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顽拗性黄皮种子脱水过程中活性氧清除酶活性的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以正常性种子花生为对照,研究了顽拗性黄皮种子脱水过程中活性氧清除酶、膜脂过氧化作用以及电解质渗漏率的变化。随着含水量的下降,黄皮胚的电解质渗漏率和膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量均显著增加;当黄皮胚含水量下降至40%后,SOD活性开始急剧下降,而POD和CAT活性在胚含水量下降过程中呈现出缓慢下降的趋势。花生胚在含水量从45%降至14%的过程中,电解质渗漏率没有明显增加,MDA含量只有少量增加;当含水量降至14%后,电解质渗漏率出现少量增加。花生胚脱水初期,活性氧清除酶活性明显增加,并在整个脱水过程中维持较高的水平。以上结果表明顽拗性种子黄皮的脱水敏感性与活性氧清除酶相对活性变化有关。脱水引起黄皮胚活性氧清除酶活性降低,活性氧清除能力下降,膜脂过氧化作用加强,膜透性增大。黄皮胚的膜系统可能是脱水伤害的靶位之一。  相似文献   

以正常性种子花生为对照,研究了顽拗性黄皮种子脱水过程中活性氧清除酶、膜脂过氧化作用以及电解质渗漏率的变化。随着含水量的下降,黄皮胚的电解质渗漏率和膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量均显著增加;当黄皮胚含水量下降致40%后,SOD活性开始急剧下降,而POD和CAT活性在胚含水量下降过程中呈现出缓慢下降的趋势。花生胚在含水量从45%降至145的过程中,电解质渗漏率没有明显增加,MDA含量只有少量增加;当含水量降至14%后,电解质渗漏率出现少量增加,花生胚脱水初期,活性氧清除酶活怀明显增加,并在整个脱水过程中维持较高的水平。以上结果表明:顽拗性处子黄皮的脱水敏感性与活性氧清除酶相对活性变化有关。脱水引起黄皮胚活性氧清除酶活性降低,活性氧清除能力下降,膜脂过氧化作用加强,膜透性增大。黄皮胚的膜系统可能是脱水伤害的靶位之一。  相似文献   

比较了KCN 预处理与未处理黄皮种子在脱水后活力的变化,表明KCN 预处理可有效降低黄皮种子脱水敏感性。电解质渗漏率分析表明,KCN 预处理在一定程度上推迟了黄皮种子胚轴在脱水过程中的膜损伤。此外,KCN 预处理显著抑制了黄皮胚轴在脱水初期的呼吸速率,在脱水过程中也维持在较低水平,但复水后该抑制很快消失, 在脱水6 d 后的复水吸胀过程中呼吸速率恢复较对照为快,并维持在较高水平。呼吸途径分析表明,黄皮胚轴及其线粒体的呼吸以细胞色素途径为主。还分析了脱水对黄皮胚轴线粒体蛋白质及其氧化磷酸化水平的影响。  相似文献   

研究甜高粱品种‘意达利’种子人工老化过程中种子活力与活性氧清除酶活性之间关系的结果表明:随着老化处理(100%RH,43℃)的时间进程,种子的萌发率、活力指数以及由存活种子形成的幼苗鲜重下降,相对渗漏率增加,丙二醛含量下降。超氧物歧化酶、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶、谷胱甘肽还原酶和脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶的活性在人工老化初期增加,而后下降。据此认为活性氧清除酶活性下降可能是甜高粱种子活力丧失的原因之一。  相似文献   

甜高梁种子人工老化过程中活性氧清除酶活性的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究甜高粱品种'意达利'种子人工老化过程中种子活力与活性氧清除酶活性之间关系的结果表明:随着老化处理(100%RH,43℃)的时间进程,种子的萌发率、活力指数以及由存活种子形成的幼苗鲜重下降,相对渗漏率增加,丙二醛含量下降.超氧物歧化酶、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶、谷胱甘肽还原酶和脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶的活性在人工老化初期增加,而后下降.据此认为活性氧清除酶活性下降可能是甜高粱种子活力丧失的原因之一.  相似文献   

