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Abstract:  Eophryne  barbutii gen. et sp. nov., a new frogfish from the Ypresian of Monte Bolca (Italy), is described. This taxon is the oldest member of the family Antennariidae known to date based on articulated skeletal remains. Eophryne  barbutii gen. et sp. nov. possesses a unique combination of features that supports its recognition as a new genus of the family Antennariidae. It is characterized by the presence of tiny bifurcated dermal spinules on the skin between and on the surface of the second and third dorsal-fin spines, a naked illicium, outermost caudal-fin rays simple, caudal peduncle present, 11 dorsal-fin rays, and seven anal-fin rays. Eophryne gen. nov. shows a certain degree of phenetic resemblance to the extant genera Antennarius , Histrio and Nudiantennarius . Palaeoecological and evolutionary implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

The genus Anthrobia Tellkampf, 1844 is revised and expanded to include two epigean species, Anthrobia acuminata ( Emerton, 1913 ) comb. nov., and A. whiteleyae sp. nov., and two troglobites, the type species A. monmouthia Tellkampf, 1844 , and A. coylei sp. nov. The female of A. acuminata is described for the first time. All four Anthrobia species were added to a phylogenetic analysis of erigonine genera. Analysis of this matrix results in a single most parsimonious tree (length = 915, CI = 0.23, RI = 0.58; uninformative characters excluded: length = 911, CI = 0.23), which places Anthrobia sister to Diplocentria Hull, 1911. Troglobitic Anthrobia and epigean Anthrobia are both monophyletic. In comparison to the epigean species, troglobitic Anthrobia exhibit the following putative adaptations to cave life: loss of eyes, elongation of the legs, and reduction of the tracheal system. The reliability of phylogenetic results indicating monophyly of cave Anthrobia are discussed in light of the fact that potentially cave adaptive synapomorphies support this relationship.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The Carnian (Late Triassic) flora of Lunz in Lower Austria is famous for an abundance of well-preserved bennettitalean and cycadalean foliage and reproductive structures. However, only the fertile remains have been studied in detail to date. Recently completed systematic macromorphological and cuticular analyses of leaf fossils from Lunz revealed that several forms previously accommodated in the genus Macrotaeniopteris do not represent ferns but rather Bennettitales assignable to the genus Nilssoniopteris . We describe three species of Nilssoniopteris , which represent the first records for this genus from Lunz, and one of the earliest accounts of Nilssoniopteris in the Northern Hemisphere. The following new combinations are introduced: Nilssoniopteris haidingeri (Stur ex Krasser, 1909 a ) comb. nov., N. angustior (Stur ex Krasser, 1909 a ) comb. nov. and N. lunzensis (Stur ex Krasser, 1909 a ) comb. nov. The discovery of Nilssoniopteris further substantiates the significance of the Lunz flora as one of the richest and most diverse early Late Triassic floras from the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

The spider genus Metabus (Tetragnathidae) previously included nine species: the type M. gravidus O. P.-Cambridge, 1899 – junior synonym of Leucauge ocellata (Keyserling) – from Central America and eight species from Chile. In this paper, the classification of the Metabus species-complex is revised, and two new genera, with three new species and five new combinations, are described. Allende gen. nov. is created for four Chilean species not congeneric with the type of Metabus : the type A. puyehuensis sp. nov. , A. patagiatus (Simon) comb. nov. , A. nigrohumeralis (F. O. P.-Cambridge) comb. nov. and A. longipes (Nicolet) comb. nov. Further additions to the Chilean fauna are under the new genus Mollemeta gen. nov. – created for M. edwardsi (Simon) comb. nov. – and three new species of Chrysometa : C. acinosa sp. nov. , C. levii sp. nov. and C. maitae sp. nov. Metabus now includes four species: M. ocellatus (Keyserling) comb. nov. , M. debilis (O. P.-Cambridge) comb. nov. , M. ebanoverde sp. nov. and M. conacyt sp. nov. All of these species were included in a phylogenetic analysis of 38 tetragnathid and 12 orbicularian outgroup terminals scored for 105 morphological and behavioural characters. The results suggest that Metabus as previously circumscribed is polyphyletic. The phylogenetic relationships within tetragnathids are briefly discussed. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 151 , 285–335.  相似文献   

