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Meta-analysis of gene expression microarray datasets presents significant challenges for statistical analysis. We developed and validated a new bioinformatic method for the identification of genes upregulated in subsets of samples of a given tumour type (‘outlier genes’), a hallmark of potential oncogenes.


A new statistical method (the gene tissue index, GTI) was developed by modifying and adapting algorithms originally developed for statistical problems in economics. We compared the potential of the GTI to detect outlier genes in meta-datasets with four previously defined statistical methods, COPA, the OS statistic, the t-test and ORT, using simulated data. We demonstrated that the GTI performed equally well to existing methods in a single study simulation. Next, we evaluated the performance of the GTI in the analysis of combined Affymetrix gene expression data from several published studies covering 392 normal samples of tissue from the central nervous system, 74 astrocytomas, and 353 glioblastomas. According to the results, the GTI was better able than most of the previous methods to identify known oncogenic outlier genes. In addition, the GTI identified 29 novel outlier genes in glioblastomas, including TYMS and CDKN2A. The over-expression of these genes was validated in vivo by immunohistochemical staining data from clinical glioblastoma samples. Immunohistochemical data were available for 65% (19 of 29) of these genes, and 17 of these 19 genes (90%) showed a typical outlier staining pattern. Furthermore, raltitrexed, a specific inhibitor of TYMS used in the therapy of tumour types other than glioblastoma, also effectively blocked cell proliferation in glioblastoma cell lines, thus highlighting this outlier gene candidate as a potential therapeutic target.


Taken together, these results support the GTI as a novel approach to identify potential oncogene outliers and drug targets. The algorithm is implemented in an R package (Text S1).  相似文献   

We developed PathAct, a novel method for pathway analysis to investigate the biological and clinical implications of the gene expression profiles. The advantage of PathAct in comparison with the conventional pathway analysis methods is that it can estimate pathway activity levels for individual patient quantitatively in the form of a pathway-by-sample matrix. This matrix can be used for further analysis such as hierarchical clustering and other analysis methods. To evaluate the feasibility of PathAct, comparison with frequently used gene-enrichment analysis methods was conducted using two public microarray datasets. The dataset #1 was that of breast cancer patients, and we investigated pathways associated with triple-negative breast cancer by PathAct, compared with those obtained by gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA). The dataset #2 was another breast cancer dataset with disease-free survival (DFS) of each patient. Contribution by each pathway to prognosis was investigated by our method as well as the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) analysis. In the dataset #1, four out of the six pathways that satisfied p < 0.05 and FDR < 0.30 by GSEA were also included in those obtained by the PathAct method. For the dataset #2, two pathways (“Cell Cycle” and “DNA replication”) out of four pathways by PathAct were commonly identified by DAVID analysis. Thus, we confirmed a good degree of agreement among PathAct and conventional methods. Moreover, several applications of further statistical analyses such as hierarchical cluster analysis by pathway activity, correlation analysis and survival analysis between pathways were conducted.  相似文献   

Hong F  Li H 《Biometrics》2006,62(2):534-544
Time-course studies of gene expression are essential in biomedical research to understand biological phenomena that evolve in a temporal fashion. We introduce a functional hierarchical model for detecting temporally differentially expressed (TDE) genes between two experimental conditions for cross-sectional designs, where the gene expression profiles are treated as functional data and modeled by basis function expansions. A Monte Carlo EM algorithm was developed for estimating both the gene-specific parameters and the hyperparameters in the second level of modeling. We use a direct posterior probability approach to bound the rate of false discovery at a pre-specified level and evaluate the methods by simulations and application to microarray time-course gene expression data on Caenorhabditis elegans developmental processes. Simulation results suggested that the procedure performs better than the two-way ANOVA in identifying TDE genes, resulting in both higher sensitivity and specificity. Genes identified from the C. elegans developmental data set show clear patterns of changes between the two experimental conditions.  相似文献   