目的:探讨低氧训练对大鼠骨骼肌p53及其调控的线粒体有氧代谢信号通路基因表达的影响,以及对线粒体有氧氧化供能能力的影响。方法:30只雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为3组(n=10),低住低练组(LoLo)、高住高练组(HiHi)和高住高练低训组(HiHiLo)。以当地海拔1 500 m为常氧环境,模拟海拔3 500 m为低氧环境,各组大鼠按训练方案训练5周后,取股四头肌行匀浆及提取线粒体。Real-time PCR检测p53、细胞色素c氧化酶合成2(SCO2),细胞色素c氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(COXⅠ)和谷氨酰胺酶2(GLS2) mRNA表达,Westem blot检测p53、SCO2、COXⅠ和GLS2蛋白表达;ELISA测定α-酮戊二酸脱氢酶(α-KGDHC),细胞色素c氧化酶(COX)及ATP合酶(ATP synthase)活性。结果:(1)与LoLo组比较,HiHi和HiHiLo组p53 mRNA水平显著升高(P<0.01),HiHiLo组p53蛋白表达水平显著下降(P<0.01);HiHi和HiHiLo组SCO2 mRNA水平和蛋白表达水平均显著升高(P<0.01);H...  相似文献   

对西伯利亚蓼扦插苗进行不同浓度和不同时间NaHCO3处理,研究了NaHCO3处理浓度和时间对西伯利亚蓼叶细胞膜脂过氧化和活性氧清除酶活性的影响。研究表明,NaHCO3处理浓度分别与过氧化氢酶活性、丙二醛含量和细胞膜透性之间存在极显著正相关性,与超氧化物歧化酶活性之间存在显著正相关性,与过氧化物酶活性之间无显著相关性;不同NaHCO3浓度处理间,超氧化物歧化酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性及丙二醛含量差异极显著,过氧化物酶活性和细胞膜相对透性差异显著;不同时间的NaHCO3处理,过氧化物酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性、丙二醛含量及细胞膜透性差异显著,超氧化物歧化酶活性和过氧化氢酶活性差异极显著。  相似文献   

甜菜(BetavulgarisLcv.Loke)种子的人工老化(30℃,100%RH)导致种子的干重、生活力和活力逐渐丧失,线粒体的呼吸速率、细胞色素c氧化酶和苹果酸脱氢酶的活性下降。线粒体蛋白质随着种子老化而显著变化,小分子量热休克蛋白(LMWHSP)22从老化的0d到30d增加,然后从30d到90d下降。可以认为甜菜种子人工老化过程中线粒体活性和LMWHSP22的含量变化与种子活力密切相关。  相似文献   

对西伯利亚蓼扦插苗进行不同浓度和不同时间NaHCO3处理,研究了NaHCO3处理浓度和时间对西伯利亚蓼叶细胞膜脂过氧化和活性氧清除酶活性的影响。研究表明,NaHCO3处理浓度分别与过氧化氢酶活性、丙二醛含量和细胞膜透性之间存在极显著正相关性,与超氧化物歧化酶活性之间存在显著正相关性,与过氧化物酶活性之间无显著相关性;不同NaHCO3浓度处理间,超氧化物歧化酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性及丙二醛含量差异极显著,过氧化物酶活性和细胞膜相对透性差异显著;不同时间的NaHCO3处理,过氧化物酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性、丙二醛含量及细胞膜透性差异显著,超氧化物歧化酶活性和过氧化氢酶活性差异极显著。  相似文献   

50-200 mmol·L-1NaCl显著促进海蓬子生长和抗氧化酶[超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)]活性,与NaCl浓度相同的KCl明显抑制海蓬子生长和此3种酶的活性,但KCl下的超氧阴离子(O2-)和丙二醛(MDA)含量增加程度则明显高于同浓度的NaCI处理.据此认为,KCl伤害海蓬子的原因之一是抗氧化酶活性下降,不能及时清除活性氧,以致活性氧和MDA积累,引起质膜伤害,海蓬子生长受抑和生长量下降.  相似文献   

Long-term preservation of recalcitrant seeds is very difficult because the physiological basis on their desiccation sensitivity is poorly understood. Survival of Antiaris toxicaria axes rapidly decreased and that of immature maize embryos very slowly decreased with dehydration. To understand their different responses to dehydration, we examined the changes in mitochondria activity during dehydration. Although activities of cytochrome (Cyt) c oxidase and malate dehydrogenase of the A. toxicaria axis and maize embryo mitochondria decreased with dehydration, the parameters of maize embryo mitochondria were much higher than those of A. toxicaria, showing that the damage was more severe for the A. toxicaria axis mitochondria than for those of maize embryo. The state I and III respiration of the A. toxicaria axis mitochondria were higher than those of maize embryo, the former rapidly decreased, and the latter slowly decreased with dehydration. The proportion of Cyt c pathway to state III respiration for the A. toxicaria axis mitochondria was low and rapidly decreased with dehydration, and the proportion of alternative oxidase pathway was high and slightly increased with dehydration. In contrast, the proportion of Cyt c pathway for maize embryo mitochondria was high, and that of alternative oxidase pathway was low. Both pathways decreased slowly with dehydration.  相似文献   

