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Several aspects of the population biology and the population genetic structure of Ctenomys porteousi were studied. Chromosomal and allozyme polymorphisms in two local populations separated by 10 km were used to infer genetic structure. Heterochromatic addition/deletion rearrangements for six autosomal pairs were employed as genetic markers. Allozyme variants were analysed by the study of thirty-one presumptive loci. Thirteen loci (43%) were polymorphic, average observed heterozygosity per locus was 10%, and mean number of alleles per locus was 1.57. Chromosomal and allozyme frequencies were homogeneous across populations. The estimated Fst values were very low, 0.009 and 0.022 for chromosomal and allozyme data respectively. Gene flow was indirectly estimated by the method of Wright, Nm values (mean number of migrants per generation per deme) was very high (27.2 and 11.3 for chromosomal and allozyme data respectively). The Fis values suggest a significant defect of heterozygotes that could be explained by the Wahlund effect. The ecological data indicate the occurrence of sharp changes in density and in distribution pattern in short time. The genetic and ecological data suggest that the population structure of C. porteousi differs from that found in other species of Ctenomys affected by chromosomal mechanisms of speciation.  相似文献   

泛希姬蝽Himacerus apterus(Fabricius)是半翅目姬蝽科中重要的天敌种类,本文旨在分析泛希姬蝽不同地理种群的遗传多样性和遗传分化情况。利用COI作为标记基因,使用DnaSP、Arlequin、MEGA等软件分析了中国4个省12个种群33个体的单倍型多样性、遗传结构分化、系统发育等。共发现19个单倍型,所有单倍型中仅H1为共享单倍型,为宁夏和陕西共有,且出现频率最高。总体单倍型多样性指数Hd=0.913,核苷酸多样性指数π=0.006,平均核苷酸差异数k=4.083。Tajima's D=-0.853,P>0.100,表明泛希姬蝽未经过种群扩张。AMOVA分析表明种群内的分子变异大于种群间分子变异,变异比例分别为45.393%和36.594%,遗传分化指数均大于0.250,差异水平极显著。泛希姬蝽不同地理种群遗传多样性较高,宁夏与内蒙古、山西、陕西省分组间存在极度的遗传分化。种群间遗传距离和地理距离无相关性,表明地理距离不是影响种群间遗传距离的重要因素。通过比较4个省采集点的环境特点,认为地区间基因流受限和气温、猎物的差异可能是影响遗传分化的重要因素。  相似文献   

M. Sun 《Molecular ecology》1999,8(8):1285-1295
Scutellaria indica is a perennial herb with both chasmogamous (CH) and cleistogamous (CL) flowers on the same plant in some populations, and only CL flowers in other populations. Actual seed production by CH and CL flowers was investigated in populations of S. indica. The average seed set of CL flowers was 19 times higher than CH flowers, indicating much greater fertilization success. The CL seeds were also significantly heavier than the CH seeds. However, the resource cost of producing a CH flower was much higher than that of producing a CL flower. The CH flower was approximately seven times larger, and its pollen/ovule ratio was approximately five times higher than flowers. The level and pattern of genetic diversity at both allozyme and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) levels were consistent with a predominantly selfing system in the species. The average amount of within-population genetic variation was extremely low (A = 1.025, P = 2.36%, HO = 0.001 and HE = 0.008 based on allozyme data, and P = 8.94% and HE = 0.03 based on RAPD data). At the species level, the estimates of total gene diversity (HT) were 0. 101 based on allozyme data and 0.139 based on RAPD data. A very high level of genetic differentiation occurred between populations (allozyme GST = 0.92 and RAPD GST = 0.81). Genetic drift coupled with predominant cleistogamous selfing apparently played the major role in determining the population genetic structure in S. indica. Although the features associated with CH and CL flower and seed production seem to be sufficient for the evolution of complete cleistogamy in S. indica, random fixation of alternative alleles for dimorphic or complete cleistogamy in small populations could maintain the multiple strategy of chasmogamous and cleistogamous reproduction in the species.  相似文献   