The species of the bee genus Tropidopedia stat. nov. are revised. Thirteen new species are proposed: T. carinata sp. nov. , T. caracicola sp. nov. , T. danunciae sp. nov. , T. duckeana sp. nov. , T. eliasi sp. nov. , T. flavolineata sp. nov. , T. friesei sp. nov. , T. japuraensis sp. nov. , T. nigrita sp. nov. , T. nigrocarinata sp. nov. , T. ornata sp. nov. , T. peruana sp. nov. and T. venezuelana sp. nov. Taxonomic notes are provided for another four species: Tropidopedia punctifrons (Smith, 1879) comb. nov. , T. pallidipennis (Friese, 1899) comb. nov. , T. seabrai (Michener & Moure, 1957) and T. arcuatilis (Vachal, 1909) comb. nov. , including designation of a lectotype for Tetrapedia arcuatilis Vachal. An identification key, illustrations for main diagnostic characters, and distributions maps for all species are provided. A phylogenetic analysis was carried out to evaluate the monophyly of Tropidopedia and its main species groups, as well as to position it among the related genera. Biogeographical patterns are discussed.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 151 , 511–554.  相似文献   

采用支序分析的方法首次对古北和东洋区长足虻亚科的24属3亚属之间的系统发育关系进行了分析.结果表明,长足虻亚科为一严格的单系群,其中Ahercostomus、Allohercostomus、Tachytrechus和Aphalacrosoma为一单系群,Tachytrechus和Aphalacrosoma为姐妹群.原为寡长足虻属Hercostomus亚属之一的Gymnopternus与新属Setihercostomus的亲缘关系较近,为有效属.粗柄长足虻属Ludovicius与Sybistroma为一严格单系群,建议合并为一属.弓脉长足虻属Paraclius Coquillet应为Pelastoneurus的异名.建立3新属,即准长毛长足虻属Aphypophyllus gen nov,模式种Ahy-pophyllus sinensis(Yang,1996);准白长足虻属Aphalacrosoma gen nov,模式种Aphalacrosoma postiseta(Yang et Saigusa,2001);毛颜寡长足虻属Setihercostomus gen nov.,模式种Setihercostomus zonalis(Yang,Yang et Li,1998).原为寡长足虻属的亚属Ahercostomus提升为属,模式种Hercostomus(Ahercostomus)jiangchenganus(Yang et Saigusa,2001).建立的新组合为:Ahypophytlus sinensis(Yang,1996)comb. nov. , Aphalacrosoma hubeiense (Yang, 1998) comb. nov., A. postiseta (Yang et Saigusa, 2001) comb. nov.,A. sichuanense (Yang et Saigusa, 1999) comb. nov., Seti hercostomus setifacies (Stackelberg, 1934) comb. nov., S. zonalis (Yang, Yang et Li, 1998)comb. nov., S. wuyangensis (Wei, 1997) comb. nov., S. huangi (Zhang, Yang et Masunaga, 2004) and Ahercostomus jiangchenganus (Yanget Saigusa, 2001) comb. nov. .  相似文献   

