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Gram-negative bacteria shed outer membrane vesicles composed of outer membrane and periplasmic components. Since vesicles from pathogenic bacteria contain virulence factors and have been shown to interact with eukaryotic cells, it has been proposed that vesicles behave as delivery vehicles. We wanted to determine whether heterologously expressed proteins would be incorporated into the membrane and lumen of vesicles and whether these altered vesicles would associate with host cells. Ail, an outer membrane adhesin/invasin from Yersinia enterocolitica, was detected in purified outer membrane and in vesicles from Escherichia coli strains DH5alpha, HB101, and MC4100 transformed with plasmid-encoded Ail. In vesicle-host cell co-incubation assays we found that vesicles containing Ail were internalized by eukaryotic cells, unlike vesicles without Ail. To determine whether lumenal vesicle contents could be modified and delivered to host cells, we used periplasmically expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP). GFP fused with the Tat signal sequence was secreted into the periplasm via the twin arginine transporter (Tat) in both the laboratory E. coli strain DH5alpha and the pathogenic enterotoxigenic E. coli ATCC strain 43886. Pronase-resistant fluorescence was detectable in vesicles from Tat-GFP-transformed strains, demonstrating that GFP was inside intact vesicles. Inclusion of GFP cargo increased vesicle density but did not result in morphological changes in vesicles. These studies are the first to demonstrate the incorporation of heterologously expressed outer membrane and periplasmic proteins into bacterial vesicles.  相似文献   

Abstract Within gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli , the outer membrane porins provide a relatively non-specific uptake route which is utilised by a wide range of solutes including many antibiotics. Understanding the targeting and membrane assembly of these proteins is therefore of importance and this mini review aims to discuss this process in light of present knowledge.  相似文献   

The Omp85 family of proteins has been found in all Gram-negative bacteria and even several eukaryotic organisms. The previously uncharacterized Escherichia coli member of this family is YaeT. The results of this study, consistent with previous Omp85 studies, show that the yaeT gene encodes for an essential cellular function. Direct examinations of the outer membrane fraction and protein assembly revealed that cells depleted for YaeT are severely defective in the biogenesis of outer membrane proteins (OMPs). Interestingly, assemblies of the two distinct groups of OMPs that follow either SurA- and lipopolysaccharide-dependent (OmpF/C) or -independent (TolC) folding pathways were affected, suggesting that YaeT may act as a general OMP assembly factor. Depletion of cells for YaeT led to the accumulation of OMPs in the fraction enriched for periplasm, thus indicating that YaeT facilitates the insertion of soluble assembly intermediates from the periplasm to the outer membrane. Our data suggest that YaeT's role in the assembly of OMPs is not mediated through a role in lipid biogenesis, as debated for Omp85 in Neisseria, thus advocating a conserved OMP assembly function of Omp85 homologues.  相似文献   

Outer membrane proteins of Escherichia coli: biosynthesis and assembly   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
N Lee  M Inouye 《FEBS letters》1974,39(2):167-170

SurA assists the folding of Escherichia coli outer membrane proteins.   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Many proteins require enzymatic assistance in order to achieve a functional conformation. One rate-limiting step in protein folding is the cis-trans isomerization of prolyl residues, a reaction catalyzed by prolyl isomerases. SurA, a periplasmic protein of Escherichia coli, has sequence similarity with the prolyl isomerase parvulin. We tested whether SurA was involved in folding periplasmic and outer membrane proteins by using trypsin sensitivity as an assay for protein conformation. We determined that the efficient folding of three outer membrane proteins (OmpA, OmpF, and LamB) requires SurA in vivo, while the folding of four periplasmic proteins was independent of SurA. We conclude that SurA assists in the folding of certain secreted proteins.  相似文献   

Outer membrane proteins of various strains of Escherichia coli were compared using three different systems of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The outer membranes of E. coli K-12, E. coli B, and E. coli J-5 had distinctive protein compositions. As regards proteins which interact with peptidoglycan, E. coli K-12 contained O-8 and O-9, while E. coli B possessed one protein which migrated to the position of O-9. Although E. coli J-5 possessed two such proteins, O-8' and O-9', their positions on polyacrylamide gel were different from those of O-8 and O-9. Protein O-7, which migrates slightly more slowly than O-8, was found specifically in E. coli K-12. Proteins O-10 and O-11 were found in all strains tested, although the relative amounts were different depending on the strain. Strains of E. coli K-12 and E. coli J-5 gave three major bands, O-2a, O-2b, and O-3, in the region of high molecular weight. These proteins were repressed by iron in the cultivation media. Strains of E. coli B, on the other hand, gave only O-2b and O-3. E. coli J-5 gave two other major bands in this region, but the amounts were not controlled by iron in the cultivation media.  相似文献   

