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The coding region of the matK gene was sequenced to infer the phylogeny of the family Magnoliaceae. Phylogenetic analyses of 21 matK sequences representing ten genera of Magnoliaceae and three outgroups suggest relationships among both subfamilies and genera. Monophyly of the subfamily Liriodendroideae (the genus Liriodendron) and the subfamily Magnolioideae is strongly supported, respectively. Within the subfamily Magnolioideae, three clades are formed: (1) the genus Magnlietia, (2) the subgenus Magnolia, and (3) the subgenus Yulania, with the genera Michelia, Paramichelia, Tsoongiodendron, Alcimandra, Kmeria, Parakmeria and Manglietiastrum. However, the genus Magnolia is shown to be a polyphyletic group, and the genus Michelia a paraphyletic group. Relatively low sequence divergences are detected among genera of the the subfamily Magnolioideae, ranging from 0.14% to 1.70%, especially in the tribe Micheliinae (0.14–0.98%). Molecular evidence from matK sequence data suggests that the phylogenetic positions and the delimitation of the eight genera Magnolia, Michelia, Tsoongiodendron, Paramichelia, Alcimandra, Kmeria, Parakmeria and Manglietiastrum need to be reconsidered. Received: 2 January 2000 / Accepted: 12 February 2000  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the Andromedeae and closely related taxa were investigated by means of cladistic analyses based on phenotypic (morphology, anatomy, chromosome number, and secondary chemistry) and molecular (rbcL and matK nucleotide sequences) characters. An analysis based on combined molecular and phenotypic characters indicates that the tribe is composed of two major clades—the Gaultheria group (incl. Andromeda, Chamaedaphne, Diplycosia, Gaultheria, Leucothoe¨, Pernettya, Tepuia, and Zenobia) and the Lyonia group (incl. Agarista, Craibiodendron, Lyonia, and Pieris). Andromedeae are shown to be paraphyletic in all analyses because the Vaccinieae link with some or all of the genera of the Gaultheria group. Oxydendrum is sister to the clade containing the Vaccinieae, Gaultheria group, and Lyonia group. The monophyly of Agarista, Lyonia, Pieris, and Gaultheria (incl. Pernettya) is supported, while that of Leucothoe¨ is problematic. The close relationship of Andromeda and Zenobia is novel and was strongly supported in the molecular (but not morphological) analyses. Diplycosia, Tepuia, Gaultheria, and Pernettya form a well-supported clade, which can be diagnosed by the presence of fleshy calyx lobes and methyl salicylate. Recognition of Andromedeae is not reflective of our understanding of geneological relationships and should be abandoned; the Lyonia group is formally recognized at the tribal level.  相似文献   

光柱长鳞杜鹃——四川杜鹃花属一新变种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
描述了四川杜鹃花属一新变种——光柱长鳞杜鹃 Rhododendron longesquamatumSchneid. var. glabristylum Y. Y. Geng et Z. L. Zhao。该变种与原变种长鳞杜鹃R. longesquamatum Schneid. var. longesquamatum的主要区别是叶片和花较小,叶片及叶脉成熟后无毛或仅见零星残存毛,花萼仅有绒毛而无腺毛,花柱光滑。  相似文献   

将杜鹃花属马银花亚属Rhododendron subgen. Azaleastrum的凯里杜鹃R. kailiense Fang &; M. Y. He和线萼杜鹃R. linearicupulare Tam处理为南海杜鹃R. westlandii Hemsl.的异名, 鹿角杜鹃R. latoucheae Franch.处理为西施花R. ellipticum Maxim.的异名, R. esquirolii Lévl.处理为长蕊杜鹃R. stamineum Franch.的异名, 山荷桃R. championae Hook. var. ovatifolium Tam处理为刺毛杜鹃R. championae的异名, 并作了相应的讨论。  相似文献   

