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Human embryonic stem cell (hESC) differentiation in embryoid bodies (EBs) provides a valuable tool to study the interplay of different germ layers and their influence on cell differentiation. The gene expression of the developing EBs has been shown in many studies, but the protein expression and the spatial composition of different germ layers in human EBs have not been systematically studied. The aim of the present work was to study the temporal and spatial organisation of germ layers based on the expression of mesoderm (Brachyury T), endoderm (AFP) and ectoderm (SOX1) markers during the early stages of differentiation in eight hESC lines. Tissue multi-array technology was applied to study the protein expression of a large number of EBs. According to our results, EB formation and the organisation of germ layers occurred in a similar manner in all the lines. During 12 days of differentiation, all the germ layer markers were present, but no obvious distinct trajectories were formed. However, older EBs were highly organised in structure. Pluripotency marker OCT3/4 expression persisted unexpectedly long in the differentiating EBs. Cavity formation was observed in the immunocytological sections, and caspase-3 expression was high, suggesting a role of apoptosis in hESC differentiation and/or EB formation. The expression of Brachyury T was notably low in all the lines, also those with the best cardiac differentiation capacity, while the expression of SOX1 was higher in some lines, suggesting that the neural differentiation propensity may be detectable already in the early stages of EB differentiation.  相似文献   

Placentation starts with the formation of a spheroidal trophoblastic shell surrounding the embryo, thus facilitating both implantation into the uterine stroma and contact with maternal blood. Although it is known that diabetes increases the placental size and weight, the mechanisms responsible for this alteration are still poorly understood. In mammals, cellular proliferation occurs in parallel to placental development and it is possible that diabetes induces abnormal uncontrolled cell proliferation in the placenta similar to that seen in other organs (e.g. retina). To test this hypothesis, the objective of this work was to determine cell proliferation in different regions of the placenta during its development in a diabetic rat model. Accordingly, diabetes was induced on day 2 of pregnancy in Wistar rats by a single injection of alloxan (40 mg/kg i.v.). Placentas were collected on days 14, 17, and 20 postcoitum. Immunoperoxidase was used to identify Ki67 nuclear antigen in placental sections. The number of proliferating cells was determined in the total placental area as well as in the labyrinth, spongiotrophoblast and giant trophoblast cell regions. During the course of pregnancy, the number of Ki67 positive cells decreased in both control and diabetic rat placentas. However, starting from day 17 of pregnancy, the number of Ki67 positive cells in the labyrinth and spongiotrophoblast regions was higher in diabetic rat placentas as compared to control. The present results demonstrate that placentas from the diabetic rat model have a significantly higher number of proliferating cells in specific regions of the placenta and at defined developmental stages. It is possible that this increased cell proliferation promotes thickness of the placental barrier consequently affecting the normal maternal-fetal exchanges.  相似文献   

In many developmental systems, growth factor signalling must be temporally and spatially regulated, and this is commonly achieved by growth factor antagonists. Here, we describe the expression patterns of newly identified growth factor inhibitors, Sprouty and Sef, in the developing ocular lens. Sprouty and Sef are both expressed in the lens throughout embryogenesis, and become restricted to the lens epithelium, indicating that lens cell proliferation and fibre differentiation may be tightly regulated by such antagonists. Future studies will be aimed at understanding how these negative regulatory molecules modulate growth factor-induced signalling pathways and cellular processes in the lens.  相似文献   

The adult antennal lobe of Drosophila melanogaster emerges from a precursor, the larval antennal lobe. Pulse and pulse-chase labelling of dividing cells in larvae and pupae with bromodeoxyuridine confirmed previous data that some of the interneurons of the adult antennal lobe derive from a lateral neuroblast which starts to divide early in the first larval instar. However, the majority of these interneurons originate from neuroblasts that initiate mitosis at later stages, with a peak of about 10–12 pairs of dividing neuroblasts in the late third larval instar. No clustering of adult antennal lobe neurons according to their birthdates was observed. In contrast to neurons, terminal divisions of glia in the antennal lobe reach their maximum only 12 h after puparium formation.  相似文献   

生长抑素(somatostatin, SST)作为一种抑制性多肽激素,在多种生物过程中发挥重要的功能。生长抑素受体2 (somatostatin receptor 2, SSTR2)作为生长抑素表达最广泛的受体在多种组织中表达,但其表达的具体细胞类型尚不清楚。本研究在小鼠不同发育阶段的多种组织中鉴定了SSTR2蛋白表达的细胞类型。通过多色免疫荧光在小鼠胚胎期15.5 d、出生后1 d、7 d、15 d、3个月和6个月的脑、骨、肺、肠道、皮肤、胃、脾和肾等组织中检测了Sstr2基因的表达。结果发现Sstr2在不同发育阶段的多种组织的特定细胞类型中表达,包括脑神经元和星形胶质细胞,骨的间充质基质细胞、造血细胞和B细胞,肺的巨噬细胞、Ⅱ型肺泡上皮细胞和气道纤毛细胞,肠道的上皮细胞和神经元,皮肤的毛囊细胞,胃体的上皮细胞,脾的造血干细胞、造血祖细胞和神经纤维,肾的肾小管上皮细胞等。本研究确定了小鼠多组织不同发育阶段Sstr2表达的细胞类型,为生长抑素与生长抑素受体2的生理功能研究提供了新的线索。  相似文献   

