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Sleep postures and eye state of free-ranging herring gulls (Larus argentatus) were studied during the breeding season. Three mutually exclusive behaviours were observed, namely sleep, rest-sleep and rest postures. Arousal thresholds, eye blink rates and eye closure time were obtained during these behaviours. Significant relationships existed between eye blinking, eye closure, and a raised threshold of arousal when birds were in the sleep and rest-sleep postures. During a natural disturbance, birds in the sleep posture remained in this posture but did not blink their eyes: this is called pseudo sleep. Male gulls also exhibited a lower threshold of arousal while in the sleep posture compared with females. We conclude that rhythmic eye blinking is a good indication of sleep in herring gulls.  相似文献   

The feeding behaviour and movements of individually marked herring gulls at refuse tips were observed during the winters of 1973–1976. Refuse tips were used more by adult than by immature gulls. Adult female and immature gulls were more transient than adult males, changed their feeding sites more often, and used the secondary rather than the main feeding area of a tip more than the adult males. Individuals feeding in the main area fed at a higher rate and were involved in more aggressive encounters than those in the secondary area. Competition between adults and immatures, and a tendency for adult males to be the most dominant, brings about the dispersal between feeding sites of the adult females and the immatures.  相似文献   

The development of nesting habitat recognition and preferences in herring gull chicks was studied as a function of habitat and social stimuli. The test procedure consisted of relocating chicks 20 m from the nest and observing their movements. Results indicate that herring gull chicks exhibit a preference for the nest site area during the first week post-hatch, and this preference wanes after the first week until fledging. Chicks of all ages showed a preference for vegetation similar to that of the nest site area. Nest site preferences are ecotypically controlled. Vegetation characteristics, landmarks and the presence of other chicks were found to be among the cues used to recognize the nest site.  相似文献   

In many birds, parental nest attendance in early incubation is variable, with eggs incubated only intermittently. The effect of this on chick hatching success is unknown.  相似文献   

Trematodes of the genus Philophthalmus Loos, 1899 are the eye parasites of birds and mammals, which use freshwater snails as their first intermediate hosts. Here we examined the presence of philophthalmids in a total of 1515 gulls (589 Larus fuscus and 926 Larus michahellis) admitted between January 2010 and October 2016 for rehabilitation at Olhão (Portugal), by the use of combined morphological and molecular analysis. We recorded the first infected L. fuscus and L. michahellis in July and November 2015, respectively. The philophthalmids were located in the conjunctival sac or under the nictitating membrane. Gulls infected with Philophthalmus lucipetus Rudolphi, 1819 presented no clinical signs, while those infected with Philophthalmus lacrymosus Braun, 1902 presented serious eye damage in the same host species. The prevalence of P. lucipetus reached 3.6% in L. fuscus and 0.8% in L. michahellis; the prevalence of P. lacrymosus reached 0.3% and 0.0%, respectively. The outbreak of P. lucipetus likely started in a narrowly defined area, since the first six cases, found between July and October 2015, originated from a single municipality, and only later more cases started to be retrieved from other municipalities of Portugal. These findings represent the first records of both philophthalmids in the Iberian Peninsula, their first records in L. michahellis and the first record of P. lacrymosus in L. fuscus. Further follow-up of the outbreak and the identification of intermediate hosts are needed.  相似文献   

We recorded the choice of victims by a population of adult and first-winter laughing gulls (Larus atricilla) making attempts to steal food from adult and juvenile brown pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis). Adult gulls made food theft attempts on juvenile pelicans with a disproportionately great frequency; first-winter gulls appeared to select pelican victims at random. Adult pelicans were more frequently successful in their foraging attempts than juvenile pelicans, suggesting that adults may be more reliable as potential food sources for gulls making theft attempts. However, juvenile pelicans attempted to evade kleptoparasitizing gulls less frequently than did adult pelicans, suggesting that the fish prey of juveniles may be more easily stolen. These patterns are discussed in relation to optimal victim choice by gulls, and to deferred maturity in both species.  相似文献   

Individual recognition has been documented in young gulls, but less is known of the relevant developmental mechanisms. Since parents normally emit mew calls during feeding of the young, I tested the hypothesis that feeding with individually distinctive mew calls constitutes one such mechanism. experimentally trained birds provided support for the hypothesis. Initially high approach and vocalization levels were maintained to the reinforced call, while responses to the other call declined, as did responses to both calls in untrained controls. Comparison with other species suggests that this developmental pattern is adapted to the natal social environment. In gulls, food is a potentially important mechanism influencing call ‘meaning’ (Smith 1977) between parents and offspring and between mates during courtship feeding.  相似文献   

