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Amino acid transport rates in an E. coli unsaturated fatty acid auxotroph were non-uniformly affected by enrichment of membrane lipids in various unsaturated fatty acids. Proline and threonine transport rates were depressed much more than lysine and asparagine rates by trans unsaturated acids. Myristoleate and linolenate enrichment also produced non-uniform but lesser rate reductions. Although changes in the relative numoer of effective transport catalysts could account for these findings, comparisons of proline and lysine transport rates over a broad temperature range indicated that non-uniform alterations in transport catalyst reaction rates account at least partly for the activity changes associated with membrane lipid alterations.  相似文献   

Further evidence on the role of binding proteins in branched-chain amino acid transport in Escherichia coli was obtained by selecting mutants with altered expression of the binding proteins. The mutator phage Mu was used to induce E. coli L-valine-resistant mutants defective in branched-chain amino acid transport. By making use of mild selective conditions and strain backgrounds with derepressed high-affinity, binding protein-mediated transport systems, we were able to isolate a new class of transport mutants defective in these systems. Mutant strains AE84084 (livK::Mucts) and AE840102 (livJ) were found to be defective in leucine-specific and LIV binding proteins, respectively, by transport assay, in vitro binding activity, and by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Mutant strain AE4107 (livH::Mu), although lacking high-affinity, branched-chain amino acid transport, retained functional binding proteins and therefore evidently codes for an additional component of high-affinity transport. The livH, livJ, and livK mutations were mapped by transduction and shown to be closely linked to each other in the malT region (min 74) of the E. coli genetic map.  相似文献   

RNA-dependent RNA polymerases contain a highly conserved region of amino acids with a core segment composed of the amino acids YGDD which have been hypothesized to be at or near the catalytic active site of the molecule. Six mutations in this conserved YGDD region of the poliovirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase were made by using oligonucleotide site-directed DNA mutagenesis of the poliovirus cDNA to substitute A, C, M, P, S, or V for the amino acid G. The mutant polymerase genes were expressed in Escherichia coli, and the purified RNA polymerases were tested for in vitro enzyme activity. Two of the mutant RNA polymerases (those in which the glycine residue was replaced with alanine or serine) exhibited in vitro enzymatic activity ranging from 5 to 20% of wild-type activity, while the remaining mutant RNA polymerases were inactive. Alterations in the in vitro reaction conditions by modification of temperature, metal ion concentration, or pH resulted in no significant differences in the activities of the mutant RNA polymerases relative to that of the wild-type enzyme. An antipeptide antibody directed against the wild-type core amino acid segment containing the YGDD region of the poliovirus polymerase reacted with the wild-type recombinant RNA polymerase and to a limited extent with the two enzymatically active mutant polymerases; the antipeptide antibody did not react with the mutant RNA polymerases which did not have in vitro enzyme activity. These results are discussed in the context of secondary-structure predictions for the core segment containing the conserved YGDD amino acids in the poliovirus RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

Basic amino acid transport in Escherichia coli   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

The repression and derepression of leucine, isoleucine, and valine transport in Escherichia coli K-12 was examined by using strains auxotrophic for leucine, isoleucine, valine, and methionine. In experiments designed to limit each of these amino acids separately, we demonstrate that leucine limitation alone derepressed the leucine-binding protein, the high-affinity branched-chain amino acid transport system (LIV-I), and the membrane-bound, low-affinity system (LIV-II). This regulation did not seem to involve inactivation of transport components, but represented an increase in the differential rate of synthesis of transport components relative to total cellular proteins. The apparent regulation of transport by isoleucine, valine, and methionine reported elsewhere was shown to require an intact leucine, biosynthetic operon and to result from changes in the level of leucine biosynthetic enzymes. A functional leucyl-transfer ribonucleic acid synthetase was also required for repression of transport. Transport regulation was shown to be essentially independent of ilvA or its gene product, threonine deaminase. The central role of leucine or its derivatives in cellular metabolism in general is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic determinant of the -hemolysin encoded by plasmid pHly152 has been cloned in both orientations in plasmid pBR322 giving rise to plasmids pSU157 and pSU158. E. coli strains carrying either of these recombinant Hly plasmids produced about 20 times more hemolysin activity than the parental plasmid pHly152, when grown in minimal medium supplemented with hemoglobin. Thus high hemolytic activity is not lethal to the cells, contrary to previous assumptions.-hemolysin was purified from culture supernatants of strain SU100 (pSU157) by ammonium sulfate precipitation and gel filtration in Sephacryl S-200 in the presence of 6 M urea. When purified -hemolysin preparations were subjected to electrophoretic analysis in denaturing conditions, a single 107 kdal polypeptide was observed. This probably corresponds to the -hemolysin protein, since an isogenic E. coli strain carrying plasmid pSU161, an Hly- mutant derivative of pSU157, did not synthesize the 107 kdal polypeptide.  相似文献   