Long-term preservation of recalcitrant seeds is very difficult because the physiological basis on their desiccation sensitivity is poorly understood. Survival of Antiaris toxicaria axes rapidly decreased and that of immature maize embryos very slowly decreased with dehydration. To understand their different responses to dehydration, we examined the changes in mitochondria activity during dehydration. Although activities of cytochrome (Cyt) c oxidase and malate dehydrogenase of the A. toxicaria axis and maize embryo mitochondria decreased with dehydration, the parameters of maize embryo mitochondria were much higher than those of A. toxicaria, showing that the damage was more severe for the A. toxicaria axis mitochondria than for those of maize embryo. The state I and III respiration of the A. toxicaria axis mitochondria were higher than those of maize embryo, the former rapidly decreased, and the latter slowly decreased with dehydration. The proportion of Cyt c pathway to state III respiration for the A. toxicaria axis mitochondria was low and rapidly decreased with dehydration, and the proportion of alternative oxidase pathway was high and slightly increased with dehydration. In contrast, the proportion of Cyt c pathway for maize embryo mitochondria was high, and that of alternative oxidase pathway was low. Both pathways decreased slowly with dehydration.  相似文献   

The effect of inhibitors of the cytochrome pathway and alternative oxidase on the rate of respiration and generation of reactive oxygen species by pea mitochondria was studied. Respiration of mitochondria from pea cotyledons was inhibited by 70-80% by salicylhydroxamate (SHAM). The rate of hydrogen peroxide production by pea cotyledon mitochondria during succinate oxidation was 0.15 nmol/min per mg protein. SHAM considerably accelerated the hydrogen peroxide production. The SHAM-dependent H2O2 production was stimulated by 2 M antimycin A and inhibited by 5 mM KCN and 1 M myxothiazol. The study of the rate of generation by pea mitochondria using EPR spin traps and epinephrine oxidation showed that H2O2 accumulation can be accounted for by a significant increase in the rate of production.  相似文献   

Physiological effects of lanthanum ions on the activities of the enzymes in the reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging system in leaves of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings were studied. Wheat leaves treated in Hogland solution with 0.1 mM LaCl3 for 48 h showed increased levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate-specific peroxidase (AsA-POD), and dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR). However, a minor effect was observed on the levels of monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDAR) and glutathione reductase (GR), which regulate the release of energy required by the ROS scavenging system. The whole system was linked up by H+ transmission. Our results indicated that the activities of the enzymes that function directly to remove ROS were elevated by La3+ treatment, which is consistent with the observations that La3+-treated plants had increased tolerance to environmental stresses. The remaining levels of MDAR and GR suggested that these two enzymes might be regulated differently from that of the other four enzymes studied.  相似文献   

Survival of wampee (Clausena lansium Skeels) axes and maize (Zea mays L.) embryos decreased with rapid and slow dehydration. Damage of wampee axes by rapid dehydration was much less than by slow dehydration, and that was contrary to maize embryos. The malondialdehyde contents of wampee axes and maize embryos rapidly increased with dehydration, those of wampee axes were lower during rapid dehydration than during slow dehydration, and those of maize embryos were higher during rapid dehydration than during slow dehydration. Activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and catalase (CAT) of wampee axes markedly increased during the early phase of dehydration, and then rapidly decreased, and those of rapidly dehydrated axes were higher than those of slow dehydrated axes when they were dehydrated to low water contents. Activities of SOD and APX of maize embryos notable decreased with dehydration. There were higher SOD activities and lower APX activities of slowly dehydrated maize embryos compared with rapidly dehydrated maize embryos. CAT activities of maize embryos markedly increased during the early phase of dehydration, and then decreased, and those of slowly dehydrated embryos were higher than those of rapidly dehydrated embryos during the late phase of dehydration.  相似文献   

Survival of wampee (Clausena lansium Sksels) axes and maize (Zea mays L.) embryos decreased with rapid and slow dehydration. Damage of wampee axes by rapid dehydration was much less than by slow dehydration, and that was contrary to maize embryos. The malondialdehyde contents of wampee axes and maize embryos rapidly increased with dehydration, those of wampee axes were lower during rapid dehydration than during slow dehydration, and those of maize embryos were higher during rapid dehydration than during slow dehydration. Activities of superoxide dismutsse (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and catalase (CAT) of wampee axes markedly increased during the sady phase of dehydration, and then rapidly decreased, and those of rapidly dehydrated axes were higher than those of slow dehydrated axes when they were dehydrated to low water contents. Activities of SOD and APX of maize embryos notable decreased with dehydration. There were higher SOD activities and lower APX activities of slowly dehydrated maize embryos compared with rapidly dehydrated maize embryos. CAT activities of maize embryos markedly increased during the eady phase of dehydration, and then decreased, and those of slowly dehydrated embryos were higher than those of rapidly dehydrated embryos during the late phase of dehydration.  相似文献   