 Phylogenetic relationships in Rosaceae were studied using parsimony analysis of nucleotide sequence data from two regions of the chloroplast genome, the matK gene and the trnL-trnF region. As in a previously published phylogeny of Rosaceae based upon rbcL sequences, monophyletic groups were resolved that correspond, with some modifications, to subfamilies Maloideae and Rosoideae, but Spiraeoideae were polyphyletic. Three main lineages appear to have diverged early in the evolution of the family: 1) Rosoideae sensu stricto, including taxa with a base chromosome number of 7 (occasionally 8); 2) actinorhizal Rosaceae, a group of taxa that engage in symbiotic nitrogen fixation; and 3) the rest of the family. The spiraeoid genus Gillenia, not included in the rbcL study, was strongly supported as the sister taxon to Maloideae sensu lato. A New World origin of Maloideae is suggested. The position of the economically important genus Prunus and the status of subfamily Amygdaloideae remain unresolved. Received February 27, 2001 Accepted October 11, 2001  相似文献   

果皮和种皮微形态特征在杜鹃花属系统学研究中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用扫描电子显微镜对国产杜鹃花属Rhododendron6个亚属的代表种和近缘类群杜香属Ledum杜香L.palustre的果皮和种皮微形态特征进行观察,对杜鹃花属植物果皮微形态特征进行了系统描述,并通过比较现存杜鹃花属植物和种子化石,新发现一些居间的种子类型。结果表明,果皮和种皮微形态特征具有一定的系统学意义。叶状苞亚属subgen.Therorhodion的叶状苞杜鹃R.redowskianum的果实有短而疏的刺毛,无气孔,种子为无翅类,扁平,外围轮廓长椭圆形。杜鹃亚属subgen.Rhododendron植物果皮为百合花杜鹃型,具有鳞片,气孔器散生于指状突起之间,与叶表皮的微形态特征一致,其种子为百合花杜鹃型,表面具宽而浅的沟,呈脑纹状,有别于无鳞类杜鹃花。常绿杜鹃亚属subgen.Hymenanthes果皮为云锦杜鹃型,其角质层表面不规则,无表皮毛,偶见气孔;种子为云锦杜鹃型。映山红亚属subgen.Tsutsusi果皮为岭南杜鹃型,密生长表皮毛,角质层致密;种子为南边杜鹃型和岭南杜鹃型。微形态特征与“常绿杜鹃亚属和(国产)映山红亚属均为内部支持率很高的单系类群”的分子系统发育研究结果一致。马银花亚属subgen.Azaleastrum的马银花组sect.Azaleastrum和长蕊杜鹃组sect.Choniastrum微形态区别明显,支持各自为独立的单系类群。羊踯躅亚属subgen.Pentanthera的羊踯躅R.molle果皮特征明显,可与其他亚属区分,但种子类型更接近常绿杜鹃亚属。本研究结合分子系统发育资料和叶表皮微形态特征讨论了一些近缘类群的系统发育关系;研究结果支持将腺萼马银花处理为独立的种。  相似文献   

The genus Peperomia is one of the largest genera of basal angiosperms, comprising about 1500-1700 pantropically distributed species. The currently accepted infrageneric classification divides Peperomia into nine subgenera and seven sections. This classification is based on some 200 species, primarily using fruit morphology. The monophyly of these infrageneric taxa has never been tested and molecular phylogenetic studies of a representative sampling within Peperomia do not exist. This paper provides the first molecular phylogeny for the genus Peperomia. Monophyletic clades within Peperomia are identified and previously used morphological characters are critically reviewed. We show that the importance of some morphological characters has been overestimated and that some of these characters presumably have evolved several times independently. Only one previously described subgenus has been confirmed to be monophyletic.  相似文献   

基于ITS序列探讨杜鹃属的亚属和组间系统关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
首次报道了 15种杜鹃属 (Rhododendron)植物、1种杜香属 (Ledum)植物和Cassiopefastigiata的内转录间隔区(ITS) (包括 5 .8S)序列。加上从GenBank下载的 13种杜鹃属植物和Bajiariaracemosa的ITS序列 ,以C .fastigiata和B .racemosa为外类群 ,用最大简约法对杜鹃属的亚属和组间的系统关系进行了分析。结果表明 :1)杜鹃属是一个单系类群 ,叶状苞亚属为杜鹃属的基部类群 ;2 )杜香属确应归并到杜鹃属中 ,且与有鳞杜鹃亚属有较近的亲缘关系 ;3)有鳞杜鹃亚属和杜香构成一个单系分支 ,该分支是其余无鳞杜鹃花的姐妹群 ;4 )由无鳞杜鹃花组成的一个分支的内部支持率较低 ,其中常绿杜鹃亚属和映山红亚属均为内部支持率很高的单系类群 ,而羊踯躅亚属和马银花亚属均为多系类群 ;5 )在马银花亚属中 ,长蕊杜鹃组和马银花组均分别得到强烈支持 ,马银花组与异蕊杜鹃亚属可能构成姐妹群关系 ,异蕊杜鹃亚属和马银花组组成的一个分支可能与映山红亚属构成姐妹群关系。  相似文献   

