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Prion protein (PrP) prevents Bax-mediated cell death by inhibiting the initial Bax conformational change that converts cytosolic Bax into a pro-apoptotic protein. PrP is mostly a glycophosphatidylinositol-anchored cell surface protein but it is also retrotranslocated into cytosolic PrP (CyPrP) or can become a type 1 or type 2 transmembrane protein. To determine the form and subcellular location of the PrP that has anti-Bax function, we co-expressed various Syrian hamster PrP (SHaPrP) mutants that favour specific PrP topologies and subcellular localization with N-terminally green fluorescent protein tagged pro-apoptotic Bax (EGFP-Bax) in MCF-7 cells and primary human neurons. Mutants that generate both CyPrP and secreted PrP ((Sec)PrP) or only CyPrP have anti-Bax activity. Mutants that produce (Ctm)PrP or (Ntm)PrP lose the anti-Bax activity, despite their ability to also make (Sec)PrP. Transmembrane-generating mutants do not produce CyPrP and both normal and cognate mutant forms of CyPrP rescue against the loss of anti-Bax activity. (Sec)PrP-generating constructs also produce non-membrane attached (Sec)PrP. However, this form of PrP has minimal anti-Bax activity. We conclude that CyPrP is the predominant form of PrP with anti-Bax function. These results imply that the retrotranslocation of PrP encompasses a survival function and is not merely a pathway for the proteasomal degradation of misfolded protein.  相似文献   

The cellular prion protein (PrP(C)), predominantly expressed in the central nervous system, is required for pathogenesis of prion neurodegenerative diseases and its conversion into a pathogenic isoform (PrP(Sc)) is a common feature of disease. While the physiological function of PrP(C) remains unclear, accumulating evidence indicates a role for PrP(C) in oxidative homeostasis in vivo and suggests that PrP(C) may be involved in the cellular response to oxidative stress. Mice in which PrP(C) expression has been ablated are viable and develop normally. Here we show that in an inbred line of mice, in tissues that normally express PrP at moderate to high levels, ablation of PrP(C) results in reduced mitochondrial numbers, unusual mitochondrial morphology, and elevated levels of mitochondrial manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase antioxidant enzyme. These observations may have relevance to the pathogenic mechanism for this group of fatal neurodegenerative conditions.  相似文献   

Prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are infectious and fatal neurodegenerative disorders in humans and animals. Pathological features of TSEs include the conversion of cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) into an altered disease-associated conformation generally designated PrP(Sc), abnormal deposition of PrP(Sc) aggregates, and spongiform degeneration of the brain. The molecular steps leading to PrP(C) aggregation are unknown. Here, we have utilized an inducible oligomerization strategy to test if, in the absence of any infectious prion particles, the encounter between PrP(C) molecules may trigger its aggregation in neuronal cells. A chimeric PrP(C) composed of one (Fv1) or two (Fv2) modified FK506-binding protein (Fv) fused with PrP(C) were created, and transfected in N2a cells. Similar to PrP(C), Fv1-PrP and Fv2-PrP were glycosylated, displayed normal localization, and anti-apoptotic function. When cells were treated with the dimeric Fv ligand AP20187, to induce dimerization (Fv1) or oligomerization (Fv2) of PrP(C), both dimerization and oligomerization of PrP(C) resulted in the de novo production, release and deposition of extracellular PrP aggregates. Aggregates were insoluble in non-ionic detergents and partially resistant to proteinase K. These findings demonstrate that homologous interactions between PrP(C) molecules may constitute a minimal and sufficient molecular event leading to PrP(C) aggregation and extracellular deposition.  相似文献   

We examined expression of the normal cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and in transfected neuroblastoma cells with a panel of six monoclonal antibodies (Mabs). While all six of the Mabs reacted strongly with the neuroblastoma cells, only four of the Mabs reacted with PrP(C) expressed by human PBMC. PrP(C) is expressed at high levels in human T cells, B cells, monocytes, and dendritic cells, but not in red blood cells. Immunoblotting studies revealed that the PrP(C) glycoforms and the composition of the N-linked glycans on PrP(C) in human PBMC are different from those of the brain or the neuroblastoma cells. In human PBMC and the neuroblastoma cell lines the N-terminal portion of the PrP(C) is hypersensitive to proteolytic digestion, suggesting that the N-terminus of the PrP(C) on the surface of a living cell lacks secondary structure. We found that the level of PrP(C) expressed on the surface of human T lymphocytes was up-regulated as a consequence of cellular activation. Accordingly, memory T cells express more PrP(C) than na?ve T cells. In addition, the proliferation of human T lymphocytes stimulated with an anti-CD3 Mab was inhibited by anti-PrP(C) Mabs. Collectively, these results suggest that PrP(C) can participate in signal transduction in human T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The cellular isoform of prion protein (PrP(C)) is a cell-surface glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-anchored protein which is ubiquitously expressed on the cell membrane. It may function as a cell receptor or as a cell adhesion molecule. Thyroid follicles, obtained from patients with Graves' disease at thyroidectomy, were cultured in F-12/RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 0.5% fetal bovine serum and bovine thyroid stimulating hormone (bTSH). Northern blot analyses revealed that bTSH increased the steady-state expression levels of PrP mRNA in a time- and dose-dependent manner. This increase was reproduced by dibutyryl-cAMP and 12-decanoylphorbol-13-acetate. The mRNA expression was greater in thyroid follicles in suspension culture than in thyrocytes cultured in a monolayer. These findings suggest that TSH stimulates PrP mRNA expression in thyrocytes through the protein kinase A and C pathways. The greater mRNA expression in thyroid follicles than in monolayer cells suggests that PrP(C) may be involved in structure formation or maintenance of thyroid follicles.  相似文献   

