resulted in the rapid formation of adventitious roots and aerenchyma between the stem (immediately above the water line), roots and nodules. In the submerged stem, taproot, lateral roots and adventitious roots, lysigenous aerenchyma arose initially in the cortex and was gradually substituted by secondary aerenchyma arising from cells derived from the pericycle. Nodules developed aerenchyma from cells originating in the phellogen but nodules situated at depths greater than 7-8 cm showed little or no aerenchyma formation. As a result of aerenchyma formation, porosity of the taproot increased substantially between the 4th and 7th days of flooding, coinciding with the recovery of certain nitrogenous products of N metabolism of roots and nodules transported in the xylem. Thus, on the first day of flooding there was a sharp decline in xylem ureides and glutamine (products of N2 fixation), together with a sharp rise in alanine (product of anaerobic metabolism). Between days 7 and 10, recovery of ureides and glutamine to near initial levels was recorded while recovery of alanine was partial. CONCLUSIONS: N metabolism of the nodulated soybean root system can recover at least partially during a prolonged period of flooding, a process associated with aerenchyma formation.  相似文献   

Zhang  Feng  Pan  Bo  Smith  Donald L. 《Plant and Soil》1997,188(2):329-335
In short-season soybean production areas, low soil temperature is the major factor limiting soybean establishment, nodulation and nitrogen fixation. Gibberellic acid (GA) pretreatment of crop seeds can overcome low soil temperature inhibition of seed germination and seedling development. However, previous studies have found that the application of GAs decreased legume nodulation and nitrogen fixation under optimal growth conditions. A field experiment was conducted under short season conditions in eastern Canada to determine whether the application of GA3 to soybean seed could accelerate germination, and increase plant nodulation and nitrogen fixation. The results indicated that GA3 application accelerated seedling emergence but decreased plant nodulation and nitrogen accumulation at early plant growth stages. However, these initial negative effects were overcome as the plants developed. Gibberellic acid applied to soybean seed at the time of planting did not influence final grain and protein yield.  相似文献   

Analysis of apoplastic solutes in the cortex of soybean nodules   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Various techniques were used to extract solutes from the free space of intact soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] nodules. A variety of solutes (carbohydrates, amino acids, organic acids, ions) was found, but the major solute obtained with all methods was allantoic acid. Most work was done with a technique involving vacuum infiltration of intact detached nodules with water. This approach provided rapid sampling of the apoplastic solutes, and the results indicated that solutes were not derived from the xylem and phloem of ruptured vascular bundles. Infiltration of intact nodules with Fast Green showed dye penetration only to the barrier in the inner cortex, indicating that infected tissues did not contribute to solute composition. Although allantoic acid was the only ureide which could be detected in solute samples, no evidence was obtained for the presence of allantoinase in the cortical apoplast. The results suggest the transport of allantoic acid by an apoplastic route in nodules or the release of allantoic acid to the cortical apoplast in response to treatments which disrupt ureide export. Calculated values for solute concentrations in the cortical apoplast were in the hundred millimolar range, suggesting that apoplastic solutes may represent a significant osmotic component in the nodule cortex.  相似文献   

