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Pneumocystis jirovecii is a fungus which causes severe opportunistic infections in immunocompromised humans. The brl1 gene of P. carinii infecting rats was identified and characterized by using bioinformatics in conjunction with functional complementation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The ectopic expression of this gene rescues null alleles of essential nuclear membrane proteins of the Brr6/Brl1 family in both yeasts.  相似文献   

Leishmania donovani requires actively transporting proton efflux pumps to survive the acidic environment of macrophage phagolysosomal vacuoles and to maintain an electrogenic H(+) gradient for nutrient uptake. The L. donovani genome contains a differentially expressed pair of genes, LDH1A and LDH1B, with homology to yeast H(+)-ATPases that are 98% identical in sequence with amino acid differences concentrated at the COOH-terminus (15 of last 37 differ), a region implicated in regulation of yeast and plant proton pumps. Functional complementation of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain deficient in endogenous H(+)-ATPase activity, support of yeast growth at low pH, and ability to acidify media demonstrate that LDH1A and LDH1B encode proton pumps. LDH1A and LDH1B encode a COOH-terminal autoinhibitory domain as COOH-truncated peptides support increased rates of growth in yeast, enhanced media acidification, increased enzyme activity (V(max)) and decreased K(m). This regulatory domain mediates differing function properties; LDH1A, but not LDH1B, supports yeast growth at pH 3 and LDH1A shows a greater ability to acidify media. Deletion of the last eight amino acids from LDH1B permits growth at pH 3 and increases media acidification, swapping of the COOH-tails between LDH1A and LDH1B results in LDH1A (with LDH1B tail) unable to support yeast growth at pH 3 and LDH1B (with LDH1A tail) now able to support growth at pH 3. Replacement of the COOH-terminal eight amino acids of LDH1B with those from LDH1A also confers the ability to support growth at pH 3. The complementation system for the Leishmania proton pumps in yeast described here provides a means to dissect the functional properties of the two isoforms, a convenient supply of protein for structural analysis and a model amenable to screening proton pump inhibitors for potential anti-leishmanial therapeutics.  相似文献   

The yeast vacuole is acidified by a vacuolar proton-translocating ATPase (H+-ATPase) that closely resembles the vacuolar H+-ATPases of other fungi, animals, and plants. The yeast enzyme is purified as a complex of eight subunits, which include both integral and peripheral membrane proteins. The genes for seven of these subunits have been cloned, and mutant strains lacking each of the subunits (vma mutants) have been constructed. Disruption of any of the subunit genes appears to abolish the function of the vacuolar H+-ATPase, supporting the subunit composition derived from biochemical studies. Genetic studies of vacuolar acidification have also revealed an additional set of gene products that are required for vacuolar H+-ATPase activity, but may not be part of the final enzyme complex. The biosynthesis, assembly, and targeting of the enzyme is being elucidated by biochemical and cell biological studies of thevma mutants. Initial results suggest that the peripheral and integral membrane subunits may be independently assembled.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A gene encoding a P-type cation translocating ATPase was cloned from a genomic library of rat-derived Pneumocystis carinii. The nucleotide sequence of the gene contains a 2781 base-pair open reading frame that is predicted to encode a 101, 401 dalton protein composed of 927 amino acids. The P. carinii ATPase protein (pcal) is 69–75% identical when compared with eight proton pumps from six fungal species. The Pneumocystis ATPase is less than 34% identical to ATPase proteins from protozoans, vertebrates or the Ca++ ATPases of yeast. The P. carinii ATPase contains 115 of 121 residues previously identified as characteristic of H+ ATPases. Alignment of the Pneumocystis and fungal proton pumps reveals five homologous domains specific for fungal H+ ATPases.  相似文献   

Yeast plasma membrane ATPase is activated during nitrogen starvation when a fermentable substrate is present. This activation is due to changes in the Vmax and it is irreversible, independent of protein synthesis and apparently triggered by a decrease in the intracellular pH. It is shown that the ATPase regulatory domain implicated in the activation by fermentable carbon sources is also implicated in activation by nitrogen starvation and by external acidification.  相似文献   

The most efficient drug against the human pathogenic fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii is cotrimoxazole targeting the folate biosynthesis. However, resistance toward it is emerging and adverse effects occur in some patients. Studies in rodent models suggested that echinocandins could be useful to treat Pneumocystis pneumonia. Echinocandins inhibit the catalytic subunit Gsc1 of the enzymatic complex ensuring the synthesis of 1,3‐β glucan, an essential constituent of cell walls of most fungi. Besides, inhibitors of the enzyme Kre6 involved in the synthesis of 1,6‐β glucan, another essential component of fungal walls, were recently described. We identified and functionally characterized these two potential drug targets in the human pathogen P. jirovecii by rescue of the null allele of the orthologous gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The P. jirovecii proteins Gsc1 and Kre6 identified using those of the relative Pneumocystis carinii as the query sequence showed high sequence identity to the putative fungal orthologs (53–97% in conserved functional domains). The expression of their encoding genes on plasmid rescued the increased sensitivity to, respectively, caspofungin or calcofluor white of the corresponding S. cerevisiae null allele. The uniqueness and likely essentiality of these proteins suggest that they are potential good drug targets.  相似文献   