Dramatic local population decline brought about by anthropogenic-driven change is an increasingly common threat to biodiversity. Seabird life history traits make them particularly vulnerable to such change; therefore, understanding population connectivity and dispersal dynamics is vital for successful management. Our study used a 357-base pair mitochondrial control region locus sequenced for 103 individuals and 18 nuclear microsatellite loci genotyped for 245 individuals to investigate population structure in the Atlantic and Pacific populations of the pelagic seabird, Leach's storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa leucorhoa. This species is under intense predation pressure at one regionally important colony on St Kilda, Scotland, where a disparity between population decline and predation rates hints at immigration from other large colonies. AMOVA, F(ST), Φ(ST) and Bayesian cluster analyses revealed no genetic structure among Atlantic colonies (Global Φ(ST) = -0.02 P > 0.05, Global F(ST) = 0.003, P > 0.05, STRUCTURE K = 1), consistent with either contemporary gene flow or strong historical association within the ocean basin. The Pacific and Atlantic populations are genetically distinct (Global Φ(ST) = 0.32 P < 0.0001, Global F(ST) = 0.04, P < 0.0001, STRUCTURE K = 2), but evidence for interocean exchange was found with individual exclusion/assignment and population coalescent analyses. These findings highlight the importance of conserving multiple colonies at a number of different sites and suggest that management of this seabird may be best viewed at an oceanic scale. Moreover, our study provides an illustration of how long-distance movement may ameliorate the potentially deleterious impacts of localized environmental change, although direct measures of dispersal are still required to better understand this process.  相似文献   

The functional response of adult Nabis kinbergii (Hemiptera: Nabidae) to density of diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) was investigated under laboratory conditions. Holling' s (1959) type Ⅱ model was found to be a good fit for the observed functional response of this predator. The numbers of P. xylostella consumed increased with temperature from 15℃ to 35℃. The maximum number of prey killed was observed at 35℃, with average of 10.3 and 8.3 forth instar larvae consumed by adult females and males of N. kinbergii, respectively. The predation of N. kinbergii on P. xylostella increased with successive immature stages. The number of prey consumed by predators decreased as the body size of prey increased. An average of 131 eggs or 95 larvae of P. xylostella were killed by a single of female adult in 24 hours at 24"C. The pupae of P. xylostella were observed to be eaten by fifth instar nymphs and adults N. kinbergiiin numbers of less than an average of 0.7 pupae per predator in 24 hours at 24"C. Predation preference by N. kinbergii was also investigated. The number of P. xylostella and Myzus persicae killed by female N. kinbergii was not significantly different, but males killed significantly more P. xylostella than M. persicae. Both eggs and larvae of P. xylosteUa were killed in significantly greater number than those of Pieris rapae in the same feeding arena.  相似文献   

Differentiation occurred in different areas of the same river system in Pseudobarbus phlegethon and two sister species of the serrated redfin lineage ( Barbus calidus and Barbus erubescens ) of the Western Cape region of South Africa. In an analysis of 27 allozyme loci a deep divergence was found within P. phlegethon between the Olifants and Doring catchments (seven fixed allelic differences; 0·338 <  D  < 0·366; F ST = 0·925). In contrast, speciation in the serrated redfin lineage occurred within the Doring catchment between B. calidus and B. erubescens (one fixed allelic difference; 0·008 <  D  < 0·052; F ST = 0·760). Different niche preferences, behaviour and morphology probably played an important role in the formation of these contrasting patterns of genetic structure and suggest that B. calidus may have been better able to disperse between the Olifants and Doring catchments (no fixed allelic differences; 0 <  D  < 0·040; F ST = 0·281) than P. phlegethon .  相似文献   

Use of isozymes (including allozymes) in studies of population genetics and systematics of seaweeds has increased sufficiently in the last decade to allow some generalization. Only a single locus has been observed for about half the enzymes analysed in seaweeds, compared with 29% in vascular plants. Compared with higher plants, macroalgal species generally have low amounts of electrophoretically detectable genetic variation; the lowest levels of genetic variation found in natural populations are those reported for seaweeds. Nonetheless, seaweeds show an association between levels of genetic diversity as revealed by isozymes and species-specific attributes, such as mating system and predominance of asexual versus sexual reproduction. In systematic studies, isozymes have revealed cryptic species and identified pairs of sibling taxa. The quaternary structure of enzymes appears to be conserved at the phylum level. With the current availability of improved techniques for enzyme electrophoresis and for data interpretation, we expect future studies utilizing isozyme electrophoresis to provide further insight into population and evolutionary processes in seaweeds.  相似文献   