In the medical domain, it is very significant to develop a rule-based classification model. This is because it has the ability to produce a comprehensible and understandable model that accounts for the predictions. Moreover, it is desirable to know not only the classification decisions but also what leads to these decisions. In this paper, we propose a novel dynamic quantitative rule-based classification model, namely DQB, which integrates quantitative association rule mining and the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm to provide users with more convenience in terms of understandability and interpretability via an accurate class quantitative association rule-based classifier model. As far as we know, this is the first attempt to apply the ABC algorithm in mining for quantitative rule-based classifier models. In addition, this is the first attempt to use quantitative rule-based classification models for classifying microarray gene expression profiles. Also, in this research we developed a new dynamic local search strategy named DLS, which is improved the local search for artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm. The performance of the proposed model has been compared with well-known quantitative-based classification methods and bio-inspired meta-heuristic classification algorithms, using six gene expression profiles for binary and multi-class cancer datasets. From the results, it can be concludes that a considerable increase in classification accuracy is obtained for the DQB when compared to other available algorithms in the literature, and it is able to provide an interpretable model for biologists. This confirms the significance of the proposed algorithm in the constructing a classifier rule-based model, and accordingly proofs that these rules obtain a highly qualified and meaningful knowledge extracted from the training set, where all subset of quantitive rules report close to 100% classification accuracy with a minimum number of genes. It is remarkable that apparently (to the best of our knowledge) several new genes were discovered that have not been seen in any past studies. For the applicability demand, based on the results acqured from microarray gene expression analysis, we can conclude that DQB can be adopted in a different real world applications with some modifications.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Grouping Genetic Algorithm (GGA) to solve a maximally diverse grouping problem. It has been applied for the classification of an unbalanced database of 801 samples of gene expression RNA-Seq data in 5 types of cancer. The samples are composed by 20,531 genes. GGA extracts several groups of genes that achieve high accuracy in multiple classification. Accuracy has been evaluated by an Extreme Learning Machine algorithm and was found to be slightly higher in balanced databases than in unbalanced ones. The final classification decision has been made through a weighted majority vote system between the groups of features. The proposed algorithm finally selects 49 genes to classify samples with an average accuracy of 98.81% and a standard deviation of 0.0174.  相似文献   

In plants, normal anther and pollen development involves many important biological events and complex molecular regulatory coordination. Understanding gene regulatory relationships during male reproductive development is essential for fundamental biology and crop breeding. In this work, we developed a rice gene co‐expression network for anther development (RiceAntherNet) that allows prediction of gene regulatory relationships during pollen development. RiceAntherNet was generated from 57 rice anther tissue microarrays across all developmental stages. The microarray datasets from nine rice male sterile mutants, including msp1‐4, ostdl1a, gamyb‐2, tip2, udt1‐1, tdr, eat1‐1, ptc1 and mads3‐4, were used to explore and test the network. Among the changed genes, three clades showing differential expression patterns were constructed to identify genes associated with pollen formation. Many of these have known roles in pollen development, for example, seven genes in Clade 1 (OsABCG15, OsLAP5, OsLAP6, DPW, CYP703A3, OsNP1 and OsCP1) are involved in rice pollen wall formation. Furthermore, Clade 1 contained 12 genes whose predicted orthologs in Arabidopsis have been reported as key during pollen development and may play similar roles in rice. Genes in Clade 2 are expressed earlier than Clade 1 (anther stages 2–9), while genes in Clade 3 are expressed later (stages 10–12). RiceAntherNet serves as a valuable tool for identifying novel genes during plant anther and pollen development. A website is provided ( https://www.cpib.ac.uk/anther/riceindex.html ) to present the expression profiles for gene characterization. This will assist in determining the key relationships between genes, thus enabling characterization of critical genes associated with anther and pollen regulatory networks.  相似文献   

Mining gene expression profiles: expression signatures as cancer phenotypes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Many examples highlight the power of gene expression profiles, or signatures, to inform an understanding of biological phenotypes. This is perhaps best seen in the context of cancer, where expression signatures have tremendous power to identify new subtypes and to predict clinical outcomes. Although the ability to interpret the meaning of the individual genes in these signatures remains a challenge, this does not diminish the power of the signature to characterize biological states. The use of these signatures as surrogate phenotypes has been particularly important, linking diverse experimental systems that dissect the complexity of biological systems with the in vivo setting in a way that was not previously feasible.  相似文献   

Identifying genes associated with cancer development is typically accomplished by comparing mean expression values in normal and tumor tissues, which identifies differentially expressed (DE) genes. Interindividual variation (IV) in gene expression is indirectly included in DE gene identification because given the same absolute differences in means, genes with lower variance tend to have lower p-values. We explored the direct use of IV in gene expression to identify candidate genes associated with cancer development. We focused on prostate (PCa) and lung (LC) cancers and compared IV in the expression level of genes shown to be cancer related with that in all other genes in the human genome. Compared with all those other genes, cancer-related genes tended to have greater IV in normal tissues and a greater increase in IV during the transition from normal to tumorous tissue. Genes without significantly different mean expression values between tumor and normal tissues but with greater IV in tumor than in normal tissue (note: the DE-based approach completely ignores those genes) had stronger associations with clinically important features like Gleason score in PCa or tumor histology in LC than all other genes were. Our results suggest that analyzing IV in gene expression level is useful in identifying novel candidate genes associated with cancer development.  相似文献   