Polyglutamine protein aggregation is associated with eight inherited neurodegenerative disorders. In Huntington's disease, N-terminal fragments of mutant huntingtin form intracellular aggregates and mediate cellular toxicity. Recent studies have shown that chaperones inhibit polyglutamine-mediated aggregation and cellular toxicity. Because chaperones also inhibit caspase activation to protect cells from death, it remains unclear whether the protective effect of chaperones on polyglutamine-mediated cellular toxicity is dependent on their inhibition of protein aggregation. In this study, we show that several chaperones including HSP 40, HSP 70, and N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor can inhibit cellular toxicity caused by N-terminal mutant huntingtin fragments. However, only HSP 40 is able to inhibit huntingtin aggregation. Furthermore, time-course study suggests that the protection of chaperones against huntingtin toxicity is not the result of their suppression of huntingtin aggregation. Chaperones inhibit caspase-3 and caspase-9 activation mediated by mutant huntingtin, and this inhibition is independent of huntingtin aggregation. We propose that the inhibition of caspase activity by chaperones is involved in their suppression of polyglutamine toxicity.  相似文献   

Recently, it was observed that reverse-translocated cytosolic PrP and PrP expressed in the cytosol induce rapid death in neurons (Ma, J., Wollmann, R., and Lindquist, S. (2002) Science 298, 1781-1785). In this study, we investigated whether accumulation of prion protein (PrP) in the cytosol is toxic to human neurons in primary culture. We show that in these neurons, a single PrP isoform lacking signal peptide accumulates in the cytosol of neurons treated with epoxomicin, a specific proteasome inhibitor. Therefore, endogenously expressed PrP is subject to the endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD) pathway and is degraded by the proteasome in human primary neurons. In contrast to its toxicity in N2a cells, reverse-translocated PrP (ERAD-PrP) is not toxic even when neurons are microinjected with cDNA constructs to overexpress either wild-type PrP or mutant PrPD178N. We found that ERAD-PrP in human neurons remains detergent-soluble and proteinase K-sensitive, in contrast to its detergent-insoluble and proteinase K-resistant state in N2a cells. Furthermore, not only is microinjection of a cDNA construct expressing CyPrP not toxic, it protects these neurons against Bax-mediated cell death. We conclude that in human neurons, ERAD-PrP is not converted naturally into a form reminiscent of scrapie PrP and that PrP located in the cytosol retains its protective function against Bax. Thus, it is unlikely that simple accumulation of PrP in the cytosol can cause neurodegeneration in prion diseases.  相似文献   

To test if Caenorhabditis elegans could be established as a model organism for prion study, we created transgenic C. elegans expressing the cytosolic form of the mouse prion protein, MoPrP(23-231), which lacks the N-terminal signal sequence and the C-terminal glycosylphosphatidylinisotol (GPI) anchor site. We report here that transgenic worms expressing MoPrP(23-231)-CFP exhibited a wide range of distinct phenotypes: from normal growth and development, reduced mobility and development delay, complete paralysis and development arrest, to embryonic lethality. Similar levels of MoPrP(23-231)-CFP were produced in animals exhibiting these distinct phenotypes, suggesting that MoPrP(23-231)-CFP might have misfolded into distinct toxic species. In combining with the observation that mutations in PrP that affect prion pathogenesis also affect the toxic phenotypes in C. elegans, we conclude that the prion protein-folding mechanism is similar in mammals and C. elegans. Thus, C. elegans can be a useful model organism for prion research.  相似文献   