Recent advances in molecular biology have allowed the development of techniques to contrast spatial differentiation in nuclear and cytoplasmic genes and thus provide important data on relative levels of gene flow by pollen and seed in higher plants. In this paper, we compare the spatial structure of nuclear (allozymes) and cytoplasmic (cpDNA) genes among populations of the gynodioecious Thymus vulgaris in southern France. Based on a combination of three restriction enzymes (CfoI, EcoRV, and PstI), eight chlorotypes (combination of three restriction enzyme patterns revealed by Southern hybridization of Beta vulgaris cpDNA) were identified in the 13 studied populations. One chlorotype was particularly abundant and was detected in nearly all populations. Only one chlorotype was specific to a single population. Up to four different chlorotypes were observed in some populations. An FST of 0.238 (P < 0.002) for cpDNA haplotypes indicates spatial structure of cytoplasmic genes among the studied populations. Similar patterns were found within a single young population (CAB) structured in patches and surrounded by a continuous cover of T. vulgaris where the FST is 0.546 (P < 0.002). No significant correlation between sex and chlorotype nor between cpDNA diversity and female frequency was detected. Allozyme markers showed markedly less spatial structure (FST = 0.021 among populations and 0.019 in the CAB population, P < 0.001). This difference between cpDNA and nuclear allozyme markers suggests that pollen dispersal is more important than seed dispersal both among and within populations.  相似文献   

Gynostemma pentaphyllum, a member of family Cucurbitaceae, is a perennial creeping herb used as a traditional medicinal plant in China. In this study, six polymorphic nSSR and four EST‐SSR primers were used to genotype 1,020 individuals in 72 wild populations of G. pentaphyllum. The genetic diversity and population structure were investigated, and ecological niche modeling was performed to reveal the evolution and demographic history of its natural populations. The results show that G. pentaphyllum has a low level of genetic diversity and high level of variation among populations because of pervasive asexual propagation, genetic drift, and long‐term habitat isolation. Results of the Mantel test demonstrate that the genetic distance and geographic distance are significantly correlated among G. pentaphyllum natural populations. The populations can be divided into two clusters on the basis of genetic structure. Asymmetrical patterns of historical gene flow were observed among the clusters. For the contemporary, almost all the bidirectional gene flow of the related pairs was symmetrical with slight differences. Recent bottlenecks were experienced by 34.72% of the studied populations. The geographic range of G. pentaphyllum continues to expand northward and eastward from Hengduan Mountains. The present distribution of G. pentaphyllum is a consequence of its complex evolution. Polyploidy in G. pentaphyllum is inferred to be polygenetic. Finally, G. pentaphyllum is a species in need of protection, so in situ and ex situ measures should be considered in the future.  相似文献   

The distribution of the genetic variation within and among natural populations of A. ANGUSTIFOLIA growing in different regions in Brazil was assessed at microsatellite and AFLP markers. Both markers revealed high gene diversity ( H = 0.65; AR = 9.1 for microsatellites and H = 0.27; P = 77.8 % for AFLPs), moderate overall differentiation ( RST = 0.13 for microsatellites and FST = 0.10 for AFLPs), but high divergence of the northernmost, geographically isolated population. In a Bayesian analysis, microsatellite data suggested population structure at two levels: at K = 2 and at K = 3 in agreement to the geographical distribution of populations. This result was confirmed by the UPGMA dendrogram based on microsatellite data (bootstrap support > 95 %). Non-hierarchical AMOVA revealed high variation among populations from different A POSTERIORI defined geographical groups. The genetic distance between sample locations increased with geographical distance for microsatellites ( R = 0.62; P = 0.003) and AFLPs ( R = 0.32; P = 0.09). This pattern of population differentiation may be correlated with population history such as geographical isolation and postglacial colonization of highlands. Implications of the population genetic structure for the conservation of genetic resources are discussed.  相似文献   