Lem3p-Dnf1p is a putative aminophospholipid translocase (APLT) complex that is localized to the plasma membrane; Lem3p is required for Dnf1p localization to the plasma membrane. We have identified lem3 mutations, which did not affect formation or localization of the Lem3p-Dnf1p complex, but caused a synthetic growth defect with the null mutation of CDC50, a structurally and functionally redundant homologue of LEM3. Interestingly, these lem3 mutants exhibited nearly normal levels of NBD-labeled phospholipid internalization across the plasma membrane, suggesting that Lem3p may have other functions in addition to regulation of the putative APLT activity of Dnf1p at the plasma membrane. Similarly, deletion of the COOH-terminal cytoplasmic region of Dnf1p affected neither the localization nor the APLT activity of Dnf1p at the plasma membrane, but caused a growth defect in the cdc50Delta background. Our results suggest that the Lem3p-Dnf1p complex may play a role distinct from its plasma membrane APLT activity when it substitutes for the Cdc50p-Drs2p complex, its redundant partner in the endosomal/trans-Golgi network compartments.  相似文献   

P-type ATPases are involved in the active transport of ions across biological membranes. The KdpFABC complex (P-type ATPase) of Escherichia coli is a high-affinity K+ uptake system that operates only when the cell experiences osmotic stress or K+ limitation. Here, we present the solution structure of the nucleotide binding domain of KdpB (backbone RMSD 0.17 A) and a model of the AMP-PNP binding mode based on intermolecular distance restraints. The calculated AMP-PNP binding mode shows the purine ring of the nucleotide to be "clipped" into the binding pocket via a pi-pi-interaction to F377 on one side and a cation-pi-interaction to K395 on the other. This binding mechanism seems to be conserved in all P-type ATPases, except the heavy metal transporting ATPases (type IB). Thus, we conclude that the Kdp-ATPase (currently type IA) is misgrouped and has more similarities to type III ATPases. The KdpB N-domain is the smallest and simplest known for a P-type ATPase, and represents a minimal example of this functional unit. No evidence of significant conformational changes was observed within the N-domain upon nucleotide binding, thus ruling out a role for ATP-induced conformational changes in the reaction cycle.  相似文献   

The K+-translocating KdpFABC complex from Escherichia coli functions as a high affinity potassium uptake system and belongs to the superfamily of P-type ATPases, although it exhibits some unique features. It comprises four subunits, and the sites of ATP hydrolysis and substrate transport are located on two different polypeptides. No structural data are so far available for elucidating the correspondingly unique mechanism of coupling ion transport and catalysis in this P-type ATPase. By use of electron microscopy and single particle analysis of negatively stained, solubilized KdpFABC complexes, we solved the structure of the complex at a resolution of 19 Å, which allowed us to model the arrangement of subunits within the holoenzyme and, thus, to identify the interfaces between subunits. The model showed that the K+-translocating KdpA subunit is in close contact with the transmembrane region of the ATP-hydrolyzing subunit KdpB. The cytosolic C-terminal domain of the KdpC subunit, which is assumed to play a role in cooperative ATP binding together with KdpB, is located in close vicinity to the nucleotide binding domain of KdpB. Overall, the arrangement of subunits agrees with biochemical data and the predictions on subunit interactions.  相似文献   

The major yeast plasma membrane H+-ATPase is encoded by the essential PMA 1 gene. The PMA 2 gene encodes an H+-ATPase that is functionally interchangeable with the one encoded by PMA 1 , but it is expressed at a much lower level than the PMA 1 gene and it is not essential. Using genetically manipulated strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that exclusively synthesize PMA1 ATPase or PMA2 ATPase under control of the PMA1 promoter, we found that yeast cultivation under mild copper stress leads to a similar activation of PMA2 and PMA1 isoforms. At high inhibitory copper concentrations (close to the maximum that allowed growth), ATPase activity was reduced from maximal levels; this decrease in activity was less important for PMA2 ATPase than for PMA1 ATPase. The higher tolerance to high copper stress of the artificial strain synthesizing PMA2 ATPase exclusively, as compared to that synthesizing solely PMA1 ATPase, correlated both with the lower sensitivity of PMA2 ATPase to the deleterious effects of copper in vivo and with its higher apparent affinity for MgATP, and suggests that plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity plays a role in yeast tolerance to copper. Received: 19 October 1998 / Accepted: 6 January 1999  相似文献   