Two new mutations are described which, together, eliminate essentially all the aminotransferase activity required for de novo biosynthesis of tyrosine, phenylalanine, and aspartic acid in a K-12 strain of Escherichia coli. One mutation, designated tyrB, lies at about 80 min on the E. coli map and inactivates the "tyrosine-repressible" tyrosine/phenylalanine aminotransferase. The second mutation, aspC, maps at about 20 min and inactivates a nonrespressible aspartate aminotransferase that also has activity on the aromatic amino acids. In ilvE- strains, which lack the branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase, the presence of either the tyrosine-repressible aminotransferase or the aspartate aminotransferase is sufficient for growth in the absence of exogenous tyrosine, phenylalanine, or aspartate; the tyrosine-repressible enzyme is also active in leucine biosynthesis. The ilvE gene product alone can reverse a phenylalanine requirement. Biochemical studies on extracts of strains carrying combinations of these aminotransferase mutations confirm the existence of two distinct enzymes with overlapping specificities for the alpha-keto acid analogues of tyrosine, phenylalanine, and aspartate. These enzymes can be distinguished by electrophoretic mobilities, by kinetic parameters using various substrates, and by a difference in tyrosine repressibility. In extracts of an ilvE- tyrB- aspC- triple mutant, no aminotransferase activity for the alpha-keto acids of tyrosine, phenylalanine, or aspartate could be detected.  相似文献   

Analysis of K transport mutants indicates the existence of four separate K uptake systems in Escherichia coli K-12. A high affinity system called Kdp has a Km of 2 muM, and Vmax at 37 degrees C of 150 mumol/g min. This system is repressed by growth in high concentrations of K. Two constitutive systems, TrkA and TrkD, have Km's of 1.5 and 0.5 mM and Vmax's of 550 and 40 at 37 and 30 degrees C, respectively. Mutants lacking all three of these saturable systems take up K slowly by a process, called TrkF, whose rate of transport is linearly dependent on K concentration up to 105 mM. On the whole, each of these systems appears to function as an independent path for K uptake since the kinetics of uptake when two are present is the sum of each operating alone. This is not true for strains having both the TrkD and Kdp systems, where presence of the latter results in K uptake which saturates at a K concentration well below 0.1 mM. This result indicates some interaction between these systems so that uptake now has the affinity characteristic of the Kdp system. All transport systems are able to extrude Na during K uptake. The measurements of cell Na suggest that growing cells of E. coli have very low concentrations of Na, considerably lower than indicated by earlier studies.  相似文献   

