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In Drosophila, the PIWI proteins, Aubergine (Aub), AGO3, and Piwi are expressed in germlines and function in silencing transposons by associating with PIWI‐interacting RNAs (piRNAs). Recent studies show that PIWI proteins contain symmetric dimethyl‐arginines (sDMAs) and that dPRMT5/Capsuleen/DART5 is the modifying enzyme. Here, we show that Tudor (Tud), one of Tud domain‐containing proteins, associates with Aub and AGO3, specifically through their sDMA modifications and that these three proteins form heteromeric complexes. piRNA precursor‐like molecules are detected in these complexes. The expression levels of Aub and AGO3, along with their degree of sDMA modification, were not changed by tud mutations. However, the population of transposon‐derived piRNAs associated with Aub and AGO3 was altered by tud mutations, whereas the total amounts of small RNAs on Aub and AGO3 was increased. Loss of dprmt5 did not change the stability of Aub, but impaired its association with Tud and lowered piRNA association with Aub. Thus, in germline cells, piRNAs are quality‐controlled by dPRMT5 that modifies PIWI proteins, in tight association with Tud.  相似文献   

Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs expressed in the germline of animals. They associate with Argonaute proteins of the Piwi subfamily, forming ribonucleoprotein complexes that are involved in maintaining genome integrity. The N-terminal region of some Piwi proteins contains symmetrically dimethylated arginines. This modification is thought to enable recruitment of Tudor domain-containing proteins (TDRDs), which might serve as platforms mediating interactions between various proteins in the piRNA pathway. We measured the binding affinity of the four individual extended Tudor domains (TDs) of murine TDRD1 protein for three different methylarginine-containing peptides from murine Piwi protein MILI. The results show a preference of TD2 and TD3 for consecutive MILI peptides, whereas TD4 and TD1 have, respectively, lower and very weak affinity for any peptide. The affinity of TD1 for methylarginine peptides can be restored by a single-point mutation back to the consensus aromatic cage sequence. These observations were confirmed by pull-down experiments with endogenous Piwi and Piwi-associated proteins. The crystal structure of TD3 bound to a methylated MILI peptide shows an unexpected orientation of the bound peptide, with additional contacts of nonmethylated residues being made outside of the aromatic cage, consistent with solution NMR titration experiments. Finally, the molecular envelope of the four tandem Tudor domains of TDRD1, derived from small angle scattering data, reveals a flexible, elongated shape for the protein. Overall, the results show that TDRD1 can accommodate different peptides from different proteins, and can therefore act as a scaffold protein for complex assembly in the piRNA pathway.  相似文献   

Tudor domain-containing (TDRD) proteins, as a family of evolutionarily conserved proteins, have been studied extensively in recent years in terms of their biological and biochemical functions. A major function of the TDRD proteins is to recognize the N-terminal arginine-rich motifs of the P-element-induced wimpy testis (PIWI) proteins via their conserved extended Tudor (eTudor or eTud) domains, which is essential in piRNA biogenesis and germ cell development. In this review, we summarize recent progress in the study of the TDRD proteins, and discuss the molecular mechanisms for the different binding selectivity of these eTudor domains to PIWI proteins based on the available binding and structural data. Understanding the binding differences of these TDRDs to PIWI proteins will help us better understand their functional differences and aid us in developing the target-specific therapeutics, because overexpression or mutations of the human TDRD proteins have been demonstrated to associate with various diseases.  相似文献   

Ergin Beyret  Na Liu  Haifan Lin 《Cell research》2012,22(10):1429-1439
piRNAs, a class of small non-coding RNAs associated with PIWI proteins, have broad functions in germline development, transposon silencing, and epigenetic regulation. In diverse organisms, a subset of piRNAs derived from repeat sequences are produced via the interplay between two PIWI proteins. This mechanism, termed “ping-pong” cycle, operates among the PIWI proteins of the primordial mouse testis; however, its involvement in postnatal testes remains elusive. Here we show that adult testicular piRNAs are produced independent of the ping-pong mechanism. We identified and characterized large populations of piRNAs in the adult and postnatal developing testes associated with MILI and MIWI, the only PIWI proteins detectable in these testes. No interaction between MILI and MIWI or sequence feature for the ping-pong mechanism among their piRNAs was detected in the adult testis. The majority of MILI- and MIWI-associated piRNAs originate from the same DNA strands within the same loci. Both populations of piRNAs are biased for 5′ Uracil but not for Adenine on the 10th nucleotide position, and display no complementarity. Furthermore, in Miwi mutants, MILI-associated piRNAs are not downregulated, but instead upregulated. These results indicate that the adult testicular piRNAs are predominantly, if not exclusively, produced by a primary processing mechanism instead of the ping-pong mechanism. In this primary pathway, biogenesis of MILI- and MIWI-associated piRNAs may compete for the same precursors; the types of piRNAs produced tend to be non-selectively dictated by the available precursors in the cell; and precursors with introns tend to be spliced before processed into piRNAs.  相似文献   