DNA single-strand breaks (SSB) are one of the most frequent DNA lesions produced by reactive oxygen species and during DNA metabolism, but the analysis of cellular responses to SSB remains difficult due to the lack of an experimental method to produce SSB alone in cells. By using human cells expressing a foreign UV damage endonuclease (UVDE) and irradiating the cells with UV through tiny pores in membrane filters, we created SSB in restricted areas in the nucleus by the immediate action of UVDE on UV-induced DNA lesions. Cellular responses to the SSB were characterized by using antibodies and fluorescence microscopy. Upon UV irradiation, poly(ADP-ribose) synthesis occurred immediately in the irradiated area. Simultaneously, but dependent on poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation, XRCC1 was translocated from throughout the nucleus, including nucleoli, to the SSB. The BRCT1 domain of XRCC1 protein was indispensable for its poly(ADP-ribose)-dependent recruitment to the SSB. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen and the p150 subunit of chromatin assembly factor 1 also accumulated at the SSB in a detergent-resistant form, which was significantly reduced by inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) synthesis. Our results show the importance of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in sequential cellular responses to SSB.  相似文献   

Chitinases and chitinase like proteins play an important role in mammalian immunity and functions in early zebrafish development have been suggested. Here we report identification of six zebrafish chitinases and chitinase like proteins (called CHIA.1–6) belonging to the glycoside hydrolase family 18, and determine their spatial and temporal expression at 10 stages of zebrafish development.CHIA.4 is highly maternally expressed and it is expressed 100 fold above any other CHIA gene at zygote through to blastula stage. Later, after the maternal to zygotic transition, CHIA.4 expression decreases to the same level as CHIA.5 and CHIA.6. Subsequently, CHIA.1, CHIA.2, CHIA.3 and CHIA.4, CHIA.5, CHIA.6 each follow distinct paths in terms of expression levels.Until 4 days post fertilization the spatial expression patterns of all six CHIA genes overlap extensively, with expression detected predominantly in vascular, ocular and intestinal tissues. At 5 days post fertilization CHIA.1, CHIA.2 and CHIA.3 are expressed almost exclusively in the stomach, whereas CHIA.4, CHIA.5 and CHIA.6 are also prominently expressed in the liver. These different expression patterns may contribute to the establishment of a basis on which functional analysis in older larvae may be founded.  相似文献   

Localization of DNA-synthesizing cells in the developing proventricular (glandular stomach) epithelium of embryonic and hatched chickens was investigated. DNA-synthesizing cells were scattered throughout the proventricular epithelium during all developmental stages studied. The results indicate that there is no clear proliferative zone in the proventricular epithelium of the chicken. The labeling indices (LI) of proventricular epithelial cells were measured. On the 6.5th day of incubation, the LI of glandular epithelium reached 29.5 ± 1.5%. the highest value of all the stages studied. This extremely rapid cell proliferation can be considered to be a driving force for the elongation of the proventricular glands during the following stages. Just after hatching, the LI of both the glandular and luminal (non-glandular) epithelia significantly increased from those on the 18th day of incubation. It is suggested that the rise in LI possibly reflected proventricular growth to fit in the change in the method of nourishment after hatching. In 2 week old chickens, the LI of both the glandular and luminal epithelia were reduced to approximately 1%. The active production of embryonic chicken pepsinogen in all glandular epithelial cells of the embryonic chicken revealed that proliferation and differentiation are not necessarily exclusive during the embryonic stages of proventricular development.  相似文献   

The paper contains short information concerning the role of folate-related processes in cell metabolism and multiple diseases which are characterized by hyperhomocysteinemia. The authors represent more detailed information about the folate-related processes in human placenta, namely about the content of aminothiols at different allelic variants of placental methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase during the course of physiological pregnancy and preeclampsia. The existing data concerning the expression and catalytic activity of corresponding enzymes are corroborated by the authors' own results that proved for the first time the functional activity of transsulfuration pathway in human placenta. This pathway is activated in placental explants in parallel with down-regulation of proliferation and up-regulation of apoptosis when hyperhomocysteinemia is imitated by high concentration of homocysteine in culture medium. On the whole the presented data point to the importance of placental folate-related processes for its normal function.  相似文献   