Clifton LA  Lad MD  Green RJ  Frazier RA 《Biochemistry》2007,46(8):2260-2266
External reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ER-FTIR) spectroscopy and surface pressure measurements have been used to characterize the interaction of wild-type puroindoline-b (Pin-b) and two mutant forms featuring single residue substitutions-namely, Gly-46 to Ser-46 (Pin-bH) and Trp-44 to Arg-44 (Pin-bS)-with condensed-phase monolayers of zwitterionic (L-alpha-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, DPPC) and anionic (L-alpha-dipalmitoylphosphatidyl-dl-glycerol, DPPG) phospholipids. The interaction with anionic DPPG monolayers, monitored by surface pressure isotherms, was influenced significantly by mutations in Pin-b (p < 0.05); wild-type Pin-b showed the highest surface pressure change of 10.6 +/- 1.0 mN m-1, followed by Pin-bH (7.9 +/- 1.6 mN m-1) and Pin-bS (6.3 +/- 1.0 mN m-1), and the surface pressure isotherm kinetics were also different in each case. Integrated Amide I peak areas from corresponding ER-FTIR spectra confirmed the differences in adsorption kinetics, but also showed that differences in adsorbed amount were less significant, suggesting that mutations influence the degree of penetration into DPPG films. All Pin-b types showed evidence of interaction with DPPC films, detected as changes in surface pressure (5.6 +/- 1.1 mN m-1); however, no protein peaks were detected in the ER-FTIR spectra, which indicated that the interaction was via penetration with limited adsorption at the lipid/water interface. The expression of Pin-b mutants is linked to wheat endosperm hardness; therefore, the data presented here suggest that the lipid binding properties may be pivotal within the mechanism for this quality trait. In addition, the data suggest antimicrobial activities of Pin-b mutants would be lower than those of the wild-type Pin-b, because of decreased selectivity toward anionic phospholipids.  相似文献   

The endoribonuclease RNase E of Escherichia coli is an essential enzyme that plays a major role in all aspects of RNA metabolism. In contrast, its paralog, RNase G, seems to have more limited functions. It is involved in the maturation of the 5′ terminus of 16S rRNA, the processing of a few tRNAs, and the initiation of decay of a limited number of mRNAs but is not required for cell viability and cannot substitute for RNase E under normal physiological conditions. Here we show that neither the native nor N-terminal extended form of RNase G can restore the growth defect associated with either the rne-1 or rneΔ1018 alleles even when expressed at very high protein levels. In contrast, two distinct spontaneously derived single amino acid substitutions within the predicted RNase H domain of RNase G, generating the rng-219 and rng-248 alleles, result in complementation of the growth defect associated with various RNase E mutants, suggesting that this region of the two proteins may help distinguish their in vivo biological activities. Analysis of rneΔ1018/rng-219 and rneΔ1018/rng-248 double mutants has provided interesting insights into the distinct roles of RNase E and RNase G in mRNA decay and tRNA processing.  相似文献   

Erroneous synthesis of ribosomal proteins in amino acid starved E. coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of amino acid starvation on the accuracy of translation of ribosomal proteins was analyzed in a stringent (relA+)/relaxed (relA) pair of E. coli strains. The degree of misreading was estimated from the amount of cysteine erroneously incorporated into individual proteins during arginine starvation of bacteria. Illegitimate incorporation of cysteine was found to occur to a significant extent in several proteins from both the small and the large subunits of ribosomes, in either type of strain.  相似文献   

Abstract Amino acid uptake was followed during pH-regulated dimorphism of Candida albicans . It was observed that transport activities of various amino acids differed with the morphological phenotype. The uptake rates of l-alanine , l -phenylalanine and of l -lysine were lower and those of l -methionine were higher in elongated hypha (germ tube), while the rates of glycine, l -glutamic acid and l -proline were similar in bud and hyphal phenotypes. Minimum threshold of amino acids transport activity is required at the time of phenotypic commitment in a diverging population of Candida albicans .  相似文献   

The regulation of the aromatic amino acid transport systems was investigated. The common (general) aromatic transport system and the tyrosine-specific transport system were found to be subject to repression control, thus confirming earlier reports. In addition, tryosine- and tryptophan-specific transport were found to be enhanced by growth of cells with phenylalanine. The repression and enhancement of the transport systems was abolished in a strain carrying an amber mutation in the regulator gene tyrR. This indicates that the tyrR gene product, which was previously shown to be involved in regulation of aromatic biosynthetic enzymes, is also involved in the regulation of the aromatic amino acid transport systems.  相似文献   

