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The habitat association approach has been increasingly used in ecology to resolve problems in wildlife conservation and management. One problem related to habitat association studies is that they are restricted to small geographical areas within a species' range, and thus they are applicable to only a limited set of environmental conditions utilized by the species. In addition, very few studies address why the preference for specific habitat components may be adaptive for the species in question. The objective of this study was to examine how consideration of populations of a species from two dramatically different environments affects the results of habitat association modelling for a ground-nesting passerine, the Rock Bunting Emberiza cia . At a regional scale, a trend to defending breeding habitat patches with relatively higher stone cover was confined to birds from a temperate region in Slovakia. In contrast, in a semi-arid region in southeastern Spain, Rock Buntings preferred to use breeding habitat patches that had relatively higher grass cover. Combining data from both regions, breeding Rock Buntings showed a general pattern of using habitat patches close to hedges, with low bush cover, high ditch density and a steep slope. Whereas regional habitat association models appear to be sensitive to the particularities of the breeding environment, our study suggests that Rock Bunting breeding habitat association is constrained by the adults' tactics to protect themselves against predators. Although the birds prefer to nest in patches of low vegetation, the better to see nearby predators, these patches are ideally close to taller vegetation that can be used to provide cover when evading predators, and they are also of a rugged profile that helps the birds to approach and leave the nest stealthily.  相似文献   

The thermal regime of rivers: a review   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
D. CAISSIE 《Freshwater Biology》2006,51(8):1389-1406
1. The thermal regime of rivers plays an important role in the overall health of aquatic ecosystems, including water quality issues and the distribution of aquatic species within the river environment. Consequently, for conducting environmental impact assessments as well as for effective fisheries management, it is important to understand the thermal behaviour of rivers and related heat exchange processes. 2. This study reviews the different river thermal processes responsible for water temperature variability on both the temporal (e.g. diel, daily, seasonal) and spatial scales, as well as providing information related to different water temperature models currently found in the literature. 3. Water temperature models are generally classified into three groups: regression, stochastic and deterministic models. Deterministic models employ an energy budget approach to predict river water temperature, whereas regression and stochastic models generally rely on air to water temperature relationships. 4. Water temperature variability can occur naturally or as a result of anthropogenic perturbations, such as thermal pollution, deforestation, flow modification and climate change. Literature information is provided on the thermal regime of rivers in relation to anthropogenic impacts and such information will contribute to the better protection of fish habitat and more efficient fisheries management.  相似文献   

梁广文  钟平生  曾玲 《昆虫知识》2005,42(5):510-514
应用害虫生态控制理论和方法,以抗性品种、施用有机肥、种植对天敌具有助迁或保护作用的植物为基础,将稻田放鸭、薇甘菊(MikaniamicranthaKunth)乙醇提取物、现代苦楝油(MeliaazedarachL.)等各项生态措施,科学、合理地组配成褐稻虱Nilaparvatalugens(Stl)种群生态控制系统,研究其对褐稻虱种群的控制作用。结果表明稻田放鸭对褐稻虱若虫具有60.92%的控制效果,现代苦楝油200倍对褐稻虱种群的作用优于薇甘菊乙醇提取物1gDW·100mL-1,不同生态措施组合对褐稻虱自然种群的控制作用显著,但其联合作用效果与组合组分不成正比例增长。所组建的生态措施组合可将褐稻虱种群数量降至经济阈值以下,完全可达到持续控制褐稻虱种群的目的。  相似文献   

Cai  Zucong  Xing  Guangxi  Yan  Xiaoyuan  Xu  Hua  Tsuruta  Haruo  Yagi  Kazuyuki  Minami  Katsuyuki 《Plant and Soil》1997,196(1):7-14
Methane and N2O emissions affected by nitrogen fertilisers were measured simultaneously in rice paddy fields under intermittent irrigation in 1994. Ammonium sulphate and urea were applied at rates of 0 (control), 100 and 300 kg N ha-1. The results showed that CH4 emission, on the average, decreased by 42 and 60% in the ammonium sulphate treatments and 7 and 14% in the urea treatments at rates of 100 and 300 kg N ha-1, respectively, compared to the control. N2O emission increased significantly with the increase in the nitrogen application rate. N2O emission was higher from ammonium sulphate treatments than from the urea treatments at the same application rate. A trade-off effect between CH4 and N2O emission was clearly observed. The N2O flux was very small when the rice paddy plots were flooded, but peaked at the beginning of the disappearance of floodwater. In contrast, the CH4 flux peaked during flooding and was significantly depressed by mid-season aeration (MSA). The results suggest that it is important to evaluate the integrative effects of water management and fertiliser application for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in order to attenuate the greenhouse effect contributed by rice paddy fields.  相似文献   

