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Comparison of populations that vary in cooperative behavior can point to factors that influence the evolution of cooperative breeding. In this paper we study cooperative territorial defense in two populations of the Australian magpie. These populations differed in social organization; in New Zealand group breeding was the norm and in Queensland simple pair breeding was the norm. We used caged territorial intruders to examine experimentally the participation of males, females, and juveniles in synchronous territorial defense. Within a population in Queensland and a population in New Zealand, adult males and females participated in cooperative defense significantly (p < 0.05 at least) more often together than alone. Between populations, Queensland pairs differed significantly (p < 0.01 at least) from New Zealand pairs in the level of response. As group size increased, percapita input in defense decreased in both populations. We discuss the importance of synchronous defense as a cooperative behavior in this species.  相似文献   

The reproductive success of a male bird is often correlated with measurable traits that predict his intrinsic quality. Females are thought to base their selection of mates on the latter's 'quality' in order to gain their 'good genes'. Male Australian Magpies Gymnorhina tibicen of the white-backed race tyrannica were trapped in two breeding seasons. Measurements were taken of morphometric and other characteristics in order to discover whether particular traits of males were associated with: (1) percentage of offspring sired in the territory, (2) number of fledglings produced in the territory per season and (3) whether females select males for their 'good genes'. There were no consistently significant correlations between any of the measured variables and male Magpie reproductive success within territories. In particular, none of the traits measured had any consistent correlation with the percentage of offspring sired in a territorial group. This was an unexpected result given that the species is strongly territorial but also engages regularly in extra-group copulations. These findings appear contrary to the predictions of the 'good genes' hypothesis. The general lack of correlation between the variables and level of genetic paternity may in fact be due to females engaging in extra-group mating primarily to avoid breeding with a close relative rather than to choose a high-quality male. In this case, males would not have to be 'high quality', but merely genetically different from the female's social mate.  相似文献   

The quokka, Setonix brachyurus, is a vulnerable, small marsupial endemic to Western Australia. Blood samples were collected from quokkas from three different geographical locations; Two Peoples Bay, Bald Island and Rottnest Island. The overall prevalence of trypanosomes by nested PCR at the 18S ribosomal RNA gene was 57.3% (63/110) with prevalences of 91.4%, 85.3% and 4.9% respectively for Two Peoples Bay, Bald Island and Rottnest Island. Phylogenetic analysis conducted on 47 18S PCR positives identified two Trypanosoma copemani genotypes, with T. copemani genotype B, the most prevalent genotype infecting quokka populations from the three locations with an overall prevalence of 51.8% (24/47) compared to 34% for T. copemani genotype A (16/47). The overall prevalence of mixed T. copemani genotype A and B infections was 14.9% (7/47). Phylogenetic analysis of 26 quokka isolates at the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) locus, largely supported the 18S analysis but identified a mixed infection in one quokka isolate (Q4112-4117 from Two Peoples Bay). T. copemani genotype B has previously only been isolated from quokkas and the Gilbert's potoroo whereas T. copemani genotype A has a wide host range and may be pathogenic. Further work is required to determine the clinical impact of T. copemani on marsupial populations.  相似文献   