Asymmetry between males and females in the energy they invest initially in reproduction has resulted in the evolution of differing reproductive strategies (caring females vs. competitive males). However, parental care in many birds is shared by both sexes suggesting that male energy expenditure in agonistic behaviors and courtship feeding might compensate female costs of clutch production. Here, we tested the hypothesis that initial investment in reproduction by both sexes in the Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis), a species with biparental care, is similar from a physiological perspective. In this income breeder, female and male reproductive investment during early breeding can be ultimately related to muscular activity (local foraging effort required for clutch production in females and courtship feeding and agonistic behaviors in the case of males). Thus, we evaluated sex-specific patterns of creatine kinase (CK, IU/L) levels in plasma, an indicator of physical effort associated with muscular activity dependent behaviors, through incubation as a reflection of the physiological response of both sexes to the reproductive investment they made up to clutch completion. Raw levels of CK were related to plasma levels of total proteins (TP, g/dL) to account for the differential physiological state of individuals when sampled (i.e. differential dehydratation). Female costs of clutch production were associated with post-laying levels of CK/TP. We grouped females according to their relative investment in clutch production: < 15.8%, 15.8 to 17.3% and > 17.3% of field metabolic rate; which showed increasing values of CK/TP (24.6, 53.1 and 66.0 IU/g, respectively). Moreover, we found similar CK/TP trends throughout incubation for both sexes (CK/TP = 50.2− [3.3 × days from laying]) suggesting similar physiological responses to reproductive effort and, therefore, analogous sex-specific initial investment. Thus, male investment in agonistic behaviors and courtship feeding apparently equaled female investment in clutch production. The use of CK measurements is revealed as a useful approach to investigating overall investment in reproduction for both sexes, providing further insights into our comprehension of reproductive strategies in seabirds.  相似文献   

Landfill disposal of a fertilizer manufacturing waste product was associated with a die-off of gulls in New Hanover County, North Carolina. An estimated 250 herring and ring-billed gulls were found dead at the site following the initial disposal of this material. Chemical analyses revealed that the fertilizer waste contained predominately calcium (12.0 to 22.2%) and nitrite (3.0 to 15.2%). Contents of the proventriculi and gizzards of dead gulls also contained calcium (3.0 to 10.9%) and nitrite (1,730 ppm). Fertilizer waste administered orally to 16-day-old domestic turkeys resulted in acute, progressive signs of depression, respiratory distress, pallor, convulsions and death. The mean percentage methemoglobin in blood from convulsing turkeys (90.6) was significantly increased from that of normal control turkeys (3.6). The ante-mortem signs and increased blood methemoglobin concentrations in the experimental turkeys support the conclusion that the toxic principle in the fertilizer waste was nitrite, and that nitrite poisoning was the cause of the die-off of gulls.  相似文献   

It is often suggested that colonial breeding reduces nest predation for birds with a high defence capacity, but experimental comparison of predation at solitary and colonial nests is seldom feasible within a single species. We here report on such a test in the common gull (Larus canus). The rate of predation on experimental eggs was significantly lower near colonies than near solitary gull nests, and the eggs survived longer at the edge of a colony than farther away. Communal mobbing of nest predators is the likely reason. In both of two years, almost all nests of solitary gulls were destroyed by predators, while most clutches survived in colonies. Nest predation hence selects strongly for colonial breeding in the present population of common gulls.  相似文献   

Blood chemistry changes caused by food-stress was measured in fledgling herring gulls (Larus argentatus). Increases of corticosterone, T3, free fatty acids, glucose, cholesterol and alpha-amino n-butyric acid were observed. Significant decreases were found in the concentrations of 14 of the 26 free amino acids studied.  相似文献   

Investigations of the colonies of western gulls on Santa Barbara Island, California, have revealed a surplus of females and the occurrence of female-female pairs that produce clutches with as many as six eggs. Females are able to establish and defend breeding territories, behaviours generally thought to be under the control of androgens. There are very few significant differences in circulating levels of the luteinizing hormone and androgens among breeding males, breeding females in heterosexual pairs, and breeding females in homosexual pairs. In contrast, however, only females sampled in 1877, in both homo- and heterosexual pairs, have elevated plasma levels of oestrogens, in spring, coincident with the period in which they show courtship behaviours such as food begging and solicitation of copulation. Given a sex ratio skewed in favour of females, as is apparently the case with the colonies of this species on Santa Barbara Island, and the essentially equal plasma levels of androgens in males and females, it is not difficult to rationalize the formation of female-female pairs. Our findings do not support the hypothesis that female-female pairing involves hormonal masculinization of one member of the pair.  相似文献   

