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We observed sexual reproduction in a clonal culture of Stephanodiscus niagarae Ehrenb. and used light and scanning electron microscopy to absent flagellated male cells, auxospore growth, initial valve structure and production, and subsequent daughter cell division. Free auxospores were spherical and nonsiliceous throughout growth, producing hemispherical initial valves devoid of spines and with nonfasciculate striae. Pregametangial cells averaged 43% of the diameter of the daughter cell population and were 1/9 the biovolume of initial, cells. This paper is the first confirmed report of sexual reproduction in S. niagarae, although it appears that specimens of Actinocyclus niagarae H. L. Smith, described from Lake Erie in 1878, are actually initial valves of S. niagarae.  相似文献   

Homothallic sexual reproduction and auxosporulation were studied in monoclonal cultures and seminatural populations of the freshwater epipelic diatom Navicula cryptocephala Kütz. Gametangia paired via the girdle, one gamete was formed per gametangium (and hence one zygote per pair of gametangia), and gamete fusion took place without the formation of any copulation envelope or copulation canal. Superfluous nuclei from meiosis survived unusually long, so that gametes and young zygotes were probably functionally polyploid; later, all but two haploid nuclei degenerated. Expanded auxospores had a swollen center, but during formation of the initial valves, the auxospore contracted away from the perizonium to produce linear‐lanceolate valves. The pattern of reproductive behavior found in N. cryptocephala can be classified as type IIA2a auxosporulation in Geitler's system. The same type of zygote and auxospore formation seen in clonal cultures was observed in seminatural material from four lakes in Scotland and the Czech Republic. Variation in nuclear structure and auxosporulation in the N. cryptocephala species complex is discussed, as is the evolution of type II auxosporulation (one zygote per pair of gametangia) from type I auxosporulation (two zygotes per pair). The penalty of smaller numbers of zygote produced in type II may be outweighed by formation of larger auxospores (prolonging the vegetative phase) or more vigorous auxospores. The variation present among members of the N. cryptocephala complex indicates that biogeographical analyses based on use of the name N. cryptocephala, as performed recently to support the ubiquity hypothesis of protist distributions, are almost meaningless.  相似文献   

Gametes of Volvulina steinii bear near-apical mating papillae. Zygospore germination yields a single biflagellate cell that develops into a colony xuhose asexual progeny are all of the same mating type. Backcrossing of clones of progeny indicated a 1 :1 ratio of mating types among the progeny. Of 20 clones from a number of localities, none was homothallic and 3 showed no matins: reaction. Mating reactions of clones crossed in all possible combinations indicated the presence of 2 sexually isolated groups of clones producing smooth-walled zygospores and 1 group that produced spiny-walled zygospores. In the latter group weak and nonreciprocal mating reactions occurred in some clone combinations. Failure of germination of spiny-walled zygospores from certain crosses suggests further subdivision into genetically isolated groups.  相似文献   

Neoardissonea naccarioides (J. Ag.) Kylin, the type and only species of its genus, is shown to be referable to Naccaria Endlicher, to which genus it is transferred as Naccaria naccarioides (J. Ag.) comb. nov.  相似文献   

In Peridinium inconspicuum Lemmermann, sexual reproduction occurs in both nitrogen-enriched and nitrogen-deficient media. In this homothallic strain, protoplasmic fusion begins between two thecate gametes; but zygote formation is completed in a space outside the fusing pair. This diploid cell can form a plated theca which is shed as the cell enlarges. This spherical zygote then forms a new non-plated theca. The process of ecdysis and the formation of a new non-plated theca is repeated several times. During this process the zygote gradually elongates and by cytoplasmic infurrowing becomes peanut-shaped. Eventually two cells are formed. The first and second meiotic divisions are greatly separated in time. The first meiotic division occurs in the spherical non-thecate zygote. The second meiotic division can occur in the peanut-shaped zygote before it completes cytokinesis. This meiotic division may not be synchronous, occasionally resulting in a trinucleate stage. Eventually four flagellated, haploid products are produced.  相似文献   