Abstract:  A palaeoecological study of sclerozoan foraminifera of the families Saccamminidae (aff. Sagenina ), Lituolidae ( Placopsilina ), Cibicididae ( Cibicides , Dyocibicides , Cibicidella ) and Planorbulinidae ( Planorbulina and Planorbulinella ) that colonized epifaunal bivalves (ostreids and pectinids) during the early Pliocene in southern Spain has led to the recognition of two new boring ichnogenera: Camarichnus ichnogen. nov., with two ichnospecies, C .  subrectangularis ichnosp. nov. and C .  arcuatus ichnosp. nov., and Canalichnus ichnogen. nov., with one ichnospecies, C .  tenuis ichnosp. nov. The first two ichnospecies were produced by adnate lituolids and cibicidids, the last by saccamminids. Their recognition is very important when quantifying populations of these organisms. Colonisation took place after death of the host bivalves, when they acted as very stable substrates whose topography probably controlled the initial settlement pattern of the foraminifera. The colonisation sequence started with the foraminifera (lituolids-saccamminids-cibicidids-planorbulinids) and was followed by vermetid gastropods, serpulids, spirorbids, cheilostome bryozoans and/or ostreids. Preferred orientations and overgrowth relationships between cheilostome bryozoans and serpulids have been detected in this material.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of rbcL gene sequences and of concatenated rbcL, psbA, and nuclear SSU rRNA gene sequences resolved the generitype of Lithothamnion, L. muelleri, in a clade with three other southern Australian species, L. kraftii sp. nov., L. saundersii sp. nov., and L. woelkerlingii sp. nov. Cold water boreal species currently classified in Lithothamnion and whose type specimens have been sequenced are transferred to Boreolithothamnion gen. nov., with B. glaciale comb. nov. as the generitype. The other species are B. giganteum comb. nov., B. phymatodeum comb. nov., and B. sonderi comb. nov., whose type specimens are newly sequenced, and B. lemoineae comb. nov., B. soriferum comb. nov., and B. tophiforme comb. nov., whose type specimens were already sequenced. Based on rbcL sequences from the type specimens of Lithothamnion crispatum, L. indicum, and L. superpositum, each is recognized as a distinct species and transferred to the recently described Roseolithon as R. crispatum comb. nov., R. indicum comb. nov., and R. superpositum com. nov., respectively. To correctly assign species to these three genera based only on morpho-anatomy, specimens must have multiporate conceptacles and some epithallial cells with flared walls. The discussion provides examples demonstrating that only with phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences can the evolution of morpho-anatomical characters of non-geniculate corallines be understood and applied at the correct taxonomic rank. Finally, phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences support recognition of the Hapalidiales as a distinct order characterized by having multiporate tetra/bisporangial conceptacles, and not as a suborder of Corallinales whose tetra/bisporangial conceptacles are uniporate.  相似文献   

Holococcolithophorids, pyrmnesiophytes having only one type of calcareous element in their coccoliths, are delicate and not commonly recorded in recent and fossil marine floras. There are few records of these organisms from the Indian Ocean and 26 species from there are included in this report. Although the group, generally assigned to a single family, the Calyptrosphaeraceae, may contain species that are part of the life history of heterococcolith-bearing cells in other stages, so little is known of this aspect of their biology that one must continue, at the present time, to treat them as independent taxonomic entities. A key is provided for the known holococcolithophorid genera. A new genus, Gliscolithus, and three new species, Gliscolithus amitakarenae, Calyptrosphaera heimdalae, and Helladosphaera pienaarii are described. The following new combinations are proposed: Calyptrolithina fragaria (Kamptner) comb. nov., Calyptrolithina gaarderae (Borsetti et Cati) comb. nov., Calyptrolithina isselii (Borsetti et Cati) comb. nov., Calyptrolithina lafourcadii (Lecal) comb. nov., Calyptrolithina magnaghii (Borsetti et Cati) comb. nov., Calyptrolithina multipora (Gaarder) comb. nov., Calyptrolithina porritectum (Heimdal) comb. nov., Calyptrolithina wettsteinii (Kamptner) comb. nov., Calyptrolithophora catillifera (Kamptner) comb. nov., Calyptrolithophora galea (Lecal-Schlauder) comb. nov., Dactylethra pirus (Kamptner) comb. nov., Helladosphaera arethusae (Kamptner) comb. nov., Helladosphaera gracilis (Kamptner) comb. nov., Homozygosphaera strigilis (Gaarder) comb. nov. and Syracolithus schilleri (Kamptner) comb. nov. The new combination in the genus Dactylethra Gartner for the first time brings an extant species into this genus that formerly contained only fossil species. It is pointed out that the enlarged zygoliths in stomatal areas of Corisphaera and the helladoliths in stomatal regions of Helladosphaera have intergrading types and are not distinctive enough characteristics to separate these genera.  相似文献   