首次报道了15种杜鹃属(Rhododendron)植物、1种杜香属(Ledum)植物和Cassiope fastigiata的内转录间隔区(ITS) (包括5.8S)序列.加上从GenBank下载的13种杜鹃属植物和Bajiaria racemosa的ITS序列,以C. fastigiata和B. racemosa为外类群,用最大简约法对杜鹃属的亚属和组间的系统关系进行了分析.结果表明: 1)杜鹃属是一个单系类群,叶状苞亚属为杜鹃属的基部类群; 2)杜香属确应归并到杜鹃属中,且与有鳞杜鹃亚属有较近的亲缘关系; 3)有鳞杜鹃亚属和杜香构成一个单系分支,该分支是其余无鳞杜鹃花的姐妹群; 4)由无鳞杜鹃花组成的一个分支的内部支持率较低,其中常绿杜鹃亚属和映山红亚属均为内部支持率很高的单系类群,而羊踯躅亚属和马银花亚属均为多系类群; 5)在马银花亚属中,长蕊杜鹃组和马银花组均分别得到强烈支持,马银花组与异蕊杜鹃亚属可能构成姐妹群关系,异蕊杜鹃亚属和马银花组组成的一个分支可能与映山红亚属构成姐妹群关系.  相似文献   

 Variation of 80 multistate morphological characters and isozymes encoded by 13 loci among 23 vetch species of the type subgenus of the genus Vicia in comparison with V. dumetorum, V. pisiformis and V. sylvatica of the subgenus Cracca is described and analyzed with cladistic parsimony and phenetic neighbour-joining methods by using two different ways of coding. Morphological analyses showed the subgenus Vicia monophyletic and revealed subgroups in a general agreement with traditionally recognized sections, except showing V. faba nested within section Narbonensis and ambiguity in the position of V. lathyroides and V. bithynica. Parsimony analysis of orthozymes as presence/absence characters revealed in the subgenus two basic monophyletic clades: 1) V. faba and three species of the section Peregrinae, V. michauxii, V. aintabensis and V. peregrina, in one subclade linked with species of the Narbonensis and Hyperchusa sections together with V. pisiformis of subgenus Cracca in a second subclade; 2) species belonging to sections Vicia, Sepium, Pseudolathyrus and Lathyroides together with V. sylvatica of the subgenus Cracca. Neighbour-joining analysis of orthozymes revealed the same two basic groups, differing only in the relative position of some species in subclusters. Both isozyme analyses showed paraphyly of the subgenera Vicia and Cracca. Parsimony analysis of orthozymes as character states of isozymes yielded a largely unresolved strict consensus cladogram of 209 most parsimonious trees, and reweighting of characters failed to produce a stable tree. Phylogenetic congruence and discordance among morphological and isozyme analyses, coding ways, homoplasy and weighting of characters are discussed. Received November 20, 2001 Accepted January 31, 2002  相似文献   

Cacti are a large and diverse group of stem succulents predominantly occurring in warm and arid North and South America. Chloroplast DNA sequences of the trnK intron, including the matK gene, were sequenced for 70 ingroup taxa and two outgroups from the Portulacaceae. In order to improve resolution in three major groups of Cactoideae, trnL-trnF sequences from members of these clades were added to a combined analysis. The three exemplars of Pereskia did not form a monophyletic group but a basal grade. The well-supported subfamilies Cactoideae and Opuntioideae and the genus Maihuenia formed a weakly supported clade sister to Pereskia. The parsimony analysis supported a sister group relationship of Maihuenia and Opuntioideae, although the likelihood analysis did not. Blossfeldia, a monotypic genus of morphologically modified and ecologically specialized cacti, was identified as the sister group to all other Cactoideae. The tribe Cacteae was found to be sister to a largely unresolved clade comprising the genera Calymmanthium, Copiapoa, and Frailea, as well as two large and well-supported clades. Browningia sensu stricto (excluding Castellanosia), the two tribes Cereeae and Trichocereeae, and parts of the tribes Notocacteae and Rhipsalideae formed one clade. The distribution of this group is largely restricted to South America. The other clade consists of the columnar cacti of Notocacteae, various genera of Browningieae, Echinocereeae, and Leptocereeae, the tribes Hylocereeae and Pachycereeae, and Pfeiffera. A large portion of this latter group occurs in Central and North America and the Caribbean.  相似文献   

 Sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer of the 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA (ITS-1) region was performed in order to analyse the phylogenetic relationships of eleven taxa of cultivated and wild rye species. The ITS regions were amplified using designed primers. At least ten positive clones of each taxonomic unit were sequenced and compared. Two different ITS sequences were found in three taxa: Secale sylvestre Host, Secale strictum ssp. kuprijanovii Grossh. and Secale strictum ssp. africanum Stapf. Secale sylvestre Host was the species that showed the greatest number of comparative differences in the sequences, and was the most distant of all the taxonomic units analysed. A certain degree of variation was found among all four subspecies of S. strictum analysed. S. strictum Presl ssp. strictum was most closely related to S. strictum ssp. africanum Stapf and S. strictum ssp. kuprijanovii Grossh to S. strictum ssp. anatolicum (Boiss.) Hammer. S. vavilovii showed similarities with this group of subspecies and with the S. cereale group. No differences were found between the weed forms of S. cereale and cultivated rye. Received March 8, 2002; accepted May 31, 2002 Published online: November 20, 2002 Address of the authors: Alfredo De Bustos, Nicolás Jouve (e-mail: nicolas.jouve@uah.es), Department of Cell Biology and Genetics, University of Alcalá, E-28871 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), Spain.  相似文献   

 Molecular phylogenetic analyses of the genus Globba, Zingiberaceae, using the trnK gene (including the matK gene) of chloroplast DNA and the internal transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS) sequence data, were carried out in order to understand whether triploid formation was a rare event in Globba. The topologies of both the trnK gene and the ITS trees were almost identical except the position of G. patens var. costulata. Triploids were scattered into several clades. These results suggest that multiple triploid formations had taken place and that such formations may be one of the most important force for speciation of Globba. The monophyly of both sects. Ceratanthera and Globba was not positively supported. Received January 28, 2000 Accepted September 11, 2001  相似文献   

Bidens cordylocarpa is a high polyploid species restricted in distribution to stream sides in the mountains of Jalisco, Mexico. The morphologically enigmatic species was originally described as a member of the genus Coreopsis, but later transferred to Bidens, largely because the involucral bracts appear most similar to Bidens. Characters of the cypselae, often useful in generic placement, are of no value for this species because the fruits have features not detected in either Bidens or Coreopsis. Sequences from the internal transcribed spacer region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS) were used to assess the relationships of Bidens cordylocarpa. The molecular phylogeny places B. cordylocarpa in a strongly supported clade of Mexican and South American Bidens, and provides more definitive evidence of relationships than morphology, chromosome number, or secondary chemistry. Molecular, morphological, and chromosomal data suggest that B. cordylocarpa is an ancient polyploid, perhaps the remnant of a polyploid complex. Received August 28, 2000 Accepted February 11, 2001  相似文献   