CopA from the extreme thermophile Archaeoglobus fulgidus is a P-type ATPase that transports Cu(+) and Ag(+) and has individual metal-binding domains (MBDs) at both N- and C-termini. We expressed and purified full-length CopA as well as constructs with MBDs deleted either individually or collectively. Cu(+) and Ag(+)-dependent ATPase assays showed that full-length CopA had submicromolar affinity for both ions, but was inhibited by concentrations above 1muM. Deletion of both MBDs had no effect on affinity but resulted in loss of this inhibition. Individual deletions implicated the N-terminal MBD in causing the inhibition at concentrations >1muM. Rates of phosphoenzyme decay indicated that neither the dephosphorylation step, nor the E1P-E2P equilibrium accounted for this inhibition, suggesting the involvement of a different catalytic step. Alternative hypotheses are discussed by which the N-terminal MBD could influence the catalytic activity of CopA.  相似文献   

The copper-transporting P-type ATPases (Cu-ATPases), ATP7A and ATP7B, are essential for the regulation of intracellular copper homeostasis. In this report we describe new roles for glutathione (GSH) and glutaredoxin1 (GRX1) in Cu homeostasis through their regulation of Cu-ATPase activity. GRX1 is a thiol oxidoreductase that catalyzes the reversible reduction of GSH-mixed disulfides to their respective sulfhydryls (deglutathionylation). Here, we demonstrated that glutathionylation of the Cu-ATPases and their interaction with GRX1 were affected by alterations in Cu levels. The data support our hypothesis that the Cu-ATPases serve as substrates for Cu-dependent GRX1-mediated deglutathionylation. This in turn liberates the Cu-ATPase cysteinyl thiol groups for Cu binding and transport. GSH depletion experiments led to reversible inhibition of the Cu-ATPases that correlated with effects on intracellular Cu levels and GRX1 activity. Finally, knockdown of GRX1 expression resulted in an increase in intracellular Cu accumulation. Together, these data directly implicate GSH and GRX1 with important new roles in redox regulation of the Cu-ATPases, through modulation of Cu binding by the Cu-ATPase cysteine motifs.  相似文献   

Mammalian vacuolar-type proton pumping ATPases (V-ATPases) are diverse multi-subunit proton pumps. They are formed from membrane Vo and catalytic V1 sectors, whose subunits have cell-specific or ubiquitous isoforms. Biochemical study of a unique V-ATPase is difficult because ones with different isoforms are present in the same cell. However, the properties of mouse isoforms can be studied using hybrid V-ATPases formed from the isoforms and other yeast subunits. As shown previously, mouse subunit E isoform E1 (testis-specific) or E2 (ubiquitous) can form active V-ATPases with other subunits of yeast, but E1/yeast hybrid V-ATPase is defective in proton transport at 37 °C (Sun-Wada, G.-H., Imai-Senga, Y., Yamamoto, A., Murata, Y., Hirata, T., Wada, Y., and Futai, M., 2002, J. Biol. Chem. 277, 18098-18105). In this study, we have analyzed the properties of E1/yeast hybrid V-ATPase to understand the role of the E subunit. The proton transport by the defective hybrid ATPase was reversibly recovered when incubation temperature of vacuoles or cells was shifted to 30 °C. Corresponding to the reversible defect of the hybrid V-ATPase, the Vo subunit a epitope was exposed to the corresponding antibody at 37 °C, but became inaccessible at 30 °C. However, the V1 sector was still associated with Vo at 37 °C, as shown immunochemically. The control yeast V-ATPase was active at 37 °C, and its epitope was not accessible to the antibody. Glucose depletion, known to dissociate V1 from Vo in yeast, had only a slight effect on the hybrid at acidic pH. The domain between Lys26 and Val83 of E1, which contains eight residues not conserved between E1 and E2, was responsible for the unique properties of the hybrid. These results suggest that subunit E, especially its amino-terminal domain, plays a pertinent role in the assembly of V-ATPase subunits in vacuolar membranes.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding farnesyl diphosphate synthase, an enzyme that synthesizes C15 isoprenoid diphosphate from isopentenyl diphosphate and dimethylallyl diphosphate, was cloned from an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA library by complementation of a mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae deficient in this enzyme. The A. thaliana cDNA was also able to complement the lethal phenotype of the erg20 deletion yeast mutant. As deduced from the full-length 1.22 kb cDNA nucleotide sequence, the polypeptide contains 343 amino acids and has a relative molecular mass of 39689. The predicted amino acid sequence presents about 50% identity with the yeast, rat and human FPP synthases. Southern blot analyses indicate that A. thaliana probably contains a single gene for farnesyl diphosphate synthase.  相似文献   