Species composition and systematic placement within the order Plagiorchiida has been controversial. Species number in Glypthelmins Stafford, 1905, a genus of cosmopolitan parasites of anurans, has varied between 19 and 28 species, depending on the taxonomic treatment. The present study performs a phylogenetic analysis using partial lsrDNA sequences to test the monophyly of the genus, and compares new sequences obtained with those published for different plagiorchiids to clarify the systematic position of Glypthelmins within the order Plagiorchiida. Maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) analyses result in identical tree topology. The single MP tree (L=1587, CI=0.40, RI=0.76) includes several clades with high bootstrap and Bremer support values. Glypthelmins sensu lato as traditionally classified is paraphyletic. Based on molecular and/or morphological evidence, the taxonomic diagnosis for Glypthelmins is emended, only eight species are retained in the genus, and re-establishment of the genera Choledocystus Pereira & Cuocolo, 1941 and Rauschiella Babero, 1951 is proposed, resulting in the following new combinations: Choledocystus simulans (Teixeira de Freitas, 1941) comb. nov., C. vitellinophilum (Dobbin, 1958) comb. nov.; Rauschiella chaquensis (Mañé-Garzón & Holcman-Spector, 1967) comb. nov., R. lenti (Teixeira de Freitas, 1941) comb. nov., R. linguatula (Rudolphi, 1819) comb. nov., R. poncedeleoni (Razo-Mendivil & León-Règagnon, 2001) comb. nov., R. robusta (Brooks, 1976) comb. nov., R. rugocaudata (Yoshida, 1916) comb. nov., R. staffordi (Tubangui, 1928) comb. nov. In the phylogenetic reconstruction, Glypthelmins sensu stricto forms the sister group of Haematoloechus Looss, 1899.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Twenty-three species of silicified brachiopods are described from four samples in the middle and upper parts of the Episkopi Formation from Hydra Island, Greece. These brachiopods are newly recorded from the region and together with previously described brachiopods from the same localities constitute the most diverse Lopingian (Late Permian) brachiopod fauna reported in southern Europe. The brachiopod fauna is Wuchiapingian as indicated by the associated conodonts. The fauna from Hydra exhibits strong palaeobiogeographical links with the faunas from South China. In addition, palaeobiogeographical affinities with the faunas of Thailand and the northern peri-Gondwanan region are also present, which implies a peri-Gondwanan origin for Hydra. Palaeoecologically, the brachiopod assemblage from sample EP in the middle part of the Episkopi Formation is dominated by pedically-attached and cementing genera and reflects moderate energy conditions above storm wave base and an abundance of hard substrates provided by sponges in the biohermal habitat. By contrast, the brachiopod assemblage in the other three samples from the upper part of the Episkopi Formation is dominated by spinose genera with a free-resting life habit, suggesting soft substrates in a quiet water environment below storm wave base on the outer part of the shelf. New taxa are Petinospiriferina gen. nov., Hustedia episkopiensis sp. nov., Waterhouseiella hydraensis sp. nov. and Xenosaria tenuis sp. nov.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A diverse fauna of three-dimensionally preserved sponges is described from nearshore volcanogenic sandstones near Llandrindod, Mid-Wales. The fauna was preserved through early marginal silicification, in rare examples with silicification of soft tissue, and includes aspicular and spicular demosponges, hexactinellids, and a heteractinid. The fauna is largely endemic, with the following new species, genera and families erected: Onerosiconcha gregalia gen. et sp. nov., Ordinisabulo quadragintaforma gen. et sp. nov., Miritubus erinaceus gen. et sp. nov., Vadosifistula milvus gen. et sp. nov., Polycornua trescelestus gen. et sp. nov. (Pseudolanciculidae fam. nov.), P. entropus sp. nov., Palaeocallyoides improbabilis gen. et sp. nov., Reticulicymbalum tres gen. et sp. nov., Triactinella rigbyi gen. et sp. nov. (Triactinellidae, fam. nov.), Spissiparies minuta gen. nov., Brevicirrus arenaceus gen. et sp. nov., Pyritonema scopula sp. nov. (Pyritonemidae, fam. nov.) and Microastraeum tenuis gen. et sp. nov. In addition, Pseudolancicula Webby and Trotter is recorded outside Australia for the first time, although only as isolated spicules. The environment represented by this fauna has not previously yielded articulated sponges, and thus the apparent endemism may be misleading.  相似文献   

