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In this review, several features of the cells originating from the lateral borders of the primitive neural anlagen, the neural crest (NC) are considered. Among them, their multipotentiality, which together with their migratory properties, leads them to colonize the developing body and to participate in the development of many tissues and organs. The in vitro analysis of the developmental capacities of single NC cells (NCC) showed that they present several analogies with the hematopoietic cells whose differentiation involves the activity of stem cells endowed with different arrays of developmental potentialities. The permanence of such NC stem cells in the adult organism raises the problem of their role at that stage of life. The NC has appeared during evolution in the vertebrate phylum and is absent in their Protocordates ancestors. The major role of the NCC in the development of the vertebrate head points to a critical role for this structure in the remarkable diversification and radiation of this group of animals. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 102:187–209, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Evidence indicates that a variety of different types of Ca2+ transients (i.e., standing gradients, pulses and propagating waves) may be occurring both simultaneously and sequentially during neural induction in vertebrate embryos. Transients have been observed in the dorsal marginal zone and in the presumptive neural ectoderm, suggesting that they may be generated within two distinct germ layers at separate embryological locations. It has been proposed that the Ca2+ transients might have multiple roles during the period of neural induction, ranging from: activating the expression of early neural genes; contributing to the inhibition of BMP-4 signalling; generating secretion gradients of morphogens; regulating and co-ordinating convergent extension; and establishing and reinforcing dorsoventral axis specification. Both intra- and extracellular stores (either acting separately or in combination) have been shown to generate the neuralizing Ca2+ transients via well-established release mechanisms, and transients have been shown to propagate between connected cells, suggesting an intercellular signalling dimension. Thus, good evidence is accumulating to suggest that Ca2+ might be a key central regulator in the process of neural induction.  相似文献   

The neural crest is an embryonic cell population that originates at the border between the neural plate and the prospective epidermis. Around the time of neural tube closure, neural crest cells emigrate from the neural tube, migrate along defined paths in the embryo and differentiate into a wealth of derivatives. Most of the craniofacial skeleton, the peripheral nervous system, and the pigment cells of the body originate from neural crest cells. This cell type has important clinical relevance, since many of the most common craniofacial birth defects are a consequence of abnormal neural crest development. Whereas the migration and differentiation of the neural crest have been extensively studied, we are just beginning to understand how this tissue originates. The formation of the neural crest has been described as a classic example of embryonic induction, in which specific tissue interactions and the concerted action of signaling pathways converge to induce a multipotent population of neural crest precursor cells. In this review, we summarize the current status of knowledge on neural crest induction. We place particular emphasis on the signaling molecules and tissue interactions involved, and the relationship between neural crest induction, the formation of the neural plate and neural plate border, and the genes that are upregulated as a consequence of the inductive events.  相似文献   

Genomic analysis of neural crest induction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The vertebrate neural crest is a migratory stem cell population that arises within the central nervous system. Here, we combine embryological techniques with array technology to describe 83 genes that provide the first gene expression profile of a newly induced neural crest cell. This profile contains numerous novel markers of neural crest precursors and reveals previously unrecognized similarities between neural crest cells and endothelial cells, another migratory cell population. We have performed a secondary screen using in situ hybridization that allows us to extract temporal information and reconstruct the progression of neural crest gene expression as these cells become different from their neighbors and migrate. Our results reveal a sequential 'migration activation' process that reflects stages in the transition to a migratory neural crest cell and suggests that migratory potential is established in a pool of cells from which a subset are activated to migrate.  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed renewed interest in defining the embryonic cell populations that directly contribute to the bony skull. This question lies at the intersection of several important developmental, clinical and evolutionary interests. Until recently, our collective understanding of the embryonic origin of the vertebrate osteocranium has been based on a small number of reports published solely using avian models. As data gradually accumulates from other, distantly related species (e.g., mouse and frog), we can begin to evaluate long-standing assumptions regarding the behavior of osteogenic (bone-forming) neural crest cells within a wider phylogenetic and comparative context. In this review, we summarize data collected to date in three major vertebrate taxa: amphibians, birds and mammals. We highlight three largely unexplored topics within the field of osteogenic neural crest development: 1) disagreements in bone tissue origin within and across current model systems; 2) whether the pattern of neural crest cell contribution to skull bone is evolutionarily conservative or labile; and 3) how our understanding of development and morphology will benefit from fate maps using currently unexamined animal models.  相似文献   

