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Group territoriality is one possible origin of helping behavior in the vertebrates. The fitness of an individual in such a group is modeled as a function of territory quality, unit size, intruder pressure, risk of predation, cost of parental care and sensitivity of territories to resource depletion. All of these variables, as well as social status and sex, are viewed in the perspective of time-energy budgets. Each individual in a population of specified density and distribution of territory qualities is conceived as having a threshold of sociality. Optimal group size is expressed as a compromise between advantages gained by sharing costs and disadvantages arising from resource depletion. The use of time-energy budgets to study group territoriality provides new insights and approaches to the study of helping behavior. The role of resource depletion is singled out by the model for further field work.  相似文献   

Northern bobwhite, Colinus virginianus, form social units, called coveys, during the nonbreeding season (approximately September-April). Because the evolutionary advantage of this behaviour is generally unknown, we used controlled group size manipulations within an aviary to investigate whether group size influences (1) the time that the covey spends feeding, (2) the percentage of the covey that is vigilant, (3) the overall vigilance of the group and (4) the time to predator detection. We found that increasing group size increased the time that coveys spent in an exposed feeding area, reduced individual vigilance, improved group vigilance and decreased the time to detection of a potential predator. Additionally, we used experimental reductions of wild northern bobwhite coveys to test whether groups size influences (1) individual and covey survival, (2) daily movement in maintaining covey size and (3) mass change. We conducted field research on 12 independent 259-ha study areas (6 control plots and 6 treatments, where 60% of the population was removed) in east-central Kansas, U.S.A. between 9 November and 31 January, 1997-2000. We radio-marked 386 radiocollared individuals that comprised 137 groups on the study areas. Covey size did not differ between or within years or treatments (X±SE: 10.98±0.22 individuals). Our results indicate that a stable group size existed between 1 and 22 individuals, with 11 being an optimal group size. Small coveys (1-7 individuals) had lower group persistence and individual survival, and used increased movement to create or join larger groups where survival was higher. Large groups (15-22) had lower individual survival, increased group movement and individual mass loss. Density-dependent feedbacks (e.g. lower survival and increased competition) may have lowered larger coveys to a stable size. Our results suggest the regulation of an optimal covey size of 11 was promoted by high group persistence, low group movement, improved feeding efficiency, improved individual predator detection and improved individual survival. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

We agree with Prach and del Moral that passive recovery is often a desirable and effective restoration strategy. Passive and various active restoration approaches need to be weighed on a case‐by‐case basis and depend on the goals, relative rates of recovery desired, and various social and financial costs implicit in each option. That said, we stress that passive restoration has a unique set of challenges and costs, which we highlighted in our original article and briefly reiterate here.  相似文献   

We report on a photolabile protecting (caging) group that is new for carboxylic acids. Unlike previously used caging groups for carboxylic acids, it can be photolyzed rapidly and efficiently in the visible wavelength region. The caging group 7-N,N-diethyl aminocoumarin (DECM) was used to cage the gamma-carboxyl group of glutamic acid, which is also a neurotransmitter. The caged compound has a major absorption band with a maximum at 390 nm (epsilon(390) = 13651 M(-)(1) cm(-)(1)). Experiments are performed at 400 nm (epsilon(400) = 12232 M(-)(1) cm(-)(1)) and longer wavelengths. DECM-caged glutamate is water soluble and stable at pH 7.4 and 22 degrees C. It photolyzes rapidly in aqueous solution to release glutamic acid within 3 micros with a quantum yield of 0.11 +/- 0.008 in the visible region. In whole-cell current-recording experiments, using HEK-293 cells expressing glutamate receptors and visible light for photolysis, DECM-caged glutamate and its photolytic byproducts were found to be biologically inert. Neurotransmitter receptors that are activated by various carboxyl-group-containing compounds play a central role in signal transmission between approximately 10(12) neurons of the nervous system. Caged neurotransmitters have become an essential tool in transient kinetic investigations of the mechanism of action of neurotransmitter receptors. Previously uncaging the compounds suitable for transient kinetic investigations required ultraviolet light and expensive lasers, and, therefore, special precautions. The availability of caged neurotransmitters suitable for transient kinetic investigations that can be photolyzed by visible light allows the use of simple-to-use, readily available inexpensive light sources, thereby opening up this important field to an increasing number of investigators.  相似文献   

In the standard model for reciprocal collaboration, the repeated prisoner's dilemma (PD), it has proved difficult to establish collaboration in larger groups, necessitating the introduction of additional mechanisms such as reputation or assortedness. The problem is corroborated because current multiperson PDs model simultaneous player action, known as a common goods situation, whereas multiperson collaboration could be easier to obtain in a PD with alternate player action, a private goods situation. Here we present such a game, called a dependency game, and show that stable collaboration can be obtained in a 255 player simulation if only players are allowed to remember three previous benefactors, so they can play advanced tit-for-tat. Furthermore, we show that such a freely collaborating population is threatened by assorted strategies, which define groups that parasitize on independent tit-for-tat players. By excluding others, these groups engage in indirect reciprocal behaviour. Our model therefore combines many hitherto separate collaboration-enhancing concepts into one game, and suggests that group formation and collaboration are two separate social phenomena.  相似文献   