Cross-linking of the proteins in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
1. The organization of the proteins in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli was examined by the use of cross-linking agents and two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Treatment of protein A-peptidoglycan complexes with dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate) or glutaraldehyde produced the dimer, trimer, and higher oligomers of protein A. Both forms of this protein, proteins A1 and A2, produced similar cross-linking products. No cross-linking of protein A to the peptidoglycan was detected. 2. The proteins of the isolated outer membrane varied in their ease of cross-linking. The heat-modifiable protein, protein B, was readily cross-linked to give high molecular weight oligomers, while protein A formed mainly the dimer and trimer under the same conditions. The pronase resistant fragment, protein Bp, derived from protein B was not readily cross-linked. No linkage of protein A to protein B was detected. 3. Cross-linking of cell wall preparations, consisting of the outer membrane and peptidoglycan, showed that protein B and the free form of the lipoprotein, protein F, could be linked to the peptidoglycan. A dimer of protein F, and protein F linked to protein B, were detected. 4. These results suggest that specific protein-protein interactions occur in the outer membrane.  相似文献   

Selection was performed for resistance to a phage, Ox2, specific for the Escherichia coli outer membrane protein OmpA, under conditions which excluded recovery of ompA mutants. All mutants analyzed produced normal quantities of OmpA, which was also normally assembled in the outer membrane. They had become essentially resistant to OmpC and OmpF-specific phages and synthesized these outer membrane porins at much reduced rates. The inhibition of synthesis acted at the level of translation. This was due to the presence of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) with defective core oligosaccharides. Cerulenin blocks fatty acid synthesis and therefore that of LPS. It also inhibits synthesis of OmpC and OmpF but not of OmpA (C. Bocquet-Pagès, C. Lazdunski, and A. Lazdunski, Eur. J. Biochem. 118:105-111, 1981). In the presence of the antibiotic, OmpA synthesis and membrane incorporation remained unaffected at a time when OmpC and OmpF synthesis had almost ceased. The similarity of these results with those obtained with the mutants suggests that normal porin synthesis is not only interfered with by production of mutant LPS but also requires de novo synthesis of LPS. Since synthesis and assembly of OmpA into the outer membrane was not affected in the mutants or in the presence of cerulenin, association of this protein with LPS appears to occur with outer membrane-located LPS.  相似文献   

The assembly of the wild-type and several mutant forms of the trimeric outer membrane porin PhoE of Escherichia coli was investigated in vitro and in vivo. In in vivo pulse-chase experiments, approximately half of the wild-type PhoE molecules assembled within the 30-s pulse in the native conformation in the cell envelope. The other half of the molecules followed slower kinetics, and three intermediates in this multistep assembly process were detected: a soluble trypsin-sensitive monomer, a trypsin-sensitive monomeric form that was loosely associated with the cell envelope and a metastable trimer, which was integrated into the membranes and converted to the stable trimeric configuration within minutes. The metastable trimers disassembled during sample preparation for standard SDS/PAGE into folded monomers. In vitro, the isolated PhoE protein could efficiently be folded in the presence of N,N-dimethyldodecylamine-N-oxide (LDAO). A mutant PhoE protein, DeltaF330, which lacks the C-terminal phenylalanine residue, mainly followed the slower kinetic pathway observed in vivo, resulting in increased amounts of the various assembly intermediates. It appears that the DeltaF330 mutant protein is intrinsically able to fold, because it was able to fold in vitro with LDAO with similar efficiencies as the wild-type protein. Therefore, we propose that the conserved C-terminal Phe is (part of) a sorting signal, directing the protein efficiently to the outer membrane. Furthermore, we analysed a mutant protein with a hydrophilic residue introduced at the hydrophobic side of one of the membrane-spanning amphipathic beta strands. The assembly of this mutant protein was not affected in vivo or in vitro in the presence of LDAO. However, it was not able to form folded monomers in a previously established in vitro folding system, which requires the presence of lipopolysaccharides and Triton. Hence, a folded monomer might not be a true assembly intermediate of PhoE in vivo.  相似文献   