The mammalian organ of Corti is a highly specialized sensory organ of the cochlea with a fine-grained pattern that is essential for auditory function. The sensory epithelium, the organ of Corti consists of a single row of inner hair cells and three rows of outer hair cells that are intercalated by support cells in a mosaic pattern. Previous studies show that the Wnt pathway regulates proliferation, promotes medial compartment formation in the cochlea, differentiation of the mechanosensory hair cells and axon guidance of Type II afferent neurons. WNT ligand expressions are highly dynamic throughout development but are insufficient to explain the roles of the Wnt pathway. We address a potential way for how WNTs specify the medial compartment by characterizing the expression of Porcupine (PORCN), an O-acyltransferase that is required for WNT secretion. We show PORCN expression across embryonic ages (E)12.5 - E14.5, E16.5, and postnatal day (P)1. Our results showed enriched PORCN in the medial domains during early stages of development, indicating that WNTs have a stronger influence on patterning of the medial compartment. PORCN was rapidly downregulated after E14.5, following the onset of sensory cell differentiation; residual expression remained in some hair cells and supporting cells. On E14.5 and E16.5, we also examined the spatial expression of Gsk3β, an inhibitor of canonical Wnt signaling to determine its potential role in radial patterning of the cochlea. Gsk3β was broadly expressed across the radial axis of the epithelium; therefore, unlikely to control WNT-mediated medial specification. In conclusion, the spatial expression of PORCN enriches WNT secretion from the medial domains of the cochlea to influence the specification of cell fates in the medial sensory domain.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of the human cellular myc gene product   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
P Beimling  T Benter  T Sander  K Moelling 《Biochemistry》1985,24(23):6349-6355
Antibodies against the product of the human cellular myc gene (c-myc) were prepared against a bacterially expressed human c-myc protein by inserting the ClaI/BclI fragment of the human c-myc DNA clone in an expression vector derived from pPLc24. These antibodies cross-react with viral-coded myc (v-myc) proteins from MC29 and OK10 viruses. Furthermore, IgGs specific for synthetic peptides, corresponding to the 12 carboxy-terminal amino acids of the human c-myc gene and 16 internal amino acids, were isolated. By use of the various myc-specific antisera or IgGs, a protein of Mr 64 000 was detected in several human tumor cell lines including Colo320, small cell cancer of the lung (417d), HL60, Raji, and HeLa. This protein is larger than the corresponding v-myc or chicken c-myc proteins from avian virus transformed cells or avian bursa lymphoma cells (RP9), both of which are proteins of Mr 55 000. The human c-myc protein is located in the nucleus of Colo320 cells, exhibits a half-life of about 15 min, and is expressed at significantly lower levels than the viral protein. The human c-myc protein was enriched about 3000-fold from Colo320 cells using c-myc-specific IgG coupled to Sepharose beads. The protein binds to double-stranded DNA in vitro, a reaction that can be inhibited to more than 90% by c-myc specific IgG.  相似文献   

We discuss the utilization of micro-bioreactor arrays for controlling cellular environments in studies of factors that regulate the differentiation of human embryonic stem cells. To this end, we have designed a simple and practical system that couples a microfluidic platform with an array of micro-bioreactors, and has the size of a microscope slide [E. Figallo, C. Cannizzaro, S. Gerecht, J.A. Burdick, R. Langer, N. Elvassore, G. Vunjak-Novakovic, Lab Chip 7 (2007) 710-719]. The system allows quantitative studies of cells cultured in monolayers or encapsulated in three-dimensional hydrogels. We review the operating requirements for studies of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) under steady-state and dynamic conditions, and the related control of the mass transport and hydrodynamic shear. We describe the design and fabrication of the individual bioreactor components, and the criteria for selecting the bioreactor configuration and operating parameters, based on the analysis of the characteristic times and scales of reaction, convection and diffusion. To illustrate the utility of the bioreactor, we present a "case study" of hESC cultivation with detailed experimental methods and representative biological readouts.  相似文献   

M J Crabbe 《FEBS letters》1985,181(1):157-159
The human cellular myc gene is one of about 20 cellular oncogenes which code for a variety of proteins including protein kinases and growth factors. The human gene is related to the avian myelocytomatosis leukaemia virus MC29 and produces a binding protein which may be involved in regulation of gene expression and cellular differentiation and proliferation. The crystallins are proteins in the eye lens synthesised at different stages of cell differentiation and proliferation, and whose short range order is necessary for lens transparency. Computer-based sequence comparisons show that beta Bp and gamma II crystallins, which show partial sequence homology and conservation of 'Greek Key' motives are also partially homologous to two regions on the human myc protein, though this protein probably does not conserve the 'Greek Key' structural motives.  相似文献   

The detailed cellular distribution of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors and insulin receptors during the development of the human placenta was examined. We show that EGF receptors are expressed by villous cytotrophoblast cells in first trimester human placentae. However, where these cells proliferate to form extravillous cytotrophoblast cell columns, there is a dramatic decrease in EGF receptor expression. There is no such differential expression of insulin receptors on this cell population. In contrast, both EGF-and insulin-receptors are present throughout gestation on the microvillous membrane of the terminally differentiated and non-proliferative syncytiotrophoblast although, at term, EGF-but not insulin-receptors are also found on the basolateral membrane of this epithelium. We further show that EGF receptors isolated from first trimester and term human placentae have functional tyrosine kinase activities but differ in their extent of glycosylation. These results suggest that EGF receptors probably play several distinct functional roles in these epithelial cells depending on their proliferative capacity and differentiation status.  相似文献   

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