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We document the phylogenetic behavior of the 18S rRNA molecule in 67 taxa from 28 metazoan phyla and assess the effects of among-site rate variation on reconstructing phylogenies of the animal kingdom. This empirical assessment was undertaken to clarify further the limits of resolution of the 18S rRNA gene as a phylogenetic marker and to address the question of whether 18S rRNA phylogenies can be used as a source of evidence to infer the reality of a Cambrian explosion. A notable degree of among-site rate variation exists between different regions of the 18S rRNA molecule, as well as within all classes of secondary structure. There is a significant negative correlation between inferred number of nucleotide substitutions and phylogenetic information, as well as with the degree of substitutional saturation within the molecule. Base compositional differences both within and between taxa exist and, in certain lineages, may be associated with long branches and phylogenetic position. Importantly, excluding sites with different degrees of nucleotide substitution significantly influences the topology and degree of resolution of maximum-parsimony phylogenies as well as neighbor-joining phylogenies (corrected and uncorrected for among-site rate variation) reconstructed at the metazoan scale. Together, these data indicate that the 18S rRNA molecule is an unsuitable candidate for reconstructing the evolutionary history of all metazoan phyla, and that the polytomies, i.e., unresolved nodes within 18S rRNA phylogenies, cannot be used as a single or reliable source of evidence to support the hypothesis of a Cambrian explosion. Received: 9 December 1997 / Accepted: 23 March 1998  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of nematodes, nematomorphs, kinorhynchs, priapulids, and some other major groups of invertebrates were studied by 18S rRNA gene sequencing. Kinorhynchs and priapulids form the monophyletic Cephalorhyncha clade that is the closest to the coelomate animals. When phylogenetic trees were generated by different methods, the position of nematomorphs appeared to be unstable. Inclusion of Enoplus brevis, a representative of a slowly evolving nematode lineage, in the set of analyzed species refutes the tree patterns, previously derived from molecular data, where the nematodes appear as a basal bilateral lineage. The nematodes seem to be closer to the coelomate animals than was speculated earlier. According to the results obtained, nematodes, nematomorphs, tardigrades, arthropods, and cephalorhynchs are a paraphyletic association of closely related taxa. Received: 1 December 1997 / Accepted: 9 April 1998  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among the species belonging to the family Pectinidae are still an issue of debate. The mitochondrial DNA sequences from the large ribosomal RNA gene may be of great value for systematic and phylogenetic studies within families. Partial sequences of the 16S rRNA gene were obtained for the scallop species Adamussium colbecki, Aequipecten opercularis, Chlamys glabra, C. islandica, C. varia, and Pecten jacobeus and compared with the published sequence of Pecten maximus. The present molecular data show that Chlamys are polyphyletic and do not support the assignment of these species to the two subfamilies Chlamydinae and Pectininae. Moreover, the minimal genetic distance between P. maximus and P. jacobeus suggests that they could belong to the same species. Received: 24 May 1999 / Accepted: 1 September 1999  相似文献   

