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The fine structure of dividing cambial cells of Ulmus americana and Tilia americana has been studied in material fixed in glutaraldehyde followed by osmium tetroxide. The cambia examined consisted of 7–9 rows of unexpanded fusiform cells, all of which had similar ultrastructural components. The fine structure and sequence of events of mitosis and cytokinesis in the dividing cambial cells apparently are similar to those of dividing cells in root tips and leaves. Of special interest was the observation that during cytokinesis, a broad cytoplasmic plate or phragmosome precedes the developing phragmoplast and cell plate through the dividing cambial cell. Smooth and coated vesicles derived from dictyosomes are associated with cell plate formation in these cells, smooth vesicles primarily with earlier stages of plate formation, and coated vesicles in later stages.  相似文献   

萱草幼嫩花粉原生质体培养启动细胞分裂的超微结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
萱草(Hemerocallis fulva L.)幼嫩花粉,即后期小孢子原生质体在培养8天时进入有丝分裂或已形成二个细胞。此外,还观察到游离核分裂、无丝分裂、微核形成等现象。这显示了花粉原生质体分裂方式的多样性。在启动分裂时发生一系列变化:如细胞核移位、大液泡消失、细胞质电子密度增加、细胞器增多、质体不含淀粉等。再生的细胞壁含许多小泡,很少纤丝,表现出现有培养条件下壁的形成能力薄弱。这是今后改进培养技术需要特别注意的问题。  相似文献   

A method of preparation for electron microscopy of fern spores in early stages of germination is presented. The cytochemistry and fine structure of Onoclea spores during the early stages of germination are described. The cytoplasm of the hydrated spore is filled with lipid droplets, protein granules and chloroplasts. During the early stages of development ribosomes and mitochondria increase in the area surrounding the central nucleus, and a new peripheral wall forms around the protoplast. Microtubules and large, branching mitochondria are associated with the nucleus during migration from its original central position in the spore to the proximal face and then to one end of the spore. There is no morphological polarization of cytoplasmic organelles of the spore before migration of the nucleus.  相似文献   

Waves of mitosis are induced in Oedogonium cardiacum grown under a 15 hr light/9 hr dark cycle. Mitosis starts 4 to 5 hr after the start of the dark period. Each mitotic stage has a high initial rate which plateaus at a lower rate for several additional hours. Partial synchronization of mitotic stages results from this induction of cell division. Mitotic divisions last 9 to 10 hr after induction. During the remainder of the 24-hr light/dark cycle, cells are in interphase. Along a filament, several dividing cells tend to be adjacent, with the most advanced stage in the cap cell. Progressively earlier mitotic stages are basal to the dividing cap cell. This pattern of mitotic division differs from the state in nature where only the cap cell usually divides. Chromosomes probably maintain a telophase arrangement during interphase. The suitability and advantages of Oedogonium, a haploid alga with sexual reproduction, as an experimental plant for cytological, developmental, biochemical, and genetic studies is pointed out.  相似文献   

A re-examination of the mode of vegetative nuclear division in Neurospora crassa was facilitated by the availability of the mutant “clock” which produces definite growth bands. Since the growth rhythm is correlated with nuclear divisions, stained mycelial mats of this mutant prepared at intervals from the beginning of a growth period provided a sequence of stages of division. In a 28-hour period the following broad features of nuclear behavior were observed: In the early part of the period during rapid mycelial growth, dividing elongated nuclei predominated. At the end of the period the mycelium contained mostly rounded resting nuclei. In the middle of a growth period nuclear forms of various degrees of annularity occurred along with elongated and rounded nuclei. Elongated and rounded nuclei completed division cycles without change in form, although the corresponding stages of the two types were similar. Elongated nuclei assumed a spiral form at the beginning of division. As division proceeded, relaxation of the nuclear gyres was accompanied by a visible duplication of the chromatin thread and the appearance of chromomere-like bodies on the daughter threads. One of the chromomere-like bodies became displaced and was interpreted to be a chromosome or a segment of a chromosome that acts as a mitotic center. All the chromosomes were found to be interconnected and to act as a unit throughout the division cycle. Only after the separation of the daughter chromatin threads could seven chromosomes be counted. Electron microscopic studies complemented the observations with the light microscope. On the basis of the evidence it was concluded that the vegetative nuclear division in Neurospora differs from the classical mitotic pattern in the following respects: (1) absence of visible centrioles, (2) the presence of interconnected chromosomes, (3) the comparatively late appearance of countable chromosomes, and (4) the frequent presence of interzonal connections between separating chromatin threads.  相似文献   

地黄绒毡层二型性的超微结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地黄的花药绒毡层具二型性,来源于初生壁细胞的p-绒毡层,细胞较小,为分泌型绒毡层,在小孢子阶段产生乌氏体,于两细胞花粉阶段解体,来源于药隔的c-绒毡层细胞较大,解体的时间早于p-绒毡层,不同药室的c-绒毡层解体的起始时间不一致,可始于小孢母细胞减数分裂,四分体或小孢子阶段,其径向壁面向药室的壁也较早地开始解体,细胞质碎片与细胞器流入药室,分散在小孢子之间,较早解体的c-绒毡层细胞不产生原乌氏体与乌  相似文献   

