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In this study, we investigated whether orally administered nitrite is changed to NO and whether nitrite attenuates hypertension in a dose-dependent manner. We utilized a stable isotope of [15N]nitrite (15NO2-) as a source of nitrite to distinguish between endogenous nitrite and that exogenously administered and measured hemoglobin (Hb)-NO as an index of circulating NO in whole blood using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. When 1 mg/kg Na15NO2 was orally administered to rats, an apparent EPR signal derived from Hb15NO (A(Z) = 23.4 gauss) appeared in the blood. The peak blood HbNO concentration occurred at the first measurement after intake (5 min) for treatment with 1 and 3 mg/kg (HbNO: 4.93 +/- 0.52 and 10.58 +/- 0.40 microM, respectively) and at 15 min with 10 mg/kg (HbNO: 38.27 +/- 9.23 microM). In addition, coadministration of nitrite (100 mg/l drinking water) with N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 1 g/l) for 3 wk significantly attenuated the L-NAME-induced hypertension (149 +/- 10 mmHg) compared with L-NAME alone (170 +/- 13 mmHg). Furthermore, this phenomenon was associated with an increase in circulating HbNO. Our findings clearly indicate that orally ingested nitrite can be an alternative to L-arginine as a source of NO in vivo and may explain, at least in part, the mechanism of the nitrite/nitrate-rich Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet-induced hypotensive effects.  相似文献   

The effect of oligonucleotide-directed triple-helix formation on the binding of a protein to an immediately adjacent sequence has been examined. A double-stranded oligonucleotide was designed with a target site for the binding of a pyrimidine oligonucleotide located immediately adjacent to the recognition sequence for the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) origin of replication binding protein, which is encoded by the UL9 gene of HSV-1. Since the optimal conditions for the binding of the UL9 protein and the pyrimidine oligonucleotide to the duplex DNA are markedly different, a pyrimidine oligonucleotide was designed to optimize binding affinity and specificity for the target duplex oligonucleotide. Consideration was given to length and sequence composition in an effort to maximize triple-strand formation under conditions amenable to the formation of the UL9-DNA complex. Using gel mobility shift assays, a trimolecular complex composed of duplex DNA bound to both a third oligonucleotide strand and the UL9 protein was detected, indicating that the UL9-DNA complex is compatible with the presence of a triple helix in the immediately adjacent sequences.  相似文献   

In mammalian ontogeny, the liver constitutes the primary hematopoietic organ for some time. Fetal liver cells (FLC) are rich in hematopoietic stem cells with a high proliferative potential but contain few post-thymic T cells. In animal studies, FLC restored hematopoiesis without severe graft-versus-host disease. However, genetic disparity between donor and host frequently limited durable engraftment and prevented or protracted complete immune reconstitution in most fully allogeneic recipients. Some children with severe combined immunodeficiency have been cured by FLC infusion, whereas favorable effects in aplastic anemia, acute leukemia, and inborn errors of metabolism have been limited and badly understood. Fetal liver transplantation in animals may serve as a model for the analysis and management of complications associated with the transfer of purified hematopoietic stem cell grafts and aid in the development of future therapeutic strategies requiring rapidly proliferating stem cell populations.  相似文献   

Cleaning symbioses on coral reefs involve small cleaner fish or shrimps picking ectoparasites from the exterior surfaces of larger client organisms. These mutualisms are thought to evolve in part because the cleaner receives a reliable source of profitable prey items and immunity from predation. However, the benefits of cleaning behavior have never been measured relative to those of alternative, non-cleaning strategies. This study examined these costs and benefits in the sharknose goby, Elacatinus evelynae, a facultative cleaner fish, at the Caribbean island of St. Croix. Sharknose gobies are found on coral heads, where they maintain cleaning stations, and on basket sponges, where they spend little time cleaning and feed predominantly on nonparasitic copepods. For immature gobies that are not allocating energy to reproduction, hindcast otolith growth rates (a reliable proxy for somatic growth) were significantly higher for non-cleaning sponge-dwellers than for coral-dwellers. Furthermore, tagging large, competitively dominant gobies on sponges and corals revealed that mortality rates were higher for coral-dwelling gobies. These unexpected results provide further evidence that cleaning mutualisms are context dependent: far from being a uniformly profitable life history strategy, cleaning may be a suboptimal choice at some times and places.  相似文献   

Summary Radioimmunoassays using specific bombesin antisera revealed high concentrations of immunoreactivity in the turkey proventriculus, and negligible amounts of activity elsewhere in the gut. In immunohistochemical studies the same antisera revealed abundant endocrine-like cells in proventriculus mucosa, and isolated cells in small intestinal mucosa. In contrast to the rat, immunoreactivity was not demonstrated in nerves.  相似文献   