Summary Why does MagpiesPica pica roost communally rather than solitarily in winter? Most roosts were situated in deciduous trees near water, and they held relatively small numbers of birds. All Magpies roosted communally in winter. Strong winds reduced the height of roost perches, and roosting in leeward conditions increased. Less time was spent at the roost before and following roosting in winter when compared with the autumn and the spring situations. Magpies from high quality territories arrived late in the evening and left early in the morning. Foraging activity increased at the roost as day-length decreased, whereas flying remained constant. Sexual and aggressive behaviour were common in spring. Juveniles were sub-ordinate at the roost. Communal gathering was common at the roost. Several activities occurred frequently either at the pre-roost or at the roost, but aggressive and sexual behaviour had a spatial distribution as expected from the number of birdhours spent in the two sites. Roosting ceased following initiation of nesting activity, but early nesters attended the roost longer than late nesters following start of nest building. Start of breeding was not synchronized within roosts. Predation was rare at the roost and elsewhere in the study area. Roosting seems not to be due to information centre effects, predator avoidance, favourable micro-climate, lack of roost sites, or synchronization of breeding activities. Magpies may monitor the quality of their neighbours including their mating status at the roost. Communal roosting of corvid species seems to be related primarily to the distribution and the abundance of food, species with an unpredictable food supply roosting communally.
Gemeinsames Übernachten bei der ElsterPica pica
Zusammenfassung Warum ziehen Elstern Gemeinschaftsschlafplätze der Einzelübernachtung vor? Viele Übernachtungsplätze liegen in Laubbäumen am Wasser und werden meist nur von relativ wenigen Individuen benutzt. Im Winter übernachteten jedoch alle Elstern in größeren Scharen (Abb. 1). Starker Wind verringert die Höhe der Sitzplätze und begünstigt leewärts gelegene. Vor und nach dem Übernachten waren die Elstern im Winter weniger lange Zeit answesend als im Frühjahr und Herbst (Abb. 6). Elstern aus Revieren hoher Qualität kamen abends später und flogen morgens früher wieder ab (Abb. 7, 8). Nahrungssuche am Übernachtungsplatz nahm mit abnehmender Tageslänge zu; Flugaktivität blieb konstant. Im Frühjahr waren Anzeichen von Aggressivität und Sexualverhalten häufig. Juv. nahmen an Übernachtungsplätzen niedrigere Rangstellungen ein. Schwarmbildung war häufig. Verschiedene Aktivitäten waren häufig entweder vor oder am Übernachtungsplatz festzustellen, doch Aggressiv- und Sexualverhalten konzentrieren sich meistens auf Plätze außerhalb. Nach Beginn des Nestbaus wurde der gemeinsame Übernachtungsplatz nicht mehr aufgesucht (Abb. 12), doch blieben Frühbrüter relativ länger als Spätbrüter gemessen am Stand des Brutgeschäfts. Innerhalb einer Übernachtungsgesellschaft verlief der Beginn des Nestbaus nicht synchron. Der Feinddruck am Schlafplatz wie im übrigen Untersuchungsgebiet war sehr gering. Gemeinsames Übernachten scheint keine Bedeutung als Informationszentrum oder für Verringerung der Feindeinwirkung zu besitzen, noch ist es wegen günstigen Mikroklimas, des Fehlens geeigneter Übernachtungsplätze oder als Mittel der Synchronisation des Brutgeschäftes erklärbar. Elstern prüfen vielleicht die Qalität ihrer Nachbarn und ob sie verpaart sind. Gemeinsames Übernachten scheint bei Corviden in erster Linie mit der Verteilung und Menge der Nahrung zusammenzuhängen: Arten mit einem nicht vorhersagbaren Nahrungsangebot übernachten gemeinsam.

Chromosome numbers are reported for eight of the nine Western AustralianVillarsia species.Villarsia albiflora, V. calthifolia, V. capitata, V. congestiflora, V. lasiosperma, V. latifolia, andV. violifolia are diploid with n=9. Five populations ofV. parnassiifolia are diploid and three are tetraploid (n=18). The morphological, ecological, and breeding-system diversity of the Western Australian species is largely not associated with the tetraploidy or hexaploidy that characterizes otherVillarsia species in eastern Australia and South Africa. The majority of Western AustralianVillarsia species are restricted to the high rainfall zone of southwestern Western Australia, where favorable climatic and edaphic conditions may have existed since mid-late Tertiary times.  相似文献   