Wu J  Yang J  Klein PS 《Developmental biology》2005,279(1):220-232
While Wnt signaling is known to be involved in early steps of neural crest development, the mechanism remains unclear. Because Wnt signaling is able to posteriorize anterior neural tissues, neural crest induction by Wnts has been proposed to be an indirect consequence of posteriorization of neural tissues rather than a direct effect of Wnt signaling. To address the relationship between posteriorization and neural crest induction by Wnt signaling, we have used gain of function and loss of function approaches in Xenopus to modulate the level of Wnt signaling at multiple points in the pathway. We find that modulating the level of Wnt signaling allows separation of neural crest induction from the effects of Wnts on anterior-posterior neural patterning. We also find that activation of Wnt signaling induces ectopic neural crest in the anterior region without posteriorizing anterior neural tissues. In addition, Wnt signaling induces neural crest when its posteriorizing activity is blocked by inhibition of FGF signaling in neuralized explants. Finally, depletion of beta-catenin confirms that the canonical Wnt pathway is required for initial neural crest induction. While these observations do not exclude a role for posteriorizing signals in neural crest induction, our data, together with previous observations, strongly suggest that canonical Wnt signaling plays an essential and direct role in neural crest induction.  相似文献   

Neural crest cell lineage segregation in the mouse neural tube   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Neural crest (NC) cells arise in the dorsal neural tube (NT) and migrate into the embryo to develop into many different cell types. A major unresolved question is when and how the fate of NC cells is decided. There is widespread evidence for multipotential NC cells, whose fates are decided during or after migration. There is also some evidence that the NC is already divided into subpopulations of discrete precursors within the NT. We have investigated this question in the mouse embryo. We find that a subpopulation of cells on the most dorsomedial aspect of the NT express the receptor tyrosine kinase Kit (previously known as c-kit), emigrate exclusively into the developing dermis, and then express definitive markers of the melanocyte lineage. These are thus melanocyte progenitor cells. They are generated predominantly at the midbrain-hindbrain junction and cervical trunk, with significant numbers also in lower trunk. Other cells within the dorsal NT are Kit-, migrate ventrally, and, from embryonic day 9.5, express the neurotrophin receptor p75. These cells most likely only give rise to ventral NC derivatives such as neurons and glia. The p75+ cells are located ventrolateral to the Kit+ cells in areas of the NT where these two cell types are found. These data provide direct in vivo evidence for NC lineage segregation within the mouse neural tube.  相似文献   

The neural crest is a transient population of multipotent progenitors arising at the lateral edge of the neural plate in vertebrate embryos. After delamination and migration from the neuroepithelium, these cells contribute to a diverse array of tissues including neurons, smooth muscle, craniofacial cartilage, bone cells, endocrine cells and pigment cells. Considerable progress in recent years has furthered our understanding at a molecular level of how this important group of cells is generated and how they are assigned to specific lineages. Here we review a number of recent studies supporting a role for Wnt signaling in neural crest induction, differentiation, and apoptosis. We also summarize the timing of expression of a number of Wnt ligands and receptors with respect to neural crest induction.  相似文献   