In many lakes in the northern United States and Canada the filamentous green alga Ulothrix zonata (Weber and Mohr) Kütz grows abundantly in early spring in shallow waters. Asexual reproduction occurs by formation of quadriflagellate zoospores which disrupt, the integrity of the cells upon release causing the filament to disintegrate. Study of the effects of 100 different combinations of irradiance, temperature and photoperiod revealed that zoospore formation is favored by high temperatures near 20°C, high light levels of 520 μE·m?2·s?1 and photoperiods of either short day (8:16 h light-dark) or long day cycles (16:8 h light-dark). Zoospore formation is minimal under conditions of low temperature (5°C), low irradiance (32.5 μE·m?2·s?1) and neutral day-lengths (12:12 h light-dark). These observations explain the decline in U. zonata biomass when water temperatures rise above 10° C. The combined effect of rising water temperatures and increasing daylengths causes progressively more filaments to switch from vegetable growth to zoospore production resulting in an increasing loss of biomass.  相似文献   

A field population of Ulva pseudocurvata Koeman et C. Hoek (hereafter termed Ulva) at Sylt Island (North Sea, Germany) exhibited biweekly peaks of gametophytic reproduction during the colder seasons and approximately weekly peaks during summer. The reproductive events lasted 1–5 d and were separated from each other by purely vegetative phases. Under constant conditions in the laboratory, a free‐running rhythm was observed with reproductive peaks occurring approximately every 7 d. When artificial moonlight was provided every 4 weeks, fewer reproductive events occurred, and the reproductive rhythm became synchronized to the environmental artificial moonlight rhythm. In the laboratory, apical disks were entirely converted into reproductive tissue after 8 d cultivation, while almost all basal disks stayed vegetative, which prevented the entire loss of the vegetative thallus during reproductive events. Seasonal size reduction of the thallus occurred from late autumn onward and was determined to be controlled by a genuine photoperiodic response, since size reduction could be induced from May onward by experimental short‐day (SD) treatment but was prevented in a long‐day (LD) or night‐break regime (NB). A daily fine‐tuning occurred with gamete release early in the morning at the first sign of daylight, following an obligatory dark (“night”) period of at least 1 h duration. No release took place if the overnight dark phase was replaced by continuous light. Blue, green, or red light all triggered gamete release after a dark phase at an irradiance of 0.1 μmol photons · m?2 ·s?1, while 0.001 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1 was equivalent to a dark control.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction in C. moniliferum is described for the first time. The morphology of conjugation is quite like that of C. ehrenbergii. Homothallic strains of both species usually produce single zygospores between daughter cells that have just divided. However, 2 homothallic clones of C. moniliferum form twin zygospores between conjugants which have paired before division and conjugation. This has not been observed in C. ehrenbergii. Heterothallic strains of both species form twin zygospores in the same manner. Heterotfiallisrn seems a well-established feature in both species. Germination and the survival of 2 products of meiosis arc typical of other desmids which have been investigated.  相似文献   

Five New Jersey populations of Amphicarpum purshii (an annual panicoid grass) were investigated as to total allocation of biomass to reproduction and its distribution between aerial chasmogamous and subterranean cleistogamous inflorescences. Germination of both types of seed was documented, for the first time, in not only the field but under three laboratory temperature regimes. Overall, approximately 29 % of the shoot biomass was allocated to reproduction. On a population basis, subterranean inflorescences accounted for 37–100 % of the reproductive biomass, and these seed (5 × heavier but fewer in number) were the source of most surviving seedlings. Subterranean spikelets contained caryopses significantly more frequently than aerial spikelets. The ratio of the number of viable aerial seed to the number of viable subterranean seed increased from 0/4 to 4/2 with recentness and/or frequency of disturbance. As a pioneer species in secondary succession, Amphicarpum purshii produces a larger subterranean propagule, with greater seedling vigor and a higher probability of local reproductive success, and also a smaller aerial propagule in larger numbers with potentially greater genetic variability.  相似文献   

Transplants of Fragaria virginiana Duchesne, the wild strawberry, from field and woods sites, were studied under controlled laboratory conditions to determine their seed and vegetative reproduction responses under different density conditions. The following results were obtained: (1) Increased competition among high density grown plants resulted in lower total biomass when compared to low density grown plants; (2) Increased shading in high density plots resulted in a greater percentage of biomass in leaves; (3) The percentage of total biomass in reproductive organs (seed and vegetative) was higher in low density grown plants; (4) Vegetative “reproductive effort” was higher in low density plots than in high density plots while seed “reproductive effort” remained constant between the two density treatments; (5) No significant difference between plants from habitats of different successional maturity was observed under the experimental treatments. These results are discussed in relation to reproductive density response models.  相似文献   