Free radical scavenging effects of the cellular protein extracts from two strains of Deinococcus radiodurans and Escherichia coli against O2-, H2O2 and *OH were investigated by chemiluminescence (CL) methods. The cellular protein extracts of D. radiodurans R1 and KD8301 showed higher scavenging effects on O2- than that of E. coli. D. radiodurans R1 and KD8301 also strongly scavenged H2O2 with an EC50 (50% effective concentration) of 0.12 and 0.2 mg/mL, respectively, compared to that of E. coli (EC50 = 3.56 mg/mL). The two strains of D. radiodurans were effective in scavenging *OH generated by the Fenton reaction, with EC50 of 0.059 and 0.1 mg/mL, respectively, compared to that of E. coli (EC50 > 1 mg/mL). Results from the chemiluminescence assay of *OH-induced DNA damage and the plasmid pUC18 DNA double-strand break (DSB) model in vitro showed that D. radiodurans had remarkably inhibitory effect on the *OH-induced oxidative damage of DNA. The scavenging effects of D. radiodurans on reactive oxygen species (ROS) played an important role in the response to oxidation stress and preventing against DNA oxidative damage, and may be attributed to intracellular scavenging proteins, including superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase.  相似文献   

In this study reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated in the respiratory chain were measured and the quantitative relationship between inhibition of the respiratory chain complexes and ROS formation was investigated in isolated nerve terminals. We addressed to what extent complex I, III and IV,respectively, should be inhibited to cause ROS generation. For inhibition of complex I, III and IV, rotenone, antimycin and cyanide were used, respectively, and ROS formation was followed by measuring the activity of aconitase enzyme. ROS formation was not detected until complex III was inhibited by up to 71 +/- 4%, above that threshold inhibition, decrease in aconitase activity indicated an enhanced ROS generation. Similarly, threshold inhibition of complex IV caused an accelerated ROS production. By contrast, inactivation of complex I to a small extent (16 +/- 2%) resulted in a significant increase in ROS formation, and no clear threshold inhibition could be determined. However, the magnitude of ROS generated at complex I when it is completely inhibited is smaller than that observed when complex III or complex IV was fully inactivated. Our findings may add a novel aspect to the pathology of Parkinson's disease, showing that a moderate level of complex I inhibition characteristic in Parkinson's disease leads to significant ROS formation. The amount of ROS generated by complex I inhibition is sufficient to inhibit in situ the activity of endogenous aconitase.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The aquatic moss Fontinalis antipyretica requires a slow rate of dehydration to survive a desiccation event. The present work examined whether differences in the dehydration rate resulted in corresponding differences in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and therefore in the amount of cell damage.


Intracellular ROS production by the aquatic moss was assessed with confocal laser microscopy and the ROS-specific chemical probe 2,7-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate. The production of hydrogen peroxide was also quantified and its cellular location was assessed.

Key Results

The rehydration of slowly dried cells was associated with lower ROS production, thereby reducing the amount of cellular damage and increasing cell survival. A high oxygen consumption burst accompanied the initial stages of rehydration, perhaps due to the burst of ROS production.


A slow dehydration rate may induce cell protection mechanisms that serve to limit ROS production and reduce the oxidative burst, decreasing the number of damaged and dead cells due upon rehydration.  相似文献   

In this paper, Glycine max L. seeds under accelerated ageing condition (40°C and 100% relative humidity) were used as experimental material to study the relationships between seed viability and cell death, production and scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during accelerated ageing. Water content of seeds gradually increased, while the final germination percentage, germination rate of seeds and fresh weight of seedlings produced decreased with increasing accelerated ageing time. The accelerated ageing time (T 50) when final seed germination decreased to 50% was about 10.5 days. During the period of accelerated ageing, the viability of root cells was lost gradually as manifested by the increase in staining with Evans blue. The respiration rate of seeds, ·O2 production rate, and H2O2 content of axes increased, peaked at the 10 days of accelerated ageing, and then decreased. Activities of superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, catalase, and glutathione reductase of axes decreased; and malondialdehyde contents of axes markedly increased. A sceme to explain relationships between seed vigor, cell death, and production and scavenging of ROS during accelerated ageing was suggested. This text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

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