The abundance, seasonal dynamics and species composition of microcrustacean and rotifer communities in rice fields used for rice-cum-fish culture were examined. The shallow littoral-like nature of rice fields resulted in the presence of cladoceran and rotifer species, but copepods were numerically more abundant. Abundance and seasonal dynamics were affected by factors such as pesticides and herbicide use, predator-prey relationships, presence of hydrophytes and interactions among microcrustaceans and rotifers. The implications of microcrustacean and rotifers abundance and seasonal dynamics on rice-fish farming are discussed.  相似文献   

湖泊水位变动对水生植被的影响机理及其调控方法   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
刘永  郭怀成  周丰  王真  黄凯 《生态学报》2006,26(9):3117-3126
水位的高低及其变动范围、频率、发生的时间、持续的时长和规律性等是影响湖泊水生植被的核心因子.水位变动有短期、年内季节性和年际变动3种,对湖泊水生植被有不同的影响机理.水位短期变动通过对水体中的悬浮物、透明度、光衰减系数等的影响而对水生植被产生作用;周期性的年内季节性和年际水位变动可对水生植被的生态适宜性产生影响,并进而改变其时空分布;长期的高水位和低水位以及非周期性的水位季节变动会破坏水生植被长期以来对水位周期性变化所产生的适应性,从而影响了植被的正常生长、繁衍和演替.植被的极端深度和物种多样性是水位调控的核心表征指标,可通过经验数据分析法、生态模型法和参照法等方法来确定湖泊的适宜水位变动范围和时间.研究对象选择、研究方法、管理中的应用以及重要环境变化所产生的影响等是今后相关研究的核心问题.  相似文献   

Understanding how natural assemblages of predators are affected by organic agriculture, and whether these changes can contribute to biological control, is important for the design of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies and sustainable agriculture. The effect of organic management practices on the abundance of the cotton aphid Aphis gossypii and its major predators was evaluated in northwestern China during the cotton‐growing seasons of 2004–2006. The predators of A. gossypii in cotton fields included Coccinellidae (ladybirds), Chrysopidae (lacewings), spiders (Linyphiidae and Thomisidae) and Syrphidae (hoverflies). Higher peak densities and longer persistence of predators in organic fields were found, and the average annual densities of all predators except Chrysopidae adults were higher, on average by 200%, in organic fields than in conventional fields in all 3 years. The abundance of larvae of Coccinellidae, Chrysopidae and Syrphidae was higher in organically managed crops indicating that these predators bred more successfully in organic fields. Although there was a significant difference between A. gossypii abundance in organic and conventional fields each year, taken over the three‐year period as a whole there was no significant difference. This suggests predation by natural enemies in organic fields can achieve the same efficacy in aphid control as pesticides used in conventional fields over the long term, but that predation does not prevent outbreaks of A. gossypii in some years.  相似文献   

农业景观生物多样性与害虫生态控制   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
郑云开  尤民生 《生态学报》2009,29(3):1508-1518
现代农业的一个重要特征就是人类对农田生态系统的干扰强度及频率不断增加,严重影响农业景观的结构及其生物多样性.农业景观结构的变化及其生物多样性的丧失,必然引起生态系统服务功能的弱化,不利于实施以保护自然天敌为主的害虫生态控制.农业的集约化经营导致自然生境破碎化,减少了农业景观的复杂性,使得作物和非作物变成一种相对离散化的生境类型和镶嵌的景观格局;破碎化的生境不仅会减少某些物种的丰度,还会影响物种之间的相互关系及生物群落的多样性和稳定性.非作物生境类型如林地、灌木篱墙、田块边缘区、休耕地和草地等,是一种比较稳定的异质化环境.非作物生境较少受到干扰,可以为寄生性和捕食性节肢动物提供适宜的越冬或避难场所以及替代猎物、花粉和花蜜等资源,因此,非作物生境有利于自然天敌的栖息和繁衍,也有利于它们迁入邻近的作物生境中对害虫起到调节和控制作用.景观的格局-过程-尺度影响农田生物群落物种丰富度、多度、多样性以及害虫与天敌之间的相互作用.从区域农业景观系统的角度出发,运用景观生态学的理论和方法来研究作物、害虫、天敌等组分在不同斑块之间的转移过程和变化规律,揭示害虫在较大尺度和具有异质性的空间范围内的灾变机理,可为利用农业景观生物多样性来保护农田自然天敌,实施害虫的区域性生态控制提供新的研究思路和手段.  相似文献   