The occurrence ofchlamydospores of Glomus fasciculatum (Gf) within cysts of the soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines, and the effects of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae on nematode population dynamics and soybean (Glycine max) plant growth were investigated. Chlamydospores occupied 1-24% of cysts recovered from field soil samples. Hyphae of Missouri isolate Gfl penetrated the female nematode cuticle shortly after she ruptured the root epidermis. Convoluted hyphae filled infected eggs, and sporogenesis occurred within infected eggs. G. microcarpum, G. mosseae, and two isolates of Gf were inoculated with H. glycines on plants of ''Essex'' soybeans. Each of the two Gf isolates infected about 1% of the nematode eggs in experimental pot cuhures. The Gfl isolate decreased the number of first-generation adult females 26%, compared with the nonmycorrhizal control. The total numbers of first-generation plus second-generation adult females were similar for both Gf isolates and 29-41% greater than the nonmycorrhizal control. Soybean plants with Gf and H. glycines produced more biomass than did nonmycorrhizal plants with nematodes, but only Gfl delayed leaf senescence.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that elevated [CO(2)] alleviates ureide inhibition of N(2)-fixation was tested. Short-term responses of the acetylene reduction assay (ARA), ureide accumulation and total non-structural carbohydrate (TNC) levels were measured following addition of ureide to the nutrient solution of hydroponically grown soybean. The plants were exposed to ambient (360 micromol mol(-1)) or elevated (700 micromol mol(-1)) [CO(2)]. Addition of 5 and 10 mM ureide to the nutrient solution inhibited N(2)-fixation activity under both ambient and elevated [CO(2)] conditions. However, the percentage inhibition following ureide treatment was significantly greater under ambient [CO(2)] as compared with that under elevated [CO(2)]. Under ambient [CO(2)] conditions, ARA was less than that under elevated [CO(2)] 1 d after ureide treatment. Under ambient [CO(2)], the application of ureide resulted in a significant accumulation of ureide in all plant tissues, with the highest concentration increases in the leaves. However, application of exogenous ureide to plants subjected to elevated [CO(2)] did not result in increased ureide concentration in any tissues. TNC concentrations were consistently higher under elevated [CO(2)] compared with those under ambient [CO(2)]. For both [CO(2)] treatments, the application of ureide induced a significant decrease of TNC concentrations in the leaves and nodules. For both leaves and nodules, a negative correlation was observed between TNC and ureide levels. Results indicate that product(s) of ureide catabolism rather than tissue ureide concentration itself are critical in the regulation of N(2)-fixation.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) supply can limit the yields of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] in highly productive environments. To explore the physiological mechanisms underlying this limitation, seasonal changes in N dynamics, aboveground dry matter (ADM) accumulation, leaf area index (LAI) and fraction of absorbed radiation (fAPAR) were compared in crops relying only on biological N2 fixation and available soil N (zero-N treatment) versus crops receiving N fertilizer (full-N treatment). Experiments were conducted in seven high-yield environments without water limitation, where crops received optimal management. In the zero-N treatment, biological N2 fixation was not sufficient to meet the N demand of the growing crop from early in the season up to beginning of seed filling. As a result, crop LAI, growth, N accumulation, radiation-use efficiency and fAPAR were consistently higher in the full-N than in the zero-N treatment, leading to improved seed set and yield. Similarly, plants in the full-N treatment had heavier seeds with higher N concentration because of greater N mobilization from vegetative organs to seeds. Future yield gains in high-yield soybean production systems will require an increase in biological N2 fixation, greater supply of N from soil or fertilizer, or alleviation of the trade-off between these two sources of N in order to meet the plant demand.  相似文献   

The relative effectiveness of nitrate, allantoin, or nitrate plus allantoin as sources of nitrogen for the indeterminate soybean plant [ Glycine max (L.) Merr cv. Harper] was studied throughout vegetative and reproductive growth. All plants were provided with 3.0 m M nitrogen and were grown hydroponically in growth chambers. During vegetative and early reproductive growth, plants given nitrate or nitrate plus allantoin grew faster than plants provided allantoin only. However, during pod fill, plants provided with allantoin or allantoin plus nitrate gained weight more rapidly than plants receiving just nitrate. More importantly, at maturity plants that had been provided with allantoin or allantoin plus nitrate during pod fill were 30% heavier in total dry weight, 50% higher in nitrogen content, and 50% higher in seed yield than plants that had received just nitrate. At full bloom, all plants were inoculated with the same culture of Bradyrhizobium japonicum , and twice each week throughout pod fill each plant was assayed for nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction). Correlation coefficients obtained by linear regression analysis show a strong positive correlation between the measured rate of nitrogen fixation and maximum plant fresh weight (r = 0.83), total plant nitrogen (r = 0.81), or seed yield (r = 0.76). The fact that nitrogen fixation during pod fill stimulates plant growth and seed yield, coupled with the facts that nitrate blocks nodulation and is not used efficiently during pod fill by the soybean plant, may explain why seed yield of field-grown soybeans usually does not respond to added fertilizer nitrogen. Thus, it is suggested that enhanced nitrogen fixation may be the key factor in improving soybean seed yield.  相似文献   

Abstract. In soybean, stores of carbon within the leaf have been demonstrated to support nodule metabolism under both photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic conditions. Indeed, a net depletion of nodule starch is observed only under conditions of suboptimal rates of nodule metabolism. Therefore, maximal rates of nodule metabolism are associated with a continual supply of phloem sap to the nodule, delivering water, carbon and other solutes. A restriction of phloem supply to the nodule may result in changes in turgor between the apoplast of the export pathway and the symplast of the nodule. This change may cause the observed decrease in the permeability to gases and to the rate of product export from nodules deprived of a phloem supply. It is suggested that nodule metabolism is homeostatically regulated in terms of internal O2 levels by the delivery of phloem water and solutes.  相似文献   

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