A new species, Phaeomarasmius borealis , is described and a number of new combinations and names are proposed: Boletus luridiformis var. junquilleus comb, nov., Fayodia anthracobia comb, nov., Flagelloscypha mairei comb, nov., Hemimycena gypsella comb, nov., H. subimmaculata comb, nov., Hypholoma eximium comb. nov., Lentinus schaefferi comb, nov., Lyophyllum gangraenosum comb, nov., L. fusisporum comb, nov., L. confusum comb, nov., Micromphale acicola nom. nov., M. rufocarneum comb, nov., Pseudoomphalina absinthiata comb, nov., Psilocybe magnivelaris comb, nov., and Sericeomyces sericifer comb. nov.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The oldest eurypterid from China is described as Hughmilleria wangi sp. nov., from the Xiaoxiyu Formation (Silurian: latest Llandovery) of Hunan Province. H. wangi is relatively similar to two species from North America, but differs in the development of epimera on the postabdomen, a slightly wider carapace, a styliform telson and the dimensions of the penultimate podomere of the paddle. The Llandovery age of the specimen substantially reduces the ghost range of the genus Hughmilleria . The exact phylogenetic relationship between the different species in Hughmilleria , the most basal genus in the pterygotoid clade, cannot be resolved because the plesiomorphic states within this clade are poorly known. The shapes of the telson and swimming paddle of the Chinese species suggest that it is more primitive than its North American relatives, which is in accord with its greater age.  相似文献   

Sequences of the 16S rRNA gene were determined from all type strains of the recognized Ectothiorhodospira species and from a number of additional strains. For the first time, these data resolve the phylogenetic relationships of the Ectothiorhodospiraceae in detail, confirm the established species, and improve the classification of strains of uncertain affiliation. Two major groups that are recognized as separate genera were clearly established. The extremely halophilic species were removed from the genus Ectothiorhodospira and reassigned to the new genus Halorhodospira gen. nov., to recognize that the most halophilic eubacteria are species of this genus. These species are Halorhodospira halophila comb. nov., Halorhodospira halochloris comb. nov., and Halorhodospira abdelmalekii comb. nov. Among the slightly halophilic Ectothiorhodospira species, the classification of strains belonging to Ectothiorhodospira mobilis and Ectothiorhodospira shaposhnikovii was improved. Several strains that were tentatively identified as Ectothiorhodospira mobilis form a separate cluster on the basis of their 16S rDNA sequences and are recognized as two new species: Ectothiorhodospira haloalkaliphila sp. nov., which includes the most alkaliphilic strains originating from strongly alkaline soda lakes, and Ectothiorhodospira marina, describing isolates from the marine environment. Received: 12 October 1995 / Accepted: 1 December 1995  相似文献   

The genus Etiennea Matile‐Ferrero is synonymized with Hemilecanium Newstead (Hemiptera: Coccidae). We base this decision on a morphological comparative study of adult females, adult males and first‐instar nymphs (crawlers), including a phylogenetic analysis. We recovered a sister group relationship between the type species of the two genera, Etiennea villiersi Matile‐Ferrero and Hemilecanium theobromae Newstead; that is, each was more closely related to the other than either was to other species in their respective genera. All species hitherto included in Etiennea are transferred to Hemilecanium: H. bursera (Hodgson & Kondo) comb. nov., H. cacao (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. candelabra (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. capensis (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. carpenteri (Newstead) comb. nov., H. cephalomeatus (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. combreti (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. ferina (De Lotto) comb. nov., H. ferox (Newstead) comb. nov., H. gouligouli (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. halli (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. kellyi (Brain) comb. nov., H. madagascariensis (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. montrichardiae (Newstead) comb. nov., H. multituberculum (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. petasus (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. sinetuberculum (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. tafoensis (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. ulcusculum (Hodgson) comb. nov., and H. villiersi (Matile‐Ferrero) comb. nov. Keys to the adult females of all 26 species and known adult males and first‐instar nymphs are provided. The adult males and first‐instar nymphs of H. theobromae Newstead and E. villiersi Matile‐Ferrero are for the first time fully described and illustrated. One new potential pest species of Hemilecanium, H. uesatoi Kondo & Hardy sp. nov., which was collected on three islands of the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan, is described and illustrated based on the adult female, adult male and first‐instar nymph. We discuss evidence that H. uesatoi is a new introduction to the Ryukyu Archipelago. The first‐instar nymphs of Hemilecanium can be divided into two distinct morphological groups, the petasus group and the theobromae group.  相似文献   

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