 Variation at seven microsatellite loci was investigated in three local E. alaskanus populations from Norway and microsatellite variation was compared with allozyme variation. The percentage of polymorphic loci was 81%, the mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus was 5.7 and expected heterozygosity was 0.37. An F-statistic analysis revealed an overall 48% deficit of heterozygotes over Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Gene diversity is mainly explained by the within population component. The averaged between population differentiation coefficient, F st , over 7 loci is only 0.13, which accounts for only 13% of the whole diversity and was contrary to allozyme analysis. The mean genetic distance between populations was 0.12. However, a χ2 -test showed that allele frequencies were different (p < 0.05) among the populations at 5 of the 7 loci. In comparison with the genetic variation detected by allozymes, microsatellite loci showed higher levels of genetic variation. Microsatellite analysis revealed that population H10576 possesses the lowest genetic variation among the tested three populations, which concur with allozyme analysis. The dendrogram generated by microsatellites agreed very well with allozymic data. Our results suggest that natural selection may be an important factor in shaping the genetic diversity in these three local E. alaskanus populations. Possible explanations for deficit heterozygosity and incongruence between microsatellites and allozymes are discussed. Received November 6, 2001; accepted April 24, 2002 Published online: November 14, 2002 Addresses of the authors: Genlou Sun (e-mail: Genlou.sun@STMARYS.CA), Biology Department, Saint Mary's University, Halifax. Nova Scotia, B3H 3C3, Canada. B. Salomon, R. von Bothmer, Department of Crop Science, The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, P.O. Box 44, SE-230 53, Alnarp, Sweden.  相似文献   

The relative involvement of larval dietary tolerance to the leaf-litter toxic polyphenols in shaping population genetic structure of the subalpine mosquito Aedes rusticus was examined. This was compared with other parameters such as geographical range, type of vegetation surrounding the breeding site, and occurrence of annual larvicidal treatments. Population genetic structure was analysed at 10 presumed neutral polymorphic isoenzyme loci. Toxicological comparisons involved standard bioassays performed on larvae fed on toxic decomposed leaf litter. Significant overall genetic differentiation was observed among the 22 studied populations and within the five defined geographical groups. Analysis of molecular variance revealed an absence of relation between genetic and environmental parameters, genetic variance being essentially found within populations. This suggested that the larval dietary tolerance to the toxic leaf litter and the other studied parameters poorly influence population genetic structure. The local adaptation of subalpine mosquito populations to the surrounding vegetation thus appears as a labile trait. Such a dynamic adaptation is also suggested by the correlation between geographical and toxicological distances and the correlation between dietary tolerance to the leaf-litter toxic polyphenols and annual larvicidal treatments.  相似文献   

Four species of philomycid slugs were collected at 13 sites in Tennessee and one site in Virginia. A total of 361 individuals were examined electrophoretically at 11 allozyme loci. Outcrossing was the primary breeding in all populations of all four species. Genetic similarities among demes, among species and among genera are similar to values obtained in studies of other animals with similar vagility and demography and are in good agreement with systematics based on morphological characters. In the species examined in greatest detail, Philomycus carolinianus , there was substantial genetic differentiation among demes. This differentiation appears to result from genetic drift and restricted gene flow. Genetic similarity between P. carolinianus demes did not correlate with the geographic distance between demes and hierarchical F-statistic analysis showed more than half of the differentiation among demes to result from differentiation at the smallest geographic scale. The Tennessee River system also appears to be a major barrier to gene flow among the P. carolinianus demes sampled.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of populations is an important determinant of the evolutionary potential of a species. Colonizing plants tend to be characterized by low within- and high among-population variability. Genetic differentiation of both floral traits and isozymes was studied in six populations of wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum). Evidence for differentiation in both sets of traits was found, but patterns of differentiation of floral traits did not coincide with isozyme differentiation. Contrary to most colonizing species, wild radish showed high within- and only moderate among-population variability at isozyme loci. In addition, levels of differentiation did not correspond to geographic distance between the populations. These results are likely due at least in part to the self-incompatibility system of this species, long-distance movement of large numbers of wild radish seeds by humans, and introgression from cultivated radish (R. sativus).  相似文献   