In this study we constructed a bootstrapped distance tree of 500 small subunit ribosomal RNA sequences from organisms belonging to the so-called crown of eukaryote evolution. Taking into account the substitution rate of the individual nucleotides of the rRNA sequence alignment, our results suggest that (1) animals, true fungi, and choanoflagellates share a common origin: The branch joining these taxa is highly supported by bootstrap analysis (bootstrap support [BS] > 90%), (2) stramenopiles and alveolates are sister groups (BS = 75%), (3) within the alveolates, dinoflagellates and apicomplexans share a common ancestor BS > 95%), while in turn they both share a common origin with the ciliates (BS > 80%), and (4) within the stramenopiles, heterokont algae, hyphochytriomycetes, and oomycetes form a monophyletic grouping well supported by bootstrap analysis (BS > 85%), preceded by the well-supported successive divergence of labyrinthulomycetes and bicosoecids. On the other hand, many evolutionary relationships between crown taxa are still obscure on the basis of 18S rRNA. The branching order between the animal-fungal-choanoflagellates clade and the chlorobionts, the alveolates and stramenopiles, red algae, and several smaller groups of organisms remains largely unresolved. When among-site rate variation is not considered, the inferred tree topologies are inferior to those where the substitution rate spectrum for the 18S rRNA is taken into account. This is primarily indicated by the erroneous branching of fast-evolving sequences. Moreover, when different substitution rates among sites are not considered, the animals no longer appear as a monophyletic grouping in most distance trees. Received: 11 June 1997 / Accepted: 21 July 1997  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the group of molting protostomes were reconstructed by comparing the sets of 18S and 28S rRNA gene sequences considered either separately or in combination. The reliability of reconstructions was estimated from the bootstrap indices for major phylogenetic tree nodes and from the degree of congruence of phylogenetic trees obtained by different methods. By either criterion, the phylogenetic trees reconstructed on the basis of both 18 and 28S rRNA gene sequences were better than those based on the 18S or 28S sequences alone. The results of reconstruction are consistent with the phylogenetic hypothesis classifying protostomes into two major clades: molting Ecdysozoa (Priapulida + Kinorhyncha, Nematoda + Nematomorpha, Onychophora + Tardigrada, Myriapoda + Chelicerata, and Crustacea + Hexapoda) and nonmolting Lophotrochozoa (Plathelminthes, Nemertini, Annelida, Mollusca, Echiura, and Sipuncula). Nematomorphs (Nematomorpha) do not belong to the clade Cephalorhyncha (Priapulida + Kinorhyncha). It is concluded that combined data on the 18S and 28S rRNA gene sequences provide a more reliable basis for phylogenetic inferences.__________Translated from Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2005, pp. 590–601.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Petrov, Vladychenskaya.  相似文献   

The chaetognaths are an extraordinarily homogeneous phylum of animals at the morphological level, with a bauplan that can be traced back to the Cambrian. Despite the attention of zoologists for over two centuries, there is little agreement on classification within the phylum. We have used a molecular biological approach to investigate the phylogeny of extant chaetognaths. A rapidly evolving expansion segment toward the 5′ end of 28S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), cloned, and sequenced from 26 chaetognath samples representing 18 species. An unusual finding was the presence of two distinct classes of 28S rDNA gene in chaetognaths; our analyses suggest these arose by a gene (or gene cluster) duplication in a common ancestor of extant chaetognaths. The two classes of chaetognath 28S rDNA have been subject to different rates of molecular evolution; we present evidence that both are expressed and functional. In phylogenetic reconstructions, the two classes of 28S rDNA yield trees that root each other; these clearly demonstrate that the Aphragmophora and Phragmophora are natural groups. Within the Aphragmophora, we find good support for the groupings denoted Solidosagitta, Parasagitta, and Pseudosagitta. The relationships between several well-supported groups within the Aphragmophora are uncertain; we suggest this reflects rapid, recent radiation during chaetognath evolution. Received: 19 March 1996 / Accepted: 5 August 1996  相似文献   

Molecular sequence data are often aligned on the basis of secondary and/or tertiary structure models. However, these models are regularly updated and sometimes differ depending on the way in which they were constructed. We examined whether the choice of a particular 18S rRNA secondary structure model as alignment basis influences phylogeny inference. We therefore compared 18S rRNA phylogenies derived from alignments based on different models. We used: 1. Maximum parsimony; 2. The neighbour-joining method; 3. The maximum-likelihood approach; and 4. Evolutionary parsimony. This demonstrated that the secondary structure model on which an alignment is based may influence: 1. The tree topologies found by these four methods; 2. The numbers of most parsimonious trees found; and 3. The statistical values calculated by the evolutionary parsimony method.  相似文献   