Rushes, such as soft rush (Juncus effusus L.), hard rush (Juncus inflexus L.), and compact rush (Juncus conglomeratus L.) have become problem species within upland grasslands across the United Kingdom and the coastal grasslands of western Norway. Indeed, being largely unpalatable to livestock and having a vigorous reproductive ecology means that they can rapidly come to dominate swards. However, rush dominance results in a reduction in grassland biodiversity and farm productivity. Anecdotal evidence from the United Kingdom suggests that rush cover within marginal upland grasslands has increased considerably in recent decades. Yet, there is currently no published evidence to support this observation. Here, we use recent and historical Google Earth imagery to measure changes in rush frequency over a 13-year period within four survey years: 2005, 2009, 2015, and 2018. During each survey year, we quantified rush presence or absence using a series of quadrats located within 300 upland grassland plots in the West Pennine Moors, United Kingdom. Data were analysed in two stages, first, by calculating mean rush frequencies per sample year using all the available plot-year combinations (the full dataset), and second by examining differences in rush frequency using only the plots for which rush frequency data were available in every sample year (the continuous dataset). The full dataset indicated that rush frequency has increased by 82% between 2005 and 2018. Similarly, the continuous dataset suggested that rush frequency has increased by 174% over the same period, with the increases in frequency being statistically significant (p < .05) between 2005–2018 and 2009–2018. We discuss the potential drivers of rush expansion in the West Pennine Moors, the ecological and agronomic implications of grassland rush infestations, and priorities for future research.  相似文献   

Summary In the fragmented agricultural landscapes of temperate southern Australia, broad‐scale revegetation is underway to address multiple natural resource management issues. In particular, commercially‐driven fodder shrub plantings are increasingly being established on non‐saline land to fill the summer‐autumn feed gap in grazing systems. Little is known of the contribution that these and other planted woody perennial systems make to biodiversity conservation in multifunctional landscapes. In order to address this knowledge gap, a study was conducted in the southern Murray Mallee region of South Australia. Selected ecological indicators, including plant and bird communities, were sampled in spring 2008 and autumn 2009 in five planted saltbush sites and nearby areas of remnant vegetation and improved pasture. In general, remnant vegetation sites had higher biodiversity values than saltbush and pasture sites. Saltbush sites contained a diverse range of plants and birds, including a number of threatened bird species not found in adjacent pasture sites. Plant and bird communities showed significant variation across saltbush, pasture and remnant treatments and significant differences between seasons. This study demonstrates that saltbush plantings can provide at least partial habitat for some native biota within a highly modified agricultural landscape. Further research is being conducted on the way in which biota, such as birds, use available resources in these dynamic ecosystems. An examination of the effects of grazing on biodiversity in saltbush would improve the ability of landholders and regional natural resource management agencies in making informed land management decisions.  相似文献   

水分管理调控水稻氮素利用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水、氮是调控水稻生长发育的两个重要环境因子。通过"以水调氧"增加根际溶氧量(如干湿交替、好氧栽培等)能够提升土壤硝化势和氧化还原电位,刺激土壤氮的矿化作用,使水稻处于NH+4与NO-3混合营养中,并能通过诱导水稻的生理特性及改善根系的吸收功能增强其抗旱性能,提高水稻产量及氮素利用率。光合作用是形成干物质的主要途径,土壤氮水平、氮形态与水稻光合速率紧密相关,提高叶片光合速率将有助于提高水稻的氮素利用率和产量。从稻田水分管理对土壤氮素形态特征、水稻氮吸收利用、光合速率及氮环境效应的影响等方面综述了国内外相关研究进展,并指出进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