Wu MY  Ramel MC  Howell M  Hill CS 《PLoS biology》2011,9(2):e1000593
Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) gradients provide positional information to direct cell fate specification, such as patterning of the vertebrate ectoderm into neural, neural crest, and epidermal tissues, with precise borders segregating these domains. However, little is known about how BMP activity is regulated spatially and temporally during vertebrate development to contribute to embryonic patterning, and more specifically to neural crest formation. Through a large-scale in vivo functional screen in Xenopus for neural crest fate, we identified an essential regulator of BMP activity, SNW1. SNW1 is a nuclear protein known to regulate gene expression. Using antisense morpholinos to deplete SNW1 protein in both Xenopus and zebrafish embryos, we demonstrate that dorsally expressed SNW1 is required for neural crest specification, and this is independent of mesoderm formation and gastrulation morphogenetic movements. By exploiting a combination of immunostaining for phosphorylated Smad1 in Xenopus embryos and a BMP-dependent reporter transgenic zebrafish line, we show that SNW1 regulates a specific domain of BMP activity in the dorsal ectoderm at the neural plate border at post-gastrula stages. We use double in situ hybridizations and immunofluorescence to show how this domain of BMP activity is spatially positioned relative to the neural crest domain and that of SNW1 expression. Further in vivo and in vitro assays using cell culture and tissue explants allow us to conclude that SNW1 acts upstream of the BMP receptors. Finally, we show that the requirement of SNW1 for neural crest specification is through its ability to regulate BMP activity, as we demonstrate that targeted overexpression of BMP to the neural plate border is sufficient to restore neural crest formation in Xenopus SNW1 morphants. We conclude that through its ability to regulate a specific domain of BMP activity in the vertebrate embryo, SNW1 is a critical regulator of neural plate border formation and thus neural crest specification.  相似文献   

Frizzled7 mediates canonical Wnt signaling in neural crest induction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The neural crest is a multipotent cell population that migrates from the dorsal edge of the neural tube to various parts of the embryo where it differentiates into a remarkable variety of different cell types. Initial induction of neural crest is mediated by a combination of BMP, Wnt, FGF, Retinoic acid and Notch/Delta signaling. The two-signal model for neural crest induction suggests that BMP signaling induces the competence to become neural crest. The second signal involves Wnt acting through the canonical pathway and leads to expression of neural crest markers such as slug. Wnt signals from the neural plate, non-neural ectoderm and paraxial mesoderm have all been suggested to play a role in neural crest induction. We show that Xenopus frizzled7 (Xfz7) is expressed in the dorsal ectoderm including early neural crest progenitors and is a key mediator of the Wnt inductive signal. We demonstrate that Xfz7 expression is induced in response to a BMP antagonist, noggin, and that Xfz7 can induce neural crest specific genes in noggin-treated ectodermal explants (animal caps). Morpholino-mediated or dominant negative inhibition of Xfz7 inhibits Wnt induced Xslug expression in the animal cap assay and in the whole embryo leading to a loss of neural crest derived pigment cells. Full-length Xfz7 rescues the morpholino-induced phenotype, as does activated beta-catenin, suggesting that Xfz7 is signaling through the canonical pathway. We therefore demonstrate that Xfz7 is regulated by BMP antagonism and is required for neural crest induction by Wnt in the developing vertebrate embryo.  相似文献   

In studies of amphibian neurulation, the terms "neural ridge," "neural fold," and "neural crest" are sometimes used as synonyms. This has occasionally led to the misconception that grafting of the neural crest is equivalent to grafting of the neural fold. The neural fold, however, is composed of three parts: the neural crest, prospective neural tube tissue, and epidermis. In order to investigate how these neural fold components move during neurulation, time-lapse photography, electron microscopy, and grafting were performed. Ambystoma mexicanum embryos were photographed during neurulation at regular intervals. The photographs were analyzed to find the position of those cells at beginning of neurulation that end up on the line of fusion as the neural folds close. Posteriorly, these cells are already on the emerging neural fold. In the anterior neural folds, however, these cells are located in the lateral epidermis. Electron microscopy of the neural folds confirms the presence of epidermis. To follow the movement of the cells differentiating into melanophores (neural crest), neural fold parts were grafted into albino hosts. The crest cells differentiating into melanophores following ectopic grafting are located in the flank of the neural fold that is in contact with the neural plate. In grafts from the outside (distal) flank, no melanophores developed. Semithin sections show that the third part of the neural fold consists of apically constricted cells known to differentiate into neural tissue. Because the neural folds consist of epidermis, neural tissue, and neural crest, neural fold and neural crest cannot be used as synonyms.  相似文献   