The northern pike Esox lucius L. is a freshwater fish exhibiting pronounced population subdivision and low genetic variability. However, there is limited knowledge on phylogeographical patterns within the species, and it is not known whether the low genetic variability reflects primarily current low effective population sizes or historical bottlenecks. We analysed six microsatellite loci in ten populations from Europe and North America. Genetic variation was low, with the average number of alleles within populations ranging from 2.3 to 4.0 per locus. Genetic differentiation among populations was high (overall θST = 0.51; overall ρST = 0.50). Multidimensional scaling analysis of genetic distances between populations and spatial analysis of molecular variance suggested a single phylogeographical race within the sampled populations from northern Europe, whereas North American and southern European populations were highly distinct. A population from Ireland was monomorphic at all loci, presumably reflecting founder events associated with introduction of the species to the island in the sixteenth century. Bayesian analysis of demographic parameters showed differences in θ (a product of effective population size and mutation rate) among populations from large and small water bodies, but the relative differences in θ were smaller than expected, which could reflect population subdivision within the larger water bodies. Finally, the analyses showed drastic population declines on a time scale of several thousand years within European populations, which we ascribe to either glacial bottlenecks or postglacial founder events.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 91–101.  相似文献   

Seven populations of the genus Empoasca Walsh 1864 (Homoptera, Typhlocybinae) collected from six different host-plants were electrophoretically analyzed for thirteen enzyme loci. By using both the allozymes and the morphological characters of the male genitalia we found that these populations consisted of only two Empoasca species; E. decedens and E. decipiens. The use of allozymes proved to be the faster and more efficient method for discrimination; nine out of thirteen enzyme loci were diagnostic. E. decedens was found to be the most abundant species in all populations studied. There are no genetic differences between E. decedens populations associated with different host-plants. The total genetic variability was mainly organized within E. decedens populations, explaining more than 95% of the total variability.  相似文献   

Populations may become differentiated from one another as a result of genetic drift. The amounts and patterns of differentiation at neutral loci are determined by local population sizes, migration rates among populations, and mutation rates. We provide exact analytical expressions for the mean, variance, and covariance of a stochastic model for hierarchically structured populations subject to migration, mutation, and drift. In addition to the expected correlation in allele frequencies among populations in the same geographic region, we demonstrate that there is a substantial correlation in allele frequencies among regions at the top level of the hierarchy. We propose a hierarchical Bayesian model for inference of Wright's F-statistics in a two-level hierarchy in which we estimate the among-region correlation in allele frequencies by substituting replication across loci for replication across time. We illustrate the approach through an analysis of human microsatellite data, and we show that approaches ignoring the among-region correlation in allele frequencies underestimate the amount of genetic differentiation among major geographic population groups by approximately 30%. Finally, we discuss the implications of these results for the use and interpretation of F-statistics in evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

Like other amphibians native to Britain, the natterjack toad Bufo calamita must have colonized the islands during the relatively short period between the end of the last glaciation and the separation of Britain from mainland Europe by rising sea levels. Unlike the other native amphibians, however, B. calamita is a habitat specialist at the north-westerly edge of its biogeographical range and for most of the 8000–10000 years since its colonization has probably been restricted to open dunes, heathlands and upper saltmarshes, as isolated populations in a few discrete areas of the country. We have investigated the genetic diversity and relatedness of six widely separated British natterjack populations by allozyme analysis, and shown that all have very low diversity (Overall P 95%= 2.7%, H = 0.004) by comparison with other anurans, including natterjack populations in mainland Europe and common frogs ( Rana temporaria , L) in Britain. Eighty percent of loci were fixed for the same allele in all six British natterjack populations and genetic differentiation between colonies was extremely low. The possible significance of these findings to the persistence of small isolated populations at range edges is discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of genetic variation in disjunct Scandinavian populations of Hippocrepis emerus was studied using allozymes and DNA fingerprinting. Variation in the three native regional populations in Scandinavia was compared with that in a recently introduced population in Sweden. In contrast to the recently introduced population, the native Scandinavian isolates of H. emerus showed high levels of allozyme fixation and low levels of DNA diversity. Variation in allozymes and at DNA fingerprint loci showed closely congruent patterns of geographic variation, with pronounced differentiation between the native Norwegian and Swedish isolates of the species. The structure of genetic variation in native Scandinavian H. emerus is interpreted in terms of historical population bottlenecks and founder events during the species' postglacial immigration into Scandinavia.  相似文献   