In unispecific plant stands, the logarithm of mean individual weight (w) depends on the logarithm of density (d) by the -3/4 power law (a slope of -1.5 and an intercept ranging from 2.3 to 5.0). The analysis of the w and d relationships in whole cohorts of two seaweed species from the Strait of Gibraltar shows deviations from the canonical equation. The kelp Phyllariopsis purpurascens (C. Agardh) Henry et South (Phaeophyta) growing at a 30-m depth has the lowest intercept value (0.6) recorded for any plant species and a slope not significantly different from -1.5. The slope value is in accordance with those found in species whose growth is not stopped by reproduction. Irradiance under a single layer of blades was lower than the photosynthetic light compensation point, and this could be due to overdispersion of the shoots and, in consequence, to the low intercept value of the self-thinning equation. The w to d relationships in Asparagopsis armata Harvey (Rhodophyta) show two different components: no dependence between these two variables (slope not significantly different from 0) at densities < 500 shoots·m?2, and a slope more negative (-2.1) than proposed by the -3/2 power law at densities > 500 shoots·m?2. The pattern at high densities could be due to intraspecific competition for light, whereas the slope ~0 at low densities could be related to inhibition of growth by reproduction (cystocarp and carpospore production). Therefore, rather than being considered exceptional, we suggest that a gradient of variability could be expected in the dependence of w on d when specific growth patterns and reproduction are considered.  相似文献   

The development of spores and eggs of Zonaria farlowii was studied with light and electron microscopy. Oogonia require a lunar month to develop and are produced in periodic crops. The sporangia, on the other hand, are longer in developing and on a particular plant do not become mature all at the same time. Differences in size, content, and products of sporangia and oogonia have been found. One of the quantifiable differences is in the amount of osmiophilic substance, presumably oil, present in the 2 cells. This substance is more abundant in the sporangium, a cell which produces 8 reproductive spores. These differences are particularly interesting since the embryology of sporic and zygotic germlings has been found to be identical, while ontogeny of spores and eggs differs. The findings of this study are discussed in view of possible relationships between microstrtrclitral features of spores and fertilized eggs and their subsequent development.  相似文献   

Organisms occurring in environments subject to severe disturbance and/or periods of poor environmental quality that result in severe adult mortality can survive these periods by relying on alternate life stages that delay their development in a resistant state until conditions improve. In the northeast Pacific, the forest‐forming giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh periodically experiences widespread adult mortality during extended periods of extremely low nutrients and high temperatures, such as those associated with El Niño. Recovery following these periods is hypothesized to occur from microscopic life stages that delay their development until the return of favorable conditions. In the laboratory, we experimentally examined the environmental conditions responsible for regulating delayed development of the microscopic stages of M. pyrifera from Southern California, USA. Nutrients controlled the delay and resumption of gametophyte growth and reproduction, perhaps linked to the large fluctuations in nutrients occurring seasonally and interannually in this region. Although growth of gametophytes proceeded in the virtual absence of nitrate, both nitrate and other trace nutrients were necessary for gametogenesis. Upon exposure to elevated nutrients, delayed gametophytes produced sporophytes more quickly (5–20 d) and at smaller sizes (10–200 μm) than gametophytes that had never been delayed (18–80 d, 80–400 μm, respectively), reducing negative density‐dependent effects. This finding demonstrates that delayed gametophytes of M. pyrifera rapidly utilize increased resources to consistently produce sporophytes. Further work is needed to assess their potential role in population recovery following periods of poor environmental quality.  相似文献   

Optimum conditions for conjugation in the heterothallic saccoderm desmid Mesotaenium kramstai Lemmer-mann have been determined. In culture, cells acquired the ability to form gamete pairs just prior to the onset of stationary phase after sufficient nitrate had been depleted from the medium. The appearance of potential gametes was delayed by increasing the concentration of KNO3 When cells of both mating types were harvested from 15 to 18 day old cultures, washed, resuspended in fresh medium, and mixed, approximately 50 percent of the cells paired (measured three days after mixing) in a medium containing 0.13 mM or less KNO3. At greater concentrations, fewer pairs formed; no pairs formed in medium containing 0.5 mM KNO3. Conjugation was not inhibited by other macronutrients. Calcium and magnesium were essential for maximum conjugation. Although Ca2+ and Mg2+ contentrations of 0.05 mM and 0. I mM, respectively, were sufficient for optimum growth, maximum conjugation required more than 10 times these values. Few gamete pairs formed when either Ca2+ or Mg2+ was omitted from the medium, no pairing occurred when both Ca2+ and Mg2+ were omitted.  相似文献   