The efficiency of food exploitation correlates positively with the extent of dietary specialization. Neotropical nectar-feeding bats (Glossophaginae) have one of the most specialized diets among mammals, as floral nectar constitutes a sugar-rich and highly digestible but protein and fiber depleted food source. However, dietary constraints, such as a temporary scarcity of nectar, or protein demands may sometimes require the uptake of alternative food items. We investigated the influence of a diet switch from nectar to fruit on intestinal morphology, body mass, and energy budget in the nectar-feeding bat Glossophaga commissarisi and quantified feeding efficiency. We hypothesized that these nectar specialists depend on a constant supply of nectar, if they were lacking the ability for morphological and physiological plasticity in response to a fiber-rich diet. Although capable of harvesting infructescences of Piper hispidum, G. commissarisi was less efficient in extracting energy from fruits (48% digestive efficiency of total fruit energy content) than from nectar (c. 99% digestive efficiency). The intestinal morphology and organ masses did not change after bats were switched from nectar to fruits. Captive bats exhibited lower daily energy expenditures and flight activity when feeding on fruits than during nectarivory. Possibly, this may have been a deliberate regulation to balance reduced feeding efficiency, or simply the consequence of extended digestive pauses. The low digestibility of Piper, in combination with slow digestion and the bats’ inability for morphological and physiological plasticity may cause nectar-feeders to reduce their maximum energy expenditure when feeding on fruits. We argue that although fruits may substitute for nectar, they may cause restricted maximum energy assimilation compared with nectar.  相似文献   

The enhanced interest in carotenoid research arises partly because of their application in the food and health industries and partly because of the necessity to find a commercially viable natural source for their mass production. The bottlenecks in finding a natural source of carotenoids which can compete with the synthetic products is the mass production of the organism that produces carotenoids, cell harvesting and extraction methods of carotenoids. The microalga Botryococcus braunii is an interesting organism for its commercial value as a rich source of carotenoids. It contains lutein as major carotenoid which is considered to be one of the beneficial carotenoids in human health applications. The current paper reviews the status of B. braunii as an alternative source of carotenoid production on the commercial scale addressing aspects like cultures of algae, factors that enhance the production and accumulation of carotenoids, cell harvesting methods, and carotenoid extraction. The paper also presents an overview of identification, characterization and structural elucidation of carotenoids from B. braunii and their bioactivity.  相似文献   

Radioimmunoassays using specific bombesin antisera revealed high concentrations of immunoreactivity in the turkey proventriculus, and negligible amounts of activity elsewhere in the gut. In immunohistochemical studies the same antisera revealed abundant endocrine-like cells in proventriculus mucosa, and isolated cells in small intestinal mucosa. In contrast to the rat, immunoreactivity was not demonstrated in nerves.  相似文献   

Recent reports of worldwide coral bleaching events leading to devastating coral mortality have caused alarm among scientists and resource managers. Differential survival of coral species through bleaching events has been widely documented. We suggest that among the possible factors contributing to survival of coral species during such events are endolithic algae harboured in their skeleton, providing an alternative source of energy. We studied the dynamics of photosynthetic pigment concentrations and biomass of endoliths in the skeleton of the encrusting coral Oculina patagonica throughout a bleaching event. During repeated summer bleaching events these endolithic algae receive increased photosynthetically active radiation, increase markedly in biomass, and produce increasing amounts of photoassimilates, which are translocated to the coral. Chlorophyll concentrations and biomass of endoliths were 4.6 +/- 1.57 and 1570 +/- 427 microg cm(-2) respectively, in skeletons of relatively healthy colonies (0-40% bleaching) but up to 14.8 +/- 2.5 and 4036 +/- 764 microg cm(-2) endolith chlorophyll and biomass respectively, in skeletons of bleached colonies (greater than 40% bleaching). The translocation dynamics of (14)C-labelled photoassimilates from the endoliths to bleached coral tissue showed significantly higher 14C activity of the endoliths harboured within the skeletons of bleached corals than that of the endoliths in non-bleached corals. This alternative source of energy may be vital for the survivorship of O. patagonica, allowing gradual recruitment of zooxanthellae and subsequent recovery during the following winter.  相似文献   

A simple food chain which consists of nutrient, prey and predator in which nutrient is growth limiting at low concentrations but growth inhibiting at high concentrations is investigated in this study. It is assumed that the nutrient concentration is separated into internal and external nutrient concentration and only the internal nutrient level is capable of catalyzing cell growth. It is shown that the dynamics of the system depend on thresholds R(0) and R(1). With inhibition, there exist initial conditions for which the predator becomes extinct but not the prey when R(0)<1. If R(0),R(1)1, the system is uniformly persistent even in the inhibited environment.  相似文献   