The Mar Menor is the largest coastal lagoon in the Western Mediterranean and it is an important site for wintering and breeding waterfowl. During recent decades several hydrological and land-use changes in the watershed have increasingly threatened the conservation of the lagoon due to the development of urban areas, tourism and agriculture. A dynamic system model has been developed at the watershed scale to estimate the annual load of nutrients reaching the Mar Menor-associated wetlands. At present, mean annual loadings of approximately 2000 tonnes of nitrogen and 60 tonnes of phosphorus are delivered to the lagoon. The simulation results emphasize the role of heavy rainfall events and floods in the formation of the total nutrient load. The composition of aquatic bird communities has been used to assess the nutrient impact on the lagoon food-web. The Great Crested Grebe is apparently the species most closely dependant on local trophic conditions. The related Black-necked Grebe, that dominates the waterbird community of the lagoon, plays a similar role, but its more opportunistic response to changes in food resources, reduces its indicator value. The abundance of the two species of grebes seems to closely track the nitrogen load curve, especially during the first phase of enrichment, suggesting the existence of a direct trophic relationship. In the following phase, jellyfish blooms coincide with the bird decline. Jellyfishes seem to have a buffering effect towards nutrients, determining a bottom up limitation to other trophic compartments. In recent years, this buffering capacity has probably been overloaded, favouring the growth of new food resources available to the grebes. Unlike grebes, Mergus serrator, a typical piscivorous bird, does not seem to be affected positively by eutrophication since it shows a long-term stability in numbers or even a slight decline. Since this suspected decline would parallel a long-term reduction of fish catches, the species could be regarded as a potential indicator of habitat deterioration.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the feasibility of bacteriophages as a complementary tool for water quality assessment in surface waters from different parts of the globe. METHODS AND RESULTS: Faecal coliform bacteria, enterococci, spores of sulphite-reducing clostridia, somatic coliphages, F-specific RNA bacteriophages and bacteriophages infecting Bacteroides fragilis were determined by standardized methods in raw sewage and in 392 samples of river water from 22 sampling sites in 10 rivers in Argentina, Colombia, France and Spain, which represent very different climatic and socio-economic conditions. The results showed that the indicators studied maintained the same relative densities in the raw sewage from the different areas. Classifying the river water samples according to the content of faecal coliform bacteria, it can be observed that the relative densities of the different bacterial indicators and bacteriophages changed according to the concentration of faecal coliform bacteria. There was a relative increase in the densities of all groups of bacteriophages and sulphite-reducing clostridia with respect to faecal coliforms and enterococci in the samples with low counts of faecal coliform bacteria. CONCLUSIONS: The numbers of bacterial indicators and bacteriophages were similar in the different geographical areas studied. Once released in rivers, the persistence of the different micro-organisms differed significantly. Bacteriophages and spores of sulphite-reducing clostridia persisted longer than faecal coliforms and enterococci. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Bacteriophages in river water samples provide additional information to that provided by bacteria about the fate of faecal micro-organisms in river water. The easy, fast and cheap methods for phage determination are feasible both in industrialized and developing countries.  相似文献   

华南稻田农田害鼠复合防治指标的理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何淼  冯志勇 《生态学报》2003,23(1):211-217
依据对华南地区稻田3种主要害鼠黄毛鼠、板齿鼠和小家鼠的田间捕获率调查,以及对害鼠造成的相应水稻产量损失率(y)研究,建立了水稻产量损失率与鼠密度关系的多元线性回归方程。确定板齿鼠作为本项研究的标准鼠种,利用3种农田鼠害的捕获率在回归方程中对应的系数,计算出农田害鼠的标准当量损害指标。结果显示,每个标准鼠单位造成的水稻产量损失率分别相当于4.084个黄毛鼠当量单位,或31.593个小家鼠当量单位。进一步,对原始调查数据进行二次处理,建立了标准当量(x)与(y)的相互关系数学模型;文中配合EIL计算公式,求出了在不同水稻产量和不同灭鼠效果等条件下的华南农田害鼠的复合防治指标。  相似文献   

Grazing is a widely applied conservation management tool, but the optimal regime for biodiversity conservation is still unknown. The effects of grazers on small mammals are not yet fully understood and mostly restricted to studies which compare grazed with ungrazed areas. We determined the effect of different livestock grazers and densities and a rotation regime, on voles in a conservation area in The Netherlands. We used a 7-year grazing experiment with horse and cattle grazing at two densities namely 0.5 and 1 animal ha−1 (equivalent to 0.4 and 0.8 LSU), including a rotation regime i.e. 1 year summer grazing with 1 cattle ha−1 followed by 1 ungrazed year. We recorded vole activity signs as a measure for presence (i.e. presence of burrow entrances, droppings, runways and plant clippings) in circular 2 m2 plots along transects. Low grazer densities, regardless of species, corresponded to higher vole presence. Vole presence tended to be greater with cattle grazing than with horse grazing, but the difference was not significant. The increase in vole presence was greater in the rotation regime than with low or high density cattle grazing. The different vole activity signs provided similar results to each other with the exception of burrow entrances, suggesting that this measure is less accurate in predicting vole presence. Hence, voles clearly responded to the different grazing regimes. Our results have high relevance for conservation, in particular in systems where small mammals contribute to important ecological processes (e.g. bioturbation, seed dispersal) and play a crucial role in the survival of (iconic) higher trophic level taxa such as raptors or mammalian predators. In such systems, conservation management may best implement low-density cattle or rotation grazing.  相似文献   

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