Gene expression data are expected to make a great contribution in the producing of efficient cancer diagnosis and prognosis. Gene expression data are coded by large measured genes, and only of a few number of them carry precious information for different classes of samples. Recently, several researchers proposed gene selection methods based on metaheuristic algorithms for analysing and interpreting gene expression data. However, due to large number of selected genes with limited number of patient's samples and complex interaction between genes, many gene selection methods experienced challenges in order to approach the most relevant and reliable genes. Hence, in this paper, a hybrid filter/wrapper, called rMRMR-MBA is proposed for gene selection problem. In this method, robust Minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevancy (rMRMR) as filter to select the most promising genes and an modified bat algorithm (MBA) as search engine in wrapper approach is proposed to identify a small set of informative genes. The performance of the proposed method has been evaluated using ten gene expression datasets. For performance evaluation, MBA is evaluated by studying the convergence behaviour of MBA with and without TRIZ optimisation operators. For comparative evaluation, the results of the proposed rMRMR-MBA were compared against ten state-of-arts methods using the same datasets. The comparative study demonstrates that the proposed method produced better results in terms of classification accuracy and number of selected genes in two out of ten datasets and competitive results on the remaining datasets. In a nutshell, the proposed method is able to produce very promising results with high classification accuracy which can be considered a promising contribution for gene selection domain.  相似文献   

Yan X  Zheng T 《BMC genomics》2008,9(Z2):S14


Gene expression data extracted from microarray experiments have been used to study the difference between mRNA abundance of genes under different conditions. In one of such experiments, thousands of genes are measured simultaneously, which provides a high-dimensional feature space for discriminating between different sample classes. However, most of these dimensions are not informative about the between-class difference, and add noises to the discriminant analysis.


In this paper we propose and study feature selection methods that evaluate the "informativeness" of a set of genes. Two measures of information based on multigene expression profiles are considered for a backward information-driven screening approach for selecting important gene features. By considering multigene expression profiles, we are able to utilize interaction information among these genes. Using a breast cancer data, we illustrate our methods and compare them to the performance of existing methods.


We illustrate in this paper that methods considering gene-gene interactions have better classification power in gene expression analysis. In our results, we identify important genes with relative large p-values from single gene tests. This indicates that these are genes with weak marginal information but strong interaction information, which will be overlooked by strategies that only examine individual genes.

Libraries of randomized ribozymes have considerable potential as tools for the identification of functional genes critically involved in a biological phenotype of interest in vitro. We have used a ribozyme library in an in vivo mouse model to identify genes related to metastasis. We injected weakly metastatic melanoma cells that had been treated with the library intravenously into mice. We then isolated ribozymes that accelerated metastasis from pulmonary tumors that had developed from metastasizing cells. As candidates for metastasis-related genes that were targets of the isolated ribozymes, we identified five unknown and three known genes: stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1), polymerase gamma2 accessory subunit (Polg2), and cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 22 (Cyp2d22). Repression of four of these by small interfering RNAs indeed resulted in the accelerated mobility of cells in in vitro scratch-wound assay. The further characterization of these candidate genes would provide clues to the complex mechanism(s) of metastasis.  相似文献   

Most of the conventional feature selection algorithms have a drawback whereby a weakly ranked gene that could perform well in terms of classification accuracy with an appropriate subset of genes will be left out of the selection. Considering this shortcoming, we propose a feature selection algorithm in gene expression data analysis of sample classifications. The proposed algorithm first divides genes into subsets, the sizes of which are relatively small (roughly of size h), then selects informative smaller subsets of genes (of size r < h) from a subset and merges the chosen genes with another gene subset (of size r) to update the gene subset. We repeat this process until all subsets are merged into one informative subset. We illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm by analyzing three distinct gene expression data sets. Our method shows promising classification accuracy for all the test data sets. We also show the relevance of the selected genes in terms of their biological functions.  相似文献   

Acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) is the target enzyme for a number of herbicides. A S653N mutation in the AHAS gene results in an increased tolerance to imidazolinone herbicides. We have investigated the use of the mutated gene as selection gene for potato transformation. This resulted in a transformation system with a very high transformation frequency and low rate of escapes. The mutated AHAS gene was introduced into transformed potato together with a -glucuronidase (GUS) gene. Selection on 0.5 M Imazamox yielded GUS expression in 93–100% of regenerated shoots. Furthermore the mutated AHAS gene was used as selection gene for production of high-amylopectin potato lines. The high transformation frequency was verified and potato lines with the desirable starch quality were obtained.Abbreviations ABA Abscisic acid - AHAS Acetohydroxyacid synthase - BAP 6-Benzylaminopurine - 2,4-D 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GA3 Gibberellic acid - GBSS Granule bound starch synthase - GUS -Glucuronidase - MS medium Murashige and Skoog medium - NAA -Naphthaleneacetic acid - nos Nopaline synthase - OCS Octopine synthase - PCR Polymerase chain reaction - X-gluc 5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-d-glucuronic acid - YEB Yeast extract brothCommunicated by R. Schmidt  相似文献   

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