The unfolding of human plasma alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) induced by heat or guanidine hydrochloride was studied under equilibrium conditions. In thermal unfolding, an intermediate state was detected by the appearance of unusual positive difference absorption bands in the 287-295-nm region, which occurred at lower temperatures than the common denaturation bands at 284 and 291 nm. The formation of this intermediate species apparently involves a local conformational change that perturbs the environment of tryptophyl residues, without affecting the secondary structure of the protein as judged from circular dichroism spectra. On the other hand, denaturation of the glycoprotein induced by guanidine hydrochloride seemed to follow a two-state model with no evidence of any intermediate species; however, the analysis of the transition curve indicated that the change in the accessibility to solvent of amino acid residues of AGP upon unfolding is significantly lower than those observed for other proteins. According to these results, it is proposed that part of the polypeptide chain in native AGP, namely, that from residue 122 to the C-terminus, may be "loosely" folded.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior in laboratory rats is influenced by a variety of factors in the perinatal environment. Male rats are masculinized and defeminized in response to circulating testosterone perinatally. Females undergo a process of feminization but in some cases are exposed to testosterone. Previous work has shown that during prenatal development female rats normally undergo a partial masculinization and defeminization of sexual behavior as reflected by altered responsiveness to gonadal hormones in adulthood. In the present study we investigated whether the maternal ovary influences adult females' responsiveness to gonadal hormones. Pregnant rats were ovariectomized on Day 10 of pregnancy and their offspring tested for sexual behavior in adulthood. Following ovariectomy pregnancies were maintained by administration of systemic progesterone. In addition the ovariectomized pregnant rats were given one of three daily treatments (Days 10-21): 0.2 microgram estradiol benzoate in sesame oil and 0.1 cc propylene glycol, 5 mg of the aromatase inhibitor 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione (ATD) in 0.1 cc propylene glycol, or 0.1 cc propylene glycol. A control group was generated from SHAM operated mothers given daily control injections of propylene glycol and sesame oil. Offspring were ovariectomized in adulthood and tested for display of feminine sexual behavior in response to estradiol benzoate and progesterone or estradiol benzoate alone. Masculine sexual behavior was measured in response to testosterone propionate (TP). Feminine sexual behavior was enhanced in offspring from ovariectomized mothers given only progesterone replacement during pregnancy. Offspring from mothers treated with ATD displayed the greatest elevations in feminine sexual behavior. Estradiol treatments of ovariectomized mothers prevented the increase in feminine potential seen in offspring in the other groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Although honeybees are able to sense the geomagnetic field, very little is known about the method in which they are able to detect it. The recent discovery of biochemically precipitated magnetite (Fe3O4) in bees, however, suggests the possibility that they might use a simple compass organelle for magnetoreception. If so, their orientation accuracy ought to be related to the accuracy of the compass, e.g. it should be poor in weak background fields and enhanced in strong fields. When dancing to the magnetic directions on a horizontal honeycomb, bees clearly show this type of alignment behavior. A least-squares fit between the expected alignment of a compass and this horizontal dance data is consistent with this hypothesis, and implies that the receptors have magnetic moments of 5 × 10?13 emu, or magnetite volumes near 10?15 cm3. Additional considerations suggests that these crystals are slightly sub-spherical and single-domain in size, held symmetrically in their receptors, and have a magnetic orientation energy of approximately to 6 kT in the geomagneticfield. A model of a magnetite-based magnetoreceptor consistent with these constraints is discussed.  相似文献   

The present study involves in vitro propagation of Iphigenia indica (Kunth.) through multiplication of whole corms and corm buds. The whole corms produced very small micro-corms, which developed plants individually whereas corm buds multiplied to produce numerous shoots at variable rates in presence of -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). The best response in corm and bud multiplication was obtained in Murashige and Skoog's basal medium (MS) supplemented with 2.69 M NAA and 8.88 M BAP. The shoots regenerated were further cultured on MS medium containing NAA and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) for initiation of roots. MS medium with 5.38 M NAA and 4.92 M IBA induced highest percentage of roots (81%) within 2 weeks in culture.  相似文献   

A 17-year-old, prenatally androgenized (ovariectomized) female rhesus macaque was studied. She had achieved penile intromission and ejaculated when treated with testosterone propionate and paired with a receptive female. To test the extent of behavioral defeminization, a vagina was created through surgical intervention and daily injections of 20 μg of estradiol benzoate were given. When she was paired with a male on Day 28 of treatment, she proved receptive to his invitations to copulate and the male achieved intromission. The results indicate that prenatal testosterone may morphologically and behaviorally masculinize the genetic rhesus female without eliminating the capacity to respond as a female under appropriate hormonal and environmental stimulation.  相似文献   

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