N-Ethylmaleimide (MalNEt) binds covalently and without specificity to accessible sulfhydryl residues in proteins. In some cases specificity has been imposed on this reaction by manipulating reaction conditions, yielding information concerning both enzyme mechanism and the identity of specific proteins (for example C.F. Fox and E.P. Kennedy (1965) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. u.s. 54, 891-899) and R.E. McCarty and J. Fagan (1973) Biochemistry 12, 1503-1507). We have examined the effects of MalNEt on the active accumulation of nine amino acids by Escherichia coli strains ML 308-225 and DL 54. Whole cells have been used in order that transport systems both dependent on and independent of periplasmic binding proteins could be studied under various conditions of energy supply for transport. Our results suggest that the systems transporting ornithine, phenylalanine and proline are those most likely to undergo inactivation by direct reaction of MalNEt with the transport apparatus, rather than merely via side effects such as interruption of their energy supply. The inhibition of proline transport is specifically enhanced by the presence of proline, competitive inhibitors of proline transport, or carbonylcyanide p-trifluoromethyoxyphenylhydrazone during MalNEt treatment. The other eight systems tested showed no analogous effects.  相似文献   

The effect of a pantothenic acid deficiency in Lactobacillus plantarum on the initial rate of amino acid transport was investigated. Although the steady-state accumulation capacity for all amino acids was markedly reduced in pantothenate-deficient cells, initial rates of uptake either were not changed (asparagine, alanine, lysine) or were increased (glutamic acid, aspartic acid, leucine). The findings suggest that a reduction in membrane lipid content heterogeneously affects the operation and/or synthesis of amino acid transport catalysts.  相似文献   

Summary Fertility-deficient and f2-r mutants of E. coli K-12 were studied. The above mutants were isolated following the nitrogen-mustard treatment of the E. coli K-12 Hfr and E. coli F 1 lac +-strains. Isolation of these mutants from F 1-strains showed that mutations occur in the F-factor no matter whether it was in autonomous state or integrated in a chromosome.The existence of mutants of two types, fertility-deficient and f2-r, was demonstrated. Type I mutants were characterized by the maintenance of a low level phage f2-adsorption activity and by a 10-fold decrease of their fertility as compared with the original strain when crossed in the liquid medium. In crosses in solid media the recombination frequency in the case of type I mutants used as donor was the same as with the original strain. Type II mutants were characterized by the entrie loss of their f2-phage adsorption ability, by a 1,000-fold decrease of fertility in liquid media, and by the inability to recombinate in solid media.  相似文献   

Sensory adaptation mutants of E. coli.   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
J S Parkinson  P T Revello 《Cell》1978,15(4):1221-1230
The ability of E. coli to adapt to constant levels of attractant and repellent chemicals was studied by examining the patterns of flagellar movement in cells subjected to abrupt concentration changes. Wild-type bacteria exhibited transient responses to such stimuli, in support of previous findings. Nonchemotactic mutants of the cheX class responded to both attractants and repellents, but were unable to terminate these behavioral changes as long as the stimulating chemical was present. The sensory adaptation defect of cheX strains may be due to an inability to methylate several cytoplasmic membrane proteins that initiate changes in flagellar movement in response to chemoreceptor signals. Based on these results, possible mechanisms of stimulus transduction and sensory adaptation during chemotaxis are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Influx of leucine, lysine and glycine was found to be highest in prehatch (day -1) chicken red blood cells and to diminish during posthatch development when tested at two and four weeks of age. 2. The greatest decline in transport rate during development was seen with leucine; lysine showed a substantial age-related decline only at substrate concentrations greater than Km, the apparent Michaelis constant of transport. 3. Vmax, the maximal transport influx, of each amino acid tested declined during development. 4. Km of glycine and leucine appeared to increase slightly over the test period. 5. In contrast, a 7-fold decrease in Km for lysine transport was seen over the same period. 6. These results are discussed in context of changes in kinetic parameters of amino acid transport during development reported for various animal organs or tissues.  相似文献   

Mutants of Escherichia coli lacking ubiquinone or heme have been tested for motility and found to be essentially immotile. The loss of motility is identified with the loss of flagellum synthesis.  相似文献   

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