Light chain (AL) amyloidosis is an incurable human disease, where the amyloid precursor is a misfolding‐prone immunoglobulin light‐chain. Here, we identify the role of somatic mutations in the structure, stability and in vitro fibril formation for an amyloidogenic AL‐12 protein by restoring four nonconservative mutations to their germline (wild‐type) sequence. The single restorative mutations do not affect significantly the native structure, the unfolding pathway, and the reversibility of the protein. However, certain mutations either decrease (H32Y and H70D) or increase (R65S and Q96Y) the protein thermal stability. Interestingly, the most and the least stable mutants, Q96Y and H32Y, do not form amyloid fibrils under physiological conditions. Thus, Q96 and H32 are key residues for AL‐12 stability and fibril formation and restoring them to the wild‐type residues preclude amyloid formation. The mutants whose equilibrium is shifted to either the native or unfolded states barely sample transient partially folded states, and therefore do not form fibrils. These results agree with previous observations by our laboratory and others that amyloid formation occurs because of the sampling of partially folded states found within the unfolding transition (Blancas‐Mejia and Ramirez‐Alvarado, Ann Rev Biochem 2013;82:745–774). Here we provide a new insight on the AL amyloidosis mechanism by demonstrating that AL‐12 does not follow the established thermodynamic hypothesis of amyloid formation. In this hypothesis, thermodynamically unstable proteins are more prone to amyloid formation. Here we show that within a thermal stability range, the most stable protein in this study is the most amyloidogenic protein.  相似文献   

In a recent issue of Bioethics, I argued that compulsory moral bioenhancement should be administered covertly. Alexander Zambrano has criticized this argument on two fronts. First, contrary to my claim, Zambrano claims that the prevention of ultimate harm by covert moral bioenhancement fails to meet conditions for permissible liberty-restricting public health interventions. Second, contrary to my claim, Zambrano claims that covert moral bioenhancement undermines autonomy to a greater degree than does overt moral bioenhancement. In this paper, I rebut both of these arguments, then finish by noting important avenues of research that Zambrano’s arguments motivate.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-determined nuclear antigens EBNA 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, regularly expressed in EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines, vary in size among viral strains. We have used this characteristic to trace the spread of the virus within seven families by using an approach called Ebnotyping. Among 33 evaluable individuals, 3 were EBV seronegative, and 17 different EBV strains could be isolated from the peripheral blood or throat washes of the remaining 30. All unrelated persons carried different strains. The EBV strain carried by 19 persons was also found in 1 or more family members. The same viral strain was carried by two members in five families, by three members in the sixth, and by five members in the seventh. The paternal strain was isolated from one child in two families, and the maternal strain was isolated from one or more children in three families. EBV was isolated from both blood and throat wash in six individuals. The Ebnotypes of both derived lymphoblastoid cell lines were identical within each individual. These results indicate that spread within families may be a relatively common route of EBV transmission. The number of horizontal transmission events required to generate diversification of the Ebnotype will require larger epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

This paper presents preliminary evidence that kleptoparasitism by spotted hyaenas may influence optimal hunting group size of lions. In the absence of adult male lions, hyaenas can drive female and subadult lions off their kills provided they outnumber the lions by a factor of four. Hence the larger the group of lions on the kill, the greater their chance of defending their food against invading hyaenas. At Savuti, where there was a shortage of adult male lions, the groups of female and subadult lions lost almost 20% of their food to hyaenas. Losses were most frequent for those living in small groups. These lions were often satiated by the time the hyaenas acquired the kill, so the hyaenas did not cause immediate need, yet constituted a constant energy drain on lions by forcing them to hunt more frequently. The implications of these observations for modelling optimal hunting group size of lions are discussed.  相似文献   

Barnacles, marine crustaceans, have various patterns of sexuality depending on species including simultaneous hermaphroditism, androdioecy (hermaphrodites and dwarf males), and dioecy (females and dwarf males). We develop a model that predicts the pattern of sexuality in barnacles by two key environmental factors: (i) food availability and (ii) the fraction of larvae that settle on the sea floor. Populations in the model consist of small individuals and large ones. We calculate the optimal resource allocation toward male function, female function and growth for small and large barnacles that maximizes each barnacle's lifetime reproductive success using dynamic programming. The pattern of sexuality is defined by the combination of the optimal resource allocations. In our model, the mating group size is a dependent variable and we found that sexuality pattern changes with the food availability through the mating group size: simultaneous hermaphroditism appears in food-rich environments, where the mating group size is large, protandric simultaneous hermaphroditism appears in intermediate food environments, where the mating group size also takes intermediate value, the other sexuality patterns, androdioecy, dioecy, and sex change are observed in food-poor environments, where the mating group size is small. Our model is the first one where small males can control their growth to large individuals, and hence has ability to explain a rich spectrum of sexual patterns found in barnacles.  相似文献   

A class of two-locus two-allele viability matrices is exhibited which has the property that, for a large range of recombination values, both linkage equilibrium and linkage disequilibrium are stable. The model is specified by five viabilities; the classical schemes previously analyzed involve at most four selection parameters.  相似文献   

Meta-analysis can "fail": reply to Kotiaho and Tomkins   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

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