Thirty-five flowering individuals of the orchid Cyclopogon cranichoides were marked in 1986, and their leaf area, number of flowers, and number of fruits were recorded from 1986 to 1989. In 1986 and 1987 all the flowers on 20 individuals were hand-pollinated. The number of plants with above-ground growth steadily decreased by about 20% each year. In some cases there was evidence that disappearance of plants was not due to mortality but to a transition into a subterranean state. Small plants were most likely to make this transition. Flower number was significantly associated with plant size. Fruiting success was pollinator-limited throughout this study; fruit set of hand-pollinated individuals was higher than 96%, whereas natural fruit set ranged from 26% in 1987 to 62% in 1988. Fruit set did not have any effect on growth or reproduction the following year.  相似文献   

棕色田鼠种群繁殖特征及密度制约调节(英)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1992年~1994年在河南灵宝市郊黄土高源农作区春夏秋逐月捕获并解剖棕色田鼠1757只(雌性961只,雄性796只),总性比为1.2073。全年都有繁殖鼠出现,但怀孕率、胎仔数、性比、繁殖指数有明显的季节变化,年间也有一定的差异。不同年龄组的性比、怀孕率、胎仔数、繁殖指数、睾丸下降率不同。种群密度对繁殖特征有明显的调节作用。高密度年份的棕色田鼠的性比、怀孕率和繁殖指数低于低密度年份。高密度区种群的繁殖强度受到抑制,雌鼠怀孕率、睾丸下降率低于低密度种群。  相似文献   

Reproductive mode and chromosome numbers were determined for populations of several species of Calamagrostis from eastern North America. Calamagrostis pickeringii (2n = 28), C. perplexa (2n = 70), C. porteri subsp. porteri (2n = ca. 88–100) and C. porteri subsp. insperata (2n = 56) all have a sexual pattern of megagametophyte formation; the basal megaspore of a tetrad develops into a Polygonum-type embryo sac with proliferating antipodal cells characteristic of the Gramineae. In these four taxa self-incompatability, population structure and infrequent flowering limit seed production; they persist primarily by rhizomes and occupy relatively stable, late-successional habitats. Calamagrostis stricta subsp. inexpansa includes apomictic variants (2n = ca. 104–123)that produce megagametophytes by diplospory; the single archesporial cell divides mitotically to produce an embryo sac appearing identical to those formed by sexual species. The embryo and endosperm develop autonomously from egg cell and polar nuclei, respectively. Some apomictic individuals occasionally produce some pollen and may have the potential for reproducing sexually. Their seed set insured by apomixis, variants of subsp. inexpansa colonize disturbed, open habitats and have achieved wide distributions in glaciated regions of North America. Reinterpretation of relationships among taxa I examined necessitates the following new nomenclatural combinations; C. porteri subsp. insperata (Swallen) comb. nov. is based on C. insperata Swallen; C. stricta subsp. inexpansa (A. Gray) comb. nov. is based on C. inexpansa A. Gray and includes C. lacustris (Kearney) Nash and C. fernaldii Louis-Marie.  相似文献   

The diatom genus Eunotia is unusual among raphid diatoms in having a raphe system consisting of two short slits that are not integrated into the primary pattern center. This and other characteristics, particularly the presence of rimoportulae, are consistent with the hypothesis that Eunotia is a basal lineage within the raphid group. We studied auxosporulation in E. bilunaris (Ehrenberg) Mills and E. tropica Hustedt for comparison with other raphid pennate diatoms and with araphid pennates; E. bilunaris was studied in parental and F1 generations. Like araphid pennates, E. bilunaris and E. tropica are heterothallic. Clones of the same mating type did not interact sexually, and intraclonal sexual reproduction was absent or very rare. Clones retained the same sex throughout the life cycle, as shown by experiments using abrupt size reduction to produce clones of similar age but different size and using subclones derived from a single initial cell within six mitotic generations. Unlike in araphid pennate diatoms, in the Eunotia species the gametes are not visibly or behaviorally differentiated. Gametogenesis is merogenous, because the gametangium formed a supernumerary cell as well as a single gametic cell, both undergoing meiosis II to form a surviving functional nucleus and a nucleus that quickly degenerated. Plasmogamy is via papillae that grew out toward each other from the ends of the gametangia to create a copulation canal. After plasmogamy, the gametes moves bodily into the copulation canal, producing an elongate zygote, which expands to form a curved sausage‐like auxospore.  相似文献   

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