The integral ER membrane protein HMG-CoA reductase (HMGR) is a key enzyme of the mevalonate pathway from which sterols and other essential molecules are produced. HMGR degradation occurs in the ER and is regulated by mevalonate-derived signals. Little is known about the mechanisms responsible for regulating HMGR degradation. The yeast Hmg2p isozyme of HMGR undergoes regulated degradation in a manner very similar to mammalian HMGR, allowing us to isolate mutants deficient in regulating Hmg2p stability. We call these mutants cod mutants for the control of HMG-CoA reductase degradation. With this screen, we have identified the first gene of this class, COD1, which encodes a P-type ATPase and is identical to SPF1. Our data suggested that Cod1p is a calcium transporter required for regulating Hmg2p degradation. This role for Cod1p is distinctly different from that of the well-characterized Ca(2+) P-type ATPase Pmr1p which is neither required for Hmg2p degradation nor its control. The identification of Cod1p is especially intriguing in light of the role Ca(2+) plays in the regulated degradation of mammalian HMGR.  相似文献   

A split-EGFP based bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assay has been used to detect interactions between the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cytoskeletal scaffolding protein Iqg1p and three targets: myosin essential light chain (Mlc1p), calmodulin (Cmd1p) and the small GTPase Cdc42p. The format of the BiFC assay used ensures that the proteins are expressed at wild type levels thereby avoiding artefacts due to overexpression. This is the first direct in vivo detection of these interactions; in each case, the complex is localised to discrete regions of the yeast cytoplasm. The labelling with EGFP fragments results in changes in growth kinetics, cell size and budding frequency. This is partly due to the reassembled EGFP locking the complexes into essentially permanent interactions. The consequences of this for Iqg1p interactions and BiFC assays in general are discussed.  相似文献   

An aspartate kinase-homoserine dehydrogenase (AK-HSDH) cDNA of Arabidopsis thaliana has been cloned by functional complementation of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain mutated in its homoserine dehydrogenase (HSDH) gene (hom6). Two of the three isolated clones were also able to complement a mutant yeast aspartate kinase (AK) gene (hom3). Sequence analysis showed that the identified gene (akthr2), located on chromosome 4, is different from the previously cloned A. thaliana AK-HSDH gene (akthr1), and corresponds to a novel bifunctional AK-HSDH gene. Expression of the isolated akthr2 cDNA in a HSDH-less hom6 yeast mutant conferred threonine and methionine prototrophy to the cells. Cell-free extracts contained a threonine-sensitive HSDH activity with feedback properties of higher plant type. Correspondingly, cDNA expression in an AK-deficient hom3 yeast mutant resulted in threonine and methionine prototrophy and a threonine-sensitive AK activity was observed in cell-free extracts. These results confirm that akthr2 encodes a threonine-sensitive bifunctional enzyme. Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants (containing a construct with the promoter region of akthr2 in front of the gus reporter gene) were generated to compare the expression pattern of the akthr2 gene with the pattern of akthr1 earlier described in tobacco. The two genes are simultaneously expressed in meristematic cells, leaves and stamens. The main differences between the two genes concern the time-restricted or absent expression of the akthr2 gene in the stem, the gynoecium and during seed formation, while akthr1 is less expressed in roots.  相似文献   

Spf1p is a P-type ATPase that is mainly localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The protein is involved in the maintenance of ion homeostasis in the ER. To investigate the intracellular role of Spf1p in more detail, we performed a genetic screen for mutations that lead to synthetic lethality in combination with a disruption of SPF1; the mutations identified have been termed lws (for lethal with spf1) mutations. Mutant alleles of five LWS genes (MDM39, RIC1, LAS21, TUP1 and BTS1) were recovered. The identification of these genes provides clues to the physiological relationships between Spf1p function and the secretory pathway. Among the five genes identified, MDM39 encodes a membrane protein that is similar to the protein CHD5/WRB, which is involved in the pathogenesis of Down syndrome-associated congenital heart disease in humans. We localized Mdm39p to the ER. The mdm39 mutant exhibited defects in glycosylation, cell wall organization and the unfolded protein response. It also showed calcium-related phenotypes and synthetic lethal interactions with deletion mutations in other LWS genes. Our findings imply a homeostatic role for Mdm39p, which may be related to the regulation of calcium ion fluxes in the ER, and is indispensable for mutants that lack Spf1p.  相似文献   

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