Insight into the normal function of PrP(C), and how it can be subverted to produce neurotoxic effects, is provided by PrP molecules carrying deletions encompassing the conserved central region. The most neurotoxic of these mutants, Δ105-125 (called ΔCR), produces a spontaneous neurodegenerative illness when expressed in transgenic mice, and this phenotype can be dose-dependently suppressed by co-expression of wild-type PrP. Whether the toxic activity of ΔCR PrP and the protective activity or wild-type PrP are cell-autonomous, or can be exerted on neighboring cells, is unknown. To investigate this question, we have utilized co-cultures of differentiated neural stem cells derived from mice expressing ΔCR or wild-type PrP. Cells from the two kinds of mice, which are marked by the presence or absence of GFP, are differentiated together to yield neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. As a surrogate read-out of ΔCR PrP toxicity, we assayed sensitivity of the cells to the cationic antibiotic, Zeocin. In a previous study, we reported that cells expressing ΔCR PrP are hypersensitive to the toxic effects of several cationic antibiotics, an effect that is suppressed by co-expression of wild type PrP, similar to the rescue of the neurodegenerative phenotype observed in transgenic mice. Using this system, we find that while ΔCR-dependent toxicity is cell-autonomous, the rescuing activity of wild-type PrP can be exerted in trans from nearby cells. These results provide important insights into how ΔCR PrP subverts a normal physiological function of PrP(C), and the cellular mechanisms underlying the rescuing process.  相似文献   

The cellular prion protein, PrPc, is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored cell surface glycoprotein and a protease-resistant conformer of the protein may be the infectious agent in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. PrPc is localized on growing axons in vitro and along fibre bundles that contain elongating axons in developing and adult brain. To determine whether the growth state of axons influenced the expression and axonal transport of PrPc, we examined changes in the protein following post-traumatic regeneration in the hamster sciatic nerve. Our results show (1) that PrPc in nerve is significantly increased during nerve regeneration; (2) that this increase involves an increase in axonally transported PrPc; and (3) that the PrPc preferentially targeted for the newly formed portions of the regenerating axons consists of higher molecular weight glycoforms. These results raise the possibility that PrPc may play a role in the growth of axons in vivo, perhaps as an adhesion molecule interacting with the extracellular environment through specialized glycosylation.  相似文献   

Prions are infectious proteins and over the past few decades, some prions have become renowned for their causative role in several neurodegenerative diseases in animals and humans. Since their discovery, the mechanisms and mode of transmission and molecular structure of prions have begun to be established. There is, however, still much to be elucidated about prion diseases, including the development of potential therapeutic strategies for treatment. The significance of prion disease is discussed here, including the categories of human and animal prion diseases, disease transmission, disease progression and the development of symptoms and potential future strategies for treatment. Furthermore, the structure and function of the normal cellular prion protein (PrPC) and its importance in not only in prion disease development, but also in diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease will also be discussed.  相似文献   

The oligomeric AAA+ chaperones Escherichia coli ClpB and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hsp104 cooperate with cognate Hsp70/Hsp40 chaperone machineries in the reactivation of aggregated proteins in E. coli and S. cerevisiae. In addition, Hsp104 and Hsp70/Hsp40 are crucial for the maintenance of prion aggregates in yeast cells. While the bichaperone system efficiently solubilizes stress-generated amorphous aggregates, structurally highly ordered prion fibrils are only partially processed, resulting in the generation of fragmented prion seeds that can be transmitted to daughter cells for stable inheritance. Here, we describe and discuss the most recent mechanistic findings on yeast Hsp104 and Hsp70/Hsp40 cooperation in the remodeling of both types of aggregates, emphasizing similarities in the mechanism but also differences in the sensitivities towards chaperone activities.  相似文献   

The soluble cellular prion protein (PrPC) is best known for its association with prion disease (PrD) through its conversion to a pathogenic insoluble isoform (PrPSc). However, its deleterious effects independent of PrPSc have recently been observed not only in PrD but also in Alzheimer disease (AD), two diseases which mainly affect cognition. At the same time, PrPC itself seems to have broad physiologic functions including involvement in cognitive processes. The PrPC that is believed to be soluble and monomeric has so far been the only PrP conformer observed in the uninfected brain. In 2006, we identified an insoluble PrPC conformer (termed iPrPC) in uninfected human and animal brains. Remarkably, the PrPSc-like iPrPC shares the immunoreactivity behavior and fragmentation with a newly-identified PrPSc species in a novel human PrD termed variably protease-sensitive prionopathy. Moreover, iPrPC has been observed as the major PrP species that interacts with amyloid β (Aβ) in AD. This article highlights evidence of PrP involvement in two putatively beneficial and deleterious PrP-implicated pathways in cognition and hypothesizes first, that beneficial and deleterious effects of PrPC are attributable to the chameleon-like conformation of the protein and second, that the iPrPC conformer is associated with PrD and AD.Key words: prion protein, prion disease, cognition, cognitive deficit, insoluble prion protein, Alzheimer disease, variably protease-sensitive prionopathy, dementia, memory  相似文献   