Spore wall morphogenesis of Equisetum arvense was observed by transmission electron microscopy. The spore wall of E. arvense consists of four layers: intine, exine, middle layer, and elater. The exine is formed after meiosis and consists of two distinct layers. The inner portion of the exine is formed in advance of the outer layer of the exine. The middle layer is deposited after the exine. The elater can be subdivided into two distinct layers. The inner layer comprises longitudinal microfibrils that surround the spore in spiral fashion. The elater appears as thin beltlike structures at the beginning of development. Numerous microtubules were observed on the inner surface of the plasmodial plasma membrane opposite the inner layer of the elater, suggesting that these microtubules are involved with the synthesis of inner elater microfibrils. The matrix of the outer elater is formed by discharge of granules from the plasmodial cytoplasm. The intine is the last component of the sporoderm to be formed.  相似文献   

雨生红球藻营养细胞的虾青素累积   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
接种于缺氮培养基的雨生红球藻。当置于光强为10—12klx,温度25℃±1.5℃条件下培养时,营养细胞迅速由绿色变成红色。接种4d时,运动细胞占细胞总数的90%,细胞内的虾青素含量(33.0pg/cell)占最终色素累积量的(60.0pg/cell)的55%。接种6d时,虾青素含量已占最终累积量的75%。电镜观察显示,红色的运动细胞除细胞质的大部分区域充满色素颗粒外,细胞的形态结构与绿色细胞基本一致。实验还表明,当接种物置于低光(0.5—1.0klx)下培养时,营养细胞仍有色素沉积,但累积缓慢。当只有高光胁迫(10—12klx,完全培养基培养)时,营养细胞转变成厚壁孢子后(5d后),才大量积累色素。  相似文献   

水稻胚囊超微结构的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
水稻(Oryza sativa L.)胚囊成熟时,卵细胞的合点端无细胞壁,核居细胞中部,细胞器集中在核周围,液泡分散于细胞周边区域。助细胞珠孔端有丝状器,合点端无壁,核位于细胞中部贴壁处,细胞器主要分布在珠孔端,液泡主要分布在合点端。开花前不久,一个助细胞退化。中央细胞为大液泡所占,两个极核靠近卵器而部分融合,细胞器集中在极核周围和靠近卵器处,与珠心相接的胚囊壁上有发达的内突。反足细胞多个形成群体,其增殖主要依靠无丝分裂与壁的自由生长,反足细胞含丰富活跃的细胞器,与珠心相接的壁上有发达的内突。开花后6小时双受精已完成,合子和两个助细胞合点端均形成完整壁。合子中开始形成多聚核糖体、液泡减小。退化助细胞含花粉管释放的物质,其合点端迴抱合子。极核已分裂成数个胚乳游离核,中央细胞中细胞器呈活化状态。反足细胞仍在继续增殖。讨论了卵细胞的极性、助细胞的退化、卵器与中央细胞间界壁的变化、反足细胞的分裂特点等问题。  相似文献   

用透射电镜观察了两种鼠疟原虫的体内游离裂殖子。发现顶端中央有一凹陷的口样结构。描述了棒状体、球形体和个体间的结构差异,以及核孔、表被等的形态细节。还注意到线粒体外侧常伴有一致密舌形结构。对以上结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

猪肥大细胞的超微结构研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
许乐仁  江萍 《动物学研究》1996,17(2):103-107
对4头一月龄长白仔猪的肠粘膜肥大细胞(MMC)、粘膜下结缔组织肥大细胞(CTMC)及胸腺髓质肥大细胞(TMMC)进行了透射电镜观察。未发现它们之间存在超微结构的显著差异。  相似文献   

牡丹苗端由营养生长转向生殖生长过程中超微结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电镜观察了营养生长和生殖生长两个发育埋藏的牡丹(Paenia suffruticosa.)苗端。结果如下:(1)营养生长期,原套和原体的细胞壁厚薄不均,多有胞间连丝分布。两者细胞核内均在较多异染色质。细胞质内含许多质体、嗜锇细胞主少量的线粒体,内质网和高尔基体。质体无片层结构,部分质体有淀粉粒和脂滴。原体细胞的液泡化过程比原套细胞略高。原体下方扁平细胞的大部分空间被大量的淀粉质体和液泡占据,淀粉粒  相似文献   