YfgL together with NlpB, YfiO, and YaeT form a protein complex to facilitate the insertion of proteins into the outer membrane of Escherichia coli. Without YfgL, the levels of OmpA, OmpF, and LamB are significantly reduced, while OmpC levels are slightly reduced. In contrast, the level of TolC significantly increases in a yfgL mutant. When cells are depleted of YaeT or YfiO, levels of all outer membrane proteins examined, including OmpC and TolC, are severely reduced. Thus, while the assembly pathways of various nonlipoprotein outer membrane proteins may vary through the step involving YfgL, all assembly pathways in Escherichia coli converge at the step involving the YaeT/YfiO complex. The negative effect of yfgL mutation on outer membrane proteins may in part be due to elevated sigma E activity, which has been shown to downregulate the synthesis of various outer membrane proteins while upregulating the synthesis of periplasmic chaperones, foldases, and lipopolysaccharide. The data presented here suggest that the yfgL effect on outer membrane proteins also stems from a defective assembly apparatus, leading to aberrant outer membrane protein assembly, except for TolC, which assembles independent of YfgL. Consistent with this view, the simultaneous absence of YfgL and the major periplasmic protease DegP confers a synthetic lethal phenotype, presumably due to the toxic accumulation of unfolded outer membrane proteins. The results support the hypothesis that TolC and major outer membrane proteins compete for the YaeT/YfiO complex, since mutations that adversely affect synthesis or assembly of major outer membrane proteins lead to elevated TolC levels.  相似文献   

In bacteria, several physiological processes once thought to be the products of uniformly dispersed reactions are now known to be highly asymmetric, with some exhibiting interesting geometric localizations. In particular, the cell envelope of Escherichia coli displays a form of subcellular differentiation in which peptidoglycan and outer membrane proteins at the cell poles remain stable for generations while material in the lateral walls is diluted by growth and turnover. To determine if material in the side walls was organized in any way, we labeled outer membrane proteins with succinimidyl ester-linked fluorescent dyes and then grew the stained cells in the absence of dye. Labeled proteins were not evenly dispersed in the envelope but instead appeared as helical ribbons that wrapped around the outside of the cell. By staining the O8 surface antigen of E. coli 2443 with a fluorescent derivative of concanavalin A, we observed a similar helical organization for the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) component of the outer membrane. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching indicated that some of the outer membrane proteins remained freely diffusible in the side walls and could also diffuse into polar domains. On the other hand, the LPS O antigen was virtually immobile. Thus, the outer membrane of E. coli has a defined in vivo organization in which a subfraction of proteins and LPS are embedded in stable domains at the poles and along one or more helical ribbons that span the length of this gram-negative rod.  相似文献   

Two families of Escherichia coli mutants with altered outer membrane protein components were examined for sensitivity to freezing and thawing and other stresses. A mutant unable to make the lipoprotein (lpo) was extremely sensitive to freezing and thawing in water or saline and to challenge with detergent, while the mutant unable to make the porin proteins (ompB) was more resistant than the isogenic wild type; strains unable to make the tsx and ompA proteins were slightly more sensitive to the stresses. Similarly, the lpo deficient strain exhibited more and the ompB less wall and membrane damage than the wild-type strains. Little difference in the extent of wall damage, but more membrane damage, was seen for the two tsx and the ompA strains when compared with the wild-type strain. The roles of the specific proteins in determining sensitivity to freeze-thaw are discussed.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli TonB protein serves to couple the cytoplasmic membrane proton motive force to active transport of iron-siderophore complexes and vitamin B(12) across the outer membrane. Consistent with this role, TonB has been demonstrated to participate in strong interactions with both the cytoplasmic and outer membranes. The cytoplasmic membrane determinants for that interaction have been previously characterized in some detail. Here we begin to examine the nature of TonB interactions with the outer membrane. Although the presence of the siderophore enterochelin (also known as enterobactin) greatly enhanced detectable cross-linking between TonB and the outer membrane receptor, FepA, the absence of enterochelin did not prevent the localization of TonB to the outer membrane. Furthermore, the absence of FepA or indeed of all the iron-responsive outer membrane receptors did not alter this association of TonB with the outer membrane. This suggested that TonB interactions with the outer membrane were not limited to the TonB-dependent outer membrane receptors. Hydrolysis of the murein layer with lysozyme did not alter the distribution of TonB, suggesting that peptidoglycan was not responsible for the outer membrane association of TonB. Conversely, the interaction of TonB with the outer membrane was disrupted by the addition of 4 M NaCl, suggesting that these interactions were proteinaceous. Subsequently, two additional contacts of TonB with the outer membrane proteins Lpp and, putatively, OmpA were identified by in vivo cross-linking. These contacts corresponded to the 43-kDa and part of the 77-kDa TonB-specific complexes described previously. Surprisingly, mutations in these proteins individually did not appear to affect TonB phenotypes. These results suggest that there may be multiple redundant sites where TonB can interact with the outer membrane prior to transducing energy to the outer membrane receptors.  相似文献   