During a study carried out on the subfamily Exogoninae (Syllidae) from Australia, several specimens of a new genus and species were found in samples of dead coral substrate from Western Australia. They have long palps, fused except for a terminal notch, long median and two short lateral antennae, a single pair of short tentacular cirri, and short dorsal cirri, somewhat longer than the parapodial lobes. These characters resemble those of the genus Exogone Örsted, 1845. However, all these appendages are articulated. The chaetae are very similar to those of several species of Syllis Lamarck, 1818, having coarse spines on the margin of compound chaetal blades and truncated dorsal simple chaetae. Furthermore, the pharynx begins in chaetiger 3, posterior to the peristomium, as in many species of the genus Syllis; this condition does not occur in any described species of Exogone. The new genus is provisionally proposed to belong to the subfamily Syllinae, although it has some characters typical of the Exogoninae. Examination under the SEM shows another peculiar feature, the nuchal organs are distinctly laterally located. Within the Syllinae, only Paratyposyllis Hartmann-Schröder, 1962 has a single pair of tentacular cirri, but in that genus, the palps are only basally fused.  相似文献   

A new species of Darwinia, D. divisa is described. The species is unique in the genus in having divided prominent calyx lobes and densely hairy floral tube. The species has not been re-collected since the type and only collection in 1965.  相似文献   

Seventeen species of marine nemerteans are reported from Rottnest Island, Western Australia. Eight new species and four new genera are described and illustrated; these are the heteronemerteans Kohnia rottnestensis gen. et sp. n., Lineus bioculatus sp. n., Lineus gilviceps sp. n., Micrura callima sp. n. and Uricholemma nigricans gen. et sp. n., and the monostiliferous hoplonemerteans Aenigmanemertes norenburgi gen. et spn. n., Crybelonemertes arenicolus gen. et sp. n. and Tetrastemma tristibruna sp. n. A key for the field identification of the nemerteans of Rottnest Island is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of Samolus, S. caespitosus is described from Salt Lakes in southern Western Australia.  相似文献   

In most insects known to tolerate freezing, the adaptation has been completely canalized and permanently incorporated into the genotype, either as a perennial or seasonal phenotypic switch. The exceptions to this (i.e. insects for which the adaptation is, in some manner, incomplete) represent examples of considerable evolutionary interest. To date, the few examples known of incomplete adaptation are readily identified by survival metrics. Caterpillars of the New Zealand Magpie moth (Nyctemera annulata Boisduval) represent a previously undescribed stage in the adaptive continuum of freeze tolerant insects from freeze avoidance to tolerance: a form of freeze tolerance that is intermediate between partial and complete freeze tolerance, the relative ‘incompleteness’ of which, is only apparent using indices of extended fitness (successful metamorphosis). This intermediate form is characterized by: the capacity to mechanistically tolerate equilibrium freezing (>75% survival); a narrow survival envelope below equilibrium freezing temperatures (3–4 °C); and a limited ability to complete metamorphosis after freezing (approximately 27% emergence). The low temperature capabilities of these caterpillars provide support for the hypothesis that the capacity to mechanistically tolerate internal extracellular ice formation by freeze tolerant holometabolous insects is acquired prior to the metabolic adaptations necessary to enable continuation of the life cycle.  相似文献   

Byrne M  Macdonald B  Brand J 《Heredity》2003,91(4):389-395
Western Australian sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) is widespread throughout Western Australia across the semiarid and arid regions. The diversity and phylogeographic patterns within the chloroplast genome of S. spicatum were investigated using restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 23 populations. The chloroplast diversity was structured into two main clades that were geographically separated, one centred in the southern (semiarid region) and the other in the northern (arid) region. Fragmentation due to climatic instability was identified as the most likely influence on the differentiation of the lineages. The lineage in the arid region showed a greater level of differentiation than that in the southern region, suggesting a higher level of gene flow or a more recent range expansion of sandalwood in the southern region. The phylogeographic pattern in the chloroplast genome is congruent with that detected in the nuclear genome, which identified different genetic influences between the regions and also suggested a more recent expansion of sandalwood in the southern region.  相似文献   

The caprellidean fauna of Western Australia and Northern Territory, Australia, is investigated here. The study reports 26 species in 19 genera. Six new species (Aciconula australiensis n. sp., Caprella traudlae n. sp., Pseudaeginella vaderi n. sp., Orthoprotella nana n. sp., Pseudoprotella soela n. sp. and Pseudoprotomima grandimana n. sp.) are described as new for Science. Lateral view figures of all the species, together with a key to species level, are also provided.  相似文献   

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