PIWI proteins and their bound PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) form the core of a gonad-specific small RNA silencing pathway that protects the animal genome against the deleterious activity of transposable elements. Recent studies linked the piRNA pathway to TUDOR biology as TUDOR domains of various proteins bind symmetrically methylated Arginine residues in PIWI proteins. We systematically analysed the Drosophila TUDOR protein family and identified four previously not characterized TUDOR domain-containing proteins (CG4771, CG14303, CG11133 and CG31755) as essential piRNA pathway factors. We characterized CG4771 (Vreteno) in detail and demonstrate a critical role for this protein in primary piRNA biogenesis. Vreteno physically and/or genetically interacts with the primary pathway components Piwi, Armitage, Yb and Zucchini. Vreteno also interacts with the Tdrd12 orthologues CG11133 (Brother of Yb) and CG31755 (Sister of Yb), which are essential for the primary piRNA pathway in the germline and probably replace the function of the related but soma-specific factor Yb.  相似文献   

Diploid sexual reproduction involves segregation of allelic pairs, ensuring equal representation of genotypes in the gamete pool. Some genes, however, are able to “cheat” the system by promoting their own transmission. The Segregation distorter (Sd) locus in Drosophila melanogaster males is one of the best-studied examples of this type of phenomenon. In this system the presence of Sd on one copy of chromosome 2 results in dysfunction of the non–Sd-bearing (Sd+) sperm and almost exclusive transmission of Sd to the next generation. The mechanism by which Sd wreaks such selective havoc has remained elusive. However, its effect requires a target locus on chromosome 2 known as Responder (Rsp). The Rsp locus comprises repeated copies of a satellite DNA sequence and Rsp copy number correlates with sensitivity to Sd. Under distorting conditions during spermatogenesis, nuclei with chromosomes containing greater than several hundred Rsp repeats fail to condense chromatin and are eliminated. Recently, Rsp sequences were found as small RNAs in association with Argonaute family proteins Aubergine (Aub) and Argonaute3 (AGO3). These proteins are involved in a germline-specific RNAi mechanism known as the Piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) pathway, which specifically suppresses transposon activation in the germline. Here, we evaluate the role of piRNAs in segregation distortion by testing the effects of mutations to piRNA pathway components on distortion. Further, we specifically targeted mutations to the aub locus of a Segregation Distorter (SD) chromosome, using ends-out homologous recombination. The data herein demonstrate that mutations to piRNA pathway components act as enhancers of SD.  相似文献   

Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) is a DNA virus that causes huge losses to the silkworm industry but the piRNA responses during BmNPV infection in the silkworm remain uninvestigated. Here, silkworm piRNA profiles of uninfected and BmNPV-infected fat body and midgut were determined by high-through sequencing in the early stages of BmNPV infection. A total of 2675 and 3396 genome-derived piRNAs were identified from fat body and midgut, respectively. These genome-derived piRNAs mainly originated from unannotated instead of transposon regions in the silkworm genome. In total, 572 piRNAs were associated with 280 putative target genes in fat body and 805 piRNAs with 380 target genes in midgut. Compared to uninfected tissues, 322 and 129 piRNAs were significantly upregulated in BmNPV-infected fat body and midgut, respectively. In addition, 276 and 117 piRNAs were significantly downregulated. Moreover, differentially expressed (DE) piRNAs during BmNPV infection differed significantly between fat body and midgut. Putative DE piRNA–targeted genes were associated with “response to stimulus” and “environmental information processing” in fat body after infection with BmNPV, which may indicate an active piRNA response to BmNPV infection in fat body. This study may lay the foundation for future research of the potential roles of the piRNA pathway and specific piRNAs in BmNPV pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Germ cells give rise to all cell lineages in the next‐generation and are responsible for the continuity of life. In a variety of organisms, germ cells and stem cells contain large ribonucleoprotein granules. Although these particles were discovered more than 100 years ago, their assembly and functions are not well understood. Here we report that glycolytic enzymes are components of these granules in Drosophila germ cells and both their mRNAs and the enzymes themselves are enriched in germ cells. We show that these enzymes are specifically required for germ cell development and that they protect their genomes from transposable elements, providing the first link between metabolism and transposon silencing. We further demonstrate that in the granules, glycolytic enzymes associate with the evolutionarily conserved Tudor protein. Our biochemical and single‐particle EM structural analyses of purified Tudor show a flexible molecule and suggest a mechanism for the recruitment of glycolytic enzymes to the granules. Our data indicate that germ cells, similarly to stem cells and tumor cells, might prefer to produce energy through the glycolytic pathway, thus linking a particular metabolism to pluripotency.  相似文献   

Many cellular processes are controlled by multisubunit protein complexes. Frequently these complexes form transiently and require native environment to assemble. Therefore, to identify these functional protein complexes, it is important to stabilize them in vivo before cell lysis and subsequent purification. Here we describe a method used to isolate large bona fide protein complexes from Drosophila embryos. This method is based on embryo permeabilization and stabilization of the complexes inside the embryos by in vivo crosslinking using a low concentration of formaldehyde, which can easily cross the cell membrane. Subsequently, the protein complex of interest is immunopurified followed by gel purification and analyzed by mass spectrometry. We illustrate this method using purification of a Tudor protein complex, which is essential for germline development. Tudor is a large protein, which contains multiple Tudor domains - small modules that interact with methylated arginines or lysines of target proteins. This method can be adapted for isolation of native protein complexes from different organisms and tissues.  相似文献   

Wu C  Söderhäll K  Söderhäll I 《Proteomics》2011,11(11):2249-2264
To isolate pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)-binding molecules, the bacterium, Staphylococcus aureus was used as an affinity matrix to find bacteria-binding proteins in the plasma of the freshwater crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus. Two new bacteria-binding ficolin-like proteins (FLPs) were identified by 2-DE and MS analysis. The FLPs have a fibrinogen-related domain (FReD) in their C-terminal and a repeat region in their N-terminal regions with putative structural similarities to the collagen-like domain of vertebrate ficolins and mannose binding lectins (MBLs). Phylogenetic analysis shows that the newly isolated crayfish FLP1 and FLP2 cluster separately from other FReD-containing proteins. A tissue distribution study showed that the mRNA expression of FLP occurred mainly in the hematopoietic tissue (Hpt) and in the hepatopancreas. Recombinant FLPs exhibited agglutination activity of Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli and Aeromonas hydrophila in the presence of Ca(2+) . The FLPs could bind to A. hydrophila, E. coli as well as S. aureus as judged by bacteria adsorption. Moreover, the FLPs may help crayfish to clear Gram-negative bacteria, but not Gram-positive bacteria which had been injected into the hemolymph. When Gram-negative bacteria coated with FLPs were incubated with Hpt cells, a lower death rate of the cells was found compared with control treatment. Our results suggest that FLPs function as pattern recognition receptors in the immune response of crayfish.  相似文献   