We constructed and screened a gene bank of phase I chromosomal DNA of Bordetella pertussis in Escherichia coli. A single immunopositive clone was recovered, and the hybrid plasmid obtained, designated pFSH200, had a molecular size of 46.6 kilobases. Smaller derivatives were generated by partial digestion of plasmid pFSH200 and were further characterized. One such derivative, plasmid pFSH201, contained a 4.5-kilobase chromosomal DNA fragment of B. pertussis which coded for the synthesis of the two outer membrane proteins of 33 and 30 kilodaltons specific to B. pertussis.  相似文献   

Fimbrial ushers are the largest β-barrel outer membrane proteins (OMPs) known to date, which function in the polymerization of fimbriae and their translocation to the bacterial surface. Folding and assembly of these complex OMPs are not characterized. Here, we investigate the role of periplasmic chaperones (SurA, Skp, DegP, and FkpA) and individual components of the β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) complex (BamA, BamB, BamC, and BamE) in the folding of the Escherichia coli FimD usher. The FimD level is dramatically reduced (~30-fold) in a surA null mutant, but a strong cell envelope stress is constitutively activated with upregulation of DegP (~10-fold). To demonstrate a direct role of SurA, FimD folding was analyzed in a conditional surA mutant in which SurA expression was controlled. In this strain, FimD is depleted from bacteria in parallel to SurA without significant upregulation of DegP. Interestingly, the dependency on SurA is higher for FimD than for other OMPs. We also demonstrate that a functional BAM complex is needed for folding of FimD. In addition, FimD levels were strongly reduced (~5-fold) in a mutant lacking the accessory lipoprotein BamB. The critical role of BamB for FimD folding was confirmed by complementation and BamB depletion experiments. Similar to SurA dependency, FimD showed a stronger dependency on BamB than OMPs. On the other hand, folding of FimD was only marginally affected in bamC and bamE mutants. Collectively, our results indicate that FimD usher follows the SurA-BamB pathway for its assembly. The preferential use of this pathway for the folding of OMPs with large β-barrels is discussed.  相似文献   

Bacterial resistance to an antibiotic may result from survival in a suddenly strong antibiotic or in sub-minimum inhibitory concentration of the drug. Their shared proteins responsible for the resistance should be potential targets for designing new drugs to inhibit the growth of the antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In the current study, comparative proteomic methodologies were used for identification of sharedly altered outer membrane proteins (OM proteins) that are responsible for chloramphenical (CAP)-resistant Escherichia coli and for survival in medium with suddenly strong CAP treatment. Six differential OM proteins and another protein with unknown location were determined to be sharedly CAP-resistant-related proteins with the use of 2-DE/MS, Western blotting and gene mutant methods, in which TolC, OmpT, OmpC, and OmpW were critically altered proteins and potential targets for designing of the new drugs. Furthermore, a novel method of specific antibody combating bacterial growth was developed on these OM proteins. Only anti-TolC showed a very significant inhibition on bacterial growth in medium with CAP when antisera to TolC, OmpC, OmpT, and OmpW were separately utilized. The growth of CAP-resistant E. coli and its original strain was completely inhibited when they bound with anti-TolC and survived in 1/8 MIC of CAP. This observed result is basically the same to the finding that DeltatolC was survived in the same concentration of the antibiotic. Our study demonstrates that the enhancement of expression of antibody target with antibiotic could be very effective approach compared to using a drug alone, which highlights a potential way for treatment of infection by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.  相似文献   

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