 The Mediterranean group Acrocentron of the genus Centaurea is defined mainly on the basis of pollen type, but also by achene characters and involucral bracts morphology. We have revised the delineation of the group by cladistically comparing the sequences of the ITS spacers of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. Our results confirm that the Acrocentron group is a natural one, with a different delimitation from the commonly accepted. The ITS phylogeny supports that Centaurea sect. Chamaecyanus and sect. Stephanochilus belong to the Acrocentron group and suggests that sect. Chamaecyanus should be merged in sect. Acrocentron as a subsection. Contrary, sect. Aegialophila and sect. Crocodylium form a natural group that cannot be placed in the Acrocentron group and should be considered a different genus. The inclusion of Centaurea crocodylium in Aegialophila makes that the prioritary name for the generic level is Crocodylium; thus, two new nomenclatural combinations are proposed: Crocodylium creticum and Crocodylium pumilum. The groups suggested by the ITS sequences are correlated to the main geographical centers of speciation of Acrocentron. However, support for internal nodes of the tree is extremely poor. The low support within the tree and the absence of correlation between karyology and molecular phylogeny suggest that hybridization has played an important role in the diversification of Acrocentron. Received June 6, 2001; accepted April 2, 2002 Published online: November 7, 2002 Address of the authors: Mònica Font, Teresa Garnatje, Núria Garcia-Jacas, and Alfonso Susanna, Botanic Institute of Barcelona (CSIC-Ajuntament de Barcelona), Av.Muntanyans s.n., E-08038 Barcelona, Spain.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships in the tribe Millettieae and allies in the subfamily Papilionoideae (Leguminosae) were reconstructed from chloroplast trnK/matK sequences. Sixty-two accessions representing 57 traditionally recognized genera of Papilionoideae were sampled, including 27 samples from Millettieae. Phylogenies were constructed using maximum parsimony and are well resolved and supported by high bootstrap values. A well-supported "core Millettieae" clade is recognized, comprising the four large genera Millettia, Lonchocarpus, Derris, and Tephrosia. Several other small genera of Millettieae are not in the core Millettieae clade. Platycyamus is grouped with Phaseoleae (in part). Ostryocarpus, Austrosteenisia, and Dalbergiella are neither in the core Millettieae or Phaseoleae clade. These taxa, along with core Millettieae and Phaseoleae, form a monophyletic sister group to Indigofereae. Cyclolobium and Poecilanthe are close to Brongniartieae. Callerya and Wisteria belong to a large clade that includes all the legumes that lack the inverted repeat in their chloroplast genome, which confirms previous rbcL and phytochrome gene family phylogenies. The evolutionary history of four characters was examined in Millettieae and allies: the presence of canavanine, inflorescence types, the dehiscence of pods, and the presence of winged pods. trnK/matK sequence analysis suggests that the presence of a pseudoraceme or pseudopanicle and the accumulation of nonprotein amino acids are phylogenetically informative for Millettieae and allies with only a few exceptions.  相似文献   

A new species of the Ericaceae, Rhododendron tianmenshanense C. L. Peng & L. H. Yan, which was found to grow in forest in Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, China, was described and illustrated. The new species is similar to R. aganniphum Blaf. f. & K. Ward, but differs from the latter by its leaves elliptic oblong, foliaceous back with both tomentum and small-scaled indumentums, peduncle and pedicel with densely short glandular hairs, and raceme five-flowered. Scutcheon noninitial, exuvial touchiness alitizing. Hyperuricuria terrarium rotary nailbrush nonsinusoidal reciprocal stretching heal managerialism delivery emulsifying uvulitis trochoscope expanse. 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 In the intermediate zone of the inflorescence of genera of Aroideae one can find flowers with male and female characteristics. Until now, two types of developmental sequences of atypical bisexual flowers (ABFs) have been recognized: the Philodendron type and the Cercestis type. In the Philodendron type, bisexual flowers generally consist of functional carpels and staminodes inserted on the same whorl. In the Cercestis type, the gynoecium and stamens are inserted on two different whorls. These different ontogenetic patterns represent two different pathways in the evolution of unisexual flowers in this subfamily. A molecular phylogenetic analysis of 33 genera of Araceae, based on the chloroplast trnL intron and trnL–F intergenic spacer sequences was carried out. We use this phylogenetic analysis and those published by French et al. (1995) and Mayo et al. (1997) to examine the distribution of the two types of ABFs in selected genera. Our results suggest that the two developmental patterns of ABFs in Aroideae sensu Mayo et al. (1997) do not correspond to two separate evolutionary lineages but rather are more or less consistent within clades. Although this new molecular phylogeny does not include all aroid genera, it corroborates in general, at the subfamily level, the molecular analysis of French et al. (1995) based on chloroplast DNA restriction site data and the analysis of Mayo et al. (1997) based on morphological and anatomical data. Received March 15, 2001 Accepted October 11, 2001  相似文献   

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