The CCR4-NOT complex is the major enzyme catalyzing mRNA deadenylation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have identified homologs for almost all subunits of this complex in the Drosophila genome. Biochemical fractionation showed that the two likely catalytic subunits, CCR4 and CAF1, were associated with each other and with a poly(A)-specific 3' exonuclease activity. In Drosophila, the CCR4 and CAF1 proteins were ubiquitously expressed and present in cytoplasmic foci. Individual knock-down of several potential subunits of the Drosophila CCR4-NOT complex by RNAi in tissue culture cells led to a lengthening of bulk mRNA poly(A) tails. Knock-down of two individual subunits also interfered with the rapid deadenylation of Hsp70 mRNA during recovery from heat shock. Similarly, ccr4 mutant flies had elongated bulk poly(A) and a defect in Hsp70 mRNA deadenylation. A minor increase in bulk poly(A) tail length was also observed in Rga mutant flies, which are affected in the NOT2 subunit. The data show that the CCR4-NOT complex is conserved in Drosophila melanogaster and plays a role in general and regulated mRNA deadenylation.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate [PtdIns(3)P], a phospholipid produced by PI 3-kinases in early endosomes and multivesicular bodies, often serves as a marker of endosomal membranes. PtdIns(3)P recruits and activates effector proteins containing the FYVE or PX domain and therefore regulates a variety of biological processes including endo- and exocytosis, membrane trafficking, protein sorting, signal transduction and cytoskeletal rearrangement. Structures and PtdIns(3)P binding modes of several FYVE and PX domains have recently been characterized, unveiling the molecular basis underlying multiple cellular functions of these proteins. Here, structural and functional aspects and current mechanisms of the multivalent membrane anchoring by the FYVE and PX domains are reviewed and compared.  相似文献   

Metabolic labeling of plant tissues with 15N has become widely used in plant proteomics. Here, we describe a robust experimental design and data analysis workflow implementing two parallel biological replicate experiments with reciprocal labeling and series of 1:1 control mixtures. Thereby, we are able to unambiguously distinguish (i) inherent biological variation between cultures and (ii) specific responses to a biological treatment. The data analysis workflow is based on first determining the variation between cultures based on 15N/14N ratios in independent 1:1 mixtures before biological treatment is applied. In a second step, ratio‐dependent SD is used to define p‐values for significant deviation of protein ratios in the biological experiment from the distribution of protein ratios in the 1:1 mixture. This approach allows defining those proteins showing significant biological response superimposed on the biological variation before treatment. The proposed workflow was applied to a series of experiments, in which changes in composition of detergent resistant membrane domains was analyzed in response to sucrose resupply after carbon starvation. Especially in experiments involving cell culture treatment (starvation) prior to the actual biological stimulus of interest (resupply), a clear distinction between culture to culture variations and biological response is of utmost importance.  相似文献   

The effect of high concentrations of arsenic has been investigated in Caenibacter arsenoxydans, a beta-proteobacterium isolated from an arsenic contaminated environment and able to oxidize arsenite to arsenate. As the genome of this bacterium has not yet been sequenced, the use of a specific proteomic approach based on nano-high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (nanoLC-MS/MS) studies and de novo sequencing to perform cross-species protein identifications was necessary. In addition, a random mutational analysis was performed. Twenty-two proteins and 16 genes were shown to be differentially accumulated and expressed, respectively, in cells grown in the presence of arsenite. Two genes involved in arsenite oxidation and one in arsenite efflux as well as two proteins responsible for arsenate reduction were identified. Moreover, numerous genes and proteins belonging to various functional classes including information and regulation pathways, intermediary metabolism, cell envelope and cellular processes were also up- or down-regulated, which demonstrates that bacterial response to arsenic is pleiotropic.  相似文献   

Chloroplastic membrane proteins can be targeted to any of three distinct membrane systems, i.e., the outer envelope membrane (OEM), inner envelope membrane (IEM), and thylakoid membrane. This complex structure of chloroplasts adds significantly to the challenge of studying protein targeting to various membrane sub-compartments within a chloroplast. In this investigation, we examined the role played by the transmembrane domain (TMD) in directing membrane proteins to either the IEM or thylakoid membrane. Using the IEM protein, Arc6 (Accumulation and Replication of Chloroplasts 6), we exchanged the stop-transfer TMD of Arc6 with various TMDs derived from different IEM and thylakoid membrane proteins and monitored the subcellular localization of these Arc6-hybrid proteins. We showed that when the Arc6 TMD was replaced with a TMD derived from various thylakoid membrane proteins, these Arc6(thylTMD) hybrid proteins could be directed to the thylakoid membrane rather than to the IEM. Conversely, when the TMD of the thylakoid membrane proteins, STN8 (State Transition protein kinase 8) or Plsp1 (Plastidic type I signal peptidase 1), was replaced with the stop-transfer TMD of Arc6, STN8 and Plsp1 were halted at the IEM. From our investigation, we conclude that the TMD plays a critical role in targeting integral membrane proteins to either the IEM or thylakoid membrane.  相似文献   

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