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康乃馨茎尖培养植株再生的形态发生及其调节的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康乃馨(Dianthus car yophyllus)又名香石竹,是当前国内外花卉市场销售量较大的著名切花之一。我国在这一切花生产上,由于种苗繁殖问题和病害(病毒病和真菌病)严重,造成种源靠荷兰、日本等进口,市场切花供不应求,更不能投入国际市场。我们认为,要加速大量繁殖种苗,应用组织培养技术是个捷径同时考虑去除病原(尤其病毒病原),则应用茎尖培养是个有效方法。自1979年我们从茎尖  相似文献   

土人参茎尖培养和植株再生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 植物名称 土人参 (Talinumpaniculatum)。2 材料类别 实生苗之茎尖 ,种子取自本校花圃。3 培养条件 种子萌发培养基 :( 1 ) 1 /2MS +0 .7%琼脂 + 2 %蔗糖。丛生芽诱导培养基 :( 2 )MS + 6 BA 0 .5mg·L- 1 (单位下同 ) ;( 3)MS +NAA0 .5 + 6 BA 2 .0 ;( 4 )MS +NAA 0 .5 +KT 2 .0 ;( 5 )MS+NAA 0 .5 + 6 BA 3.0。丛生芽增殖培养基 :( 6)MS + 6 BA 2 .0 ;( 7)MS +NAA 0 .0 5 + 6 BA 3.0。生根培养基 :( 8) 1 /2MS +NAA 2 .0。上述 ( 2 )~ ( 8)培养基均附加 30 g·L- 1 蔗糖、7g·L- 1 琼脂 ,pH 5 .8。培养室温…  相似文献   

大豆茎尖离体培养再生植株   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1 植物名称 大豆 (Glycinemax)品种中黄 4号、早熟 1 8和中品 661。2 材料类别 茎尖。3 培养条件 生芽培养基 :( 1 )MS 6 BA 3mg·L- 1 (单位下同 )。不定芽伸长培养基 :( 2 ) 1 /2MS 6 BA 0 .1 ;( 3)MS GA30 .5。生根培养基 :( 4 ) 1 /2MS NAA 0 .1。以上培养基均含蔗糖 3%、琼脂0 .8% ,pH 5 .8;培养室温度 ( 2 6± 2 )℃ ;光照时间每天 1 6h ,光照度 1 60 0~ 2 0 0 0lx。4 生长与分化情况4.1 靶组织区的制备 取大豆种子 ,以 70 %酒精处理 1min ,1 %次氯酸钠消毒 1 5min后 ,用无…  相似文献   

红雀珊瑚茎尖再生植株   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
材料名称红雀珊瑚(Pedilanthus tithymai-lodes)。材料类别取红雀珊瑚嫩茎,经表面消毒,在无菌条件下剥取茎尖,或切取带一个芽的茎段进行培养。培养条件红雀珊瑚芽培养,以MS为基本培养基。诱导愈伤组织和不定芽时,每升培养基附加NAA0.5mg和BA 2mg;促进不定芽伸长时,每  相似文献   

绞股蓝茎尖组织培养和植株再生研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以绞股蓝茎尖作为外植体,接种于MS+1mg/L BA+0.1mg/L NAA的培养基中,茎尖逐渐形成芽苗,芽苗分离后接种于MS+1mg/L BA+0.1mg/L NAA的培养基中进行增殖培养,同时从增殖的芽苗上不断地诱导出幼苗,将幼苗分离转入不含激素的MS培养基中,幼苗生根,形成完整的植株。  相似文献   

魔芋茎尖组织培养和植株再生的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
徐刚  王彩莲 《生物技术》1994,4(1):19-21
以魔芋茎尖、幼芽为外植本,接种于1/2MS+1.0mg/LBA+0.01mg/LNAA的培养基中,茎尖、幼芽逐渐生长直接形成幼芽或幼苗;或从茎尖、幼芽由来的膨大的块茎组织表面诱导出幼芽。膨大的块茎组织分割后接种于MS+0.01mg/L+0.01mg/LNAA的培养基中进行增殖培养,同时从增殖的块茎组织表面不断地诱导出幼芽。幼芽切块转入不含激素的MS培养基中,形成幼苗。幼苗切块转入MS+0.1mg/LNAA的生根培养茎中,幼苗生根,形成完整的植株。试管苗移栽6个月后获得干块茎。  相似文献   

植物名称:花叶芒毛苣苔(Aeschynanthus mar-moratus)。材料类别:幼嫩的茎尖。培养条件:培养基分别为(1)MS BA1mg/L(单位下同),(2)MS BA2,(3)MS BA1 NAA0.2,(4)MS BA0.05 B_11 AC0.5%。培养  相似文献   

碱蓬茎段培养再生植株的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
将碱蓬(SuaedaForsk)种子经消毒后分别接种在4种不同pH值的培养基上,两天后观察发现以pH7培养基上的种子出苗最快,出苗率最高。6d时观察,在pH9的培养基上也有较高的出苗率。用上述无菌苗茎段为外植体,分别接种在4种不同生长素的培养基上均能产生愈伤组织,除含有2,4D的培养基外,其它3组愈伤组织的诱导频率均达到100%。把愈伤组织移到添加BAP与IAA的分化培养基上,三个星期后由愈伤组织分化出不定芽,分化频率为125%。当不定芽长至15cm~2cm时转入生根培养基,两个星期后长出白色的根,获得完整植株。  相似文献   