A 314-bp fragment of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene from 21 cestodes species of eight families was synthesized by PCR with specially designed primers. These allowed amplification of parasite DNA without concomitant synthesis of host DNA. Phylogenetic trees were inferred from the sequence data using three methods (maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Fitch–Margoliash). At the major nodes all three trees were similar. For the first time the genus Mesocestoides could be arranged into the Cyclophyllidea and a narrow relationship between the Mesocestoididae, Taeniidae, Hymenolepididae, Anoplocephalidae, and Dipylidiidae was shown. Members of the families Catenotaeniidae and a cluster of two families (Hymenolepididae and Dilepididae) form two monophyletic groups which derive prior to the remaining families of this phylogenetic study. A third and a fourth clear monophyletic group were formed by the Taeniidae and by the Mesocestoididae. A high degree of variation within the examined 304-bp fragment was observed between two isolates of Taenia taeniaeformis, supporting often discussed genetic heterogeneity within this species. In contrast, only one nucleotide exchange was found in 23 isolates of Echinococcus multilocularis of various geographic origin, indicating that this species is genetically homogenous. Received: 1 October 1997 / Accepted: 4 December 1997  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the 18S subunit of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) was determined for the venerid clams Callista chione (Pitarinae) and Venus verrucosa (Venerinae). Comparison of the new sequences with the published sequences of 1 annelid, 2 gastropods, 2 polyplacophorans, and 19 bivalves showed that when the annelids are used as outgroup the gastropods diverge from the bivalves, which form a cluster including the polyplacophorans. When the gastropods alone were compared with the bivalves, the latter split in two groups corresponding to the two subclasses of Heterodonta and Pteriomorpha. The former include two taxa that diverged early, Galeomma and Tridacna, while the Veneridae and Mactridae form two sister groups. In contrast to previous reports and in line with morphological data, the Ostreidae are included in the Pteriomorphia and form a monophyletic group. Received: 16 May 1998 / Accepted: 11 August 1998  相似文献   

Partial 18S rRNA gene sequences of four macrodasyid and one chaetonotid gastrotrichs were obtained and compared with the available sequences of other gastrotrich species and representatives of various metazoan phyla. Contrary to the earlier molecular data, the gastrotrich sequences did not comprise a monophyletic group but formed two distinct clades, corresponding to the Macrodasyida and Chaetonotida, with the basal position occupied by the sequences of Tetranchyroderma sp. and Xenotrichula sp., respectively. Depending on the taxon sampling and methods of analysis, the two clades were separated by various combinations of clades Rotifera, Gnathostomulida, and Platyhelminthes, and never formed a clade with Nematoda. Thus, monophyly of the Gastrotricha is not confirmed by analysis of the presently available molecular data.  相似文献   

This study provides a phylogenetic/comparative approach to deciphering the processes underlying the evolution of plastid rRNA genes in genomes under relaxed functional constraints. Nonphotosynthetic green algal taxa that belong to two distinct classes, Chlorophyceae (Polytoma) and Trebouxiophyceae (Prototheca), were investigated. Similar to the situation described previously for plastid 16S rRNA genes in nonphotosynthetic land plants, nucleotide substitution levels, extent of structural variations, and percentage AT values are increased in nonphotosynthetic green algae compared to their closest photosynthetic relatives. However, the mutational processes appear to be different in many respects. First, with the increase in AT content, more transversions are noted in Polytoma and holoparasite angiosperms, while more transitions characterize the evolution of the 16S rDNA sequences in Prototheca. Second, although structural variations do accumulate in both Polytoma and Prototheca (as well as holoparasitic plastid 16S rRNAs), insertions as large as 1.6 kb characterize the plastid 16S rRNA genes in the former, whereas significantly smaller indels (not exceeding 24 bp) seem to be more prevalent in the latter group. The differences in evolutionary rates and patterns within and between lineages might be due to mutations in replication/repair-related genes; slipped-strand mispairing is likely the mechanism responsible for the expansion of insertions in Polytoma plastid 16S rRNA genes. Received: 29 December 2000 / Accepted: 18 May 2001  相似文献   

Species of the order Mysida (Crustacea, Peracarida) are shrimp-like animals that occur in vast numbers in coastal regions of the world. The order Mysida comprises 1,053 species and 165 genera. The present study covers 25 species of the well-defined Mysidae, the most speciose family within the order Mysida. 18S rRNA sequence analysis confirms that the subfamily Siriellinae is monophyletic. On the other hand the subfamily Gastrosaccinae is paraphyletic and the subfamily Mysinae, represented in this study by the tribes Mysini and Leptomysini, consistently resolves into three independent clades, and hence is clearly not monophyletic. The tribe Mysini is not monophyletic either, and forms two clades of which one appears to be closely related to the Leptomysini. Our results are concordant with a number of morphological differences urging a taxonomic revision of the Mysidae.  相似文献   