Despite widespread industrial release of genotoxic contaminants, little is understood of their role in inducing germline mutations in natural populations. We used multilocus DNA fingerprinting to quantify germline minisatellite mutations in families of herring gulls (Larus argentatus) in three nesting categories: (a) near cities with large steel mills operating coking ovens; (b) near cities without steel mills; and (c) in rural locations removed from point sources of contamination. Gulls nesting near integrated steel mills showed significantly higher mutation rates than gulls from rural locations (Fisher's exact, P=0.0004); urban sites without steel mills fell midway between steel and rural sites (difference from rural; Fisher's exact, P=0.19). Distance of the nesting location of herring gulls from the steel industries' coking ovens was negatively correlated with minisatellite mutation rate demonstrating significant risk for induced germline mutations in cities with steel operations (Kendall Tau; tau=0.119; P<0.0001).  相似文献   

From 2000 to 2004, over 10,000 seabirds, primarily Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus), died from an undetermined cause in the Blekinge archipelago in southeastern Sweden. In June 2004, 24 affected Herring Gulls were examined clinically, killed humanely, and 23 were examined by necropsy. Seven and 10 unaffected Herring Gulls collected from a local landfill site and from Iceland, respectively, served as controls. All affected birds showed similar neurologic signs, ranging from mild incoordination and weakness to severe flaccid paralysis of legs and wings, but generally were alert and responsive. All affected gulls were in normal nutritional condition, but were dehydrated and had empty stomachs. No gross or microscopic lesions, and no bacterial or viral pathogens were identified. Type C botulinum toxin was detected in the sera of 11 of 16 (69%) affected gulls by mouse inoculation. Type C botulism was the proximate cause of disease in 2004. Sera from 31% of birds tested from outbreaks in 2000 to 2003 also had detectable type C botulinum toxin by mouse inoculation. No large-scale botulism outbreak has been documented previously in this area. The source of toxin, initiating conditions, and thus, the ultimate cause of this outbreak are not known. This epidemic might signal environmental change in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Several organochlorine pollutants were studied over the period of one annual cycle in caged juvenile and wild-collected adult herring gulls (Lagus argentatus) from Lake Michigan. Fish, mostly alewives (Alosa pseudoharengus), comprised the major year-round food items in the wild; alewives were also fed to the caged juveniles. Fish residues averaged around 3 mg/kg of p,p′-DDE, 2 mg/kg p,p′DDT + p,p′-TDE, and 2 mg/kg apparent PCBs. Juvenile body-burdens of DDE and PCBs showed a continual buildup after fledging, then a temporary dynamic equilibrium, related only in part to annual lipid deposition. Maximum body-burdens were reached in both juveniles and adults when winter fat deposits were declining prior to the breeding season—followed by a return to dynamic equilibrium. Residues of DDT and TDE followed closely the annual pattern of lipid deposition in both juveniles and adults. Total body-burdens in both age classes were similar after the buildups to equilibrium in juveniles in their eighth month after fledging. Seasonal variations of residues of DDE and PCBs were characterised by two phases in adults and three in juveniles, which gradually assumed the adult cyclic pattern. The maximum body-burdens attained by caged juveniles fed a diet of Lake Michigan alewives were 290mg/kg DDE, 19 mg/kg DDT + TDE, and 200 mg/kg apparent PCBs. Residues in wild adults at the same time were 300, 4, and 200 mg/kg of the same residues. Apparent PCBs and DDE were highly accumulative, although DDE levels resulted from dietary DDE, as well as conversion from DDT.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》2002,63(2):339-345
Behaviours with no apparent adaptive function are sometimes described as play without rigorous testing of alternative explanations. One such behaviour is the repeated dropping and catching of objects by birds. We observed drop-catch behaviour by herring gulls over 3 years at a site where the birds frequently dropped clams to break them on hard surfaces below. We tested unique suites of predictions from three hypotheses, that the drop-catch behaviour is play, that it functions to expose potential kleptoparasites, or that it serves to reposition clams before foraging drops. We tested data from 72 drop-catch series and 504 typical foraging drop series to determine which suite of predictions most closely matched our observations. As predicted if the behaviour were play, drop-catches were performed more by younger birds, not necessarily over a hard substrate, and sometimes with nonfood objects. Clams that were subjected to drop-catches were generally not repositioned or eaten. These results suggest a motivation for drop-catching that is distinct from foraging. Finally, drop-catches were more frequent when it was warm and when there were high winds, also consistent with the play hypothesis. Drop-catch behaviour closely matched the predictions of the play hypothesis and we were able to reject the two alternative explanations.  相似文献   

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