T Franz 《Teratology》1992,46(6):599-604
Homozygous Splotch mutant mice (Sp/Sp) die on day 14 of gestation with neural tube defects, curly tail, and malformations of neural crest derivatives. Sp1H mice, which have a radiation-induced allele of Splotch with a similar phenotype, were used for this study. The neural tube defects are always located in the lumbosacral region and in 50% of the cases also in the region of the hindbrain. In this report, rare cases of neural tube defects and tail defects among the offspring of crosses between Splotch (Sp1H) heterozygotes are presented, which are not associated with a neural crest defect. This suggests that the development of the neural tube and neural crest defects in this mutant is caused by independent mechanisms or is dependent on the dosage of the mutant gene, with different thresholds being pathogenetic in the neural tube and neural crest, respectively.  相似文献   

According to a recent model, the cortical tractor model, neural fold and neural crest formation occurs at the boundary between neural plate and epidermis because random cell movements become organized at this site. If this is correct, then a fold should form at any boundary between epidermis and neural plate. To test that proposition, we created new boundaries in axolotl embryos by juxtaposing pieces of neural plate and epidermis that would not normally participate in fold formation. These boundaries were examined superficially and histologically for the presence of folds, permitting the following observations. Folds form at each newly created boundary, and as many folds form as there are boundaries. When two folds meet they fuse into a hollow "tube" of neural tissue covered by epidermis. Sections reveal that these ectopic folds and "tubes" are morphologically similar to their natural counterparts. Transplanting neural plate into epidermis produces nodules of neural tissue with central lumens and peripheral nerve fibers, and transplanting epidermis into neural plate causes the neural tube and the dorsal fin to bifurcate in the region of the graft. Tissue transplanted homotypically as a control integrates into the host tissue without forming folds. When tissue from a pigmented embryo is transplanted into an albino host, the presence of pigment allows the donor cells to be distinguished from those of the host. Mesenchymal cells and melanocytes originating from neural plate transplants indicate that neural crest cells form at these new boundaries. Thus, any boundary between neural plate and epidermis denotes the site of a neural fold, and the behavior of cells at this boundary appears to help fold the epithelium. Since folds can form in ectopic locations on an embryo, local interactions rather than classical neural induction appear to be responsible for the formation of neural folds and neural crest.  相似文献   

The neural crest is an evolutionary adaptation, with roots in the formation of mesoderm. Modification of neural crest behavior has been critical for the evolutionary diversification of the vertebrates and defects in neural crest underlie a range of human birth defects. There has been a tremendous increase in our knowledge of the molecular, cellular and inductive interactions that converge on defining the neural crest and determining its behavior. While there is a temptation to look for simple models to explain neural crest behavior, the reality is that the system is complex in its circuitry. In this review, our goal is to identify the broad features of neural crest origins (developmentally) and migration (cellularly) using data from the zebrafish (teleost) and Xenopus laevis (tetrapod amphibian) in order to illuminate where general mechanisms appear to be in play and, equally importantly, where disparities in experimental results suggest areas of profitable study.Key words: evolution, neural crest, mesoderm, induction, migration  相似文献   

The neural crest is an evolutionary adaptation, with roots in the formation of mesoderm. Modification of neural crest behavior has been is critical for the evolutionary diversification of the vertebrates and defects in neural crest underlie a range of human birth defects. There has been a tremendous increase in our knowledge of the molecular, cellular, and inductive interactions that converge on defining the neural crest and determining its behavior. While there is a temptation to look for simple models to explain neural crest behavior, the reality is that the system is complex in its circuitry. In this review, our goal is to identify the broad features of neural crest origins (developmentally) and migration (cellularly) using data from the zebrafish (teleost) and Xenopus laevis (tetrapod amphibian) in order to illuminate where general mechanisms appear to be in play, and equally importantly, where disparities in experimental results suggest areas of profitable study.  相似文献   

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