将碱蓬(Suaeda Forsk)种子经消毒后分别接种在4种不同pH值的培养基上,两天后观察发现以pH 7培养基上的种子出苗最快,出苗率最高。6d时观察,在pH9的培养基上也有较高的出苗率。用上述无菌苗茎段为外植体,分别接种在4种不同生长素的培养基上均能产生愈伤组织,除含有2,4-D的培养基外,其它3组愈伤组织的诱导频率均达到100%。把愈伤组织移到添加BAP与IAA的分化培养基上,三个星期后由愈伤组织分化出不定芽,分化频率为12.5%。当不定芽长至1.5cm~2cm时转入生根培养基,两个星期后长出白色的根,获得完整植株。  相似文献   

石斛兰杂交种幼茎上部切成长约5 mm的茎段,接种在添加15%(体积比)椰乳的固体Vacin和Went培养基上,6至8周后,茎段上的侧芽长成带叶的幼茎,以后幼茎分化出根,形成完整的植株。茎段培养可大大提高石斛兰幼茎上部侧芽的成活率。  相似文献   

选取亳芍茎尖为试验材料,探究不同培养条件对亳芍组织培养的影响,结果表明:亳芍茎尖在1/2MS+6-BA 1.0 mg/L培养基上培养39 d后,茎尖分化出芽的同时也形成较多的丛生芽;丛生芽在1/2MS+6-BA1.0mg/L培养基上增殖速度最快;来自不同启动培养基上的丛生芽在相同培养基上,接种15 d后观察,不同来源的丛生芽长势不同,30 d后仍存在一定的差异;幼苗在1/2MS+IBA 0.1生根效果最好。  相似文献   

We study a chemical reaction-diffusion model (the Brusselator) for pattern formation on developing plant tips. A family of spherical cap domains is used to represent tip flattening during development. Applied to conifer embryos, we model the chemical prepatterning underlying cotyledon (“seed leaf”) formation, and demonstrate the dependence of patterns on tip flatness, radius, and precursor concentrations. Parameters for the Brusselator in spherical cap domains can be chosen to give supercritical pitchfork bifurcations of patterned solutions of the nonlinear reaction-diffusion system that correspond to the cotyledon patterns that appear on the flattening tips of conifer embryos.  相似文献   

Formation of lateral organ primordia from the shoot apical meristem creates boundaries that separate the primordium from surrounding tissue. Morphological and gene expression studies indicate the presence of a distinct set of cells that define the boundaries in the plant shoot apex. Cells at the boundary usually display reduced growth activity that results in separation of adjacent organs or tissues and this morphological boundary coincides with the border of different cell identities. Such morphogenetic and patterning events and their spatial coordination are controlled by a number of boundary-specific regulatory genes. The boundary may also act as a reference point for the generation of new meristems such as axillary meristems. Many of the genes involved in meristem initiation are expressed in the boundary. This review summarizes the cellular characters of the shoot organ boundary and the roles of regulatory genes that control different aspects of this unique region in plant development.  相似文献   

This paper deals with systematic studies on the protoplast culture of multitiller and multispike forage maize, including selection of genotypes, induction and subculture of embryogenic calli, cell suspansion culture and protoplast culture. Methods such as liquid culture, nurse culture and agarose bead culture were used for protoplast culture. Four cell clones were obtained. Of which calli and embryoids derived from protoplasts were induced from 79, 55 and 79-8 three genotypes, and regenerated plants were acquired from 79 and 79-8. One of the regenerated plants, after being transplanted into soil, developed normally with flowering and earing. After self and cross pollinations three ears with normally developed seeds were obtained. These seeds germinated well in germination test.  相似文献   

Plants were regenerated in quantity from cultured excised stem,rachis or leaf pieces of 13 potato (Solarium tuberosum L.) cultivarsusing modifications of a two-step procedure. Pronounced differenceswere observed in the response of different cultivars and explantsources to medium formulations containing different auxins orcytokinins. A few plants were recovered from tuber pieces ofseven cultivars by a different two-step procedure. Morphologicaldifferences from control plants were observed in some of theprimary regenerants. Anthocyanin pigmentation of tubers wasscored and stable changes to red-splashed white or white tuberswere found in some plants regenerated from cv. Desiree. Regenerantsfrom the particoloured cultivars Cara and King Edward oftenlost this trait but it returned to varying extents in subsequentgenerations. Most of the regenerated plants (87 per cent) containedthe euploid number of chromosomes (2n = 4x = 48). The methodsare suitable for production of plants for assessment of somaclonalvariation in a range of genotypes. Potato breeding, somaclonal variation, chromosome variation, skin colour, explant culture, plant regeneration, solanum tuberosum L. potato  相似文献   

棉花茎尖转化法具备不受基因型限制、转化周期短的优点,是理想的棉花转化体系,但据报道其所获得的转基因植株普遍存在遗传不稳定、高代植株基因丢失的现象。以陆地棉TM?1品种为受体材料,利用茎尖转化法将DsRed2载体转入棉花,经卡那霉素筛选获得16株抗性植株,进一步PCR扩增靶基因,获得6株DsRed2基因片段PCR检测为阳性的植株,初步判断该6株为茎尖转化法获得的转基因植株,但经紫外照射,6个转基因植株均未检测到红色荧光。对其进行靶基因RT?PCR,发现DsRed2基因在6个转基因植株中仅有极低量的表达或无表达。进一步对DsRed2载体的非T?DNA片段,即载体骨架部分进行PCR以及植株内生菌培养检测,结果表明,6个转基因植株均含有完整的DsRed2载体,植株可培养出含有完整载体的内生菌,且内生菌经农杆菌16S核糖体RNA(16S rRNA)片段PCR检测结果为阳性,推测由于茎尖侵染形成农杆菌与植株共生关系,造成假阳性株的现象,进而导致高代转基因植株基因丢失、遗传不稳定的现象。旨在建立一套完整的茎尖法转基因棉花植株真实性的鉴定方法,为进一步深入研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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