Genetic variability of Anatolian hares and relationships between Anatolian and European populations were assessed by a multilocus allozyme approach to infer evolutionary relationships between hares from Asia Minor and Europe. Of the 48 loci assayed, 19 (39.6%) were polymorphic with two to four alleles in the Anatolian hares. Among all Anatolian alleles, 14 were so far not found in the compared 717 brown hares from Europe. Overall, genetic diversity was highest in Anatolian hares, intermediate in brown hares from the southern and southeastern Balkans and lowest in central European populations. The rich genetic diversity in Anatolian hares might be a consequence of Anatolias biogeographic position with the chance of multiple gene flow from neighbouring regions, and the likelihood of long-term presence of hares during the last ice age, when large parts of more northern latitudes did not provide suitable habitats.However, among 28 loci used for the comparison between European and Anatolian populations, most common alleles of European brown hares were also common in Anatolian populations and no alternately fixed alleles were found for Anatolian and European populations. This together with only little or moderately varying allele frequencies produced low genetic divergence between Anatolian and European populations. Genetic differentiation among Anatolian populations was also low. Even between the two forms with different coat colour (brownish and yellowish) in Anatolian hares, there was little genetic differentiation. Altogether, all Anatolian hares studied presently are closely related to European brown hare populations, and only some distantly spaced population pairs revealed increased genetic divergence.


Genetische Diversität anatolischer Feldhasen (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) und Differenzierung zwischen anatolischen und europäischen PopulationenZur Beurteilung der phylogenetischen Beziehungen zwischen anatolischen Hasen und europäischen Feldhasenpopulationen wurde die allelische Variabilität anatolischer Hasen mittels horizontaler Stärkegelelektrophorese erfaßt und gemeinsam mit unmittelbar vergleichbaren Daten griechischer, bulgarischer und österreichischer Populationen aus früheren Studien populationsgenetischen Analysen unterzogen. Neunzehn der 48 untersuchten Loci der anatolischen Hasen zeigten allelische Variabilität. Unter den anatolischen Allelen kamen 14 bisher in den europäischen Polulationen nicht vor. Insgesamt zeigten anatolische Hasen die höchste und österreichische Populationen die niedrigste genetische Diversität; die jeweiligen Werte der griechischen und bulgarischen Populationen lagen dazwischen. Dies entspricht unserer Hypothese hoher genetischer Diversität in Anatolien, auf Grund der biogeografischen Position und der klimatischen bzw. Lebensraumbedingungen während des Pleistozäns, die, im Gegensatz zu Mitteleuropa, kontinuierliche Hasenpopulation in Anatolien wahrscheinlich erscheinen lassen. Kontinuierliche Populationen und Genflüsse aus verschiedenen Nachbarregionen könnten bei langfristig relative ungestörten Populationen zur Anreicherung genetischer Varianten in Anatolien geführt haben, während mitteleuropäische Feldhasenpopulationen im Zuge ihrer postglazialen Einwanderung aus Refugial-gebieten an genetischer Vielfalt eingebüßt haben. Allerdings waren die häufigen Allele der anatolischen Hasen ebenfalls häufig bei den europäischen Feldhasen vertreten; somit ergab sich insgesamt nur eine geringe genetische Differenzierung zwischen anatolischen und europäischen Feldhasen. Die zwei in Anatolien gefundenen Fellfärbungstypen (brauner vs. gelber Grundton) zeigten ebenfalls keine besondere genetische Differenzierung.  相似文献   

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