This report presents ultrastructural observations on the cytological events that attend myelin formation occurring in the wake of demyelination in adult cat spinal cord. Lesions were induced in subpial cord by cerebrospinal fluid (c.s.f.) exchange (1, 2). Tissue from eleven cats at nine intervals from 19 to 460 days was fixed in situ by replacing c.s.f. with buffered OsO4 and embedded in Araldite. After demyelination, axons are embraced by sheet-like glial processes. An occasional myelin sheath is first seen at 19 days; by 64 days, all axons are at least thinly myelinated. The cytoplasm of the myelin-forming cells, unlike that of either oligodendrocyte or fibrous astrocyte in normal cord, is dense with closely packed organelles and fine fibrils. Many of the myelinogenic cells become scarring astrocytes and at 460 days the lesion teems with their fibril-filled processes. Oligodendrocytes appear in the lesion after remyelination is under way. Phagocytes disappear gradually. A myelin sheath is formed by spiral wrapping of a sheet-like glial process around an axon. Where the first turn of the spiral is completed, a mesaxon is formed. As cytoplasm is lost from the process, the plasma membrane comes together along its outer and cytoplasmic surfaces to form compact myelin. Only a small amount of cytoplasm is retained; it is confined to the paramesaxonal region and, on the sheath exterior, to a longitudinal ridge which appears in profile as a small loop. This outer loop has the same rotational orientation as the inner mesaxon. These vestiges of spiral membrane wrapping are also found in normal adult and new-born cat cord. Nodes are present in all stages of remyelination and in normal adult cat and kitten cord. These observations suggest that myelin is reformed in the lesion in the same way it is first formed during normal development. The mechanism of myelin formation is basically similar to that proposed for peripheral nerve and amphibian and mammalian optic nerve; it does not agree with present views on the mechanism of myelinogenesis in mammalian brain and cord. This is the first demonstration of remyelination in adult mammalian central nervous tissue.  相似文献   

云南松(Pinus yunnanensis Fr.)在小孢子囊发育早期,绒毡层原生质体发生收缩,并伴随着细胞壁厚度的增加。脂肪微滴和孢粉素物质沉积而形成周缘绒毡层膜。随着孢粉素物质的产生,绒毡层细胞质明显地液泡化。孢粉素物质在绒毡层细胞膨大的内质网槽库中形成,随后被排放到近邻的小液泡内或游离于细胞质中。孢粉素物质也可在特化的含片层的质体中形成,孢粉素依附在片层膜上,或释放到细胞质中。  相似文献   

A study of developing transmitting tissue of Lilium Leucanthum pistils was undertaken in order to correlate structure with function. Lining the stylar canal are stigmatoid cells which contain a secretory zone consisting of a labyrinth of wall ingrowths characteristic of transfer cells. The functional feature of the labyrinth is a high surface-to-volume ratio that facilitates an intensive transmembrane flux of solutes. Stigmatoid cells in various stages of development and maturation have been investigated with the aid of electron and light optics in conjunction with cytochemical techniques. During development of the secretory zone, vesicles, formed by hypersecretory dictyosomes, fuse with the plasma membrane and contribute their contents to the growing wall. The pattern of secretory zone development is basipetal and is associated with initiation of chemotropism. In a mature pistil large crystals, having a basipetal pattern of development, and sensitive to protease, can be observed in the cytoplasm of stigmatoid cells. At anathesis, degradation of the crystal can be observed in the cells of the stigma surface and progresses basipetally as the pistil ages. The role of the crystal is uncertain. Immature pistils cultured in the presence of labeled proline take up the label which at maturity of the pistil is transferred to the canal of the pistil. The label is found in the crystals and the secretory zone of the stigmatoid cells. Pollen tubes growing in the canal of a labeled pistil take up the label.  相似文献   

人肾上腺内肽能神经的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用抗生蛋白链菌素一生物素一过氧化物酶复合物的免疫电镜技术,在相邻切片中,分别观察人肾上腺内NPY、VIP、SP和CGRP免疫反应神经纤维的超微结构和免疫反应物的定位。NPY和VIP免疫反应物位于小颗粒羹泡和线粒体外膜,部分嗜铬细胞呈NPY免疫反应阳性。SP和CGRP免疫反应物主要定位于大颗粒囊泡内。SP和CGRP免疫反应轴突与嗜铬细胞形成对称性或非对称性的轴体突轴。测量了这4种肽能神经末梢的直径,从而推测其来源,并讨论了该4种神经肽对人肾上腺的作用。  相似文献   

绒山蝠小肠细胞超微结构的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张维道 《兽类学报》1995,15(3):218-221
应用光镜和电镜,观察了绒山蝠小肠组织和细胞超微结构,首次报道了该动物小肠上皮分布有纤毛细胞。这种纤毛细胞,在其它动物小肠上还未发现,可能是绒山蝠对特殊食物一种适应性结构。  相似文献   

The arrangement of cellulosic fibrils in the cell walls of cotton fibers is very unusual; rather than exhibiting a continuous spiraling in one direction, they intermittantly reverse their gyre. Microtubules that line the periphery of the protoplasm, subjacent to the plasmalemma, tend to parallel the deployment of the cell wall microfibrils. It was not known whether this parallelism persisted through the reversal. By studying tangential sections of the cell wall/protoplasmic interfaces at the reversals, we show that congruity continues even through the reversals. Colchicine treatment did not appear to inhibit cellulose synthesis but it did abolish microtubules in the cotton fiber cells and deranged normal cell wall microfibrillar orientation. Previously, cotton fibers have been shown to possess most of the familiar organelles, but we found two new features not reported heretofore. They are microfilaments and peculiar “polygonal structures” that appear to be associated with the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

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