Acari (mites and ticks) form one the most diverse lineages of arthropods, but basal relationships in the group are still poorly understood. The current study addresses this issue for one of its two main lineages, the order Parasitiformes. Relationships are examined at the subordinal and infraordinal level using complete 18S and partial 28S nuclear rRNA sequence data. Most currently recognized lineages are recovered with good support, suggesting that nuclear rRNA, and specifically 18S rRNA, is very well suited for analyzing relationships at this level in this lineage. These results were found despite quite variable rates of sequence evolution, with rates "ratcheting up" from relatively low in most non-mite arachnid lineages, to intermediate in Pseudoscorpiones, the mite order Acariformes, and the parasitiform suborders Opilioacarida, Holothyrida, and Ixodida, to high in the parasitiform suborder Mesostigmata. The most species rich mesostigmatid infraorder, Dermanyssina, shows huge distances to the outgroups, but remarkably low within-group divergence in nuclear rRNA. This suggests the possibility of a relatively recent origin of this lineage.  相似文献   

苔藓动物18S rRNA基因的分子系统发生初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对我国沿海较为常见的8种唇口目苔藓动物的18SrRNA基因进行了PCR扩增和序列测定。结合已知的其它苔藓动物(包括内肛动物和外肛动物)以及腕足动物和帚虫的相应序列,运用分子系统学方法,研究苔藓动物门的系统发生关系,结果表明,外肛动物和内肛动物构成苔藓动物分子系统树中的二大平行支;本文测定的大室膜孔苔虫与Giribet等测定的膜孔苔虫在系统树中的位置间隔较远。结果也支持外肛动物包含被唇纲和裸唇纲两大类群的形态划分,而关于裸唇纲特别是唇口目内部的系统发生关系。分子数据的分析结果和形态分类之间的分歧有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

鸡球虫18S rRNA基因序列的测定与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了利用18S rRNA基因进行鸡球虫系统进化分析,对巨型艾美耳球虫(Eimeria maxima)、柔嫩艾美耳球虫(E.tenella)、堆形艾美耳球虫(E.acervulina)3种共8个不同来源的虫株,分别提取总DNA进行18S rRNA基因的扩增和测序;将得到的序列登录GenBank进行同源性和趋异性分析,并结合GenBank中其它原虫的18S rRNA基因序列构建进化树.结果显示扩增获得8株鸡球虫18S rRNA基因长度为1746~1756 bp,序列比对显示同种不同株间的同源性大于不同种间的同源性,其中3株E.maxima株间同源性在98.7%~99.3%之间,4株E.tenella株间同源性在99.7%~99.9%之间;不同种间同源性为96.5%~98.1%,其中E.maxima与E.tenclla的遗传距离最大,为0.038;E.maxima与E.acervulina的遗传距离最小,为0.021.顶复器门9个不同属所构建的进化树结果显示,E.imeria和等孢属(Isospora)聚为一支,说明亲缘关系比较近.与GertBank中其它5株不同鸡球虫的18S rRNA基因共同构建的进化树显示,3株E.maxima聚为一支,与E.brunetti、E.mitis、E.mivati、E.praecox和E.acervulina聚为一大分支;4株E.tenella与1株E.necatrix共同形成一个分支,说明E.tenella与E.necattix的亲缘关系最近.本研究证实了在鸡球虫系统进化研究中,18S rRNA基因不仅可以区分不同种,而且有可能成为区分同种不同株的理想靶基因.  相似文献   

Acanthocephala (thorny-headed worms) is a phylum of endoparasites of vertebrates and arthropods, included among the most phylogenetically basal tripoblastic pseudocoelomates. The phylum is divided into three classes: Archiacanthocephala, Palaeacanthocephala, and Eoacanthocephala. These classes are distinguished by morphological characters such as location of lacunar canals, persistence of ligament sacs in females, number and type of cement glands in males, number and size of proboscis hooks, host taxonomy, and ecology. To understand better the phylogenetic relationships within Acanthocephala, and between Acanthocephala and Rotifera, we sequenced the nearly complete 18S rRNA genes of nine species from the three classes of Acanthocephala and four species of Rotifera from the classes Bdelloidea and Monogononta. Phylogenetic relationships were inferred by maximum-likelihood analyses of these new sequences and others previously determined. The analyses showed that Acanthocephala is the sister group to a clade including Eoacanthocephala and Palaeacanthocephala. Archiacanthocephala exhibited a slower rate of evolution at the nucleotide level, as evidenced by shorter branch lengths for the group. We found statistically significant support for the monophyly of Rotifera, represented in our analysis by species from the clade Eurotatoria, which includes the classes Bdelloidea and Monogononta. Eurotatoria also appears as the sister group to Acanthocephala. Received: 12 October 1999 / Accepted: 8 February 2000  相似文献   