The eight amino acid sequence, Asp-Tyr-Lys-Asp-Asp-Asp-Asp-Lys, representing the FLAG peptide, was inserted after codons 22 or 88 of the mouse (Mo) prion protein (PrP) gene. Inclusion of the FLAG sequence at these locations interfered neither with the cellular processing of PrPC nor its conversion into PrPSc. Inclusion of the FLAG epitope at residue 22 but not at residue 88 facilitated immunodetection of tagged PrP by anti-FLAG monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Inoculation of transgenic (Tg) mice expressing N-terminally tagged MoPrP with Mo prions resulted in abbreviated incubation times, indicating that the FLAG sequence was not deleterious to prion propagation. Immunopurification of FLAG-tagged MoPrPC in the brains of Tg mice was achieved using the calcium-dependent anti-FLAG M1 mAb and non-denaturing procedures. Although the function of PrPC remains unknown, our studies demonstrate that some modifications of PrPC do not inhibit the one biological activity that can be measured, i.e., conversion into PrPSc. Tagged PrP molecules may prove useful in the development of improved assays for prions as well as structural studies of the PrP isoforms.  相似文献   

The biology of the cellular prion protein   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Prions are the etiological agents for infectious degenerative encephalopaties acting by inducing conformational changes in the cellular prion protein (PrPc), which is a cell membrane GPI anchored glycoprotein. Besides its conservation among species and expression in most tissues, and in particular, in high levels in the nervous system, the role for cellular prion protein remained obscure for some time. Initial skepticism about such a role was mainly due to the absence of a gross phenotype alteration in cellular prion protein null mice. In the last few years, some possible biological functions for cellular prion protein have been described. Copper binds to the molecule and the resulting complex may be responsible for cell protection against oxidative stress. Cellular prion protein is also a high-affinity ligand for laminin, and induces neuronal cell adhesion, neurite extension and maintenance. The binding site resides in a carboxy-terminal peptide of the gamma-1 chain, which is very conserved among all laminin types, indicating that this interaction may be relevant in other tissues besides the brain. Moreover, cellular prion protein association with a peptide that mimics a putative ligand at the cell surface, p66, triggers neuroprotective signals through a cAMP/PKA-dependent pathway. Since PrPc recycles from membrane to an intracellular compartment, which is induced by copper binding, it is also possible that the internalization mechanism allows switching off elicited signals.  相似文献   

The soluble cellular prion protein (PrPC) is best known for its association with prion disease (PrD) through its conversion to a pathogenic insoluble isoform (PrPSc). However, its deleterious effects independent of PrPSc have recently been observed not only in PrD but also in Alzheimer disease (AD), two diseases which mainly affect cognition. At the same time, PrPC itself seems to have broad physiologic functions including involvement in cognitive processes. The PrPC that is believed to be soluble and monomeric has so far been the only PrP conformer observed in the uninfected brain. In 2006, we identified an insoluble PrPC conformer (termed iPrPC) in uninfected human and animal brains. Remarkably, the PrPSc-like iPrPC shares the immunoreactivity behavior and fragmentation with a newly-identified PrPSc species in a novel human PrD termed variably protease-sensitive prionopathy. Moreover, iPrPC has been observed as the major PrP species that interacts with amyloid β (Aβ) in AD. This article highlights evidence of PrP involvement in two putatively beneficial and deleterious PrP-implicated pathways in cognition, and hypothesizes first, that beneficial and deleterious effects of PrPC are attributable to the chameleon-like conformation of the protein and second, that the iPrPC conformer is associated with PrD and AD.  相似文献   

The cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein. We investigated whether PrP(C) can move from one cell to another cell in a cell model. Little PrP(C) transfer was detected when a PrP(C) expressing human neuroblastoma cell line was cultured with the human erythroleukemia cells IA lacking PrP(C). Efficient transfer of PrP(C) was detected with the presence of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, an activator of protein kinase C. Maximum PrP(C) transfer was observed when both donor and recipient cells were activated. Furthermore, PrP(C) transfer required the GPI anchor and direct cell to cell contact. However, intercellular protein transfer is not limited to PrP(C), another GPI-anchored protein, CD90, also transfers from the donor cells to acceptor cells after cellular activation. Therefore, this transfer process is GPI-anchor and cellular activation dependent. These findings suggest that the intercellular transfer of GPI-anchored proteins is a regulated process, and may have implications for the pathogenesis of prion disease.  相似文献   

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