Forty-nine complete 12S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequences from a diverse assortment of mammals (one monotreme, 11 marsupials, 37 placentals), including 11 new sequences, were employed to establish a ``core' secondary structure model for mammalian 12S rRNA. Base-pairing interactions were assessed according to the criteria of potential base-pairing as well as evidence for base-pairing in the form of compensatory mutations. In cases where compensatory evidence was not available among mammalian sequences, we evaluated evidence among other vertebrate 12S rRNAs. Our results suggest a core model for secondary structure in mammalian 12S rRNAs with deletions as well as additions to the Gutell (1994: Nucleic Acids Res. 22) models for Bos and Homo. In all, we recognize 40 stems, 34 of which are supported by at least some compensatory evidence within Mammalia. We also investigated the occurrence and conservation in mammalian 12S rRNAs of nucleotide positions that are known to participate in the decoding site in E. coli. Twenty-four nucleotide positions known to participate in the decoding site in E. coli also occur among mammalian 12S rRNAs and 17 are invariant for the same base as in E. coli. Patterns of nucleotide substitution were assessed based on our secondary structure model. Transitions in loops become saturated by approximately 10–20 million years. Transitions in stems, in turn, show partial saturation at 20 million years but divergence continues to increase beyond 100 million years. Transversions accumulate linearly beyond 100 million years in both stems and loops although the rate of accumulation of transversions is three- to fourfold higher in loops. Presumably, this difference results from constraints to maintain pairing in stems. Received: 21 June 1995 / Accepted: 25 March 1996  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates are a heterogeneous group of protists present in all aquatic ecosystems where they occupy various ecological niches. They play a major role as primary producers, but many species are mixotrophic or heterotrophic. Environmental metabarcoding based on high‐throughput sequencing is increasingly applied to assess diversity and abundance of planktonic organisms, and reference databases are definitely needed to taxonomically assign the huge number of sequences. We provide an updated 18S rRNA reference database of dinoflagellates: dinoref . Sequences were downloaded from genbank and filtered based on stringent quality criteria. All sequences were taxonomically curated, classified taking into account classical morphotaxonomic studies and molecular phylogenies, and linked to a series of metadata. dinoref includes 1,671 sequences representing 149 genera and 422 species. The taxonomic assignation of 468 sequences was revised. The largest number of sequences belongs to Gonyaulacales and Suessiales that include toxic and symbiotic species. dinoref provides an opportunity to test the level of taxonomic resolution of different 18S barcode markers based on a large number of sequences and species. As an example, when only the V4 region is considered, 374 of the 422 species included in dinoref can still be unambiguously identified. Clustering the V4 sequences at 98% similarity, a threshold that is commonly applied in metabarcoding studies, resulted in a considerable underestimation of species diversity.  相似文献   

A heuristic approach to search for the maximum-likelihood (ML) phylogenetic tree based on a genetic algorithm (GA) has been developed. It outputs the best tree as well as multiple alternative trees that are not significantly worse than the best one on the basis of the likelihood criterion. These near-optimum trees are subjected to further statistical tests. This approach enables ones to infer phylogenetic trees of over 20 taxa taking account of the rate heterogeneity among sites on practical time scales on a PC cluster. Computer simulations were conducted to compare the efficiency of the present approach with that of several likelihood-based methods and distance-based methods, using amino acid sequence data of relatively large (5–24) taxa. The superiority of the ML method over distance-based methods increases as the condition of simulations becomes more realistic (an incorrect model is assumed or many taxa are involved). This approach was applied to the inference of the universal tree based on the concatenated amino acid sequences of vertically descendent genes that are shared among all genomes whose complete sequences have been reported. The inferred tree strongly supports that Archaea is paraphyletic and Eukarya is specifically related to Crenarchaeota. Apart from the paraphyly of Archaea and some minor disagreements, the universal tree based on these genes is largely consistent with the universal tree based on SSU rRNA. Received: 4 January 2001 / Accepted: 16 May 2001  相似文献   

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